October 2024 Cross Currents

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Cross Currents

From Pastor John

Greetings SAPC! The season of fall is one of my favorite times in Tucson. I like the cooler morning temperatures (but not too cold!) and noticing the changing times of sunrise and sunset. I enjoy these types of changes because the variety spices up our daily and seasonal rhythms and helps us “turn over a new leaf.” I continue to be filled with gratitude and encouragement for all the bright spots and new things popping up in the life of our community. The energy and interactions at Worship+2 on September 15 were palpable (I do believe the ice cream truck helped facilitate some of that)! I’m so grateful for sharing the installation service with you on September 29. All of the rituals,

presbytery involvement, and worship was incredibly meaningful. My family and I are so blessed to be in this congregation and worship with all of you!

My heart has been warmed hearing about all that God is doing in the lives of our middle and high school students, the relationships deepened at the spiritual gifts class, the bustling energy of children at the Preschool, the dedication of our staff, and so much more. Our family continues to feel welcomed and embraced by the SAPC family, and we look forward to “doing life” with you all for years to come!


Installation of Pastor John Tittle - September 29, 2024

Local Outreach & Mission Service Worship: Make a Difference Day

Please join us on SATURDAY, October 26, from 9:00 am12:00 pm (Laguna pizza party exception for the time)! The sign-up genius will launch at the beginning of October, so make sure you serve where the Spirit leads you! We will have Hope for Christmas opportunities with stockings stuffers and household items, laundry help with Hope City Church, our bike build project (at Laguna Elementary this time), stuffing stockings for those who are homeless in Cross Streets Ministries, making items for children with disabilities, and more! Serving brings us closer to the Lord so please save the date! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn, Local Outreach Director, at rsmithrud@sapctucson.org Thank you!

Hope for Christmas

Hope for Christmas (Adopt-A-Family) is right around the corner! So far, we have 26 families that need blessings at Christmas, so we will need a lot of help!

Ways to assist:

• Please let RuthAnn know as soon as possible if you are willing to be an angel for an entire family. We know that circumstances may be a challenge. If you have a limit to the number of children in a family that you would like to have, please let us know that as well.

• This year, we will be providing all children (including teens) with a new pair of shoes and a coat (if requested), a present, and a book. If you would like to provide more than one gift or book because the child does not need the coat or shoes, that is fine as well. We will also be providing the families with a $100 gift card for food.

• Our giving tree will hold individual items you can choose from as well. The sign up begins November 3 after each service. We will also include access online.

• We would love to be able to get a Bible for those children who request it so we would appreciate your donations! Checks can be made out to Missions with Hope for Christmas in the memo space.

• Sign up on our Service Worship sign-up genius to help us fill stockings for each child and provide household items to each family. We are excited to announce that our Preschool & Kindergarten families will be assisting with the stockings as well!

• We will need help with wrapping and sorting stocking stuffers. Please let us know if you can help with either of those items.

Finally, we are inviting all families to our outreach event on December 15, Cookies with Santa, which is held on the patio of the SW campus in between the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services. (More information about that soon.)

Please let RuthAnn know if you have any questions! Thank you in advance for all your Hope for Blessings!


Café Justo Donation Bins

St. Andrew’s collects for the community year round. Would you like to be part of this investment? Have you noticed the blue bins in the Gathering Place? These are year-round collection bins for our community.

Amphi Clothing Bank provides clothing to children ages infant-18 years who attend school in the Amphi School District.

Contact: Sandy Kreamer sandrakreamer@gmail.com

Eagles Wings of Grace provides women coming out of prison, homelessness, and drug rehab with clothing and mentoring as they reenter the workforce.

Contact: Jackie Harms jharms@uwalumni.com

Blessing Bags collects small travel/ hotel size shampoo, conditioner and other hygiene items to be made into bags which are handed to those who are homeless.

Contact: Carol Fiore caatucson@msn.com

Southside Presbyterian Shower Program is always in need of towels for their clients who shower and get a warm meal. They will also take men’s clothing and shoes.

Contact: Sandy Kreamer sandrakreamer@gmail.com

Do you enjoy a great cup of coffee? One of St. Andrew’s Mission Partners is Café Justo. It is part of the Frontera de Cristo mission. Fresh roasted, mountain grown, organic coffee from Café Justo. This delicious coffee will taste even better knowing that we are helping our brothers and sisters in Chiapas, Mexico. This Mission Partner addresses the root cause of migration and allows the farmers to stay on their land and support their families. This is the only coffee St. Andrew’s serves. Taste a cup on Sunday and if you like it, stop by the Coffee Cart in the Gathering Place and purchase a bag to enjoy at home. If you have questions, contact Sandy Kreamer at sandrakreamer@gmail.com or just stop by the Coffee Cart in the Gathering Place any Sunday.

