Let’s GO somewhere this summer!
Let us point you towards some
good stuff!
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The Santa Fe Good News Magazine (409) 370-0030 P. O. Box 515 Santa Fe, TX 77510 Email us at: lynn@santafegoodnews.com www.santafegoodnews.com
Inside This Issue A good movie, some good food, lots of fun travel ideas and a whole lot of other Good Stuff!
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have any call us!
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Try some digital advertising this year - it’s cheap, long lasting and you can attract NEW customers you have never targeted before.
Beaches? Sometimes you just need to get out of Dodge ... Life gets to be TOO MUCH sometimes ... We can only handle so much before all of us have to wave the white flag, surrender and retreat. Too much grief, too much work, too much responsibility and even too much sickness can overwhelm us from time to time. The women in my husband’s family used to have a neat tradition for all funerals. They handled them all the same way. They took care of all the details, responsibilities and organized all of the food setup. (Back then the dinner was almost as important as the service.) The day after the funeral, they all left. They usually went to a casino or some place far enough away to relax, re-charge and refresh themselves.
Refreshing ... It’s healthy. There are seasons in our lives just like in nature. We go through ups and downs just like the tide ebbs and flows. We can’t afford to get stuck. Getting stuck renders us unable to do what we need to do. If you find yourself in a rut or having a hard time getting out of your current situation, a change of scenery may be just what the doctor should order. Use this summer to refresh yourself and re-boot.
There are so many options these days... Method
Fly. Drive. Take a train. Rent an RV. Ride on a steamboat. Take a cruise.
Coast to coast. Visit our National Parks. Explore your birthplace. Leave the country. Pick a state. To the nearest beach.
Hotel Campsite Cabin/Lodge Hostel With Family Tent
NEED dinner ideas? CLICK HERE... IDEAS galore!
Get away to somewhere ... for a little while.
Mountains Rivers
You’ll be glad you did!
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If you have arthritis this is an awesome product... It is a topical product that is supposedly safe for even 12 year olds that actually works great! My daughter uses it too and loves it. She likes the fact that it has no scent like some joint creams do. "Even though my body feels like I'm 90 sometimes, I don't have to smell like it!" You can click on the link above or Google it yourself to investigate it like we did or just ORDER it... if you happen to be one of the few people that it doesn't work for the money back guarantee means you haven't lost anything for giving it a try.
Red Ripe Juicy Tomatoes It’s That Time Again... Sliced, roasted, sauced or fried up green, you just can’t beat a fresh summertime tomato!
And all that glorious fruit that goes with them!
Things To Do With Tomatoes
I hope you planted tomatoes this year! I strongly encourage you to grow however much of your own food as you possibly can and in many parts of the country it is not too late to get a late summer garden in. You will be glad you did this fall.
1. Freeze ’em!
My name is Christy Jordan and I like to feed people."
floundered! They are just that good!
Freezing tomatoes is an incredibly simple 4. Make ’em into a pie! way to put them up. It’s fast, easy, and requires no special equipment. You will Tomato pie is a wonderful side dish that be rewarded with garden fresh taste when can also double as a meal in itself! you use them in soups and stews this fall. There is nothing like it!
5. Make A Salad!
2. Make Tomato Chips!
This is one of my favorite salads to bring to family reunions, summer potlucks, or I have been making tomato chips almost to eat pretty much year round. It’s always daily for several weeks now because we eat best with garden fresh tomatoes though. them just as fast as I can get them made! This simple method yields a deliciously 6. Make a Garden Skillet! crisp chip that can be eaten as a snack or tossed in soups and stews to rehydrate and This is an easily customizable meal using serve like you would traditional stewed whatever veggies your garden is currently tomatoes. giving you. Yesterday I made it and doubled the tomatoes, used fresh squash 3. Broil ’em! from a neighbor and paired it with the other simple ingredients and seasonings This is a very common lunch for me during for a fresh and filling home cooked meal tomato season. I slice fresh tomatoes, add in one! Continued on page 9. a few simple ingredients, and eat until I’m
Please support Christy in any way you can, because she helps bring the GOOD NEWS to you!
CLICK here...
Tomatoes, Okra, and Bacon Side Dish Ingredients: •5-50 pieces of bacon* •3 medium to large tomatoes, diced •1 onion, chopped •about 2 big handfuls of okra*, diced (2-3 cups once diced) •Salt & Pepper to taste
How to Put Up Tomatoes The super easy way! All you’ll need is a pot of boiling water and some freezer bags.
