St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704
Submitted by Pastor Mat Grover
What a year it has been. Who would have thought 2020 would have played out like it did? At the beginning of the year, there were conversations about how full this year will be, utilizing the year to talk about how we will see God clearly with our 20/20 vision. None of us, but God, could have predicted how this year played out. Although it was different and difficult, God’s love, blessing, and creativity abounded. Towards the end of February and the beginning of March, we started hearing that this “COVID-19” was growing and had the potential of being quite dangerous. On March 18, 2020, our Session, along with our Worship Team, determined that we needed to move worship to strictly online. Ben Constantinides, Mark Gary, and Matt Gulley took our church from a small camera with no real online
presence, to a multiple camera, fully integrated online service. I cannot sufficiently applaud all that they have done over the last year to keep our church worshiping in as “normal” of a capacity as we have done over the last year. At first we discussed that we would be closed for a few weeks, maybe we would even have a triumphant return on Easter; definitely no longer than the end of May. Little did we know that we wouldn’t have our first In-Person Worship Wervice until September 20. We enjoyed 13 weeks of In-Person Worship Services in the Sanctuary at 9:00 am and 10:45 am until the COVID numbers forced us to shut our doors again just before Christmas. We are looking forward to opening all three of our services as soon as we are able, and to gather both in-person and online with our church family!
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PASTOR REPORT CONTINUED... As if 2020 wasn’t hard enough, on September 23, we sent out an email letting our church family know that our Pastor/Head of Staff, Pastor Jim, had been diagnosed with cancer. Now both Pastor Jim and his wife, Pati, are battling stage 4 cancer. Jim has taken a leave of absence and I currently have assumed his duties as the Acting Head of Staff. This was a huge blow to our staff and our congregation, but we trust in God’s plan and God’s ability to do miracles, so please join me in continuing to pray for Pastor Jim, Pati, Jake, and Conor. 2020 was a hard year for our staff, but they have been amazingly faithful and creative in order to provide and minister to our congregation. This church is blessed to have the people who are on staff. They are caring, hardworking, compassionate, creative, and loving people. From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank the staff of St. Andrew’s enough. From the Custodial Staff, Support Staff, Ministry Staff, Preschool and Kindergarten Staff, Mission Staff, Elders, and Deacons, this church 5
has continued to bring God’s love and hope to the church, the city, and the world despite the circumstances. Join me in praying for 2021. There is still a lot of unknown on the horizon. What I am sure of is that this church is in good hands with its staff and leadership. We will continue to be creative in the ways we are able to deliver ministry to our church family and our community. My hope for 2021 is that regardless of what is going on around us, we as St. Andrew’s will continue to grow as deep and strong disciples of Jesus Christ. As we deepen our individual and corporate faith, my prayer for 2021 is that as we live lives of faith and we deepen our resolve to be the light of Christ is whatever way God leads, to our community and to the world. What a blessing we can and will be this year. Grace, Peace, Love, and Hope to you all this year. - Pastor Mat
CHURCH OFFICERS SESSION 2020 Class of 2020 Peter Bodnaruk Susan Cochran Melissa Dryden Cedric Hay Greg Lantz Mark Stratton Class of 2021 Louise Davis Norm Enger Cindy McIntyre Class of 2022 Luke Bultman Kathy Lokale Judy Markham Katie Vidal Jon Woodard
DEACONS 2020 Class of 2020 Todd Autenreith Kathi Cuvelier Toby Drakulich Art Kramer Karl Oxnam Scott Ringenberg Anayo Uche Class of 2021 Yvette Boessneck Norman Carlson Judy Clement Debi Kromer Kat Perkins Julie Wagner Class of 2022 Leo Burkhart Jan Foran Scott Gardner Russ Maynard Julie Pentacoff Merri Kae VanderPloeg Frank Vidal
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. - 1 Peter 4:10
TRUSTEES 2020 Class of 2020 Marianne Hadden Greg Lantz Don Spiece Class of 2021 Burt Boessneck Fred Gray Claud Smith Mike Wiggins Class of 2022 Steve BossĂŠ Bonnie Kampa
Annual Report - 2020
Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry
Heather Brannock
Assistant Director Children’s Discipleship Ministry
This year was unlike any other. Every day since March 15, I have praised God for technology which has allowed us to reach out to our families during the time of COVID. FIRST QUARTER The first quarter of 2020 went as planned. We had Sunday School with children, birth to 5th grade. We had an event for Kindergarten prayer partners. We had Holy Molies each month. Then everything changed. While we observed the stay home order from the state, we had to rethink Holy Week and beyond. We had to get creative with our programming and the ways we minister to families. HOLY WEEK During Holy Week, we held the first Amazing Race to Easter! Families were emailed daily challenges to complete. They were asked to submit photos or videos, and earned points. Sixteen families participated in some way. Four families completed all the challenges as well as some bonus activities which earned them pizza dinner!
