Mother's Day it’s a real love story ...
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Inside This Issue
The 10mm Mystique “How It All Began” A Good movie, some Good food, a few Good products, some Good advice, and a whole lot of other Good Stuff!
Mother's Day GIFTS...
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Mother's Day it’s a real love story ...
Mothers Nurture ... They care for and encourage their children. Good mothers nurture. If you didn’t have a good one, chances are she didn’t either. However, the Good News is it’s never too late to fix that. You can learn to nurture yourself and that’s what REAL love is... to care for and encourage yourself.
Are you worthy of being loved? If you were raised in a home with parents who didn’t treat you like you mattered - you entered adulthood feeling like you weren’t worth loving. There was a time not so long ago when female children were not considered as valuable as male children because males could do more valuable work and they were stronger. This created a generation, or several generations of women who did not feel worthy of love because they weren’t loved properly. Most everyone knows now that all of God’s children are of equal value, but it took a long time to get here. All are worthy of being loved.
Loving yourself is not selfishness. We almost got the whole REAL love picture when we were told to put our own oxygen mask on first in the airplane. We cannot love others if we don’t love ourselves, just like we can’t save them if we don’t save ourselves first. Until we can be kind, care for and encourage ourselves, we can’t REALLY love others. If I am impatient with myself, I will be impatient with you. If I can’t be merciful to me, I won’t show you any either. The bottom line is we can’t give away love we don’t have to give. We have to learn to love ourselves before we can love others, and it’s not selfish at all.
God said to love Him, yourself and others. Mothers who know how to nurture themselves will nurture their children, and that’s the REAL love story here. We wish all the Moms a very happy Mother’s Day. Now go on and love yourself like God himself told you to!
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The movie opens with a boy about age ten listening intently to his headphones in bed as the sounds of a domestic disturbance filter through the walls and fill his young mind with terror. The rock music playing on his cassette player date this event to be about 1985. His bedroom door is snatched open violently and there stands his unshaven drunken father filled with an alcohol induced rage and a broad belt looking for someone to quench his anger on by beating them into submission. The mother having had enough pain and suffering from this drunken abuser plans her escape.
(a past football legend in his own mind) is never satisfied with his effort. The teenager doubles his effort to satisfy the monster and is critically injured in practice and unable to continue in high school sports. Lacking sufficient credits to graduate high school because he was forced out of football, and possessing no other known gifts and talents, he tries out for the only open elective – the glee club. Being a macho jock (just like the monster) he tells the teacher he cannot sing, but he can run the audio equipment. She puts him to work as a stage hand. Lo and behold one day the boy is listening to his cassette player and singing along to a tune, and he has accidently left the public address system on. The teacher hears him sing. The die is cast. The movie shows his triumphs, his failures, and the mentors that help guide him along the way.
She takes the young boy to his first summer church youth camp and then abandons him there without his knowledge. He returned home a week later on a church bus and sees a U-Haul man loading up all his mother’s stuff and driving away. There is the cliché scene where the little boy chases the moving van down the dusty The young man keeps his faith in God street and cries his eyes out for his mother. throughout this arduous time. As children of abusers often do – he learns to cope. You keep your mouth shut, do your chores and try not to do anything to anger the monster in the house. He also tries to do the one thing the monster cared about, FOOTBALL. Despite having some success on the gridiron, the monster
This is all I’m going to say about this movie, except bring your tissues. If you are a survivor like I am, just rejoice in the ending and keep the faith in the forefront where it belongs, because God is good all the time.
Rating: A
*Our NEW Rating System: A is excellent, B is good and anything less than that doesn’t get talked about here, because there’s nothing good to say.
It says PG, but due to the violence involved, parents need to determine the age they want their children to be before they see what happens in the real world.
At your local cinemas.
Junior’s Boy
◦J. Michael Finley ◦Dennis Quaid ◦Cloris Leachman ◦Madeline Carroll ◦Trace Adkins ◦Priscilla Shirer
Watch the trailer HERE & see more of our movie reviews.
It's a Miracle!
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If you have arthritis this is an awesome product... It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try.
“Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 GNB
Excellent Product!
Have you tried brand after brand of CHORIZO sausage only to be disappointed? Well we've found a NEW one that is an excellent product! Johnsonville makes brats, but now they have branched out and we think they have done so successfully. We've found this both in link form and ground form and both are good. We prefer the ground because although the product is excellent, it's too strongly flavored to be eaten in sausage form for us. However, this is the BEST "Taco Soup" ingredient ever made in our opinion.
ingredients. Kroger is the only place we have found it so far and it's been in both the breakfast sausage/bacon location and in the link sausage case with the brats. If you are tired of trying to find a good brand of chorizo, this stuff makes the best bowl of taco soup we've ever made.
