From Pastor John
Dear SAPC,
I hope this summer has been a time of refreshment for you, even as the “dog days of August” unrelentingly continue! I’m still experiencing a lot of “firsts” here at SAPC and so I’m greatly anticipating my first fall season with you all. There are so many great ways to connect this September and beyond: Worship +2, the Spiritual Gifts class, Discover SAPC, Potluck in the Park, and the great joy of worshiping and serving the living God together. Our new sermon series, Signs, will begin Sunday, September 8. The first part of the Gospel according to John has been called The Book of Signs because Jesus performs seven miracles that revealed His glory: turning the water into wine, three healings of the sick, the lame, and the blind, the multiplication of loaves,
Moment for Mission

walking on water, and the raising of Lazarus. We’ll explore the significance of each of these seven signs that Jesus performed over the coming weeks. I’m looking forward to growing and learning together with you in this new church year!
Grace and Peace, Pastor John
This month our Moment for Mission will be Rev. Nuhad Tomeh with Good Samaritan Ministries. Rev. Nuhad Tomeh, a retired Presbyterian pastor living in Tucson, has been bringing aid to churches in the Middle East since 1993. He travels back to Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq several times a year, working with Good Samaritan Ministries (GSM) of the Presbyterian Church of Yazedia Syria. The funds are distributed by their local church for health needs, elder care, and even some support for education. SAPC has supported this work of the Outreach Foundation, the PCUSA mission agency, for about 15 years. Pray for peace in this region.
Thank you, SAPC!
A million thanks. Because of your generosity we were able to deliver 180 backpacks and school supplies to Gospel Rescue Mission, the Karenni kids and the Amphi
Clothing Bank. The children were blessed by your kindness.
Thank you.

Mission Partner Update: Goshen Ministries
St. Andrew’s has partnered with Goshen Ministries for several years through their work in Tucson and Africa. In June, the SAPC Mission Committee was advised by the Goshen Board of Trustees that they were performing an independent investigation into allegations raised within Goshen. They notified us thinking that SAPC may want to pause funding, which we did. In July, four of the six Goshen board members resigned citing the lack of information and resolution on the allegations. Based on this leadership change and their rationale for stepping down, the Mission
Committee has determined that Goshen is no longer in alignment with our requirements for our Mission Partner organizations. As a result, the SAPC Mission Committee voted to stop all funding to Goshen Ministries. Some of our church members may have supported this ministry directly, so we feel it is important to share our decision with you. The Mission Committee strives and prays to be responsible stewards for the church in all we do. If you have additional questions, please contact the Mission Committee Chair Danielle Oxnam (dmoxnam@gmail.com).

Discover SAPC: New Member Class
Are you new to SAPC and want to get to know others better and learn more about the heart and soul of SAPC? Our Discover SAPC New Member Class is designed just for you! This learning opportunity will help you get connected on a deeper level to our life, community, ministry, and mission here. We invite you to join us Sunday, September 22, from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. We’ll be enjoying a delicious free lunch together and childcare is available. Pastors John and Mat will be your facilitators for the fun, interactive, and informative time together. Register at sapctucson.org or and contact the Church Office with any questions you have. We look forward to seeing you there!
Scan to Learn More and Register >>>

Children’s Ministry

At St. Andrew’s we welcome everyone. We provide a ministry for children with special needs called Super Friends! Our next Super Friends meeting will be on October 6. We offer a parent support group and a special children’s Sunday School class. Both groups meet on the first Sunday of the month from 10:30 am - 11:15 am.

