Pastor/Head of Staff
What an amazing and whirlwind of a year 2024 has been! Sarah, Abby, Luke, Jude, Phoebe, and I want to thank you for your warm embrace of our family since meeting all of you on Candidate Sunday at the end of January! I commend you for your courage and perseverance through a long wilderness and season of transition you had been through the last several years. It’s hard to convey how encouraging your kind words, cards, and prayers have been to us. Thanks to the grace of God and your prayers, we were able to move to Oro Valley before the end of the year. I appreciate your flexibility while I was commuting from South East Tucson each day.
I’m so appreciative of our Session and their leadership. We’ve had meaningful times of worship, singing, prayer, and honest discussion that have been very healthy. I’m also thankful for the Staff appreciation luncheon and other warm gestures Session has extended to our Staff. In addition, our Trustees and Deacons are leading us in thoughtful and caring ministry. We also have a mighty team of volunteers vitally serving in so many capacities.
Beginnings and endings are so vital for healthy relationships. I think we’ve had a wonderful beginning together that has been a real confirmation of God’s leading in bringing us together. I’ve been working hard at learning names and getting a feel for the rhythms, traditions, and styles of St. Andrew’s.
I’m so incredibly thankful for our Staff. We are blessed with such a talented, dedicated, and fun group of people. Our Ministry Staff has had some wonderful continuity and camaraderie over the years and our new staff have fit in so well. I’ve known Pastor Mat for a number of years, but it has been a true joy to minister alongside him in a deeper way at the same church. I’m appreciative of the staff’s helpfulness, patience, and goodwill as I have been learning the ropes. We have had some wonderful times of prayer and sharing together, but also the all-important times of laughter, with occasional Trivia Tuesdays, staff potlucks and parties, and the delightful goat yoga bonding experience.
There have been so many highlights this first year: the Installation Service, the joy of worshiping the living God with you every Sunday and at special services, VBS, Mexico Mission trip to Rocky Point, Holy Week and Christmas Eve, the Palm Sunday and Christmas Concerts, Service Worship out in the community, leading Men’s Bible Study, the vitality and energy of our Preschool and Kindergarten, and concluding the year with a balanced budget, with some to spare. I’m honored to be your pastor and I see Christ alive and well and active in you and through you. I truly am excited for all that’s going on and what is yet to come!
Dear St. Andrew’s Family,
Rev. Mat Grover
2024 was a year of excitement, renewed stability, and trusting in the leading of the Lord. I am so thankful to be working with Rev. Dr. John Tittle. As I say in my benediction every single time, that we trust that the Creator knows us, loves us, is holding on to us, and will never let us go. God is, was, and forever is holding us a church and a community of believers! Despite all we have been through what a blessing this church continues to be to the community and the world, with a heart
for trusting the Lord even in hard seasons and a desire to live out authentic faith while being a welcoming and loving congregation. I am so proud to be a part of this community because it continues to live into its vision of knowing God, and making God known through lives transformed by Christ.
As we have had so much uncertainty over the last number of years, God has led and as always, has provided. As a church, we have been able to continue to follow God’s lead as we reach the world for Him. This year has seen strong ministry programs, through our ADM, YDM, and CDM programs. We are still in the search process for an ADM director and an Assistant Youth Director.
As I am solidly in my 15th year on staff (started in September 2010), I am so thankful for the ministry that God has blessed me with, the people that I get to do it with, and the way that this church has supported me and my family. Jane is now almost 16 and a Sophomore in High School. Ethan is 13 and a 7th grader. Our family is so thankful for the ways that God has continued to use us and be blessed by this community. We all look forward to ways that God will move in this new year! We look forward to seeing where God leads and how He will help us be a blessing to this church, this community, and this world!
Grace and Peace, Pastor Mat
Members of the Worship and Music Committee represent all three worship services, Contemporary Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Wittman Ringers bell choir, SAPC Orchestra, Gallery Committee, Welcome Table, Sanctuary Decorators, Flower Team, Ushers, and includes leadership team members Pastor John Tittle, Pastor Mat Grover, SAPC Worship Staff Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, Carolyn Smith, and Arlene Sturm. The committee met ten times in 2024 using a hybrid virtual/in-person format.