Instructions: 1. In large skillet over medium high heat, cook bacon until crispy, turning as needed. Remove cooked bacon to paper towel lined plate and set aside. 2. Keep about 4 tablespoons of bacon grease in skillet and pour the rest into your grease jar to save. 3. Place chopped onion into bacon grease and continue cooking over medium high heat until onion is translucent. Add okra and tomatoes and cook, stirring often, until okra is tender. Sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper to taste. 4. Remove to serving bowl and generously sprinkle crumpled bacon over top. Notes: *I’m not really suggesting that you make this dish with 50 piece of bacon. However, I would not object to you doing so, provided you invited me to supper. As far as the ingredients in this, you can use more or less of any one item based on what you have on hand.
CLICK HERE for details. You think CANDY CRUSH is addicting? Just wait & see what we have for you in the upcoming issues of the Good News! We want to introduce you to a GOOD LIFE on your computer...
for all of the recipes! 7. Make a Relish Corn relish is good on pretty much anything but I especially enjoy it on top of a bowl of pinto beans or served alongside fresh cornbread. This also makes a great Christmas gift to anyone who would enjoy a little taste of summer during the winter months.
8. Make a Goulash! This is one of my dear favorite one pot suppers. My friend, Stacey Little, came up with this recipe and every single flavor is just spot on perfect.
9. Fry ‘Em! Fried Green tomatoes are as Southern as sweet tea, and for good reason! If you have any unripened tomatoes or harder
than usual red ones, use this recipe to make one Jim Dandy of a side dish!
10. Make Tacos! Fresh chopped tomatoes are always wonderful served atop tacos. This recipe combines them with fresh herbs to make a delicious topping on Greek Chicken Tacos.
11. Share Them With Neighbors! A tradition as old as gardens are, sharing bounty with neighbors fosters friendships and lends a helping hand as well. If you have a bountiful garden this year and know someone who doesn’t: Be a good neighbor and share the fruits of your labor!
That man up there on top of that mountain... he didn’t just fall there!
If you could sit here today with Jesus on this bench, what would you ask him?
Justice For All In lieu of reviewing another great gun this month, which did we thought would be in bad taste given the current climate… we decided to talk about JUSTICE here instead. The opinions below are our own and they are not meant to offend anyone, but as long as we still have the right to voice our opinions publicly - we will.
We have created a culture that allows “any type of behavior”. We no longer have standards for common decency in our country because no one wants to offend anyone for fear they will be bullied for their opinion.
We have given more rights and benefits to the convicted criminal than we have to their victims. The laws protect them more so than the innocent people they harm. Everyone matters and everyone deserves to be treated decently, however we cannot fail to punish by means of separation and Common decency is behavior that removal of certain rights from those who conforms to accepted standards of commit crimes. Law means nothing if it morality or respectability. is not supported by punishment sufficient to discourage the crime. People don’t talk about hell much anymore, but it exists and perhaps that is This man/child who chose to part of the problem. We don’t talk about the harm all of the people in Santa Fe Texas consequences of our choices and actions. deserves to suffer the consequences of his We all make choices and all choices have actions. Right now those consequences are consequences. If you’re going to demand not near severe enough to suit the severity that something be done to protect our of the crime. This is the change that is children – demand harsher legislation for needed to lessen the frequency of school the people and children who choose to shootings and all crimes. harm our children. Right is right and wrong is still wrong. Insane or not, bullied or not, mistreated as a child or not – if you cause When you harm someone there harm to yourself or others – you need to need not be any gray area. It’s wrong. It be removed from the general population. doesn’t matter whether it’s done by men, Everyone matters, everyone has rights and women or children by means of guns, DWI everyone makes choices that affect the lives or abortion – you have harmed someone of other people. Harming innocent people and it’s wrong. It doesn’t matter why you is wrong and should have consequences did what you did – you can’t justify why sufficient enough to deter others from your crime is ok. wanting to suffer the same fate. Crime will not stop until the punishment is sufficient It doesn’t matter if the victim enough to deter the copycats, the people is 30 weeks old, 6 years old, or 41 – you too lazy to do honest work for a living and harmed them and it’s wrong. There needs all of the other people who choose not to to be consequences. When there are not live by society’s rules. sufficient consequences – everyone just does whatever they please. I’m not saying we should bring back the chain gangs or treat anyone We should be calling for changes in our cruelly, but our prison system is NOT prison system. working when people are willing to return there 3 or 4 times for the same crimes. Continued on page 18.
CORNER SPIRIT & SOUL Jesus wept just like we do.
