SAPC Annual Report 2023

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Table of Contents Pastor Report - Pastor Pete


Pastor Report - Pastor Mat


Church Off icers 5 Worship & Music 6 Local Outreach 7 Missions 8 Children’s Discipleship Ministry


Youth Discipleship Ministry


Preschool & Kindergarten


Adult Discipleship Ministry


Prayer & Care 16 In Memoriam 16 Deacons 17 Stephen Ministry 17 Faith Community Nurses


Heavenly Hosts 18 Trustees 19 Financial Report 20 Administrative Volunteers


Membership & Attendance


Personnel 24 Nominating Committee 26 Physical & Technical Resources



7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704

Pastor Pete Seiferth


Dear Saints of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, This annual report is an intentional reminder of all that God has done through the gospel ministry of SAPC over the past year. There is much to celebrate! There is much to be excited about! St. Andrew’s continues to be a congregation whose focus is to “know God and make God known through lives transformed by Christ.” God is good! We all know that change is difficult. This is because we are emotional creatures and experiencing change pushes all our emotional buttons. Times of transition are filled with experiencing the losses of some things, being introduced to new things, and then adjusting. It can feel unsettling - and we are reminded repetitively in Scripture that God is Good, and that God’s plans for His people are to prosper in accordance with God’s greater purpose of being a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is good! It has been a privilege and joy to walk with you for the past thirty months, during this season of pastoral transition. 2023 was an eventful year that saw the completion of the Congregational Mission Study and the election of a Pastor Nomination Committee in March. Very soon, the PNC will be presenting to the congregation the candidate they have discerned God to be calling to serve as the next installed Pastor/Head of Staff. God is good! I encourage you, even as you have been faithful in prayer, to pray especially fervently as SAPC enters a new phase in its life, as the final steps of the pastoral transition process are completed. Pray for the candidate who will be the next pastor, and their family as they prepare to leave one ministry context and enter the life and mission of SAPC. Pray for ongoing dedicated service of the SAPC Session, Trustees, Deacons, and Staff who faithfully shape and provide for the ministry of Christ. God is good! I leave you with these words, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and penned by Paul in sharing a blessing to the believers in Phillipi: “And my God will fully satisfy every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Philippians 4:19-20 NRSV Counting it all Joy because God is so Good, Pete Seiferth, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff


Pastor Mat Grover


Dear St. Andrew’s Family, 2023 was a year of continued transition and trusting in the leading of the Lord. As I say in my benediction every single time, that we trust that the Creator knows us, loves us, is holding on to us, and will never let us go. What a blessing this church continues to be to the community and the world, with a heart for trusting the Lord even in hard seasons and a desire to live out authentic faith while being a welcoming and loving congregation. I am so proud to be a part of this community because it continues to live into its vision of knowing God, and making God known through lives transformed by Christ. Even in this time of transition, and at times ambiguity, we have been able to continue to follow God’s lead as we reach the world for Him. This year of continued transition has seen strong ministry programs, through our ADM, YDM, and CDM programs. We have also seen more transition as our Assistant Youth Director, Logan Schmidt, left to go to nursing school, and in August, our ADM Director, Rev. Connie Randall, left to move into a new phase of ministry life. Despite these big losses, the people of St. Andrew’s continue to step up and lead and invest in the ministries of this church. I was extremely blessed to be granted a sabbatical this year. Having been on staff for 13 years, the Session and Personnel Committee were gracious in giving me this opportunity for respite and sabbath. My family and I were able to go to England and Scotland for three weeks in June, to visit important historical sites, reconnect with loved ones, and an opportunity for family adventure. In July, we spent two weeks in the Pacific Northwest visiting family and enjoying making new memories. The rest of the time was filled with rest, learning, music playing, and prayer. I am so thankful for this time and thankful for the church’s support in this time away. As we look into this next year, we still have transition and a little bit of ambiguity, but as we trust that God has been guiding St. Andrew’s for the last 60-ish years, we know that God is leading us as a congregation in His grace and mercy. We look forward to fellowship events, learning and growing through our lives transformed by Christ. May God continue to bless us and lead us in the ministry of His church! Grace and Peace, Pastor Mat


Church Officers





Ron Allen Charles Carroll Erica Cornett Jana Knutson David Schmidt

Karin Fiore LeeAnn Hamilton Dan Harms Jon Woodard

Tori Carlson Laurie Grabill Jennifer Jacobson Sandy Ricker Mike Thompson



TRUSTEES CLASS OF 2023 Lynne Badegian Scott Gardner Cathy McGowan Robyn Russell Lisa Plante Cathy Stevenson Kelly Walsh Merri Kae VanderPloeg