In addition to holding three different worship services each week (7:30 am Communion Worship Service, 9:00 am Contemporary Worship Service, 10:45 am Traditional Worship Service), worship activities of the church this year included:
Lenten services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday and Palm Sunday Palm Sunday Concert
Thanksgiving Eve Service
The 16th Annual Christmas Concert
The Christmas Eve Family Service followed by the Christmas Eve Contemporary and Christmas Eve Traditional Services
The St. Andrew’s Sisters brought holiday cheer in person to multiple care centers during 2024
The Worship and Music committee also purchased a new drum set to enhance our Contemporary Worship experience. Special thanks to our dedicated staff, ensembles, solo musicians, special groups, and all the volunteers that enhance our worship services every week. All is done in praise to God and to His glory!
Thank you all for pouring your love out into our Local Outreach! We are loving our neighbors as ourselves! St. Andrew’s continues to be a light for our city! Below are some of the blessings from 2024!
A multitude of snacks from the Preschool & Kindergarten collection drive were delivered to schools
Blankets (made by two people that are funded through this ministry) were delivered to Hope City Church for their homeless outreach
Preschool & Kindergarten appreciation treats were given to the entire Preschool & Kindergarten Staff
HUGS Easter project for Tucson Place Assisted Living Boy Scout Easter project – eggs filled with candy for Laguna Elementary school
Brookdale Care Center Easter items made and delivered Easter Basket making for homebound and neighbors in need (names received through the Care Team)
Teacher Appreciation for local schools
Serve Our City projects took place throughout the community
We collected over 250 pairs of new shoes for the Amphi School District’s clothing bank Serve Our Schools blessed many different schools in our community with inside and outside projects.
Make a Difference Day Service Worship
Cookies with Santa culminated our Adopt-a-Family program which provided thirty-five families and eight seniors with Hope for Christmas
Thank you again for continuing to bless others in the name of Jesus!
Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
The St. Andrew’s Missions Committee is committed to supporting mission opportunities that align with our church’s mission and vision, specifically reaching outward to journey beyond our walls and show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world. We select mission partners and look for opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Communicates mission opportunities to the congregation
Prioritizes and distributes available funds to these projects
Encourages St. Andrew’s congregation to participate in local and international mission projects
Carefully evaluates each mission partner annually to be sure they are operating successfully and in a fiscally responsible way
Encourages new mission requests which support areas we are not currently reaching
For 2024, Session set a Mission budget based on a percentage of the church pledge funds, non-pledges, and loose offerings. This totaled $128,165, which the committee allocated in planned annual funding to our mission partners.
For 2024, the Missions Committee allocated $125,000 of a designated fund known as the Tompkins Fund, which is designated to benefit the families in need in Pima County.
In addition, the committee allocated almost $31,000 in funding from miscellaneous funds for various mission partners.
This means that our total disbursement for 2024 was around $284,000.
Our church financially supports 42 mission partners. We have divided these mission partners into 7 groups to represent where our annual support goes.
Foreign Individual Missionaries: 19%
Foreign Missions: 15%
Local Church Plants: 6%
Local Children and Youth: 5%
Hands On Opportunities: 5%
Local Individual Missionaries: 3%
Local Poor and In Need: 47%
Throughout the year, the Missions Committee also supports a couple of special offerings.
The 2023 Christmas Offering Project supported a Charity & Scholarship Fund for Kapsowar Mission Hospital in Kenya and raised over $12,000. Funds were distributed as needed to patients and families who would otherwise be unable to pay for medical care.
The spring Change for Children drive brought in nearly $10,000 for Alliance for Children Everywhere for a program that empowers families out of extreme poverty in Zambia.
The 2024 Christmas Offering Project supported Good Samaritan Ministries, which ministers to displaced peoples in Syria and Lebanon.
Danielle Oxnam (Chair), Karin Fiore (Session Elder), Stewart Cooper, Suzanne Graun, Marianne Hadden, Sharon Lee, Larry Norrid, Becky Nuckolls, Steve Nuckolls, Don Parce, Jim Seymour, Sandy Seymour, Karen Sweet, Dorothy Terrazas
St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten Ministry is a vibrant and supportive community of families, early childhood educators, and Governing Board, committed to fostering children’s growth and development through play and faith formation.
