Spanish Breakfast
Ernest Salinas
Madrid, Spain
October 2021

Spanish Breakfast
Ernest Salinas
Madrid, Spain
October 2021
Yes, I have opted for a colorful palette for the spring edition My vision was sweet, juicy berries, kiwis, papayas, pears and bananas
We have reached our fourth edition of Sandwich, which means we’re a year in! I am really happy to have started Sandwich almost a year ago It’s also exciting to see the progress of my editing skills and the incorporation of new sections I stopped making jewelry in September and that allowed me to dive into the zine, dedicating more time to each edit The additional sections would not be possible without some collaborations If you take the time to read this, I thank you I am not a writer and putting this together, grammatically correct, is a challenge for this valley kid. I hope you enjoy my tone and my selection of items. I also hope you find this a helpful guide into our adulthood
In the Ornamentation section, I bring you the online shop Open Invite My friend Luis is a coffee fanatic! He gave us a list of his top three coffees in central Texas In our Edibles section, I am including a recipe for a fresh Mexican dessertCarlota de Piña My best friends got married on February 14th and my perception of love changed. I included a brief excerpt of that day from my point of view on page 12 Of course, at some point, Andy Warhol had to make an appearance, and he is finally here in our Publication section I want the zine to become more interactive, that is why I have incorporated a personality quiz - find out your party personality on page 16 I traveled late in 2023 and I came across a lot of “what’s in my purse” content on Pinterest, so I decided to include a personal walkthrough of my purse. The artist section always has a big influence on the color story of the zine With no surprise, I have included the colorful drawings of Mexican artist Fridha Sophia I reached out to her and she kindly answered some questions for me Therefore for this month, this section is in Spanish Check out her work in the Artista section Find out your Calico Critter based on your zodiac sign on page 25 I have included something I can’t live without in the Obsession section - Wall Calendars and Stickers I always seem to include music, so in the Archives I have included a music video with Natalia Lafourcade.
The cover is a photo I took in Burano, Italy The back is a photo edit of myself
Sandwich was born out of my love for art and the commingling of oddities in life
With love,
Andrea DAleman, Editorial Director
Open Invite has become one of my favorite online shops for knick-knacks Their curated selection of goods is perfect for filling empty spaces in your home begging for adornment I have purchased books, candle holders, and some vases from their site Their page is often updated with new items, which are fairly priced compared to other curated online shops Their assortment of goods includes everything from vintage to name-brand items. Even if you don’t purchase anything from them, their catalog is a good guide for your next purchase
photos via openinviteshop comThere is no better coffee than a well balanced pour over Drinking coffee has become a part of my daily routine More than just a way of getting a quick dose of energy, I believe it is an art form From the different ways it is roasted, giving each roast complex flavor profiles, to the way it is prepared from pour-over, French press, espresso to cold brew Over the past 6 months, I’ve been on the search for an everyday coffee that is easily accessible, tastes great, and from a local business Luckily for you, I found three of them! In my opinion, these are the best coffees in central Texas
IfyouareintheRioGrandeValleystopbySemillaCoffeeLabandget yourselfabagof“PeruCafedeMujeres” Theflavornotesofthisroastare describedasapple,almondbutter,canejuice,andchocolate Thecoffee livesuptotheexpectation
OursecondstopinthiscaffeinatedjourneyisWhat’sBrewing,alocal coffeeshopinthecityofSanAntonio MychoiceofcoffeewastheCosta RicaLasTrojas,thisroasthasafull-bodiednuttytastewithsweetand creamyundertones Thisistheperfectcoffeeforsomeonewhodoesn’t needanythingfancyandjustwantsasolidcupofJoe
ThelaststopisinAustin,TexasatFigure8Coffee Ipickeduptheir “ColombiaCaucaInzaRoast”,whichhasflavornotesofcaramel,apple cider,cocoa,pomegranate,andblackberry Ifoundthistobemygo-tofor anicedcoffeeintheafternoonorforahomemadeespressomartini
1Philadelphiacreamcheese,roomtemperature 1egg
1stickofbutter,saltedorunsalted,room temperature
1packofMariacookies crushedpecans
1Inabowlblendsugarandcreamcheesewitha mixer
3Inaseparatebowl,squeezeanddrainthe crushedpineapple(setthejuiceaside)
5DiptheMariacookiesinthepineapplejuiceyou setasideinstep3,placewetMariacookiesat bottomofroundmoldtocreateabase
