Santa Fe High School Yearbook- 1974

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Staff Marilyn Mier Paul Franke Roger Vergara Blake Wilson Debbie Ortiz Celia Harris Danny Pomonis Larry Rivera Leslie Fowler Adella Rael Ellen Casados Arlene Martinez Ellen James Mike Byrnes Anthony Martinez Dennis Mares Chrystal Sena Cindy Trout Helen Tafoya Cathy Byrnes Howard Mier

CONTENTS Theme Activities Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class Academic Sports Organizations Advertising

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Para Manama Santa Fe Senior Santa Fe, New



74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74

Pass This Way Again.

So They Say

Slip Away. Like The Twigh light Up Ahead

In The Road

I They Don't See just Wherel

/ft' L.



We're Going

All The Secrets


The Years,

Come And Go-

Take us Up, l Always Upm



* *


Away. We Must Gather SoThey Say, Are For Fools They Let Them



Sail Our Ships 12


Out On The Open Seal

Cast Away our Fears.

I Want To La ugh

While The Laughing

Is Easy, I Want

To Cry If It Makes It

Worth While*

We Will Never Pass This Way Again. Credit:

Adapted from "We May Never Pass This Way Again'' Composed & recorded by Seals and Crofts Dawnbreaker Music Co.









Homecoming queen and attendants from left to right: sophomore attendant, Sandra Gal junior attendant, Cindy Alarid, senior attendant, Phyllis Jordan, queen, Nancy Long, attendant. Ginger Lein, junior attendant, Maria Griego, and sophomore attendant, Ber Piatt.

Queen, Nancy Long.

Light my fire!

Homecoming festivities began with the construction of the bonfire by the sophomore class, who piled up truckloads of wood, boxes, etc. and topped the structure with the traditional outhouse. Later in the evening, under a clear starry sky, classes joined in the annual tug-of-war, with the senior class over-powering the juniors. Much time and talent was used in designing and producing the various floats and entries. The pre-game parade on the sunny Friday afternoon started off the final round of activities. Judges observed the floats in competition for each division. Junior class won with their entry of a huge, red bull. That night the Demon football squad won over the Gallup Bengals 29-8. After the game, couples attended the Homecoming dance with queen, Nancy Long, and court ruling over the festivities. Sweeney Gym, decorated in brightly colored streamers, provided by the cheerleaders, was the setting for the 1973 Homecoming dance. Music supplied by Gold Rush added the final touch to the charming evening.

Along with participating in the annual city Labor Day fiesta celebration, Mrs. Carr's fifth period English class staged traditional " F i e s t a D a y " at school, where students and facul were encouraged to dress in the fiesta style. A competition was held with winners from the faculty receiving a basket of fresh vegetables and winners among the students receiving activity tickets. Many enthusiastic students as well as faculty participated in the event, exhibiting various colorful and traditional costumes reflecting Santa F e ' s cultural history.

Fiesta Day

Mike Byrnes hosts Fiesta Day.

Mariachis set the fiesta mood.

Junior Miss

Cynthia Johnson competes for the title.

The 1973 Junior Miss competition was held on November 24 and 25 at Greer Garson Theater located on the College of Santa Fe campus. The new Junior Miss was selected from 23 senior girls attending high schools in the Santa Fe j area. The girls were judged by a percentage system based on scholastic achievement, creative and performing arts, judges' interview, poise and appearance, and youth fitness. Awards received by Santa Fe High girls were: Debbie Cooke, 1st runner-up; Cynthia Johnson, 2nd runner-up; Ginger Lein, 4th runner-up; Carolyn Silver, Miss Congeniality; and Gina Federici, Highest grade point average.

It's always fun to play in the straw.


Step and Jody enjoy the music.


After much sweet talk and bribery, many girls managed to "catch" a partner for the annual Sadie Hawkins Dance sponsored by the Speech Club in "Sweeney Barn" on November 21. To set an appropiate atmosphere, the floor of the gym was covered with straw and the walls were decorated with comics and a large mural.Crepe paper streamers hung from the balcony. Various booths added an original aspect to the dance. At the corsage booth, one could buy a corsage made with radishes and carrots. The traditional marriage booth supplied marriage contracts selling at 5 cents for a "cheap-skate" license; 10 cents for the "middle-class American"; or 25 cents for the "super-duper". Any couple who went to the honeymoon hut could spend one minute inside! Then a couple may have ended up the evening at the divorce booth. In addition, a hard-boiled egg eating contest was held with a representative from each class. Peter Gurule, a junior, won this event. In the relaxed and informal atmosphere, an enjoyable evening was spent.

The happy couple after 10 minutes of marriage.

Queen, Joann Mustian.

The annual Snowball Dance was held on the crisp night of December 7 from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Sweeney Gymnasium. Decorations were provided by the Santa Fe student council, who also sponsored the delightful event. Delicate white, paper snowflakes covered the roof of Sweeney gym while colorful streamers and murals completed the magical effect. During the dance, Joann Mustian, senior, was elected snowball queen, with Darby Spring, junior and Lisa Barella, sophomore, as her attendants. Admission to the dance was only one toy per couple. Music was provided by the "Lumbre de Sol" band.



Demon Christmas

" D e m o n Christmas Under t h e S t a r s " has become more popular each year and is developing into a tradition. This year Donna* DeLayo, Cindy Beadles and Donald Quintana were designated by Student Council as chairmen for the activity. Due to the large amount of participation, the evening program was held in the School gymnasium. Decorations for each building were supplied by the homerooms of the building and student council provided^ the decorations for campus, which consisted of farolitos, luminarios, and murals. Class and club projects were held along with a choral program and music from the Dance Band. In addition, teachers opened their classrooms to visit with students; and parents. The whole campus came alive with brilliant lights and t h e Christmas spirit of those who attended.


Patrick's Dance

Are you sure you're wearing green?

St. Patrick's Day brought out the Irish in everyone and coincided with the beginning of Spring Break which was a double reason for S.F.H.S.students to celebrate by attending the St. Patrick's dance. Traditional green and white decorations were used, with shamrocks much in evidence. Faith and begorrah! T'was a grand time had by all! Let's go eat!


Get that ball away!

omeroom basketball kept the campus jumping during e late winter and spring months. Boys and girls teams ere set up through homerooms and rivalry was tense. However, through wins, losses, forfeits and ss, the spirit of good clean fun prevailed.



Isn't that the cat's meow?

Dance of the 50's

Bobby soz and boogie-woogie! In a nostalgic mood, students recaptured the spirit of the '50's in one of the spring's most enjoyable dances. In authentic 50's dress, couples jitterbugged away the evening and hope for an encore next year. 31

Ping- Pong

What started out as a simple, homeroom ping-pong tournament developed into an epic battle for supremacy of the paddles. Nearly a hundred students participated in the playoffs where Danny Gonzales and LaDean Whitehead were the ones to beat - and no one ever really did! Singles, doubles and mixed doubles kept a gallery of spectators occupied and the halls of J-Building ringing with the measured whack of paddle on ball.

Wayne returns a smash

The Winners: Pancho Sobien, Riena Alarid, Danny Gonzales, Tommy Gonzales, and John Brandt, receiving congratualtions from Mr. Joseph Casados. Not pictured: LaDean Whitehead.


Pearl Harbor Day at Santa Fe High School is an annual observance of the anniversary of December 7, 1941; the beginning of World War II. This ceremony is managed by the Staters Club under the sponsorship of the American Legion and Auxiliary. Speakers included Mayor Valdez and various military personnel. The Navy ROTC supplied a color guard for flag raising and the solemn atmosphere reminded students of a dark day in history none can personally remember.

Gill Staters serve punch and cookies.

Pearl Harbor Day

The end of Pearl Harbor Day activities


Queen Mary Elizabeth Montoya

Pan American


A loyal club member dishes out the munchies.


Wrong! The audience is standing on their heads.

I Demon Vaudeville

Nick in a soulful mood

How did I blow it?

Gee, I hope everybody's watching!

Latin Banquet provides Santa Fe High students the chance to dine and be entertained in the opulent elegance of ancient imperial Rome. Sponsored by Mr. Ortega and his Latin classes, the banquet is one of the biggest affairs of the school year. Jugglers, dancers and wrestlers performed for the diner's amusement while waiters and slaves served a sumptuous feast to the toga-ed throng. Next, the ritual sacrifice.


Waiting for the next course.



Please! I have a delicate stomach.

The faithful wine-bearer.

I wish that guy would quit dancing with my date!

Varsity Ball

What is she hiding behind that hair?

Varsity Ball is the only night of the club year that Letter S men are not working. The rest of the time, they present themselves on the playing fields and courts to support the Demon's hardhitting athletic program. The 1974 Ball was a change from all this. Held at the Elks Club, the letter men and their dates enjoyed flowers, a coke bar, and steak dinner, after which, there was dancing to a live band. The large turnout was a tribute to the eteem held for retiring coach, Jim Starr.

Mr. Sena enjoys the entertainment

Junior-Senior Prom begins months ahead of time with the Juniors trying all known means to raise funds and holding frantic meetings to plan a theme for the dance that is their farewell gesture to departing Seniors. This year, the formal ball was planned around the Senior song "We May Not Pass This Way Again." Glittering, silver, color-lighted decorations sparkled in spectrum hues as the nimble band beat out rhythm from solid rock to Spanish Folk dances. Elegant ball gowns, colorful tuxedos and dining out in style all added to a memorable evening of May 17.


"We shouldn't leave foi another hour."

If s TWICE as cute combed out!

Gosh! How did that ever happen to little old me?


Ernie gets one more. How monotonous!

Awards Assembly is that happy day of the year when teachers recognize the outstanding students for their accomplishments. Announcement of scholarship and other competitive awards are also made at this time. Going up the aisle for an award is a proud moment and makes all the work behind it worthwhile

Class Night is a mixture of fun and seriousness, when the Seniors gather to present songs, dances and acts and to spoof everything that hits their fancy. This year was no exception with the faculty, campus glamour girls and the administration all being lampooned. The wit was sharp, the presentations were fun, and all agreed that this production was one that future classes would have to work hard to excell over.






The assembled graduates

Trooping in

Nearly everyone pays attention

At 2:00 P.M. on a sunny Sunday, more than six hundred graduating seniors solemnly processed into the IAIA Amphitheater for the 1974 Baccalaureate Service. Following the invocation and anthem by the choir, readings were given by Connie Keeran and Mike Ortega. The featured speaker was Dr. James Evans who presented a "Philosophy of Life." Carolyn Silver led the graduates and assembled audience in a song and after the benediction by Fr.Edward G. O'Byrne, the procession filed out to begin the exciting round of events for Senior Week.



The big evening begins on Seth Hall steps


On the evening of May 29, the class of 1974 gathered for the last time to bid good-by to a scene and friends of the last twelve years. As they adjusted their robes and marched down the long halls into Sweeney Gym for the significant ritual of Graduation, they marched across the invisible line from student to adult. From this time forth, to the end of their lives, they are on their own to make of their world what they can. For this role, Santa Fe High played a significant part in shaping them for all the years to come. 49

'Never Again And Never


We Were The Class of 7 4 "





Abeyta, Adriene Abeyta, Francis Aguilar, Ivy Aland, Marsha

Aland, Paula Alire, Cathy Allen, Scott Alvarez, Diana

Alvarez, Joe Alvarez, Manuel Amedeo, Lisa Amiday, Dean

The Class of 74 Anaya, Barbara Anaya, Charles Anaya, Diana Anaya, Diane

Apodoca, Debbie Aragon, Selma Archuleta, Carol Archuleta, Gracie


Arellano, Louis Armijo, Rachael Armstrong, Blane Baca, Angie

Baca, Baca, Baca, Baca,

Danny Dennis Ester Irene

Baca, Jerry Baca, Julie Baca, Randy Baldoni, Jim

Bangs, Brian Barela, Ronnie

Barker, David Bauer, Warren

Baxter, Anita Beach, Scott

Beadles, Cindy Beard, Steve

Marilyn worked hard on the Annual float

Beasley, Clay Benavidez, Joseph Benavidez, Robert Benavidez, Terry

Bendt, Paul Bethel, David Blackburn, Paul Blair, Sue Ann

Bodelson, Patty Bodenner, Denise Boissiere, Mary Borgrink, Cathy


Borgrink, Chris Borrego, Bobby Boulton, Rita Bowen, Bill *•'.<#

Our Year Was Short.. Bowen, Scott Bowles, Joseph Boyd, Laura Bradford, Philip

Brandt, Bonnie Bransford, Henrietta Brewer, Cliff Br in, Lois

Broadnax, Joyce Bryant, Teresa

Buchles, Willy Burch, Willis

Bustos, Jaime Byrnes, Scott Cardinas, Chris Cardinas, Eloy

Our Days Were Filled Cardinas, John Carlisle, Debbie Carmen, Gene Carpenter, Kim

Catnach, David Challenger, David Chapman, Lyn Chappell, Dan

Chavez, Donald Chavez, Eddie Chavez, John Chavez, Lupe

Chavez, Mary Alice Chavez, Mike Chavez, Walter Childers, Karen


Christiansen, J a m e s Clanton, Patty Clausen, Mark Cole, Kim

Our Studies Cooke, Debbie Cooper, Doug Cordova, Steve Cowder, Gary

Cowder, Mike Craig, Sid Croce, Daniela Dalton, Charlie

Daniels, Bret Darris, Frank deDastro, Vicki Dennis, Mike

Dietz, Howard Dill, Becky Dobyns, Step Dofflemeyer, Donna


Doles, Peter Dominguez, Bernadette Dunham, Laurie Duran, Erin

Us To Lea rn

Duran, Pearl

Duran, Roman

Duran, Sylvia

Earp, Carole Egan, Michelle Espinoza, Harry Evans, Liz


Federici, Gina Fernandez, Patsy Fowler, Leslie Franke, Paul

We Did our Work.. Fresquez, Steve Fry,Joann Fulgenzi, Charmain Gage, Trisha

Gallagher, Mark Gallegos, Benny Gallegos, Jerry Gallegos, Kathy

Everyone Gives It A Try

Gallegos, Patty Gallegos, Theresa Garcia, Cathy Garcia, Donald


HadOurFun Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia,

Eileen Frances James Joann

Garcia, Kathy Garcia, Leah Garcia, Liz Garcia, Lori

Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia,

Marcus Philip Steve Susie

Garcia, Tina Gee, Dennis Getz, Mardi Gibbs, Mike

Gibbs, Susan Gierat, Judy Gilmer, Wil Gomez, Daniel

Gomez, Theresa Gonzales, Dorothy Gonzales, Gilbert Gonzales, Lorraine

Gonzales, Gonzales, Gonzales, Gonzales,

Marcia Mary Jane Nancy Phillip

Gonzales, Pita

Gonzales, Rosalie


Gonzales, Tanya

Gonzales, Vincent

Holding up the warm side of the building

Gore, Roy Graham, Gary Graham, Liz Graham, Wanda

Gtamajo, Teresa Granger, Shirley Granillo, Annie Gravel, Joyce

Greer, Nanette Gregory, Kelly Griego, Bernardo Griego, Frankie


Griego, Phyllis Griego, Ruben Gulsuig, Jody Gunther, Steve

Gurule, Edwin Gutierrez, Consuelo Gutierez, Leah Hale, John

Christmas And The Ski Slopes

Harenberg, Jill

Harris, Celia

Hattaway, Karen


Hawthorne, David Hays, Pat Hefferman, Brian Heidel, Cathy

Henderson, Chris Hendricks, Jana Hernandez, Andy Herrera, Jerry

Brightened Mid-Winter

Slump Herrera, Ted Hightower, Debbie Hill, Janice Hobday, Roger

Holder, April Holmes, Wilber Hopkins, Mary Lou Home, Nick

Houseman, Fred Howland, Dana Huston, Ralph Hutchison, Vicky


Ipiotis, James Ireland, Betty Jackson, Greg Jarmillo, Sal

Jasper, Kimberly Jimenez, Peggy Jenkins, Valli Johnson, Cynthia

Friends Who Jones, Gini Jones, Robert Jordan, Jennie Jordan, Phyllis

Keeran, Connie Kelly, Bob Kiefer, Anna Kinsbury, Leonard

Kittell, Jerry Kloss, Peggy Kluesner, Karla Koch, Cherie



Korones, Steve Landers, Lori LeBow, Vickie Legits, Diane

Lein, Ginger Lerma, Lorraine Leyba, Priscilla Leyba, Ronnie

Made Our Lives Richer

Lineberry, Paul

Littleton, Larry

Logue, Bernie Long, Kathy Long, Nancy Lopez, John


Lopez, Katrina Lopez, Linda

Lopez, Lorrie Lopez, Theresa

Lucero, David Lucero, Debbie Lucero, Yvonne Ludi, Phyllis

Lujan, Lujan, Lujan, Lujan,

Bernie Joe John Larry

Lujan, Lilian

Luna, Coral Lusk, Lisa Madrid, Patty


Maes, Lawrence Maestas, Dolores Maestas, Neddie Maestas, Rita

Maez, Elvinia Manzanares, Gloria Marquez, Liz Martinez, Albert

Martinez, Martinez, Martinez, Martinez,

Martinez, Danny Martinez, Eric

Martinez, Francia Martinez, Herb

Anna Barbara Cecilia Dale

Martinez, Irma Martinez, John Martinez, Lilly Martinez, Magdaline

Martinez, Mike Martinez, Theresa Mascarenas, Carmelina Mascarenas, Debbie

Seniors Created

Mathews, David Matingly, Philip Maxwell, Charles McCormick, Jonathan

McCrory, Susan McDermott, Dirk McDowell, Jack McMillen, Bob

McMillen, Roberta Medina, Don Medina, Marcus Melchor, Debbie

Mendoza, Valerie Mengis, Mimi Mercer, John Merker, Lisa

Merrill, John Mier, Marilyn Miera, Robert Mignardot, Tony

Campus Spirit

Miller, JoAnne Moberly, Julie Mondragon, Socorro Montes, John

This b Where The Action la.