* *
* *
I Saw What Happened Remember my love endures forever, I have not abandoned you. This is only temporary…the lives you live here. I know the plans I have for you and they are good plans. You can choose to believe that and you won’t suffer near as much or nearly as long. Or you can choose not to believe me and if that’s your choice, then I can’t help you. I want to help you. I want to ease your suffering, but you have to choose to let me. You have to choose to read what I’ve said and believe it. I can offer you water, but I won’t make you drink it. Right now you’re thirsty, drink. My words will apply salve to your wounds. My words will make your burdens lighter and heal you. And my words will ease your grief. I hear your prayers and cries and I want to help you. I’ve always wanted to help you. Sometimes things seem to be more than you can bear, but you can bear them and I’ll help you if you let me. I have put all you need within your reach. Reach out and take what I am offering. There are people who have my hands to help you. There are people with my funds to assist you. There are people with my heart to love you through this time. I’ve sent you all the help you need to ease your way. I do love you. Don’t throw that love away when you need it so badly right now.
I have planned all of your days. Nothing happens without my knowledge. I control all, but I do not take responsibility for your choices. Dealing with the consequences of your choices is not my responsibility, it is yours. I will help you with anything, but you have to ask me. That is your responsibility. God
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Need help?
Look no further - you’ve found it. I will help you. Seek out a local church I’ll be there. This ad was paid for by a local Love, GOD
church who cared enough about you to pay for an ad to try to help you.
Happy Father’s Day!
When I hold your hand, touch your face or squeeze you tight, you can feel my love for you. Love is not in what you say, it’s in what you do.
Let your love be sincere (a real thing); hate what is evil [loathe all ungodliness, turn in horror from wickedness], but hold fast to that which is good. Romans 12:9 Amplified LAGNIAPPE God forgave me, so I must forgive. God is merciful to me. (He loves me and has been so good to me even though I don’t deserve it.) So I must be merciful to others who don’t deserve it.
Please... Stop judging me because I'm a Christian.
God loves me, so I must love others. God has been good and kind to me, so I must be good and kind to others.
I am no more perfect than you are and you need to stop expecting me to be. Save it for the self righteous, I know I need a savior.
God has blessed me, so I must bless others.
And please support our advertisers whenever you can...
HELP! You’re right it is, but you and I together can do anything.
ey e Th at D e cr O S! GO W NE
I don’t think I can do this (whatever it is). It’s just too much for me...
That is the point isn’t it? When we get overwhelmed it’s because we are trying to handle something ourselves and we just can’t do it. We need His help.
* *
Rating: B+
This movie is all about sex, inferred sex, not actual sex.
*Our NEW Rating System: A is excellent, B is good and anything less than that doesn’t get talked about here, because there’s nothing good to say.
It’s suitable for adults and mature adolescents.
Evan Rachel Wood Scott Speedman Showing: Treat Williams On Amazon Prime and other Kate Burton digital platforms. J. K. Simmons Jay Wheeler (Scott Speedman) is his bookie out, because Jay is a degenerate a handsome playboy capable of wooing the gambler who never wins enough to pay off women of Los Angles with his charismatic his debts. It seems he likes to bet on the banter and physical sex appeal. The very ponies and he can’t pick a winner to save first scene shows him putting on his jeans his life. in a sparsely decorated “bachelor” pad. Then cut to the bed and a beautiful young One day he’s moping the floors in woman is just waking up. the front lobby when he hears a commotion and sees the doctor in charge of the hospital He notices her stirring and the first trying the check in a new patient who’s thing he says to her after an inferred night not real clear on what’s going on. The of passion is “would you mind locking the beautiful nubile waif, (Evan Rachel Wood), door on your way out?” She sits up in the Daisy has been picked up by the police and bed obviously nude, but covered with a top referred to the hospital for a psychiatric sheet and asks demurely, “so you’re not evaluation. She is totally beautiful and going to buy me breakfast then?” Without when Jay sees her he is intrigued by her a moment’s thought he says “Naw”, and physical beauty and her lack of shoes. leaves her there, dejected. I thought to myself, I never did that he must be crazy. Not long after her arrival, Daisy I wasn’t too far off. is being examined by a fake doctor (the night shift security guard) and Jay hears Jay works in a psychiatric hospital her distress. He intervenes on her behalf by mopping floors as part of his probation. knocking out the deviant and calming her Another reason he works there is because fears. As he leaves her room she decides they have a strict door control security to follow him. system that keeps the thugs working for Continued on page 20. DONATE NOW
Do you have a few dollars a month you can spare to help some kids? "Where you spend your dollar will always tell you where your heart is."
