Sunday, April 2, 2023
7:30 am | Communion Worship
9:00 am | Contemporary Worship
10:45 am | Traditional Worship
Hosanna in the Highest! Join us on Palm Sunday at any one of our three regularly scheduled services and celebrate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
7:00 pm | In-Person & Online
This Maundy Thursday, celebrate the Last Supper with us. Worship with us as we remember the day in which Jesus broke bread, prayed in the Garden, and yielded to His unjust arrest. This Traditional Service will be led by our Chancel Choir and Orchestra In-Person and Online.
Friday, April 7, 2023
7:00 pm | In-Person & Online
Our Good Friday service will walk through the last days of Christ through the Crucifixion. Join us for this powerful time of worship, led by our Contemporary Worship Team In-Person or Online.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
6:00 am | Easter Outdoor Sunrise Service | NE Campus Courtyard
7:30 am | Communion Worship Service | NE Chapel
9:00 am* | Contemporary Worship Service | SW Sanctuary
10:45 am* | Traditional Worship Service | SW Sanctuary
*Available Live Online
Join us in celebrating the Risen Christ!
You are invited to the 10th Annual Palm Sunday Concert featuring the St. Andrew’s Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Wittman Ringers, Flute and Clarinet Choirs. You won’t want to miss this exciting program Sunday, April 2, at 3:00 pm in the SW Sanctuary.
Children’s Ministry is hosting an Eggstravaganza event on Saturday, April 1 from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm on the SW Campus. We will start with the egg hunt, then have family prayer stations available. We hope you will join us!
Sunday, March 26, was an important day for a couple reasons! We were blessed to gather for one United Worship Service at 9:15 am. It was a blessing to have so many who call St. Andrew’s “home” together at one time to worship and enjoy the goodness of God. Following worship, with excellent attendance for a congregational meeting, the members of SAPC unanimously approved the election of the Pastor Nominating Committee. This was an important step in the process of SAPC calling its next installed Pastor/
Head of Staff. Please pray for the PNC as the team members begin to meet this month. Pray for the PNC to develop good rapport and trust with one another as they begin the important work of seeking the Lord’s leading together for St. Andrew’s.
To read the Congregational Mission Study Report, and to learn more about the PNC, go to and click the Pastoral Transition Update.
Following Jesus is an act of resistance to our cultural push toward hurry, hustle, distraction and shallowness. Most of our greatest mistakes tend to come when we’re in a hurry. Maybe the life Jesus invites us to is to move more at the pace of grace. We are not anti-work, we are antihurry. As followers of Jesus, we’re called to walk in the way of love and one simply can not love in a hurry. Join us as we seek to slow down. We’ll lean into some practices and rhythms that help us live unhurried, so we can actually build up our life with God and others.
I Am: Lent Sermon Series on Jesus’ statements of identity from the Gospel of John.
April 2 - I Am the Vine
April 9 - I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Unhurried Sermon Series
April 16 - Unhurried: Slow Down and Breathe
April 23 - Unhurried: Simplicity
April 30 - Service Worship: Concert of Prayer
February total revenue $209,711 Year to date revenue $527,522 Monthly revenue required 255,156 YTD revenue required 548,133 Difference ($45,445) Difference ($20,610)
March 22, 2023
To: The Congregation of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
From: Elder Lee Ann Hamilton, SAPC Nominating Committee Chairperson
During the year of 2022, well over 40 members’ names were submitted to the Nominating Committee for consideration as potential candidates for service on a Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). On November 28, with helpful assistance from the Presbytery, we held an informational meeting for all those who had been suggested, as well as for anyone from the congregation who wanted to attend. At that meeting, the qualifications for and significant expectations of PNC members were explained, allowing for some to withdraw their names from consideration. After this preliminary process, the Nominating Committee was thrilled to have a diverse group of church members from which to choose an 11-member Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC). With so many excellent people to choose from, it was a difficult but joyous process of discussion and prayer. Following a thorough process, we have agreed on a final slate of PNC Nominees.
We thoughtfully and prayerfully selected people to represent and reflect the make-up of our congregation, taking into account important demographic characteristics as well as the following: worship service attendance, years of membership, past and current involvement in church committees, groups, and activities, as well as personal statements shared with the Nominating Committee. Each of the 11 nominees has made a commitment to serve on the PNC that will work faithfully together to organize their committee leadership roles, review, identify and interview applicants, and ultimately, guided by the Commission on Ministry, nominate to the congregation a candidate to serve as our next installed Pastor and Head of Staff.
The St. Andrew’s Congregational Mission Study Report was reviewed and approved by the Session on March 14, and by the Presbytery on March 21. A congregational meeting was called for Sunday, March 26, at 10:45 am to elect the Pastor Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee enthusiastically presented the members above as a slate for election to serve as the Pastor Nominating Committee. Our Congregation then voted this slate of nominees to be our confirmed Pastor Nominating Committee.
