What do you believe?
Let us point you towards some good stuff!
The Call us or email us if you have any ideas about how we can better serve you.
The Santa Fe Good News (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 (409) 370-0030 Email us at: Hello and welcome to the Good News, This issue is all about our faith and how what we believe in determines who we are and how well we live. We want to encourage you to stand up for what you believe in... God made me different from you and that’s a good thing. Your history is not my history. I have different wounds, fears and memories than you do. My circumstances right now are not like yours. You are in one place in your life and I’m in another. And I don’t want what you want. My dreams and goals are different than yours. We are different and yet very much the same all over the world. Join us as we explore what we believe in and as always feel free to share anything you like, it’s all FREE to everyone. Lynn Trahan, Editor/Owner
Please support our advertisers whenever you can... they keep the GOOD NEWS coming to you for FREE!
Make Your Dollar Count... When we choose where to spend our money, we are making a statement about what we value. If you support the little Mom & Pops, you are saying you care about your neighbors and want them to prosper. When you buy boots that support the Boot Campaign, rather than just any old boot - you are saying that you care about our service men and women.
Choose to make your dollar stand up for what you believe in. It is important in America, because money will always do your talking for you.
Cover photo of the Guardian Angel Catholic Church in Wallis, Texas provided by Don Trahan.
This woman speaks the TRUTH...
so honestly. This is Savanna Hartman. She copastors the Banner Church in Tampa, Florida. She is a 25 year old mother of two who has an awesome gift of honesty and plenty of wisdom to go with it. Click the video link below and be encouraged, you won’t be disappointed. Are you depressed? Do you know someone who is? CLICK HERE This is the most honest and inspiring video on the internet and the BEST altar call I’ve ever seen!
Faith is ...
Trusting God enough to enjoy the life He has given us.
CALL (409) 945-9782
OR to email Laurine Murtagh, Distributor CLICK HERE
"Hi, my name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
GOOD FOOD I have a difficult time making recipes with watermelon because I feel like watermelon, in and of itself, is about as perfect as it can get. Just hand me a salt shaker and a knife and get out of my way! But today’s recipe is a special exception. Why? Because it is basically watermelon that you can drink.
Watermelonade Ingredients: 5-6 cups cubed watermelon, black seeds removed 1/4 cup lime juice 1/4 cup honey Life IS sweet, but if we don’t get out there and Pinch of salt (optional, but I taste it, we’ll never get to appreciate how much. wouldn't consider watermelon without it!)
Instructions: NEED dinner ideas? Click link above... IDEAS galore!
This is More Than Just a Cookbook...
It's a REAL GOOD READ! ORDER yours here today!
1. Place all ingredients into a blender and cover. Blend on high speed until completely liquefied. 2. Serve over crushed ice. Makes 2 generous servings or 4 small servings.
12 GREAT Summer Pie Recipes CLICK the photo above for all 12 pie recipes in one post.
Life is like childbirth... you need constant encouragement to complete the assignment because everyone wants to give up at some point. ~Lynn Dale
Do you have 2 hours a week that you can give to help somebody? We'd LOVE to have you help us help others. CLICK HERE to find out more about us! P.O. Box 1426 Santa Fe, Tx 77510
Finding Purpose in the Sea of Life
In the sea of life, it can feel like we are minnows, small and insignificant. Life is difficult when we compare ourselves to others or hold ourselves to a high standard of achievement.
By Amanda Hill
For a publication of the Theology of Work Project Inc.
Ask a mother what the purpose is for her life. She’ll inevitably tell you it’s to raise healthy children—strong like Cypress instead of thorny mesquite trees. Ask a headstrong executive what the purpose of her life is, and you’re likely to hear that it’s about blazing new trails or empowering women to use their brains to enact lasting change in this world. Whether it’s a day laborer trying to make it until Friday or a teacher who crafts lesson plans, we are hardwired to want to make a difference. How are we possibly going to be remembered after we die? What’s the point of it all? Often I think about the finite nature of time here on Earth. After all, we are just minnows in a vast sea, taking up one small area of space. In a mere three generations, we’ll be forgotten like old relics in boxes, all those Shutterfly albums we’ve spent our weekends working on with vigor will be rotting in a dank attic, just people no one remembers. Babies no one knows. Some grandmother’s grandmother named Ethel. “Who names a child Ethel?” they’ll say. Continued here. Faithfulness Is Our One and Only Goal All he asks of us is faithfulness. CLICK HERE for the rest of the story and an introduction to the High Calling Magazine.
RIGHT HERE... Utah Lt. Governor Spencer Cox SPEAKS at vigil... ‘My heart has changed.’
If you want to see GOOD STUFF like this, be friends with us, because we SHARE all sorts of GOOD STUFF!
This piece taken from the vigil set up to honor the victims and survivors of the mass shooting in Orlando. Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for being here tonight on this very solemn and somber occasion. I begin with an admission and an apology. First, I recognize fully that I am a balding, youngish, middle-aged straight, white, male, Republican, politician... with all of the expectations and privileges that come with those labels. I am probably not who you expected to hear from today. I’m here because, 49 Americans were brutally murdered. And it made me sad. And it made me angry. And it made me confused. I’m here because those 49 people were gay. I’m here because it shouldn’t matter. But I’m here because it does. I am not here to tell you that I know exactly what you are going through. I am not here to tell you that I feel your pain. I don’t pretend to know the depths of what you are feeling right now. But I do know what it feels like to be scared. And I do know what it feels like to be sad. And I do know what it feels like to be rejected. And, more importantly, I know what it feels like to be loved. I grew up in a small town and went to a small rural high school. There were some kids in my class that were different. Sometimes I wasn’t kind to them. I didn’t know it at the time, but I know now that they were gay. I will forever regret not treating them with the kindness, dignity and respect — the love — that they deserved. For that, I sincerely and humbly apologize. Over the intervening years, my heart has changed. CLICK HERE to see the rest of the story.