CLASS CLASSOF OF2024 2024 CLASS OF 2023 Becky D’Angelo Ron Allen JudyCLASS Clement OF Carroll 2023 Charles Charlotte Hall Erica Cornett Dick Hall Morris Carmen Jana Knutson Jackie Harms Steve Olafson David Schmidt Debbi Nicomede Greg Jester

CLASS 2025 CLASS OFOF 2025 CLASS OF 2024 Liz Boltz Karin Fiore Kristi Mejias CLASS OF 2024 LeeAnn Hamilton Cherie Miller-Gray Dan Harms Charlotte Josh CusterSmith Jon Woodard Liz Soflin Cara Frank Katie Strumpf Karl Oxnam Rose Tederous

CLASS OF 2025 Tori Carlson CLASSLaurie OF 2025 2025 Grabill CLASS OF Jennifer Jacobson Michael Lokale Sandy Ricker Mike Lange Mike Thompson Rick Mason





Carmen Morris Steve Olafson Greg Jester

Josh Custer Cara Frank Karl Oxnam

Michael Lokale Mike Lange Rick Mason


Worship & Music


Members of the Worship and Music Committee represent all three Worship Services, Contemporary Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Orchestra, Gallery Committee, Welcome Table, Sanctuary Decorators, Flower Team, and Ushers. It includes leadership team members Pastor Pete Seiferth, Associate Pastor Mat Grover, music directors Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Wittman Ringers director Arlene Sturm. The committee met ten times in 2023 using a hybrid virtual/inperson format. Pastor Mat Grover went on a well deserved sabbatical in the summer of 2023. Commissioned Ruling Elder Carl Dahlen assumed duties of pastoral ministry associate to provide staff and worship support during Pastor Mat’s sabbatical. In addition to holding three different worship services each week (7:30 am Communion, 9:00 am Contemporary, 10:45 am Traditional) worship activities of the church this year included: • • • • • •

Lenten services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday, an Easter Sunday outdoor service, and a Palm Sunday Concert Thanksgiving Eve Service The 15th Annual Christmas Concert The Christmas Eve Family Service followed by the Christmas Eve Contemporary and Christmas Eve Traditional Services Blue Christmas Service: A time to be honest about all the emotions that Christmastime may provoke The St. Andrew’s Sisters brought holiday cheer in person to multiple care centers during 2023

Other highlights from the Worship and Music committee: • New lighting was installed in the Sanctuary which will give us more flexibility in lighting to enhance our worship experience • The Worship and Music Committee sponsored the September 2023 performance of the All Nations Chamber Ensemble at St. Andrew’s Special thanks to our dedicated Staff and all the volunteers who enhance our Worship Services every week. All is done in praise to God and to His glory!


Local Outreach


As we look back over the last year and the last 10 years of our Service Worship and Outreach Ministry, we can’t help but be overwhelmed with gratitude for everything that the Lord has done for us and our community! It is with such a grateful heart that I am writing this 2023 annual report.

May brought teacher appreciation gifts that blessed many schools in need of encouragement!

Summer came with Serve Our Schools. We have many new schools that we are serving with God’s love which is being happily accepted!

Fall brought Serve Our City which felt like loaves and fish! We made 23 deliveries and scheduled pick-ups with all the items that you all donated and made! How wonderful to share the many blessings that God gives us every day.

December touched us with stockings made by the Youth Ministry which especially blessed Cross Streets Ministries. The man who normally puts these together had a heart attack so was unable to do it this year. God’s timing is always perfect! We also put together 75 bags with the wooden Christmas trees and Baby Jesus ornaments. In collaboration with Interfaith Community Services, these will bless a special care center whose people don’t have families around. Special thanks to our Children’s Ministry and our Preschool & Kindergarten for making the cards!

Finally, what a privilege to partner with our wonderful Preschool & Kindergarten staff and families for snacks for students! The snacks just keep multiplying and will pour out God’s love into our city!

2023 BLESSINGS: • January was filled with a panel presentation with Dr. Damond Holt with Fresh Start Ministries and Pastor Jeff Logston and Kari Marsh from Hope City Church. Dr. Holt shared his passion about helping the formerly incarcerated get back on their feet! This ministry is helping the vulnerable and is being shared all over the country. Thank you for supporting our Mission Partner! Pastor Jeff and Kari Marsh are doing amazing community work with those who are homeless and with low-income families. We were able to help them out with the extra blankets, hygiene products, and Thanksgiving food bags that we received from you!

Thank you again for pouring Jesus’ love into our community. St. Andrew’s continues to be a light for our city! “Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!” Psalm 47:1 NLT

February brought a Valentine outreach with HUGS. How wonderful it is that St. Andrew’s has this special ministry!

An Easter outreach for care centers and individuals who cannot get out a lot brought the sunshine of painted birdhouses. We have some incredibly talented people here at St. Andrew’s!

April brought a Concert of Prayer! What a lifechanging experience of renewing worship, small group prayer, and Scripture reading to thank the Lord for all He has done and to see what He might launch that’s new!


