August 2022 Cross Currents

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FROM PASTOR PETE Greetings to you, St. Andrew’s Family! Welcome to our August issue of Cross Currents! August signifies for many of us, especially those with school-age children, a return to a regular weekly rhythm and schedule. Gone are the days of summer sleeping in and late-night movie marathons! As our students return to school to hit the books, it’s a good idea for all of us to refocus a discipline of learning from our Savior, Jesus. During August in worship, we will be taking some time to sit at Jesus’ feet in Matthew 28:18-20, considering how His instructions to His disciples apply to us today. This passage is famously known as The Great Commission, and each Sunday we will focus on each of the action words that are so important for us as followers of Jesus to live into: going, making disciples, baptizing, and teaching. On Labor Day weekend Sunday, we’ll focus on a critical fifth action word: praying. Biblical scholar Christopher J. H. Wright has written a wonderfully helpful and thoughtful book titled, The Mission of God’s People: A Biblical Theology of the Church’s Mission. The book is framed around a series of answers, all prompted by this initial question, “Who are we and what are we here for?” How would you answer that question? It is a first order question of life, the answer of which is essential for living with purpose. Particularly for followers of Jesus, as the church, we benefit from the clarity of knowing Jesus’ calling and design for our common life together. As Wright explains, “It is not so much the case that God has a mission for His church in the world but that God has a church for His mission in the world. Mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission—God’s mission.”



The SAPC Congregational Mission Study Team (CMST), led by Kevin Oxnam, has been busy planning for ways to gather input from the congregation in preparation for writing the Mission Study, which is a required transitional step before a search can begin for the next called and installed senior pastor. During August, members, friends, and regular attendees of St. Andrew’s will be sent an email with a link to complete a Congregational Survey. In anticipation of this, we are asking you to update our Church Office with any contact information that may have recently changed, particularly your email address. To update your information, please fill out a Connect Card via the website or our QR code. Hard copies of the survey will also be available in the Church Office by request. Get ready for Preschool Family Sunday! I am so thrilled that Jennifer Bultman has begun serving on our church staff as the Director of St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten! It’s the exciting beginning of a school year for our preschool, which for over forty years has been a core mission of St. Andrew’s to support and bless children and families of NW Tucson. We have invited all of our preschool families to attend worship at the 9:00am service on Sunday, August 14, and we are calling it Preschool Family Sunday. Let’s be intentional in making these families with young children especially welcome with us on that day! What do I mean by this? Be on the lookout for anyone who may seem like they don’t know where to go! Park a little farther away so that families with strollers have an easier path to the front doors! Don’t be surprised if some people arrive late to the service (getting kids anywhere on time in the morning can be a challenge)! Be ready to make space in your row if you have extra seats near you! Many families get connected to a church family when they experience warm community and a kind welcome! Your welcome will make a difference! July marked the one-year anniversary of my arrival as the Interim Pastor. The Session as approved another one-year contract (as is the norm for temporary pastoral relationships) and I’m happy to say that our transitional work will continue together. God has been a remarkable provider over this past year, through experiences of loss and grief, and encounters with healing and grace. Your deep faith in Christ, and exhibitions of the Fruit of the Spirit have been inspiring to me as a congregation centered in God’s mission. Counting It All Joy, Pastor Pete Interim Pastor / Head of Staff

AUGUST WORSHIP SCHEDULE Into the Map: The Great Commission of Jesus Matthew 28:18-20 August 7 - Going August 14 - Making Disciples August 21 - Baptizing August 28 - Teaching September 4 - Praying


We’re almost ready for your help! As we prepare the Congregational Mission Study that will guide our search for a new pastor, we’re gathering information about the church through various surveys. We have four surveys we are launching focused on different populations: a survey for our Church Staff, a survey for Mission Partners we work with and support, a survey for our church committees, and the Congregational Survey. The Congregational Survey is launching in August and is your opportunity to share your thoughts. All attendees of St. Andrew’s are invited to participate. Your opinion matters, and we want to hear from you! Please keep an eye on your emails for an electronic survey link that will be arriving in August. Paper copies will be mailed by request only.


St. Andrew’s is again joining Pantano Christian Church for our Rocky Point Mission Trip happening October 13-16. We are partnering with 1Mission, a Christian organization that gives people in poverty the opportunity to earn a home free of charge by serving in their community. You can join our St. Andrew’s team and work on building a home but there are also opportunities to participate in their “Los Ninos” children’s outreach program or help with the kitchen crew. Register for the trip by August 9. If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Kevin Oxnam at

MONTLURE WORK CAMP Are you looking to escape the Arizona heat and enjoy the fresh air in the White Mountains? Montlure is holding 2022 work camps and looking for volunteers. Upcoming work camps include August 12-14 and Labor Day weekend. For a complete list of remaining work camps and to sign up, please visit If you are looking for other ways to contribute, consider these alternatives: • •


Support Montlure by making a recurring donation Join the Montlure facilities team. For questions about the facilities team or work camps contact Cameron Mitchell at or (520) 977-5189

To read more visit

St. Andrew’s Labor Day Campout is returning for 2022! Join us Friday, September 2, to Monday, September 5. on our very own Mt. Lemmon with our intergenerational church family and enjoy food, fun, and fellowship in the God’s great outdoors. Capacity is limited so reserve your spot early. Participants can stay 1-3 nights or just join us for the day and dinner on the mountain. Meals are provided and some camping equipment is available to loan upon request. Enjoy the cool of the mountain and get better connected with others. Reservations are required so don’t delay. Register at Contact Scott Fiore to request more information.


