Communication & Promotion Portfolio | Undergraduate

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Communication & Promotion Portfolio

Sanjana Ragu.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio


Contents Best of FCP Publications Branding Enterpreneurship Film Photogrpahy



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

BEST BITS OF FCP Fashion Communication and Promotion. A course title which gets everyone confused. I started the FCP journey three years ago hoping to improve my technical and software skills within the creative industry. Finishing my degree, I can safely admit that I am indeed packed with skill-sets that my peers may need to go through two or three different courses to gain knowledge. However, I am proud to say with the FCP process, I have picked up not only the creative skills but also business aspect of communicating and promoting any brand or product. Over the next few pages, is a showcase of all the work I have produced in my time as an FCP student. I am confident that I am stepping into the creative industry with all the relevant skills I will need to be successful.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

SELF DEVISED Shades of Melanin is a publication produced by me as a part of my self-devised, Dissertation project. Shades of Melanin is a social awareness campaign bring forward the issues surround colourism. The aim is to irradicate skin lightening products and the objective is to bring the beauty industries attention on colourism and change the way skin colour is portrayed within community and society.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

LIVE PROJECT Live project is an industry based project which I had the pleasure of working with Levi’s & Co. The brief unpacks to finding a new way communicate to Gen Z. Levi’s are known to be an authentic brand and stick to their heritage. With this is mind, when it came to unpacking the brand, we noticed a gap in the market within their skateboarding project. Skateboarding has long been seen as a masculine, sub-culture sport but now with it making its debut in Tokiyo’s summer Olympics 2020, it was undeniable to not bringforward the issue of gender-bias in skateboarding. Female skaters are under-represented. Hence, we propsed a new female only collection to the Vice-president of Levi’s Europe called Girls. Can. Skate which would invlove a collection and compete re-design of their omnichannel communication and making it gender inclusive.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

ZINE PROJECT Boss Ass Bitch is a little Zine questioning if we, ‘the human race’ are moving towards a parthenogenesis era. Has our 21st-century world come so far that we might be moving towards the idea of not needing the human sperm for reproduction at all? A Zine was completely a new concept to work on but has been on of the most experiencial process.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

PRODUCT PACKAGEING Essentials is a hygiene product company in India. I was asked to design the packaging and labels for an antibacterial liquid handwash range. The packaging style has been inspired by Method products. The target market for this collection is consumers who want products which is has a natural base for its ingredients but also, want to showcase the product on their kitchen or bathroom counters. Indian hygiene products are always created with a jarring design recipe, to grab the consumers attention with loud and vibrant font/ colours, however, I have gone for a simplistic & minimalistic look for my designs represent the aesthetically pleasing vibe.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

STUDENT ELECTION CAMPAIGN During the 2nd term, student elections are the most hyped up event at student unions all over the UK. A new role on the elected committee for a post-graduate full-time officer was included. I was asked to be the campaign manager and designed the entire campaign for a friend who was standing in the election. I started with a basic design recipe and developed it to seamlessly flow across all communication platforms. I created T-shirts, flyers, posters and SnapChat filters. I was also in charge of the campaigns Omnichannel, social media marketing. which was built from scratch and gained an immense amount of appreciation.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

SELF DEVISED Branding is my strong suit and I developed my skills throughout the year working on my self-devised project. I created omnichannel communication platforms and used earned, paid media and social media to promote my campaign. To showcase a variety of visuals, I create several mockups and find it really exciting and handy to visualise and help the consumer/brand understand my Idea better through visualised mockups.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

LIVE PROJECT Working on the live project, helped me understand how to stick to brand values and essence, even through visual communication. Levi’s are known to strong on their heritage and the way the target their consumer. The brief was to create an experiential way of communicating a new idea to Gen Z and underpinning the gap in the market for female skaters, the experience which made the most impact was the idea of creating stickers to personalise one’s skateboard and promote the campaign was taken on board at Levi’s HQ during the presentation and was highly appreciated.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

