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The Basic Method… Yes, it can be this simple, by using just 2 products The A & B system for all inert or artificial substrates: Ljǵǵ;îéß³ǟ Ðßé£ǵ ǵȌǵ ǵ³Éǵ£Þî Âǵ ÈÐîÉéãǵ¬Ðßǵ rockwool and similar substrates Ljǵǵ Ð Ðǟ Ðßé£ǵ ǵȌǵ ǵ³Éǵ£Þî Âǵ ÈÐîÉéãǵ¬Ðßǵ Ð Ðǵ fibre Or the SuperMixes: LjǵǵTгÂǟTîÜ£ß:³þǵ¬ÐßǵãгÂǵÐßǵ¬³£Â ǵî㣠Ljǵǵ%ÿ ßÐǟTîÜ£ß:³þǵù³é±ǵ ß³Üǵ£È³éé£ßãǵÐÉǵãгÂǵÐßǵ on any other growing medium Ljǵǵ; Zǟ Þî ǟTîÜ£ß:³þǵ³Éǵãÿãé£Èãǵù³é±Ðîéǵ growing medium. Ljǵǵ4ÐÉ­ ÂÐù£ßǟTîÜ£ß:³þǵ³Éǵ ÂÂǵãÿãé£ÈãNJǵ¬ÐßǵÜ Ééãǵ that feature a long flowering period Ljǵǵ_ã£ǵM2ǵƪƬǟƪƭǵ ÐÈ ³É£ ǵù³é±ǵ 44ǵTîÜ£ß:³þ£ãǵ during flowering period The Dedicated Way… add 4 more products: Add your selection of the following products to the basics listed above: Ljǵǵ ³ÐPÐÐéãǵù±£ÉǵÜ Éé³É­ǵÐßǵߣǟÜ Éé³É­ǵ¬Ðßǵ optimal root protection and development. Ljǵǵ ;ǟvÿÈǵéÐǵ ߣ ¿ǵ ÐùÉǵÜ Ééǵù ãé£ǵÈ é£ß³ Âǵ into uptakable elements. LjǵǵZ:4NJǵZ±£ǵ:³ãã³É­ǵ4³É¿ǵ¬Ðßǵ³É ߣ ³ £ǵ±£ Âé±ǵ É ǵ a fast working immune system. Ljǵǵoǟ £4ǵ ÐÐãé£ßNjé±£ǵǎƪǵ ÐÐãé£ßNJǵߣ ÿǵéÐǵ £ǵ

www.bionova.nl 12

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