APRIL 2023 3
Our small groups will include the following guidelines:
Ten years ago, an Action Learning Team was assigned to pray and see what God’s plans were for St. Andrew’s. Faith that Works was born which included Service Worship, the Mobile Shower Unit, and community partnerships. Since that time, the Mobile Shower unit was transferred to the non-profit, Faith that Works Tucson. We continue to partner with many organizations in the city which glorify God in the collaboration. We also continue to serve our city with Service Worship while many other churches have come alongside and launched their own days of service.
Please join us on April 30 in the Sanctuary, from 9:15 am – 10:15 am for a time of refreshing Worship, small group prayer, and Scripture reading to thank the Lord for all He has done and to see what He might launch that’s new! Then join us for various service projects that begin at 10:30 am.
Our focus will be on unity for our church and our city! If Christ and His Kingdom became the center of attention in our city, in answer to a movement of united prayer, what might be the impact of such a work of God?
On April 30, we will be:
• Looking Upward: deepening our relationship with God through inspiring worship, energizing prayer, and increasing reliance on the Holy Spirit;
• Maturing Inward: transforming our lives by studying God’s Word, developing greater intimacy with Christ and one another, and living the Christian life;
• Reaching Outward: journeying beyond our walls to show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and the world.
When you walk in the Sanctuary, you will see our chairs set up in small groups. Please sit where you feel the Spirit’s leading. You will receive an outline that will help you follow along easily!
• While all will be invited to actively participate, it is desired that everyone will participate in a way in which they are most comfortable. Honor each other’s comfort level –some of our friends may want to pray silently.
• When you don’t know what to pray, you may look to the prompts we will provide in our guide, or you may wish to look up a psalm in the Bible.
• Pray briefly (30-45 seconds).
• The form of prayer out of which all other prayers flow is the way Jesus taught us in the Lord’s Prayer.
• Seeking a relational and communicative connection with God is the goal of prayer. We don’t have to be eloquent in our speaking.
• It will be helpful for everyone to wear a nametag so that we can call each other by our names.
You won’t want to miss this time of unity and transformation. Please join us! (Children welcome!) Childcare will be available. For questions, please contact RuthAnn at Thank you!
Tucson Refugee Ministry’s Kids Camp needs your help for their summer camp. The volunteer dates are June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27 from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. You can help children from all over the world come together for games, stories, skits, crafts, and tons of fun while learning about faithful and courageous Daniel. Please visit the Kids Camp website at Thank you! Questions? Please contact Jesus Sandoval at
CHECK THIS OUT: News from St. Andrew’s Library Team
It’s Easter and the library is open! Check out our collection of colorful children’s books and thoughtful adult selections. There also is an interactive children’s Easter story from “Young Children and Worship,” donated by Ellen Vellenga. Come and share in the celebration!
In addition to our regular collection of fiction, biographies and inspirational books of every variety, your librarians add new material every month. This month we submit for your reading pleasure:
Fresh titles by fan favorite Max Lucado: They Walked with God; 40 Bible Characters Who Inspire Us by Max Lucado, Help
is Here; Finding Fresh Strength and Purpose in the Power of the Holy Spirit by Max Lucado
Thought-provoking reads to help you understand other points of view: Pro Choice AND Christian; Reconciling Faith, Politics, and Justice by Ira Schlesinger, My Body is Not a Prayer Request; Disability Justice in the Church by Amy Kenny.
When was the last time you talked about a problem you’re having and really felt heard? When was the last time you knew someone was in your corner? When was the last time someone offered to pray for you and followed up to see how things were going? You too can experience the care of a trusted friend; Stephen Ministers are eager to walk alongside you. For more information visit, contact the Church Office, 520-2977201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591
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It’s that time again for Middle and High School students to register for Forest Home Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains! Students completing the 5th - 12th grades are invited! It is an amazing week filled with worship, teaching, zip-lining, hiking, blobbing, competitions, night games, friendships and more!
Right Relationships. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:17-18). For over 25 years, Cross Streets Ministry at the Southside Presbyterian Church, has provided hot nutritious meals, clothing, showers, and haircuts every Monday and Friday for our “neighbors in need.” Last year there were over 10,000 hot meals served, yet we have been called not to focus on our output such as the number of meals served but to be faithful through uncovering a sense of dignity in each brother and sister of the streets who comes to our table. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has been a stalwart supporter of this outreach to the poor by providing volunteers, funding, and essential materials. Due to the vital support from St. Andrew’s, the Cross Streets Ministry has been able to infuse a sense of dignity in our brothers and sisters of the streets through establishing right relationships.
Scholarships are available as well as sibling discounts. Please use scholarships if you need them. We don’t want financial cost to stop kids from going to camp! Contact Tim or Logan if you have any questions!
We are collecting items for the 2023 Moonlight Dinner and Auction on April 29th. Your donations are tax-deductible. All money raised at the event goes to support the Youth Intern Program, Camp Scholarships, and mission opportunities. Items can be donated through the Youth Office. For more information, contact Logan Schmidt at Thank you so much for helping support the Youth Ministry. Tickets for the evening are available at for $25/person or $150/table (8 seats).