Missions Committee REPORT

The St. Andrew’s Missions Committee is committed to supporting mission opportunities that align with our church’s mission and vision, specifically reaching outward to journey beyond our walls and show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world. We select Mission Partners and look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. The Missions Committee: •

Communicates mission opportunities to the congregation

Prioritizes and distributes available funds to these projects

Encourages St. Andrew’s congregation to participate in local and international mission projects

Carefully evaluates each Mission Partner annually to be sure they are operating successfully and in a fiscally responsible way

Encourages new mission requests which support areas we are not currently reaching


This committee is the financial steward for St. Andrew’s mission outreach. •

For 2023, Session set a Mission budget based on 8.4% of the church pledge funds, non-pledges, and loose offerings. This totaled $160,026, and the committee allocated $150,000 in planned annual funding to our Mission Partners.

For 2023, the Missions Committee allocated $130,000 of a designated fund known as the Tompkins Fund, which is designated to benefit the needy families in Pima County.

In addition, the Committee allocated $35,000 in onetime funding from pledge and miscellaneous funds throughout the year for various mission partners who faced critical needs.

Cross Streets Ministries

This means that our total disbursement for 2023 was $315,000.

Our church financially supports 46 mission partners. We have divided these mission partners into seven groups to represent where our annual support goes. •

Foreign Individual Missionaries: 23% ($71,000)

Foreign Missions: 19% ($59,000)

Local Church Plants: 5% ($15,000)

Local Children and Youth: 4% ($13,000)

Hands on Opportunities: 4% ($12,000)

Local Individual Missionaries: 3% ($10,000)

Local Poor and Needy: 43% ($135,000)

Café Justo


Throughout the year, the Missions Committee also supports a couple special offerings. •

The 2022 Advent Offering Project provided funds for local school district resources centers to purchase new shoes for students and raised over $12,000.

The spring Change for Children drive brought in nearly $10,000 for Alliance for Children Everywhere for a program that empowers families out of extreme poverty in Zambia.

The 2023 Christmas Offering Project will support a Charity & Scholarship Fund for Kapsowar Mission Hospital in Kenya. Funds will be distributed as needed to patients and families who would otherwise be unable to pay for medical care.

2023 MISSION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Sandy Kreamer (Co-chair), Danielle Oxnam (Co-chair), Karin Fiore (Session Elder), Kristin Enger, Norm Enger, Marianne Hadden, Cindy Lange, Sharon Lee, Larry Norrid, Don Parce, Jim Seymour, Sandy Seymour, and RuthAnn Smithrud

Rise Against Hunger

Goshen Ministries International

Habitat for Humanity

Alliance for Children Everywhere



Children’s Discipleship


Children’s Discipleship Ministry is comprised of a faithful group of teachers, staff, and volunteers who serve the children of St. Andrew’s ages birth through fifth grade. The staff includes Director Heather Brannock and Childcare Supervisor Anita Degnan. SUNDAY SCHOOL: •

We continue to have Children’s Sunday School during the 9:00 am Service.

5 Sunday School classes with 6 teachers and 11 youth assistants.

Average weekly attendance for 2023 was 30 kids.

Preschool- 2nd grade are using the Simply Loved Curriculum. 3rd grade is learning Bible basics including the order of the books of the Bible, and how to look up verses. 4th and 5th grade are using the Be Bold! Curriculum and continue to attend worship about once a month.


Prayer Partners: On February 19, 5 kindergarten students met with adult prayer partners.

Promotion to Youth Ministry: On May 14, 6 fifth graders were promoted to Youth Ministry.

Third Grade Bibles: On September 10, we presented 3 Bibles to third graders.

Communion: On September 25, 10 fourth graders and their families learned about Communion. Fourth and fifth graders attend service once a month on Communion Sundays.


This year’s theme was Stellar and was held June 12-16.

155 children attended.

97 adults and youth volunteered.




Holy Molies, a monthly fellowship group for 4th and 5th graders. This year (20232024) we are using a theme about communicating with God. Average monthly attendance was 9.

We have continued our Super Friends special needs ministry with a Sunday School class for children with special needs and a parent support group for the parents of children with special needs.

Easter Egg Hunt took place on Saturday, April 1 with prayer stations. There were approximately 60 people in attendance including families from St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten.

Palm Sunday Processional - Students processed at the 9:00 am Worship Service and the Children’s Choir sang at both the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services.

Both groups meet on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 am. Our Super Friends Sunday school class theme is God Loves Me and our parent support group focuses on resources and strategies to help children with special needs on their faith journeys.

Trunk or Treat - 23 trunks decorated by volunteers. Over 500 people from the Church, Preschool & Kindergarten, and local community attended the event.

Christmas Eve Play - 27 kids and 4 youth participated in Stellar Christmas, a Christmas play based on our VBS theme.

