Communication & Message - Porfolio

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Portfolio Communication and message

Index Self Promotion Design Development Typography Research Business Card Inspiration, Development & Final card. Creative CV & Cover Letter Online Portfolio and Research Blog Instagraam Portfolio

Work Experiannce River Island Sales Assistent Marketing Coordinator for NTSU Indian Society

Identity Summer research on Dance 4 and Identity Team - Zine Team photoshoot & photographs Individual Zine - Identity 500word Reflection

Extra Creative Work Mono Printing Lord Whitney

Self Promotion

Design Development

Brand Development inspiration These are images from the internet to help inspire my self promotion brand development. Visual awareness is key when it comes to communicating through images/ visuals. From these I understood the colours, images, font etc; all play a role in creating a brand. For me to brand myself, I have to use techniques and illustrations that best describes me.

Buissness card development Inspiration

Typography Inspiration The font Notorea is what I have chosen to use for m self promotion and brand identity. My aim was to find a font that best descibes my personality - ‘girly’. My research of girly typography based on ‘’ has lead me to use curvy, handwritting type fonts and hence looked for a font that matched. Notera. is a font I came across on ‘’ and I think it best describes me.

Sanjana Ragu SR

Typography is the detail and the presentation of a story. It represents the voice of an atmosphere, or historical setting of some kind. It can do a lot of things. - Cyrus Highsmith

Buissness card mockups

Final Buissness card development

I linked the third mock up of the card so I decided to work on that further. I changed the colours of a picture of my physical mono printing and used it as the baackgrounf to my business card. On the card I included my name with the same notera on the front of the card and on the back with all contact information, including links to my social media.

Sanjana Ragu

Original CV

1.14 Hydrogen, 1 Goldsmith Road, Nottingham, NG1 5ND 07543845847 | 20|04|1996


Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, UK

Sept 2015 to Present

BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion Norton College, Sheffield, UK

Sept 2015

A-levels in Textiles, Media studies, Photography & Theatre studies Vidya Fashion Academy, Bangalore, India Apr 2012 to Jun 2012 3 months extended diploma certificate course in fashion illustration Turramurra High School, Sydney, Australia Jul 2011 Board of studies, School Certificate (Australian equivalent to GCSEs)


Marketing Coordinator for NTSU Indian Society

2016 – present

As a committee member of the NTSU Indian Society, I play an active role in the deciding factor of all things marketing and promoting. I find ideas and new methods of promoting the society itself for new members and marketing of all upcoming events. Indian Society is very popular for our Bollywood nights showcasing the atmosphere of Indian culture. As a society I help organizing all events including sporting tournaments, charity events and of course any event to showcase Indian culture in Nottingham for Indian festivals.

Work Experience

Jones Bookmaker, Nottingham, UK – Retail · · · · · ·


Welcoming the customers and finding out exactly how I can help them. Advanced skills in operating the tills Tidy up of the shop before and after the opening and closing. Helping hand in Visual Merchandising Helping hand in billing and counting at the end of a working day. Working with a team that was so well organized was a pleasure.

Original Cover Letter

Dear Joe, This letter is to introduce myself and let you know that I am interested in becoming a part of your company and on the marketing team. I am a second year student at Nottingham Trent University on a Fashion Communication & Promotion course. The course focuses on a variety of areas in the creative Industry, like marketing, photography, visual merchandising, brand development, trend forecasting, social media management etc. Having been on this course for a year already, it has made me realise that I really enjoy working on all things marketing; from the development stage to the final outcome using visual awareness, creative research for communication, social media promotions etc. Two recent highlights that have taken my experience to the next level, have been working for Jones Bootmaker as a sales assistant, where I was given first had experience of the retail industry. It felt like I was working on a live project. I worked on my skills with customer services, store visual merchandising, and marketing of new products. Secondly, I am the Marketing Coordinator of NTSU Indian Society, where I have full control of all marketing decisions. This includes social media communications and promotions for events or updates on a weekly basis, design recipes for all promotional materials etc. The aim is to promote the society like it is a small entrepreneurial business that we are trying to expand. Being a part of these two projects, over the last year, alongside my course has made me more confident with my skills. After my course, my ideal would be to go into the magazine industry. I am open minded about my job description as I am passionate about a variety of titles. May it be editorials, PR, marketing, VM, social media, photography etc. I feel that I am best for this marketing role as I am passionate about this industry and have good communication skills, both in person and on social media. The enclosed resume and this cover letter should furnish you with all the details about my background, education, and work experience. I am more than happy to provide references from my university or any employers. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Kind Regards, Sanjana Ragu.

Creative CV

Creative Cover Letter

Cover letter writted to the CEO of a company that was advertising on future hub, NTU’s employability website about wanting student marketors.

Online Promotion

Online Protfolio Research I look at a variety of websites and online portfolio as inspiration for my own digital/ online portfolio. Alllie Day who is a graduate FCP student student from NTU has a website where she showcases all her projects. i am really inspired by her visual communication of self promotion byt her layout and design on her website and I aim to try something similar on my website.

I started my online project publication on the website ISSUE where all my recent projects and reports have been uploaded. Though this showcases my project, I want to create something more like what Allie Day has done to promote herself and her work.

Online Portfolio

Projects/portfolio Page

The blog botton when clicked will take the viewer to my blog on a new window

From the homapage on my website, there is a button that takes viewes to my portfolio page where I showcase all my projects.

