Cross Currents - August 2019

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Stories from the Shelters:


- STORY ONE I wanted to take a moment to share a remarkable God story! My husband and I flew to see our son in Minneapolis two weeks ago. At the start of our journey, we missed our connecting flight in Dallas as our plane sat on the tarmac waiting for an other plane to leave the gate. After many customer service lines and deliberations on the best way to get to our destination, we were given a hotel voucher and the possibility of getting on a flight the next morning at 10:00 am as stand-by passengers. We headed outside the Dallas airport to wait for a shuttle to get to our hotel.

We waited in another long line at the hotel. It was getting late, and her little 2-year-old boy was so tired. She only had a backpack and a small travel bag. She reached into the travel bag and pulled out a peanut butter sandwich for her son. It dawned on me then that she might have been an asylum seeker. As I talked to her, it turned out she was an asylum seeker from Guatemala. She was on our flight from Tucson and also missed her connection to Chattanooga where her sponsor was living. She had no idea what to do to get a room using her voucher, how to use an elevator, how to get in her hotel room with the plastic card, how to get to her plane the next morning.

As we were standing there, a woman and her little boy came up trying to figure out what this small voucher in her hand meant for them. She spoke only Spanish, and as it happens, I speak Spanish too. I looked at her voucher and realized we were going to the same hotel. After waiting another hour, our shuttle arrived and we helped her get situated and stay with us as we traveled to the Holiday Inn Express.

With no cell phone or clock, we set up a wake up call for the next morning. I left to find Jay, and it turned out our rooms were right next to each other, making the next day much easier as we went down to breakfast and got on our shuttle to the airport all together. As we were driving, I couldn’t imagine how she would find her gate at the Dallas airport (I can barely navigate the Dallas airport) but we did it! Got her

through security, down a maze of moving sidewalks, escalators, and detours, and finally arrived at her gate. Also happened to find another woman going on her flight and asked her to make sure Alba and her son got on the flight to Chattanooga. I did text her sponsor later that night and made sure they arrived safely, and they did! This was so incredible. I had done some volunteering with my son-in-law’s youth group earlier in the summer at a local shelter for migrant guests and also at the monastery in Tucson. Alba and her son had stayed at that same monastery in Tucson and had all the paperwork that I had just learned about. She had her travel bag with snacks and toys for her little boy—the very same types of supplies that we had packed two weeks earlier. I can’t imagine what this young woman has been through. She and her little son had walked from Guatemala and had been on their journey for 30 days! I am so humbled and grateful that I got to be a tiny grain in her journey. I really felt God was apart of this crazy set of circumstances! - BY LYNN GUYOT

Stories from the Shelters


- STORY TWO Casa Alitas ministry of Catholic Community Services provides assistance to asylum seekers. Their guests have presented themselves to immigration, applied for asylum according to the law and been approved to enter the country under sponsorship as they await determination on their applications. In the past, ICE and Border patrol had dropped these families at the bus station to fend for themselves in unfamiliar territory - hungry, thirsty, ill-clothed, empty-handed. Through Casa Alitas, they are fed and given clean clothes, find shelter for the day or two required for logistics, and receive assistance in contacting sponsors and navigating transportation. Medical care is also available as needed.

CrossCurrents (020349) August 2019 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704

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Since January, when the program moved to the Benedictine monastery, over 11,000 guests have been served by more than 400 volunteers who provide every service. I have worked in the kitchen and the laundry, menial services but like everything else received with gratitude. My highlight is seeing the children laughing and playing as I wander through the monastery picking up and delivering laundry. As the program transitions to a new facility and the government applies new rules and operating practices at ICE and Border Patrol, needs of the program change. In the meantime, I am grateful for the opportunity to serve the sojourner in our midst. Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? And when did we see You a stranger and welcome You, or naked and clothe You? And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these My brothers, you did it to Me.’ (Matthew 25:37-38, 40) - BY LOUISE DAVIS

- STORY THREE This summer I have been an intern at Rincon Migrant Shelter, one of the two permanent shelters in Tucson. As an intern, I have gotten to work in and experience all the different facets of the shelter including working in the kitchen, working with guests, donation services, and transporting guests. I have met many asylum seekers during my time working at the shelter and have tried to build relationships with them in the short time they are at the shelter. We, as Americans, have seen and heard a lot of divisive rhetoric about these people in the news, some say they are criminals, some say they are here to abuse our resources or take our jobs. Well, that’s not the reason the asylum seeker who emotionally looked me straight into the eyes and told me why he came, he said, “it was to save my family.” The asylum seekers I have met this summer are not just words on a news headline, they are real human beings who have inherent human dignity. They are the little girl who sneaks into the toy area every ten minutes to take another stuffed animal. They are the newborn who was born in immigration who gets to see the sun for the first time. They are the man who teaches me Spanish while I teach him English who gets excited with every word he learns. If there is one thing I have learned it is that if we abandon them, we abandon our humanity. - BY JAKE TOOLE



An August Sermon Series looking at how we move forward in our faith by growing spiritually through our heart, mind, and feet. Our hope is to challenge ourselves this fall to create a personal spiritual growth plan.


