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Community Events
- C O M M U N I T Y E V E N T S -
March 1 - 30 Leprechaun Treasure Hunt
FREE! Hunt for leprechauns in our City parks for a chance to win a pot of chocolate gold! Leprechauns can be returned to the Finley Community Center, M-F, from 8am to 6pm to collect the prize. Visit SantaRosaRec.com for more information, including a list of City parks where leprechauns will be hidden.

March 4 - 13 A Theater for Children Presents: Wizard of Oz
A Participation Play for Children Steele Lane Community Center Visit ATheaterForChildren.com for information and tickets.
Show times:
Friday 3/4, 7pm Friday 3/11, 7pm Saturday 3/5, 1 & 3:30pm Saturday 3/12, 1 & 3:30pm Sunday 3/6, 3pm Sunday 3/13, 3pm

March 12 Arbor Day Tree Planting Party
9am-12pm Join us at Rincon Valley Community Park. See page 8 for details.
March 13 St. Patrick’s Day 5K
Presented by Fleet Feet Sports Benefitting Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks 12pm • Courthouse Square Join us for this popular family event and fundraiser for the Rec & Parks Scholarship Fund! Visit FleetFeetSantaRosa.com to register.

April 9 History Walking Tours at the Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours leave every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated. Pre-registration required. Learn the history of Santa Rosa while strolling through the grave sites of early residents. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes.
May 8 Mother’s Day Plant Sale and Chosen Spot Expo
Luther Burbank Home & Gardens Visit lutherburbank.org for details.
May 9 Santa Rosa History Tour on Rosie the Trolley
10am-12pm; Departs from Howarth Park $20; pre-registration required Half of proceeds go to Rec & Parks Scholarship Fund. Tour Theme: The McDonalds and their Ave
May 21 Kids to Parks Day
11am-3pm, Howarth Park - FREE Celebrate this nationwide day of outdoor exploration and play with family friendly activities in Howarth Park! Activities designed for children ages 6-12, but all ages welcome.
May 30 Memorial Day at the Rural Cemetery
12pm, Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated. Honor the day with special guests and tours of veterans’ graves. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes.
June 11 McDonald Avenue Tour at the Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated. Pre-registration required. Visit the graves of the McDonald’s, then proceed down McDonald Avenue to view and discuss the historic homes and their early residents. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes.
July 9 Senior Expo
9am-12pm, FREE Person Senior Wing of Finley Community Center Come discover Santa Rosa businesses, organizations and activities that make our community a great place to live.
July 9 Women’s History Tour at the Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated. Pre-registration required. Learn the history and lives of the women who helped shape Santa Rosa and Sonoma County. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes.
Live at Juilliard Concerts Sundays July 17, 24, 31; August 7, 14, 21 Julliard Park, FREE!
Join us for music, food and fun! Music line-up and more info at: srcity.org/liveatjuilliard.
August 13 Stones and Images Tour at the Rural Cemetery
10-11am; Tours every 20 minutes from Franklin Gate FREE! Donations appreciated. Pre-registration required. Learn the history and meaning of symbols and forms of grave makers from the early days of Santa Rosa. Note: uneven surfaces and slopes.
Please Note: All Programs and activities may change based on public health recommendations and COVID-19 safety precautions.