During the summer, our Super Friends hosted several events in which we invited the entire congregation to join us. The goal was to foster relationships between families with special needs and the greater church community. We did Peter Piper Pizza, a pool day at Oro Valley Aquatic Center, and bowling at Fiesta Lanes. We are so thankful for all of the families that attended these events in support of our Super Friends.


Youth Discipleship


St. Andrew’s Youth Discipleship Ministry is a community of students grade 6th-12th, various leaders, and staff, all striving to know God and to make God known through lives transformed by Christ. Students are invited to join weekly in attending Youth Group, Sunday School, and special events. We are committed to creating a community of fun, fellowship, service, and growth. Kids are encouraged to play hard, care for each other deeply, serve with intentionality, and ask difficult questions about faith. Here are a few highlights from this year: 30 HOUR FAMINE February 11-12 we had 60 total leaders, students, and families take part in our 30 Hour Famine. This year we packed 20,000 meals with Rise Against Hunger, learned about multiple organizations and communities impacting the local Tucson area, and raised just over $2800 to split between Hope City Church and World Vision. We packaged 200 hygiene bags and we also spent time in prayer at prayer stations and at our evening gathering where students discussed what it was like to serve and where they saw God working in the City of Tucson. LIGHT THE PATH We had 18 seventh graders through seniors in High School get an opportunity to really dig deep into faith and what it means to be a follower of Christ. We offered opportunities to write faith statements, have a mentor, meet with Session, get baptized, and become a member of St. Andrew’s. This was a place to explore, question, and learn more about Who Jesus Christ is and His role in their life through Lent. MOONLIGHT DINNER AND AUCTION This years’ Moonlight Dinner and Auction was a smashing success with over 115 attendees and over 45 youth and parent volunteers. The Youth Ministry was blessed by the fun and support we had from the congregation. We were able to raise almost $22,000 to help support Youth, Scholarships, and Internship Programs. Thank you, St. Andrew’s! YOUTH MINISTRY INTERNS We had another great experience this summer with our Intern Program. We had two paid interns supporting our programs as well as learning about theology, ministry, and how ministry applies to more areas in life than just working in the church. 12

FOREST HOME CHRISTIAN CAMP We had an amazing week at Forest Home Camp with 70 students and leaders! We swam, hiked, blobbed, mud pitted, and competed in crazy team games. Our gathering times included a dynamic speaker and an incredible worship team that were able to engage our students and bring them closer in their relationships with Christ. A number of our students came to Christ for the first time or recommitted their lives to Him through teachings, worship devotion times, and cabin conversations. The ministry has been so blessed by this incredible opportunity to grow in our relationships with each other and our relationship with Christ!

Our Youth Ministry is blessed to have amazing, dedicated, and consistent leaders who are on fire for God and wanting students to grow in their relationship with Him. These leaders are the cornerstone of our ministry and what God is doing in the lives of young students at St. Andrew’s. The church is blessed to have them and the ministry could not happen without them! Being a leader for these students is an adventure and a joy and we are always welcoming more people to come join the excitement! We are so looking forward to what God has for us in this upcoming year. Our vision and hope is that students would continue to be amazed by the character of God and the way that He loves us and would be encouraged and mobilized to take part in building His Kingdom here on Earth. The Youth Ministry is a very exciting and busy place to be. Learn more about the ministry at We are so thankful for this past year and look forward to God’s continuing guidance and provisions in the year to come!

LOOKING FORWARD 2024 In the next year, we are looking forward to leaning into where God is sending us alongside the Family Ministries Team. We are excited to continue partnering with students and their families as we grow together in faith and life.

Preschool & Kindergarten MINISTRY

St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten Ministry is an intentional and supportive community of families and early childhood educators with the goal of investing in children’s growth and development through play and faith formation. Our school grew in significant ways this year, including adding an additional 2s class in the spring to help relieve the waitlist for the 2s class. Additionally, we started a parent/child class, Grow With Me, one day a week to provide toddler enrichment and community to new families. Furthermore, we were able to add a new 1s class to our class offerings based on family interest. Classroom renovations in White Hall from our hard working Facilities and Technical Resources Committee enabled us to increase enrollment in our Kindergarten class by 50% from last year as well as start an extended day after school offering for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Music) to our 3 and 4 year old students.


(PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN CONT.) Due to your generous financial donations and charitable giving through AZ tax credit donations, we have provided over $11,000 in scholarship funds to students in 2023. These donations help to remove any financial obstacles that could stand in the way of a family choosing St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten for their child. All students who applied for tax credit funding received full scholarships to our Kindergarten program for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years, making our Kindergarten accessible to families! God Always Loves Us has been our Chapel theme as we finish the 2023 year. We’ve also learned that we can be the hands and feet of Jesus and that when serving others, we are serving Him. This year, students made cards for those in adult care homes, brought in new or gently used baby items for the YoungLives organization to support teen moms and their babies, as well as participated in a snack drive to help support TUSD students in need of food. Our school focus verse this year is from Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Please continue to pray for our school staff, students, their families, and school leadership as we listen for ways that God can use us! To learn more about our school ministry, please visit


Adult Discipleship


Adult Discipleship Ministry is served by a dynamic team of staff, pastors, and amazing volunteers. Currently the team consists of Susan Cochran, Steve Herzog, Sandra Kovacs, Diane Olson, Elders Mike Thompson and Tori Carlson. The committee saw a change this year as our director Connie Randall left her position in August. We got to celebrate Rev. Connie’s ministry, service, and the way she led, grew, and stabilized the ministry. Since Connie left, Pastor Pete and Pastor Mat have joined the committee. The goal of this ministry is to guide, support, and equip the people of St. Andrew’s as they grow in their faith and become more and more who God has called them to be. We do that through Bible studies, listening and discussion groups, fellowship and social groups, and national discipleship events.

HERE ARE A FEW WAYS THAT DISCIPLESHIP HAPPENED IN 2023 HUGS SENIOR MINISTRY FAITH UNCORKED JANUARY SERIES *ONLINE WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH SUNDAY & WEEKLY STUDIES/GROUPS Sunday Morning Connecting Group Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study Saturday Morning Men’s Group Conversation Groups Life Groups Book Discussion Groups Spiritual Direction Tuesday Women’s Conversation Group Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study MOMS Group Bible Study Fellowship Satellite Group


PIECEMAKERS QUILTING Once again this lovely group of about 25 women has shared their time and talents with their donations. • Almost 330 quilts this year to Project Linus which are given to sick or traumatized children and teens • Soft tag blankets for babies being baptized • 25 pillowcases were given to the Rocky Point mission trip • A quilt was donated to the Moonlight Dinner Auction • Hard work and wonderful fellowship are combined

Prayer & Care


The Care Team has been active in reaching out to people in hospitals, at home, and at different assisted living and care facilities. We strive to provide support, comfort, love, and prayer to those in need. Our team, which is comprised of 24 active members from different ministries, meets monthly to check in, discuss ways to reach out and make sure there are people who are not falling through the cracks of needed spiritual and physical attention. We have been active in visitation, writing cards, providing Bible study at care facilities, and participating with the Deacons in providing Communion for those who are home bound. Members include people from the Prayer Team, Deacons, Stephen Ministers, Faith Community Nurses, Session, Staff, and members at large. We are always looking at ways to connect to and reach out to those who are in need of the Love of Christ.

In Memoriam

Memorial Gifts 16


Stephen Ministry

In 2023, SAPC had 21 Deacons active in the year. Here are just some of the ways the Deacons served.

Stephen Ministry began at SAPC in 1982 and since that time has continually provided high quality, one on one Christ-centered listening and prayer support to members in our congregation and community who are experiencing a challenging time in their lives. Our program is led by a team of five of our Stephen Ministers who have received an additional week of advanced training. This Leadership Team (SMLT) meets monthly and oversees, evaluates, and guides our program. All Stephen Ministers attend a monthly peer supervision meeting, planned and led by the SMLT to include continuing education and individual support of the ministers in their caring relationships.





6 Blood Drives held, with a goal of 160 donors… Actual donors totaled 150. (Did not include those who were denied for various reasons).

FRIENDSHIP CARDS 231 Total cards written and sent out


BAPTISMS 4 Baptisms: 1 baby, 2 teen, 1 adult

MEMORIALS 30 Deacons helped in 10 different memorials



MEAL TRAIN MINISTRY 8 families served, with 66 meals provided


There have been 72 Communion Services held in Church during 2023.





9 Deacons assisted 4 individuals with Home Communion 15 different times. (Home Communion started back up in September)


A total of 26 Stephen Ministers provided loving support to 27 Care Receivers over this past year. This program could not thrive without the support, the continued referrals and willing acceptance of help when needed by each member of the St. Andrew’s congregation and our ministerial staff. We look forward to continuing this invaluable program and serving even more friends in need in 2024!

Faith Community Nurses REPORT

Faith Community Nursing (FCN) is a healthcare ministry designed to identify and address the health needs of the congregation through education, counseling and advocacy. Through the integration of health and faith, this ministry strengthens the church community by focusing on each individual’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. The goal of FCN is to work, in partnership with the other care ministries, toward establishing the church as a vital resource for health and healing.

Personal Health Counselor

There are nine non-paid Registered Professional Nurses whose duties are guided by a Health Committee. The five roles of the Faith Community Nurse are listed below and St. Andrew’s has participated in all areas.