Montes, Patty Montoya, Beverly Montoya, Fred Montoya, Liz

Montoya, Montoya, Montoya, Montoya,

Martha Martin Mike Patrick

The Library Wall

Moore, Keith Moore, Tom Morelos, Dave Morris, Michele

Everyone Ignores The Camera For A Change

Moulton, Joe Moya, Veronica Muller, Jeanette Mulligs, Cindy

Muniz, Manual Mustian, Joanne Naranjo, Robert Navaiz, Paul

Was A Favorite Spot Nielson, Janet Noel, Danny Noriega, Larry Norris, Tom

Oellien, James Ogas, Mike Ortega, Cathy Ortega, Elena

Ortega, Martha Ortega, Mike Ortiz, Debbie Ortiz, Denise

Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz,

Jane Jimmy Lucille Mike

Snowy Weather Ortiz, Sally Pacheco, Anna Pacheco, Charles Padilla, Charles

Padilla, Dave Padilla, Jackie Padilla, Joann Parr, Bob

Peacock, Carol Pearson, Tracy Peck, Bill Pelaccio, Daria

Pena, Andy Pena, Harold Perea, Albert Perez, Loretta



Perry, Susie Petchesky, Steve Phillips, Debbie Pino, Geraldine

Eighteen Minutes A Day 'CAIMJ

Poehler, Sandra

Pollard, Jim

Pomonis, Danny

Pontsler, Melody Porter, Lauren Portillo, Anthony Prada, David


Quijada, Jose Quijada, Sara Quintana, Audrey Quintana, Cathy

Quintana, Donald Quintana, Grace Quintana, Janette Quintana, Mike

We Looked Forward

Quintana, Robert

Rael, Adella

Rael, Carol Rael, Cindy Rael, Paul Ramirez, Delia


Ramirez, Eddie Reak, Dana Reyes, Richard Richardson, Jan

Rios, Peter Ritch, Kathy Rivera, Christine Rivera, Ernie

And Sometimes, Back. Rivera, Joseph Rivera, Larry Robbins, Kristen Roberts, Richard

Rodella, Tito Rodriguez, Debbie Rodriguez, Francis Rodriguez, Lou Anne

Rodriguez, Louis Rodriguez, Olivia Romero, Chris Romero, Cynthia


Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero,

David Diana Eloy George

We Could Make

Romero, Geraldine

Romero, Johnny

Romero, Kenny Romero, Liz Romero, Mariano Romero, Maxine

Romero, Patricia Roybal, Debbie Roybal, Frances Roybal, Gabriel


Roybal, Gaby Roybal, Joseph Roybal, Mike Rue, Fran

Ruiz, Leslie Runner, Gary Saiz, Frank Saiz, Martha

It Happen

Salas, Debbie

Salazar, Mike

Salazar, Ronald Salazar, Sammy Salgado, Herbert Sanchez, Dolores



Sanchez, Sanchez, Sanchez, Sanchez,

Edward Ernie Gene Paul

Sanchez, Rachael Sandoval, Debbie Sandoval, Diana Sandoval, Patty

Sandoval, Ralph Sandoval, Tim Sandoval, Victoria Segura, Janette

Sena, Sena, Sena, Sena,

Albert Debbie Lorraine Louie

Serrano, Cecilia Serrano, Rick Sewell, Amy Shaw, Mary


Silva, Joe Silver, Carolyn Silver, Debbie Simoni, Rosina

Sisneros, Joe Sisneros, Patsy Skinner, Joseph Snyder, Monica

Sosa, Regina Sosaya, Eugene Southerland, Robert Spencer, Scott

Stacy, David Stamets, Steve Stromberg, Barbara Stump, Debbie


Stumpff, John Svarez, Eddie Tapia, Anita Tapia, Tommy

Seniors Were Varied

Theragood, George

Thompson, Norman

Tierney, Robyn

Bowen Off To Find The Perfect Photo

Torres, Melinda


Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo,

Al Arleen Danny Diane

Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo, Trujillo,

Maria Mike Philip Rosemary

And Versatile

Trujillo, Theresa Tsosie, Clifford Ulibarri, Anna Urioste, Lorraine

Vail, Robert Valdez, Barbra Valdez, Debbie Valdez, Mary

Valdez, Rosalie Valdez, Sandra Valencia, Jack Valencia, Ronald


Valerio, Danny Vanderford, Cathy Vargas, Liz Vedeler, Anna Hedvig

Velarde, Charles Velarde, Mary Velasquez, Diana Velasquez, Liz

Many Vergara, Roger Vieira, Joe Vigil, Debbie Vigil, Debbie

Vigil, Vigil, Vigil, Vigil,

Donna Gilbert John Marlene

Vigil, Shirly Vigil, Victor Villa, Dorothea Villa, Lawrence



Villegas, Dominic Walker, Phyllis Walraven, Becky Ward, Peggy

Ward, Russell Weidner, Marie Wells, Teresa Wheat, Bonnie

Kept Us busy Wheeler, Betty Wheeler, Mike Wickham, Gary Wier, Pat


Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams,

Cindy DeAun Donna Jeri

Williams, Phil Williams, Tom Wilson, Blake Wilson, Charles

Wilson, Deanna Wilson, Paula Wisenteiner, Cari Wright, Debbie

Never Again, Never Before

Homework Is A Good Excuse For Doing Something Else

WelTheClassOf'74! Wright, John Wright, Mike Wuorien, Carolyn Zaenglein, Barbara

Zinn, Damon Zins, Jenifer Zoeltie, John Zuniga, Teofilo


Abeyta, Sandra Alano, Richard Aland, Cindy Alarid, Reina Allen, Bruce Anaya, Charles

Anaya, Danny Anaya, Dolores Anaya, Henry Anaya, Joe Anaya, Ricky Anderson, Debbie

Anglin, Melba Apodaca, Nick

Apodaca, Robert Aragon, Michelle

Aragon, Yvonne Archuleta, Connie

Archuleta, Diana Archuleta, Janette Archuleta, Vincent Arellanos, Mike Arellano, Priscilla Armijo, Eileen

Armijo, Lilly Armstrong, Karen Arzola, Mike Ater, Scott Austin, Carole Baca, Charlene


Baca, Baca, Baca, Baca, Baca, Baca,

Eppie Gail Gilbert Joseph Manuel Mike

In Search Of A New Friend. Bachicha, Carol Badsgard, Debbie Bailey, Laura Bailey,- Tracy Baird, Greg Banta, Brook

Barela, David Barela, Joe Barela, Mike Baros, Carol Basham, Donna Bassett, Robert

Beevers, Dale Benavidez, Barbara Benavidez, Raymond

Blagg, Wendy Bloyed, Cindy Bohannon, Dale

Bond, Shawn Bookless, Anita Bookless, Edward


Bookwalter, Barbara Bowen, Amy Brandt, John

Bransford, Carmella Bransford, Henry Bridge, Bunny

Brien, Beth Brito, Kathi Brommer, Luanne

Broome, Brenda Brown, Mark Buckholz, Karla Buckly, Shera Buchwald, Cheryl Buettner, Fred

Burns, David Burrage, Pat Burrell, Tracy Burton, Ed Burton, Sherry Burttran, Ann

Bushrow, Becky Bustamante, Guadalupe Bustos, Mary Bustos, Olivia Byers, Gerald Byrnes, Mike

Campos, Rebecca Candelaria, Betty Carrillo, Marianne Carrion, George Casados, Ellen Cassidy, Debbie

Castillo, Miguel Catanach, Carmelia Catanach, Mike Cde Baca, David Cde Baca, Paul Cde Baca, Virgina

Christner, Greg Chambers, Charles Chaparro, Greg Chapman, Beverly Chavet, Selah Chavez, Jeff

Chavez, Joey Chavez, Lisa Chavez, Pat Chavez, Rudy

Chavez, Vickie Chavez, Yolanda Cisneros, Patricia Clark, Cathy

Clifton, Fred Cole, Linda Contreras, Lillian Cooke, Allen

Copeland, Francie Cordova, Clarita Cordova, David Cordova, Diana Cordova, Lawrence Cordova, Tom

Correa, Alex Cruz, Patty Culberson, Cindy Urban, Ted Darmitzel, Paul Daum, Jill


Davis, Donna Day, Diane Dean, Joe Dean, Linda Decker, Glenda De Castro, Kim

Deets, Julie Dein, Robert De La 0 , Richard DeLayo, Donna Desgeorges, Frank Devargas, Robert

Deveraux, Steve Diehl, Lesley Dingus, Lori Dixon, Rachel

Dominguez, Mary Ann Dominguez, Ralph Dominick, JoDenne Doolittle, Debbie

Drysdale, Charles Duran, Alfonso Duran, Anthony Duran, Chuck

Duran, Ed Duran, Galen Duran, Lizzy Ellenburg, Debbie Elliot, Antoinette Ellis, Mike

Emert, Lanny Encinias, Steven Enders, Jan Feather, Joseph Felix, Phillip Fergus, Richard


Fielding, Robert Fisher, Leann Fitzgerald, Crispin Fleig, Jill Fleming, Cindy Flores, Louie

Our Campus, LIFE! Flores, Tony Foss, Greg Fowler, Wendy Fulgenzi, Diana Gabaldon, Maurace Gage, Paula

Garnand, Gallegos, Gallegos, Gallegos, Gallegos, Gallegos,

Scott Arsenio Danny Gloria Jerry Marcia

Gallegos, Margie Gallegos, Ray

Gallegos, Robert Gallegos, Rosemary

Gallegos, Sam Gallegos, Theresa

Garcia, Alfred Garcia, Arlene Garcia, Atocha Garcia, Cecelia Garcia, Dennis Garcia, Diana

Garcia, Ferdinand Garcia,Floyd Garcia, Herman Garcia, Joann Garcia, Judy Garcia, Lawrence

Garcia, Phillip Garcia, Sylivia

Garcia, Trina Garcia, Trisha

Garcia, Vicente Geiger, David

Talk, Talk, Talk, ...

Gerhart, Kim Gibbs, Gail Giles, Kenneth Gill, Kathleen Gladfelter, Jeff Goldberg, Audrey

Gomez, Car la Gomez, Dolores Gomez, Jim Gonzales, Angie Gonzales, Anita Gonzales, Anthony


Gonzales, Anthony Gonzales, Cathy

Gonzales, Chris Gonzales, Danny

Gonzales, Diane Gonzales,Doug

He must be here somewhere!

Gonzales, Frank Gonzales, Isabel Gonzales, John Gonzales Judy Gonzales, Loretta Gonzales, Martin

Gonzales, Raymond Gonzales, Rosie Gonzales, Tommy Gonzales, Vivian Gordillo, Margie Gorman, Joseph

Gorman, Peggy Grace, Herman Graham, Martha Grant, Linda Green, Mike Greer, Greta

Gress, Steve Griego.Frenando Griego, Frank Griego, Larry Griego, Maria Griego, Ray


Grossmen, Keith Gunn, Susan Gurule, Lawerence Gurule, Peter Gutierrez, Cornelio Gutierrez, Gilbert

Gutierrez, Jaymie Gutierrez, Philbert Gutierrez, Richard Gutterson, Clea Haase, Karen Hamilton, Jean

Hanna, Hal Hare, David Harris, Roxy Hayden, Peggy Haydock, Joey Hayes, Elizabeth

Hedgecooke, Calvin Heidel, Louie Heltman, Greg Hendricks, Karole Herrera, Anthony Herrera, Danny

Herrera , Larry Herrera , Loretta

Herrera, Lupita Hicks, Scott

Hilley, Kathleen Holgerson, Larry

Clogging it at the big dance


Holmes, Gary Holmes, Glen

Horton, Becky Hughes, John

Hulse, Gayle Jacques, Mike

Juniors lead varied roles at school.

James, Ellen Jaramillo, Clifford Jasper, Susan Johnson, Paul Jones, Karen Jones, Doug

Jordon, Mark Kahn, Leroy Kavanagh, Henry Kennedy, Romona Kessler, Theresa Kiesov, Melony

Kirby, Greg Kirsten, Boots Kirsten, David Kitchens, Bunny Klemmer, Ronald Kloth, Ray

Koroneos, Charles Koroneos, Kathy Kossman, Charlotte Kuziel, Frank Lake, Tammy Lara, Delia


Laughlin, Debbie Lautenschlager, John Lawerence, Eddie Ledoux, Liz Lee, Brian Legits, Patrick

Legits, Robert LeRouge, Anthony Letcher, Anna Clare Leyba, Andy Leyba, Danny Leyba, Ruby

Leyba, Theresa Lindsey, Donna Lindsey, Tammy Lockhart, Bill Lockhart, Jolean Logue, Rosie

Long, Bill Long, Pam Lopez, Anita Lopez, Corrine. Lopez, Dale Lopez, Frank

Lopez, Jose Lopez, Judy

Lopez, Ray Lopez, Sandra

Lord, Pat Lovato, Theresa

Donna always has something in her mouth.


Luceio, Lucero, Lucero, Lucero, Lucero, Lucero,

Anna Caroline Daniel Darlene DeAnn Eileen

Lucero, Louella Lucero, Mary Ann Lucero, Maureen Lucero, Mike Lucero, Ronnie Lujan, Cindy

Lujan, Daniel Lujan, Debbie Lujan, Patty Lusk, Jody Macias, Tammy Madrid, Dolores

Maestas, Joe Maestas, Melvin

Maestas, Mercedes Maes, Joe

Maez, Leopoldo Maez, Mary

Mahony, Vicky Manges, Joe

Is it over!?!

Manzanares, Lawrence Mares, Dennis

Mares, Dolan Mares, Linda

Mares, Philip Martin, Vivian

Martinez, Alice Martinez, Andrea

An assembly? Where is everybody?

Martinez, Anthony Martinez, Arlene Martinez, Barbara Martinez, Bobby Martinez, Cathy Martinez, Danny

Martinez, David Martinez, Josie Martinez, Judy Martinez, Kathy Martinez, Leandro Martinez, Louise

Martinez, Lydia Martinez, Mike Martinez, Pete Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Raymond Martinez, Sandra


Martinez, Susan Martinez, Victor M. Marquez, Richard Mason, Shelly Maughan, Becky Mayer, Jeff

Mayfield, Cheri Mayhon, Mitch McCabe, Gery McCachren, Pat McCraw, Pam McFarland, Jess

McFarland, Linda Medina, Monica Medrano, Liz Meranda, Janet Meyer, Joni Meyer, Max

Michalke, Diane Miller, Kim Miller, Ralph Montano, Arthur Montano, Joe Montano, Kathy

Montez, Sharon Montoya, Del

Montoya, Jerry Montoya, Jimmy

Monyoya, Mary Montoya, Nora

Montoya, Theresa Moore, Chester

Moore, Dale Moore, Robert

Moya, Gertrude Mulberry, David

Murray, Tammi Najjar, Norma Nariz, Danny Naylor, Mike Neidorf, David Nelson, Margarette

Nielsen, Marilyn Nieto, Christine Nix, Steven Noel, Wayne Odendahl, Charles Olguin, Danny

Olivas, Mark Oliver, Paul Olson, Paula O'Neil, James Ortega, Anthony Ortega, Barbara

Ortega, Danny Ortega, Debbie Ortega, Donald Ortega, Kathy Ortega, Mary Ortega, Steve


Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz, Ortiz,

Andy Belinda Bobbie Charles Imogene Lorraine

Ortiz, Patty Ortiz, Ray Ortiz, Vivian Osterman, Tim Owens, Nancy Pacheco, Anna

You meet the nicest people at SFHS Dances

Pacheco, Theresa Padilla, Elena Padilla, Ricky Padilla, Rosemary Padilla, Tom Payne, Charles

Payne, Julie Paul, Mike Penner, Lynn Perea, Daniel Perea, Debbie Perea, Patricia


Perron, Tom Peters, Fritz

Piatt, Pamela Pond, Robert

Popp, Markay Portillo, Tom

He thinks he's Snoopy in the jungle.

