It’s the
Simple Things in life that really matter!
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Let us point you towards some good stuff!
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The Santa Fe Good News Magazine (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at:
Inside This Issue Simple ways to simplify our lives... Crock Pot recipes galore. Sittin at the Gun Shop looks at the Colt Anaconda. There is a great movie review. Letters to My Children deals with depression this issue and we are promoting a NEW good digital magazine! Your AD could be RIGHT HERE... Call us TODAY!
It’s the Simple Things that really matter! SIMPLE Synonyms Understandable, uncomplicated, unclutterred, easy and effortless. Stress free living is... all of the above.
We are ALWAYS FISHING for GOOD NEWS too... if you
have any call us!
(409) 370-0030
Try some digital advertising this year - it’s cheap, long lasting and you can attract NEW customers you have never targeted before.
Scary Thought For Today...
What if Jesus had come back in 1968? Would you have been saved by then? Would you have even been born? What about your grandkids? Perhaps His delay is a GOOD thing after all.
Simple Things
Simple Life
Have Limits
what you truly believe a whole lot of other things will just magically go away. You know longer have to worry about your future. You only have one commandment to follow to love. How simple is that?
Yes, limits actually help us live a simpler more satisfying life. They restrict our choices and make life more manageable. When you can do anything - it’s very overwhelming. Take vacation for example... If you can go And simple faith makes anywhere, how do you decide where to go? life so much easier to understand Narrow your search by limiting your and to handle. It takes the stress and choices. Limit the time frame. Limit the amount pressure of life off of your back and of money you’re willing to spend on it. Limits puts it in the hands of the man who can handle it all for you. That’s a can be a very good thing. real good way to live a simple life.
Minimize Your Shopping
Yes, we own too much. If we buy it, we have to pay for it, we have to take care of it and we have to store it somewhere. Be selective - only choose the best things. If the shirt is “just OK”, pass on it there will be others to choose from in your future. When you find something that takes your breath away - buy that! We can fill our lives with a lot of stuff, but all that stuff makes life so much more complicated. Less stuff means more time to live a simple life. It’s less to clean, insure, move and a whole lot less to worry about.
Good Life Tip
Limit Your Options 1. Get back to basic TV, that eliminates so many choices. 2. Choose one direction for this year - one word to guide you and then go after it!. 3. Go outside. Being outside is like prayer, it just works! It makes life better.
Simple Faith
4. Avoid stores that offer too many choices.
Knowing what you believe in will make life so much simpler. Once you know
5. Don’t be double minded, make a decision & stick to it.
NEED dinner ideas? CLICK HERE... IDEAS galore!
GOOD MOVIE REVIEW Rating: B+ *Our NEW Rating System: A is excellent, B is good and anything less than that doesn’t get talked about here, because there’s nothing good to say.
Audience: *Adults only, graphic violence, language, death scenes, etc.
Showing: At a Redbox kiosk near you.
Starring: Elizabeth Olsen as FBI Agent Jane Banner and Jeremy Renner as WLO Cody Lambert. The Wind River Indian reservation really exists in Wyoming. It is home to members of the Arapaho and Eastern Shoshone tribe. It’s a beautiful and wild mountainous area, but for the indigenous Native American people it’s an unfenced prison without jobs, schooling, or any hope. What they do have in abundance is drugs, crime, death, snow and silence. The movie begins with a young Native American Arapaho Indian girl running through the snow. You can tell by the intensity of her frantic breathing, the speed of her running and the look on her face that she is running for her life. And you can tell that this isn’t going to end well for her.
He’s holding a sniper rifle that any Delta Force tier one operator would be comfortable using in battle. You can’t tell at this point if he’s a good guy or a bad guy. It turns out that he is a Wildlife Officer working for the State of Wyoming.
Next, he finds the corpse of the Indian girl and he’s visibly moved by her The next scene is a small flock death for a reason that becomes clear later of goats being stalked by a trio of wolves in the movie. and just as one of them heads toward the innocent young goats, a sharp crack rings Click HERE to read the rest of the review out. This is a metaphor of things to come. and to watch the trailer. Two of the wolves go down and then you see the shooter, clad in a white winter hunting suit laying prone in the snow.
Junior’s Boy
We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.
Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!
Find a Group HERE
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Tell Them You Saw it in the GOOD
GOOD FOOD "Hi, My name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
CLICK the photo below to take a look at all of these READER favorite Crock Pot recipes.
Want more? Christy has a whole section of her website dedicated to Crock Pot cooking.
