Cross Currents
From Pastor John page 2
Serve Our City page 3
Volunteer Spotlight page 4
Mission Fair page 5
Sunday, April 7
Preaching: Pastor John Tittle
Regular Worship Schedule
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am
Sunday, April 14
Preaching: Pastor John Tittle
Regular Worship Schedule
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am
Sunday, April 21
Service Worship: Serve Our City
7:30 am Worship Only
Service Projects On Campus and Throughout Tucson. Sign up at
Sunday, April 28
Preaching: Pastor Mat Grover
Regular Worship Schedule
7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am
From Pastor John
Dear St. Andrew’s,
Wow! Your welcome on my first “official” Sunday morning was a truly magnificent time our family will never forget! We were blessed beyond measure by your affirmation and excitement that filled the air. The joy and love were palpable as we officially transitioned into this new season of celebration together. The Mexican food fiesta on the patio afterwards was a perfect way to cap off a great morning with warm fellowship and delicious food. A big thanks to all those involved in the preparations and serving, you had the logistics and flow down to a science! I was inspired seeing so many raised hands that testified to your involvement and faithful service to God at SAPC over the years. I look forward to celebrating Holy Week and Easter with you.
I’m also anticipating the upcoming sermon series after Easter entitled “Book of Joy,” where we’ll walk through Paul’s letter to the Philippians, where he famously encourages us to “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” The Apostle Paul’s warmest letter will set a great tone for us in our new season of celebration together. See you around the church!
Grace and Peace, Pastor John
Select Location to Serve
There will be serving opportunities across five different areas of town to allow you to choose a project that’s near where you’re located, or you’ll be able to serve in your own city by listing a serving project of your own design.
STEP TWO: Pick Up Your Shirt
If you don’t have a shirt, you can pick up your Serve our City shirt at SAPC on April 14. If you have a Serve Our City shirt from last year, please plan to wear that one.
*There are a limited amount of shirts so first come first served on the day.
On April 20 and 21, in lieu of the typical 9:00am and 10:45 am Worship Services, our SAPC family is invited to participate in “Service Worship, Serve Our City”. This is a chance to engage with community service projects, with a choice for opportunities both on the church campuses and off-site with community partners.
Come help us clean up some yards of ICS recipients, honor teachers and staffs for teacher appreciation week, glaze tiles at Santa Theresa Tile Works, help in the warehouse at More Than a Bed, serve those who are homeless with Good News Community Church, make lunches for Casa Paloma Women’s Shelter, and more!!!
We also need donations of colored post it notes, small cookie packages, #2 pencils, and Paper Mate colored Flair pens. Thank you! Don’t miss this opportunity to serve God by serving others!
Serve Our City
On April 20 & 21, wear your shirt and take your phone to capture your day. Share your story with others around you! Use the hashtag, #serveourcity, and be sure to tag @sapctucson wherever you post!
Serve Our City
Questions? Email RuthAnn, Local Outreach Director, at
Serve Our City Details:
• Service projects on both Saturday and Sunday
• 9:00 am start time unless otherwise noted on each project
• Online sign-ups available today Serve Our City Sign Up at
• Serve Our City t-shirts available for those participating on April 14 after each worship service
• 7:30 am service only on April 21
The overwhelming generosity of the St. Andrew’s congregation has provided the Kapsowar Mission Hospital in Kenya with $12,605 for its charity fund through the 2023 Christmas Offering. Jerry and Elizabeth Koleski are beyond grateful as they begin working to ensure the funds will be distributed to patients and families who would otherwise be unable to pay for medical care.
Volunteer Spotlight
“It was last year about this time that RuthAnn Smithrud received an email from Jessica Dodd, Director of Services at Brookdale Senior Living, asking if there was a possibility of someone in the church available to conduct a worship service for the residents. The email was forwarded to Connie Randall, Director of Adult Discipleship. She had just indicated her intention to retire from her position with the church and devote her time to ministering in the community. Knowing that we had talked about her new direction in ministry, she forwarded the email to me with the words, ‘What about this?’
After praying and considering the fact that Connie and I would continue to see each other if we did this, we made an appointment with Jessica at Brookdale. After introducing ourselves and checking our credentials, (Ellen: ordained
Mission Update
The funds will be used for rheumatic heart disease (RHD) screening, penicillin shots for children with RHD, ambulance transport to larger hospitals, diagnostic and lab tests, specialty drugs for TB or HIV, surfactant to mature newborn babies’ lungs and Community Health Evangelism training of trainers in Nairobi.
Jerry and Elizabeth will be leaving soon for Kenya as medical missionaries for Christian Health Service Corps where they will provide medical care, train family medicine residents and share the Gospel of Christ’s love to patients, staff and visitors to the Kapsowar Hospital and in the community. To learn more about SAPC Mission Partners, visit
elder in the Reformed Church in America, and Connie: ordained Minister of the Word in the Lutheran Church), Jessica said that she had sent out this request to several churches in the area. St. Andrew’s was the only one who responded. Connie and I looked at each other in surprise with a glance that said: ‘We’ve got to do this!’
