From Pastor John
Greetings, St. Andrew’s Family! We are in the thick of fall, and this is one of my most favorite times of the year where I can finally start wearing my autumn sweaters! Worship on October 20 was bustling with life: we welcomed fifteen of our newest SAPC members and the congregation voted in our newest church leaders serving as Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. I’m looking forward to November at SAPC: We’ll celebrate All Saints Day Sunday, November 3, worship together at our Thanksgiving Eve Service with Family Night Dodgeball afterwards, and the Youth Group’s Turkey Bowl on Thanksgiving. I’m so excited for us to host at St. Andrew’s Jean Stoffer of the Emmy nominated show “The Established Home.” She will share about how home design, family, and faith intersect. I think you’ll all be blessed by her warm faith and

insights into making a house a home. And she also happens to be an amazing sister! Our new three-week series, Live to Give, will explore how giving is an act of worship, an expression of faith, and a spiritual discipline. We’ll dedicate our Live to Give pledges in worship on Sunday, November 17. As we approach Thanksgiving, my heart is filled with gratitude to God for each of you and the many joyful and creative ways we worship, fellowship, serve, and bless others in Jesus’ name.
Joyfully, Pastor

Live to Give
The St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church stewardship theme for 2025 is Live to Give. During this season we ask that you consider what it means to Live to Give. How is God calling you to Live to Give? By going to the Lord in prayer and examining Scripture, we will discover the joy and importance of giving. Truly a lifestyle of generosity is good for the body, mind, and soul.
Look up the following Scriptures to use in contemplation and prayer:
• 1 Corinthians 9:6-8
• 2 Corinthians 9:7-9
• Matthew 6:19-21
• Proverbs 11:24-25
• Philippians 4
Financial Update

Live to Give Guide
Use this guide to help you discern how God is calling you to Live to Give

• Go to God in prayer
• Thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon you
• Consider all the promises that come with stewardship, giving praise
• Request God’s guidance and discernment
Attend the 24-Hour Prayer Vigil
Sign up for in-person prayer in the Chapel or pray from your own home. Prayer prompts will be made available.
Chapel Available for In Person Prayer
• Friday, November 15, 2:30 pm - 9:00 pm
• Saturday, November 16, 7:30 am - 2:30 pm
Sign up online for Prayer at home
• Friday, November 15, 2:30 pm
• Through Saturday, November 16, 2:30 pm
Determine your current giving as a percentage of your disposable income.
My/Our Giving Potential
Can you imagine the potential of God’s people when we trust Him fully with all our resources? Nothing can stop the mighty force of God’s Church, fully surrendered to Him and His will. As you pray and discern how God would ask you to give during this time, use this simple chart to reference how easy it could be to watch your giving multiply in huge ways.
Commit to increasing your giving for 2025 by one to three percent of your disposable income. Ask yourself the question, “How much might I give in offerings that represent a cheerful sacrifice for God?” If our giving is not a sacrifice, then maybe we are not giving enough. If we are not giving cheerfully, then maybe we are giving too much. “It is more blessed to give than receive.” Acts 20:35
Consider the ways you can give and select the option that is best for both you and St. Andrew’s.
Fill out your 2025 estimated giving card and return it in worship on November 17. As a congregation, we will express our gratitude to God and present our cards, representing our commitment to God’s ministry through our church.
Jean Stoffer: Design, Family & Faith

You are invited to a FREE special event at SAPC on Saturday, November 16, with interior designer and Magnolia Network star, Jean Stoffer.
Jean is an interior designer based in Grand Rapids, MI, who specializes in refurbishing old homes. Many have come to know Jean by watching her Emmy Nominated TV show “The Established Home” on Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Magnolia Network or by reading Jean’s book, “Establishing Home, Creating space for a beautiful life with family, faith, and friends.” Jean also happens to be Pastor John’s big sister! You are invited to this special time together where Jean will speak on Design, Family, and Faith!
Free childcare will be available by reservation and a booksigning will follow the event. Learn more and RSVP at sapctucson.org.
Rocky Point Mission Trip
In October, we once again partnered with Pantano Church and 1Mission to help build homes for several deserving families living in Mexico. Seven families from St. Andrew’s participated, and it was great to welcome Pastor John, Sarah, Phoebe, and Jude to our team!

