August 2024 Cross Currents

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Thank you all for helping to make Serve Our Schools a huge success! We were able to bless three schools with on site serving and seven schools with back to school gifts, cookies, and treats! Our new shoe count is now up to 260 pairs! Again, thank you to everyone who donated shoes or financial gifts so that we could purchase shoes for the children of Amphi School District! Your generosity is blessing so many others in the name of Jesus! Here are some quotes about Serve Our Schools:

“I wanted to tell you how wonderful everyone was and how great my school looks. They crushed it and worked so hard. I appreciate everything that the church and volunteers were able to do to support Laguna. We are set and ready for Thursday. Thank you so much.”

Alan Schmidt, Principal Laguna Elementary School

“Everything was perfect, thank you so very much! I loved how Betty led us in prayer before we got started (even though not all were there yet). There seemed to be just enough people to get everything done.”

Beth Gray, M.A., C.T.R.S. Assistant Director & Special Education Teacher, Pathways School and Evaluation Center

“I am feeling blessed today as I have at least three student commitments for Sunday! Five students have also committed to a teacher appreciation event on Monday (Three days before school starts). This is a total mind shift as they have embraced the concept of giving to build a better community.”


After several months of prayerful discussion and discernment, our Session in a July 2 called meeting approved these actions:

1. To begin the search for a ¾ time Adult Discipleship Ministries Director on staff

2. To begin the search for a ½ time Youth Discipleship Ministries Assistant Director on staff

3. To provide a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) of 2% effective immediately and retroactive back to January 1, 2024, for staff hired prior to January 1, 2024, who did not receive a previous adjustment due to the mandatory minimum wage increase.

From Pastor John

What an amazing summer this has been St. Andrew’s! Despite the record shattering heat, this has indeed been a cool summer. Scuba VBS was a splash. I’m so thankful for our Children’s Director Heather, Interim Asst. Director Ronnie, and all the many volunteers, and our lively young people who dove head-first into the VBS experience. I felt like our children were leading us in an adult VBS experience on VBS Sunday and we were truly blessed by their singing and words. There was so much joy and love throughout that week and I’m believing that many young lives (and older ones too!) were touched by God in a life-changing way. It was fun honing my Australian accent with the bumbling VBS character, Sydney Shores (loosely inspired by Aussie Steve Irwin), who interacted on stage with “Hitha” (Australian for “Heather”).

Asst. Youth Director, helping our Youth Ministry survive the summer programing surge.


We are so very grateful for the faithful dedication and loving service of our wonderful staff! The Session appreciates your prayers as we continue to step out in faith together in Christ’s ministry and mission at St. Andrew’s and beyond.

Our SAPC Youth Ministry Intern Program is something very special. Under Tim Christian’s tutelage, it has been so thoroughly enjoyable seeing our interns Bea, Joel, and Richard help lead our students with such energy and love. Their bus video is one for the ages. Logan Schmidt has really stepped in as Interim

I also had the great privilege of getting my feet wet in the classic youth water baseball event, which was a total home run. It’s also been great seeing the Instagram updates on our campers at Forest Home. I’m thankful for Elder Mike Thompson who stepped up last minute to serve as a counselor. Our prayers were with all the young people and leaders for it to be a week filled with laughter, friendships, mountain top spiritual encounters with Christ, and a safe arrival home. God is doing so many wonderful things amongst the youth of SAPC and our community. It’s a true joy to see the memories and experiences being created this summer that will last a lifetime.


Are you new to SAPC and want to get to know others better and learn more about the heart and soul of SAPC? Our Discover SAPC New Member Class is designed just for you! This learning opportunity will help you get connected on a deeper level to our life, community, ministry, and mission here. We invite you to join us Sunday, September 22, from 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm. We’ll be

enjoying a delicious free lunch together and childcare is available. Pastors John and Mat will be your facilitators for the fun, interactive, and informative time together. Register at or and contact the Church Office with any questions you have. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mission & Outreach


Thank you to everyone who donated to our very successful shoe drive! We have over 260 pairs of shoes and are still counting! If you didn’t get a chance to get your shoes, you still can! The Amphi Clothing Bank is always in need of new shoes for kids! Thank you for your amazing generosity and kindness! We can’t wait for the children to see their new shoes!