Just CLICK HERE for more!
Please support Christy in any way you can, because she helps bring the GOOD NEWS to you!
CLICK here...
Zippy Beef Stew Ingredients: •1 pound lean ground beef, uncooked •12 ounce bag frozen stew mix or gumbo mix (gumbo mix that has okra in it is my favorite) •12 ounce bag frozen butter beans, baby lima beans, or any veggie of your choice •1 small onion, chopped •29 ounce can crushed tomatoes •2 cups beef broth (can use two cups water and two beef bullion cubes) •2 cups water •1 package ranch dressing mix (1 ounce package)* •1 package Italian dressing mix (.7 ounce package)*
Instructions: 1. Place all ingredients in 6 quart slow cooker except beef. Using your hands, pinch off bite size pieces of beef and drop into slow cooker. Beef doesn’t have to be uniform or done a certain Notes: way, it just needs to be in smaller pieces. *I buy the boxes of ranch and Italian dressing mix that has three or four envelopes 2. Stir everything. Cook on low, 7-8 in it and use one envelope per recipe. It’s hours or on high, 3-4. cheaper to buy it this way.
“Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life.” — Susan David.
Annie... A New Story What about Annie? Annie... I will come back to Annie, right now I need a story about divine intervention and hope and, and love, great love. Great love is always a best seller and right now, I need a best seller!
because life is never dull no matter who you are.
What makes it really interesting is when my story becomes part of yours. Sharing our lives results in stories that are much richer because they involve more Annie just popped into my head characters, personalities and events. One because she has a story and everyone’s man on a deserted island doesn’t make stories deserve to be told. All of our lives much of a movie, ask Tom Hanks. are common and ordinary, only a few of them ever make the spotlight. And those It’s when we find out who Annie few are not any different than our own. is, what she has done and how she lives that we determine if we want to read her Some stories are short and some story or not. Stay tuned because there’s a spread out across several generations. The story here somewhere, we just need some point is, we all have an interesting story time to find it.
Colt Anaconda (Snake Hunter) “I hate snakes.” Snakes scare me. I don’t care what kind they are. I don’t care if they poisonous or not, good for rodent control, or even if they are kept as pets. Let’s be very clear on this point. I HATE SNAKES, all except one… The snakes that are produced by Colt Manufacturing Company are fantastic. Somewhere down the line, some marketing salesperson decided that it would be catchy if they named their double action revolvers after snakes. This is the only kind of snakes I can readily accept, and I’m actually very fond of them. I wear the title of {snake hunter} with pride. My kind of snake hunting is extremely expensive though. Colt stopped normal production runs of their double action revolvers in 1999. A few “new in box” samples still exist, but a second mortgage on the homestead is normally required to pay the cost for these highly collectable examples of American craftsmanship. The Colt Anaconda is a large framed double action revolver first introduced by the Colt manufacturing company in 1990. It was available in two calibers, .44 magnum and .45 Colt. The .45 Colt calibers were
It’s a truly beautiful gun in my opinion.
released in lesser numbers and it’s now the most rare and collectable of the two calibers. Manufactured only in stainless steel, Colt broke with standing tradition and never offered the Anaconda in blued or nickeled versions. The Anaconda was built on an entirely new and heavier Colt frame, called the AA frame. The purpose of this new heavy revolver was to compete with the venerable Smith and Wesson Model #29 .44 magnum (double action revolver), the Ruger Redhawk .44 magnum (double action revolver), the Ruger Blackhawk .44 magnum (single action revolver), as well as several lesser known .44 magnum hand cannons offered by various other manufactures at the time. Handgun hunting as well as long range metallic silhouette shooting was in vogue at the time. The focus market niche for the Anaconda was sports enthusiasts’ shooters and hunters, as the weighty revolver was quite heavy and not something any but the “most hearty” law enforcement officers wanted to wear around their waist all day long. The Anaconda is in my opinion a very beautiful gun. It resembles a marriage between a Colt King Cobra and the highly regarded and prized Colt Python. The vent rib along the top of the barrel (ala the Colt Python) in my opinion
adds so much class to this revolver that it becomes a piece of sculpture. Without it there would no art form to it and it would be just another big heavy .44 magnum. It was offered in four, six, and eight inch versions, and came in what’s call a matte stainless steel finish and an ultra bright stainless steel finish. The ultra bright is merely a highly hand polished version of the aforementioned, and it’s so bright and expensive not many who paid for that option actually shot the weapon for fear of marring the finish. Another highly desirable option on this huge snake was the factory Magna-ported barrels. This means that near the muzzle of the barrel two cuts were made (generally trapezoids) in the barrel to allow gas from the burnt gunpowder to vent upwards thus holding the front of the barrel down during firing to reduce muzzle flip. (See photo above.) While this is a highly desirable option on hard kicking hunting or sports oriented handguns, when discharged in a dark environment it could cause temporary loss of night vision to a law enforcement officer in a firefight. So, unless you are willing to practice shooting in the dark a lot, it’s not something I’d recommend as a self defense handgun. Continued on page 20.