SUNDAY SCHOOL Our last day of In-Person Sunday School was held on March 15. Since then, we have tried a few different ways to present Sunday School to our families. First we emailed lessons directly to families and encouraged them to do the lessons together at home. Then we recorded videos for families to watch together along with activities that we sent to them via email. Finally, on June 28, we started Sunday School LIVE! This is a weekly Zoom meeting with Heather and me. This has stuck! We have around 10-15 kids who have been consistently faithful to attending every week. During Sunday School LIVE we have discussed female founders of faith, and the Lord’s Prayer. We are now in a unit talking about the basics of faith. While Sunday School LIVE is working for our 1st-5th graders, it is not working for our Preschool and Kindergarten students. Again, we have tried various ways of reaching out to these kids. I have recently started doing a Zoom called Story Time with Ms. Shelly. I tell a Bible story, we do some singing, or play a game, and then I read a book to them. It is geared towards younger kids and is a much shorter time than the elementary Sunday School time.
VBS This year we hosted Rocky Railway where we learned that Jesus will pull us through... TRUST JESUS! We filmed the opening, closing, songs, and three stations. Then we put them on YouTube for our families to watch daily. We also set up a VBS Facebook group where I posted daily challenges for kids to complete. We had 53 families participate. Even though it was different, it was still a fun and meaningful week. HOLY MOLIES We held Holy Molies on Zoom and moved from once a month to twice a month. Kids fell in love with the game Blank Slate and we play it every time we meet. For the summer, we matched Holy Molies members as pen pals and they wrote to each other. We continue to hold Zoom Holy Molies meetings on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. THIRD GRADE BIBLES We couldn’t present Bibles to our third graders in person, but we still wanted them to receive one, especially since the members of the third grade class are faithful in attending Sunday School LIVE. Third grade teacher Mrs. Lantz, and Ms. Shelly set up a table on a Saturday in September. Third graders and their families came by, picked up their Bibles, and received a Bible bag that Mrs. Lantz had made for them. We handed out eight Bibles.
CHRISTMAS This year we had to cancel many of our traditional Advent activities. We made a movie of the Christmas story for the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve play, starring SAPC Kids! LOOKING FORWARD We don’t know what 2021 will bring. For now, we will continue to offer programming online via Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms. If there comes a time that we will again be able to meet in-person, we are committed to continuing to have an online presence as long as it is needed.
Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry
St. Andrew’s Youth Discipleship Ministry is a community of students grade 6-12, various leaders and staff, striving to know God and to make God known through lives transformed by Christ. Students are invited to join weekly in attending Youth Group, Sunday School, and special events. We are committed to creating a community of fun, fellowship, service, and growth. Kids are encouraged to play hard, care for each other deeply, serve with intentionality, and ask difficult questions about faith. Here are a few highlights from this year: 30 HOUR FAMINE Started by World Vision, we take 30 hours to fast, learn about local and global hunger and poverty, and raise funds to make a difference. We partnered with Northminster Presbyterian and had over 80 students, leaders, and volunteers create 20,000 meals through the organization Stop Hunger Now and serve around the City of Tucson with organizations such as Called to Love and Tucson Refugee Ministry.
SKI RETREAT Our year included our annual High School/ College Ski Retreat in Durango, CO. We had 25 students attend our retreat where we had a great time learning about what it means to Abide in Christ. Some students were skiing for the first time and some veterans. TOPGOLF FUNDRAISER Our 2nd Annual TopGolf Tournament was a wonderful event at TopGolf Tucson. We had 51 participants at a variety of ages and raised $2000. We are so thankful for the generosity of all of the players and sponsors who made this event a success. We are especially thankful that we were able to host the event socially distant in a safe space. We are looking forward to make next year’s TopGolf Fundraiser an even greater success. FOREST HOME AT HOME Though Forest Home Camp was canceled this year, we tried to make the best of our situation. With the help of our friends from Forest Home we were gifted Forest Home merchandise and prizes were handed out for daily contests such as belly flop competitions, photo recreations, Forest Home snack recreations, memory verses, and a worship night at Youth Group that week. We are looking forward to returning to summer camp in 2021.
WEEKLY YOUTH GROUPS Though our inside meetings were shut down in March, we moved rapidly to meeting over Zoom for the first three months of the pandemic. Then in June we were able to transition into the parking lot on the NE Campus for in person Youth Group with camp chairs, masks, and water bottles. We are still playing games, hearing about Jesus, and growing deeper in our faith and lives together in small groups. Though it’s not ideal, our students have shown an incredible amount of resilience and grace this year, and it’s been an honor to walk alongside them through it. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR UPDATE After two faithful years of service to the Youth and Family Ministries of St. Andrew’s, Richelle King stepped down from her role as Assistant Director of Youth Ministry. Though we were sad to lose her, we know she will continue to be a blessing wherever she goes. We will be looking to hire a new Assistant Director at the start of the year.