Try it as soon as you can because I’m sure they are marketing it to see how well it sells and we want them to keep it They have done all the hard on the shelves. work of getting the seasoning "just right" for us and all we do is add the rest of the It’s some really GOOD STUFF!
Frozen Banana Pudding
GOOD FOOD "Hi, My name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people." Oh Banana pudding... The recipe that has sustained many a Southerner through long journeys away from home just by sheer memory of the taste. The recipe that has had songs written about it, poems penned in honor of it (okay so I haven’t seen one but I’ll write one soon just to cover all bases), and it’s the recipe that launched Southern Plate. I was a stay at home mom with a four year old daughter and a nine year old son. I had a Home Eonomics degree hanging on my wall gathering dust and a desire to write. So I started a little blog. It was on one of these free sites that no longer exist today. I’d write about what books I’d read, things we’d done with the kids, and sometimes I’d just go on there and write little stories about my life or the thoughts in my head.
Ingredients: •½ cup sugar (or splenda) •⅓ cup flour •3 eggs •2 cups milk •1 box Nilla Wafers •5 bananas •½ teaspoon vanilla •dash salt •muffin papers •8 ounces Cool Whip, thawed mine had never had homemade banana pudding. ~shudders~ I know, I know! I had to remedy that situation! The problem was that she didn’t know how to cook and you can’t just hand someone a recipe for homemade banana pudding and expect them to make it with no knowledge of cooking. So I decided to photograph step by step how to make it, and have fun goofing off a bit in the direciotns to boot (I don’t do “serious” very well).
Then, one day I realized that a friend of I posted that and the free blog
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host featured it on their homepage. Now THAT got me excited! So the next day I posted Mama’s mandarin orange cake. They featured THAT on their homepage, too! The third day (I was on a roll) I posted how to make fried green tomatoes and that made the headline, right next to a picture and story about Llamas! I called Mama and said “Mama, I am as famous as the llamas!”. That afternoon I called my husband and said “I bet if I got my own domain I could get four Frozen Banana Pudding or five hundred readers.” It seemed like a Instructions: lofty goal but I wanted to try to impress him with my expectations of success :). 1. In sauce pot (or double boiler) on medium low heat place sugar, flour, eggs, That day Mama and I played and milk. Normally we separate our eggs around with words, making lists of different but since we’re not making a meringue Southern terms and putting them together we’re going to just use the entire egg here. and when my husband got home, we bought Stir well with wire whisk. and began setting it up for my blog. 2. Allow to cook, stirring constantly to prevent scorching, until thickened - about The rest of the story is … fifteen minutes. It should probably be a post for another day. There were so many twists and turns, filled with divine intervention in the past almost ten years that it could easily become a book itself. Eventually though, I’m gonna have to tell you the story about how my Mama and Grandmama got more excited over a free box of Little Debbie cakes than they did over a big time New York book deal. I love their priorities…
3. Add in vanilla and stir.
ANYWHO, today I’m bringing you a frozen treat for grown ups. While the kids have their water popsicles and ice cream cones, we can have these little beauties. Homemade Banana Pudding freezes wonderfully in individual serving sizes and lets you have this decadent Southern classic anytime you want.
6. Pour a small amount of pudding over bananas in each cup, just enough to fill it ½ to ¾ full.
They’re great to keep on hand for last minute guests or the afternoon unwind. This recipe makes about 18, but you can also just make half of them and use the other half to make a small warm banana pudding for two.
8. Add a dollop of whipped cream to the center of each one and spread until it touches the wafers.
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4. Pour into heat proof batter bowl or mixing bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Place in fridge just until cooled, about thirty minutes. 5. Place 18 cupcake papers into two - 12 cup muffin tins. Place about four slices of banana in each cup.
7. Place four nilla wafers down into the pudding cups on the sides, keeping the banana slices in the center to help hold them up.
9. Place muffin tins into freezer for a few hours, until completely frozen. Insert a knife into the muffin tin between the tin and the paper to pop it loose. 10. Put frozen puddings in freezer bag or airtight container and return to freezer until ready to serve.
“A good love story always keeps the pot boiling.” — James Patterson Do you ever need biscuits in 10 minutes or less?
We’ve created the BEST scratch biscuit recipe ever in our opinion, take a look… ◦1 cup flour ◦1/2 teaspoon salt ◦1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder ◦1/4 cup mayonnaise ◦1/2 cup milk Mix the dry ingredients, then add the wet ones. Shape with 2 spoons into 4 perfect “cathead” biscuits and drop onto a greased pan. Bake 15 minutes at 425 degrees. Recipe easily doubles too.