“Love never fails — never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end.” 1Cor 13:8 AMP
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* *
Letters to My Children SIMPLE Childlike Faith vs Depression When you get depressed you have taken your eyes off of the most important thing in life, which is – love. It’s not you, your problems, or your needs that are important. The only thing that really matters is love and you have gotten distracted and forgotten what you were taught as a child. You’ve lost sight of the most important thing. All the needs and problems in the world are only temporary things. Love is all that is permanent. It’s the only thing that lasts, therefore it’s all that really matters. So simple and yet so easy to forget. We get all tied up in the temporary and lose sight of what is really important until our depression reminds us. There used to be a sign hung on the refrigerator when you were young that said (Get yourself off of your mind and go help someone else.) Remember? I put it there to remind us all of what happens when we get mired down in our focus on ourselves. Narcissism is the root of all unhappiness. You always have to look outside of yourself to find happiness in this world.
Lynn Dale
Anytime you lose sight of LOVE – you begin to go astray... Because to lose sight of God will automatically take you off course. Focusing on love is always the right course of action. Disconnected from the vine, you begin to wither.
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Look no further - you’ve found it. I will help you. Seek out a local church I’ll be there. Love, GOD This ad was paid for by a local church who cared enough about you to pay for an ad to try to help you.
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We’ve found a great NEW Magazine ... Yes, we are a digital magazine promoting another digital magazine because it’s really good! Join more than 40,000 subscribers and help your family focus on the things that matter most... That’s their mission and they seem to be accomplishing it. It debuted in June of last year and so far the 3 issues they have published have all been GREAT in our opinion. So great in fact that we subscribed and we thought you might like to also. Continued.
Their 1st issue covered Happiness. The 2nd covered Health and Wellness. And the 3rd is titled Stress and Overwhelm. All 3 issues are Good Reads for anyone, not just parents of young families. And the best part is - it’s really affordable!
to work before tying up loose ends to take 10 weeks off to care for our mini Viking. Because a dad taking time out, fully paid, to look after his child is recognized as something that’s important and so is encouraged. As a result, fathers bond with their babies far sooner than those Right now they are running a BUY ONE, cramming in quality time at weekends. GIFT ONE special which is lifetime access to all issues for yourself and a friend for Lego Man (that’s where he just $20.00! You just can’t beat that. works) learned how to change nappies, how to do bath time and bedtime, and how Here’s an excerpt from their 1st issue you can feel like you’re going insane by that we enjoyed called “What Living 2 p.m. on a Tuesday when all you want Danishly Taught Me About Happiness” is an hour’s uninterrupted sleep. And by Helen Russell. maybe a shower. He came to understand how looking after an infant 24 hours a Families Living Danishly day can be hugely rewarding but that it’s also relentlessly tough. He knows that, At the start of 2014, I gave birth to some days, all you need is for someone a baby boy, and it was this experience that to come home and say: “You’re doing a really won me around to the advantages great job—have some ice cream!” of “living Danishly.” Our neighbors left a wooden stork outside our house, as And then we both went back to is the custom in Denmark, to warn the work, since kids are guaranteed a place mail delivery person to tread lightly for a in high-quality state-run day care from while—and I came to learn that Denmark six months of age in Denmark, the cost is a great place to have kids. 75 percent subsidized via taxes. All this at a time when friends back home have Parents get 52 weeks of leave to had to give up their jobs as they can’t share between them so men don’t miss out afford child care. Because it’s totally on spending time with their kids and the doable to have a family and a career, business of childrearing is shared more 85 percent of Danish mothers return to equally. So after two weeks of paternity work, and domestic chores are shared leave post birth, my husband went back more equally between the sexes. It’s as Dear God, Father help us to love today like you do. Help us to manifest REAL LOVE and not lip service.
with words. Help us to draw everyone towards you so they will be saved, safe and loved.