We worked with the directors of two Brookdale facilities to have a weekday service of 30 minutes once a month. The people we contacted to play the piano, to sing, to give a brief meditation all said, ‘Yes!’ And some even said, ‘I’d like to come again?’ Others even proposed another time they could come to visit and interact with the residents.
This certainly was a ‘God thing’ as one person remarked. Perhaps God is calling you to use your gifts in a new way.”
- Ellen Vellenga, SAPC Volunteer
We thank all who answered God’s call to serve residents at Brookdale: Carolyn Smith, Karen Dahlen, Carl Dahlen, Gretel Wagner, LuAnn Detloff, Connie Randall, Ellen Vellenga, RuthAnn Smithrud. What a blessing you are to the community of Brookdale and to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church!
Have you felt our Lord’s call to serve? Would you like to know where and how to respond to God? Or would you like to share how someone at SAPC has responded to God’s call? Please reach out to the t3 Committee (time, talents, treasures) with your inquiries or testimonies at
Mission Fair
Join us on Sunday, April 14, from 10:00 am - 11:00 am on the SW Campus Patio for the annual St. Andrew’s Mission Fair! Partner organizations from across Tucson and beyond will be in attendance to share information
about their ministries. Come engage with local nonprofits, foreign missionaries, and outreach organizations by learning about volunteer and donation opportunities. St. Andrew’s has a long tradition of reaching out into the community with our time, talents, and treasures. The Mission Fair is a perfect opportunity to listen to where the Lord is calling you! Learn more about our Mission Partners at
Preschool & Kindergarten
As part of the Preschool and Kindergarten ministry, we are excited to offer a weekly parent/caregiver and child playgroup. Our Grow with Me Community Playgroup is a free group offered for all ages on Mondays, from 8:45 am - 9:45 am in the STEAM room! Children and caregivers are invited to play together, build community, and enjoy story time together. We will provide the STEAM room as our space to meet, as well as all the toys and activities. Associate Director, Ms. Katie, will be there to facilitate the group and read during our story time. If you are interested in receiving more information about this group, please call the school office at 520-742-2969 or email for questions or additional information. Please invite anyone with young children looking to build their faith and grow in community!
Children’s Ministry
Having a strong faith foundation is integral for keeping children in church. Prayer Partners are playing a role in establishing this foundation with the children of St. Andrew’s. For Prayer Partners, adults are paired with a Kindergarten child. Both the adult and the child pray for each other every day and build a relationship with each other. Some partners do this by sending postcards when they travel, calling on each other’s birthdays, and chatting when they see each other at church.
Prayer Partners is a commitment to help build a child up in faith. There are five Kindergarteners active in the Sunday School program and each of them needs a partner. Prayer Partners will meet each other and go through prayer stations together during the 9:00 am Sunday School time on April 14. If you or someone you know would love to be partnered up with a child and pray for them, contact Heather Brannock at or call her at the Church Office at 297-7201. If you had a prayer partner in the past, and would like to pray for an additional child, contact Heather.
• Large fish tank (will be returned)
• Bowling ball- 8 lbs or less (will be returned)
• Paper cupcake liners
• 8 large bedsheets
• red, green, orange, purple, pink and yellow crepe paper streamers
• Blue pastic tablecloths
• Ping-pong balls
• 6 folding clothes racks (will be returned)
• White, blue, purple fabric
• Paper towels (select a size)
• Removable sticky note flags
• Toilet paper
• Sports cones
• Small water balloons
• Large beach towels (will be returned)
• Beach balls
• Large plastic bowls
• Hula hoops
• Pool noodles
• Laundry baskets (will be returned)
Our next meeting of Super Friends and parents will be on April 7 at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Rooms. Contact Heather at with questions or to sign up.
Register your children to attend or register as a volunteer. VBS will be June 10-14. You can register by going to
We are requesting donations of the following items to help off set the cost of our VBS program this year. We are also taking monetary donations for scholarships to help send kids to VBS who aren’t able to afford the registration fees. Visit to donate to the VBS scholarship fund. Thank you for supporting our VBS! We could not do it with you!
