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Inside This Issue Love, lot’s of love... This month’s crop is: Carrots Christy has some Good Food and a little humor to share. Sittin at the Gun Shop is back. Letters to My Children, A lot of Good Reads, A really Good Find, And lots of other Good Stuff! Your AD could be RIGHT HERE... Call us TODAY!
The City of Love & Lights What better graphic for love than the Eifel Tower? Spreading the Good News this year is about spreading love. Let’s talk about it, share it and spread it all over the world!
We are ALWAYS FISHING for GOOD NEWS too... if you have any call us!
(409) 370-0030
Who doesn’t want to be seen in the GOOD NEWS?
It's a Miracle! If you have arthritis this is an awesome product...
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It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try.
Just For Today Forget about tomorrow, you may not live to see it. Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Just for today... focus on today.
! S W E N D O O G e h t n
i t i w a S u o Y m e h T l l e T
Awesome Pie Crust!
We found the deal of the day – it’s awesome pie crust from Aldi. We are talking about better pie crust than some bakers can make for 69 cents a piece! That’s right, we paid $1.38 for a package of two refrigerated ready made pie crusts and it’s BETTER than name brand.
It’s BETTER than any I personally can make. I don’t know what they do differently, but this is like no other pie crust we’ve ever used. It was really flaky, clean (no excess flour), perfectly pliable and delicious! The only downside we’ve found is that it’s apparently only available a few months a year around the holidays. So you better rush out and get you some before they are all gone.
Great product!
NEED dinner ideas? CLICK HERE... IDEAS galore!
CARROTS 1. First Use People first grew carrots as medicine, not food, for a variety of ailments according to Web MD. 2. Nutrition Facts A medium-size carrot has 25 calories, 6 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fiber. The veggie is an excellent source of vitamin A, providing more than 200% of your daily requirement in just one carrot. Carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, a natural chemical that the body changes into vitamin A. The deeper orange the carrot, the more beta-carotene you’re getting. 3. Carrot Colors We think of carrots as orange, but they can also be white, yellow, red, and purple. 4. Carrots Are More Nutritious When Cooked Perhaps the least known of our carrot facts is that they are more nutritious when cooked. Most other vegetables are more nutritious when eaten raw, but carrots have tough cellular walls which lock up their nutrition and make them hard to digest. For maximum nutrition, boil or steam carrots before you cut them up. Cutting them before cooking will cause much of their nutritional content to leach out. 5. Surprising Carrot Haters Mel Blanc, the voice of cartoon character Bugs Bunny, reportedly did not like carrots and wild rabbits don’t eat wild carrots.
12 Strong GOOD MOVIE REVIEW It’s a rip roaring war movie for the new millennium. Like the star studded powerhouse movie “The Longest Day” did for the greatest generation, this movie represents and depicts the best in today’s American youth. After all... old men start wars while young men fight them. This movie occurs shortly after the attack on the World Trade Centers. Members of a peacetime green beret team get the news of the attacks in various ways and you can see through the expressions on their faces as they change into warrior mode. They all want to be the “Tip of the Spear” to get some payback on the people responsible for the 9-11 attacks. As members of this team prepare to deploy and say goodbye to there various loved ones, one of them explains that a soldier has two families, one you say goodbye to and one you fight beside. This team are the first American soldiers to land and fight in the rugged mountains of Afghanistan. Their mission is to locate, capture, and/or kill the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks. They are sent to enlist the aid and friendship of members of the militia Northern Alliance tribe. Relationship problems beset the team from the outset, but fortunately there is a short little man from the CIA on scene to calm things down with full duffle bags of American money.
t r o p p u s e s Plea s r e s i t r e v d a our u o y r e v e n e wh can... e h t p e e k y e Th S W E N GOOD r o f u o y o t coming FREE! Soviet era tanks. Only one was a skilled rider, so he was faced with all of the usual challenges for newbie horsemen.
Heroes are men facing impossible circumstances and successfully prevailing despite incredible odds, and The mission continues with plenty of small that is the whole message of arms fire, tanks, and B-52 bombers pulverizing the this movie. Taliban. There are several unsung hero’s in this movie, but I don't want ruin the movie plot by telling you who This was an excellent war they are. The highly trained modern soldiers are forced movie. by circumstances to ride horses into battle against
Junior’s Boy
We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.
Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!