LOOKING FORWARD 2021 In the next year, although it’s still unknown, we are looking forward to leaning into where God is sending us alongside the Family Ministries Team. We are excited to continue partnering with students and their families as we grow together in faith and life. Our Youth Ministry is blessed to have amazing, dedicated, and consistent leaders who are on fire for God and wanting students to grow in their relationship with Him. These leaders are the cornerstone to our ministry and what God is doing in the lives of young students at St. Andrew’s. The church is blessed to have them and the ministry could not happen without them! If you are interested in volunteering with the Youth Ministry please reach out to Tim with any questions you have. We are so looking forward to what God has for us in this upcoming year as we hope to regain some normalcy. Our vision and hope is that students would continue to be amazed by the character of God and the way He loves us, and would be encouraged and mobilized to take part in building His Kingdom here on earth. The Youth Ministry is a very exciting and busy place to be. Learn more about the ministry at We are so thankful for this past year and look forward to God’s continuing guidance and provisions in the year to come!
Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry
Alpha Online was a new experience for all of us leaders, but so rewarding as we learned how to make it work! It was a joy to have our guests get to experience the video and discussion each week through Zoom!
The purpose of the Adult Discipleship Ministry at St. Andrew’s is to provide opportunities for relationships and growth for adults: In the understanding and formation of their faith, in their relationships with one another in the context of faith and encountering Christ in one another, in their knowledge of Scripture and in their relationship with Christ. (Based on Ephesians 4:11-13) Some of the amazing things God has done during a pandemic in keeping people connected and growing in their faith are listed below! ALPHA This is a discipleship program that provides 8-10 weeks of helping men and women connect with each other as well as grow in their faith. In February, we started out the year offering in-person Alpha at St. Andrew’s. We had a great team of leaders, helpers, and even a cook team! We met together for about three weeks then had to stop meeting in-person early March due to COVID spread and church lockdown. St. Andrew’s team of Alpha leaders joined Grace Community Church and Tortolita Presbyterian Church to provide Alpha Online in April through June.
In April, Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene reached out to Connie and the ADM team to help them get an Alpha Online started for them! This was another exciting adventure and reach-out for unity in the church as a whole and evangelism for Tucson and beyond! There were 45 guests who attended with a few from out of state who found the Alpha Invitation online! The weekly meetings were conducted through Zoom with video and group discussion. The OVCN Cook team cooked and delivered meals to the team as well as the guests! Alpha Coaching for other churches in our city has continued as Connie has been asked to train other churches leaders. Currently Pantano Christian is having their staff go through Alpha together at their weekly staff meetings. Connie is providing training and coaching in the beginning of each meeting. FAITH UNCORKED AND FAITH ON TAP Faith Uncorked continued meeting the 3rd Friday of each month for Women and Faith on Tap the 1st Friday of the month for men. These meetings were held via Zoom and will continue in 2021, hopefully in-person again. This is one way women and men continue to look forward for friendship, encouragement, sharing life, and growing in their faith.
SUNDAY AND WEEKLY BIBLE STUDIES Sunday morning and afternoon adult classes continue meeting via Zoom with an average monthly attendance of 35. We continue to support the BSF Women’s Satellite Group that had been meeting at St. Andrew’s on Wednesday mornings for the last two years. This year’s study is Genesis and the lecture and discussion are continuing each week on Zoom. Connie is part of the monthly prayer group that meets to pray for possible full day class for women here in Northwest Tucson and Oro Valley. This also done via Zoom. Weekly Bible Studies that have continued via Zoom this year are Women’s Friday Morning, MOMS Friday morning, and Men’s Thursday morning. LIFE GROUPS, CONNECTING GROUPS, CONVERSATION GROUPS, AND BOOK DISCUSSION GROUPS – VIA ZOOM There are currently four groups meeting weekly or every other week. One on Tuesday afternoon has been discussing a spiritual direction book and praying for each other. There are two that meet on Tuesday evenings and now one on Wednesday evenings. Each of these groups has a book study and/or Bible study that they study on their own and discuss together as well as share life, encourage one another, and pray for one another. The ADM team, along with Lynn Guyot, began a book study in August on Wednesday evenings on “The Color of Compromise” with 35 people attending. Discussions were open and engaging regarding Racism in America. This group has continued to meet with a change to Thursday evenings. Lynn has reached out to different leaders in our community who have come each week to share their real-life stories. The conversations will continue again in January as everyone is passionate about making a difference for change! Another discussion group has begun to meet on Thursday afternoons discussing the book, “Love Over Fear,” by Dan White, Jr. This was started in September for those who wanted to continue with another perspective about healing the polarization in our society. These discussions have been encouraging to all in how we as followers of Jesus can bring our Lord’s love into all situations. Discipleship continuing during a pandemic – Praise the Lord – our monthly attendance for
Bible studies and groups has grown from last year as monthly attendance totals have been 400 plus. FIRST ANNUAL GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP Our team joined with the Children’s and Youth Discipleship Teams to put on a fun family golf event on St. Andrews’ NE Campus. There were 73 total who joined in the fun with a participation medal given to all. WOMEN’S 2ND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BRUNCH This year the ADM Team, along with four volunteers (Cathi Kentera, Toby Drakulich, Lynn, and Lisa Best), put together a DriveUp Women’s Christmas Coffee Break on December 5 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Our team created encouragement bags with coffee and coffee cup, peace ornament, document for a personal silent retreat, and a note from ADM. We had 72 women drive up with many thanks and tears of gratitude and lots of sharing of life. Our theme was Peace, Jesus’ words, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” THE ADM TEAM Our ADM Team would like to thank Rob Lantz for his four and a half years of service, Freeman Taber for his four years of service, and Frank Bouchard for his two years of service. We will miss their wisdom and direction to our team. We are excited to welcome Steve Herzog to our team beginning January 2021. With Grateful Hearts, Your ADM Team Connie Randall/Director, Susan Cochran, Tori Carlson, and Sandy Kovacs