35 CPR Certified; 33 First Aid Certified

200 Blood Pressure Screens at HUGS Suzi Anderson

137 Blood Pressure Screens on Second Sunday – (Suzi Anderson, Lisa Best, Louise Doran, Rachael Howard, Jo Kramer, Julie Pentacoff, Roxanne Peterson, Catherine Stevenson)

First Aid boxes replenished – Suzi Anderson

10 Cross Currents Health Articles – Louise Doran, Will Wilkinson

4 individuals counseled – Louise Doran

All contacts are confidential

Liaison to Community Resources – 4 – Louise Doran

Health Education •

Medical Equipment Lending Ministry – Mary Bauer, Lisa Best

Medical equipment is loaned out free of charge to anyone in need. – 35 Pieces Received, 5 Donations, 17 Returned.

We Care – excess Medical equipment/ supplies donated

Supplies Donated to Interfaith Community Services

Emerge Domestic Violence pamphlets installed in every toilet stall on campus – Julie Pentacoff

Organizer/Coordinator of volunteers – Requires matching the individual’s need with the nurse who has that expertise Interpreter of the relationship between Faith and Health It’s important to strengthen your spiritual self in order to meet the challenge to your physical self. All contacts include not only a discussion of the illness, but if desired prayer and healing Scripture.

Heavenly Hosts


The Heavenly Hosts activities at SAPC during 2023: • Fellowship on Sundays following the 9:00 am and 10:45 am Worship Services. • Easter Brunch • Retirement lunch for Rev. Connie Randall • New Members Class lunches • Serving cider and Christmas cookies after the Christmas Concert • Providing Christmas cookies for Cross and Harelson teachers 18

The Heavenly Hosts greatly appreciate monetary and food donations from the congregation that make it possible to support ministries within the church and outreach to our neighboring schools.



The Trustees consist of nine members elected by the congregation to serve three-year terms. Trustees are responsible for the church’s finances and assets, including buildings and grounds. Additional responsibilities include the Investments, Endowments, Memorials, and Gifts Committee, facility use through the External Events Review Team, Physical and Technical Resources, and Safety & Security. They also provide representatives to the Preschool & Kindergarten Governing Board, Stewardship, and Nominating Committees.

The Physical and Technical Resources Committee oversees the repair and maintenance of the church’s buildings and grounds. The Committee also works with Staff to ensure the computer and communications systems are adequate to support sound, lighting, and AV systems for the Sanctuary and online worship experiences. Major projects completed in 2023 include roof maintenance and exterior painting of the SW Campus, lighting upgrade to the SW Sanctuary, and room remodels to the Preschool & Kindergarten White Hall. The committee also maintains the Columbarium and the beautiful rose garden and conducts church workdays for trimming/weeding and minor maintenance.

The Board met monthly throughout the year. One of the key agenda functions of the board is to review current financial performance and to recommend changes, as necessary. 2023 was a particularly unusual year to respond to in that planned contributions were well below plan but our net position remained favorable to our budget due to multiple unplanned grants.

The Safety & Security Committee was exceptionally active in 2023 with publishing a policies and procedures manual and development of a Security Team to provide physical security during school hours, at worship, and select special events. The committee also applied for and received a federally funded grant for security enhancements that are currently underway. Special thanks to all those who are serving and doing important work on this team.

The Investment, Endowment, Memorials, and Gifts Committee oversees the funds given to the church outside of the operating budget, primarily specified gifts and bequests, according to investment policies approved by the Trustees. The External Events Review Team authorizes the use of St. Andrew’s facilities by public groups. Part of the challenge of this team is balancing internal ministry demand with external demand. This team does this while keeping priority to our internal space users.

The Trustees commit their time, talents, and resources throughout the year to ensure that our gifts were used to support the mission and vision of St. Andrew’s.



St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Preliminary Statement of Financial Position

as of December 31, 2023 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION General Operating Fund

ASSETS Cash & Equivalents

Properties Fund







Tompkins Trust Due from Other Funds

Endowment Fund


KMS Financial - Endowment KMS Financial - Investments

Designated Fund

1,095,025 192,446


Total All Funds





Prepaid Expense



Deposits and Other Assets



Note Receivable



Property & Equipment: Land Buildings Vehicles Total Assets:












LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS Accounts Payable, Other Liabilities



Advance Pledge Liability



Note Payable Due to Other Funds



Total Liabilities:










NET ASSETS Current YTD net income (loss) Net Assets

0 1,718,242




Net Investment in Physical Properties

13,543,201 0

Total Net Assets:






Total Liabilities & Net Assets:








YTD Variance Reports




REVENUE: Gen. Fund Contribut.




Loose Offering








Misc/Int/Facilitiy Use







Total Revenue: EXPENSES: Personnel








Children D.M.








Youth D.M.




Adult D.M.


