Poteet, Pat Prada, Mel Prosch, Barbara Quintana, Al Quintans, Elizabeth Quintana, Lawrence

Quintana, Leonard Randolph, Cathy Rael, Maria Reed, Daron Regensberg, Sheryl Reyes, Lydia

Rice, Hollis Richmond, Sandra Riggs, Mike Rivera, Christine Rivera, David Rivera, Donna

Rivera, Elaine Rivera, George Rivera, Lucille Rivera, Roque Rivera, Steve Rivera, Vivian


Rodgers, Cindy Rodriguez, Barbara Rodriguez, Bernadette

Rodriguez, Berta Rodriguez, Donna Rodriguez, Leonard

Rodriguez, Melinda Rodriguez, Milton Romero, Carilyn

Romero, David Romero, Debbie Romero, Elaine Romero, Eleanor Romero, Fernando Romero, Florence

Romero, Fonda Romero, James Romero, Jeanene Romero, John Romero, Joyce Romero, Karla

juniors enjoy Romero, Kathy Romero, Kathy Romero, Linda Romero, Louanna Romero, Marshall Romero, Patsy



Romero, Philip Rose, John Ross, Debbie Ross, Randy Russell, Leslie Roybal, Debbie

ca ught and paying for it Roybal, Mike Roybal, Tom Saiz, Ann Salazar, Ben Salazar, Linda Salazar, Mike

Salazar, Richard Salazar, Robert Salvo, Cathy Sanchez, Alfonso Sanchez, Delia Sanchez, Victoria

Sandoval, Antonia Sandoval, David Sandoval, Martina

Sandoval, Martha Sandoval, Patricia Scafford, Tracy

Scribner, Janet Schaumberg, Mark Segura, Debbie

Sena, Christal Sena, Floyd Serrano, Joe Serrano, Lavern Servis, Julie Seweli, Helen

Shaw, David Shelly, Kathleen Sieters, Debbie Sisneros, Arlean Sisneros, Janet Sloan, Mary

Sloman, Wanda Sobien, Pancho

Sosaya, Stephenie Spenser, Carl

Spring, Darby Stahl, Dale

Staszewski, Georgia Sturgeon, Edward Sullivan, Jim Surber, Joy Tachau, Paul Tapia, Bernie

Tapia, Diana Tapia, Pauline Tapia, Ralph Tapia, Ruben Tauche, Mary Ann Taylor, Debbie


Taylor, Jackie Taylor, Kirk Tercero, Toby Thomas, Bill Thomas, Britt Thompson, Kerry

Thompson, Marsha Tierney, Lauren Trujillo, Kathy Trujillo, Lawrence Trujillo, Phillip Trujillo, Robert

Trujillo, Tom Tucker, Rendal

Valdez, Alice Valdez, David

Valdez, Dolores, Valdez, Henry

Valdez, Yolanda Valente, Alan Valenzuela, Becky Valerio, Lucy Valerio, Mark Vance, Billy

Velarde, Jerry Velasquez, Anthony Velasquez, Patty Vialpando, Rosella Viera, Mark Vigil, Mark


Vigil, Janet Vigil, Johnny

Vigil, Judy Vigil, Kathy

Vigil, Leonard Vigil, Liz

Vigil, Phillip Vigil, Thomas Vigil, Victor Viklund, Lonyta Ward, Melody Ward, Wayne

Warren, Scott Watson, Hollie Watson, Irean

Juniors Work A Weil, Kate West, Margaret Wheeler, Melinda


and Plan A Little and Dream A lot!

White, Mike Whitehead, LaDean Whitlock, Mary


Wickham, Elizabeth Wickham, Robert

Wilkersen, Mark Williams, lames

Williams, Jeff Williams, Jeff

Williams, Judy Wilson, Melinda Wood, Cindy • Woirick, Kathy Wuoriner, James Yaegei, Esther

Yardman, George Yzaguirre, Andy Zuniga, David Zapata, Helen Zefrano, Marcus Zone, Robert

In Memoriam Mary Jane Orosco



Acosta, Delora Aland, Orlando Aland, Philip Aland, Yolanda Alire, Arthur Alison, Teri Alvarado, Carolyn Alvarez, Roberta Anaya, Carmen Anaya, David Anaya, Elizabeth Anaya, Joann Anaya, Mike Anderson, Vickie Annon, Sara Anstey, Jenifer Apodaca, Caren Apodaca, Eric Apodaca, Patricia Apodaca, Theresa Archibeque, Vivian Archuleta. Carol Archuleta, Danny Archuleta, Debbie Archuleta, Jerry Archuleta, John Archuleta, Robert Archuleta, Rhonda Arguello, Lucille Armbrester, Ellen Annijo, Connie Armijo, David

Reach for the stars Armijo, Mary Armijo, Paul Armijo, Steve Arteche, Paul Austen, Janet Baca, Anna Marie Baca, Bernard Baca, Brenda Baca, Danny Baca, Edmund Baca, Emily Baca, Greg Baca, Johnny Baca, Leonard Baca, Leonard Baca, Mike Baca, Patricia Baca, Sylvia Baird, Kim Baker, Glenda Balthrop, Pam Barela, Anthony Barela, Christine Barela, Kathy Barela, Lisa Barela, Mike Barrett, Ron Beach, Craig Beacham, Van Beard, Terry Benavidez, George Benavidez, Henry


Beardsely, Tom Beasley.Ginn Benavidez, loann Bernethie, Guy Berry, Debra Berry, Jake Betts, Fred Blach, Serena Bodelson, Susan Bond, Karen Borrego, Renee Boulton, Alice Bowen, Peter Bowker, Pam Boyers, Todd Braeutigam, Wayne Branch, Denise Brandborg, Heidi Bransford, Joe Bransford, Richard Brewer, Sheryl Bridge, Penny Broadnax, Douglas Brommer, Gene Brown, Jim Brown, John Burch,-Jim Burch, Vickie Buchser, Bonnie Buck, Barbara Burton, Steve Bustamante, Frank Bustos, Beth Byrnes, Kathy Campos, Loretta Campos, Tina Cardenas, June Carman, Julie Casados, Diana Ca'saus, Cathy Carillo, Anna Carr, Carol Carter, Barbara Catnach, Andrew Catnach, Daniel Catnach, Leo Catnach, Liz Catnach, Robert

Catnach, Sam C de Baca, Eloy C de Baca, Theresa

Chavet, Beth Chavez, Annabell Chavez, Cathy

Chavez, Diane Chavez, Dolores Chavez, Dorothy


Chavez, John Chavez, Martha Chavez, Raymond

Chavez, Richard Chavez, Ronnie Christen, Jo

Clanton, Robert Clokey, Herman Clokey, Ronnie So that's who she is. Combs, Pamala Cordell, Rhetta Cordova, Amanda Cordova, Mike Cordova, Stella Corn, Elouise Cornelius, Mike Correa, Vickie Corriz, Charles Corriz, Julie Coss, Danny Creek, Terri Cross, Josie Crossno, David Crownover, Doug Dale, Rick Dalton, Wayne Davis, Bob Davis, Deedee Davis, Jeffery Day, Jan Dean, Diane Deets, Edwin DeLaO, Valerie DeLayo, Diane Delong, Leslie Dennis, Johnny Deveraux, Lisa Deveraux, Tina Dieringer, Carrie Dieringer, Cathie Dietz, Kay Dixon, Joel Dixon, Robert Dominguez, Guy Dominguez, Mary Jane Doolittle, John Doolittle, Joseph Doran, Mary Lucy Dotson, Greg Doutt, Beth Duncan, Mike Dunham, Tom Dupree, Becky Dupree, Dennis Dupree, Pat Duran, Anna Marie Duran, Michelle


Duran, Mike Duran, Robert Duran, Teresa Duran, Virgie Eager, Cindy Eddleman, Carla Ellis, Tom Escudero, Patrick Evers, Karen Fallang, Tami Feind, Terri Felix, Chris Felter, Teresa Flores, Ralph Flory, Buddy Fox, Dale

Frasier, Lynn Fresquez, Steve Frettem, Susan Fry, Sally

Gage, Linda Gallagher, Billy Gallegos, Corrine Gallegos, Doris

Gallegos, Gallegos, Gallegos, Gallegos,

Jerry Margaret Orlando Robert

Gallegos, Victor Garcia, Arthur Garcia, Cindy Garcia, Cynthia

Garcia, David Garcia, Debbie A. Garcia, Debbie Garcia, Elaine

Garcia, Eugenio Garcia, Frank Garcia, James Garcia, Jenny Garcia, Joanna Garcia, Joseph Garcia, Leonor Garcia, Margaret Garcia, Maria Garcia, Mary Garcia, Mary Ann Garcia, Pat Garcia, Pat Garcia, Pauline Garcia, Robert Garcia, Roberta

I 120

Garcia, Rose Garcia, Tom Garner, Wade Gerber, Martha Getz, Paul Getz, Paula Gianardi, Lisa Gilmer, Doug Glover, Lucy Goldsborough, Bobby Gomez, Jerome Gonzales, Arthur Gonzales, Bernadette Gonzales, Charley Gonzales, Danny Gonzales, Darlene Gonzales, Debbie Gonzales, Debbie Gonzales, George Gonzales, Geraldine Gonzales, Joey Gonzales, John Gonzales, Louie Gonzales, Marie Gonzales, Mark Gonzales, Rick Gonzales, Shirley Gonzales, Steve Gonzales, Tom Gordon, Laurie Gore, Jim


plan ahead Gosling, Dan Graham, Clark Granger, James Granillo, Jose Griego, Anna Griego, Bernadette Griego, Bernice Griego, Denise Griego, Dianne Griego, Joann Griego, Joe Griego, Mario Griego, Ronnie Grossi, Mark Grossman, Tom Grubbs, Theresa Gundzik, Greg Gurule, Carolyn Gurule, Gayland Gurule, Linda Gutierrez, Sandy Haas, Michelle Halford, Vikkie Hanna, Jeff Hare, Diane Hargis, Melody Hayden, Ingrid Hedgecoke, Darrell Hernandez, Leslie Hernandez, Maria Herrera, Cathy Herrera, Roberta


Hill, Clyde Hilley, Ann Hollen, Kim Hollins, Jackie Hollis, Chris Hopkins, Cindy Hopping, Cindy Howard, Vince Hutchinson, Loretta Hyde, Valerie Jackson, Jaima Jacobs, Ronnie James, Belinda Jaramillo, Joseph Jasper, Amy Jimenez, Dolores Jimenez, Florence Jimenez, Mario John, Sukie Johnson, Chipper Johnson, Johanna Johnston, Carolyn Jordon, Jackie Jury, Patty Kahn, Kenneth Kahn, Yvonne Kavanagh, Karl Kaye, Vernon Keelin, Kerry Keller, Susan Kepler, Kenny Kidman, Brian King, Anthony Kirkpatrick, Mark Kirsten, BJ Kloss, Jan Koomoa, Lea Koroneos, Jeanette Lacy, Lisa Larranaga, Jose Larranaga, Roberta Larranaga, Steve Larranage, Yolanda Lawless, Gerard Leiieste, Paul Lein, Kathy Lerma, Janice Le Rouge, Yolanda

Leyba, Rudy Lineberry, Joan Long, Mark Lopez, Barbara

Lopez, Lopez, Lopez, Lopez,

Cathy Donna Edmund Greg

Lopez, Ida Lopez, Jessie Lopez, Leonard Lopez, Liz

Lopez, Lorerta Lopez, Pat Lopez, Steve Lopez, Tim

Lovato, Antonio Lovato, Eileen Lucero, Billy Lucero, Debbie

Lucero, Dina Lucero, Elizabeth Lucero, Gloria Lucero, Joe

Lucero, Leroy Lucero, Manuel Lucero, Susan Ludi, Peggy

Lujan, Johnny Lujan, Vickie Lynch, Jimmy Maes, Linda Maestas, JoAnn Maestas, Margie Maier, Brian Malczewski, Fiankie Martinez, Alex Martinez, Beti Martinez, Bridget Martinez, Carol Martinez, Cathy Martinez, Charles Martinez, Cindy Bird Martinez, Christine Martinez, Don Martinez, Donald Martinez, Elizabeth Martinez, Elora Martinez, Ester Martinez, Fernando Martinez, Gerald Martinez, Gerard Martinez, Joan Martinez, Joann Martinez, Joann Martinez, Joe Martinez, John Martinez, John Martinez, Kathy Martinez, Larry Martinez, Leonard Martinez, Mary Martinez, Merced Martinez, Nora Martinez, Patricia Martinez, Paul Martinez, Sandra


Martinez, Tina Martinez, Tommy Martinez, Tony Martinez, Tony Martinez, Tony Martinez, Veronica Martinez, Yolanda Marquez, Bernie Marquez, Cathy Mares, Dennis Mascarenes, Amy Mascarenas, Janice Massey, Cindy Matthews, Tommy Maryfield, Anthony McBeth, Deborah McGuinnis, Carmalee McLaughlin, Susan McQuiston, Ed Mechem, Adrienne

Mee, Willy Medina, Jody Medina, Steve Mendes, Tommy

Mendiola, Christine Mercer, Billy Michaelson, Nancy Mier, Gene

Mier, Howard Miera, Kenny Miller, Joe Miller, Merrill It took a long time Mims, Craig Mondragon, Nadine Montano, Debbie Montano, Eloise Montano, Judy Montgomery, Molly Montoya, Anna Montoya, Anna Montoya, Billy Montoya, Charles Montoya, Chris Montoya, Debbie Montoya, Diana Montoya, Gloria Montoya, John Paul Montoya, Liz Montoya, Magdalene Montoya, Robert Montoya, Roberta Montoya, Paul Montoya, Silvia Montoya, Susan Moore, Eddie Morales, Lupita


Moreno, Mike Morris, Kevin Mosher, Susan Moya, Anthony Moya, Fred Moya, Steve Moya, Steve Niblick, Nancy Nieto, Jerry Nieto, Linda Noedel, Louis Noyes, Julie Nutter, Ronnie Oellien, Dow Ojinaga, Corky Olquin, Pat Olivas, Nellie Oliver, Ella Ortega, Charlene Ortega, Eileen

Ortega, Ortega, Ortega, Ortega,

Esther Harold Loreen Mike

Ortega, Phillip Ortega, Robert Ortega, Yvonne Ortiz, Artie

Ortiz, Danny Ortiz, David Ortiz, Eva Marie Ortiz, Geraldine

Ortiz, Kenneth Ortiz, Leonard Ortiz, Linda Marie Ortiz, Liz Ortiz, Magdalena Ortiz, Margaret Ortiz, Mike Ortiz, Patsy Ortiz, Paul Ortiz, Pauline Ortiz, Sandra Ortiz, Sylvia Pacheco, Barbara Pacheco, Georgia Pacheco, Mary Padilla, Bernice Padilla, Larry Padilla, Loretta Padilla, Marvi Padilla, Olivia Padilla, Stephanie Paiz, Marcella Peacock, Ann Pearson, David


Peinado, Angela Pena, Stanley Perea, JoAnne Perea, Lilly Perea, Roseanna Perez, Dolores Perry, Nicky Peterson, Doug Petry, Lynn Piatt, Bernadette Pincheira, Augustine Pino, Gabriel Pino, Peter Pitcher, Alex Pond, Larry Porter, Dana Portillo, Roger Prada, Floyd Pratt, Janet Puckett, William Quails, Debbie Quintana, David Quintana, Diane Quintana, Elaine Quintana, Leo Quintana, Margaret Quintana, Mary Lou Rael, Donna Rael, Kathy Rael, Lisa Ramirez, Angela Ramirez, Helen

Dreams of the Ramirez, Johnny Ramsy, Sherri Randolf, Theresa Reid, Jessica Rhodes, Letitia Rios, Stella Rivera, Debbie Rivera, John Rivera, Linda Rivera, Pat Rivera, Rick Rivera, Richard Rivera, Ricky Rivera, Susan Roberts, Karen Rocha, Carlos Rodela, Bernadette Rodriguez, David Rodriguez, Gerald Rodriguez, George Rodriguez, Jorge Rodriguez, Marietta Rodriguez, Mario Rodriguez, Mark Rodriguez, Randy Rodriguez, Randy Rodriguez, Stella Rogers, Sandi Romero, Bobby Romero, Cathrine Romero, Chris Romero, Cindy



Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero,

Danny Denise Diana Diane Diane E. Diane M . Dinna Eleanor

Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero,

Isabell John Loretta Mary Mary J a n e Michelle Nora Renee

Romero, Romero, Romero, Romero,

Ricky Roberta Silvia Theresa

Romero, Tommy Romero, Toni Romero, Vivian Roybal, Judy

Roybal, Roybal, Roybal, Roybal,

Margaret Margaret Mary Ellen Ruby

Roybal, Linda Roybal, Pat Saavedra, Edward Saiz, Judy

They warned me about this place.