Community Playgroup
Free, weekly playgroup for children of all ages and their caregivers
Summer School
2 weeks of Summer School programming following Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Campus Improvements
Colorful classroom doors painted to enhance the learning environment
Installation of a small lending library for students to enjoy books with their families
Chapel Theme: "We Celebrate Jesus"
Focused on 1 Peter 4:10-11, encouraging students and staff to use their gifts to serve others
Service Projects
PSK Families and students supported the YoungLives organization with hundreds of baby items for teen moms and their babies
Nearly 100 stockings filled with items for Adopt a Family, benefitting local families in need
Continued prayer and support for staff, students, f leadership as they discern ways to serve God and the Thank you for your generous financial and prayerful learn more about our school ministry, please visit
Children’s Discipleship Ministry is comprised of a faithful group of teachers, staff, and volunteers who serve the children of St. Andrew’s, ages birth through fifth grade. The staff includes Director Heather Brannock and Assistant Director Ronnie Crider.
We continue to have children’s Sunday School during the 9:00 am Service.
5 Sunday school classes with 9 teachers and 11 youth assistants. Average weekly attendance for 2024 was 24. 2-year-olds and 3-year-old are using The Story for “Little Ones” curriculum. Preschool- 2nd grade are using the “Simply Loved Curriculum.”
3rd grade and 4th grade are learning Bible basics including the order of the books of the Bible, and how to look up verses.
5th grade is using the “Be Bold!” Curriculum and continues to attend worship about once a month.
Prayer Partners: On April 14, 4 kindergarten students met with adult prayer partners.
Promotion to Youth Ministry: On May 12, 7 fifth graders were promoted to Youth Ministry.
Third Grade Bibles: On August 25, we presented 5 Bibles to third graders.
This year’s theme was “Scuba” and was held June 10-14th.
121 children attended. 95 adults and youth volunteered.
Holy Molies - a monthly fellowship group for 4th and 5th graders. This year (2024-2025) we are using a theme about knowing God’s love. Average monthly attendance was 7.
Easter Egg Hunt took place on Sunday, March 24. Over 1200 Easter eggs were hidden and found. Palm Sunday Processional. Students processed at the 9:00 am Service.
Trunk or Treat - 26 trunks decorated by volunteers. Over 400 people from the church, Preschool and community attended the event. Christmas Eve Play - 9 kids and 4 youth participated in “Born Unto Us,” a Christmas musical performed during the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.
We have continued our Super Friends special needs ministry with a Sunday School class for children with special needs and a parent support group for the parents of children with special needs.
Both groups meet on the first Sunday of the month at 10:30 am. Our Super Friends Sunday School class theme is Kindness and our parent support group focuses on resources and strategies to help children with special needs on their faith journeys.
We welcomed the return of our Children’s Choir program this year under the direction of Betty Allen and Fran Wachsman.
In October we said a fond farewell to our longtime childcare supervisor, Anita Degnan, after over 30 years of dedicated service to the children and families of St. Andrew’s.
St. Andrew’s Youth Discipleship Ministry is a community of Students grade 6th-12th, various leaders, and staff, all striving to know God and to make God known through lives transformed by Christ. Students are invited to join weekly in attending Youth Group, Sunday School, and special events. We are committed to creating a community of fun, fellowship, service, and growth. Kids are encouraged to play hard, care for each other deeply, serve with intentionality, and ask difficult questions about faith. Here are a few highlights from this year:
You may have heard that our Youth Ministry is on firewe’re having a great time on Tuesday and Wednesday night (and Sunday morning), growing in numbers and growing in our faith together! Attendance of 20-25 high schoolers consistently, a team of 12 leaders ranging from high schoolers, college-aged folks, and adult volunteers, and we have an average middle school attendance of 42 students.
February 10-11 we had 70 total leaders, students, and families take part in our 30 Hour Famine this year we packed 13,000 meals with Rise Against Hunger, learned about multiple organizations and communities impacting the local Tucson area, and raised just over $2800 to split between Hope City Church and World Vision. We also packaged 200 hygiene bags and spent time in prayer at prayer stations and at our evening gathering where students discussed what it was like to serve and where they saw God working in the City of Tucson.
This years’ Moonlight Dinner and Auction was a smashing success with over 100 attendees and over 45 youth and parent volunteers. The Youth Ministry was blessed by the fun and support we had from the congregation. We were able to raise almost $24,000 to help support Youth, Scholarships, and Internship Programs. Thank you, St. Andrew’s!