Are you interested in what goes on behind the scenes of the Youth Ministry? The Youth Ministry is currently accepting applications for volunteer and paid interns this summer! Interns will spend the summer learning and serving in the Youth Ministry while growing in their own personal faith! High School students who have completed their sophomore year are invited to apply to be a volunteer intern. Young adults who have graduated from High School qualify to apply to be a paid intern. More information and applications are available online at: Applications are due Sunday, May 7.
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm | Boondocks
All 5th Graders (incoming 6th Graders) and their parents are invited to a Youth Group Preview. This is your opportunity to check out the Youth Ministry, play games, meet leaders, eat pizza, and ask questions. Join us Sunday, May 14, in the
Boondocks, lower level of Westminster Hall. For questions, please contact Tim Christian at
Germs: Where They Lurk & How to Kill Them
University of Arizona scientists sampled surfaces in kitchens and bathrooms and the kitchen consistently came up as dirtier. An estimated 9000 persons die each year by household germs. Victims were mostly the very young, the very old and those with compromised immune systems.
We are requesting donations of the following items to help offset the cost of our VBS program this year:
• Wet wipes
• Green plastic disposable tablecloths
• Old coats, cardigans, & similar garments (to be donated after VBS)
• 8 x 14-inch sheets of cardboard
• Empty egg cartons
• Sandwich- sized resealable plastic bags
• Aluminum foil
• Disposable pie plates
• Trays or cookie sheets
• Blue, purple, & green food coloring
• Empty 24 oz water bottles with flip-top caps
• Pennies
• Toilet paper tubes
• Tissue paper in a variety of colors
• Gallon-sized resealable plastic bags
• Yellow, orange, purple, & blue play dough
• Waxed paper
• Buttons larger than a 50cent piece
• Cardboard boxes
We are also taking monetary donations for scholarships to help send kids to VBS who aren’t able to afford the registration fees. Scan the QR code above to donate to the VBS scholarship fund. Thank you for supporting our VBS! We could not do it with you!
The heaviest concentration of disease carriers lurked in sponges, dishtowels and rags, sinks, drains, countertops, cutting boards and refrigerator handles. The good news is that kitchen germs can be removed by a good scrubbing followed a sanitizing rinse (i.e. dilute bleach).
Their studies indicated that microwave setting on “high” will disinfect a wood cutting board (10 min.); dry cellulose sponge (30 sec.); and wet cotton dishrag (30 sec.). Plastic cutting boards can be sterilized on normal cycle in a dishwasher. Wiping and cleaning with a paper towel is encouraged since they can be disposed of after one use. We need to be vigilant and get rid of harmful germs that lurk in the kitchen.
Reference: Science News, Vol. 150
Holy Molies is a 4th and 5th grade fellowship group. We meet once a month from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in Room F. Upcoming Events: April 19: Game Night - May 17: Pool Party at the Grovers
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Join us May 6, 2023, from 9:00 am - 11:30 am for a morning of encouragement and uplifting at our quarterly “Beyond Sunday Workshop.” Our speaker will be Cynthia Heald, author of “The Faithful Way, Remaining
Steadfast in an Uncertain World.” Breakfast will be served. Cost is $20, and you may sign up at or at the Connect Table on Sunday Mornings.
You are invited to join the Sunday Connect Group that meets on Sundays on our NE Campus at 10:45 am in the Fireside Room. Continuing the study of “The Real Heaven by Chip Ingram.” Contact Karin Fiore,, or Lori Seiferth,
Women of all ages are invited to our monthly women’s fellowship on April 13. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and beverage. We will meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of Susan Wiggins. Contact Connie to RSVP and get location details at
HUGS (Happily Under God’s Supervision) is an SAPC Senior Ministry that meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am for encouragement, connection, lots of fun, and a delicious lunch is served. This is also an outreach to the community of Tucson and Oro Valley as well so bring a friend! Contact Cindy Lange at or 520-955-3550.
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) is starting sign ups for new upcoming Bible Studies. BSF was started by A. Wetherell Johnson as a way for women to learn about God and His word. It has grown from that one small group into an International Bible Study reaching women, men, teens, and children. The study has a four-fold approach to studying God’s word:
1. study on your own with just your Bible
2. discussion with a small group
3. lecture
4. notes from Biblical scholars about the lesson
If this sounds like something that would be of interest to you, now is your opportunity to check it out. There will be a mini class offered with our regular class starting April 5 and running for three weeks on the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations. You can also sign up for our classes for September 2023 - May 2024 when we will study the Gospel of John. For more information, please contact Kathy Rudnicki 520-579-7640.
If you would like to place a blooming plant in one of our Easter Worship services, in honor or in memory of a loved one, you can sign up at by April 3. The cost will be $25 and you may select the Chapel or in the Sanctuary for Easter morning and plants may be taken home following service.
On Saturday, April 8, at 9:00 am we will be decorating the Sanctuary and Chapel for Easter. There will be plenty to do and we can use many hands! If you would like to help out, please contact Debi Kromer at