Salas, Aurelia Salazar, David Salazar, Mona Salazar, Phyllis

Salazar, Sylvia Sanchez, Benny Sanchez, Cathy Sanchez, Corine Sanchez, Debbie Sanchez, Domingo Sanchez, Isabel Sanchez, Johnny Sanchez, Miquela Sanchez, Nella Sanchez, Roberta Sanchez, Rose Sanchez, Rose Mary Sanchez, Solidad Sanchez, William Sandoval, Amy J o


Sandoval, Annette Sandoval, Delia

Sandoval, Jane Sandoval, Melinda

Sandoval, Pat Sandoval, Reyes

Sandoval, Teddy Scarafiotti, Scarlet

Schmitt, Susie Schneider, Mark Scoggin, Kendall Sedillo, Tom Segura, Angela Segura, David Segura, David Seiters, Gloria Sena, Carlos Sena, Cheryl Sena, Harold Sena, Kathleen • Sena, Marabella Sena, Silvia Sena, Stephanie Sena, Susan Serna, Peter Serrano, Frank Serrano, Gilbert Serrano, John Serrano, Ruben Serrano, Victor Severtson, Christy Sharp, Peter Sharpe, Carlos Shaw, Barbara Shelton, Edmund Silva, Julian Silva, Ruben Simoni, Pauline Sisneros, Geraldine Sisneros, Margaret Sisneros, Mike Sisneros, Richard Sisneros, Richard Skipper, Cathy Smith, Paul Snyder, Roy Soloman, Carol Sosa, Roxanne


Soveranez, Benny Sparks, Viki Spillers, Robert Stamets, Jeff Stanfield, Mark Stazewski, Donna Stewart, Terry Stiggins, Luke Stromberg, Sandra Sweeney, Pat Tafoya, Helen Tapia, Annette Tapia, Beatrice Tapia, Dianne Tapia, John Tapia, Kathy Tapia, Ramona Tapia, Susie Tatershall, Leslie Tauche, Karen Terry, Norman Thompson, Clay Tiano, Teri Torez, Betty Trout, Cindy Trujillo, Annette Trujillo, BernadetteTrujillo, Celine Trujillo, Martin Trujillo, Ray Trujillo, Ruben Trujillo, Steve Turner, Sheryll Turney, Bill Ulibarri, Lisa Ulibarri, Ricky Vaise, Ray Valdez, Jeri Valdez, Mark Valdez, Robert Valdez, Ronnie

Valdez, Vicki

Valencia, Eric

Vargas, Mary


Vaioz, ludy

Vasquez, Nita

Vasquez, Susan

Very interesting

but try again.

Vaujater, Mary Velarde, Pam Velasquez, Donna Veneklasen, Geoff Vialpando, Ann Vialpando, Greg Vialpando, Greg Vieria, Frisco

Future StarsVigil, Alan Vigil, Angie Vigil Anthony Vigil, Cecilia Vigil, David Vigil, Diane Vigil, Diane Vigil, Geii Vigil, Kathy Vigil, Liz Vigil, Maicella Vigil, Phyllis Vigil, Robert Vigil, Ruben Vigil, Sandy Vigil, Wanda Vomlehn, David Waldrum, Chris Walrath, John Walraven, David Warner, Cindy Watkins, Kurt Watson, Marie Weidner, Karen Weil, Linda Weseman, Charles Wharton, Debbie White, Dorie White, Richard Whitlock. Kip Wickham, Susan Wilborn, Penne


Williams, Nancy Wilson, Mark Wilson, Randy Winkleman, Linda Winneberger, David Winters, Loretta Wolfe, Tim Wood, Cindy Worinen, Debbie Wugalter, Julie Wynn, Barret Yardman, Diana Yitts, Cheryl Young, Holly Zamora, Betty Zamora, Flora

Zamora, JoAnn Zamora, Lulu Zinns, Larry

Class of 1976



ANITA BAXTER National Merit Finalist, Who's Who, All State Choir '74, Pan American Club, Riot Squad, Art Club.


CATHY BORGRINK Symphonic, Marching, Dance Band I, All American Youth Honor Band.

CHRIS BORGRINK Marching, Symphonic, All American Youth Honor Band, Honor Society, Who's Who, Outstanding American HS Student.


SCOTT BOWEN ' Honor Society, Chess Club, Marching Band.


GIN A FEDERICI Junior Class President, Annual Photography, Honor Society, Girl's State, Stater's Club Treasurer, Student Council, Key Club Sweetheart-Jr., Phi Beta Kappa Merit Award, Varsity Gymnastics 4 yrs. PAUL FRANKE Para Manana Chief Photographer 3 yrs., Varsity Tennis Team, Boy's State, Stater's Club President, Student Council, Who's Who, Outstanding American HS Student, Key Club. CHARMAINE FULGENZI O.E.A. Chapter President, O.E.A. Regional Historian.

SUSAN GIBBS Outstanding American HS Student, Student Council 3 yrs., Speech Team 3 yrs.-President, National Honor Society 2 yrs., Youth Council, Who's Who, Girl's State, Letter of Commendation, State Convention Steering Committee. 135

TERESA GRAMAJO Foreign Student from Guatamala, Secretary Pan American Club, Student Council, Riot Squad, Varsity Girl's Basketball.

NANETTE GREER Jr. Civitan, Who's Who, Ski Club.

BERNARDO GRIEGO V.I.C.A. Club, Vice-President V.I.C.A. Club Drafting Section, Who's Who.

RUBEN GRIEGO Boy's State Alternate Chess Club President, Chess Club 4 yrs., Speech Team 2 yrs., Student Council 3 yrs., Gymnastics 3 yrs., Tennis Team 1 yr.


JILL HARENBERG Varsity Tennis Team yrs., G.A.A.


JERRY HERRERA Track 2 yrs., Cross Country 3 yrs. (Captain 1973), Pan American Club 1 yr., D.E.C.A. 1 yr.


JANICE HILL O.E.A. Reporter.





CONNIE KEERAN Swimming Team, Gymnastics Team, Senior Class Secretary, National Honor Society, Student Council, Outstanding Student Leaders, National Merit Commended Student. ROBERT KELLY Key Club, Vice-President, Junior Class President, National Honor Society, Gymnastics 3 yrs., Soccer Club, Sante Fe Racing Ski Team.


CHERIE KOCH Symphonic and Marching Band, Girl's State, Honor Society, Sudent Council, Varsity Swimming Team, Kiwanis Youth Day, D.A.R. Good Citizen Award.

GINGER LEIN Student Council 3 yrs., French Club President, Stater's Club, Homecoming Attendant 2 yrs., Jr. Class Secretary, Varsity Gymnastics 2 yrs., Who's Who, Honor Society.






ROBERT McMILLEN Ski Club, Honor Society, Boy's State Delegate, Who's Who, Semi Finalist National Youth Conference on Science and Environment.

ROBERTA McMILLEN National Honor Society, Stater's Club, Student Council, Frence Club Secretary, Drama Club.



MARILYN MIER Para Manana Editor, Who's Who, Kiwanis Youth Day, Outstanding American HS Student.

PATTY MONTEZ Student Council, Varsity Cheerleader, Jr. Booster Club, Keyettes, Matmaid, Art Club.

MIKE ORTEGA Who's Who, Student Council President, Student Body President, Pan American President 2 yrs.


DAVID PADILLA Football 3 yrs.,Basketball 1 yr..Letter S Club, Building Trades II President.




AUDREY QUINTANA Girl's State, G.A.A., Pan American President, Varsity Swimming 3 yrs., Stater's Club, Speech Team, Who's Who, Student Council, Pan American Club Coordinator.

. ERNIE SANCHEZ" French Club 3 yrs., R.O.T.C. Commander, French Club Vice-President, Student Council 3 yrs., Society of Student Leaders, Who's Who, Riot Squad, Boy's State, Stater's Club, Key Club, Jr. Varsity Wrestling.

MARY SHAW Symphonic and Marching Band, Honor Society, Student Council, All-State Band 1 yr.

CAROLYN SILVER Student Council 4 yrs., Girl's State, Stater's Club, Speech Team 2 yrs., G.A.A. 3 yrs., Varsity Valleyball, Gymnastics Manager 1 yr., Sophomore Class President, North Central District Student Council Vice-President.

EUGENASOSAYA Basketball, Soccer Club.



ROBYN TIERNEY National Honor Society, Drama Club, Latin Club President 1 yr., Who's Who, Outstanding Anerican HS Student.



CATHY VANDERFORD O.E.A.* Honor Society, Orchestra.


^ 142

PHYLLIS WALKER Speech Team, Drama Club, Who's Who, Outstanding American HS Student, N.J.R.O.T.C. Lt. and Operations Officer, Girl's Drill Team Cmdr.

CINDY WILLIAMS Varsity Cheerleader 2 yrs. Jr. Varsity Cheerleader, National Leadership Award, Who's Who, Letter S Club.


JOHN WRIGHT Chess Team 3 yrs., National Merit Semi Finalist, 3rd place among seniors at U.N.M. Math Contest.

FRIENDS I hope the day will be a lighter highway. For friends are found on ev'ry road; Can you ever think of any better way For the lost and weary travellers to go? Making friends for the world to see Let the people know you got what you need; > With a friend at hand you will see the light.. If your friends are there, then everything's all right. It seems to me a crime that we should age, these fragile times should never slip us by; A time you never can or shall erase, As friends together watch their childhood fly. Making friends for the world to see, Let the people know you what you need; With a friend at hand you will see the light, If your friends are there, then everything's all right.

Class Flower: Gardenia Class Colors: Burgundy and Gold Class Motto: Do not walk in back of me, I may not lead. Do not walk in front of me, I may not follow But walk beside me and be my friend.


EXCHANGE STUDENTS For the past several years, the Exchange Students Program has been a vital part of the Santa Fe Senior High experience. Coordinated by the Counselling department, this program allows students from foreign countries to spend a year at S.F.H.S. and members of our own student body to study abroad. Especially popular with Central and South American students, this program brings cultural enrichment to our campus and helps sponsor friendship and understanding with others.




FOREIGN STUDENTS-d to r)-first row. Miss Jones, Janeth Miranda, Teresa Gramajo, Anne Hedvig Vedler. Second row, Jose' Sifiert, Jorge Rodriguez, Miguel Perez. Third row, Aldonso Pedrosa, Alfredo Mejia, Eduardo Mejia.





Waiting to be served at the Pan Am Dinner








TO THE 1974 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: As you complete your high school education, you will discover that the real journey of your lives has just begun. And, as you travel the paths you have chosen, I feel that experience will teach you that life is not a book with old age as a last chapter, but rather a series of short stories, each with its own unfolding. Through each new adventure on the way, I know that you will learn that true happiness comes to those who give fully of themselves to what they believe in and to their fellowman. We live in a time that offers unparalleled opportunities for each individual and for our nation, and I am confident that you will take hold of these opportunities to achieve greater good for yourselves and for our country. Where there is life, there is hope; and in you — the graduates of Santa Fe High School — there is the fullness of life. Your fellow citizens place the fullness of their hope in you, and on their behalf I wish you every success in the future.



Mr. Sena and Mr. Casados look over scheduling.

The new superintendant of schools, James P. Miller will concentrate his efforts in the field of curriculum school supervision and administration. School Board Members are, from left to right: Joe Hernandez, James Miller, Alice Daum, Samuel Garcia, Robert Sweeney.




The monumental tasks of handling the ever increasing load of record keeping is accomplished by an extremely proficient staff of secretaries. Included in these tasks are ordering of supplies, equipment and textbooks, also records of student transcripts, financial transactions and attendance are kept. Head Nurse, Mrs. Dolores Fidel, ably handles student health problems as well as supervising athletic examinations, hearing, vision, and TB testing.




Healthy students make Mrs. Fidel smile






The Counselling Department provides a variety of services such as vocational, personal, and group counselling. The department also provides information concerning higher education. Included in this information-are the various college entrance exams such as the ACT, SAT, and CLEP tests.

Here we go again.



Language m Arts Our Language Arts Department not only consists of English II, III, and IV but also includes various other courses which enable a student to expand his creativity. Among these courses are Annual, Journalism, Drama, Studies in Literature, Humanities, Reading, Creative Writing, and Speech. Annual and Journalism are the school publications. The Annual staff produces Para Manana, the Santa Fe High yearbook and Journalism class the Demon Tatler. Drama classes stage several plays during the school year which offer entertainment for the student body. The Speech class is highly competitive in the tournaments held state-wide to test the teams' ability to speak in front of others. The excellence of the Language Arts department is due to an in-depth approach to the studies offered and a variety which gives each student a choice.

MARIAM BARCK English Journalism



LOIS FRANKE English Annual EGLA GERMAN AS English BILL GILL English Humanities Literature




ROBERT MICHAELSON English, Physical Science

The Demon Tatler comes off the press

GILBERT MIER English Language Arts teachers involved themselves in a wide variety of student activities. Miss Wilson and Miss Franke helped sponsor Student Council. Miss McCrary ran Honor Society. Mr. Mier served as wrestling coach and Mrs. Huber ran the Demon Spotlight. Mrs. Carr sparked the colorful Fiesta Day. Mr. Rael rode herd on Rodeo Club while Miss .Grey sponsored Speech Club. Mrs. Franke organized the school's first ping-pong tournament. Head of this busy department is Mr. Clifton Parker.



HAZEL PARKER English BEN RAEL English Creative Writing JUDY WILSON English ,

Mathematics A very important area of education is Mathematics. Courses offered in the curriculum include a two year General Math Program, Business Math, and Shop Math. A second area of mathematics prepares one for college. These classes include Algebra I and II, Geometry, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, and Calculus. These courses, as well as preparing a student for college, also assist in everyday responsibilities.

HARRY HOUTZ Algebra Geometry Math Analysis

BOBBIE O'CHESKEY Algebra General Math

DIANA PERFORS Geometry General Math Algebra

THOR CHRISTENSEN ANTHONY DEINES General Math Algebra Algebra Geometry

INEZ DEINES Geometry General Math Algebra


GEORGE PERFORS JESSE VISE NORMA WRIGHT Algebra General Math Algebra Math General Math Calculus Analysis Geometry Geometry Trigonometry General Math

Is Problems

Social Science

The Social Science Curriculum includes such subjects as U.S. History, World Affairs, American Problems, Sociology, Psychology, American Government, South West History and New Mexico History. In Psychology, students learn how they became the people they are, and gain understanding of other people. Sociology is designed to make students aware of current social conditions. American Government is the study of the formation and principle of the constitution, political parties, the legislative structure, judicial and executive branches and a comparison of each.

CLARENCE ALLEN U.S. History Geography

BARBARA BEGELSPIKER U.S. History World Affairs

JUNE BURKE Psychology



JACK HOPKINS U.S. History N.M. History Southwest History

HYLAH JOLY Sociology DONNA RINGER U.S. History Anthropology Geography MILTON STERNBERG U.S. History Civics GWEN WATSON U.S. History American Problems World Affairs

HELEN FOSTER Advanced Biology, Biology

JOE MIER Biology

COLEEN NAJJAR Chemistry, Biology

Science SWfllSB IB

The study of science is extremely important because of the ever changing scientific exploitations which involve each and everyone of us in our daily lives. In biology attention is given to the molecular, cellular and organismal aspects of life. Chemistry exposes the student to the study of the composition of substances and the changes that take place in them. Mechanics, heat, light, electricity and magnetism, sound, atomic and nuclear physics, and solid state physics are introduced to those students who choose to study physics. Every year a science fair is held where the student may exibit projects that they made. This year the regional fair was held at Highlands University in Las Vegas and the State Fair in Socorro.


