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membership report

After two years of not being able to hold classes, Pastor Pete and Pastor Mat conducted a New Member Orientation class on September 19, 2021. The agenda for the class included the St. Andrew’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values, Ministry Strategy, Significance of the Sacraments, Presbyterian and Reformed Theology, Presbyterian Church Structure, Form of Government, the meaning of Membership, Stewardship and Legacy Giving, Sharing of “our stories,” information on the staff, and ways of getting connected at St. Andrew’s through discovering and using their spiritual gifts and talents.


Twelve people attended the class with ten joining our congregation. Many of those who joined were very active in their previous congregations or had already become involved in activities here at St. Andrew’s. Some had previously served as Trustees, Deacons, Elders, or Stephen Ministers. Others had participated in musical programs, Bible study groups, Sunday School classes, Service Worship projects, Vacation Bible School or helping in the Preschool and Kindergarten. Those who joined the St. Andrew’s family were: Eric and Jessica Jacobs, Elizabeth, David, Christian and Cameron McIntyre, Wayne and Jan Miller, Deborah Nicomede, and Diane Olson.

A Time and Talent Survey was filled out by each new member which provides information about their interests and abilities. This information was then passed on to the staff and the various committees in an effort to try help them get better connected at St. Andrew’s.

Prior to the class the attendees enjoyed a lunch provided by the Heavenly Hosts and were presented with a copy of the latest Membership Directory.


2021 Total Members (as of 12/31/20) - 1044 2021 New Members - 11 2021 Members Lost - 42 2021 Total Members (as of 12/31/21) - 1013

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