We had an amazing week at Forest Home Camp with 75 students and leaders! We swam, hiked, blobbed, mud pitted, and competed in crazy team games. Our gathering times included a dynamic speaker and an incredible worship team that were able to engage our students and bring them closer in their relationships with Christ. A number of our students came to Christ for the first time or recommitted their lives to Him through teachings, worship devotion times, and cabin conversations. The ministry has been so blessed by this incredible opportunity to grow in our relationships with each other and our relationship with Christ!
We had another great experience this summer with our Intern Program. We had 3 paid interns supporting our programs as well as learning about theology, ministry, and how ministry applies to more areas in life than just working in the church.
Continued prayer and support for our amazing, dedicated, and consistent leaders that are on fire for God, students, and families. Thank you for your generous financial and prayerful support! Youth Ministry is a very exciting and busy place to be. Learn more about the ministry at We are so thankful for this past year and look forward to God’s continuing guidance and provisions in the year to come!
Adult Discipleship Ministry is served by a dynamic team of staff, and amazing volunteers. This ministry is vital to the ministry of St. Andrew’s. The goal of this ministry is to guide, support, and equip the people of St. Andrew’s as they grow in their faith and become more and more who God has called them to be. We do that through Bible studies, listening and discussion groups, fellowship and social groups, and national discipleship events.
We are currently in the search process to fill the role of Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry. Please pray that our committee will find the right candidate soon.
To learn more about getting connected with groups, classes, and ministries, visit
The Piecemakers have continued their mission of comfort and support by providing lovely quilts. Our primary goal is to support the local chapter of Project Linus which gives quilts and blankets to children who are sick, traumatized, or otherwise in need. In 2024, we donated 330 quilts!!! St. Andrew’s supplies more quilts to Project Linus than any other group in Tucson.
Other accomplishments include pillowcases for the mission trips to Mexico, quilts for the Moonlight Dinner auction, Quilts of Valor for service men, and tag blankets for newborns being baptized in our church.
We work hard in our projects while having much fun sharing our knowledge and support for one another. The church provides a wonderful workplace and storage facility for us which is gratefully acknowledged. More quilters are always welcome!
Faith Community Nursing (FCN) health care ministry is designed to identify and address the health needs of the congregation through education, counseling, and advocacy. The goal is to work in partnership with other care ministries toward establishing the church as a vital resource for health and healing. There are eight nonpaid Registered Professional Nurses whose duties are guided by a Health Committee in the following area:
CPR/AED and First Aid - 16 certified
184 Blood Pressure Screens at HUGS
132 Blood Pressure Screens on monthly second
LIAISON TO COMMUNITY Medical Equipment Lending Ministry 14 donations 19 pieces loaned 12 returned
We Care – excess equipment / supplies donated Interfaith Community Services – supplies donated Emerge Domestic Violence pamphlets installed in every toilet stall on campus
It’s important to strengthen your spiritual self in order to meet the challenge to your physical self. All contacts include not only a discussion of the illness, but if desired prayer and healing Scripture.
The Care Team has been active in reaching out to people in hospitals, at home, and at different assisted living and care facilities. We strive to provide support, comfort, love, and prayer to those in need. Our team, which is comprised of over 27 active members from different ministries, meets monthly to discuss, on average 15-20 friends (each month) and members experiencing hospitalizations, health concerns, death of a family member or going through cancer treatment, as well as ways to reach out and make sure there are not people who are falling through the cracks of needed spiritual and physical attention.
In 2024, we have been active in visitation, writing cards, providing Bible study at care facilities, and participating with the Deacons in providing Communion for those who are home bound. Members include people from the Prayer Team, Deacons, Stephen Ministers, Faith Community Nurses, Session, Staff, and members at large. We are always looking at ways to connect to and reach out to those who are in need of the Love of Christ.
Our prayer team is very active each week. Along with providing prayer after each service, our Prayerlink team has over 75 members. In 2024, we averaged 15-20 prayer requests from the congregation each week, which are passed on to Pastors and Prayerlink as requested.
Stephen Ministry began at St. Andrew’s in 1982 and since that time has continually provided high quality, one on one Christ centered listening and prayer support to members in our congregation and community who are experiencing a challenging time in their lives. Our Program is led by a team of seven, (two newly trained in 2024), of our Stephen Ministers who have received an additional week of advanced training. This Leadership Team (SMLT) meets monthly and oversees, evaluates, and guides our program. All Stephen Ministers attend a monthly peer supervision meeting, planned and led by the SMLT to include continuing education and individual support of the ministers in their caring relationships.