Each Icon when clicked, will take take the vieer to my social media


The wesite also has my creative CV on a page

Online Blog

Linkedin Profile My linkedin shares the exact same content as my physical CV but its good to have a digital copy of it on the internet

Instagram Portfolio

As a part of my self promotion and self branding, I have decided to start a new Instagram account, which will be used only to showcase my creative progress. The aim is to use this platform to promote myself on social media but almost use it as a ‘behind the scenes’ for my offical portfolio/website.

Fianl Self Promotion Package

Work Experiance

NTSU Indian Socitety Marketing Coordinator

As the marketing coordinator I am insharge of all social media communications with the society’s members. I use my knowledge from FCP and impart it as field work knowlege and almost as an experimentation for my newly learn skills.


Summer Research 4 Moodboards

Teamwork - Identity

Team Zine

Team Photographs These are the images that we took as a team for our identity project. These images connote the movement and space in pregnant women. It also denotes the idea of humans moving towards a parthenogenisis era. The movent of women getting rights through history moving so much in time that in the future there might be a time where women might dominate men? Maybe even a world where men dont exsist?

Team PhotoShoot Here are some behind the scenes images from our team photoshoot

Individual- Identity

Boss Ass Bitch - Zinw

Boss as bitch is a little Zine questioning if we, 'the human race' are moving towards a parthenogenesis era? Has our 21st century modern, female- lead world come so far that we might be moving towards the idea of not needing the human male at all?

Boss Ass Bitch - Documentary

CLick above to watch the documentary I made using the idea of parthenogenesis as a topic of quentioning different genders. Heres what they had to say about gender identity and where we are moving towards.


Word Reflection

Boss Ass Bitch is a little Zine questioning the world If we the human race are moving towards a parthenogenesis era. Parthenogenesis literal defining is - ‘reproduction from an ovum without fertilization, especially as a normal process in some invertebrates and lower plants.’ Keeping this in mind, this zine focuses on the possibility of the parthenogenesis in the human race. Originally we began our research towards making this zine by first looking at our individual summer research in to identity and Dance 4; who are our collaborating company. We wanted to make a zine that connoted a deeper meaning anchoring the ‘movement, time and space’, theme we were to follow given as the brief by Dance 4. This Zine looks into Identity as a whole and as we moved further with our research we immediately felt drawn towards gender identity. Equality is something everyone in this group strongly believe in. We initially looked at how beauty can signify one’s identity and one dresses or look a certain way somehow signifies their identity. We then stumbled upon how bodies and people’s scars can also be part of their identity. This lead us to the idea of looking at pregnant women and how their bodies growing interacts with movement, time and space. Using this idea, we set up a photoshoot, where we took pictures of transparent balloons. The idea behind this was to connote a female body growing and using movement and space. If one’s body and looks signify their identity, then most obviously so does gender. Keeping the pregnancy insight in mind, Boss Ass Bitch looks into the idea of women being able to reproduce themselves. Parthenogenesis linked to the human race could mean that our race could potentially reproduce themselves without needing fertilisation. This anchors the ideologically breaking thought of the female gender ever being the more powerful gender. For thousands of centuries males have been the dominant gender and with research for Boss Ass Bitch, proved that males always thought women were to be treated demeaning. Boss Ass Bitch is made to break the ideologies of our targeted audience. We developed a creative primary research where a questionnaire was sent out the age group of 19-40, males and females, who were asked if they thought women are ever going to dominate males. Will there come a movement in paradigm, where women will be able to reproduce without sperms? If this was possible would the females choose the override the male gender? Most of the answers followed us saying we don’t want any gender to dominate one another but in fact, we all just want equality. Having fought all the battles for equality, if it came to parthenogenesis, would females ever choose to irradiate men and reproduce on their own; was our next question. As an another form of creative research, we documented people’s reactions as we explained parthenogenesis and its possibilities for the human race. Shockingly the answers all pointed towards love. Some said that humans are always going to be wired on emotions and falling in love. Yes, theoretically, if emotions didn’t exist and this was just a fight for the better gender, parthenogenesis is possible. However, human instinct will always be companionship and love. Humans will always want to reproduce together as a form of love and intimacy. Boss Ass Bitch is a little story about the journey of women throughout history, till present day. To illustrate to the readers that just on one side of the gender there is so much that has happened. Surly we have reached a point in time, where our identity should be as humans. Nothing more than that. That is what we are all striving for so now, its time

Online pressence for boss ass bitch zine.

Extra Creative Work

Mono Printing

Mono printed sessions at the begining of year two as a part of the self promotion project was one of the most fun seminars. I have always enjoyed painting and geting physically creative with tangable use of media. These mono prints are all display of tests for incial branding development for self promotion. In the end I ended up linking the last on from the left as my background for all my self promotiom branding because I think its something so abstract but created by my and best respresented my creativity.

Lord Whitney Lord Whitney week, where in a group I helped build a set with waste material and use of mixed media. The theme behind this was the two words ‘Space & Media’. Using these words as foundation, my group and I build this modern world, feminist but humorous way of looking at love. I really enjoyed building these and communicating a story through different forms of media. I am looking forward to trying this again.

Lord Whitney Presentation

Lord Whitney team GIF

Click on the pitcure above to play video

Sanjana Ragu Portfolio N0613708 @SanjanaRaguFCP BA (hons) Fashion Comunication and Promotion

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