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Neighborhood Services
- N E I G H B O R H O O D S E R V I C E S -
Neighborhood Services (NS) of Santa Rosa Recreation & Parks provides underserved youth and their families with safe-haven sites where they enjoy recreational, social and athletic activities without fear of gangs, drugs and other negative influences that occur in their neighborhoods. These programs are provided with the Santa Rosa Violence Prevention Partnership and are supported by Measure O sales tax, the Change for Kids program, and many individuals, businesses, and organizations to make our Santa Rosa community stronger. Visit Neighborhood Services online to learn more.
Get Involved
A free three year membership is available and required to participate in Neighborhood Services programs.
To become a member, you must live within Santa Rosa and provide verification of one of the following:
Social Security Supplemental or Disability Income Public assistance through Sonoma County Human Services Department (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families [TANF], food stamps/CalFresh) School Free Lunch Program (Must have current school year acceptance letter) Public assistance through the City of Santa Rosa Housing Authority MediCal Benefits If you believe you would qualify due to other extenuating circumstances, please contact 707-543-4501 or neighborhoodservices@srcity.org.
Provide your eligibility documentation in person at either Steele Lane Community Center (415 Steele Lane) or Finley Community Center (2060 W. College Avenue) Monday – Friday, 9am to 4pm. Contact us today at neighborhoodservices@srcity.org or 707543-4501 if you have membership questions.
Spring & Summer Programs
SPRING CHEER TEAM Session: 2/22-5/5 Practices: Tue/Thu, 6:30-7:30pm OR 7:30-8:30pm Grades 3-8 Fee $10 - includes t-shirt and shorts
Our Cheer Team returns this spring season to introduce youth to the fundamentals of cheerleading. Participants learn routines, stunts, and lifts. This program offers a perfect opportunity to gain cheer and dance experience, increase selfesteem and meet new friends!
Spring & Summer Programs
SPORTS CLINICS Sessions: 3/1-4/7; 4/12-5/5 Tue/Thu, 6:30-7:30pm OR 7:30-8:30pm Comstock Middle School Grades 3-8 $10
Participants play various sports (basketball, dodgeball, futsal) and learn fundamentals including dribbling, passing, shooting, defense and more, in a fun/encouraging environment.
SPRING BREAK CAMP Session: 3/21-3/25 Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm $10
Keep your kids active and engaged this spring break. Youth will participate in a variety of activities including arts, crafts, sports, STEM, and more!
Steele Lane Community Center Grades K-1
Location TBD Grades 2-6
SUMMER WORK EXPERIENCE FOR TEENS Recreation Sensation Leader-In-Training Session: 6/13-7/28 (no camp 7/4) Mon-Fri, 8:15am-3:45pm Locations TBD
Set a positive example and gain work experience by assisting with camp activities, including rec games, arts & crafts, academic activities, field trips and events. RECREATION SENSATION*
Session: 6/13-7/28 (No camp 7/4) Mon-Fri, 8:30am-3:30pm Locations TBD Grades K-6 (must be entering 1st grade in 2022/23) $10 - *Registration begins 3/14
This fun-filled 7-week camp offers, arts, sports, swimming field trips, keeping kids active and engaged over the summer months. Participants MUST attend all seven weeks.
TEEN SPORTS CAMP* Session: 6/13-7/28 (No camp 7/4) Mon-Fri, 12-4pm Location TBD Grades 7-9 $10 - *Registration begins 3/14
Coed youth work with experienced coaches, learning various sport fundamentals and participating in skillbuilding drills, scrimmages, and tournaments.
How to Register
Members may use the links to register online. *Please note: Registration for Recreation Sensation and Teen Sports Camp begins 3/14 Members and walk-ins may register in person beginning 3/14, Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm and on 3/30, 5-6:30pm at Finley Community Center. Membership is required to participate in all NS programs, see page 35 to join.