Over the past year, 30 Stephen Ministers provided loving support to 37 Care Receivers. In 2024 we trained and commissioned nine people, bringing our total to 32 active Stephen Ministers. This program could not thrive without the support, the continued referrals and willing acceptance of help when needed by each member of the St. Andrew’s congregation and our ministerial staff. We look forward to continuing this invaluable program and serving even more friends in need in 2025!
Following Jesus doesn’t happen by accident – faith takes intentionality. Rather than simply attending church or going to church, Jesus calls us to be the Church. At SAPC, we are seeking to intentionally follow in the footsteps of Jesus by engaging in worship, connecting with community, and committing to service. This Fall, we challenged every member of our community to Worship +2.
On September 15, we invited the congregation to stay following the worship service to sign up for their “plus 2!” We had groups, studies, classes, ministries, and serving opportunities represented.
To view opportunities to connect with community or commit to service, visit!
Our Administrative team of Volunteers logged over 1300 hours this year! We are blessed by these coworkers who answer phones, greet visitors, proofread, work on projects and provide support each day. Thank you so much for the gift of your time and talents.
Memorial Gifts received in 2024 in memory of:
Kay Boyle
Lucille Dalrymple
Mike Lude
Laurie Winters
Class of 2024
Ron Allen
Karin Fiore
LeeAnn Hamilton
Dan Harms
Jon Woodard
Class of 2025
Tori Carlson
Laurie Grabill
Jennifer Jacobson
Mike Thompson
Class of 2026
Lisa Behr
Jan Foran
Sandy Kreamer
Stephen McCommon
Matt North
Class of 2024
Becky D’Angelo
Judy Clement
Charlotte Hall
Dick Hall
Jackie Harms
Debbi Nicomede
Catherine Stevenson
Class of 2025
Liz Boltz
Kristi Mejias
Cherie Miller-Gray
Charlotte Smith
Liz Soflin
Katie Strumpf
Rose Tederous
01. Strategy #01
Class of 2026
Bill Boltz
Denise Derouen
Judith Elango
Nancy Schmidt
Mary Beth Spiece
Kelley Tilly
Ryan Waggoner
Class of 2024
Josh Custer
Cara Frank
Carmen Morris
Karl Oxnam
Class of 2025
Michael Lokale
Mike Lange
Rick Mason
Class of 2026
Annette Bartlett
Greg Jester
The Nominating Committee met from May to September 2024, working thoughtfully and prayerfully together to identify SAPC members to fill open positions for five Trustees, five Elders, and eight Deacons to begin service in January 2025. The following members were presented for approval at the Congregational Meeting on October 20, 2024:
Don Spiece
Will Kreamer
David Vellenga
Scott Fiore
Clark Lantz
Vicky Johnson
Susie Oxnam
Bruce Stevenson
Vickie Palmer
Freeman Taber
Emily Gary
Foster Knutson
Kimi Cole
Susan Quinn
Kris Lantz
Sandy Kovacs
Becky Nuckolls
Judy Clement (extending one extra year to her 3 year term, replacing Cherie Miller Gray). Gail Marthaler (serving just one year to replace Rose Tederous)
Note: Joanne Braun will replace Susan Quinn, who withdrew her name due to her husband's health. She will be presented for approval at the January 19 meeting.
Members of the 2024 Nominating Committee were: Jan Foran (Elder), Karl Oxnam (trustee), Cherie Miller Gray (Deacon), Mark Stratton (At Large) Suzanne Graun (At Large), Rob Lantz (At Large), and Moderator, Lee Ann Hamilton (Elder).
The Trustees consist of nine members elected by the congregation serving three-year terms. Trustees are responsible for oversight of the church’s finances and assets, including buildings and grounds. Additional responsibilities include the Investments, Endowments, Memorials, and Gifts Committee, facility use through the External Events Review Team, Physical and Technical Resources, and Safety & Security. They also provide representatives to the Preschool & Kindergarten Governing Board, Stewardship, and Nominating Committees.
The Board met monthly throughout the year. One of the key agenda functions of the board is to review current financial performance and to recommend changes, as necessary. While still operating at a slight deficit, the financial performance in 2024 marked an upward trend in the financial health of St. Andrew’s. Our net position remained favorable to our budget due to continued fiscal stewardship, increased contributions, and multiple unplanned bequests.
The Investment, Endowment, Memorials, and Gifts Committee oversees the funds given to the church outside of the operating budget, primarily specified gifts and bequests, according to investment policies approved by the Trustees.