Preschool & Kindergarten Director
The 2020 school year marked many firsts for the Preschool and Kindergarten and will forever be remembered as a testament to the love and dedication our teachers and staff have for their students and families. In March, we were forced to shut down our classrooms and quickly learned how to teach through Zoom! Our teachers continued to read stories, take imaginative journeys to space, and work on math and reading, all virtually. We ended the school year with a drive-thru celebration for our Preschoolers, and a first ever drive-thru graduation for our Kindergarten kids. In August, after much prayer and careful planning, we re-opened our doors to a limited number of students and teachers. Classes were reduced to no more than 10 students and our protocols included mandatory temperature checks, masks for teachers, and no mixing of classes on the playground. This new normal proved challenging, but our teachers and students quickly adapted. In September, we opened our doors to more students and teachers, but we still maintained small class sizes. At the end of November, we closed our doors earlier than anticipated due to rising cases in COVID-19 in the community. Our teachers, now old pros at online teaching, quickly moved back online. As we close the year, we look forward for the opportunity to once again serve our students and families in person. It has now more than ever been apparent how much joy our students bring to our campus and our lives. We pray that a vaccine brings relief to our community from this pandemic and that we may return stronger than before. 14
Worship and Music Committee Chair
The Worship and Music Committee is made up of representatives of the three Worship Services, Choir, Bell Choir, Orchestra, Gallery Art Subcommittee, Welcome Table Team, Decorations Subcommittee, Flower Subcommittee, Ushers Team, and staff members Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Daye Caiden. Due to COVID restrictions, the committee met only in January, February, and started Zoom meetings in September for the following months. As the year progressed, we hoped to have normal worship and fellowship month by month. By faith we anticipate returning to non-restrictive church participation in 2021. We presented Christmas celebrations in our beautifully decorated Sanctuary with virtual worship, music, and even a virtual Christmas Concert. Our congregation had to cancel almost all Lenten and Easter festivities, even the Palm Sunday Concert. Sadly, buying new Christmas decorations had to be postponed. We look forward to next year when well-established and loved traditions and new endeavors can be implemented. We are thankful for our compassionate and capable staff, who guided our congregation safely through a complicated year with wisdom, understanding, hope, and joy. God has a plan for all of us and we can trust in His love. May our worship give glory and praise to our Lord and Savior.
2020 - Annual Report
PRAYER & CARE MINISTRY STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministry first began at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian in 1982 when the first training class was commissioned. Since that time, more than 300 members have gone through the intensive 50 hours of training that is taught over a 20 week period of time. In the fall of last year, we began training eight new Stephen Ministers and finished just as the pandemic really took hold. To date, we have not been able to officially commission them before the congregation, but they are actively working as Stephen Ministers. We were also able to train two new Stephen Ministry Leaders this year. Since the beginning of December in 2019 until the end of November 2020, 21 of our Stephen Ministers have actively supported 28 of our congregants. Our ministry provides a listening, praying support for those going through a challenging time in their lives. We normally spend an hour a week with our care receivers but even seeing them in person has been greatly affected, so much of our care has been by phone, FaceTime,
or Zoom. We anticipate this coming year to be especially difficult for the many who have been affected by this past year’s limited activity and expect that demand for our support will increase greatly. We presently have 24 active Stephen Ministers. Our Stephen Ministry program has a six person Leadership team that meets monthly and oversees, evaluates, and guides the program. All Stephen Ministers attend a monthly peer supervision meeting that provides continuing education and individual support for them in their caregiving situations. Both the Leadership and the Supervision meetings have continued via Zoom. We anticipate this will continue until this virus is under control. We look forward to the time when life gets back to some kind of normal and will allow our Stephen Ministers to once again support our members in the Sunday Prayer Tower as well as meeting once again with our care receivers face-to-face. Respectfully submitted, Cheryl Smith
CARE TEAM The regular ways of doing ministry for the Care Team changed dramatically early in 2020. As COVID-19 began to shut down any type of visiting in-person, we had to be creative in letting our church family know that they are loved and prayed for. Pastor Mat quickly assembled a team of volunteers to call each member of our congregation as our community was required to shelter in place. Pastor Jim, Pastor Mat, and ADM Director Connie hosted a drive through ‘Chat and Check-In’ for several weeks so that members could briefly meet and share a prayer request. Our community’s care homes were closed for any type of visiting, and residents could not leave or receive guests. Hospitals no longer allowed visits for patients. Meeting faceto-face was replaced by Zoom, many phone calls, and cards. We look forward to the time that care can resume in-person. The Care Ministry is comprised of the Prayer Team, the Stephen Ministers, the Faith Community Nurses and we are supported by Deacons through homebound communion and mobile meals.