Find a Group HERE
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A Funny Story About Carrots My sweet dog, Zoey, is part lab (I am assuming that may make a difference) and carrots are one of her favorite things IN THE WORLD. She gets so excited when I am in there peeling carrots because she knows I’m going to peel one just for her.
GOOD FOOD "Hi, My name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
The funny part is that I have two little dogs (Sweetie and Pick) who absolutely hate carrots. But every time Zoey goes into the kitchen all excited, they get excited, too. Just watching her, they figure it must be something good. So Zoey sits there wagging her tail while she waits on her carrot and Sweetie and Pick sit right beside her, waiting
Carrot Cake Bars This looks like a piece of cake but it is really a dense bar cookie, all dressed up to look like cake. It sure is good, too!
Please support Christy in any way you can, because she helps bring the GOOD NEWS to you!
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just as anxiously for their mystery treat. I hand Zoey a carrot, she snatches it an runs off, then I give each of the little dogs a piece of a carrot and they grab it up, then quickly spit it out, look at me like I am crazy, and lower their heads in disappointment as they leave the kitchen. I know they must be thinking “Again with the stupid carrots.”
Tuscany Pot Roast and Veggies (The secret is in the sauce!)
Carrot Cake Bars Ingredients: •1 cup old fashioned or quick oats •2 cups brown sugar, packed •4 cups all purpose baking mix •2 eggs •2 sticks butter or margarine, melted •1 teaspoon vanilla •1 teaspoon cinnamon •½ teaspoon ginger •½ teaspoon allspice •1+1/2 cups grated carrots •chopped pecans ½ cup for batter, ½ cup for top Icing •8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature •1 stick butter or margarine, at room temperature •3½ to 4 cups confectioner’s sugar •1 Tablespoon lemon juice •1-2 teaspoons vanilla
Instructions: 1. Combine baking mix, sugar, oats, and melted butter in large mixing bowl and stir by hand until dough is formed.
Ingredients: •1 chuck roast (3.5-5 pounds) •5-6 carrots, cut into chunks •5-6 medium sized russet potatoes, peeled and cubed •12 ounce jar beef gravy •½ cup white vinegar •1 Packet Italian Dressing Mix
1. Place roast in 6 quart slow cooker. Add carrots and potatoes. 2. In medium sized bowl, mix together beef gravy, white vinegar, and Italian dressing mix. Pour over roast. Cook for 8 hours on low. Remove roast and veggies to platter to serve.
2. Stir in carrots, raisins, and pecans until well mixed. Pat into greased 9x13 pan and bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes, or until lightly golden all over the top. Remove from oven and allow to cool. To make icing 1. Place softened butter and cream cheese in large mixing bowl. Beat with electric mixer until well blended. Slowly add sugar, a cup or so at a time, and beat until light and fluffy. Mix in vanilla and lemon juice as well until well blended. Ice cooled bars. And when you start feeling guilty about this remember, this has vegetables in it!
The Way Things Were Back Then... My Model 27 In my long and storied past there have been many a handgun come and go, but there is one I deeply regret no longer owning. It’s the fabled Smith and Wesson Model #27 .357 magnum revolver. It was a beautiful bright blue N-framed powerhouse with a five inch barrel. I loved it. It had a serrated target trigger and the extra wide target hammer, with a white outlined adjustable rear sight and a blaze orange ramped front sight. The bluing was deep and rich and looked as if it was always coated with a fine sheen of oil. On the top of the back strap there was some fine stippling to break up glare along the sighting plane. There were lines machined into the top of the barrel that also served to prevent glare. The stocks were the hand filling deep rich wood variety with the gold colored S & W emblem inset near the center.
a big fan of the Dirty Harry movies and considered them to be my training films. In the movies Harry Callahan carried the infamous Model #29, 44 magnum with a 6 1/2 inch barrel. I didn't feel like I could handle that much gun at that time, so I opted for the shorter barrel, but needless to say that five inch barrel was going to cause me many problems.