Spanish m. No! Physics, Sil


I nl

JAMES SENA Chemistry, Advanced Chemistry



I Forget the sign, its Mr. Mier

The Physical Education department is preparing it's students to participate in team and carry-over activities. The team activities consist of basketball, volleyball, softball, football and soccer. Some of the carry-over activities are golf, tennis, and badmiton. Besides these physical activities students in physical education are also challenged mentally by being required to learn the rules and disciplines in ^he various games and sports.

Physical Education

BERTHA MEFFORD Physical Education

ROBERTO ORTIZ Physical Education


The cirriculum of NJROTC includes such subjects as electronics, gunnery, oceanography and meteorology. Besides these complex course offerings, the Naval ROTC Program teaches its members to become leaders, administrators and ladies and gentlemen. The Santa Fe Naval ROTC unit traveled to San Diego where they participated in training operations at the United States Naval Base. Ernie Sanchez, Johnnie Romero and Phyllis Walker returned to Santa Fe with outstanding honors won in competition with 600 ROTC students from California, Arizona, and New Mexico who attended the mini-boot camp.

• • - A i m * II frs

Foreign Languages


GAYLAFOSS German, French I just got all the law


Developing skills in reading writing, speaking and listening for languages other than our own is essential in todays world, which has been brought closer together by the highly improved transportation and communications systems used by the nations of the world. The Roman Banquet sponsored by the Latin classes, the French and German dinners and this years excursion to Chihuahia, Mexico by the Pan American Club make the foriegn language department exciting and unique.

BEVERLY COOKE Foods, Clothing

GLENDA HOPPER Family Living Clothing

ELENA SANDOVAL Clothing, Foods

Home Economics, besides offering the usual courses such as home arts, clothing, foods, human development and family living, has expanded into food services which prepares students to go into the world of work. Students are trained to become efficient hostesses, cashiers, waitresses and also learn to prepare various kinds of foods. Santa Fe, being a city that attracts many tourists, has a great demand for these types of services. The Home Economic faculty should be commended for preparing our students in a vocation where there is so much opportunity.

Home Economics


Instrumental and vocal music at Santa Fe High School not only gives a student an opportunity to participate in the aesthetic phases of life but also allows the student to travel and socialize with students in other cities, states, and countries, where many ideas and methods are exchanged. This year the choir plans to .attend a festival in Inid, Oklahoma and the band is getting ready for a trip to Durango. Symphonic band is designed to challenge the more experienced musicians in the school. In choir the student, studies music reading, and unison and part singing.


Who hit the wrong note.

MARYLINDA GUTIERREZ Chorus Music Theory Solo & Ensemble


CLARK PONTSLER Symphonic Band Dance Band I Concert Band






Teachers are people too?

Arts and Crafts Arts and Crafts experiences are essential to the fullest development of people at all levels of growth because they promote self-realization of the whole individual by integrating his imaginative, creative, intellectual, emotional, and manual capacities. Through Art, students are encouraged to express themselves freely and to emphasize emotional and spiritual values.

Let's see thats 24 F's and 2 A's.

ORLANDO BACA Typing Bookkeeping Recordkeeping Shorthand


Business Education

The curriculum in Business Education consists of Typing I, Typing II, shorthand and bookkeeping. Bookkeeping consists of a one year study on elementry accounting with emphasis upon both competency and personal use. Typing I presents the basic typewriting skills, learning the keyboard, building speed and control. In Typing II emphasis is placed upon typing of various business forms, carbon and duplication and legal typing. The course in shorthand consists of the basic shorthand alphabet and forms and skills necessary for dictation and transcription.


Signing up for typing class

Driversm Education

TROY GANN Driver Education JOE MARTINEZ Driver Education

JOHNWARFIELD Driver Education MAX WLICOXEN Driver Education

Driver Education classes consist of six hours combined road and range driving and thirty hours must be spent in the classroom learning the various techniques necessary for safe and sound driving. New Mexico traffic rules are also included in the thirty hour course. Our Drivers Education Department has for its own use several cars supplied by local car dealers and a new driving range that has been designed to accomodate the many students taking drivers education. Bicycle safety and first aid techniques are taught during the second semester.

Mechanical Dra wing Drafting is a universal graphic language, it is extremely important in such areas as engineering, construction, manufacturing, and industrial processing. Drafting is useful for individuals who wish to build small projects in and around the home. The ability to understand drawings that are concerned with the operation of appliances, mechanical devices and many common household products is beneficial to any individual. JAMES STARR Drafting


Arts GENE BACA Industrial Arts


In the Industrial Arts classes students learn the nomenclature of various tools and pieces of machinery. They learn to construct small pieces of furniture and also to make minor repairs on household appliances. Gene Baca's courses emphasize practical applications for everyday life.


Librarians Santa Fe High School has one of the most beautiful and practical libraries in New Mexico. It meets all the standards set up by the North Central Accrediting Agency. Not only is there a great selection of books on many subjects but 'also many small offices that are used by the student council, by various clubs for meetings and for college visitations. The media center, on the upper level is ideal for educational movies, large group meetings and also for visiting speakers.

The head librarian herself!

Custodial Staff The hard working custodial staff under John Padilla are continuously busy attempting to keep the numerous buildings, classrooms and the enormous acreage clean and sanitary for the 2400 students and over 100 faculty members, counselors and secretaries. Added to the numerous functions necessary to keep the school running smoothly is a tremendous task of clearing the sidewalks and parking areas from the heavy snows during the winter season.

Custodians: Eustacio Roybal and Willie Roybal. Maintenance head, John Padilla was "wanted in the office."

Cafeteria Staff The Santa Fe High School cafeteria, with limited facilities has been able to overcome this handicap because of a fine cafeteria staff and student helpers. Many students who are unable to have breakfast at home receive their nourishment at the High School Cafeteria. The Cafeteria also provides a varied luncheon menu throughout the week.

The hard working cafeteria staff takes time out to pose.






Mary Lane Gives Counselling and Guidance

The city of Santa Fe has many terminal high school students who upon completion of their high school curriculum must be able to go into the world of work. The Santa Fe High Vocational-Technical school offers many vocational and pre-vocational courses whose aim is to provide these students the necessary skills to find and hold a job. The Vo-Tech also provides vocational training for adults who wish to improve and gain additional knowledge in their chosen fields.

Spacious Front Entrance to Vo-Tech School


Academics Academic courses such as English III and IV, Mathematics and U.S. History are provided for those students who wish to study the vocational and at the same time obtain a Santa Fe High School secondary diploma. These courses also assist the students in the ever-important facet of communications. Emphasis is given to the practical, business applications of these subjects.

EUGENE ALLEN Business Math General Math




Technical Assistants Technical assistants in nursing and dentistry are becoming extremely important. Vo-Tech provides courses that expose students to basic nursing and dental techniques and vocabulary. Preschool education prepares students to work in day care centers, babysitting and other areas where knowledge, techniques and responsibilities involving children are necessary.



LILLIAN TENNYSON Nursing Assistant

Trade and Industry ALFRED DIAL Welding

EDWARD FINE Horticulture

Trade and Industry includes courses in Auto Collision, Auto Mechanics, Building Trades, Architectural Drawing, Blue Print Reading, Electronics, Horticulture, Industrial Cooperative Training, Machine Lab and Welding. Auto Collision consists of auto body repairing, repainting, use of modern tools and equipment, replacing panels and fenders and aligning hood deck-lids. Auto Mechanics provides the student with the fundamentals of auto repairing, the theory and service of the systems that make up the automobile and extensive shop experience. Practical shop application, service and test equipment are used extensively. Building Trades includes study of the principles involved in blueprint reading, foundation work, framing, masonry and cabinetry. Also included are the study of plumbing and electricity. One of their main projects was the construction of a three bedroom home located next to the Vo-Tech. Architectural drawing covers the information needed in residential architecture from the planning phase through printing. In Horticulture the student studies plant diseases, insects, weeds and the control of each, Nursery production and sales, principles of irrigation, pruning methods and landscape design. Machine lab prepares students in the processes of manufacturing mechanical devices in many facets of industry.

Mr. Mier just stepped out. May I help you?


Business Education

CHRISTINE CLICK Secretarial Procedures


MABEL LUCERO Business Communications

In the field of Business Education the following courses are offered, 'Secretarial procedures, office occupations, shorthand, typing, business law, office machines and marketing. Secretarial procedures prepares students for entry level employment in the stenographic-secretarial field. Office occupations is a senior level course, students receive two units of credit for classroom work and one unit of credit from employment in an office related job. Marketing classes are concerned with the study of retail sales and merchandising. Students in these classes receive one credit for class work and two credits for on the job training.



'• W£


First row, L to R: John Rose, Dale Bohannan, Gabrial Roybal, David Padilla, Charlie Dalton, Bernie Lujan, George Theragood, Jeff Chavez, Charlie Anaya, Lale Ortega, David Barela, Tony Flores, Joey Gonzales. Second Row: Fred Clifton, Paul Lineberry, Melvin Roybal, Joe Dean, David Romero, James

Santa Fe St. Mikes

0 3

3 6

0 6

7 0

10 15

Garcia, John Chavez, Mike Ogas, Eppie Baca, Dan Chappell, Sam Gallegos, Tommy Padilla, Jim Sullivan. Third row: Ken Hastey, Robert Sutherland, Bob Davis, David Martinez, Mike White, Anthony Portillo, John Hale, Pat Wier, Peter Gurule, Phillip Bradford, James Oellien.




The Demons were highly favored to open the season with a win over the Wildcats of Deming. The Demons scored on first possession, but the weak pass defense allowed two Deming touchdowns to end the opener with a 13-7 loss. Up in Colorado the Trinadad Miners broke the game wide open to cap a 49-8 victory over the Demons. The home opener proved to be disappointing as the Demons were shut out by the score of 63-0, against Highland High of Albuquerque.

Santa Fe Gallup

Santa Fe Portales

10 7

7 0

6 0

7-3 6-13

3 0

7 0

13 0

7-29 8-8

The Demons seemed to be fired up the following week against Grants. With only thirteen minutes gone in the game, Santa Fe was credited with 3 touch downs. But Grants fought back to take the game 52 to 34. The Demons faced the fifth straight loss of the season against St. Mikes with the score of 10 to 15. When the Rams of Portales came to town, the eastsiders were hit by a team that had put it all together. The tough hitting and scoring of the Demons put them over the top with a 70-13 Demon victory.

Homecoming was the scene of the 1-AAAA opener for Santa Fe. Gallup came to town fighting but the Demons took a half-time lead of 10 to 0 and went on to win by a score of 29 to 8. Then The 1-0 Demons traveled up to Los Alamos to meet the 0-1 Hilltoppers, in district play. The result was 1-1 in district for each team, as Santa Fe was dropped 51 to 8. When the Demons met Albuquerque High, it renewed one of its oldest rivaleries. The Demons outplayed the Bulldogs for most of the game but lost it 28 to 13. With a 1-2 record in district, the Demons met with number one, West Mesa. The Demons fell to 1-3 as they lost 12 to 0. The Demons ended their season up in Farmington with a loss.


Coach Starr Resigns I After


Of Losing Season

Demon J.V. drive down the line.


The Demon graplers offered wrestling fans an exciting season as they went on to defeat 7 of the 16 teams they met in dual competition. They defeated Albuquerque High School, Gallup High School and Los Alamos High School in district play. The team lost twice to their cross-town rivals the St. Mike's Horsemen in the two times these teams met.

First row: Steve Trujillo, Alex Correa, Jerry Gallegos, Rick Serrano, Danny Noel. Second row: Donald Martinez, Mike Arellanes, David Mathews, Bob Vigil, Ken Nix, Dale Moore, and coach Mier.

Senior Danny Noel was the teams captain. He had a personal Wrestling record of fourteen wins, seven losses and two ties. He took a fourth in District competition. Alex Correa, the teams workhorse, had a twenty-two win, three loss personal record. This Jr. wrestler captured third in district and a respected 4th in state competition. David Mathews and Robert Sutherland both Seniors, took fifth places in the district to be eligible to go to state competition. Sophomore John Davis also placed 5th in district play. Jr. Steve Trujillo grabbed a third place in his weight division in the district to be able to go to the state competition. The B squad ended the season with a respectable 1 7 - 4 season record.


The Demon gymnasts took a 3rd place in the regional competition. David Barker competed in several catagories including free exercise, side horse, parallel bars and in vaulting on the horse, bars, rings. This versatility by the teams members made for stronger team.

The boys team worked hard but with little glory. The three man senior team had ability .yet lacked the man power against the larger teams. Damon Zinn the teams all around competitor, captured a second, in free exercise at the regional meet to qualify for the state meet in Hobbs. He took a hard earned fourth in this state competition.

Left to right, back row: Gina Federici, Sharon Hays, Jody Lusk, Jackie Taylor, Connie Keeran, Kathy Lein, and Lisa Gianardi. Front row: David Barker, Damon Zinn, and Chris Cardenas.

The girl's gymnastics team, as usual, were strong state competitors. The girls' placed third in the regional meet this year. Team members were: Gina Federici, Sharon Hays, Jody Lusk, Jackie Taylor, Connie Keeran, Kathy Lein and Lisa Gianardi.

Everyone has to start somewhere! Chris shows bis stuff on the side-horse


Demon Hoopsters Bounce Through Season The Santa Fe High School Demon basketball team ended it's 1973-74 season against West Mesa in the District 1 AAAA Tournament on March 4th. The Demon's final record ended at 7-18 overall and 3-7 in conference play. The Demon's cross-town rivals, the St. Mikes Horsemen, met the Demons twice and won both contests, only after overcoming an early-game Demon lead.

Doug Cooper, whose points were often the determining factor in the games played the game until the buzzer signaled the end.

Left to right: Jeff Chavez, Jimmy Gomez, Ricky Anaya, Arthur Soveranez, Robert Archuleta, James Oellien, Doug Jones, Mike Quintana, Tommy Matthews, Richard Chavez, George Theragood and Doug Cooper. Front

row: Coach Whittemore, Coach Armendarez, Coach Casados and the manager.

The Demons went foi the championship of their own Capital City tournaments, but lost to the highly competent Los Alamos Toppeis in an exciting, overtime game.

Second In Capitol City

Coach Aimendaiez started several Juniors in the regular season games. Jeff Chavez, Ricky Anaya, and Doug Jones were frequently seen on the Demon starting line-up. Seniors that were the backbone of the team were Arthur Soveranez, Vincente Gonzalez, Mike Quintana, Doug Cooper, and James Oellien.

With dedicated players like James Oellien and Mike Quintana, the Demons showed their opponents what team work meant. The Demons displayed their hot stuff against the top-ranked Albuquerque High in a game here in Santa Fe. The winning came with a last shot from Doug Cooper.

Aggressive Mike Quintana knows that he who hesitates is lost.

Jeff Chavez above, a football and baseball Letterman was a hard working junior who consistently fought to keep the Demons on top. He showed the Demon fans the true meaning of effort and dedication. Doug Cooper, voted the teams most valuable, was continually, game after game, the Demon's high point man.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going." These Demons enjoyed victory and learned to accept defeat. Yet they played to win till the last second of the last game.

The Santa Fe High Boys swim team had a highly successful season with fourteen wins and five losses. The team had only three seniors out with the rest underclassmen. Outstanding swimmers this year were Bret Daniels a senior and Greg Baca a sophomore. Daniels placed in the top 6 in the 50 yd. and 100 yd. freestyle. Greg Baca improved his 100 yd. Butterfly time to place in the top six in state. The 400 yd. freestyle relay team placed 4th in this state meet. Relay swimmers were Bret Daniels, Greg Baca, Mark Larrigoite and Bill Wright the outstanding Freshman Mark Larrigoite, individually placed in several dual meets. Team members were: Bret Daniels, Peter Doles, Robert Vail, Greg Baca, Paul Darmitzal, Carl Spencer, John Lautenschlager, Damon Zinn, Robert Gallegos, Mark Larrigoite, Brian Kidman, and Bill Wright.

Left to right, back row: Coach Schmeltz, Sandra Le Bow, Carta Bucholz, Kidman, Carl Spemcer, Greg Baca, Mark Larragoitte, Peter Doles, Paul Darmitzel, Patty Bodelson, Bret Daniels, Diane Garcia, Carol Soloman, Robert Vail, Robert Gallegos, and Bill Wright. Elaine Catnach, and Anne Burtram. Front row: John Lautenschlager, Brian

Swimmers soon learn seconds are valuable.