PRAYER MINISTRY Prayer Ministry continues in 2021 and has been ongoing throughout 2020. Requests for prayer can be called in to office or submitted online to pastors only, to prayerlink (which encompasses approximately 50 + people), to the Monday Morning Prayer Group (comprised of 11 people), to the Care Team, or to the Staff. People pray individually in their homes, or via Zoom with staff meetings and Care Team meetings. A small group from the Monday Morning Prayer Group continues to meet together in a home to pray. We had an Easter Vigil and also a Prayer Vigil for our beloved Toole family. People for both vigils signed up online to pray at a designated time in their own homes. There have been drive by Wednesdays in the mornings where people can come to ask for prayer from pastors and staff. Zoom Bible studies and Alpha include prayer.
Annual Report - 2020
DEACONS Like the original Deacons in the time of Paul, the members of the St. Andrew’s Board of Deacons have answered the call to serve the Lord by serving the members of our congregation and community. Unfortunately, with the onset of the COVID Pandemic, our normal duties were drastically reduced. Highlights of the 2020 Deacons’ service this year included: • Celebrations of the Sacrament of Baptism - One Baptism was conducted in January. • Coordinated the preparation and the serving of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month during the Traditional and Contemporary Services, each Sunday during the 7:30 am service, and at the Presbytery Meeting from January, February, and March 2020. • Home Communion was served during the months of January, February, and March to those who were unable to come to church. • Assisted families and pastors with memorial services during the months of January, February, March, and October. • Organized and hosted the St. Andrew’s Annual Family Backyard BBQ providing an opportunity for fellowship, a meal, and great entertainment on March 1. • Provided funding and direction for the Deacon’s Benevolence Fund through the proceeds from the annual BBQ and generous giving by members
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of the congregation. The fund provides members and friends with urgent needs short term financial assistance. Coordinated volunteers to prepare Blessing Bags distributed to those in need by members of St. Andrew’s and provided bags to the Tucson Work Project. One hundred toiletry bags were sent to the Caridad feeding program. Provided rides to worship for those residing in area care facilities. Coordinated bi-monthly blood drives with the Red Cross for most of the year. Cards were sent monthly to members on prayerlink. Coordinated a network of volunteers to prepare and deliver dinner meals to members in need of assistance. The Deacons held monthly meetings in person January, February, and March. We now meet remotely on Zoom. We were able to meet In-Person for the annual new Deacon Orientation Session.
The Speaker Phone Ministry has now been covered by our AV Team Livestream Call-In Worship.
FAITH COMMUNITY NURSING Faith Community Nursing (FCN) is a healthcare ministry designed to identify and address the health needs of the congregation through education, counseling, and advocacy. Through the integration of health and faith, this ministry strengthens the church community by focusing on each individual’s physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wellbeing. The goal of FCN is to work, in partnership with the other care ministries, toward establishing the church as a vital resource for health and healing. There are ten non-paid Registered Professional Nurses whose duties are guided by a Health Committee. The five roles of the Faith Community Nurse are listed below and St. Andrew’s has participated in all areas; however, due to COVID-19 restrictions, our church was closed to in person ministries March – December 2020.
FAITH COMMUNITY NURSING BY THE NUMBERS: > Health Education - CPR – 6 Certified - First Aid – 6 Certified - Blood Pressure Screens (HUGS -107; Quilters - 23; Suzi Anderson - Blood Pressure Screens (Second Sunday – 58; Suzi Anderson, Janellen Collett, Louise Doran, Jo Kramer, Maureen Noeth, Diane Ressequie, Karina Trumbull, William Wilkinson) - First Aid boxes replenished – Suzi Anderson - Cross Current health articles – 9 (Louise Doran, William Wilkinson) > Personal Health Counselor – 4 individual counseling - Louise Doran - All contacts are confidential - Post hospital phone visits – 8 - Louise Doran > Liaison to Community Resources – 4 – Louise Doran - Medical Equipment Lending Ministry – Mary Bauer - Equipment loaned – 26; received 12 donations - Medical equipment is lent free of charge to anyone in need. - World Care – excess Medical equipment/supplies donated - Emerge domestic violence pamphlets installed in every toilet stall on campus – Maureen Noeth > Organizer/Coordinator of volunteers – Requires matching the individual’s need with the nurse who has that expertise. > Interpreter of the relationship between Faith and Health. It’s important to strengthen your spiritual self in order to meet the challenge to your physical self. All contacts include not only a discussion of the illness but if desired prayer and healing Scripture.