No one, I repeat with gusto, NO ONE had a holster that would fit this gun, it was such an odd duck. The At the time, this revolver was the model #27 could be ordered with a 3" Cadillac of the Smith and Wesson line. I was - 4" - 5" - 6 1/2" and an 8 3/8" barrel. There were many N-framed holsters J. Edgar Hoover’s Smith & for a four inch barrel around that met Wesson .357 Magnum (now lost to my needs, but absolutely none for the history, and believed to have been five inch version. I finally found a passed on to a relative of Hoover’s heir Clyde Tolson) may have had a black swivel holster that the big gun 3-1/2-inch barrel. Certainly General would fit in, or so I thought. Patton’s did, writes modern authority John Taffin, an enthusiast who owns This swivel holster attached them in virtually all barrel lengths, to your gun-belt in the normal fashion “…we have the short-barreled 3-1/2inch .357 Magnum that is absolutely and then reinforced leather went down the most business-like looking sixgun a ways to a metal swivel. Below the ever made available. swivel was a holster that had a leather strap that is supposed to hold the gun Dirty Harry did not originate ‘Make in the holster. I had seen all the TV my day!’, the 3-1/2-inch .357 Smith & shows like Adam-12 and I just knew Wesson Magnum did! that the LA police department used This is an excerpt from the new book this style of a holster and if it worked Massad Ayoob’s, Greatest Handguns of for them, it would work for me. the World.
So I went to work the next day and immediately realized there was a problem. Wearing a holster that held the handgun below your waist line made your weight press the weapon into your leg. This made for a most uncomfortable ride in the patrol car all day. Not long after I got the holster I was out of my patrol car pushing a stalled car out of the road when my beautiful new gun fell out of it and made a sickening sound as it skidded across the blacktop, scarring it forever. The next day I called F-15 (a police supply house in Houston) and ordered a high rise, lined holster with a thumb break for the model #27. Although I never fired this particular gun, I carried it on duty at all times. (It’s hard to believe now that we didn’t train with our weapons at all back then.) I was careful to wipe it down every day to keep it from rusting. Eventually though it started to show signs of rust on the back-strap. Being a neophyte I had failed to remove the stocks and apply gun oil to the frame and grip area, so rust abounded there. I cleaned it up and vowed never to forget that area of cleaning again. This Model #27 helped me make my first felony arrest.
is still there, but the Red Barn is long gone and has been replaced by a Texas First Bank building. I was about twenty at the time and I had written lots of traffic tickets and made a few misdemeanor arrests, but never a felony. Anyway, as I was watching traffic a car came south from the Seabrook side and made a quick right turn onto FM 518. Now I had my radar set up on FM 518 and the posted speed limit was 45 miles per hour. I watched the numbers on the digital display rise quickly and when it reached 59, I locked it on the screen. I started the patrol unit, (a Ford LTD II) and activated my overhead lights and siren and began chasing this speeder down. The overhead lights on this old Ford were of the chain driven cherries type. That means that one side had an electric motor that drove a bicycle chain that rotated the light on the other side of the car. I used the chrome exterior of the spotlight to check and make sure that the lights were rotating, because sometimes only one side rotated. Sure enough the driver’s side wasn't rotating, so I reached up with my left hand and gave it a sharp whack. Now remember, I was chasing a speeder in a marked patrol car doing about 70 mph and having to reach my hand out of the window and whack the light bar to make it rotate, so the speeder could see it.
It was a hot summer day and I was in my patrol car parked under a large oak tree in the parking lot of the Red Barn. This was multitasking long before it was For you local folks you'll remember that popular to do so. the Red Barn was a large dance hall located in Kemah on Highway 146. The oak tree I whacked it several times and it Continued on page 21.
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*“Whoever goes hunting for what is right and kind finds life itself— glorious life!” Proverbs 21:21 MSG
Letters to My Children
There are problems... constantly.
Things break, sickness happens and to be. Once you figure out that life consists money runs out. We get diseases and we of peaks and valleys, you can go forward hurt and things don’t go as we planned. bravely. It’s always something! When you know there will always be Something that we don’t like. something going on you don’t like – Something we’ve been trying to change everything becomes okay. that never seems to be getting any better. And if it’s not something happening to It’s your new normal and it us – it’s happening to those we love. Life doesn’t bother you anymore for the most happens and it’s not all GOOD STUFF. part. That’s why Jesus said, “In the world People won’t always get along, they will ye shall have tribulation: but be of good get sick and times won’t always be good, cheer; I have overcome the world.” John but most of life is good. Far more good 16:33King James Version (KJV) We are happens than bad. told to cheer up because it really is alright. Learn this. There are parts that hurt… a lot of them.
This (whatever it is) will pass and we need not let it bother us too much because we know the end of the story – This is what trials and tribulations and it works out pretty well for us. look like. They are the problems that happen in our lives and the sooner you figure this out, the better off you’re going
Lynn Dale
No one knows when their twilight years are. It could be right now. It could be 25 years from now. We don’t know the plans You have for us – only that they are good ones... So the best choice is to really, really enjoy these days, months and years, because we could be leaving soon.