This is the very BEST recipe because… 1.You can make them faster than your oven can preheat. 2.You always have all the ingredients on hand. 3.And they make perfect sandwich biscuits, they don’t crumble like normal drop biscuits do. 4.*If you have self-rising flour on hand, it’s even easier! It literally takes less than 10 minutes to make these little jewels and they are some of the best homemade biscuits you’ll ever eat, we promise.
I walked, I talked, I served my flock... I expect you to do the same. — Jesus
Mother's Day GIFTS...
1. Time, un-rushed time. 2. Attention, focused time. 3. A letter explaining what you can never seem to say. 4. A trip taken together. 5. A chance to improve or add to the great love story between you. Why do you read the Good News?
Because it leaves you feeling better about yourself, your life and the world around you. We hope.
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“Love never fails — never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end.” 1Cor 13:8 AMP
* *
* *
Letters to My Children This Much I Know... LOVE is Everything Love is the right answer to everything, every problem and every question. We are all looking for love, but it’s not what we think it is. It’s not sex or even attraction - it’s perfection. It’s God in our world. It’s everywhere we look, but it seems ephemeral. It seems like we are constantly reaching for it, trying to hold on to it and it keeps slipping away. We are all grasping after it and yet in reality it never leaves us - we are the ones that move on. When my eyes are focused on love - all is right in my world. It doesn’t matter if it’s God, a child, my spouse, some awesome food or just beautiful music... love is amazing! Love is more important than even wisdom. When I lose sight of love I automatically start focusing on fear, my problems, or how I feel, or what I’m going to do, where I’m going to go, all of my plans, etc. and I have lost sight of the most important thing - love. All the knowledge/wisdom in the world (1Corinthians 13:2) makes me nothing without love. And it makes us miserable. Life will go on just as it always has regardless of what we focus on. We are not in charge, He is. He said to love. He said it was the most important thing. He knows what is best for the children He created. You would never leave your child to fend for themselves. You would tell them what they need to do. He’s no different. He has told us what to do, we just need to listen.
Lynn Dale
Focus on LOVE – stuff your life full of it ... When you do that everything else will magically fall into place.
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Look no further you’ve found it. I will help you. Seek out a local church I’ll be there. Love, GOD
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The 10mm Mystique “How It All Began”
This story starts out with one of the best television commercials I’ve ever seen...
The commercial begins with an obviously “high dollar” sports car that has been pulled over for what I can only assume was speeding. This car is so ridiculously cool looking that it looks like it’s going fast, even when parked! A very large motorcycle officer wearing the traditional mirrored aviator style sunglasses is shown getting off of his Harley Davidson motorcycle. He takes off his riding gloves with a ticket book in his hand and a scowl on his face. The next thing you see is a happy motorist driving away and the officer looks into the camera and says, “best excuse I’ve heard all day”.
walking away on a beach with clear azure blue water. Garish pink lettering appears spelling the words “Miami Vice” and the tempo of the music rises signalling the crime fighting is about to begin. Sonny James Crockett aka: Don Johnson, plays a loose cannon type of crime fighter who will usually, but not always stop just short of crossing the line of legality as he tries to detect and apprehend the “Cocaine Cowboys” that ply their criminal trade in the City of Miami.
But this is not a story about a TV show... It’s about a handgun that was a great idea, but due to poor financial Then the opening “Jan Hammer” management and under capitalization at theme song music starts... start up, it failed to survive. You see pink flamingos, a helmeted figure playing Jai-Ali, and two attractive women It was a time that six shot .357 in skimpy French high cut bikinis are magnum revolvers rode in most law
enforcement holsters. The U.S. military still used the Colt 1911.45acp. What was needed was a weapon as powerful as the .357 magnum, but with a magazine capacity that equaled or exceeded the seven round magazine of the 1911. Two men Thomas Dornaus and Michael Dixon thought they had the answer, the concept of the Bren 10mm handgun. On November 1, 1982, in Huntington Beach, California with the advice and counsel of noted handgun guru Col. Jeff Cooper the Bren 10 was born. At the time the Bren 10 was the newest hand cannon on the block and they came with a whole host of standard features that were all considered to be custom accessories at the time.