HEAVENLY HOSTS The Heavenly Hosts activities at St. Andrew’s during 2020 prior to closure of in-person events: • Fellowship after church on Sundays following the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services • Fellowship after the 7:30 am service monthly • New Members Class lunches The Heavenly Hosts greatly appreciate monetary and food donations from the congregation that make it possible to support ministries within the church and outreach to our neighboring schools. MEMORIAL GIFTS RECEIVED IN 2020 IN MEMORY OF: Alice Bostrom, Donald M. Burke, Marilyn Carroll, Charles ‘Lou’ Deibel, Lee Farmer, Barbara Gross, Jean Johnson, Barbara McLean, Betty Moyer, Andrea ‘Andee’ North, Dorothy ‘Dot’ Peers, Geraldine Pierson, Ruth Tyree, Dorie Voigt. Diane Wilcox, Edward ‘Ed’ Wong 18
PERSONNEL COMMITTEE The Members of the Personnel Committee have the administrative responsibility to assist the Pastors and Brad Engel, Business & Operations Director, in managing personnel-related concerns including: equal employment opportunity of staff; fair employment practices; replacement of staff; personnel policies; position descriptions; annual reviews; professional development; adequacy of compensation for all staff; and the personnel budget and benefit costs. Early in the 2020, the committee completed an update of the Church’s Employee Manual and an extensive overhaul of the St. Andrew’s Kindergarten and Preschool Personnel Policies & Procedures Manual to reinforce guidelines and align it with the Church’s policies and procedures. Committee members Brad Rich and John Lacy led the in-depth revision in collaboration with Brad Engel, Corey Planer, and the Kindergarten
& Preschool Governing Board. Committee members Bonnie Kampa, Linda Currin, and John Lacy contributed greatly to this effort as well as with other critical issues before completing their terms partway through 2020. Luke Bultman and Vickie Palmer joined the committee and, along with Brad Rich and Melissa Dryden, supported the pastors and staff with personnel-related issues as they faced the challenges of 2020. It is with great pride that we observed the resiliency, strength, and innovation of the St. Andrew’s staff as they worked together to adapt to online worship services and committees, working from home and transitioning to re-entry in order to continue to share God’s word and love with our church family. The positive, determined guidance from Pastor Jim; the steady approach and sharp financial insight of Brad Engel; and Pastor Mat’s
strong, comforting, and dependable management were critical in leading our staff through 2020 and being prepared to take on 2021. Federal PPP loans allowed us to retain all St. Andrew’s staff and pay their salaries. By following all necessary reporting and retention requirements, these loans were successfully forgiven. Two staff members were hired in 2020 and have been critical in successfully providing enjoyable and safe online and in-person worship services: Daye Caiden - Audio Visual Engineer Diego Gonzalez – Custodian The Personnel Committee is working in collaboration with the Presbytery to support and assist Pastor Mat in his temporary assignment as Lead Pastor/Head of Staff and Moderator of Session while Pastor Jim focuses on his treatment and recovery from cancer.