St. Andrew’s Labor Day Campout is returning for 2024! Come be a part of our intergenerational church family campout in God’s great outdoors on our very own Mt. Lemmon Friday, August 30 - Monday, September 2. Capacity is limited so reserve your spot early. Stay 1-3 nights or just join us for the day and dinner on the mountain. Meals are provided and some camping equipment is available to lend upon request. Enjoy the cool of the mountain and get better connected with others. Reservations are required so don’t delay. Visit to register or contact Scott Fiore to request more info. Cost is $32/person, $63/couple, or $92/family.

Church Life Financial Update

Thank you for your support of our ministries. Please contact Brad Engel in the Church Business Office at 520-297-7201 if you have questions.



For Scuba VBS 2024, we explored friendship with God! Kids participated in different stations that helped seal the daily Bible point in their minds and hearts. We had 84 elementary aged children and 37 preschoolers attend. This amazing week would not have been possible without the donations of time, supplies, and scholarships from this wonderful, giving church.

Mark your calendars for True North VBS 2025, June 9-13, when we embark on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where kids learn that Jesus is a faithful friend we can always trust.


Our next meeting of Super Friends and parents will be on August 4 at 10:30 am in the


Sunday School Rooms. Contact Heather at with questions or to sign up.


Children’s Sunday School will begin on August 11 during the 9:00 am Worship Service. We have Sunday School classes for children ages 2 years old through 5th grade. Our Sunday School teachers are so excited to welcome kids to Sunday School and lead them in learning about God’s love for them!


Third graders will receive their Bibles during the 9:00 am service on August 25. If your 3rd grader would like a Bible, please RSVP to Heather at by August 19 so that we can have a Bible ready for them!

Please join us as we celebrate Back to School on August 12 in between the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services! We honor all our educators and school workers and thank them for their tireless work for our children! A special treat will be available following each of the worship services, a gift from SAPC. We hope you will join us!

SAPC Youth


This summer was full of fun events at SAPC Youth. We held Pool Parties, Water Baseball, and Youth Groups on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Our Summer Interns were Richard Legarra, Bea Johnson, Joel Akins, and we were even able to have Logan Schmidt back with us for the summer as Interim Assistant Director.

Together we planned Youth Groups and learned the ins and out of Youth Ministry all while they volunteered their Tuesday and Wednesday nights to lead Middle Schoolers and their peers, ending the summer sharing their testimonies of how God has moved in their lives thus far.


We participated in our Middle School Mission Days this summer, worked with TIHAN on Monday, and on Thursday, we went to GAP Ministries and sorted items to be prepared for distribution in their warehouse.


We were lucky enough to once again attend Forest Home this summer. We took 65 Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers to camp with us along with 10 volunteer leaders. God moved in incredible ways, building strong connections between our students and leaders. We were able to dive into deep and meaningful conversations about faith removed from distractions of everyday life while enjoying all the fun that Forest Home has to offer. We had an incredible summer at SAPC Youth, and we are so excited to jump into the fall with our students.

For more info about Youth Ministry, contact Tim at

Preschool & Kindergarten

In August, we welcome back our school staff, students, and their families. Please pray that the school, with the prayers and support of our church, will share the love of Jesus this school year!

An important part of St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten ministry is the strong belief that a high quality early childhood education can help lay the foundation for a child’s success. The cost of early childhood education can be burdensome for some families, and we offer a scholarship program designed to provide assistance to our Preschool and Kindergarten families that demonstrate a need for scholarship relief. Our scholarship program is funded

by private donors and various fundraising efforts the school participates in throughout the year. This means that the amount of funds available can change monthly, and there might be times where no funds are available.