Positive Aging: Living Well, in Just 4 Words Tara Parker-Pope, a health educator, wrote what she has learned about living well could be summed up in just four words: • Move • Nourish • Reflect • Connect

We are proud to announce that our nonprofit status is pending approval with the IRS! Thank you, Steve Bossé and your law office! This means that we are standing on our own without being under Community Renewal’s 501(c)(3) umbrella! We have purchased our own insurance for the shower unit, and we are in the process of getting our own vehicle to tow the shower unit. We are about ready to launch our new website with the help of Lindsay Thomae’s advertising company, and with the help of David Saint John and his connections, we are about ready to share our new logo and letterhead! We are also launching a new and exciting way to volunteer with the help of an organization called VOMO. Watch for this app to be unveiled soon! And finally, Brad Engel has agreed to be our new Treasurer to make our transition and connections even smoother! Don’t worry! He is not leaving St. Andrew’s! God has generously opened His doors for us in an unbelievably easy way as we continue to follow His will for this ministry. Thank you all for your continued support!


“Change for Children” has met their goal this year and surpassed it for supplemental funding of special projects in Zambia, Africa. The initial request for $6500 in education funding for children in need of special care such as trauma counseling has been met. Additionally, over $3,000 was donated for the replacement of BOB, the Big Old Bus, which has reached old age! St. Andrew’s has generously supported Alliance for Children Everywhere for almost two decades with funds for industrial sized washing machines for the many diapers and clothing for the 30 infants and toddlers at the House of Moses, a sturdy ramada for preschoolers to play and eat outside at the Bill and Bette Bryant Nursery, funds for Faith Works elementary classrooms in local churches, and scholarships for orphan and vulnerable students at the Christian High School. If you missed the collections dates for our spring challenge for “Change for Children”, please send a check to Alliance for Children Everywhere, P.O. Box 55145, Seattle, WA 98155. Thank you for assisting the children of Zambia by providing safe shelter, food relief and education for those in need. Our newest board member, Carmen Morris, has accepted the position of treasurer for the organization. She and Troy will be traveling to Lusaka, Zambia in August to view the various facilities and participate in food distribution and classroom activities. Please keep them in your prayers for safety and health as they travel.

To all the generous people at St. Andrew’s, Thank you for choosing to have a shoe drive of such magnificent proportions! St. Mark’s, and I’m sure the other recipients of this gift, are humbled by your generosity. I wish you could see the faces of our guests, particularly the children, as they pick out shoes from so many pairs! They have pressing priorities... food, shelter, safety... and while shoes are a need, they are different. Trying on and choosing shoes is exciting and fun. Many have had few choices on what they wear. The joy of watching people choose their favorites from so many shoes is a joy to watch. Blessings on all of your generous donors. I pass along “gracias” on behalf of the migrant guests who always thank us. We are passing your gifts on to them, and returning their thanks to you. Gwyn Roske Representing the Hotel San Marco’s Team St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church / 3

VBS 2019

Roar VBS was a huge success! More than 300 kids and 150 volunteers joined us for a week of learning that life is wild, but God is good. Children participated in Bible study, craft, music, snack, games, and opening and closing worship services during the week. This amazing week would not have been possible without the donations of time, supplies, and scholarships from this wonderful, giving church. During the week, children and VBS staff donated money towards a new library for Agape Village in Zambia.

Join us for the Fall Sunday School Kickoff in the Sunday School hallway on August 11 at 10:20 am. Come, eat some goodies, and catch up after the summer. School Year Sunday School also starts on August 11. See you there!


Spiritual Milestones help children and families develop a firm foundation in what it means to be a Christian and a member of the body of Christ. Each class has a milestone throughout the school year. Below is the schedule for the fall milestones. Any child in these grade levels is invited to participate in the milestone. Parents are also encouraged to participate in the milestone with their children. Look for invitations in the mail with more information. September 11: 3rd Grade Bible Presentation September 22: 4th Grade Milestone Communion

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We are still looking for some Sunday School teachers for both Sunday School times (9:00 am and 10:45 am). All curriculum, supplies, and materials are provided for you. Interested in teaching or splitting teaching duties with another person? Let Shelly know by calling the church office at 297-7201 or emailing her at


Children’s Choir, under the direction of Deann Hay, will start again on September 8 from 10:15 am - 11:00 am. The Choir meets each Sunday in Room F. Any children ages 4 through 5th grade are welcome to join the choir. The Choir sings monthly throughout the year at both services and at the all-church Christmas Concert in December. For more information, contact Deann Hay at azrayhay@aol.