OUTREACH SUBMITTED BY: RuthAnn Smithrud Local Outreach Director
Outreach did not stop at St. Andrew’s in 2020 even though factors were challenging. We found new ways to reach out and bless others in need. We created the first drive-through/drop-offs for supplies in need and provided a way for St. Andrew’s members to connect with the city in this unique way. We develped a hospital ministry in partnership with the state of AZ and blessed our first responders at Northwest Hospital with goodie/encouragement bags. Thanks to our generous congregation, we were also able to bless many care facilities with Scriptures, cards, word puzzles, crossword puzzles, markers, colored pencils, and more while they were being isolated during COVID. Even though our spring Service Worship wound up being cancelled due to COVID, we put the supplies to good use. We gave 300 Easter gift bags to our friends at Old Pueblo Community Services and their clients who are either homeless or who have transitioned from homelessness. We were also able to bless the staff at La Frontera with Easter boxes as well as different families with children with disabilities. And finally, we cleaned and landscaped the Toole family garden! Serve Our Schools: Service Worship changed a bit and focused on supplying encouragement treats for seven schools while turning our attention to collecting food and supplies for the Navajo Nation who were desperatly in need. This paved the way to new connections on the Navajo Nation and St. Andrew’s poured out God’s blessings on our new friends. We learned about an organization called “Dig Deep,” and this opened the door for St. Andrew’s Christmas Mission water project. We launched our first city-wide service day, Serve Our City, in cooperation with a team at Pantano Christian Church. We gained many new connections including Desert Hope Lutheran Church, Oasis Church, Hope City Church, New Life Bible Fellowship, and more! The event involved 13 churches and 1198 volunteers! We are looking forward to 2021 and to what the Lord has in store for the new year! We are thankful to the Lord for always providing and for St. Andrew’s members who are led by the Holy Spirit to give time, prayer, and donations so generously. It is with deep gratitude that we continue to be a light for service in our city. 20
Our St. Andrew’s Mission Committee is committed to supporting mission opportunities that align with our church’s mission and vision, specifically reaching outward to journey beyond our walls to show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and to the world. We select mission partners and look for opportunities where those involved can be the hands and feet of Jesus, answering the call “Whom shall I send?” (Isaiah 6:8-9) Our mission committee supports both local and international missions as we are commanded to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) Our focus is reaching out to those in need as we are reminded that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine you did for Me.” (Matthew 25:40) In following these commandments, the Mission Committee: • Communicates mission opportunities to the congregation • Prioritizes and distributes available funds to these projects • Encourages St. Andrew’s congregation participation in local and international mission projects • Carefully evaluates each mission partner annually to be sure they are sharing Jesus’ love as they state in their annual request and in a fiscally responsible way • Encourage new mission requests which support areas we are not currently reaching For 2021 Session set a Mission budget based on 8.0% (a reduction from 8.5% in 2019 and 9.5% in 2018) of the church pledge funds, non-pledges, and loose offerings to the mission committee. While the committee understands the financial challenges for the church, we are concerned that Mission continues to be reduced from its traditional 10% funding level. 44 individual missions are supported financially. We have divided these mission partners into seven groups to be sure we are distributing our funds throughout all areas of mission priority. Foreign Missions: 16% ($45,000) Education, housing and medical supplies in foreign countries: Agape: Zambia, Hearts for the Children: Guatemala, Jesus to the Needy: South Africa, Alliance for Children Everywhere: Zambia, Frontera de Cristo: Mexico, Goshen Africa: Uganda, One Mission Rocky Point: Mexico, Our Lady Dispensary: Syria Foreign Individual Missionaries: 12% ($34,080) Abdous: Spain, Baker: Afghanistan, Brown: India, Busse: Tajikistan, Dahlgran: worldwide, Wright: worldwide, Smith: Greece, Bickford: worldwide 21
MI S S I O N CO M M ITTEE CO NTINU ED Local Church Plants: 14% ($39,000) Good News Community Church, Goshen International Church Local Children and Youth: 6% ($15,782) Montlure, Young Life Capernaum, Youth Souper Bowl, Good News Club, NW Younglife Hands On Opportunities: 4% ($9820) Daily Bread, Deacons Blessing Bags, Service Worship, Primavera, Sandwich Squad, Hygiene Bags Local Individual Missionaries: 3% ($9000) Caywood: Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Drum: J-17 Ministries, Vidal: Young Life Capernaum Local Poor and Needy: 48% ($121,300) Interfaith Community Services (ICS), Tucson Refugee Ministry, Faith That Works, Community Renewal, Cross Streets Ministries, Gospel Rescue, Habitat for Humanity, More Than a Bed, Sister Connection, Eagle Wings of Grace, Young Adult Volunteers (YAVS), Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN). We are able to put so much money into this area due to the Tompkins funds for this specifically designated use in this specific area. Supported ministries are carefully evaluated annually and monitored as deemed necessary; to assure that the work being done is essential and effective. The Missions Directory — “A Guide to Support and Involvement” – Was reviewed and updated in 2019. This is available in both Narthexes and provides more information about the mission efforts supported by St. Andrew’s. We encourage you to pick one up, read it, and pray for our Missions partners and determine how you might get involved.
ATTENDANCE During 2020, St. Andrew’s adjusted our sources for weekly numbers to include online attendance with the formula (Vimeo Unique Device +YouTube Views + Facebook 1 minute Views= Unique Device Views) to find an estimated number of unique devices used to stream the service. The final number of unique devices may include anything from one individual on a mobile device like a smart phone to an entire family streaming on a TV together. When In-Person Worship was possible, those attendance numbers were added to the total number as well.