We currently have multiple families who are in need of financial assistance at this time. If you feel so called, would you consider supporting our Preschool Scholarship program to help offset costs that could prevent a family from attending our Preschool and Kindergarten? To give, please stop by the Preschool and Kindergarten office or designate giving on the church website ( to the Preschool/Kindergarten Scholarship Fund. Thank you for your support!

Faith Community Nurses


In older adults, falls typically causes hip fractures and head injuries. Falls have harsh longterm consequences because their bodies aren’t able to recover fully.

Make home safer by decluttering key areas, improving lighting, and make safety updates.

Encourage safe, regular exercises to build strength, balance, and flexibility.

Get regular check-ups from primary care doctor and eye doctor to catch problems early.

Treat or manage vision problems.

Use properly-fitted walkers and canes correctly.

Wear comfortable, supportive, properlyfitted shoes and slippers with non-slip soles.

Contact the Church Office if you would like the SAPC Faith Community Nurse Ministry to make a home safety visit.

SAPC Adults


Have you ever asked yourself:

• Who am I?

• Why am I here?

• What’s my place in the world?

• How can I make a difference?

• What does God want me to do with my life?

The course Discovering God’s Vision for Your Life: You and Your Spiritual Gifts will address these questions and more. Along the way, course participants will discover their gifts and consider how to use them.

Examples of course content:

• The Jesus Connection

• Love: The Heart of Spiritual Gifts

• Spiritual Gifts and Burnout

• Bloom Where You Are Planted

Here are some of the comments from SAPC members who participated in the previous training:

• “I have done spiritual gifts inventory in the past, but this class gave more insight and understanding.”

• “It clarified in my mind what I am gifted to do.”

• “Aspects of my personality are actually gifts because they inform how I approach tasks. It’s not always the most obvious skills.”

The class will meet in Alpha from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Sunday, September 8, and on Sunday, September 15. A registration fee of $30 covers the cost of lunch and materials. If needed, childcare can be arranged.

To learn more about the course, contact Jan Foran at 520-300-1782 or email her at


“I don’t have enough time to meet with a Stephen Minister.” How much time do you spend worrying about a problem or a hurt that life has handed you? Meeting with a Stephen Minister only takes one hour, once a week. That’s it. Invest this time in yourself and be amazed at what God will do.

Visit for more information or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.


This month’s Volunteer Spotlight is written to highlight how Elder Mike Thompson and Trustee Carmen Morris each felt and then met the call to serve St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. With the church entering a season of transition, Mike felt not only a sense of obligation, but a call to use his spiritual gift of leadership to serve a second term as an Elder. Similarly, Carmen felt compelled to say “Yes” to becoming a Trustee, using her gift of leadership and accounting skills though the timing was not the best for her personally. Carmen now serves in the role of Church Treasurer.

They both discovered satisfaction and growth while serving St. Andrew’s while collaborating and exploring ideas with others. Mike has become more comfortable sharing his perspectives which has led him to develop greater self-confidence. He learned to trust what God has planned, let go of preconceived ideas, become more open to prayer, and has grown closer to God. He has felt humbled seeing how God acts in unanticipated

ways resulting from decisions that differed from his recommendations. Carmen found herself involved with making difficult decisions about financial governance and developed the confidence to express her opinions after considering the opinions of other Trustees. She found this instrumental for her to continue growing in her faith.

The Nominating Committee will be extending calls for Deacons, Trustees, and Elders. If called, please consider their words of wisdom:

Carmen stated, “I think in order to make our church successful, we have to have people that don’t want to just come to church and worship, but you

need to be an active participant in the actual church itself.”

Mike shared, “Take the call seriously. We have all been paid for with a price and God has called on the church to share the Gospel far and wide. Be a part of that in whatever role you are being called to serve. Do this to the glory of God. Pray about this and ask God to show you how to do something if you are not sure. He will show you.”

We invite anyone to recommend a church member they think would serve SAPC well in any of these leadership positions. If you receive a letter requesting your consideration for a leadership role with St. Andrew’s, please go to the Lord in prayer and listen to Him.

If you would like to recommend someone for any of these leadership roles or if you would like to be considered, you may complete and submit the Recommendation for Nomination form at

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