• No Sunday School on September 1 due to Labor Day Campout. • Save the Date for our Annual Trunk or Treat: October 27 CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry


In June, we had a blast at our Middle School Mission Days! On our first day, we got to partner with Tucson Refugee ministry, hold a block party at one of their apartment communities, and get kids registered for their international kids camp. On the second day, we sorted the shoes and clothing from our Meet the Need: Near and Far shoe drive. As a bonus, we got to take our annual trip to Guero Canelo to support a nationally recognized (and delicious!) business that started in Tucson!


Conor Toole - “Hi! My name is Conor Toole. I love monsoons, and I will be a freshman at U of A studying Electrical Engineering.”


This summer, six of us from SAPC traveled to Los Angeles together, and partnered with various organizations serving and learning about the many ways the city of Los Angeles is supporting those in need.

Hugh Gray - “Hi! My name is Hugh Gray. I love Montaigne and oceans, I’ll be a freshman at U of A studying business this fall.” Mckenna Bratland - “I love to kickbox and hangout with friends. I will be a Freshman at Pima College this fall.” Hailey Gray - “I will be rushing in the fall for a sorority, and will be a freshman at U of A.” Ethan Woodard (volunteer) - “I’ll be a senior at Canyon Del Oro High School. I’ll be Student Body President for a second term. I can’t wait to create more memories with St. Andrew’s Youth Ministry.” Ethan Wong (volunteer) - “I will be a Junior at CDO and be a multi-sport varsity athlete playing basketball and volleyball.”


St. Andrew’s wishes to thank the Physical Resources Committee and all the volunteers who help with facilities improvement projects around St. Andrew’s. Whether it is the biannual church work days, managing the new projects such as the playground, building a new ramada for the Preschool, installing a paver walkway by White Hall, improving the Prayer Garden area, planting new roses in the Columbarium, creating a long-term renovation plan for the NE campus, determining the best solar options for St. Andrew’s, improving drainage on the NE campus, maintaining the church vehicles, or getting multiple cost proposals for upcoming projects. The St. Andrew’s volunteers who help to maintain our facilities are very much appreciated! Thank you!


The library has three new arrivals-Bible Commentaries available for check-out now. These three were especially chosen to support the Women’s Bible Study on Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings starting in September.

1,2,&3 John & Jude: Swindoll’s Living Insights Commentary by Charles Swindoll is his commentary explaining the four short letters of John 1-3 and Jude. He says they “deliver powerful messages of correct living in a wrong world, and are as relevant today as they were in the first century.” 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude. A Commentary was written by David A. Case & David W. Holdren. They have written a commentary for Bible students which is “part of a commentary series that promotes life change in believers by applying God’s authoritative truth in relevant, practical ways”…”Each biblical book is explained paragraph by paragraph, giving the reader both the big picture & sufficient detail to understand the meaning of significant words and phrases.” It is part of the Wesleyan Bible Commentary Series. Interpreting the Gospel & Letters of John by Sherri Brown & Francis J. Moloney, SDB. It was specifically designed to help a student of John’s writings have a sufficient Biblical background to understand his writings. A review states “Maintaining that Johannine literature is best understood against the background of the Old Testament covenant metaphor, Brown & Moloney focus on the central role of covenant in the narrative of John’s Gospel and highlight the Evangelist’s use of fulfillment language.” / 5


St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (SAPC) Trustees created a committee to focus on church-related safety and emergency preparation issues. Trustee Claud Smith chairs this committee. The SAPC Preschool & Kindergarten has the required state emergency planning certification for foreseeable disaster events. The SAPC trustees believe a broader approach would be beneficial for the entire church organization to engage in emergency planning and bolster safety policies and procedures for the congregation with the optimum use and preservation of the church’s physical and financial resources. Pastor Jim Toole has authorized a Moment for Mission from Firefighter Brian Fitzgerald on this topic to be presented in the near future so everyone can learn more about this committee’s members’ efforts. For the interim, the congregation members are asked to adopt a philosophy of personal and churchwide safety concern with protection of its assets. If you see something that seems unsafe or suspicious then say something about it to a church employee. If you see an unsafe condition or situation, do something to make it better for yourself and others. We function as a family in the body of Christ to care for each other. Look for further information about the ongoing good work of this committee soon.

