* Due to COVID-19, we have suspended all scheduled programs and events on SAPC Campus. Please join us for our Sunday Services online and follow us on social media for the most recent updates.
In the midst of our current crisis, all of us are experiencing, in some sense, our own Holy Week journey. That last week for the disciples was filled with uncertainty, fear, struggle, and eventually, resurrection. Our hope this year with our very unconventional Holy Week, is to give you some experiences to reflect, pray, and connect while we live in these uncertain times. Throughout Church history, in the midst of wars, plague, and crisis, the Church on Easter morning would declare to the World, “Christ Has Risen!” and we will do the same! Please join us for our services on Palm Sunday and on Easter. As a Church family we realize we are together, united in Christ, no matter what we face. Here are some ways this Holy Week you can stay connected and reflect on the power and mercy of our Lord and Savior.
JOIN US HOLY WEEK FOR: • Palm Sunday Service • Sunday Zoom Gatherings After Worship • Palm Sunday Family Photo Processional
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Youth Zoom Calls Maundy Thursday Reading Good Friday Facebook Live Easter Prayer Vigil EASTER SUNDAY SERVICE
Watch your email inbox for details on SAPC Holy Week events or visit
If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone to livestream Sunday morning services, we want to make sure you are connected! • Please call the Church Office at 520-297-7201 and let us know you would like to be on our no-technology communication list. • Please give us an address and phone number to best reach you and help keep you connected. • We will have an SAPC Connector call you to assist you in staying connected!
NEW SERMON SERIES: SIMON PETER: FLAWED BUT FAITHFUL Our Spring Sermon Series will be based on the book, Simon Peter by Adam Hamilton. This will be a six-week character study where we will dive deep into the life, faith, and character of the Apostle Peter. We will learn how God calls all of us in our strengths and weaknesses. If you would like to read along, the book is available at or Amazon. Join us April 5 - May 10 for this new series!
SAPC TUCSON: LIVESTREAM WORSHIP & GATHERINGS We are sure you all are following the unsettling news regarding the spread of the Coronavirus in our community, state, country, and world. The staff of SAPC wants to encourage you to rest in the grace and peace of our Lord, and to remember that God is sovereign. He is our refuge and our strength. To that end, we are committed to doing our part to stop the spread of this virus by supporting the policies given by our local, state, and national health departments. As such, we have made decisions that will impact how and when we gather together in the coming future. We will evaluate this decision as the situation continues to unfold and we will be sure to keep you informed via email, our website (, and social media. If you have questions, please call the church at 520-297-7201.
However, our staff will still be working remotely and will be available to you. • Our phone messages will be retrieved and forwarded as appropriate. • Every staff member will be checking their email and will continue to connect with you. • For needs, such as food and supplies, please visit our website at • For pastoral care, you may visit our website or email us at • Worship will continue via livestream on Sunday mornings.
The campuses will be closed and alarmed at all times. No groups will be allowed to gather on campus at this time. This plan shall remain in place until further notice.
We value the importance of corporate worship and we also value the health and well-being of all our members and friends. In order to balance these values and considering the developing situation, we have made the difficult decision to suspend all in-person worship for now and will LIVESTREAM ONLY. We will have livestreams of our 9:00 am Contemporary and 10:45 am Traditional Worship Services Sunday morning as well as recordings available of those services all week. Direct links will be provided in a weekly email for your convenience. The state of Arizona is ordered by Governor Doug Ducey to stay at home. What does this mean for us? We will support the stay-at-home directive by closing our campuses.
Faith that Works Tucson is collaborating with J17 Ministries and local churches to help the elderly who are isolated during Covid-19. We currently have 10 local churches who have volunteers ready and willing to give prayer, have conversations, or do some basic shopping for otherwise healthy elderly individuals who want to stay inside during this time. The Lord called us on this mission, and we are excited to see how He will work through the City Church to His precious people. We are praying that many will come to salvation during this time! We have 5 different quadrants in the city with the different churches identified in each quadrant. The elderly can contact the participating church in their area for assistance. We have been working with the city leaders to implement this plan. It is so amazing how the Lord is bringing different people together to do His will. If you would like to be a part of this initiative, please contact Steve Akins at or RuthAnn Smithrud at Also, please check out to see the participating churches! Please pray for protection, relationships, and salvation for others with this unique outreach ministry. Thank you!
Easter bags for people who have transitioned from homelessness into their own Section 8 housing.