548 658
582 698
596 622
581 626
608 600
579 572
637 567
605 672
638 682
802 912
726 744
720 768
2020 Total Members - 1048 (as of 12/31/20) 2020 New Members - 19 2020 Members Lost - 23 2020 Total Members - 1044 (as of 12/31/20)
2020 SESSION MEETINGS Stated Session Meetings - 12 Called Session Meetings - 9 2019 TOTAL MEMBERS (AS OF 12/31/19)
2020 TOTAL MEMBERS (AS OF 12/31/20)
Congregational meetings - 2
Annual Report - 2020
NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee is a committee of the congregation. Article IV of the Bylaws of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church establishes the composition and task of the committee. The committee is elected annually at the Congregational Meeting and has the responsibility of providing candidates to serve as Deacons, Ruling Elders, and Trustees. This year the committee was tasked in finding eight Deacons, five Ruling Elders, and three Trustees. The slate of candidates was presented to the congregation for election at the congregational meeting in October. Members of the Nominating Committee include: Peter Bodnaruk, Moderator; Judy Markham, Session Representative; Toby Drakulich, Deacon Representative; Marianne Hadden, Trustee Representative; and Members-at-large: Karin Fiore, Mike Thompson, Marilee Fitzgerald, Chris Markley, Bart King, Mary Beth Spiece; and Pastor Jim Toole, ex-officio (and later, Pastor Mat Grover).
The Physical and Technical Resources Committee’s main effort in 2020 was the installation of solar power for both campuses. We did it! The process took about two years but was delayed some because of the pandemic. Our four canopies, two on each campus will now produce between 469,000 to 494,000 kWh per year! As you may recall, we have a 20-year Solar Services Agreement with no upfront cost or maintenance costs. We have the option of buying the system any time after seven years. In 2020 we were able to keep up with our campus maintenance while holding our expenditures down. We purchased some equipment for online streaming of worship services, disinfectant, and disinfectant spraying equipment. We replaced the roof eaves of White Hall and replaced one air conditioner in Friendship Hall. We delayed the recoating of the NE and SW campus parking lots until the solar was installed and are planning for that in March or April. We give thanks to the Lord for our resources and ability to take care of our church. We are always looking for new members for our team. If you have interest in facilities, renovations, remodeling, computers, technology, audio-visual, maintenance, vans, trucks, Gators, irrigation or landscaping, you should give our committee a try! Don Spiece has been the Chair for the last three years. Steve Olafson will take over as Chair in 2021.
A DMIN I S T RAT I VE S U PPO RT Each year our team of over 50 volunteers log about 1800 hours of service to support the ministry of St. Andrew’s through the administrative office. While our office closed early in the year due to COVID-19, the work did not stop, and neither did our faithful volunteers! Tasks included mailings, money counting, membership record keeping, financial records and payables, and updating our database. As in years past, everyone reached out to help as they could, whether it meant preparing mailings, proofreading documents, or making calls, all from their homes. While all the work was accomplished this year, what we really missed was the fellowship of being together to accomplish these tasks.
Annual Report - Report 2020
TRUSTEE REPORT The Trustees consist of nine members elected by the congregation, serving three year terms. Trustees are responsible for the church’s finances and assets including buildings and grounds, reporting to Session monthly. Additional trustee responsibilities include the legacy Endowment Program, facility use through the External Events Review Team, Physical and Technical Resources, Safety and Security, preparing the annual budget, and providing representatives to Session, the Preschool Board, and Stewardship and Nominating Committees. The Endowment and Investment Committee oversees investment of funds given to the church outside of the operating budget, primarily specified gifts and bequests, according to investment policies approved by Trustees. Income is distributed to four designations: Justin Smith Scholarships, Missions, Physical Resources, and Trustees’ direction. The Endowment Committee is working to encourage congregation participation, through estate planning and required minimum distributions from retirement accounts. The External Events Review Team authorizes use of St. Andrew’s facilities by outside groups, subject to policies developed by Trustees and adopted by Session. This committee had little business this past year. The Physical and Technical Resources Committee oversees maintenance of our buildings and grounds for both campuses for daily use as well as for Preschool/ Kindergarten and Sunday worship activities. In addition, the committee through staff makes sure our computer and communications systems are adequate to the needs of staff, along with the sound, lighting, and AV systems for the Sanctuary, and operation of our online worship experiences. In the past year, the largest project has been the installation of the solar system, which will reduce significantly our electricity costs. Recognition must go to chairman Don Spiece and his committee for their exceptional work throughout the year.
Annual Report - Report 2020
TRUSTEE REPORT CONTINUED... The Budget Team prepared the 2021 budget with input from all the various ministries and Personnel. Trustees approved the budget at its November meeting with Session giving its approval at the December meeting. The budget will be presented at the January Annual Congregational meeting. This past year has been challenging, but the congregation responded with generosity and the ministries operated with reduced budgets, allowing the church to finish the year with a positive cash balance. A sincere thank you to Don Spiece and Marianne Hadden as they complete their terms on Trustees. Their service to Christ and St. Andrew’s was greatly appreciated. Greg Lantz, President of Trustees 27
Total Liabilities & Net Assets 1
General Operating 13% Designated 16% Properties 69%
Endowment 2%
Annual Report - 2020
Annual Report - 2020