Save the Date Trunk or Treat

Our 4th and 5th graders will meet this month on September 18 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm in Room F. We will eat pizza, play games, and talk about how God loves us even when we mess up. Please bring a Bible, a filled water bottle, and $5 to offset the cost of dinner.
Youth Ministry
We will be taking a break from August 19 through September 2 and will be back to kick start the fall on September 3.
Director of Youth Ministry! If you or someone you know would be a good fit, be sure to check out this opportunity!
The Assistant Youth Director works with students 6th-12th Grade, providing a positive, exciting, and nurturing environment where Middle School and High School students can learn about and grow in God’s love.
To learn more, view job description at sapctucson.org/job-opportunities. To apply, please send resume and cover letter to Tim Christian at tchristian@sapctucson.org.
Join us for a smashing good time at our Pickleball Fundraiser on October 19! Whether you are a pickleball pro or a curious newbie, come enjoy a day of fun, friendly competition, and community spirit - all for a great cause! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!
To learn more about SAPC Youth or to donate your time or talents as a leader or volunteer, contact Tim Christian at tchristian@sapctucson.org
Preschool & Kindergarten
We are thankful to God and our community for an amazing start to our 2024-25 School Year! Teachers returned to campus on July 29 and hit the ground running, preparing their classrooms to welcome back our students and their families. Our school verse of focus this year is from 1 Peter 4:10-11. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.” Our prayer this school year is that we use the gifts and talents from the Lord to be the hands and feet of Jesus this school year.

Our hope and prayer is that God will continue to use this ministry to share the love of Christ with families, while meeting children’s spiritual, social emotional, physical, and developmental needs. We are proud of the legacy that St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten has maintained in our community; this ministry of the church has been serving children and families for over 45 years! If you are looking for ways to partner with us in this important work, please reach out to the school office (520) 742-2969 to look for ways to serve.
Join us in praying for a fun, fulfilling, and hopeful school year!

Adult Ministry

St. Andrew’s Joyful Hikers take fellowship, prayer and devotional time outdoors and on the trail! This group welcomes women of all ages who enjoy hiking and want to explore God’s beautiful outdoors. Each month we typically have two hikes planned. We choose hikes from around Tucson that are for the moderate hiker. The goal of our hikes is to take in the scenery and get to know others in the group. During the hike you will always get to enjoy a snack break that includes a short devotion. If you are interested in hiking we would love to hear from you. Contact Karin Fiore at karinfiore@gmail.com for more information and to receive details on upcoming hikes.
The Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will resume on September 13 at 9:00 am in Friendship
Hall. We will be studying Philippians and Colossians this fall. Study books are $15. Join us for fellowship and study. To preregister or for more information contact Jan Littlefield at jan.littlefield@comcast.net or (520) 299-6851.

Adult Ministry Cont.

MOMS Group
We invite Moms to join us as we begin a new semester of learning and sharing life experiences together. Beginning on September 12, we meet on Thursday mornings from 9:00 am to 11:30 am in Room F and follow the Amphitheater district calendar.
Our mornings consist of a time of large group fellowship and snacks followed by a group devotional or video. We then break into a couple of smaller groups to discuss our lesson. Moms Group is a place we can learn and grow together. We pray for each other and our represented families. We will announce the curriculum at our first meeting!
*Childcare is provided by SAPC. Please be sure to RSVP in advance at sapctucson.org/kids or through the QR code below! Make sure your child comes with everything they need for a fun morning in the nursery! Diapers, wipes, a change of clothes and a water cup. Labeling their things is especially helpful! Children must be promptly collected at 11:25 am.

Volunteer Spotlight
Barbara Mort and Susan Lane have a combined 66 years of volunteering for HUGS. Both of them are former teachers and started volunteering for HUGS when they retired -- Barbara in 1984 and Susan in 1998. That’s dedication!
HUGS (Happily Under God’s Supervision) is a ministry for senior citizens that provides fellowship, devotions, hymn singing, programs and lunches weekly on Wednesdays, from 10:15 am to 12:45 pm, September through April in Friendship Hall. In the summer months, the group meets monthly at a restaurant for lunch. Programs include games such as bingo, musical entertainment, educational programs and movies. Visits from St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten students are always a treat! Delicious nutritional lunches ($5) are prepared by the HUGS cooks and birthdays are celebrated at the first meeting of each month with cupcakes. A group of dedicated volunteers have been serving HUGS for many years, organizing the weekly programs, setting the dining tables with colorful seasonal decorations and serving the lunches. HUGS is a fun and friendly social outlet for both the attendees and volunteers.
Barbara, who brought her mother to HUGS, says it is a connection to look forward to beyond family and provides an extra special feeling of togetherness and Christian love. Susan says Wednesdays are the joy of her week. They both encourage those who would like to attend or volunteer to join them on a Wednesday to check out this special ministry.