The External Events Review Team authorizes the use of St. Andrew’s facilities by public groups. Part of the challenge of this team is balancing internal ministry demand with external demand. This team does this while keeping priority to our internal space users.
The Physical and Technical Resources Committee oversees the repair and maintenance of the church’s buildings and grounds. The Committee also works with staff to ensure the computer and communications system are adequate to support sound, lighting, and AV systems for the Sanctuary and online worship experiences. The committee also maintains the Columbarium and the beautiful rose garden and conducts church workdays for trimming/weeding and minor maintenance
The Safety & Security Committee continued to be active in 2024 to optimize our warm and welcoming presence while ensuring that is done in a safe and responsible manner. The committee made good use of the 2023 federally funded grant monies to add security enhancements on both campuses. Special thanks to all those who are serving and doing important work on this team.
The Trustees commit their time, talents, and resources throughout the year to ensure that our gifts were used to support the mission and vision of St. Andrew’s.
757,988 1,158,348 220,155 2,139,374 25,827 4,877 1,527,058 561 46,094 1,527,058 2,139,374 3,713,088 0 13,729,874 0 13,729,874 17,442,962
Members of the Personnel Committee, in partnership with the head of staff and Director of Business Operations, have the administrative responsibility for managing various personnel-related concerns and overseeing the development of Church Staff. The Personnel Committee’s role is central to maintaining the effectiveness, health, and growth of the staff, which in turn supports the mission and goals of the church.
The following individuals served on the Personnel Committee during this past year: Ron Allen, Laurie Grabill, and Jon Woodard (past chair). Current members of the Committee include Laurie Grabill, Daniel Harms, and Cara Frank (interim chair).
The year 2024 has been a year of transition and growth for the church. The focus for the year has been primarily on welcoming and integrating new leadership while addressing key staffing needs.
This year we welcomed Rev. Dr. John Tittle as the new Pastor/Head of Staff. The committee has worked closely with Rev. Dr. Tittle to familiarize him with the Church’s Staff landscape and ensure that he has the support needed to establish meaningful relationships with existing staff and leaders.
Another key focus for the Personnel Committee in 2024 has been the preparation and assistance in the recruitment process for open positions.
Director of Adult Discipleship: A leadership role focused on growing and guiding adult spiritual formation and discipleship programs.
Assistant Youth Director: A position to assist in the leadership and development of the youth ministry, ensuring that young people are engaged in meaningful spiritual growth and community-building.
Childcare Supervisor: A vital role responsible for the care and safety of children during church services and events, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for younger members of the congregation.
The church also saw the addition of new staff members who have already begun making significant contributions to the church’s work and mission:
Rev. Dr. John Tittle joined as the Pastor/Head of Staff and has begun laying the groundwork for the next phase of ministry and church growth
Diego Garcia was welcomed as the Facilities Manager, taking on the crucial responsibility of overseeing the church’s physical space, ensuring it is well-maintained, safe, and conducive to the ministry's work.
Ed Coates joined as the Administrative Assistant for Ministry Support Services, providing administrative support across various ministries and helping streamline operational processes within the church.
Chris Martinez and Stan Brown joined our facilities team with primary focus on the SW Campus and the Preschool & Kindergarten, respectively.
Opening Prayer
Necrology Report
Clerk’s Report
2024 in Review
Pastor’s Report
Congregational Approval of Pastoral Calls
Election of Deacon
Nomination from Nominating Committee
Pastor John Tittle
Pastor Mat Grover
Jane Nott, Clerk of Session
Slide Show Prepared by Amy Grover
Pastor John Tittle
Cara Frank, Personnel Committee, Chair
Pastor John Tittle
Motion: to elect Joanne Braun for a 3-year term as Deacon.
Election of 2025 Nominating Committee
Nominations from Nominating Committee:
Motion: to elect the following to the 2025 Nominating Committee:
Jan Foran, Moderator
Sandy Kreamer, Session Representative
TBA, Deacon Representative
David Vellenga, Trustee Representative
Members at Large:
Fran Wachsman
Mark Stratton
Suzanne Graun
Rev. John Tittle – ex officio
Adjournment (for Meeting of the Corporation)
Meeting of the Corporation:
Reports from the Board of Trustees
Presentation of the 2025 Budget Report of the 2024 Memorials
Closing Prayer
Pastor John Tittle
President Josh Custer