The girl's swimming team had a rough season this year, winning only 4 out of 13 meets and placing ninth in state competition. The girl's team included Seniors Patty Bodelson, Frances Copeland, and Patty Clanton, Juniors Karla Buchholz, Ann Burtram, Rachel Dixon, Diane Garcia, Patty Lujan, Markay Popp and Patty Clanton, Sophomores Theresa Grubbs, and Carol Soloman, and freshmen Claire Catanach, Charrisse Cullin, Jan Darmitzel, Peggy Doles and Sandra Lebow. The team was coached by Markley Lumpkins.

Skiing enthusiasts at Santa Fe High waited impatiently for the winter snows to fall. A late November storm finally allowed skiing at Santa Fe Basin to begin on December 1st. Skiing is not a varsity sport at Santa Fe High at the present time, although the sport is increasing in popularity. A factor in keeping this sport a major pastime at Santa Fe High is the program that is sponsored by the Santa Fe Ski Basin through the Santa Fe Schools which introduces students to skiing.


Here they come, Demons leading!


A welcome break

Cross Country

• Track The cross country team had an undefeated season under Coach Perez this year, edging past West Mesa to win the district 1 AAAA title. The track team got off to a weak start in field events, but the boys went on to place second in the Capitol City Invitational Meet. The team also placed second in the Albuquerque triangular meet, the Los Alamos triangular meet, and won the Los Lunes Invitational. With his undefeated team, Coach Perez repeated the record he has consistently earned, year after year, and demonstrated, once again, what it means to be Santa Fe's winningest coach.

The girl's track team had an undefeated season this year, winning the district title. In the district meet in Los Almos, Santa Fe took first with 83 points. This was the first year of competition for the Demons and the girls proved themselves to be outstanding in the field. The team included; Valerie Romero, Peggy Hayden, Ingrid Hayden, Rosie Logue, Beth Chavet, Sylvia Martinez, Victoria Sanchez, JoAnn Anaya, Loretta Sosoya, Kathy Martinez, Gwenna Coss, and Matilda Mengis.


The 1973 Santa Fe High cross-country team, coached by Salvador Perez, experienced the toughness of the new district realignment but was still able to defend its 1972 district 1-AAAA crown by edging stubborn Albuquerque West Mesa High 47 to 48. They then went on to place a distant 2nd to powerful Grants High, 39-93, in the state finals for a repeat of their 1972 performance. The tough threesome of junior Dave Sandoval, senior Jerry Herrera, and sophomore Dave Segura carried the Demons to their district title as they placed 3rd, 4th and 5th respectively in the district meet. Dave Sandoval then went on to place 3rd individually in the state finals to lead the Demons and earn himself a bronze medal. The other three runners on the Demon varsity were juniors Phillip Vigil and Anthony Martinez, and senior Scott Spencer.

Left to right: David Segura, Scott Spencer, Anthony Martinez, Ruasel Ward, Gilbert Vigil, Jerry Herrera, Marcus Garcia, Coach Salvador Perez,

Brian Hefferman, Jim Hembrick, Paul Darmitzel, Lawerence Garcia, Randy Ross, Greg Gunzick, Dave Sandoval

Salvador Perez Recreation Complex

auMMtfi On March 2, 1974 a Santa Fe park was dedicated to coach and teacher Salvador Perez. The area near the Municipal pool, which includes the ballparks and tennis courts, is now known as the Salvador Perez Recreation Complex. Proposed by city councilman Elmer Longacre, the naming of the park was acted favorably upon by the entire council. In his junior and senior years in high school, Salvador Perez was named to All-New Mexico teams in both football and basketball. After graduating from St. Michaels, he immediately went into coaching. Since then he has coached over 1,000 individual players.

ere; om|:

Salvador Pere;

Coach Perez is recognized as the greatest and most versatile coach in the history of Santa Fe sports. He is also a valued teacher in the Languages Department at Santa Fe High and is one of the most remarkable and outstanding men Santa Fe has known. The many honors that he has received reflect, in a small way, the esteem in which the entire community holds Salvador Perez, number one coach, teacher and citizen I



The boys tennis team ended the season with a 13 win 3 loss season record. They beat such respected teams as Los Alamos, Del Norte, Manzano and Farmington. They were strong in their district with 4 wins 1 loss in district play. The team met their crosstown rivals twice splitting with St. Mike's one and one. Senior Paul Franke, who received the Senior of the Year award, was ably backed by Junior Rendall Tucker and Kip Whitlock. Kip Whitlock, a sophomore was the teams sole state qualiiier. Other members oi the team that contributed to the netter's strength were John Brandt, Paul Tacheau and Erie Lucero.

In its first year of district play, the girl's tennis team achieved a remarkable 12-0 undefeated season. Under Coach Gwen Watson the girls swept the district championship. Adrienne Mechem won the singles title with Carol Bachicha as runner-up. Andra Martinez and Bonnie Brandt took the doubles crown. Senior Becky Dill, Junior Reina Alarid and Sophomore Susan Mosher fought hard to achieve the team's undefeated record.

Left to Right: Andra Martinez, Bonnie Brandt, Adrienne Mechem, Becky Dill, Reina Alarid, Susan Mosher, and Carol Bachicha


The Demon golfers, coached by Lenny Roybal, coordinated their efforts to capture a third in District play. In taking third, the team totaled a 340 combined score, the lowest Demon score in recent years. Senior Dennis Millington was selected outstanding player of the year. He took a third place in district with his individual score of 78. Falling to the Demon golfers in district play were the Albuquerque High and Los Alamos teams. The Demons also rallied to capture a third place in a tournament of seven teams in Las Vegas.



Coach Joe Jerry Martinez produced an outstanding baseball team which batted, pitched, caught and fielded itself to a 16-4 season record, including 3 wins over arch-rival St. Mikes.The team moved on to District championship in post-season tournaments and finished a strong fourth in State playoffs. Outstanding individual players included Mike Ogas, David Martinez, Steve Fresquez, Peter Serna, John Chavez and Augustine Pinchiera.

Baseball Team: Front row: Galen Gurule, Team Manager 2nd Row: Dale Fox, Ronnie Chavez, Juan Busios, Tim Filan, Joe Maestas, Jay Mitchell, Bernard Baca, Jim Gomez 3rd Row Coach Martinez, Augustine Pinchiera,

John Chavez, Edwin Gurule, Dino Shelton, John Rose, Steve Fresquez, Dale Bohanan, David Martinez, Mike Ogas, Russell Ward, Peter Serna, Asst. Coach Salas

The baseball team had an excellent season this year, winning the district title and placing fourth in State. *Under Coach Martinez, the boys had a 16-4 record including three wins over their cross-town rivals, the St. Michael's Horsemen.


Santa Fe High's varsity volleyball team started strong and kept right on winning all season long, ending up third in the State tournament. Coached by Bertha Mefford, the team met McCurdy, IAIA, the Deaf School, Santa Cruz, Pojoaque and Santa Fe Prep. With their power showing at the District meet held November 8 and 9 at the IAIA gym, the Coach and her girls provided rough competition at State. Prospects are excellent for another great season next year in spite of losing the star


GIRLS TEAM The girl's basketball team had a successful season this year, third in district competition. The popularity of this sport number of girls participating proves the need for this type of in the Santa Fe Public Schools. This was the girls' first statewide competition.


finishing and the program year of

Soccer was a new sport this year at Santa Fe High School. The soccer team played under the coaching of Phil Karshis, and found competition with other local teams. If anyone had his doubts, he soon found that soccer is a rough, tough, and fast game and quickly recognized its fascination for South American and European countries where it is a national sport. Contributing to the impressive record of wins for the S.F.H.S. team were a number of our exchange students who already were excellent players.

Front, L to R: Jeff Williams, Joe Manges, Damon Zinn, Alfredo Loin Mejia, Jeff Veneklasen, Francisco Luis Perez, Miguel Perez. Back row: Coach Karshis, Doug Peterson, Dave Matthews, Edwardo Mejia, Bob

Kelly, Joe Maestas, David Barker, Dirk McDermot, Fritz Peters, Chuck Duran and, non-members, Beverly McCrary, & Bill Gill


Left to right: Bret Daniels, Jerry Herrera, James Oellien, Paul Franke, Dennis Millington, and Doug Cooper. Front row: Bonnie Brandt, Patty Clanton, Socorro Mondragon, and Lou Ann Rodrigues

On May 7, 1974, the Athletic Awards Banquet was held in honor of those athletes who contributed their athletic skills to the Demon cause. Several athletes were given awards for outstanding ability demonstrated in their particular sport. Bonnie Brandt received girls tennis award. Patty Clanton and Bret Daniels were awarded swimming trophies. Jerry Herrera received the cross-country award. Paul Franke received the boys tennis award. Dennis Millington earned the golf award. Lou Ann was recognized for abilities in vollyball. Socorro Mondragon received an award in girls basketball and was selected Demonette of the year. Doug Cooper earned a

basketball trophy. James Oellien was recognized for football and was chosen Demon of the year. Although all of the Demon athletes were not specifically or individually awarded, they all were a very important part of the cause known as Demon Pride. These Athletes learned as they played, won and lost, and showed themselves and others the meaning of dedication. It is through the efforts of these and future athletes that the Demon will be respected and honored for years to come. 217




Demon Debs The action and spirit of the Demon Debs mark them as one of the most energetic and dedicated groups on campus. Their precision formations lend interest to sports events and the hard working girls practice long hours to make sure each appearance is perfect. Their attractive presence on campus is an active source of Demon pride.

DEMON DEB OFFICERS-0 to r)-first row, Mrs. Archuleta, Sponsor; Miss Begelspiker, Sponsor. Second row, Cindy Lujan, Co-Head; Jeanette Muller, Head.


DEMON DEBS— (1 to r) — first row, Theresa Montoya, Jeanette Archuleta, Nadine Mondragon, Bernaderte Piatt, Doris Gallegos, Kathy Martinez, Loretta Padilla, Debbie Ellenburg, Theresa Lovato. Second row,

Mrs. Archuleta, Sylvia Gomez, Cindy Lujan, Lizzy Catanach, Jeanette Muller, Chris Nieto, Dolores Madrid, Gina C De Baca, Miss Begelspiker.

Demon Tatler

This- year the Demon Tatler staff enlarged and improved their excellent publication for in-depth coverage of campus events and personalities. This able group, led by the professional know-how of sponsor, Miriam Barck, gives students and faculty vivid and timely information on what is going on at our school. Undaunted by deadlines and unfazed by foul-ups, these young journalists show commendable dedication to their craft.

DEMON TATLER-(1 to r)-first row, Denise Romero, Loretta Herrera, Vickie Layo, John Brown, Jaima Jackson. Third row, Bill Long Tim Wolfe, Larry Chavez, Jan Enders, Linda McFarland, Mrs. Barck. Second row, Danny Holgerson, Paul Franke, Luke Stiggins, John Gonzales, Ronnie Nutter, Romero, Mary Valarde, Anne Hedvig Vedler, Barbara Shaw, Dianne De Richard Salazar.

Graphic Arts Graphic Arts Club is a new group on campus this year. They are responsible for the actual printing of the Demon Tatler. The excellent job they have done is to be commended.

GRAPHIC ARTS—(1 to r)—first row, Loretta Herrera, Mary Velarde. Second row, John Brown, Tim Wolfe. Third row, Larry Holgerson.

DEMON TATLER EDITORIAL STAFF—(1 to r)—first row, Linda McFarland, Co-Editor; Mrs. Barck, Sponsor. Second row, Larry Holgerson, Co-Editor; Paul Franke, Photographer; Bill Long, Business Manager.


Sophomore Officers Class

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS-0 to r(-first row, Eleanor Romero, Secretary. Second row, Jaima Jackson, Treasurer; Kurt Watkins, Vice-President;Jackie Jordan, President. Third row, Candace Franke, Sponsor; Miss Shannon, Sponsor; Mr. Hopkins, Sponsor.


The Sophomore Class, after getting familiar with the sprawling Santa Fe Senior High Campus, set to work to gain recognition from the upperclassmen. The first project was the successful construction and burning of the traditional Homecoming bonfire. During the rest of the year, they furnished cheerful participation in school projects and clubs, contributed good ideas and outstanding school spirit to the Demon environment.

^ H Demon Spotlight


A new and exciting program at Santa Fe High this year was the "Demon Spotlight". The spotlight focused on activities, issues and people related to the school and was televised each Tuesday evening on Cable T-V. Marilyn Huber, faculty advisor, and her staff of neophyte telecasters met and triumphed over many complications. The result was an excellent learning experience for those who participated and an informative show for all to watch.

DEMON SPOTLIGHT-0 to r)-first row, Sara Quijada. Second row, Joe Mangis Bill Thomas, David Barker. Third row, Max Myers, Eric Martinez, Mrs Huber. Fourth row, Paul Franke.

Soccer Club

Also new at school this year was the sport of soccer. Although a traditional competitive game in most of the world, and gaining rapidly in acceptance here, the team had to hunt for rivals to play. Led by sponsor Philip Karshis, the club won the majority of its matches and is looking forward to increased membership and activity during the next year. For people who like a rugged sport that can be played almost anywhere, soccer is the answer.

SOCCER CLUB—(1 to r)—first row, Judy Williams, Paul Tachau, Keith Grossman, Jeff Venaklasen, Alfredo Mejia, Miss McCrary. Second row, Mr. Karshis, Joe Mangis, Rendall Tucker, Jeff Williams, Miguel Perez. Third row, Joe Maestas, David Barker, David Matthews, Edwardo Mejia, Buster Brown.


Choir Under the gifted direction of Miss Marylinda Gutierrez, Santa Fe Senior High School Choir won awards in area and regional competition and delighted all audiences who heard them. A high point of the season was the presentation of the Faure "Requiem" at St. Francis Cathedral. Other public appearances in the community included performing at both baccalaureate and graduation and other civic events. Discipline and dedication mark these outstanding young singers.

CHOIR—(1 to r)—first row, Ann Blair, Ellen James, Julie Servis, Becky Valenzuela, Maureen Lucero, Trisa Bryant, Cindy Rodgers, Anna Marie Baca, Melanie Kiesov, Amy Sewell, Kimberly Jasper, De 'Aun Williams, Janet Enders. Second row, Delora Acosta, Rose Sanchez, Margaret West, Michelle Morris, Gerri Vigil, Kathy Heidel, Maria Rael, Anna Kiefer, Rita Boulton, La Dean Whitehead, Sandra Martinez. Third row, Veronica Moya, Lisa Deveraux, Tina Deverauz,

MADRIGAL CHOIR-0 to r)-first row, Ann Blair, Maureen Lucero, Tresa Bryant, Rita Boulton, Kimberly Jasper. Second row, Michelle Morris, De'Aun Williams, Amu Sewell. Third row, Jeff Stamets, Mike Ortiz, Fritz Peters, Steve Stamets.

Susan McLaughlin, Anita Baxter, Debbie Romero, Bridget Martinez, Dolores Gomez, Cindy Culberson, Lori Dingus, Cathy Woods. Fourth row, David Vom Lehn, Jim Baldoni, Fritz Peters, Mike Ortiz, Gispin Fitzgerald, Jeff Stamets, Mark Wilkerson, Clay Thompson, Joseph Roybal, Steve Stamets, Mike Moreno, Jim Gore.


r)-De 'Ana Williams, Steve Stamets, Amy Sewell.


I Varsity I Cheerleaders

VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-front to back, Berta Rodriguez, Donna Basham, Liz Vigil, Cindy Williams.

School spirit that keeps on cheering even when there may be not that much to cheer about, and a willingness to follow the team through its triumphs and disappointments, marks the girls who cheer for S.F.H.S. Ready smiles and pleasant personalities make them outstanding ambassadors of friendliness for the Demons.


VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-0 to r)-first row. Donna Basham, Liz Vigil, Cindy Williams, Berta Rodriguez. Second row, Mrs. Greaves.

I Junior Varsity I I Cheerleaders I Junior Varsity teams have their own special support in the JV Cheerleaders who enthusiastically pull for the team whether winning or losing. The high spirits and polished routines of these girls provide a treat for the fans who turn out to watch JV games. Their contribution to Demon morale is a major one.

JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-0 to r)-Annette Sandoval, MicheUe Aragon, Susan Bodelson, Sandra Ortiz, Darby Spring.

JUNIOR VARSITY CHEERLEADERS-d to r)-Sandra Ortiz, Annette Sandoval, Michelle Aragon, Susan Bodelson, Mrs. O'Chesky, Darby Spring.




Most people wonder how they ever do it, but the Band Twirlers are apt to smile and say its really easy. Not many people believe it though, as they watch these talented girls go through a complicated twirling routine at a football game. An exact sense of rhythm and timing is necessary for this difficult art and the girls spend hours of time alone and with the Band in order to have their skills at a peak of perfection.

