August 2021 Cross Currents

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Greetings to you, St. Andrew’s!

My main transitional goals as interim pastor are:

I’ve been humbled by your warm reception and the kind welcome my family and I have received as I begin my service as the Interim Senior Pastor and Head of Staff at St. Andrew’s. It has been so fun meeting many of you, and I know that I have many more names and faces to learn! If I haven’t met you yet – I look forward to the chance! If I have met you, the rule of thumb is that I need to say your name at least three times before I have a chance of remembering it – and nametags are my friend right now! Some of you may not be familiar with what an “interim” pastor is. Here is a brief summary describing my transitional leadership role at St. Andrew’s. In Presbyterian churches, interim pastors are hired by the Session on a temporary basis so that the ministries of preaching, teaching, pastoral care, leadership, and staff supervision can continue while the congregation prepares for a new installed pastor. An interim pastor usually serves for 1½ to 2½ years. During this time, important transitional tasks are completed, following a process which is defined by the Commission (COM) on Ministry of Presbytery de Cristo; and it’s times like these when the connectionalism of being Presbyterian is helpful.

• To shepherd a grieving and healing process for the congregation, leaders, and staff. • To help navigate St. Andrew’s, with the Session, to a sustainable, post-pandemic rhythm of worship and mission. • To support the Session in the development of a Congregational Mission Study and the eventual process of electing of a Pastor Nominating Committee. Communication is always important, and it is especially so during times of change and transition. You can expect to get regular updates from me and the Session in upcoming editions of Cross Currents and email updates. There may be times when the process seems either too slow or too fast, and you feel impatient, unsettled, or simply tired. While I am not able to resolve uncomfortable feelings you may experience, I am committed to walking with you and reminding you of the truth of God’s love for you; revealed fully in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. God is not in a hurry, so there is no need for us to rush. Maybe you’ve heard this African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” Friends, we are in this together, and I’m confident that with God, we will go far! Counting it all joy, Pastor Pete

IN T HIS ISSUE... NEW SERMON SERIES House of Blues: Voicing Our Pain to God - Page 3 -

ALPHA LAUNCH PARTY Come Ask the Hard Questions and Connect - Page 5 -

FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL New School Year, New Classes! - Page 6 -

WELCOME, PASTOR PETE! Pastor Pete is passionate about inspiring people to take the next step in their journey of faith so that they can clearly find their place in the community, identify God’s plan and purpose for life, and use their gifts for ministry and mission. Pete spent his childhood in his birthplace of Buffalo, NY, before moving to Arizona as a middle schooler. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona (B.A. 1997 Anthropology and Religious Studies), Austin Theological Seminary (M.Div. 2001), and Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min. 2013). Prior to coming to St. Andrew’s, Pete served Northminster Presbyterian Church in Tucson for 16.5 years as Associate Pastor. Pete is married to Lori, and their two sons are Caden and Brennon. Austin and Oliver, the labradoodles, bring the family constant joy. Pete’s hobbies and likes: exercise, playing guitar, photography, reading, travel, family research, drinking boba tea, tinkering in the garage, and the Buffalo Bills. Pete serves the Presbytery on the Commission on Ministry, and on the boards of two Christian non-profit organizations that serve the Tucson community: Tucson Refugee Ministry (Board President) and Renewal (Counseling) Centers.


Rev. Dr. Pete Seiferth

Interim Pastor/Head of Staff


MOMENT FOR MISSION REV. NUMAD TOMEH For over 10 years St. Andrew’s has been involved in Good Samaritan Ministry (GSM) in the Middle East, strengthening the Christian witness in a region that is mostly non-Christian, at a time when this presence is challenged by the radical Muslim movement spreading and making it difficult to carry on the Christian message of love, hope, and care.

JOIN US FOR OUR NEW SERMON SERIES, BEGINNING AUGUST 1! What does it sound like for people of faith to voice their experiences of pain and suffering to God? It sounds a lot like the book of Lamentations – five chapters of Hebrew poetry set in the experience of devastation suffered by the Jewish people following the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon in 587 BC. When it’s no longer possible to keep the feelings of loss and pain inside, it’s time to learn how to voice our lament. We may be surprised to know that we are not alone. Others experience disoriented feelings just like we do. Even more importantly, God is present to all who spend time in the House of Blues.

GSM encourages Christians to stay in their homeland and share Christ through their life and action by caring for all people who are facing suffering and daily threats. We are helping refugees and displaced families, providing daily bread and medicine, empowering men and women to support themselves, and supporting children and teenagers to get the basic education they need for a better future.


The funds St. Andrew’s provides are used by local churches, i.e., mainly the Presbyterian church in a small village in Syria where the ministry of the Good Samaritan was established in 1993. This ministry is not limited to the village.

Montlure Camp has plans to return to Greer! After a long road with many hurdles, we are closer than ever. The last several years have given Montlure the opportunity to focus on its mission and purpose for the campers of today’s generations, as well as looking toward the future of what our churches may need in a camp facility. And while the road ahead still has some hurdles to cross, we are excited for what the future holds! Please see sapctucson. org/serve/mission-partners/ for more information on what the first phase of our capital campaign looks like in order to bring campers home for the summer of 2022! For any questions, please email If you would like to support our efforts:

The Rev. Nuhad Tomeh, a mission co-worker with PCUSA for Lebanon and Syria, has attended St. Andrew’s since 1995 whenever he was in Tucson. Though officially retired, Rev. Tomeh still travels back to Lebanon and Syria several times a year.