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A man who does not advertise is like a man winking in the dark... He knows what he is doing... but no one else does!
Behind every cloud the sun still shines, behind every trial I still reign.
Continued from page 10. Life should mean life without parole. We need to do away with “good time”. Habitual criminals should not be released. We pay for televisions, wages (if they work at all) and conjugal visits for people who harm innocent people, really? How dumb is that? Our prison system is a multi-million dollar business. Whose dollars do you think they are? We need to stand up for the innocent people who are no longer here to stand up for themselves. And we need to advertise the heck out of it! Harm anyone and you will receive the harshest sentence allowed by law. In the words of Merle Haggard “the joint used to be a bad place to be” and we need to bring that back. NATIONWIDE prison reform, prayer and people raising decent children are GOOD places to start. If you would like to do something TODAY – write or call the Governor of LIKE them on Facebook for NEWS, DEALS, and IDEAS! CLICK HERE.
Habitat has volunteer, homeownership and ReStore donation and shopping opportunities in your local area. *Please contact your nearest Habitat to learn more.
Justice For All
your state and ask for stiffer penalties. We have included a SAMPLE letter below that you can use as is, add to or create your own from and you can go to sleep tonight knowing that YOU at least tried to do something to change our society. CLICK HERE to contact Texas Governor Abbott. Dear Governor, In light of the latest school shooting, I would like you to consider using your power and connections to encourage the following: Prison reform. (Stiffer sentences, eliminating “good time” and parole of habitual offenders.) Advertisement of the stricter CONSEQUENCES for those who cause harm to others for any reason. Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers. They sell new and gently used furniture, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. ReStores are independently owned and operated by local Habitat for Humanity organizations. Proceeds are used to help build strength, stability, self-reliance and shelter in local communities and around the world.
It’s a good deal for you, your community and the environment.
We are here to encourage you. We are here to assure you that God has everything under control and if you believe in Him, everything’s going to be all right in the end.
Create a Group Start your own support group for single new VISION: for every girl with an unplanned pregnancy to have a church moms at your home church! to go to for spiritual, emotional and The new Embrace Life curriculum physical support. and program equips single new moms on how to flourish in their relationship with God and MISSION: to inspire and equip the not only survive in life but THRIVE! These church to love on single and pregnant brave moms will learn spiritual and practical young women and their families. ways to help navigate their way through life while using the Holy Spirit as their compass. WHAT WE DO: The primary goal of Embrace Grace is to empower churches across the nation to be a safe and non-judging place for the girls to run to when they find out they are pregnant, instead of the last place they are welcomed Embrace Grace and Life were created to help because of shame and guilt. encourage, educate and empower young, single moms just like you, and to speak into WHY WE EXIST: your life to make sure that you know that your Emotionally and spiritually healthy dreams are not over. mommies parent emotionally and spiritually healthy babies. God still has an amazing destiny and purpose created just for you, all you have to do is grab a hold of it and believe. He wants to be in relationship with you because He put gifts and talents inside of you that only YOU have. By joining an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life group you will learn how to dream big while also receiving help with the practical and spiritual aspects of life. There is a place for you!
Find a Group HERE
Currently Serving
Continued from page 20. He knows that he will be fired for hitting the security guard, so he’s leaving the hospital and Daisy slips out of the security door behind him. She’s standing in the wet parking lot in her night clothes with no shoes or anything else to her name. He tries to get her to go back to the hospital, but in her innocent manner she convinces him to let her tag along with him. This is where the laughter and adventures begin. They range from a strip club in Los Angeles to a refined wedding party in the highest social setting of New Orleans. These two unlikely companions learn about disappointment, hardship, trust and finally love.
SAVE it. SHARE it. KEEP it.
o n D O O G l l i t s s i D n GOO e p p a h u o y n e h w r e matt . t i s s o r c a to run LIVE by it! See GOOD never expires...
I found this moving to be funny on several different levels with a happy ending.
Junior’s Boy Watch the trailer HERE
Here’s a perfect Example: If it was a GOOD book in 1952, it’s still a GOOD book today. ***GOOD has no expiration it always remains GOOD. It’s some kind of weird law.
& see more of our movie reviews.
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whenever you can... because my parents say I eat a lot!
Even though our world has evil in it, it’s still possible to live in it full of love and joy because of our faith.
Our LAST WORD Do something out of your box. New adventures are waiting.