• Pillowcases
• Shallow plastic bins with lids
• Flashlights (will be returned)
• 8-ounce opaque cups
• Empty plastic containers with large openings (such as animal crackers containers)
• Balloons
• Bubble solution and wands
• Sturdy plastic disposable bottels of water
• Ketchup packets
• Large disposable lasagna pans
• Plastic trays
• Water bottles with cap
• Wide-mouthed jars
• Clear plastic cups
• Blue food coloring
• Yellow, orange, and red tissue paper
• Small aquariaum stones
• Artificial aquarium plants
• Small plastic fish
• Shaving cream
• Plastic tablecloths (any color)
• Wet wipes
• Cotton balls
• Hand held mirrors
• Blue, green, and yellow sticky notes
• Umbrellas (will be returned)
• Spray bottles
• Boxes of tissue
• 16-ounce disposable cups in bright colors
• Plastic Easter eggs
• Foam dessert plates
• 8 to 12 - ounce sturdy paper cups
• Pompoms
• Duct tape
• 16-ounce bottles with lids
• Drinking straws (not bendy)
• Adult-size white socks
• Egg cartons
• Elastic string
• Snack-size resealable plastic bags
• Disposable gloves
• Coated paper plates
Youth Ministry
MAY 12 | 1:00 PM - 2:00 pm | BOONDOCKS
All 5th Graders (incoming 6th Graders) and their parents are invited to a Youth Group Preview. This is your opportunity to check out the Youth Ministry, play games, meet leaders, eat pizza, and ask questions. Join us Sunday, May 12, in the Boondocks, lower level of Westminster Hall. For questions, please contact Tim Christian at
Are you (or is someone you know) interested in what goes on behind the scenes of the Youth Ministry? The Youth Ministry is currently accepting applications for volunteer and paid interns this summer! Interns will spend the summer learning and serving in the
Youth Ministry while growing in their own personal faith! High School students who have completed their sophomore year are invited to apply to be a volunteer intern. Young adults who have graduated from High School qualify to apply to be a paid intern. More information and applications are available online at Applications are due Sunday, May 5.
It’s that time again for Middle and High School students to register for Forest Home Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains! Students completing the 5th-12th grades are invited! It is an amazing week filled with worship, teaching, zip-lining, hiking, blobbing, competitions, night games, friendships, and more! Scholarships are available as well as sibling discounts. Please use scholarships if you need them. We don’t want financial cost to stop kids from going to camp! Contact Tim if you have any questions! We currently have no available spots left for summer camp, but if you’d like to be placed on a waitlist for potential openings please contact Tim.
It’s that time of year again! We are collecting items for the 2024 Moonlight Dinner and Auction on April 27. Your donations are taxdeductible All money raised at the event goes to support the Youth Intern Program, Camp Scholarships, and Youth Ministry Operating Budget. Items can be donated through the Youth Office.
For more information, contact Tim at Thank you so much for helping support the Youth Ministry. Tickets for the evening are available on our website for $25/ticket or one table (total of 8 seats) for $150.
The St. Andrew’s Security Team is looking for more volunteers to help with security. Men and women with a good sense of situational awareness and mobility are invited to join us. You will enjoy being part of the team that helps make our worship services and Preschool & Kindergarten safe. You choose the times to serve so it fits to your schedule. More on our team will be a big help. To inquire about the St. Andrew’s Security Team, please contact Don Spiece at
Prayer & Care
Six months ago, nine men and women began their journey of training to become a Stephen Minister. They met weekly, read, studied, and prayed throughout the 20 weeks. Trained by Cheryl Smith and Cindy McIntyre, they are now ready to begin their journey of providing care and sharing Christ’s love with you - our congregation! Please lift them up in prayer and congratulate them as you see them. They will be commissioned on April 14 at the 9:00 am and 10:45 am Worship Services.
Jennifer Hawthorne
Esther Kim
Susan Lane
Linda Livingstone
Kathy Lokale
Steven Nuckolls
Sandy Seymour
Bruce Stevenson
Lois Wilford
If you would like more information about Stephen Ministry or would like to see how a Stephen Minister can help, call the Church Office at 520-297-7201 or Cheryl Smith,, 520-271-6591.
Financial Update
As of February 29, 2024
YTD Offering YTD Expenses
Actual $345,219 $328,624
Planned $346,652 $390,275
Difference $(1,433) $(61,651)
Thank you for your support of our ministries. Please contact Brad in the business office at 520-297-7201 if you have questions.
In Arizona unintentional falls were the leading cause of injury - related mortality among residents over 65 years. St. Andrew’s Faith Community Nurses will come to your home and help you spot hazards and identify options you might consider to make your home safe.
The following are some tips to consider:
• Speak up - Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist about medications which might causes dizziness or make you rush to the bathroom at night
• Keep moving – Begin an exercise program to increase leg strength and balance. Pima Council on Aging has a class “A Matter of Balance” which many have found helpful.
• Get an annual eye exam so you can spots hazards such as curbs, uneven sidewalks or small children and pets,
• Make your home safer by removing clutter and tripping hazards.
By making changes you can lower your chance of falling and feel empowered to stay independent. For more information or a home assessment visit please contact Faith Community Nurse Louise Doran through church office 520-297-7201.