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Need help? Look no further - you’ve found it. I will help you. Seek out a local church - I’ll be there. Love, GOD This ad was paid for by a local church who cared enough about you to pay for an ad to help you.
Say ‘Yes’ To Positive Changes, Challenges In 2018 by Regina Brett I often choose one word for the New Year. One year, it was simply my name, discovering everything. I want to feel like Regina. I wanted to embrace being me a child holding a rock or discovering the 100 percent and love myself as is. moon or touching a caterpillar for the first time. Kids make you hungry to learn, to Choosing a word is so much easier see the world brand spanking new. and deeper than making resolutions you can’t or won’t keep. Last year, I chose Last year, one of my sisters made the word “kindness.” I talked to my three a commitment to learn. She chose three grandkids about kindness all year long. things: banjo, knitting and Italian. I want We even created a kindness jar with slips to learn new piano pieces and more words of colored paper with ideas about how to in Polish, so on my next trip I can say more be kind to others. than dzień dobry, dziękuję ci bardzo and do widzenia (“good morning,” “thank you They decorated the jar and made very much” and “goodbye”). signs that read, “Kindness is my super power” and “I caught you being kind.” It You might want to go for something didn’t last all year, but the jar made it more big and “Scare Your Soul” into a more than halfway through. The grandkids still vibrant life. constantly talk about being kind. Any time one of them elbows a sibling or brags about I never heard of “Scare Your Soul” winning at Candy Land, the third one will until the last class of Cleveland Jewish say, “Was that helpful or hurtful?” News’ 18 Difference Makers was chosen. Scott Simon, who started the movement, We often ask children, “What do wants to inspire others to “live their best you want to be when you grow up?” The lives” and create opportunities to make answers we get vary. They want to be a the world better. firefighter, scientist or nurse. I want my grandkids to be kind. I also want them to He went from a local shy kid who be brave, which is a good word for a new avoided the spotlight to a man who says year. “yes” to getting out of his comfort zone every day. A trip to Israel changed his life My friend Debbie already chose and opened up something inside of him to her word for 2018: learn. encourage others to say yes. She has a new granddaughter and loves being a grandma. Learning is what children remind us to do, because they have to learn everything. We adults think we have all the answers and know everything. But knowing everything isn’t as fun as
“Scare Your Soul” is a movement to empower and connect people to make the world a kinder place. The motto at is “Ignite your best self. Join the courage movement.” Continued.
So, what will you say “Yes!” to in grace? What fear do you want to overcome? 2018? What skill do you want to learn? What country do you want to see? “Yes!” could be your word for the entire year. You could say yes to life. To Or as the paperweight on my desk being brave. To being kind. To going to says, “What would you attempt to do if Israel. To volunteering through the Jewish you knew you could not fail?” Federation of Cleveland. To acting in a play, dancing in front of people or retiring I’m not afraid of failing; I’ve done early. it often in my life. What I am afraid of is getting hurt. So, I taped new words on Let’s do it. my paperweight so it reads, “What would you attempt to do if you knew you would You can sign up on Scott’s website not get hurt?” and share the action you want to push you out of your comfort zone into a more Ah, but what if in 2018 we didn’t fear vibrant life. Commit to doing it. Action failure or getting hurt? is the key, not just thinking, planning or talking about it. We just might scare our souls into soaring. What will be your one small act of courage or compassion or kindness or
Regina Brett
Order her GOOD books HERE.
Dear God, the love shared. Just sit with Me today I really want to know your love Lord, and every day, and remember Me several what do I need to do? times throughout the day. Share your problems and your desires and ask for To sit quietly and talk to Me would My guidance. be a GOOD place to start. I long to spend time with you too, Time spent together always increases because that's what lovers do. God DONATE NOW
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? "Where you spend your dollar will always tell you where your heart is."
GOOD READ We’ve found a really great WEBSITE It’s full of Good Reads providing a ton of inspiration! Here is a sample, see the next page for details.