7PlacemorewetMariacookiesontopofthemix tocreatealayer
Before I leave on a big trip I always think how when I return home I will not be the same person I was when I left But I never considered that every-day events could also have the same impact The more that I think about it, it’s foolish not to think so
Last night I witnessed my best friends get married They were my ex-roommates and I would consider them family now They got married with 50 other couples on the footsteps of the San Antonio courthouse My favorite moment at any wedding is those visible intimate moments couples have with each other Like with their first dance, where you see them chatting I always wonder what they talk about, if they talk about the wedding or if they’re romantic and confess their love for each other one more time I saw my friends share this moment last night, in a sea of other love birds There were so many people and you could just hear the people around you They were inaudible to us and I loved that I saw them looking at their rings, arranging their clothes, laughing with each other They were exuberating love and I was just there to witness it
Driving back to Austin at 2:30 am I found myself smiling just thinking about what had just happened They seemed so in love and so caught up in the moment We felt the love all around, it was honestly hard to avoid, with everyone getting married at midnight on Valentine’s day
Growing up I always heard stories of the fun weddings my aunts, uncles, and family-friends attended Before, all we had were pictures as proof, pictures to imagine what that day must’ve been like Stories shared and expressed with so much love of the things our parents and grandparents lived Seeing my friends getting married I realized how my grandma can easily remember her friends' wedding anniversaries, because she was actually there I feel like yesterday I shared a historic, once-in-a-lifetime event with my friends and their loved ones I will also tell this story to my children and to their children Of the immense love they shared for each other that night Of my friends, all grown-up, dressed up in suit-and-tie and a beautiful white dress Showing up as their best and most vulnerable version of themselves I will always remember the few tears she shared with her parents FaceTiming his parents and the big smiles on their faces over the phone I’ll remember the impromptu bouquet her friend and I made with the hydrangeas I gifted them, with a ribbon her mom purchased in case it was needed I’ll remember her mom telling me how she went all around the city searching for a wedding cake, ultimately decorating one herself Magical things happen when we create with each other As my mom would say “el que quiere, puede ”
I am not saying previous weddings were not as eventful But this one I felt so close due to my friendship with them In addition to being a spur-ofthe-moment thing on a random Tuesday night I felt like I was in an early 2000s rom-com, in the best way possible Cheers to love and may we continue to witness it in our lives
In 22 years, Warhol managed to create uncountable instant Polaroid pictures of celebrities, friends, and objects; and this book captures just that Warhol carried a Polaroid camera when he was sick, happy, partying, and until his death The book reveals behindthe-scenes moments in Warhol’s life and details important milestones
I was gifted this book a couple of years ago and it took me a couple of hours to look through it and briefly read through the sections Andy is a huge inspiration to me and receiving this was a thrill I learned that perfection requires many takes; maybe out of 100, 1 photo will be good Having these pictures feels very intimate I wonder how many more are put away in his archives
Adapted from YM Magazine August 1996 by Amy Nebens
Do crowds make you claustrophobic? yes
At a party, do you tend to stick with your friends rather than making new ones?
You’re left off the guest list for a hot party Are you sad?
Do you prepare a playlist for parties, in case the music sucks?
Are you usually the first one dancing?
Have you ever crashed a wedding or braved a party solo? yes
Do you need a legit reason, like a wedding or holiday, to celebrate?
no yes
Do your friends always call you to find out what the evening’s plans are? no
Have you ever stayed out after 3 am?
It’s 4 o’clock on a Friday Do you start inviting people to your place to get the party started?
You’re having a b-day bash and you invite your closest friends Does that mean your entire contact list?
yes yes
yes no no no no
Can you name three A24 movies?
no yes yes no
Have you ever skipped a party to spend a romantic evening alone with a someone special?