Decorating Team

Join in the fun as we decorate the church for our Advent Worship Services on Saturday, November 30, from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm, at either the Chapel or the main Sanctuary! If you can hang an ornament on a Christmas tree or a wreath on a wall, we need you! All decorations are provided. We also need folks who can climb ladders. Bring your family and friends, because many hands are needed as we add the beautiful decorations that help enhance our Advent Worship Services. Also, because what goes up must come down, please plan on helping to take down the decorations on Saturday, January 4 at 9:00 am. Add those dates to your calendars and we look forward to you joining us! Contact Debi Kromer at dskromer@comcast.net with questions.


Congregational Meeting

On October 20, immediately following the 9:00 am Worship Service, join us in the Sanctuary for the purpose of electing Church Officers for the Class of 2027. Church members are urged to attend. Stay after the 9:00 am Worship Service, come early for the 10:45 am Worship Service.

All Saints Day Worship

Sunday, November 3, we’ll observe All Saints Day in worship. In our Reformed tradition, we give thanks to God for the great saints and believers over the centuries who have gone on to glory and also remember members of the community of faith who have died in the last year. This special day also encourages us in our future hope of life everlasting in Christ Jesus.

Preschool & Kindergarten

Our Preschool and Kindergarten is hosting a Scholastic Book Fair on Monday, October 21 - Thursday, October 24, 8:15 am - 2:45 pm in Alpha on the NE Campus.

The book fair provides a wonderful opportunity for church members to come and shop for books, whether it’s for upcoming birthdays or for Christmas presents. You’ll find a wide variety of books, including faith based books, that are perfect for young readers as well as an adult selection of books! You can also make a difference by contributing to our classroom teachers’ libraries by purchasing books directly for their classrooms. Your support not only helps fill our shelves with wonderful stories, but also sparks a lifelong love of reading in our students!

In addition, we are in need of volunteers to help run this event! If you’re able to donate your time, we’d love to have you join us! As a fun bonus, volunteers are encouraged to dress up as their favorite storybook character to make the event even more magical for the children! Please sign up to volunteer at sapcschool.org

Reading to a child is one of the most powerful ways to build a strong bond while also developing their language and literacy skills. From sharing a favorite bedtime story to helping children discover new worlds through books, your participation can make a lasting impact! We encourage you to visit, volunteer, and shop for the children or adults in your life while supporting our classrooms and promoting the gift of reading!

Thank you for your support of our ministries. Please contact Brad in the business office at (520)297-7201 if you have questions.

Children’s Ministry

Trunk or Treat

Come join the fun on Sunday, October 27, from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, in our SW Campus parking lot! Trunk or Treat is a safe way for kids to trick or treat. Volunteers come, decorate the trunks of their cars and hand out candy to the kids who come. It is a way for us to get to know each other and connect with families from the church, preschool, and neighborhood.

Want to get involved? Trunks are always needed! Come decorate your trunk and pass out candy. We are also collecting candy to give out this year. Candy donations can be dropped off in the Church Office during the week or in the box outside the Sunday School Office on the lower level of the SW Campus on Sundays. Contact Heather Brannock at hbrannock@sapctucson.org with questions or to sign up to be a part of this event.

Thank You, Anita!

After more than 30 years of faithfully serving as the SAPC Childcare Supervisor—and in many other roles—Anita Degnan is retiring. We invite you to join us in expressing our gratitude for her tireless care and dedication to SAPC’s children.

Please show your appreciation by sending cards of thanks, sharing stories, and recalling fond memories. We will present these to Anita during our Congregational Meeting on October 20 as a way to celebrate her incredible impact on our community.

You can bring your cards on Sunday or the Church Office during the week or via mail. We will also have some blank cards available on October 20. For any questions, please contact Heather Brannock at hbrannock@sapctucson.org.

Let’s come together to thank Anita for her years of love and care!

Holy Molies

This month Holy Molies (4th and 5th graders) will be on October 16 in Room F from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Our theme for the night will be God Cares about Our Problems. Please bring $5 to offset the cost of dinner. Heather will need some parents to help out with Holy Molies this year. Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org or sign up at sapctucson.org/kids

Super Friends

Our special needs ministry, called Super Friends, will meet on October 6. We offer a parent support group for parents of children of any age with special needs. While parents are meeting, we have a fun Sunday school class for our Super Friends. Our theme this year is Kindness. Both groups will meet on the first Sunday of the month from 10:30 am - 11:15 am. The parent group will meet in Room I and the Super Friends class will meet in Room G. For questions, please contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org.

Widows of SAPC Adult Ministry

There are many opportunities to get connected with Widows of St. Andrew’s. You have an opportunity to join other widows for friendship, fellowship and enjoyment here at SAPC. You are invited to explore, and if you wish, attend one or more of the following activities. If you are a widow, know you are always welcome!

WIDOWS LUNCH – The Widows of St. Andrew’s meet the first Thursday of the month, at 12:00 pm for lunch at different restaurants.