Judy Williams

BAND TWIRLERS—(1 to r)—Kaila Kluesner, Annie Granillo, Judy Williams.

Annie Granillo

Karla Kluesner


junior Class Officers

In their middle year at S.F.H.S., Juniors lead an active life, rising to prominence in sports, clubs and activities and planning and raising money for the Junior Senior Prom, the Junior's annual gift to the graduating Seniors. This Dance, the most elaborate and formal of the year, occupies much time in planning and arranging decorations and music and paying for this. Each May, an elegant evening testifies to the success of their efforts.

JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS-d to r)-first row, Debbie Ortega, Treasurer;Beverly Chapman, President; Tommy Gonzales, Vice-President. Second row, Mr. Perfors, Sponsor; Patty Cruz, Secretary; Mrs. Foster, Sponsor.




OEA is a national organization for students majoring in office occupations. Club goals, involving the active participation of the club members, make this group one of the hardest working organizations at Vo-Tech. Club members also participate in state and regional office occupations competition.

O.E.A. OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Janice Hill, Reporter; Charmaine Fulgenzi, President; Bonnie Wheat, Secretary. Second row, Phyllis Griego, Historian; Cathy Alire, Treasurer; Selma Aragon, Parliamentarian; Shirley Vigil, Vice-President.


O.E.A.-d to r(-first row, Bonnie Wheat, Betty Ireland, Janice Hill, Frances Martinez, Barbara Anaya, Lilly Martinez, Charmaine Fulgenzi. Second row, Debbie Hightower, Peggy Jimenez, Irene Baca, Cathy Alire, Phyllis Griego, Shirley Vigil, Anita Lopez, Karla

Kluesner. Third row, Charles Padilla, Lorraine Gonzales, Barbara Stromberg, Debbie Silva, Marsha Alarid, Liz Garcia, Cathy Vanderford, Selma Aragon.

Staters Club Girls and Boys Staters are outstanding students from throughout the state, selected on a competitive basis, to participate in a week of intensive study of the structure and functioning of government. This post-school experience for next year's seniors is sponsored by the American Legion to foster understanding and respect for our democratic society and the way it is run. The week is also fun-filled and a highly valued experience for those who earn the right to participate.

STATER'S CLUB-(1 to r)-first row, Phyllis Jordon, Ginger Lein, Susan Gibbs, Roberta McMillen, Theresa Wells, Audrey Quintana, Debbie Cooke, Gina Federici, Cherie Koch, Miss Watson. Second row, Ruben Griego, Cindy Beadles, Patty Bodelson, Nancy Long, Carolyn Silver, Danny Pomonis, Blake Wilson, Donald Quintana. Third row, Bernie Lujan, Mike Ogas, Robert McMillen, Paul Franke, David Matthews, Ernie Sanchez, Will Gilmer

Honor Society The A.L.L. Chapter members of National Honor Society seek to fulfill society requirements of scholarship, service and leadership. Individuals accept the responsibility to maintain a high scholastic average while contributing to the ideas and objectives of school and community betterment. An on-going project is collecting books for various volunteer reading programs in Santa Fe.

HONOR SOCIETY OFFICERS-0 to r)-first row, Mary Shaw, Secretary; Ann Buttram, Secretary; Lisa Anedeo, Vice-President. Second row, Ernie Sanchez, President; Mimi Mengis, Treasurer; Mr. Karshis, Sponsor.

STATER'S CLUB OFFICERS-0 to r)-first row, Gina Federici, Treasurer. Second row, Debbie Cooke, Vice-President;Paul Franke, President;Cherie Koch, Secretary.

HONOR SOCJETY-0 to r)-first row, Mr. Karshis, Liz Graham, Roberta McMillen, Bonnie Brandt, Debbie Cooke, Gina Federici, Debbie Ortiz, Miss McCrary. Second row, Selah Chavet, Kathy Long, Patty Clanton, Cherie Koch, Nancy Long, Donna Willians, Ginger Lein, Lisa Amedeo. Third row, Pamela Piatt, Tommy Gonzales, Chris Borgrink, Anne Burttram, Jeff Gladfelter, Cindy Beadles, Connie Keeran, Janet Neilson. Fourth row, Racheel Dixon, Becky Dill, Mary Shaw, Bob McMillen, Scott Bowen, Ernie Sanchez, Mimi Mengis, Cheryl Buchwald.

F.F.A. The Future Farmers of America branch chapter at Vo-Tech led a busy year during 1973-74. Among the projects carried out to raise money for member activities were: the cutting and sale of Christmas trees for the holiday season and the growing and sale of seedlings and bedding plants for spring plantings. Respect for the land and what it produces is high on FFA's list of priorities.

F.F.A. OFFICERS-U to r)-first row, Chris Henderson, Secretary; Cathy Clark, President. Second row, Mr. N.E. Fine, Sponsor; Larry Griego, Treasurer; Larry Littleton, Sargeant At Arms. Third row, Steven Garcia, Reporter; David Kirsten, Vice-President.

F.F.A.-(1 to r)-first row, Chris Henderson, Larry Griego, Cathy Clark, Sara Quijada, Larry Littleton. Second row, Mr. N.E. Fine, Chris Romero, Robert Gallegos, Alan Cooke, Marky Popp, Jack Adams. Third row, Scott Warren, Steve Garcia, Pat Garcia, Johnny Cardenas, David Kirsten.

German Club The German Club, exhuding nostalgia for, Weinerschnitzel and the Bavarian Woods which they hope to experience one day, sharpened their skills in the German language through competition and continual classroom use. As usual, the club produced one of the most intricate and attractive floats in the Homecoming parade.

GERMAN CLUB-(L to R)-first row. Lis Graham, Susan Wickham, Bonnie Brandt, Louis Arellano, Gayle Foss. Second row, Linda Winkleman. Third row, Marilyn Nielson, Michele Haas, Donald Ortega, John Merce

GERMAN CLUB OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Linda Winleman, Treasurer; Susan Wickham, Secretary; Bonnie Brandt, Program Chairman. Second row, Frank Gonzales, President; Liz Graham, Vice-President;Gayle Foss, Sponsor.

PAN AMERICAN CLUB-(1 to r)-first row, Mr. Salvador Perez, Beti Martinez, Isabel Gonzales, Elizabeth Montoya, Theresa Gramajo, Mrs. Dinkel, Lou Anne Rodriguez, Loretta Sosaya, Vicki Valdez, Mr. Lopez. Second row, Marlene Vigil, lanette Segura, Yolanda Alarid, Wanda Graham, Elaine Quintana, Socorro Mondragon, Audrey Quintana, Linda Vigil. Third row,

Angie Baca, Julie Wugalter, Susan Keller, Pam Combs, Debbie Whorten, Lisa Lacy, Mike Cornelius, Ingrid Hayden. Fourth row, David Rodriguez, Carol Solomon, Mimi Mengis, Patty Cruz, Steve Gonzales, Jaima Jackson, Tom Roybal.




The spring trip to Chihauhua, Mexico was the highlight of the school year for members of Pan American Club. This trip, to foster appreciation for the Mexican culture and the practical opportunity to use language skills was an exciting blend of fun and learning. Another special event sponsored by the club was the annual Pan American Dinner which featured an authentic Mexican menu and colorful decorations and was preceded by the crowning of the Pan Am Queen and her court. The inspiration given by Mr. Perez, Mrs. Dinkel and Mr. Lopez as faculty sponsors, is responsible for the spirit and dedication of the club.

PAN AMERICAN OFFICERS-0 to r)-first row, Wanda Graham, Secretary;Teresa Gramajo, Treasurer; Audrey Quintana, President. Second row, Mr. Charles Lopez, Sponsor; Reynalda Dinkel, Sponsor; Mr. Salvador Perez, Sponsor.


I Art Club I With recognized professional artists as instructors, it is not surprising that Santa Fe High School has an active Art Club. They lend their talents for the beautification of the campus and produce exciting art displays for the visual enjoyment and inward response it brings to the viewers.


ART CLUB-0 to r)-first row, Kathy Lopez, Tom Roybal, Rosie Gonzales, Anthony Moya. Second row, Anita Baster, Debbie Doolittle, Antonia Lovato, Danny Archuleta. Third row, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Woods.

F.H.A. ART CLUB OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Tom Roybal, President; Rosie Gonzales, Secretary; Anthony Moya, Vice-President. Second row, Mrs. Woods, Sponsor; Mrs. Nelson, Sponsor.

The age-old, ever new creative skills that go to make the home a place of security, warmth and renewal are stressed in the Future Homemakers of America Club. The state convention of FHA clubs in Albuquerque provides competition and new experience to the members. The girls raise funds for club projects and provide needed help in worthwhile activities.

F.H.A.-(L to r)-first row, Dolores Gomez, Secretary; Dolores Anaya, Jeanerte Archuleta, Theresa Pacheco, President; Phyllis Salazar, Valerie Hyde, Julie Payne, Vice-President. Second row, Mrs. Sandoval, Louella Lucero, Jo Anne Garcia, Loretta Winters, Pauline Ortiz, Teresa Romero,

Mrs. Cooke. Third row, Guadalupe Bustamente, Treasurer; Arlene Martinez, Parliamentarian; Rosie Logue, State President; Karen Bond, Kathleen Sena, Theresa Felter, June Cardenas.

JUNIOR BOOSTERS-(l to r)-first row. Amy Bowen, Berta Rodriguez, Donna Basham, Beverly Chapman, Cathy Salvo, Leslie Russell, Jodie Lusk. Second row, Jill Fleig, Pam Long, Jacque Taylor, Mike Ogas, Elizabeth Hayes, Anthony Martinez, Linda McFarland, Judy Williams,

Joe Maestas, Third row, Kathy Martinez, Jeff Williams, Darby Spring, John Rose, Doug Jones, Mark Brown, Rendall Tucker, Jack McDowell.

Junior Boosters Junior Boosters is a new pep club formed to provide spirit and greater student and community involvement in S.F.H.S. sports. This enthusiastic new' group is already making a major contribution in strongly backing our teams.

JUNIOR BOOSTER OFFICERS—(1 to r)—first row, Cathy Salvo, Secretary. Second row, Cathy Martinet. Treasurer; Linda McFarland, Publicity Man; Beverly Chapman, Publicity Man. Third row, Judy Williams, President; Mike Ogas, Vice-President.


Para Manana Staff

Para Manana is produced by the Annual staff. The book tries to give a perspective view of the year 1973-74 at Santa Fe Senior High School, that will be of lasting value as a history of this place and this time. Hopefully, each reader will find in its pages a nostalgic view of himself and his friends, and a better understanding of what it was all about.

Staff Editor, Marilyn Mier Chief Photographer, Paul Franke General Staff— Seniors: Leslie Fowler, Celia Harris, Debbie Ortiz, Danny Pomonis, Adela Rael, Larry Rivera, Roger Vergara, Blake Wilson. Juniors: Mike Byrnes, Ellen Casados, Ellen James, Denis Mares, Anthony Martinez, Arlene Martinez, Christ el Sena. Sophomores: Cathy Byrnes, Howard Mier, Helen Tafoya, Cindy Trout.


PARA MANANA STAFF-0 to r)-fixst row, Cindy Trout, Arlene Martinez, Marilyn Mier, Debbie Ortiz, Adella Rael, Helen Tafoya, Cathy Byrnes, Ellen Casados, Ellen James, Celia Harris, Christal Sena, Mrs. Franke. Second row.

Blake Wilson, Anthony Martinez, Dennis Mares, Larry Rivera, Danny Pomonis, Michael Byrnes, Howard Mier, Roger Vergara, Paul Franke.

PHOTOGRAPHERS AND DARK ROOM STAFF-U to r)-Howard Mier, Anthony Martinez, Paul Franke, Danny Pomonis, Roger Vergara.

Senior Class Officers The Senior Class provides leadership and style lor the rest of the school and the 1974 Seniors were an active example of this function. The most visible project undertaken by the class was construction of a large concrete and masonry sign to identify the school. Seniors contributed both the cash and the hard labor to make this handsome marker a reality.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Mrs. Najjar, Sponsor; Connie Keeran, Secretary; Blake Wilson, President; Mr. Karshis,


Sponsor. Second row, Danny Pomonis, Vice-President* Regina Sosa Treasurer.


Letter S

Lettermen from all sports, together with the Varsity Cheerleaders make up the Letter S. Club. The club raises money to provide scholarships to athletic camps for young athletes and its main social event is Varsity Ball which was held this year in early May at the Elks Lodge. Coach Starr and his club enjoyed a steak dinner and dancing through the evening to the music of a great band.

LETTER S-(l to r)-fiist row, Danny Chappell, Cynthia Williams, Donna Basham, Liz Vigil, Joe Maes. Second row, David Romero, Sam Gallegos, James Garcia, Bernie Lujan, Charlie Anaya, Jeff Chavez. Third row,


Charlie Dalton, Max Myers, Peter Gurule, Doug Jones, Anthony Portillo, Melvin Roybal.

• V.I.CA.



VICA Club provides resources and support for those students who are working toward a vocational career and are interested in practical applications. This active group at Vo-Tech has the satisfaction of personal advancement and the fun of a dedicated and close-knit organization.

V.I.C.A. CLUB OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Debbie Sandoval, Treasurer; Debbie Roybal, District Reporter; Jeri Williams, Vice-President Nursing Asst.; Frances Roybal, District Vice-President. Second row, Carol Rael, Secretary; Gisel Fiedle, Reporter; Vicki Le Bow, President; Patty Madrid, Dist. Treasurer; Debbie

Sallas, Dist. Secretary; Patsy Fernandez, Local Reporter. Third row, V. Archuleta, Sponsor; L. Tennyson, Sponsor; D. Prakken, Sponsor; Tom Norris, State Reporter; Danny Gomez, President Welding Section; Phillip Mares, Secretary; Al Dial, Sponsor.

V.I.C.A. CLUB-(1 to r)-first row, Violet Archuleta, Carol Rael, Anita Bookless, Frances Roibal, Mr. Al Dial, Mr. Prakken, Ted Urban, John Lopez, Jimmy Betty Ireland, Debbie Sena, Tammy Ortega, Debbie Lucero, Debbie Roybal, Montoya, John Romero, Joe Trujilio, Joaquin Tapia, Philip Mares, Daniel Jeri Williams, Belinda Montoya, Patsy Fernandez. Second row, Mrs. Gomez, Gary Holmes. Fourth row, Ted Herrera, Robert Vail, Edward Tennyson Debbie Sandoval, Gisele Fiedle, Debbie Salas, Diane Kepler, Vicki Bookless, David Burns, Tom Norris, Lawrence Portillo, Charlie Dalton, Ralph La Bow, Sandy Richmond, Patty Madrid, Judy Gierat, Debbie Apodoca, Tapia, Donald Garcia.

Student B


Student Council, elected by the student body, works to broaden student participation in activities, to provide a voice in campus affairs, and to contribute to improve understanding and communications between the student body, the faculty and the administration. The hours are long and the rewards are few, but the undaunted student council works on for the betterment of everyone at S.F.H.S.

STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS-U to r)-first row, Judy Wilson, Sponsor; Carolyn Silver, North Central District Secretary; Donna De Layo, Treasurer; Barbara Shaw, Secretary. Second row, Candace Franke, Sponsor; Mary Shaw, Parliamentarian; Reina Aland, Vice-President. Third row, Mike Ortega, President; Mr. Hopkins, Sponsor.

STUDENT COUNCIL-0 to r)-first row, Carol Bachicha, Roberta McMillen, Patty Montes, Leslie Russell, Eleanor Romero, Rebecca Campos, Michele Egan, Jan Enders, Teresa Gramajo, Carolyn Silver. Second row, Judy Wilson, Louis Arellano, Janette Segura, Beverly Chapman, Kathy Lein, Cherie Koch, Susan Mosher, Mike Cornelius, Linds Weil, Cathy Skepper, Norma Najjar, Beti Martinez, Yolanda Alarid. Third row, Candace Franke, Marsha Aland, Lis Graham, Jackie Jordan, Barbara Shaw, Tommy Roybal, Tommy Gonzales,

David Rodriguez, Donna De Layo, Laura Bailey, Jaima Jackson, Kathy Byrnes, Jack Hopkins. Fourth row, Susan Gibbs, Ruben Griego, Cindy Beadles, Mary Shaw, Elizabeth Hayes, Pat Hayes, Patty Cruz, Reina Aland, Cindy Trout, Ann Buttram, Lorraine Sena, Diane De Layo, Vicente Garcia. Fifth row. Chuck Duran, Kurt Watkins, Patty Bodelson, Ernie Sanchez, Max Myers, Alfred Garcia, Dean Amiday Slade, Dennis Garcia, Steve Gonzales, Mike Ortega, Robert Gallegos.