Upon arriving at our “worksite” we were greeted by the family; Juan and his mother Isabelle. Over the next three days we assembled walls (styrofoam blocks), mixed concrete, bent rebar, and constructed roof trusses to complete the initial phase of the build.
During our longest work day (Sunday), we were thankful to receive a midday visit from Phoebe and Sarah whose work with the kitchen crew helped keep us energized. In addition to the lunch that was delivered, Juan and Isabelle showed their gratitude by making us their special tacos. It was so nice to share a meal and be part of this special time in their life.
Before leaving, we asked God to bless the family and their new home and presented them with a Bible, poster, and lovely handmade pillow cases. Jude summed up the trip when he shared what a blessing working on the house had been as well as a reminder of the many blessings we have, including the homes we live in.
Hope for Christmas (Adopt-a-Family) begins November 3! So far, we have 26 families who need blessings at Christmas, so we will need a lot of help!
• Please us know as soon as possible if you are willing to be an angel for an entire family. We know that circumstances may be a challenge. If you have a limit to the number of children in a family that you would like to have, please let us know that as well.
• This year, we will be providing all children (including teens) with a new pair of shoes and a coat (if requested), a present, and a book. If you would like to provide more than one gift or book because the child does not need the coat or shoes, that is fine as well. We will also be providing the families with a $100 gift card for food.
• Our giving tree will hold tags for individual needed items for you to choose from beginning November 3 after each service and at sapctucson.org.
• We would love to be able to get a Bible for those children who request it so we would appreciate your donations! Checks can be made out to Missions with “Hope for Christmas” in the memo space.

• Sign up on our Service Worship sign-up genius to help us fill stockings for each child and provide household items to each family. We are excited to announce that our Preschool & Kindergarten families will be assisting with the stockings as well!
• We will need help with wrapping and sorting stocking stuffers. Please let us know if you can help with either of those items.
Finally, we are inviting all families to our outreach event on December 15, Cookies with Santa, which is held on the patio of the SW campus in between the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services. (More information about that soon.)
Learn more! >>>

Please let RuthAnn Smithrud, Local Outreach Director (rsmithrud@sapctucson.org), know if you have any questions! Thank you in advance for all your Hope for Christmas!
Moment for Mission
Pastor Bruce Sinclair, Th.M., former seminary professor in Uganda and now on the staff of Trinity Center for World Mission (TCWM) will present on Sunday morning, November 10. TCWM creates seminaries, which create pastors, which create churches which create disciples. These seminaries are called Trinity Biblical Institute (TBI). There is one accredited seminary in E. Uganda, one completed campus in Rwanda, and another being built in Tanzania.
The Sinclairs have been involved in full-time Christian ministry since 1983. They began their careers as missionaries in Mexico, where they worked in church planting, leadership training,
and theological education. Later, Bruce served 15 years as a church planter and pastor of churches in North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. In 2000, Bruce took a mission trip to Uganda. There, the Lord captured his heart for Africa.
From 2005 to 2023, Bruce and Pam lived in Uganda, serving with Mission to the World. Bruce’s primary ministry focus involved equipping church planters, pastors, and other Christian workers at Seminaries in the capital Kampala. Many of his students now comprise the majority of the faculty at TBI.
Bruce and Pam Sinclair reside near their two grown children and two grandchildren in Oro Valley, Arizona.