Membership Evangelism/Outreach Stewardship
















Technical Resources




Bldg.& Grounds




Interest Expense




Total Expenses:









Designated Fund Comparision 2022 and 2023 DesignatedDESIGNATED Fund 2022 & 2023 Distributions FUND DISTRIBUTIONS

Adopt-A-Family Preschool Daily Bread Children's Mission Christmas Offering Interfaith Community Serv. Tompkins Fund Clergy Renewal (Sabbatical) Miscellaneous Missions Just Coffee Service Worship Faith Community Nurses Physical Resource Endowment Education Scholarships Endowment Mission Endowment General Purpose Endowment Deacons' Benevolence Deacon's Blessing Bags Stephens Ministry Music Fund Bell Choir Flower Fund HUGS -NWSF Youth C/E Scholarships

Library Fund Men's Ministry Women's Ministry Columbarium Memorial Fund Maintenance Reserves



4,504 8,425 2,218 650

2,564 11,167 0 841

36,519 480 134,120 0 63,999

12,198 1,000 127,735 10,247 51,374

4,679 11,856 0 5,542 7,389

4,647 6,538 10 5,974 7,966

1,847 3,694 5,588 3,056 1,981 14,162 252 1,424 5,020 12,999

1,992 3,983 3,550 2,518 121 21,437 0 1,271 5,741 8,994

251 700 475 4,495 469 52,125 388,919

172 0 150 3,782 1,657 224,640 522,269


Administrative Volunteers


As we know, church doesn’t just happen on Sundays, it lasts all week long! We have volunteers who come in each day to accomplish different tasks: file, count, type, answer phones, greet members, answer questions, or whatever the day calls for! In total, our Office Volunteers gave over 1200 hours in 2023. A huge thank you to these co-workers. 22

Membership & Attendance







Online In Person Total Average Average Average

Online In Person Total Average Average Average





























































































2023 TOTAL MEMBERS (AS OF 12/31/23)






*St. Andrew’s online attendance is found with the formula (Vimeo Unique Device +YouTube Views + Facebook 1 minute Views= Unique Device Views) to find an estimated number of unique devices used to stream the service. The final number of unique devices may include anything from one individual on a mobile device like a smart phone to an entire family streaming on a TV together.




The Members of the Personnel Committee have the administrative responsibility to assist the Pastors and Director of Business Operations in managing the following: •

Personnel-related concerns, including equal employment opportunity of Staff and fair employment practices.

Key staff positions replacements and maintenance of position descriptions.

Personnel policies, annual reviews, and professional development.

Compensation packages for all staff and cost of benefits; and Personnel budget oversight

The following individuals served on the Personnel Committee during this past year: Ron Allen, Luke Bultman, Laurie Grabill, Vickie Palmer, and Jon Woodard (chair). The Committee supported the Pastors and Staff with personnel-related issues as they faced continued financial challenges to balance the rising costs of providing ministry services with the decline in general contributions in 2023. The Committee has also been preparing for new opportunities with the conclusion of the PNC selection process and pastoral transition in 2024. The Rev. Dr. Pete Seiferth continued for a third year as the Interim Pastor, Head of Staff for St. Andrew’s and Moderator of Session. Pete remained highly engaged with the Personnel Committee; his ongoing guidance and support has been integral to managing various personnel issues this past year. In the spring, Pete led an onsite retreat involving members of Session and Staff. This collaborative exercise was highly informative, and the Personnel Committee looks forward to creating opportunities for similar increased collaboration between Church Leadership and Staff. A strategic plan for SAPC will be critical to helping guide future investments in our people and ensure sustainable staffing levels. During 2023, there were several staff transitions in key leadership roles which enable and deliver critical aspects of our ministries. In August we said goodbye to a long-standing member of the SAPC Staff, Rev. Connie Randall, as she retired from her role leading our Adult Discipleship ministries. A beloved member of our congregation, Rev. Connie has been a faithful servant and will be missed on staff. We are grateful she is still with us to volunteer and take part as a member of our church community. Daniella Bolin joined our staff this year as the new full time Technology Manager in January. Daniella is responsible for our technology and systems administration and audio-visual management with our online streaming services. Previously, Daniella had been a significant 24

contributor to our church community, so we were incredibly pleased to have her join us in a permanent fulltime capacity in 2023. After 7+ years, this year Pastor Mat was able to take a welldeserved pastoral sabbatical to refresh his spirit. During his absence this summer, Carl Dahlen, CRE, graciously stepped in to help Pastor Pete keep worship running smoothly. We greatly appreciate Carl’s time with us! We said goodbye to Logan Schmidt, Assistant Director of Youth Ministry, who has moved on to other opportunities. We are thankful for her faithful service and she will be missed greatly by our Youth Ministry, but we wish her well in her next chapter. During the summer, Ronnie Crider stepped in as Interim Assistant Director of Children’s Ministry to bridge the gap. We are so thankful for her work and support! Finally, the Personnel Committee would like to thank those members who completed their service on the Committee this year - Luke Bultman and Vicky Palmer. They have both been strong supporters of our staff and have provided steadfast leadership during the past several years though the Covid pandemic and our Interim Pastor Transition. In closing, as staff salaries represent the largest percentage of the budget (60%), the Personnel Committee continues to partner closely with the Trustees, a t3 representative, and Brad Engel on the SAPC Budget Committee to review our financial situation, address 2023 challenges and finalize the 2024 budget. As general fund contributions have continued to decline, St. Andrew’s is faced with difficult budget decisions as we discern the balance between declining attendance with expected levels of programming. 2024 will be a dynamic year as we address these financial challenges responsibly and prudently and prayerfully plan for a pastoral transition.