St. Andrew’s has been making Blessing Bags for the homeless for over 15 years. Many have been blessed through this ministry. COVID has changed many things and the blessing bag distribution has also changed. We are now concentrating on making smaller toiletry bags for distribution at Southside Presbyterian during their feeding program. The larger Blessing Bags are still available in The Gathering Place for your personal use. We still need donations of small toiletry items such as toothpaste, soap, shampoo, etc., and there is a bin there to place your items. For questions, contact Carol Fiore at


Do you have a passion for mission? Would you like to know more about the 43 different mission partners St. Andrew’s supports? The Mission Committee is looking to add a few new members. If you are interested, please contact Sandy Kreamer at for more information.


Alpha begins September 20! This is a chance to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open, and informal environment. Join us for a great conversation with others who are exploring life and faith; no strings attached. Begin to pray who you can invite who is struggling with faith or doesn’t know Jesus yet. We are partnering with Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene (OVCN) at their facility. We’ll begin with a preview night on September 20 and will continue on Tuesday night until November 15. RSVP starting now until October 4. For questions, contact Connie at or visit


Your Adult Discipleship Team is inviting you to a morning of fellowship and encouragement on “How to Find Joy Through Life’s Transitions.” Pastor Joe Johnson will be teaching on healing loss, sadness, grief, also prayers of lament for healing and how to recover from trauma and grief and how to navigate life transitions. So, save the date for October 8, 2022, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. There will be a light breakfast served with morning refreshments. Cost is $15 and you may signup online or RSVP to Connie at


Ladies come join the fun and fellowship on August 19 for our monthly time together. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff, and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and adult beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of Pastor Connie at 1361 W. Placita Del Rey, Oro Valley 85704. RSVP to Connie at Women of all ages are invited as we encourage each other to keep on keeping on in our journey of life and faith!

ST. ANDREW’S PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Our St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten Office Staff is working hard in anticipation of welcoming back teachers and families onto our campus after summer break! One new and exciting change to our school campus is the ability to offer an additional 2s class after having a full wait list all last year! Additional class offerings are dependent upon the physical space of our school and enrollment. With the help of a Childcare Recovery Grant alloted by the state, along with the sweat equity of our

Facilities Team and volunteers, we are pleased to be in the final stages of a classroom conversion/ renovation. The funding received from this state grant allows us the physical space to offer this additional class to our families. A big thank you to our Facilities Team who have worked steadily to ensure this room is complete! As we begin in our school year, please be in prayer for our school staff and pray blessings upon the children in our care and their families.


WELCOME, JENNIFER! We are pleased to announce Jennifer Bultman has been hired to serve as Director of St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten. As many of you know, Jennifer is not a stranger to our community! Jennifer and her husband, Luke, have been active members of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church since 2014. For the last four years she has served as a 4’s Lead Teacher at the preschool. Three (out of four) of Jennifer’s sons have attended St. Andrew’s Preschool, and she has shared, “It is the preparation our children received and the loving community of teachers and families that made St. Andrew’s feel like home.” Jennifer earned her BA in Elementary Education from The University of Arizona and has over twenty years of teaching experience. In describing her vision and sense of calling to serve Preschool families, Jennifer has written, “I have a heart for seeing families grow and thrive… …At our Preschool, I would love to see all staff work in unity to offer families our availability, a nurturing environment, and the love of Christ. Graduating families would feel empowered in their parenting journey and strengthened in their walk with the Lord. That is a vision I have for St. Andrew’s.” In reflecting on her own teaching experience and sharing her desire to support teachers, Jennifer explains, “Most teachers love teaching because they love learning. I would hope for St. Andrew’s to always be a space where teachers are growing in new ways and learning the most effective techniques in fostering child development.” The process of calling Jennifer to serve in this position has been facilitated by the St. Andrew’s Personnel Committee in coordination with the Preschool & Kindergarten Governing Board.

After much prayer and many meetings in person and virtually, the search team unanimously and enthusiastically has discerned a leading from God to recommend the hiring of Jennifer Bultman. The Personnel Committee and the Session (Board of Elders) has approved this recommendation, and we are so excited to share this announcement with you that Jennifer accepted the position and began her new roll on June 29. We also want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation of Carolyn Rapp, Acting Director and Business Manager, and Katie Vidal, Administrative Assistant, who have both taken on increased responsibilities during this leadership transition. They have really stepped up and shown incredible dedication, flexibility, and heart through their work these past several months. Carolyn and Katie will be returning to their regular responsibilities as they help Jennifer settle into her new role as Director. Thank you, Carolyn and Katie, for your love and care of our amazing school staff, families, and students! Please join us in praising God, welcoming Jennifer, and praying for her and her family as she transitions into this new role on our staff!