Upcoming HUGS Calendar
September 4: Birthdays & Bingo
September 11: David Prouty piano & sing along
September 18: Tucson Museum of Art
September 25: Traveling to Vancouver & Australia with the Langes
October 2: Birthdays & Games
October 9: DeGrazia (The Artist)
October 16: Kimberly - Games
October 23: Jane Battaglia - Presidio 3 Tucson Territorial Women
October 30: Celebrating Halloween Fun and Games
We are on the search for a new Director of Adult Ministry! If you or someone you know would be a good fit, be sure to check out this opportunity!
The Director of Adult
Discipleship will work with the ADM Team to discern, plan, and carry out spiritual formation opportunities for adults of all ages and life stages including – small groups, college, young adults, parents, couples, singles, men, and women.
To learn more, view job description at sapctucson.org/jobopportunities. To apply, please send resume and cover letter to Pastor Mat Grover at mgrover@sapctucson.org.
Stephen Ministry
Did you know…a large part of Stephen Ministry training and continuing education is focused on community resources. Are you struggling with something and not sure where to turn? Find out about next steps with a Stephen Minister. For more information visit sapctucson.org/care or call the Church Office, 520297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591
Faith Community Nurses
Caring for an older adult from afar can be challenging and a bit intimating. The following long distance caregiving strategies can offer the support and care that your loved one needs no matter how far away you live.
• Learn about caregiving in general and along with other family members put together an action plan.
• Regular check-ins with your loved one and primary on-site caregiver helps you stay informed about their needs and any changes in their condition.
• Build a network of support with neighbors, family, friends, and other sources of support that live near your loved one.
• Get important paper work such as medication lists, healthcare provider names, and key legal documents into one accessible place.
• Get to know their healthcare team which may ease some of the worry.
• Look into home care services even though care isn’t needed right now. Knowing what’s available and how things work gives you options when things change.
• Be intentional with your visits and don’t make them all about care logistics, take time to make memories and enjoy the time together.
Long distance caregiving can be emotionally and mentally draining. It’s important to recognize your own limits and to maintain a balance between your caregiving responsibilities and the rest of your life.
September 15, 2024 – October 27, 2024
My interest in photography began when I was in junior high school. My dad helped me get my first camera – a Voigtlander bellows camera in which I used black and white film. My next camera was a 35 mm Argus A2 with which I could produce color slides. This camera was very limited with only two or three shutter speeds and apertures to choose from. My wife Mary gave me
this camera for Christmas about the time we got married in 1956. I used it until I was 40 years old when we moved to Arizona in 1973. By this time, my primary interest in landscape photography was well in place. It fit the bill through many trips to national parks and other scenic places, as well as many pictures of the family.

Being in the west in Arizona required a better camera, and I moved up to a Minolta to try to get better results. We explored many scenic places throughout the west and up the Canadian/Alaskan Highway into Alaska, and to the east to Newfoundland. In 1989, we took our first trip to Europe, and we began to travel the world with more trips to Europe, Asia, South America, and Africa. When we were in China in 1997, I purchased my first Nikon and have used that brand ever since.
Landscape photography has provided many enjoyable hours. I have ventured into other areas, including astronomy, bird photography and macrophotography. The display in the Narthex Gallery includes examples of my best efforts.
Thank you for your support of our ministries. Please contact Brad in the business office at (520)297-7201 if you have questions.