French Club France, its culture, life and language, is the over-riding interest of the French Club. Songs, skits and conversation are part of the approach to understanding, and a French dinner provides a fun focus on the native foods and cookery esteemed by gourmets. Regional language competition provides a yardstick where the individual may measure his individual skill in French speech.

FRENCH CLUB-(1 to r)-first row, Beti Martinez, Lesley Deihl, Carol Bachicha. Second row, Norma Najjar, Deborah McBeth, Eloise Cam, Mary Whitlock, Debbie Ortiz. Third row, Susan McLaughlin, Nelinda Wilson, Clay Thompson, Elaine Rivera, Tommy Gonzales.

FRENCH CLUB OFFICERS-(l to r(-first row. Norma Najjar, President; Melinda Wilson, Vice-President. Second row, Mrs. Storrs, Sponsor; Tommy Gonzales, Secretary Treasurer; Ernie Sanchez, Parliamentarian.

GRASS CLUB-0 to r)-first row, Fiota Zamora, Shirley Gonzales, Patsy Romero, Rosy Harris, Vicki Chaves, Rosemary Trujillo, Barbara Ortega, Danny Martinez, Mr. Ortega. Second row, Peter Serna, Herman Grace, Victor Rodriguez, Susan McCrory, Stove Gunther, Eugene Sosaya, Rocky Rivera, Reina Aland, Jeffery Chavez. Third row, Tracy Pearson, Robert Gallegos,

Grass Club

No one has talked less, nor done more for Santa Fe High School than Mr. Pedro Ribera Ortega and his Grass Club. The continually growing beauty of the campus and the on-going expansion of landscaping reflects the vision and dedication of Mr. Ortega who worked with what was there instead of lamenting what wasn't. This club and its sponsor deserves the support and respect of all whose lives touch the S.F.H.S. campus.

Francie Copeland, Daniela Croce, Paul Bendt, Tom Perron, Jake Berry, Mike Arzola.Mark Olivas. Fourth row, Lawrence Maes, Fred Montoya, Gerald Rodriquez, Paul Darmitzel, Joe Silva, Mark Vierra, Craig Mims, Robert Salazar.

MAT MAIDS-0 to r)-fiist row, Linda Romero. Second row, Sandra Abeyta, Melinda Rodriguez, Cindy Hopkins, Rosemary Padilla. Third row, Kathy Byrnes, Miss Hancock, Lisa Barela.

Mat maids Organized to provide support and spirit for the wrestling team, the cheerful Mat Maids have already made their mark on campus. The strong showing of the team is cause for rejoicing and a set-back merely makes the Mat Maids more certain that the next one will be a win.

CHESS CLUB OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Mrs. Wright, Sponsor; Cheryl Buchwald, Vice-President. Second row, Steve Burton, Secretary Treasurer; Ruben Griego, President.

Chess Club For those who do not believe in hasty action, the Chess Club is the perfect group. The mental calculation and complicated maneuvers required to win demand total concentration. The S.F.H.S. team has bested all local competition and placed in state meets which is reward enough for those who worry over their rooks and pawns. The serious intellectual need look no further for a happy way to spend the noon hour.

CHESS CLUB-(1 to r)-first row, Bill Long, Tom Grossman, Ruben Griego, Pamela Piatt, David Mullberry, Bill Bowen. Second row, Mrs. Wright, David Hawthorne, Brian Lee, Stave Burton, Cheryl Buchwald, Robert Pond. Third row, Dean Slade Amiday, Greg Baca, Joe Feather, John McCormick, John Wright, Cliff Bruer.

Junior Civitans Junior Civitans, a high school student branch of the Civitans Club, keeps busy in school projects and works actively with the parent club in many of its community activities. Citizenship and the responsibility of each individual as a citizen in his community is stressed by the organization.

JUNIOR CIVITAN OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Julie Servis, Vice-President; Mrs. Archuleta, Sponsor; Jeanette Archuleta, Secretary Treasurer. Second row, Charlie Dalton, Chaplin; James Garcia, Sgt. at Arms. Third row, Mike Ogas, President.

JUNIOR CIVITANS-(1 to r)-first row, Tina Campos, Lisa Gianardi, Jeanette Archuleta, Cathy Salvo, Donna Basham, Becca Campos, Berta Rodriguez, Mrs. Archuleta. Second row, Anne Hilley, Serena Black, Dianne De Layo,

Christal Sena, Karla Buchholz, Julie Servis, Cathy Sanchez. Third row, Jill Fleig, Darby Spring, James Garcia, Mike Ogas, Charlie Dalton, David Romero, Kathleen Hilley.

Speech Club

SPEECH CLUB OFFICERS-(l to r)-first row, Anthony Martinez, VicePresident; Susie Gibbs, President. Second row, Patty Cruz, Secretary; Dean Slade Amiday, Treasurer.

SPEECH CLUB-(1 to r)-hrst row. Joey Chavez, Carol Carr, Johanna Johnson, Susan Gibbs, Tracy Pearson, Agnes Archuleta, Jane Gray. Second row, Elizabeth Hayes, Anthony Martinez, Mike Trujillo, Larry

People who like to talk while other people listen have a happy outlet for their ambition in the S.F.H.S. Speech Club. Debate, dramatic interpretation, impromptu and formal speeches, all give training in the ability to speak easily and effectively in public. Hard work and tension mark preparation for and participation in state and regional speech meets. The Santa Fe Club ranked high in this competition and gained many individual and team honors.

Holgerson, Jackie Jordan. Third row, Ruben Griego, Mike Cowder, Dean Slade Amiday, Patty Cruz.

Joe Feather,

NJ.R.O.T.C NJROTC works to master the academic skills of seamanship and represents the school in inter-school drill competition, marches units in parades, provides a color guard for Demon games and school activities, and presents the school with a view of the pride and discipline of Navy service in the annual Pass and Review ceremony. This year, advanced cadets participated in a spring training program at the U.S. Naval Base in San Diego. This trip provided a taste of real Navy life and a week of new and exciting experience for the lucky participants.

NJ.R.O.T.C. STAFF-0 to r)-first row, Ernie Sanchez, Phyllis Walker, Alice Valdez, Mary Valdez, Johnnie Romero. Second row, Albert Perea, John Zoltai, James Christiansen. Third row, Captain Herrick, Mike White, Don Medina, Mike Cowder, Chief Wright.


GIRLS DRILL TEAM-0 to r)-first row, Mary Valdez, Joan Garcia, Caroline Lucero, Diane Romero, Alcie Valdez, Terrie Creek, Susan Keller, Nancy Williams, Debbie Lujan, Victoria Valdez.


BOYS DRILL TEAM-(1 to r)-first row, James Christiansen. Second row, Greg Vialpando, Manuel Lucero, Leonard Rodriguez, Norman Terry, Kurt Watkins, Joe Miller, Todd Boyers, Joseph Doolittle.

NAVAL SCIENCE II-(1 to r) first row, Mike White, Phyllis Walker, Mary Valdez, Caroline Lucero, Janet Sisneros, Lisa Quintana, Rosie Gonzales, Arlene Sisneros, Debbie Lujan, Alfonso Sanchez. Second row, Anthony Velasquez, Tommy Gonzales, James Williams, Robert Moore, Jess

McFarland, Larry Herrera, Robert Bassett, Fernando Romero, Leonard Rodriguez, David Mulberry. Third row, Chester Moore, George Carrion, Greg Chaparro, Joe Feather, Hal Hanna, Mike Ellis, John Lautenslager, John Hughes, Charles Chambers, Mike Lucero.


NAVAL SCIENCE I 3rd Plt.-(1 to r)-first row, Johnnie Romero, Terrie Creek, Theresa Serna, Victoria Valdez, Joan Garcia, Fernando Romero. Second row, Cindy Garcia, Steve Martinez, David Armijo, Robert Valdez, Peggy Ludi. Third row, Roy Snyder, James Gomez, Brian Maier, Mark Valdez, Manuel Lucero.

NAVAL SCIENCE 14th Pit. (1 to r)-first row, John Zoltai, Nancy Williams, Linda Roybal, Florence Jimenez, Jo Christen, Susan Keller, Leonard

Rodriguez. Second row, Greg Vialpando, Joseph Doolittle, Ronnie Nutter, Vince Howard, Paul Montoya, Rick Gonzales

NAVAL SCIENCE 5th Plt.-(1 to r)-first row, Mike Cowder, Angel Ramirez, Diana Romero, Amanda Cordova, Lou Ann Zamora, Elizabeth Martinez, Don Medina. Second row, Bill Thomas, Paul Smith, Norman


Terry, Jeff Gladfelter. Bob Vigil, Ricky Lopez, Steve Trujillo. Third row, Kurt Watkins, Jeffery Davis, Peter Sharpe, Joe Miller, Fred Clifton, Todd Boyers.

DECA is a national organization of students who combine classroom work and actual on-the-job experience during school hours. DECA students earn money, learn practical methods and gain experience toward their chosen vocational goals in this valuable program. This active group also runs its own store at Vo-Tech.

D.E.C.A. CLUB-0 to r)-first row, Eileen Armijo, Pearl Duran, Priscilla Arellano, Merlene Ortiz, Joann Padilla, Dolores Maestas, Antonia Sandoval, Lillian Lujan, Jackie Padilla, Laverne Serrano, Rita Maestas, Katrina Lopez, Carol Archuleta, Mary Jane Gonzales, Irma Martinez. Second row, Yvonne Ortega, Delia Sanchez, Louise Martinez, Patty Martinez, Lucille Ortiz, Terry Quintana, Mazine Romero, Dorothy Gonzales, Eva Lopez, Dolores Sanchez, Tricia Tapia, Sylvia Duran, Florence

Cruz, Theresa Martinez. Third row, Paula Gage, Lolly Cordove, Frances Garcia, John Marquez, Patty Abeyta, Coral Luna, Phyllis Jordan, Larry Littleton, Cindy Rael, Carolyn Wuorien, Pat Archuleta, Dennis Roybal, Martha Saiz. Fourth row, Edward Suarez, David Stacy, Lawrence Cordova, Clay Beasley, David Loomis, Mitch Mayhon, Wayne Ward, Harry Espinoza, Joseph Rivera, Ernie Rivera, Manuel Alvarez, Sonny Maes.


Symphonic Band 1st Row: Gini Jones, Becky Dill, Chris Borgrink, Cherie Koch, Barbara Shaw, Pam Piatt, Cheryl Buchwald, Beverly Chapman, Francie Copeland, Diane Cordova, Amy Bowen, Bob Dean, Sherida Fly, Jose Lopez. 2nd Row: Mary Shaw, Ann Burttram, Cathy Borgrink, Dennis Baca, Darby Spring, Anita Lopez, Margaret Roybal, Debbie Vigil, Max Meyers, Robert Zone, Greg Heltman, John Brandt, Cynthia Johnson, Steve Deveraux, Lorenz

Villa, Carmella Catanach, Brian Lee, Geraldine Pino, Melody Pontsler. 3rd Row: Gail Gibbs, Carol Solomon, Cathy Salvo, Jean Hamilton, Mr. Pontsler, Frank DesGeorges, Blaine Armstrong, David Niedorf, Bobby Brooks, John Vigil, Gerard Martinez, Richard Sisneros, Sal Jaramillo, Dale Moore, Phil Williams, Karla Kleusner, Suzi Mosher, Gregg Baird, Liz Hayes, Jacgue Taylor, Judy Williams.

Santa Fe High School Bands

Dance Band No. 1: Row 1: Cathy Borgrink, Carmella Catanach, Brian Lee, Darby Spring, Melody Pontsler, Dennis Baca, John Vigil, Blaine Armstrong, David Niedorf, Frank DesGeorges. 2nd Row: Sherida Fly, James O'Neal,


Lorenz Villa, Beverly Chapman, Mr. Pontsler, Bobby Brooks, Jose Lopes, Sal Jaramillo, Greg Heltman, Cynthia Johnson, John Brandt, Steve Deveraux.

Concert Band: 1st Row: Diane Cordova, Debbie Badsgard, Valli Jenkins, Eloise Montano, Maria Trujillo, Patsy Sisneros, Valerie DeLaO, Diane omero, Tracy Pearson, Michelle Aragon, Selah Chavet, Mary Anne Tauche, Cecelia Garcia. 2nd Row: Joan Lineberry, Kate Martinez, Linda Gouge, Debbie Thompson, Phyllis Salazar, Roberta Romero, Nancy Williams, Guy Dominguez, Gene Mier, Cindy Hopping, Cristy Iverson, Bill Lockhart, Liz Ortiz, Emily Baca, Patty Ortiz, Lucy Stover, Jill Daum, Therese Gallegos, Mark Wilson. 3rd Row: Barbara Rodriguez, Becky Bushrow, Sandra Poehler,

Under the baton of Director Clark Pontsler, Santa Fe High School Bands have swept state and regional honors, year after year. The bands have also performed in Mexico City and Moscow, Russia, where honors were accorded each performance. The enthusiasm, discipline, hard work and

Dance Band No. 2: 1st Row: Dale Moore, Christy Iverson, Guy Dominguez, Cindy Hopping, Liz Ortiz, Emily Baca, Cheryl Buchwald. 2nd Row: David Walraven, Craig Mims, Doug Peterson, Mark Wilson, Jerard Martinez,

Loretta Winter, Susan Rivera, Loretta Hutchinson, Mike Ortiz, Charles Correz, Paul Oliver, David Romero, Edmund Baca, David Anany, Greg Gundzick, Shelly Mason, Arty Catanach, Mike Gibbs, George Anthony Gonzales, Mike White, Ben Salazar, Craig Mimms, Steve Stamets, Robert Vail, Karen Tauche, Eddie Moore, David Walraven. 4th Row: Mr. Pontsler, Anthony King, Jerald Martinez, Paul Getz, Gerard Martinez, Doug Peterson, Jeff Davis, James O'Neal. .

group loyalty that each young musician brings to these bands contribute to the high musical standards maintained, and the final, vital ingredient that transforms each group is the excellence demanded by Mr. Pontsler, known to all his musicians as "Boss"

Robert Zone, David Anaya, George Anthony Gonzales, Arty Catanach, Edmund Baca. 3rd Row: Margaret Roybal, Anne Burttram, Anthony King, Richard Sisneros.


KEY CLUB-0 to r)-first row. Peter Bowen, Bill Lockhart, Kathi Brito, Lisa Barela, Jo Anne Mustian, Chuck Duran, Blake Wilson, Joe Mier. Second row, Damon Zinn, Paul Tachau, Anthony Martinez, James Spiotis, Step Dobyns, Jeff Williams, Paul Darmitzel. Third row, Greg Baca, Rendall

Tucker, Gerald Rodriguez, David Barker, Dennis Garcia, Mark Brown, Peter Doles, Doug Peterson. Fourth row, Robert Vigil, Tom Matthews, Mike White, Ernie Sanchez, Max Meyers, Mike Ellis, Bob Kelly, Will Gilmer, Paul Franke.

Key Club Key Club functions to encourage the developemnt of civic-minded, responsible young people by requiring members to personally participate in community improvement projects and assistance to individuals. One of the most active groups on campus, the club members involve themselves in school projects as well. Each year a few lucky girls are selected as Key Club Sweethearts.


KEY CLUB OFFICERS AND SWEETHEARTS-0 to r)-first row, Joe Mier, Sponsor; Lisa Barela, Sph. Sweetheart; Kathi Brito, Jr. Sweetheart; Jo Anne Mustian, Sr. Sweetheart; Step Dobyns, President.

Second row, Chuck Duran, Secretary; Dennis Garcia, Lt. Gov. Div. 1 Southwest Dis.; Bob Kelly, Vice-President; Peter Doles, Treasurer.

KEY CLUB SWEETHEARTS-(1 to r)-Kathi Brito, Lisa Barela, Jo Anne Mustian.


- This year, for the first time, Key Club was broadened to include a girl's group called the Keyettes. These girls meet with Key Club and share the same goals and responsibilities. Although new, Keyettes appears firmly established already as another worth-while campus club.

KEYETTES-(1 to r)-first row. Miss Vigil, Beverly Chapman, Rebecca Campos, Kathy Byrnes, Cathy Salvo, Debbie Ortega. Second row. Darby Spring,

Donna De Layo, Linda McFarland, Kathy Martinez, Dianne De Layo, Laura Bailey.




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The End

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