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids?
6 Santa Fe Goodtell you where your heart is." "Where you spend your dollar will always News
CLICK HERE to see if she is COMING to a city NEAR YOU?
Jeanne Robertson The six-foot-two, former Miss North Carolina with an infectious personality and a delightfully family friendly brand of humor always shares some of her funniest "life lesson" anecdotes.
What's so funny about everyday life?
SAMPLE Titles: "Don't Go to Vegas Without A Baptist," "Don't Bungee Jump Naked," and "Don't Send a Man to the Grocery Store!"
CLIcK HERE FOR a FREE Sample And just who is Jeanne Robertson?
At the GRAND Friday & Saturday, August 5th & 6th at 8PM.
y ll a loc
Purchase your TICKETS HERE! Editor's Note: This is a GOOD clean night of outrageous fun you don't want to miss. If you get the opportunity to see her live, please do, you won't be disappointed. And she SELLS OUT fast, so don't wait!
Jeanne Robertson is a professional speaker who specializes in hilarious humor based on her life experiences. Speaking to thousands of people annually, she utilizes her positively funny style to illustrate that a sense of humor is much more than a laughing matter. Other speakers might be as witty as Jeanne. Some might even be as tall. (Barefooted with her hair "mashed" down, she's 6'2" in her size 11B stocking feet.) But nowhere will you find a speaker so adept at turning personal experiences into funny material that does more than elicit laughter. This Miss Congeniality winner in the Miss America Pageant, “Yearrrrrrrrrrrs ago,� quoting Jeanne, uses her down-home Southern drawl to leave her audiences laughing . . . and thinking about her message.
If it's GOOD NEWS about anything or anyone anywhere... We Want You to Know About It!
*If there is something GOOD to say about someone, some thing or some event happening, we want to print it right here so that you and everyone else will know about it. WHY? Because a balanced diet (of words or food) is a healthy way to live.
Leap of Faith On the Food Network in CHOPPED episode! A priest, a nun-in-training, a rabbi, and a pastor compete in the Chopped Kitchen! In the first round, the judges are surprised to find out that one of the cooks has never worked with fish before, but salmon is in the basket. Fruit and wine are two of the mystery basket items that must make it to the faithful cooks' entree dishes, then the two finalists draw on their heritage to make yummy fig desserts.
Why read the Good News? Because it leaves you feeling inspired rather than depressed... The GOOD NEWS promotes a GOOD LIFE. Love, family values & everything we can find that is GOOD in the world. Why you ask? Because we need things that inspire us and give us hope.
n a C u o Y W O N n Liste ! e d i W World 8 Santa Fe Good News 8 Santa Fe Good News
If you only feed yourself a steady diet of bad news... you can't possibly live the GOOD, abundant life GOD intended for you to live. Email us at if you’ve got something GOOD to SHARE with the world.
May you hear God's voice in your heart, know His touch in your life and feel His love for you each day.
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What You Believe LIFE...
Sunny Side Up!
What you believe is all that matters. Can you come to me and know that I am? Do you believe what I tell you? You don’t act like you believe me. Being doubtful about what you believe makes you weary and worn out. You either believe me or you don’t, which is it? Stop wavering, it’s tiresome.
Life is not a guessing game. I don’t tell you something and then expect you to guess what to do. I tell you what to do and you need to do it. I leave 95 percent of your life up to you. I made the rules and they are guidelines, overall truths to guide you into a good life. I didn’t say you had to go to work today, I said work or you won’t eat. Does that mean you can’t take a day off? No. That means work to make a living to feed yourself. I’m not into micromanagement. I tell you guidelines and expect you to follow them, but I gave you common sense, use it. I don’t play games with you. I gave you the rules and if you follow them I’ll bless you, if you don’t, I’ll punish you. That’s all there is to it. It’s not difficult. A child can figure it out. Do this and I’ll bless you, if you do that, I’ll punish you. You don’t punish your child because you hate him. You punish him so he’ll learn not to make the same mistake again. Whatever he’s doing that you want him to stop doing is bad for him. I work the same way. I don’t punish you because I hate you, I punish you because you can’t keep doing that, it’s bad for you.
Love always,
God Faith is ... A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark... He knows what he is doing... but no one else does!
complete trust or confidence in someone or something. It’s what you believe.
listings are NOW SHOWING in the
This page is dedicated to Galveston County SALES of all sorts…
FREE SERVICE The magazine is now posting absolutely FREE listings for ANY TYPE of sales. Please send your TEXT ONLY listings by email to before NOON on Wednesdays. If you enjoy this new feature, please tell your friends about it. We think this is GOOD NEWS. Please Note: This page is for personal use only, businesses will be required to buy ads in order to be listed here.
CLICK to see the latest posts.
“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) Your friend in real estate. CLICK HERE to EMAIL me today!
Your Austin TEXAS Realtor
Have you shared some GOOD NEWS with someone you care about today?
Age is a case of mind over matter, if you don’t mind, it doesn’t really matter all that much.
This is why older people have a better life... They know things. They believe “He will help me” regardless of what the problem is. They think “If I get cancer or some sort of awful disease, it's okay, because He will be right by my side. I will be alright.” They know “if I do lose my job, He will take care of us. We can make it with His help.” And if the worst possible case scenario happens... they know it'll be fine. “Some way, some how He will make it all work out for our good. We'll be fine, He will never leave us no matter what happens.”
And they have experience to go with what they believe. Photo provided by Kay Stenzel