STEPHEN MINISTRY Did you know…a large part of Stephen Ministry training and continuing education is focused on community resources. Are you struggling with something and not sure where to turn? Find out about next steps with a Stephen Minister. For more information visit or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-297-7201.


This summer was full of fun events at SAPC Youth. We had bowling nights, pool parties, water baseball, and normal Youth Groups in between on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our Summer Interns were Conor Toole, a fourth year student at the University of Arizona, Ethan Wong, a second year student at the University of Arizona, and Edwin Uche, a senior at Catalina Foothills High School. Together we planned youth groups, learned the ins and outs of Youth Ministry, and dove into two books, all while they spent their Tuesday and Wednesday nights leading High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers. They are all ending the summer sharing their testimonies of how God has moved in their lives thus far. We participated in our Middle School Mission Days again this summer, where we worked with Gospel Rescue Mission at their Center for Opportunity on Monday and went to GAP Ministries and helped them sort and price items in their warehouse on Thursday. We were fortunate enough to attend Forest Home this summer where we took 44 Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers to camp with us along with six leaders. God moved in incredible ways building strong connections between our students and leaders. We were able to dive into deep and meaningful conversations about faith removed from distractions of everyday life all while enjoying all the fun that Forest Home has to offer. We had an incredible summer at SAPC youth and we are so excited to jump into the fall with our students! Stay up to date with all things Youth at or on our Instagram @sapcyouth.


We are looking for two Sunday School teachers for the 9:00 am Sunday School time - one for the Preschool Class (ages 3 and 4) and one for 4th grade. All the curriculum and supplies are provided to you as well as support in teaching. If you’re interested or want to know more, contact Shelly at


Our August outing is to the bowling alley! We’d love to have you join us for an afternoon of bowling on Sunday, August 7 starting at 12:30 pm. Preregistration is required. The cost is $12 per bowler and includes two hours of bowling plus shoes. You can sign up at This event is open to anyone, not just our special needs families. In September we will gather on Mt. Lemmon during the Labor Day Campout for an activity. If your family or a family that you know has a child with special needs, we’d love to have them join us!


For VBS 2022 we discovered God’s monumental love! Kids participated in different stations that helped seal the daily Bible point in their minds and hearts. We had 120 elementary children and 18 preschoolers attend. Mark your calendars for VBS 2023 on June 12-16 when we will travel to space! Registration for 2023 VBS will open at the end of March.


Third graders will receive their Bibles during the 9:00 am service on August 21. If your 3rd grader would like a Bible, please RSVP to Shelly by August 16 so that we can have a Bible ready for them on August 21.

SAPC FLOWER MINISTRY Would you like to honor a loved one or celebrate an event? The St. Andrew’s Flower Team creates an arrangement on the first Sunday of each month. As a donor, your message would be included in St. Andrew’s weekly email! It could be in memory or honor of a loved one, to celebrate an anniversary or birthday, or just because! Please call the church office or sign-up at For more information, contact Lisa Behr at


The Faith Community Nurse Ministry (FCNM) is educating church members that a huge need for living kidney donors exists everywhere. With 119,000 people now waiting for a needed, life saving kidney while on the United Network for Organ Sharing’s national transplant list, it can take a decade to receive one. Many people think they must wait for somebody to die before they can get a donated kidney. However most reasonably healthy people can donate a kidney with little detriment to themselves and so they can save another person’s life. Ordinary people in Tucson can become extraordinary heroes to those in need by giving someone a healthy kidney and a fresh start in life. Patients with end-stage renal disease respond well and benefit immediately from getting a new kidney. • • • • • •

FINANCIAL UPDATE June total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

$148,953 $138,117 $10,836

Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

$965,761 $1,023,049 ($57,288)

During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below our expenses. Thank you for yoour regular pledged giving which allows us to continue to meet expenses during the months when many seek cooler weather!

A living donor magnifies benefits to their new recipient. Within hours after transplantation, a new kidney flushes toxins from the body. Health complications from kidney failure slow down and begin to reverse. The donated living kidney recipient’s energy level rises rapidly toward recovery. Healthier, happier persons become refilled with hope for a new, exciting, longer life. Research shows that kidneys from living donors have double the life expectancy of deceased donors, and rejection rates of living kidneys are radically lower to live. For the living donors, their one-time gift of life adds incredible meaning to their lives.

A recipient’s health insurance usually covers costs for a kidney donor’s pre-transplant screening, testing, surgery, and later, follow up care. Laparoscopic surgery is used to safely remove a kidney from a donor. Donors often return home in about 48 hours. Hospitals provide physical, emotional, and psychological care for participant kidney donors. Feel free to contact St. Andrew’s FCN Nurses Louise Doran, RN, MSN, FCN, or Will Wilkinson, DrPH, MS, RN, CNN, FCN, for any further questions.

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