Mission Trip

Dorothy Terrazas, Nurse Practitioner and member of SAPC Missions Committee, is joining a group for a medical mission to a small town in Guatemala in November. The group will be servicing the women and children in a rural setting where medical care is limited. Many of the patients are of Mayan descent, and they come down from the mountains when they hear that an American medical group has come to their area. The group will have the opportunity to also have a spiritual outreach with possible testimonies given in the waiting or triage area and on the local Christian radio station. There will also be a trip into the mountains about two hours away from the hospital to service those that have limited travel capabilities like the infirm and elderly. Of course the Gospel is our primary focus but medical teams like this one can truly open the hearts of the Achi and Spanish speaking people. All the patients will be made aware of the services provided by the local AMG group (Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel).
Cross Currents Publications Schedule
Cross Currents submissions are due the 15th of the month prior to publication. We have two combined issues each year, Summer and Winter. The due date for our upcoming December/January Winter issue is November 15, 2024. For questions, contact Amy Grover at agrover@sapctucson.org.

Volunteer Spotlight
On Sunday mornings, between worship services, Jamie Gardner, the face of Heavenly Hosts, can be found in the Gathering Place and kitchen preparing trays of goodies for fellowship and mingling after the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services. It’s often a family affair as Scott and Jane lend a hand too. Helpers also sign up to assist on Sundays.
Heavenly Hosts started informally many years ago, long before the SW Campus existed. Our pastor then, Rev. Dr. Joe Bettridge, was standing outside the Chapel one Sunday morning and saw some church ladies handing out cookies after the worship service and declared, “They look like Heavenly Hosts!”
There is more to Heavenly Hosts than what is done on Sunday mornings. Heavenly Hosts put on the reception after the annual Christmas Concert each December, serving cookies and hot apple cider. The Easter continental breakfast, served after all three services on both campuses, is run by the Heavenly Hosts. And the lunch that is served at each New Members Class is also a Heavenly Hosts function.

Everything that is served on Sundays is through the generosity of the Gardner family or donated by church members or purchased from contributions in the donation boxes on the goodie tables. For many years, Sandy and Don Smith made the delicious brownies that were so well liked. Don Smith and John Hardin provided the pub mix and peanut butter pretzels that are very popular. Now that Sandy and Don are in Heaven, John continues to graciously supply the pub mix and pretzels for fellowship.
There are many ways to get involved with Heavenly Hosts. Volunteers and food or monetary donations are needed for Sunday morning fellowship, the Christmas Concert reception and Easter continental breakfast.
Contact Jamie at jamiergardner@yahoo.com and let her know how you can help Heavenly Hosts!
Volunteer Opportunities
The Physical Resources Committee invites you to join us for our Fall Church Work Day, on Saturday, November 23, from 8:00 am12:00 pm (or come when you can). Help us spruce up for the Christmas season. The majority of the work is landscape related. We will also be getting the Christmas decorations out of storage for the Sanctuary and Chapel decorating the following week. We hope you can join us as we fellowship together in our labor for the Lord at SAPC. We will meet at the main entrance of the SW Campus. This is an excellent opportunity to participate in Worship + 2.
Join in the fun as we decorate the church for our Advent Worship Services on Saturday, November 30, from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm, at either the Chapel or the main Sanctuary! If you can hang an ornament on a Christmas tree or a wreath on a wall, we need you! All decorations are provided. We also need folks who can climb ladders. Bring your family and friends, because many hands are needed as we add the beautiful decorations that help enhance our Advent Worship Services. Also, because what goes up must come down, please plan on helping to take down the decorations on Saturday, January 4, at 9:00 am. Add those dates to your calendars and we look forward to you joining us! Contact Debi Kromer at dskromer@comcast.net with questions.
Our outreach project helps teen girls living in Amphi and Marana Unified School Districts with undergarments donated to Marana Help Closet and Amphi Foundation Clothing Bank. Please bring new sports bras (XS, S, M, L, XL), bras (32-38 A, B, C, D cup), and briefs (XS, S, M, L, XL).

