3 minute read
Pastor Report: Pastor Pete
“As the sufferings of Christ abound for us, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.” 2 Corinthians 1:5
For St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, the year 2021 has been a year of ineffable sadness coupled with consistent reminders of God’s amazing grace and goodness. Your pastor, The Rev. Dr. Jim Toole’s death from aggressive and untreatable bile duct cancer has left an immense void in the beloved Toole family, the St. Andrew’s congregation, and the Tucson community. Pastor Jim faithfully served his family, church, and community until God called him home on April 23, 2021. Jim’s final mission was to shepherd us through the valley of the shadow of his own death as he posted twenty-five “Pastor Ponderings” on YouTube. In his very first video, Jim explained how feelings of dread yielded to a sense of overwhelming peace as he learned how men and women of St. Andrew’s were praying for him and his family. This peace allowed Jim to surrender fully to Jesus Christ, and he authentically shared both his struggles and the joy of experiencing God’s presence. I am grateful to have known Jim as a colleague and friend, and I’m so grateful for his enduring legacy of Christ-centered preaching and teaching, compassionate pastoral care, and committed leadership of mission beyond the walls of the church in pursuit of city and community transformation.
From the time of Pastor Jim’s cancer diagnosis in September of 2020 until my arrival, Pastor Mat Grover admirably and courageously stepped up, serving as Acting Head of Staff. He has embodied the ordination vow to serve with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love during a season of unprecedented stress and grief. Pastor Mat has been exceedingly gracious and kind in welcoming me as a colleague and partner in ministry, and I am grateful for his help as I’ve gotten up to speed.
The entire St. Andrew’s staff not only serves with high capacity and skill, but in a way that is building a staff culture that is intentional, collaborative, compassionate, authentic, discerning, creative, and joyful. I praise God for this amazing staff and how hard they work while consistently demonstrating a Christlike attitude. I was contracted by the Session to serve as Interim Pastor and Head of Staff at SAPC beginning on July 12, 2021. My family and I have been welcomed warmly to the St. Andrew’s community, and we are so grateful for the kind reception. Interim pastors serve an important function when congregations experience pastoral transitions, following guidelines set by the presbytery. My main transitional goals as Interim Senior Pastor and Head of Staff are:
• To shepherd an ongoing grieving and healing process for the congregation, leaders, and staff. • To help navigate St. Andrew’s, with the Session, to a sustainable, post-pandemic rhythm of worship and mission. While in-person worship attendance has increased this year, many continue to livestream
Sunday services. The Trustees, Session, and Staff are each doing their part as faithful financial stewards, keeping expenses in line with revenues. SAPC continues to serve as a vital partner in God’s mission in the community, maintaining and growing several partnerships. • To support the Session in the development of a
Congregational Mission Study and the eventual process of electing a Pastor Nominating Committee.
The Mission Study Team is currently being formed, and they will facilitate an important learning process for the congregation during the first half of 2022.
I’m excited to see what God will do this coming year as St. Andrew’s continues in our mission to “know God and make God known through lives transformed by Christ.” Receive this Scriptural benediction from Hebrews 13:20-21 as my desire for us in this next year:
“Now may the God of peace, Who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.”
Counting it all Joy, Pete Seiferth, Interim Pastor/Head of Staff