NTSU INDIAN SOCIETY For the past two years, I have been part of the NTSU Indian Society. I am the current President for the society. As the President, I am the principal officer and spokesperson for the society and the chairperson of meetings with the executive committee, AGM and EGM. One of the role as President I attend meetings at the Societies Assembly at the Nottingham Trent Students’ Union AGM as the representative and head body of the society. I am overall responsible for the promotion and development of the society; including sectors like Finance, Marketing, Event Coordination & Management.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

MARKETING COORDINATOR Before my time as the President, I was also the Marketing Coordinator for one year. I play an active role in the deciding factor of all things marketing and promoting. I find ideas and new methods of promoting the society itself for new members and marketing of all upcoming events. Indian Society is very popular for our Bollywood nights showcasing the atmosphere of Indian culture. As a society, I helped to organize all events including sporting tournaments, charity events and of course any event to showcase Indian culture in Nottingham for Indian festivals.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

NISAU (UK) National Indian Students alumni association and union (UK) are an umbrella organisation for India and India-related student societies in the UK and aim to bring a unified voice of India’s diaspora youth, on a single, international platform, promote Indian culture and further the UK-India relationship by fostering a dynamic youth-led leadership ecosystem. As the PR & Communication officer for NISAU, I had the opportunity to write a letter asking for extraordinary measures at extraordinary times during the rape case investigations (justice of Asifa), to the Prime Minister of India, Mr Narendra Modi, which got co-signed by 19 other Indian societies. The letter not only got sent to PM but also attracted media attention on a national and international platform. I also had the honour of attending a meeting at the House of Lords in the British Parliment for the ‘Global Education Summit’ as a representative for the voice of today’s Indian youth in the UK. NISAU also chose NTSU Indian Society as a finalist for ‘UK-India youth awards 2018’ as the best Indian society in the UK.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

SHADES OF MELANIN FILM The film is a part of the Shades of Melanin campaign for my self-devised project. The film is set out to be a ‘PPC’ sponsored ad through social media as a teaser for the campaign with the mission of communicating the message to enhance the response as visual and auditory promotion is known to play on the sensory to attract attention and decoding the essence of the campaign raising awareness for colourism.

GIRLS CAN SKATE FILM Girls. Can. Skate is a campaign for Levi’s skateboarding collections. The gap in the skateboarding market is showcasing the female skateboarders. This film was created to be the visual aid in communicating the message to Levi’s Gen Z consumer. Scripted, filmed & edited by me.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

COLOUR FILM The relativity of happiness - Colour film project exploring mental health, based on apotemnophilia - a neurological disorder, where one finds happiness by amputation of their own limb. If one’s identity like age, gender, race, skin tone etc didn’t matter as much as our society & politics makes it out, would we as humans be comfortable letting another person just be HAPPY, by being no one or nothing more besides themselves? How far can we go to let someone be happy? Scripted, Filmed and edited by me.

FASHION FILM This Fashion film is a new medium that I had the pleasure of learning and creating. There are lots of elements which needed to be considered for this promotional fashion film for brand Stay Sunny Chicago x Student High Street. Filmed, styled and edited by me & my university group from my degree.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

ISOC PROMOTIONAL FILM The relativity of happiness - Colour film project exploring mental health, based on apotemnophilia - a neurological disorder, where one finds happiness by amputation of their own limb. If one’s identity like age, gender, race, skin tone etc didn’t matter as much as our society & politics makes it out, would we as humans be comfortable letting another person just be HAPPY, by being no one or nothing more besides themselves? How far can we go to let someone be happy? Scripted, Filmed and edited by me.

STUDENT ELECTION CAMPAIGN VIDEO As a part of the student election camapign, I filmed a video to promote and communicate with students of the university through moving image. A collaboration with another student to compose a rap song, with lyrics syncing together with the camaigns manifesto points. Filmed, styled, edited by me.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY Photography is a medium through which I most often choose to express my creativity. With over 3 years of studying photography and it’s technicalities during my A-Levels and Degree, I understand how complex Fashion Photography can be. As a part of my Fashion Film project in the 2nd year, I experimented with Fashion photography and found it extremely exciting to manipulate the camera angles and with focus on lighting, I was able to create some really intriguing fashion imagery.



Communication & Promotion Portfolio

Sanjana Ragu 2018

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