knockdown power at 100 yards than the .45acp has just after leaving the muzzle at firing. One of the producers of the Miami Vice show apparently heard of this new handgun being made right there in California because two special edition Bren 10 pistols were acquired for Detective Crockett. They were adapted to fire blanks, however they were not of the 10mm caliber. They were adapted to fire the readily available 45acp blank rounds, as few 10mm blank rounds were available. Detective Crockett mowed down the bad guys, alongside his able sidekick Ricardo Tubbs for two seasons with the Bren 10, before trading to the new Smith and Wesson Model model: 645 in .45acp. A tragic incident occurred in Miami in 1986 that thrust the 10mm pistol cartridge into national prominence. On April 11th agents of the Miami FBI field office attempted to make a felony traffic stop on a pair of “bank and armored car robbers, murder, and car theft suspects” named Michael Lee Platt and William Russell Matix. Matrix had been a US Marine and Platt had been in the US Army and both were apparently well trained in the use of weapons. A felony traffic stop is a scary undertaking for the police and when the suspects are heavily armed and unwilling to surrender, it’s a recipe for disaster. There was a tremendous gun battle and the do-bads were killed along with two highly decorated FBI agents, S.S.A. Benjamin Grogan and S.A. Jerry Dove. In the analysis of this tragedy partial blame was placed on the lack of stopping power of the handguns that the agents were using at the time of the battle.
They included the following: a selective double or single action trigger, (where the first shot can either be fired double action with the hammer in the down position, or single action with the hammer cocked and the manual safety engaged) (cocked-and-locked), ala the Colt 1911, a slide mounted manual cross-bolt safety which, when pushed to activate, blocks the firing pin from travel without interfering with trigger or hammer operation, a loaded chamber indicator located in conjunction with the extractor giving the operator both a visual and tactile indicator of the status of the pistol, and a fully adjustable rear sight allowing adjustment for both windage and elevation. A lot of these features are now standard features on today’s modern semi-automatic pistols. These features are all great, but the real star of this gun was the 10mm round that it fired. This 10mm round, although only five one hundreds of an inch smaller in diameter than the proven It seems that the folks in power man-stopper 45acp, is said to have more Continued on page 20. DONATE NOW
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“Be joyful always, pray at all times, be thankful in all circumstances. This is what God wants from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 GNB
What Jesus Did I fed them on the lakeshore. I forgave them. I gave my life for them. I taught them. I talked to my father for them. I healed them. I saved them. I loved them. We are all called to be like Jesus. He loved us.
Stop judging me because I'm a Christian... I am no more perfect than you are and you need to stop expecting me to be. Save it for the self righteous, I know I need a savior.
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How can we love God?
By serving Him, respecting Him and We don’t trust people by appreciating Him for what He has until we get to know done and for who He is. them. Knowing takes time.
By talking to Him, acknowledging Him By loving His children, all of them, and focusing on Him. and by loving ourselves whom He created. In this way we obey His By spending time with Him, enjoying His command to love and honor Him. company and listening to His wisdom.
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Continued from page 15.
The 10mm Mystique “How It All Began” at the FBI believed that once you were shot in a vital organ, it’s required that you lay down and die. However, no one seemed to have forwarded this memorandum to the adrenaline charged killers firing at the federal agents. The Smith and Wesson 1076, chambered for the 10mm auto round was chosen as a direct result of the Miami shootout. The sharp recoil of the 10mm auto later proved too much for most agents to control effectively and a special reduced velocity loading of the 10mm auto round was developed. It is commonly referred to as the “10mm Light” or “10mm FBI”. This down loaded 10mm light round morphed into the 40 caliber Smith &Wesson round that is so prominent in law enforcement holsters today. Several other companies fielded 10mm auto pistols. The most notably was Colt, who adapted the 1911 into a stainless Delta Elite model. Although it is now out of production, it’s a highly sought after collectible that I would dearly love to own. I believe that the only company currently producing 10mm auto pistols as of this writing is Glock, who sells the Model #20 in this powerful cartridge. I hope you have enjoyed this article and are as amused as I am that a TV cop show helped lead the way to the .40 caliber round that protects a large majority of today’s professional law enforcement officers and civilian hand-gunners. Till next time shoot straight, be sure of your target, focus on the front sight, and join the NRA to protect your gun rights.
Junior’s Boy Lifetime NRA Member
In your struggle, never lose sight of the prize... heaven. SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.
o n D O O G l l i t s s i D n GOO e p p a h u o y n e h w r matte . t i s s o r c to run a LIVE by it! See GOOD never expires...
Here’s a perfect Example: If it was a GOOD book in 1952, it’s still a GOOD book today. ***GOOD has no expiration it always remains GOOD. It’s some kind of weird law.
SHOP LOCAL whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!
If you can you probably should... because you might not get another chance.
Let us meet each other with a smile... for a a smile is the beginning of love. Mother Theresa