You get a party invite Do you immediately try to think up an excuse so you won’t have to go?
Does the host have to get in their pajamas and yawn in your face to get you to leave a party? yes no
You live to live it up and love to be the star at every mega-fiesta. Your up-foranything attitude rubs off on others, elevating the vibes But beware of becoming a total slave to your social life; make sure to spend some downtime alone or with your family so not to forget how to ground yourself
You get into the convos as much as the next girl, and you hold your own at even the most hip events But for you, bonding with a few guests is just as key as hitting the dance floor with every hottie there In fact, there are times when you’d gladly give up the music and party pressure to chill with a friend
You prefer hanging one-on-one to having to deal with a huge group You feel much more genuine when you’re not schmoozing it up, and you friends value your down-to-earth vibe Just make sure that you don’t get into a home-alone rut; sometimes you have to venture beyond your friend for a social life
Fridha Sophia es un artista Mexicana que dibuja con acrílicos, acuarela, crayones y pasteles. En esta edición, tuve la oportunidad de comunicarme con ella y conocer más sobre su arte. Ella describe sus dibujos como catárticos, cotidianos y nostálgicos. A través de los años sus dibujos han cambiado, ella lo atribuye a sus experiencias de vida A la vez, ella cree que ha crecido con sus dibujos y que poco a poco se encuentra más en ellos
y siento la necesidad de dibujarlo, entonces es una manera de documentar ese día a través del papel ”
According to some friends, I am the most organized person they know It’s funny because my apartment is always a mess I never thought I was an organized person but I guess I like order and structure One of the ways I keep myself busy is by updating my wall calendar with stickers I, particularly, am a huge fan of the Bando stickers and have six packs of them! I make an effort to get a new calendar every year, and this helps me stay on top of payments; and gives me something fun to do throughout the day as I am scheduling boring dentist appointments It also gives me something to look forward to as the weeks go Then, at the end of the month, I like to look back and admire everything I did In monotony of life, bright, colorful stickers bring hope
Natalia Lafourcade is one of my favorite singer-songwriters of all time Her albums Musas I and II are tattooed in my brain But here I am highlighting an oldie, En El 2000 Which is, I would argue, Lafourcade’s revelation song as an artist I am pretty sure I heard this song growing up but was unaware of who she was
I decided to highlight this video because it is the original for the song I was surprised when I discovered this video, in which Lafourcade is giving Juno and early 2000s goth This, for sure, is the lesser-known music video for the song, with 6 7 million views, as opposed to 52 million views in the second video She is also playing with an all-male band, which is not the case for the second video In the second video, Lafourcade is dressed up to match her backup dancers in a pink quinceañera dress
Per my perception, the production of the second video is elevated I am not sure what the history of the videos is but I consider myself lucky to have found this gem
Artists change as they grow up and mature, it’s nice to see a young Lafourcade dance around carelessly with her backup dancers, just being a teenage girl I’ve had the opportunity to see her in concert a couple of times with her more recent work and she does not disappoint
Check out the video on YouTube and sing along with these lyrics to get a blast from the past!
En el 2000 las mujeres visten gris
Los tirantes transparentes
Más abierta ya la mente
Nos vuelve locas, un poco sonsas
Si ven a Ricky Martin en revistas lo recortan
En el 2000
Martha es una lombriz
Que no deja de mirar, de criticar
Toda la gente
De dividirla, de ser racista
Existen fresas, ricos, pobres, mexicanos y panistas
En el 2000
Mi hermana va a parir una célula
Creciente de una relación caliente
Y deprimida también ardida
Odiaré a ese ser humano
Que se ha ido y la ha dejado
Pero el planeta
Gira y gira a la derecha
Y cada vez ya la noche es más tibia
Y sin amor se enfría
No tengo un hombre ni a Gael García
Me siento tan vacía
A ver, a ver, que pasa si yo digo
Ya no soy, ya no soy
La infantil criatura, la inocencia se acabó
Ya no soy, ya no soy
La de ese cuerpo extraño
Ahora siente el corazón