Join us for a lovely brunch, fellowship and our impactful message, “A New Season of Joy.”
Our speaker, Rev. Tina Salvaneschi (Interim Pastor at Immanuel Presbyterian), has a heart to help people creatively encounter God. A classically trained clarinetist and dancer, Tina found her love of Jesus as a child performing hymns. With a Masters of Divinity from Fuller, Tina was also a business owner and is married to the love of her life, Stephen - yet Jesus remains her first love.
• Saturday, December 7, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Friendship Hall - cost is $20
• Free childcare available upon request
• Brunch will be provided by Gap Ministries Catering. Gap brings HELP to children, HEALING to families, and HOPE to our community.
• Register by Monday, November 25, at sapctucson.org, in the Church Office, or on Sundays at our sign-up table near the Gathering Place.
• Decorate a table! Sign up Sundays at our table or contact Toby Drakulich: 520-668-5524, tobydrakulich2@gmail.com.
Borderlands Young Adult Volunteers
Our St. Andrew’s mission partner, the Tucson Borderlands Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program is in need of stories for their first ever Story-Telling Event and Fundraiser planned for February 8. In an effort to support the YAVs and encourage storytelling in our church community, we would love to make sure stories from St. Andrew’s are included!
The writing prompt for this story-telling event is Church.
Church: It’s time to share your personal insight and experience with church. Is it food for your soul? A home away from home? Something that happens on a Sunday? A mystery to be solved? Why even bother?
Send your five minute story to lapalomastorycollective@gmail.com in a Word Document, e-mail, or a PDF by December 18. They are hoping that a few participants will be willing to tell their stories in person during the event.
Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming Story-Telling Event and Fundraiser. Funds raised will help ensure YAVs from diverse backgrounds can continue to experience “a year of service for a lifetime of change.” The YAV Program is a mission of the PC(USA). If you have questions please contact Karin Fiore at karinfiore@gmail.com.
Preschool & Kindergarten
You can join our school mission in making an impact in the lives of our students and families through Tax Credit Donation! A donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program helps families choose St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their children’s education. Our school offers the lowest student to teacher ratio in the northwest Tucson area, two dedicated teachers in each classroom, and a full academic curriculum including a Christian education component. Our school works to meet students where they are at developmentally and challenge them to reach their highest potential.
We work with the Institute for Better Education (ibescholarships.org) and the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization (acsto.org) to remove any financial obstacles that stand in a family’s way of choosing St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their child. For the past several years, your generous tax credit donations have blessed all of our Kindergarten students with full-ride scholarships to our excellent program! Thank you!
The best part? When you give, you can receive a dollar-for dollar credit on your Arizona state income taxes! For the 2024 tax year, you may donate up to the maximum amounts: $2,910 (married couple filing jointly), $1,459 (single taxpayer), or your total tax liability, whichever is less. You can make your donation any time up until April 15, 2025.
For more information and to make a donation, please visit sapcschool.org
You have the ability to invest in future generations and make a significant difference in the life of a child and their family by making a donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program on behalf of St. Andrew’s Kindergarten today!

Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry
This month Holy Molies (4th and 5th graders) will be on November 20 in Room F from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Our theme for the night will be God Wants the Best for Us! Please bring $5 to offset the cost of dinner. Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org.
Get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus with our Christmas play Born Unto Us. We will be telling the Christmas story through some simple speaking parts, silent acting, and through song! The first rehearsal will be November 17, at 10:45 am in Room F. We will read through the script at this first rehearsal and talk about how the play will work. There will be speaking parts and non-speaking parts. All ages are welcome! Please let us know who wants to be involved by signing up at sapctucson.org/kids. The performance is during the Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm. Contact Heather Brannock at hbrannock@sapctucson.org for more information.
The Childcare Supervisor manages the childcare service which provides care for the children of adults who are attending church sponsored events. This position is a part-time position that requires about 10 hours a week. To learn more, view the job description at sapctucson.org/job-opportunities. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to Heather Brannock at hbrannock@sapctucson.org
Thank you to everyone who decorated a trunk, handed out candy, and/or donated candy! It was such a fun event and a big outreach to St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten, as well as the community!