Nominating Committtee


The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying and providing candidates to serve in leadership roles as Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. This year, the committee was also very busy identifying and selecting the members of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). In January and February, the members of the SAPC Nominating Committee met to finalize the members to serve on the PNC. The task was done thoughtfully and prayerfully, with some guidance from retired Pastor John Cheek. The PNC was selected to represent and reflect the characteristics of our congregation. Attributes considered were demographics, worship service(s) attended, years of membership, past and current involvement in church committees, groups, and activities, as well as personal statements. A special congregational meeting was held on March 22 and all nominees to the PNC were approved. Each of the 11 members committed to work faithfully together to organize their committee leadership roles, review, identify and interview applicants, and ultimately, nominate to the congregation a candidate to serve as our next installed Pastor and Head of Staff. Members of the PNC: Todd Autenreith, Norman Carlson, Linda Currin, Norm Enger, Jennifer Farber, Steve Herzog, Vicky Johnson, Esther Kim, Kathy Lokale, Cheryl Smith, Toby Tobin. As soon as they were approved at the congregational meeting, the PNC began to meet weekly.

Over the course of the summer, the Nominating Committee met frequently to identify members to fill open positions for Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. During the discernment process, members of the congregation are asked to prayerfully consider serving in leadership roles. Here are the slate of incoming officers for the coming year(s): ELDERS: The new candidates who agreed to serve three-year terms as Elders are Jan Foran, Matt North, Lisa Behr, Sandy Kreamer, and Stephen McCommon. Ron Allen agreed to continue serving one more year as Elder. DEACONS: The new candidates for three-year terms as Deacons are Denise Derouen, Judith Elango, Nancy Schmidt, Mary Beth Spiece, Kelly Tilly, Ryan Waggoner, and Bill Boltz*. Catherine Stevenson agreed to extend her service for one more year. TRUSTEES: The new Trustee for a three-year term is Annette Bartlett. Current Trustee Greg Jester agreed to serve an additional three-year term and current Trustee Carmen Morris agreed to extend her service one more year. 2023 NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Lee Ann Hamilton - chair (Elder), Toby Drakulich, Freeman Tabor, Rob Lantz, Mike Thompson (Elder), Karl Oxnam (Trustee), Interim Pastor Rev. Dr. Pete Seiferth (ex-officio), Outgoing chair as of January 2023: Katie Vidal (Elder) *Please note that Bill Boltz was not presented as a Deacon candidate at the October congregational meeting and will need to be approved in January 2024. 26

Physical & Technical


The Physical & Technical Resources Committee (P&TRC) is responsible for keeping the buildings, grounds, and IT equipment in good operating condition and updated to serve the needs of the many SAPC ministries. Two departmental budgets fall under the domain of the committee: Facilities Maintenance/Utilities and Technical Resources, both of which finished the year under budget, thanks to the help of Clint Zamora and Daniella Bolin for working hard to control the costs of their respective departments. This committee also manages the Maintenance Reserve Fund which is used to repair, replace, or improve existing facilities and equipment. Major Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall projects completed in 2023 included recoating/repairing the roofs, exterior stucco repair and painting, repairing the large window in the SE corner of the Sanctuary, and installing a new Sanctuary chancel lighting system. In addition, the main entry frosted glass Sanctuary doors were exchanged with clear glass doors to enhance security, the Sanctuary AC chiller was repaired, and Clint and his crew stripped and rewaxed the upper level concrete floors. The major project on the NE Campus was the renovation of the kitchen and classrooms 14 and 17 in White Hall for the Preschool/ Kindergarten. Other projects included roof and block wall repairs, and as usual, the Rose Committee provided weekly loving care for the roses in the Columbarium. Two successful Church Workdays were organized to do major tree trimming, weeding, and painting some of the exterior school doors. The P&TRC also helped to organize and put out Easter and Christmas decorations and provided support for the new security initiative managed by Don Spiece. A big thanks to the P&TRC members and the many volunteers for their expertise, muscle, and many hours of hard work in support of SAPC this year. We hope to increase this volunteer group going forward, as their efforts help keep costs down and the church humming.



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