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Worship & Music

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Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth. Psalm 57:5


Members of the Worship and Music Committee represent all three Worship Services, Contemporary Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, Orchestra, Gallery Committee, Welcome Table, Sanctuary Decorations, Flower Decorators, Ushers, and staff members, Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, and Daniella Bolin. The committee met virtually nine times in 2021.

As the COVID pandemic continued into 2021, the committee, along with the Session, wrestled with schedules and protocols for worshipping safely in person. At the same time, we continued to worship together virtually due to the incredible determination, gifts, and technical knowledge of our staff. As we again opened the doors to gathering in person, we continued to offer these online services, both live streaming and recorded for later viewing. Nothing can replace the joy of worshipping and sharing fellowship in person, but for those who are not safe or for whom leaving home for that purpose is not possible, the option of virtual worship is a great gift from God. We celebrate the tools we have been able to use that keep us in contact with one another and worshipping the great God in Whose presence we all rest. As the end of the year approached, we joined with the Deacons to pursue options for Communion that would be both safe and restore a more communal experience of the Sacrament. In addition to continuing three different worship services each week (7:30 am Communion, 9:00 am Contemporary, 10:45 am Traditional), worship activities of the church this year included: • Lenten Services on Ash Wednesday, Maundy

Thursday, and Good Friday; an Easter Day Outdoor

Service • Thanksgiving Eve Service • Advent Concert • Christmas Eve Children’s program and Contemporary and Traditional Candlelight Worship Services • Resumed beautiful exhibits to enhance our experience of God’s majesty through visual arts by the work of the Gallery Committee

We are grateful for the grace and wisdom of Pastor Jim Toole and mourn his loss this past year. But it is with immense gratitude to God that we celebrate the work of Interim Senior Pastor Pete Seiferth, Pastor Mat Grover, Mark Gary, Ben Constantinides, Matt Gulley, and for the many volunteers – musicians, flower designers, artists, decorators, greeters, ushers, and many others – who work to make each service a glimpse into the Kingdom of God. And for the entire church staff who serve us in ways we don’t always even realize, we are most thankful.

All is done in praise to God and to His glory!

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