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In Memoriam
Preliminary Variance Analysis as of December 31, 2021
Year To Date Actual Budget Over(Under)
Gen. Fund Contribut. 1,861,865 1,945,215 (83,350) Loose Offering 4,308 17,500 (13,192) Preschool 498,136 541,518 (43,382) Misc/Int/Facilitiy Use 30,860 10,298 20,562
Total Revenue: 2,395,169 2,514,531 (119,362)
EXPENSES: Personnel Music/Worship Children D.M. Preschool Youth D.M. Adult D.M. Communications Deacons
1,117,709 1,230,083 (112,374) 10,695 14,250 (3,555) 2,810 14,000 (11,190) 466,005 491,674 (25,669) 11,234 32,965 (21,731) 2,821 4,050 (1,229) 6,259 12,300 (6,041) 2,060 2,300 (240) Membership 273 1,425 (1,152) Evangelism/Outreach 2,004 4,750 (2,746) Stewardship 449 2,000 (1,551) Fellowship 574 2,375 (1,801) Missions 150,285 152,064 (1,779) Administration 81,781 72,000 9,781 Technical Resources 35,677 33,765 1,912 Bldg.& Grounds 281,280 294,366 (13,086) Interest Expense 150,164 150,164 0
Total Expenses: 2,322,082 2,514,531 (192,449)
NET REVENUE: 73,087 0 73,087
2020 and 2021 Designated Fund Distributions
2020 2021
Adopt-A-Family Preschool Daily Bread Children's Mission 5,147 1,752 2,530 6,071 0 2,542 0 0
Christmas Offering Interfaith Community Serv. 4,580 16,000 960 260
Tompkins Fund
132,934 133,249 Miscellaneous Missions 14,892 30,974 Just Coffee 7,363 5,139 Service Worship 17,754 13,015 College Retreats and Missions 0 0 Physical Resource Endowment 0 9,348 Education Scholarships Endowment 6,000 2,000 Mission Endowment 1,634 1,725 General Purpose Endowment 0 0 Deacons' Benevolence 15,827 10,003 Deacon's Blessing Bags 1,426 1,960 Stephen Ministry 2,245 621 Music Fund 300 725 Bell Choir 0 400 Flower Fund 336 1,068 HUGS -NWSF 2,837 1,681 Weddings/Receptions 0 0 Youth C/E Mission 78 0 Youth C/E Scholarships 1,947 3,180 Library Fund 67 0 Adult Ministry Assistance 129 953 Presbyterian Women 0 0 Men's Ministry 1,750 1,112 Women's Ministry 460 342 Columbarium 2,330 8,931 Memorial Fund 1,402 2,225 Maintenace Reserves 17,761 67,368
Totals 242,688 322,643
in memoriam
memorial gifts received in 2021 in memory of:
Dawn Beckley, Dorothy Bolling, William ‘Bill’ Gross, Dorothy Gruver, Mary Lynn Guyot, Dick Kampa, Patricia ‘Pat’ Paulsel, Robert Peck, Brian Ponikvar, Rev. Dr. James Toole, Betty Yaeger

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