Help us because people can’t see, feel or touch YOU any other way than through Help us to love with food, money, time, us. We can’t do it without you. a listening ear and some effort as well as Amen
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? "Where you spend your dollar will always tell you where your heart is."
Every GOOD deed is simply a breadcrumb on the trail to success. if Danes recognize that caregiving is just you happier. as important as breadwinning—and it So, at the end of our first year, doesn’t matter who’s doing what. we decided to stay—and now we’re in Children also get to grow up free our fifth year. We’re happier. We’re more in Denmark. Preschoolers play outside, relaxed; we have our priorities straight; come sleet or snow, and are encouraged and we trust more. Oh, and I’m expecting to run, jump, fight, and fall (often, if my twins next week. own is anything to go by) without anyone rushing in to arbitrate. The idea of the But you don’t need to emigrate to get a “terrible twos” and “threenagers” are slice of the happy Dane action. alien to Danes, who class toddlerdom as trodsalder, or “the boundary age,” when Everyone can live a little more it’s accepted that pushing the limits is Danishly by prioritizing leisure, pleasure, normal rather than naughty. This makes and family. So leave work on time. Eat that meltdowns in the mall or that awkward pastry. Block out time for a hobby. Play moment when your three year old with your kids, letting them get muddy defecates in a friend’s playhouse (just for and even fall down occasionally. example…) far more bearable—and no Remember the simple things that one gets judged. make you happy—seeing friends or family, lighting a candle, brewing a fresh cup of Living Danishly…Anywhere coffee, or just having a bacon sandwich. Of course, living in the land of See? You’re feeling better already. Nord isn’t all a hippy-haven cakewalk. The weather’s terrible, the 50 percent tax rate Editor’s Note: takes some getting used to, and Denmark If you’re not completely sold faces many of the same problems as the on this magazine yet, CLICK HERE and rest of the world—but these are countries scroll to the bottom of the page to have a look at the entire first issue for FREE. with none of Denmark’s advantages. You can also read the whole article you From my research and experiences, I’ve just finished above from the beginning. come to the conclusion that the pollsters We think this magazine is going to be the were right: living Danishly can make next big GOOD THING!
n a C u o Y W O N n e List ! e d i W d Worl
GOOD Advice From An Old Farmer Your fences need to be horsehigh, pig-tight and bull-strong. Keep skunks and bankers at a distance. Life is simpler when you plow around the stump. A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor. Words that soak into your ears are whispered… not yelled.
ain’t bothering you none. Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance. If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’. Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got. The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’. Always drink upstream from the herd. Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment. Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in. If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight. Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads. Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you. It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge. You cannot unsay a cruel word. Every path has a few puddles. When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty. The best sermons are lived, not preached. Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway. Don’t judge folks And most importantly... by their relatives. Live simply. Love generously. Remember that silence is Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave all the sometimes the best answer. Live a good, rest up to God. honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second Author Unknown time. Don ‘t interfere with somethin’ that
For as little as $32.00 a month!
Why do you read the Good News?
Because it leaves you feeling better about yourself, your life and the world around you. We hope.
SIMPLE Advice Young people who don't want to go to support rollers. I also paid my auto college; listen up... mechanic, another blue collar worker, to replace the fly wheel in my Volkswagen I have some free advice for you Eurovan. Neither of these were cheap and I would like to preface it with saying repairs. The one man made $65 an hour that I have twelve years of post-high plus parts; my auto mechanic charges $95 school education: an hour--and the flywheel repair was a six hour project! Yesterday I paid one blue collar worker to replace my dryer belt and both drum So here's the advice: Continued on page 21.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phil 4:8 NIV
I Know How Life Works! Turn your life over to Me and let Me run it. You have run your life all this time and this is as far as you’ve gotten with it. I know a better way. I know everything. I know a lot of things you don’t know. I created life and you, therefore I know how the system works. I designed it and I know you inside and out. When you turn to Me, I will guide you. I’ll give you ideas, dreams and goals you could never even imagine on your own. I’ll make good on all of my promises and take all your cares away. Having created the program, I know better than anyone else how it’s supposed to work. I wrote the book and I know the end of the story. You on the other hand are clueless. Put yourself in my hands and see if I don’t do a better job of running your life than you have.
Common Sense SIMPLE Wisdom
I am no more perfect than you are and you need to stop expecting me to be. Save it for the self righteous, I know I need a savior.