Contact: Myra Christenson 520-744-9720

MAHJONG – A group of ladies play the table game of mahjong the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 1:00 pm.

Contact: Sherie Broekema 520-977-4560

MOVIES – Ladies meet the 3rd Thursday of the month, times and place depend upon the movie.

Youth Ministry

You may have heard that our Youth Ministry is on fire - we’re having a great time on Tuesday and Wednesday night (and Sunday morning), growing in numbers and growing in our faith together! Here’s a small sample of some large gatherings we’ve had over the last few weeks! Of course an enthusiastic group like this could use some more enthusiastic leaders! If you’d like to have some fun on a Wednesday night while helping our students grow closer to Christ, please talk to Tim (tchristian@sapctucson.org)! We’d love to have you join us!

They may go to lunch before or after the movie. Other widow activities may be part of this group.

Contact: Julie Taylor, 520-4299-7766 or Charlotte Smith, 520-8188-8060

HUGS – Meets on Wednesdays at 10:15 am, with a program and lunch. All seniors are invited.

Contact: Susan Lane, 520-419-8771


STUDY - Meet Friday mornings from 9:00 am - 11:00 am and join with a study in the book of Philippians & Colossians. Study Book available. Contact: Jan Littlefield, 520-299-6851

PIECEMAKERS - This quilting group meets on Wednesdays at 9:00 am, in the Choir Room. Children’s quilts are made for missions.

Contact: Cherie Swanson 541-913-6143

CHOIR: Rehearse Wednesdays, at 7:00 pm, and lead in worship Sundays, 10:45 am, at our Traditional Service.

Contact: Mark Gary markg@sapctucson.org


7:30 am - Communion Service 9:00 am - Contemporary Service 10:45 am - Traditional Service

Check the church website: sapctucson.org or call the Church Office (520-297-7201) for other information.

May the LOVE of the Lord Jesus flow through you and give you PEACE, as you participate in different programs of the church and build friendships with others. You are WELCOME to join us.

Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study

This January, the Friday Women’s Bible Study will have been meeting together for 37 years to study God’s Word, enjoy fellowship together, and support each other through prayer. Many lasting friendships have been formed. Some of our group members shared below what they like about Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study.

This fall, we are studying Philippians and Colossians; in January we will begin a study of the Gospel of Mark. All women are welcome to join our in-person or Zoom groups. For more information contact Jan Littlefield at 520.299.6851 or jan.littlefield@comcast.net. We hope you will come be a part of Friday mornings!

Volunteer Spotlight

This month’s volunteer spotlight is on Louise Doran from Faith Community Nursing (FCN)! For nine years, Associate Pastor Barbara Smith Anderson encouraged her to attend the Presbyterian Parish Nurse Orientation Program in Santa Fe, NM. Finally in 1996, Louise was available and attended. Later that year the St. Andrew’s Session approved a pilot program to determine if they wanted this specialized ministry. The pilot program was successful and Session approved the ministry. Now in 2024, Louise still heads up this ministry. Through the integration of health and faith, this ministry’s goal is to work, in partnership with the other care ministries, toward establishing the church as a vital resource for health and healing.

Here are some of the facts and figures associated with FCN in past 12 months:

68 Certified participants of CPR or First Aid courses taken at SAPC, arranged by FCN

200 Blood Pressure (BP) screenings taken at HUGS on Wednesdays by FCN Suzi Anderson

137 BP screenings done on the second Sundays

10 Cross Current articles written

57 Medical equipment borrowed, received, or returned to our off campus storage FCN monthly meetings in the year with its nine members to discuss needs/changes

We thank all who answered God’s call to serve with FCN. FCN feels it is important to strengthen your spiritual self in order to meet the challenge of your physical self. Through the integration of health and faith, this ministry strengthens the church community by focusing on each individual’s physical, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing.

Have you felt the Lord’s call to serve? Are you a Registered Nurse? Is God calling you??

Contact Louise Doran at flwdad@ix.netcom.com.

Stephen Ministry

Waiting. Waiting for a call. Waiting for a diagnosis. Waiting for an answer. Waiting can be very frustrating, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are more people in your corner than you probably realize. Stephen Ministers are trained and eager to walk alongside you as you wait. For more information visit sapctucson.org/care or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591

From Your Faith Community Nurses


Taking care of your overall health can help lower the chance of falling. These tips can help you prevent falls and broken bones:

• Stay physically active. Regular exercise improves your muscles and makes you stronger.

• Choose the correct footwear. Wear nonskid, rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes.

• Make sure your workout has a variety of exercises. Improve your strength and balance with yoga, tai chi, lifting weights, and resistance bands.

• Have your eyes and hearing tested. Even a small change in sight and hearing is linked to increased fall risk. Take time to get used to new eyewear or hearing aids.

Faith Community Nurse Ministry would be happy to connect you with community resources to meet your healthy aging goals. Please visit sapctucson.org/care.

Reference: National Institute on Aging: September 2024

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