The Youth Ministry has been gearing up for the busy fall and winter seasons. In November, we have our Thanksgiving Eve Family Night dodgeball which will be right after the Thanksgiving Eve Service in Friendship Hall. Our annual Turkey Bowl flag football game will be on Thanksgiving Day from 9:00 am12:00 pm at Naranja Park. It is always a fun time for kids, of all ages, to expel some energy and stay out of the kitchens and out of the way.
As always, the best way to stay informed of all the exciting events we have coming up is to follow us at @sapcyouth on Instagram or check out sapctucson.org/youth.

Gallery Artist
Linda DeBoer, Clay Artist
Linda discovered her affinity for clay when she and her husband moved to Tucson 25 years ago and signed up for a community arts class. Her interest continued to grow and develop as she pursued local potters as mentors, national workshops, and learning opportunities including attending an artist residence program in Jingdezhen, China in 2017. Today she has a home studio and participates in select local art shows and galleries. She works
in mid range and high-fire clays and glazes. Her work is both wheel thrown and hand-built, functional and non-functional. She often incorporates other art mediums into her work, most

notably collaborating with her husband, Will, in combining her clay art with stained glass, where his proficiency rests. “I like to think my ceramic art is functional and beautiful at the same time. The desire to craft comes from within. An idea may percolate for a long time, then take actual shape in a matter of minutes. And then the refining or contemplative process toward the finished piece is most satisfying.”
Linda enjoys hiking, traveling in their RV, birding, exploring the palette of the desert Southwest with its flora and fauna which becomes her inspiration and is reflected in much of her art.
Faith Community Nurses Stephen Ministry
The following truths are suggested to instill into your child, but they’re good for any age.
• Everything is hard before it’s easy.
• The biggest disappointments in life are often the result of misplaced expectations.
• Worry is the cruelest enemy of personal growth.
• Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.
• The journey is the destination.
• The willingness to do hard things opens significant doors of opportunity.
• Uncertainty is inevitable and must be embraced to achieve anything worthwhile.
• Lack of effort is what most people lack (not lack of intelligence).
• Trustworthiness is at the foundation of a person’s long-term potential.
• Who we choose to be around matters. Reference: Sharing Truths with
“No one understands what I’m going through.” Pain can be overwhelming. A Stephen Minister can’t take away your pain but can share your burdens. As you tell your story, you’ll find a safe space with a Stephen Minister. No judgement, only listening, prayer, encouragement and support.
For more information visit sapctucson.org/care or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.

december EVENTS
December 7 | Women’s Christmas Brunch
Enjoy a lovely brunch with us and speaker, Rev. Tina Salvaneschi. This year’s outreach project will be undergarments for teen girls living in Amphi and Marana Unified School Districts through Marana Help Closet and Amphi Foundation Clothing Bank.
December 14 | Christmas Concert
The combined SAPC music ministry presents the Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Wittman Ringers, St. Andrew’s Sisters, and more in concert, featuring music to lead us joyfully and prayerfully into Christmastide.
December 15 | Cookies with Santa
Following the 9:00 am Worship Service, enjoy a time decorating cookies out in the SW Patio as well as a special visit from Santa! We will also be distributing gifts and celebrating our Hope for Christmas Adopt-a-Families. Come join the party!
Christmas Eve at SAPC
Tuesday, December 24

We invite you to join us for our Christmas Eve Services, each with a unique feel and style. All servic will be in-person and livestreamed. We hope you will join us in celebrating this Christmas Eve!
5:00 pm | Family Service & Christmas Play
Join us for an intergenerational service, featuring SAPC Kids in a Christmas Play! Classic hymns and a message make this service a perfect fit for all ages.
7:00 pm | Contemporary Candlelight Service
Our Contemporary Worship Team will lead us in this beautiful time of Candlelight Christmas Worship.

9:00 pm | Traditional Candlelight Service
Our Chancel Choir and Orchestra will lead us in Traditional Candlelight Christmas Worship.