Love Is the Most Powerful Weapon in the World
inside us that is about claws and teeth and growling. It’s what awoke in the Apostle Peter when soldiers came to arrest Jesus in by Holley Gerth the Garden of Gethsemane. “Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck I lay my head on the pillow, soft the high priest’s servant, cutting off his cotton against my cheek like the palm of right ear.” (John 18:10) a mother’s hand, but I can’t be soothed. Even when I close my eyes, when the It’s this odd detail in a familiar blackness comes, I can still see the fists story, never ever shown on any Sunday raised, the tears shed, the blood drops on School flannel board, that keeps echoing through my mind. I finally pause and the ground. consider, What happens when you cut off In this noisy, broken world with someone’s ear? I understand in a flash: the news headlines and the neighbors the person can no longer hear you. This drawing lines and the threats on the horizon, means so much more has been cut off none of us can escape the question: How too — communication, understanding, am I to respond? It seems the easiest reconciliation, relationship. answer is to throw the next punch, write the next rant, hold the switchblade of our I would say, “I would never cut opinions up to the neck of our opposers off someone’s ear!” but haven’t I? My swords have been self-righteous words, so they know we mean business. criticism, judgment, dismissal of those This is our instinct, the animal who are different than me — folks I might
Overwhelmed is under nourished in God.
n a C u o Y W O N n e List ! e d i W d Worl
even be tempted to label “the enemy.”
open, to sacrifice, to reach out to even our enemies. Love is still the most powerful We swing the sword of our words in weapon in the world. defense of what we believe is right, but there are unintended consequences. He also fought with gentleness, This is not the way of the Kingdom. which we so often misunderstand. It’s not weakness or fear; it’s strength under “Jesus commanded Peter, ‘Put control. “A gentle tongue can break a your sword away!’ (John 18:11) bone” (Proverbs 25:15). “Always be gentle toward everyone” (Titus 3:2). I don’t think this means we aren’t to fight the darkness. But I do believe it Don’t be fooled: Gentle is tough as nails. means we are to understand there’s a time and place and different way to do so. Jesus, too, chose kindness. Even on the cross He prayed, “Father, forgive After Peter swung the sword, them for they do not know what they are Jesus still got arrested. He went to trial, doing” (Luke 23:34). Being kind is not stretched out on a cross, rose from the the same as being “nice.” Niceness is grave. In doing so, He fought (and won) about pleasing people; kindness is about the greatest battle ever. Here’s what stands choosing to treat others as creations out to me: None of this involved ear- of God, whether they deserve it or not. slashing, shouting, or even sneaky finger- “God’s kindness is intended to lead you pointing. to repentance” (Romans 2:4). Instead Jesus fought with love.
Kindness is grit in the trenches with grace.
Not the fluffy, cotton-candy kind. No, the sort that is willing to be laid wide Finish this article HERE. Holley Gerth is a contributor to (in) courage, however she also has her own personal blog at https://holleygerth. com/ She is a prolific writer, speaker and she gives away FREE goodies there.
For as little as $32.00 a month!
Editor’s Note: To read more from the large variety of (in) courage authors click the photo below. All of the content is FREE to anyone.
Why read the Good News?
Because it leaves you feeling better about yourself, your life and the world around you.
“I have asked the Lord for one thing; one thing only do I want: to live in the Lord‘s house all my life, to marvel there at his goodness, and to ask for his guidance.” Psalms 27:4 Good News Bible
I Love You and I Have Forgiven You! You have problems and I’m aware of them. I’m changing you, but I can’t change anyone who’s unwilling to do what I ask them. I’ll change you, I’ll change your circumstances and given your willingness to proceed, I’ll change your whole life and future. There are no limits to what I’m prepared to do for you. You are the key. You are the hold up. You want change but you don’t want to do what I tell you. You want to be independent of Me and everyone else. You want to be your own island and be self reliant. You’ll never make it by yourself. I didn’t make you to be an island. You have to learn to play well with others, even the ones you don’t like. You have to respect people because they are my children, just like you are. What if I refused to forgive you? What if I said, I saw what you did and I don’t like that, so I’m not going to forgive you. This is the foundation principle I have built the world on. My forgiveness for you and yours for everyone else is the only system that will work. I would know, I built the system.
Your goal is to be like Me. If I do it, you need to do it too. You can’t stay mad. You don’t want Me to get mad and stay mad at you, do you?
I am no more perfect than you are and you need to stop expecting me to be. Save it for the self righteous, I know I need a savior.
Please support our advertisers whenever you can... e th S ep W or ke E u f e y D N yo Th O to E! GO ing RE m F co
You need to get control of your emotions. Just because you feel like killing somebody, you don’t do it do you? You have self control, I gave it to you, use it! I know what they did. None of you are perfect. You all do things and say things I wish you wouldn’t. You constantly need My love and forgiveness and you will constantly have to love and forgive others.
