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Adult Discipleship Ministry
The purpose of the Adult Discipleship Ministry at St. Andrew’s is to provide opportunities for relationships and growth for adults. In the understanding and formation of their faith, in their relationships with one another in the context of faith and encountering Christ in one another, in their knowledge of Scripture and in their relationship with Christ – Ephesians 4:11-13
As Director of the Adult Ministry, Connie Randall continues to be amazed by the team our Lord has put together to serve and grow discipleship at St. Andrew’s. Our current dynamic team is Susan Cochran, Steve Herzog, Sandra Kovacs, Tori Carlson, and Dave Schmidt as our Session representative. We are continuing to discern and pray for ways for adults of all ages to be able to grow in their faith.
JANUARY SERIES We started out January 2021 with the January Series which is a daily one hour equipping and encouraging message by Christian leaders from all over the United States. This year St. Andrew’s did host again, but it was virtual/online zoom. Lots of encouraging comments from men and women who felt this helped them in their growing in leadership and faith. Looking forward to offering this again in 2022!
ALPHA Alpha continues to be an ongoing focus for ADM and has grown to be a community builder with other churches here in NW Tucson and across town with Pantano Christian Church! Alpha is a discipleship and evangelism program that provides 8-10 weeks of connection with each other, food and a video with a different question about life and faith. St. Andrew’s leadership team was involved with another community Alpha which involved St. Andrew’s, Grace Community, and Tortilita Presbyterian in the spring time. This was via Zoom and in Rev. Jennifer’s home. Smaller in attendance, but the sharing of growth in faith blessed all who attended. An example, “I did not know all there was to know about the Holy Spirit and am now filled with JOY!”
We did do an in person Alpha here at St. Andrew’s September to November. We had two groups with open discussion that created a safe place for questions and growth, lots of willingness to be vulnerable. We had one of our prayer warriors, Maureen Noeth, who came each week specifically to pray for each person by name while the groups were discussing. We were also blessed to have one of our High Schoolers, Joel Akins be our tech and sound person. We had the Day Away with OVCN at a retreat center close by. The two groups will now become a Small Group meeting once a month.
FAITH UNCORKED Faith Uncorked continues to be a monthly fellowship for women that is well attended and has made a big difference in each of the women’s lives. There is food, fellowship, and time for a gathering together at the end of each night for a devotional led by Connie from Scripture for encouragement for ongoing daily life as a woman of faith! One woman shared at the November meeting, “This is like a Small Group with open doors!”
SUNDAY & WEEKLY BIBLE STUDIES Our Family of God Adult Sunday School Class continues to meet weekly and has been back meeting in person. This class meets at 10:30 am and has a dedicated group of about 7-15 people every week.
Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study
continues each week with some in person and on zoom, with an average of 20 men each week. There is now a Saturday morning men’s group that meets twice a month at Dave Schmidt’s home with an average of seven men each week. Dave leads this time together with Scripture, discussion and prayer.
Women’s Friday Morning Bible Study is back in full swing with in-person and online – 50+ women each week studying and praying God’s Word!
MOM’s Group is now meeting on Thursday mornings and back in person with an average of 15 women.
Summer Lunch Bunch Bible Study
This group of eight women met weekly on Wednesday’s for lunch, Bible study and prayer. This was our third year of meeting and such a joy to support each other through life’s stuff!
Bible Study Fellowship Satellite
Group continues to meet here at St. Andrew’s and now meeting in person on Wednesday mornings. This year they are studying Matthew and the Lord continues to bring more women so they are most likely going to need a bigger space. Praise the Lord! Connie participates in the monthly prayer group.
Tuesday Women’s Conversation Group
meets weekly at 3:30 via zoom. The group reads ahead of time a spiritual direction book and shares insights and growth in faith with sharing from the heart and praying together. A testimony from Cathi Kentera – “Christ shapes us through community in ways that I haven’t experienced in years of individual or group studies. While we have studied a variety of books, authors, and topics, being able to ask questions in a safe environment and to be vulnerable with each other has created a deeper level of knowledge and understanding than what I have experienced before.”
BOOK DISCUSSIONS In January we continued the Wednesday night book discussion group with a study of 1 Corinthians 13 via Zoom. The group that did the book study of Love Over Fear wanted to continue with the love theme. Lynn Guyot and ADM team led a Color of Compromise book discussion on Thursday nights. Many in this group partnered with Northminster Presbyterian and provided opportunity on two different nights (via Zoom) for more COR (Conversation on Race). This will be an ongoing ministry together.
EVENTS Lenten Drive-Up Blessing
On February 13, 2021, our ADM Team served together to have a drive up blessing outside on our SW Campus providing a Lenten Devotional package! Many came and were blessed and many commented on how good it was to see us and be blessed. Our team was blessed knowing all who came would be closer to Jesus during this Lenten season.
2nd Annual Women’s Christmas Brunch
ADM along with several other amazing volunteers planned and prayed together for 2-3 months to bring about a 2nd Annual Christmas Brunch for women. Women came on the Friday before to decorate tables and Friendship Hall! Cafe a la Carte was our caterer which was yummy. There were 140 women who came! The morning was a joyful time together with time for connecting, being blessed by the Flute Choir and being encouraged through a message on how we each reflect Jesus’ Light by Connie. Fun and laughter was provided by our MC Shelly and uplifting prayer by RuthAnn. A big WOW for the ways our Lord showed up to bless others through an amazing team!!

College/Young Adult Reunion Dinner
On December 20, ADM and YDM provided time for all who have been involved with St. Andrew’s Youth Group over the years for dinner and hangin’ out! This event was held at the Randall’s Ponderosa outside and Chef Jared provided a delicious meal. Another way to bless the next generation!
Praising our Lord for times together to grow in faith and friendship!