In Memoriam Gerald ‘Jerry’ Wilson June 17, 2019 Marcille Lynn June 30, 2019 Larry Lane July 3, 2019 Gail Muenchow July 17, 2019

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CONVERSATION GROUP Begins August 6 | 9:30 am | Garden Room Men and Women are invited to a 4-week group conversation led by Rev. Carla Williams. The conversation will be centered on the book “The Gift of Being Yourself,” by David C. Benner. Discovering and actualizing our true-self-in-Christ. Register at the Discipleship Table or contact Connie at crandall@


Friday, August 16 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food and encouragement! This month we will be meeting at Connie Randall’s home at 1361 W. Placita Del Rey, Oro Valley, AZ 85704. RSVP to Connie at or visit the Discipleship Table in the Gathering Place on Sunday mornings.


August 25 | 10:00 am - 10:45 am | SW Campus The Adult Discipleship Ministry will be hosting Get Connected Live on Sunday, August 25, in the Narthex! This is a yearly event provided as an opportunity for you to become aware of the many ways to grow in your faith, get involved, get connected, and meet those who are leading each ministry at St. Andrew’s.


Saturday, September 7 | 9:00 am – 3:00 pm You are invited to Soul Care Retreat. This day retreat is a special day for you to be with God and discover more of what God has for you. Join us for worship, prayer, food, fellowship and allow Him to strengthen your soul. Cost is $10 for lunch. Register at the Discipleship Table in the Gathering Place or contact Connie at


September 11 | 6:00 pm | Roadrunner Coffee Co. Come party with us! There will be yummy food as well as fellowship and FUN! We’ll be sharing what Alpha is and how you can sign-up! Contact Connie Randall at or stop by the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place. We will be meeting at Roadrunner Coffee Co. on Thornydale.

CONTACT CONNIE RANDALL, Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x211



W E D N E S D AY S / / 1 0 : 1 5 A M

Are you a single senior and looking to meet others at St. Andrew’s? We are a ministry for seniors (55 years and older) to include widows and widowers, divorced, and never married singles. Fun activities and opportunities for Christian friendships are planned. Join us this month for Happy Hour at Bottega Michelangelo on Wednesday, August 21, from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm. Please RSVP to Carol Stephenson by August 19 at 513-535-6674 or


MOMS GROUP F R I D AY S / / 9 : 0 0 A M - 1 1 : 3 0 A M

W E D N E S D AY S / / 6 : 3 0 P M

MOMS Group will resume on September 13! MOMS Group provides a loving community, a way to develop friendships, encourages moms to grow in their faith, and provides support in any stage of parenting. We meet Friday mornings from 9:00 am - 11:30 am on St. Andrew’s SW Campus, Lower level. Free childcare is available by contacting Anita Degnan at Be on the lookout for our MOMS Group Preview in late August. At the preview, you will be able to grab a quick snack, meet some of the other moms, preview this semester’s study and get registered. This will be a kid friendly morning. For more information, please feel free to contact Erica Cornett at

FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT June total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

This summer is moving quickly and HUGS will begin our fall season on Wednesday, September 4, 2019. This interdenominational senior outreach ministry is open to all confessing to be a senior and we welcome seniors to come check us out to find how much fun and fellowship is available each Wednesday. We have need for a van driver to assist in transportation on Wednesdays. If you believe you could help provide this service, contact Bill Gross at or 548-9874 or Susan Lane at 520-419-8771

Women’s Wednesday Night Bible Study will pick up again on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, meeting in The Gathering Place from 6:30 pm until 7:45 pm. We will begin an 11-week study of the books of 1, 2, and 3 John from the Joy of Living Bible Studies. In these three letters, John addresses many truths that are critical to our walk with the Lord and helps the believer understand what it truly means to live and walk in fellowship with the Lord. We spend time in fellowship, discussing the lesson and taking time to pray for one another. Please join us!

WHAT’S IT LIKE TO HAVE A STEPHEN MINISTER? Beth: Connected to God - I think Stephen Ministry is a way to actually see help right in front of you. And so, receiving care from her began the process of me being able to receive care from God.

Jim: I Can Tell Him Anything - My Stephen Minister is just a little bit older than I. Sometimes when we’re together, I say to him “You know, we’re just like two old farts sitting around, drinking coffee on a Wednesday morning.” It’s just so easy to be with him. He’s not there to tell me what to do. He’s there to get me to talk to myself until I discover what is necessary. Cindy: My Stephen Minister is a Gift - She’s kinda fearless. She’ll just be there. She doesn’t try to fix me. She doesn’t try to talk me out of my feelings. She is so with me. I know I can trust her. I also know that I am so blessed because she’s praying for me all the time and she keeps track of what’s going on in my life. Want to know more? Go to or call Cheryl Smith at 271-6591.

Need more info? Contact Linda Sebastian at or at 299-3167.

$177,731 168,756 $8,975

Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

$1,093,456 1,006,712 $86,745

During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that / 7 many of us are away from Tucson.

7650 N. Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704-4540 (520) 297-7201

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