Helping Eagles Wings of Grace’s move to a new location.
SERVICE WORSHIP CONTINUES! Even though Service Worship had many cancellations and changes, we still managed to bless so many people! The Haddens helped John and April Ritchie with Eagles Wings of Grace’s move to a new location while several volunteers weeded the Toole’s garden especially for Pati! Lynn Guyot helped 100 families through her own work and Called to Love Ministry by providing Easter baskets and eggs stuffed with special toys that we had purchased! Liz and Erin Reaves, Kristi Mejias, and Aundrea Chism and her family made beautiful door hangers for the elderly in care centers! Louise Boost continued to make Daily Bread lunches with the help of her volunteers purchasing supplies, sending donations, or delivering all the lunches while maintaining social distancing! Mary Mobley made beautiful bags that foster children are going to use to hold their belongings. And finally, Susie Melton, Charlotte Smith, Liz and Erin Reaves, Louise Boost, and RuthAnn Smithrud decorated/and or stuffed 300 Easter bags for men, women, and children who have transitioned from homelessness into their own Section 8 housing through a wonderful partnership with Old Pueblo Community Services! Praise the Lord for all of you, (I know we missed many!) who are continuing to be the Church while listening to the stay at home order!
If you are in need of food or supplies, in need of prayer, or would like to volunteer to help those in need, please visit
Beautiful door hangers for the elderly in care centers
Weeding the Toole’s garden especially for Pati! 3
Children’s Ministry Staff are working from home and hope you can join us online!
Shelly and Heather are writing Sunday School lessons for our families to do together at home. Preschool and Kindergarten are continuing their study of Bible stories. First through Fifth Grades will be following Pastor Jim’s sermon series on Simon Peter. The lessons are posted each week on the Children’s Ministry website.
Shelly is writing a series of devotionals for families to use to talk about fear, anxiety, and uncertainty during this crisis.
Shelly and Heather have set up an SAPC Kids Sunday School At Home Facebook group. This group is helping us stay connected to our families. It’s provided some good interaction between staff and families, as well as between families.
At the suggestion of one of the parents, there will be a Holy Molies meet-ups on Zoom. The first of these was April 1. They will be scheduled as needed in the future.
VBS 2020:
Right now, VBS is moving forward as planned for June 15-19. Registration opened for students and volunteers on March 29. Register and get more information on our website.
The theme for SAPC Kids Summer Sunday School is Female Founders of the Faith. Students will study female Bible characters and look at their impact on our faith. Heather is putting together these lessons. Want to teach this summer? Email Heather at
YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY Youth Ministry is ever-changing and shaping in this time. Tim and Richelle are constantly trying new things to engage with students. The Youth Groups are meeting on Zoom calls weekly, there are Instagram live videos going up, and consistent contact with students is happening. Our goal is to cultivate connectivity in a time that we can feel very alone and isolated. Because things are constantly changing, we recommend following SAPCYouth on Instagram and Facebook, checking the website, and opening any email updates sent out for updated information. We want to be able to pray for our students and their family so please feel free to reach out to Tim ( or Richelle (
Looking for ways to grow your faith online? Work on your own, work with a partner, or start a small group. We have resources to help you get connected to God and to each other. Visit to check them out! Please contact Connie at if you need any assistance or have any questions.
You are invited to Alpha Online! Please join us on Wednesday’s, 6:00 pm -7:15 pm, starting April 15. We will be using video conferencing to get us connected to watch a video about life and faith and discuss together in groups! Contact Connie Randall at for more information and to sign-up.
While we dutifully vigorously wash our hand for twenty seconds, cough into our elbow, try to not touch our face, and maintain six feet social distancing, the scammers are trying to separate us from our money. Beware of claims of pills to prevent contracting coronavirus (COVID-19), unauthorized test kits, and immune system enhancers specific to the virus and others. As attempts to slow the spread are in place, the experts are studying the virus and then will make recommendations on how to avoid it stay healthy.
Join us in praying each day at 7:00 am and 7:00 pm for our church, our city, our nation, and the world.
St. Andrew’s invites everyone to celebrate the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior by participating in your own home in an online Easter Prayer Vigil on Saturday, April 11, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm. Timeslots will be 30 minutes long. Let’s share with our Heavenly Father our concerns and our thanksgiving. Watch your email inbox and the website for timeslot sign ups. For questions, contact Maureen Noeth at 5