Stop judging me because I'm a Christian...
No matter what you lose in life you will never lose the Lord's constant companionship.
* *
TOP 10
Good Life Tip WISE older people will tell you that life gets easier to handle as you go along.
Reasons to Read the GOOD NEWS... 1. It ’s FREE! 2. WiFi is not necessary. 3. It ’s made in America. 4. It has GOOD FOOD in it. 5. You can share it for FREE! 6. It ’s family owned. 7. It ’s Christian based. 8. It exists to encourage you. 9. It won’t ever depress you. 10. It ’s all GOOD!
Find an older person & let their experience help you make your way easier. SHOP LOCAL whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!
Remember who you are the one I love.
Continued from page 11. started working, so I focused my attention back on the targeted speeder. He drove down FM 518 towards a curve in the road. On one side there was a paved road and on the other side of the intersection there was a gravel driveway. I was reaching down to grab the microphone to check out on the radio when the Seabrook dispatcher started broadcasting a BOLO.
stolen a purse containing a lot of money from a parked car on the Seabrook side. All this happened within a few seconds.
My adrenalin was very high at this point to say the least. The suspect vehicle made a hard right turn into the long gravel driveway, trying to elude me. Gravel and dust was flying everywhere and the driveway ended in the front yard BOLO is a “be on the lookout” of a home about a quarter mile from the broadcast for a wanted vehicle. paved FM road. She described the vehicle and gave the The suspect stopped his car and license plate number. Excitedly, I got on I slid my patrol unit in behind him in my the radio and said, "243 Seabrook, I got it, best Hollywood slide and swung open the I got it"! I caught my breath and told her driver’s side door. Keeping my feet inside that I was in pursuit of the wanted vehicle of the car I pulled out the big Model #27 and that I was headed west on FM 518 and in a very loud voice explained that if headed towards League City. She said that his didn't stop that I was going to remove the suspect was a white male that had just his head from his body with the big gun. Continued LIKE them on Facebook for NEWS, DEALS, and IDEAS! CLICK HERE.
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Apparently he had seen some Dirty Harry too, because he immediately stopped and laid down on the ground. Before I even got out of the car I grabbed the radio and made sure that Seabrook knew where I was at and requested a back up unit.
him that it was a Seabrook wanted vehicle and as far as I knew it hadn't committed any crimes in Kemah. He knew that I hadn't yet been to the police academy at that time, so he wrote my actions off to inexperience. Later though, the wise old Chief of Police approached me and he said that what I did was exactly what he would have done in the same situation and that made me feel a little better. (Again, hard to believe you could go out and imitate Dirty Harry without ever having been professionally trained at all.)
I approached the prone suspect and repeated my instructions that he not move. To emphasize my instructions, I thumb cocked the double action behemoth revolver into the single action mode just like I had seen Harry Callahan do so many times. Anyway I got the frightened suspect handcuffed and stuffed into the back seat of my patrol car. As the rust on the grip handle of the Model #27 increased, my desire I returned to the suspect vehicle for something better grew too. Within a and I saw the purse he had stolen laying few months Smith and Wesson released a there on the back seat. I secured the purse Model #66 stainless steel K-framed .357 and waited for the Seabrook police to magnum revolver. The Model #27 along arrive on the scene. Once they arrived I with some hard earned extra job money turned the suspect, the stolen purse, and to boot bought me a new rust resistant the suspect vehicle over to them. I noted sidearm. the incident in my patrol log and went out to catch more speeders. In my opinion the Model #27 of that era is on par with the Colt python. The next day I got called into the That’s another story that I'll share with Captain’s office. He told me that I should you in the future. Till next time, shoot have searched the suspect’s vehicle. straight, shoot often, and support the NRA Seabrook PD found stolen items from to protect your 2nd amendment rights to eight home burglaries, over twenty pounds bear arms. of marijuana, and three stolen guns. He asked me why I didn't search the car. I told
Junior’s Boy
Live today like it's your last & you'll get more out of it. SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.
o n D O O G l l i t s s i D n GOO e p p a h u o y n e h w r matte . t i s s o r c a to run LIVE by it!
GOOD never expires...
Example: If it was a GOOD book in 1952, it ’s still a GOOD book today. ***GOOD has no expiration - it always remains GOOD.
Love is kind. Where love is there is peace. Where love is there is joy. Love is honest affection for God, man and myself. It ’s beauty is unsurpassed. If the presence of love is where peace and joy abound, who wouldn’t want to love?