Please support our advertisers whenever you can... e th S ep W or ke E u f e y D N yo Th O to E! GO ing RE m F co
1. When you remember who you are... the game changes. 2. Attention is the most basic form of love there is. 3. There is much darkness which is only cured by more light. 4. United we stand divided we fall. 5. That man on top of the mountain... he didn’t just fall there! 6. Be happy if you have today to do with as you choose.
Stop judging me because I'm a Christian...
* *
TOP 10
SIMPLE Joys... 1. Card games. 2. Road trips. 3. Grand kids. 4. Flowers. 5. A good meal. 6. Sunsets. 7. Walking in nature. 8. Love. 9. Photographs. 10. Laughter!
Good Life Tip Get a SCHEDULE to live by. It makes life so much easier if you know what to do and when to do it. Wash Day was created for a good reason!
SHOP LOCAL whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!
That love your neighbor thing I meant that.
Continued from page 10. My particular Anaconda is a four inch barrel version, .44 magnum with the factory Mag-na-ported barrel. It has the solid black Elliason fully adjustable rear sight, as well as a double pinned ramped black front sight. The trigger is the smooth combat variety, while the hammer is thoroughly stippled in case one wanted to cock it for a single action shot. It has the rubber Colt finger groove grips to absorb recoil, and the Rampant Colt emblem is on both sides. As I’ve gotten older I’ve resisted the temptation to shoot my Colts because they say it reduces their value when it comes time to sell, but I just couldn’t resist shooting this Anaconda. One day I had the Boss, the #1 daughter, and her new husband with me and we went to the woods. I brought along a box of .44 magnum hand loads and set up some tin cans about fifteen yards away.
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The cans were all lined up on a two by four sitting on a stump and firing single action, I made six in a row fly through the air with the greatest of ease. The recoil and muzzle flip was so manageable that I let my #1 daughter shoot a cylinder full, and she thought it was great. You could tell the revolver was way too heavy for her by the way she held it, but she said the recoil was nothing compared to what she thought it would be. Then the Boss got involved and instead of being the shooter, I was reduced to being the new target setter. The Boss is a highly trained shooter, but the most powerful handgun she has ever fired was a .45acp Colt Combat Commander. She fired four rounds and hit the target every time. She had two rounds left and I challenged her. I told her if she could shoot one can two times before it stopped moving, she could be called top shot for Continued Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers. They sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
It’s a good deal for you, your community and the environment.
the day. Naturally she chose the largest tin can to shoot, and sure enough she fired the first shot single action to send the can up in the air and pulled off a double action round to hit it again before it stopped moving. She’s no dummy.
SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.
o n D O O G l l i t s s i D n GOO e p p a h u o y n e h w r matte . t i s s o r c to run a LIVE by it!
I never dreamed she could do it with the Anaconda, but I guess the mild hand loads, the Mag-na-ported barrel, and her choosing the largest can made it happen for her. I had to listen to her verbally replay her feat of shooting skill all the way home and it was a long ride.
See GOOD never expires...
Until next time, shoot often, practice with an eye towards perfection, focus on the front sight, squeeze the trigger (don’t jerk it), and remember to join the NRA to protect your gun rights.
Here’s a perfect Example: If it was a GOOD book in 1952, it ’s still a GOOD book today.
Junior’s Boy Lifetime NRA Member
***GOOD has no expiration - it always remains GOOD. It ’s some kind of weird law.
Continued from page 17.
If you don't know whether you want to go to college and you feel pressured to spend $30,000 a year to figure out "what you want to be," don't. Don't do it. Figure out what you want to be while working with dirty hands.Apprentice under a mechanic; plumber; electrician; carpenter, etc. Blue collar work is good work. Blue collar work honors God. Blue collar work is dignified work that built this great nation.
As I left my mechanic today I said, "Greg, thank you so much for what you do. I love seeing your business succeed; I am glad that so many people are paying you, even though I wish I wasn't." Greg laughed and said, "You know everyone used to tell me that I needed to go to college. And I thought to myself, 'Why don't we each just do what we are called to do.'" That's great advice.
And the secret that no one is telling you: Do what you are called to do. they make really good money. Vocation. I am all for college education; but more importantly, I am all for vocation So you can make money while (which means calling). Greg's a smart guy trying to figure out what "you want to be" (and he’s getting pretty wealthy too). or you can spend $30,000 a year trying to figure out how you want to make money. Author Unknown You see the problem with that?
Don’t ask the Lord for a light load...
ask Him for a strong back.
Our LAST WORD About SIMPLE Things That Matter
Such a SIMPLE Thing... to take a family photo inside a tree. But the memory lasts a lifetime.