In Memoriam

Barbara Ruiter | June 21, 2021 Norma Banzhaf | July 13, 2021 3


We do understand that it can be intimidating finding the best place to connect in a church our size. We hope that you can take the next step in finding your people through one of our Connect Groups or Community Groups! Check out just a few of our groups restarting for Fall 2021!

MOMS GROUP Join us this Fall for MOMS group on Thursdays! MOMS group welcomes all mothers who are looking to participate in a Bible study that specifically focuses on mothering while also being supported with prayer and fellowship from other mothers. Our mission is to Make Our Mothering Significant with the help of God, the lessons we learn through Scripture, and the tools provided through our Bible study. Our fall semester will begin on Thursday, September 16, on the SW Campus, downstairs in Room F. Meetings run from 9:30 am - 11:30 am, but feel free to attend for as long as you’re able. Free childcare is also provided by the church with a reservation. This is a wonderful opportunity for mothers to mentor each other through their walk in faith. For more information, please contact Erica Cornett at


CHINESE MAHJONGG GROUP Ladies, we are starting play again, on the second Monday of the month, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Beginners are welcome. Our next game is Monday, August 9, 2021, from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, at Louann Costas house. Call, text, or email Sherie Broekema ( or 520-977-4560) if you are interested, and she will get you signed up and Louann’s address. It’s fun!

FAITH UNCORKED Ladies, come join the fun and fellowship on August 20 as we start our monthly get-togethers again. Bring your favorite appetizer and adult beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of Connie Randall at 1361 W. Placita Del Rey, Oro Valley, AZ 85704. RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapc tuc Women of all ages are invited as we encourage each other to keep on keeping on in our journey of life and faith!

BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP The Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) Women’s Group resumes weekly on Wednesdays at 9:00 am starting September 15. Women of all ages have the opportunity to study the Bible, in the safety of real relationships. Explore the meaningful questions of life, go deeper in relationship with Jesus Christ, and connect with other women in conversations about things that matter.


WHAT IS ALPHA? Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Typically run over eleven weeks, each session looks at a different question that people can have about faith and is designed to create conversation. It’s just an open, informal, and honest space to explore and discuss life’s big questions together. You are invited to an Alpha “Come and See” Launch Party, September 15, at 6:00 pm, in Friendship Hall at St. Andrew’s. Join us for dinner, fellowship, and a video on “Is There More to Life Than This?” Been through Alpha before – come and bring

a friend! Alpha is a great way to get connected with others and is for all ages. Questions about life and faith are the theme each week. RSVP with Connie at or just show up!

FRIDAY MORNING WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY We will begin looking into the two books of Corinthians this coming year. What will we find there? As followers of Christ, we need to know that the early church faced many of the same challenges we face. They were in need of knowing where problems might arise and the resources to cope. They shared the same breathe of fresh air of delight in the faith, just as we

do today. They are books that will give value and hope for each lady. We meet Friday mornings, beginning September 10, and where is TBA. Time is 9:00 am. For more information contact Jan Littlefield at: or 299-6851. Purchase our fall study book for $23. It will be available through Jan.

Class members spend time in personal Bible study during the week. On the day of class, they join other women in a small-group discussion and also hear a teaching leader apply the truths of Scripture to daily life. You will receive comprehensive lesson notes on the passage you studied and lesson questions for the following week.

Walk through Matthew chapter by chapter, exploring God’s Word in context. We will savor the life of Jesus, from His miraculous birth, insightful teachings, unbelievable miracles, and penetrating parables until ultimately journeying alongside Him to the cross and Easter morning. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ shows how God’s one and only Son provides the only path for every human being to find redemption and reconciliation to their creator God. Register at For more information: 5

VBS WRAP UP FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL Children’s Ministry Fall Sunday School starts on August 8! We can’t wait to welcome you back to Sunday School! We will be offering Sunday School at 9:00 am and 10:45 am each week.

We had a great week at VBS June 14-18 where we learned that we’re God’s greatest treasure. Just over 100 kids attended the week. They brought in more than $1,200 that will go to World Vision to purchase mosquito nets for families in areas affected by malaria. Mark your calendars for VBS 2022, June 13-17, for a MONUMENTAL week!

9:00 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 2s & 3s: Room A 4s: Room D Kinder and 1st Grade: Room E 2nd Grade: Room G 3rd Grade: Room H 4th Grade: Room I 5th Grade: Room J 10:45 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL All ages will be together in Room E.

THIRD GRADE BIBLES SAVE THE DATE! Third Grade Bible Presentation will be August 15! More information coming to third grade families soon!


Holy Molies starts again August 17 for the 2021-2022 school year. Holy Molies is a group of 4th and 5th graders that meets once a month for food, fellowship, and fun! We eat dinner together, do a devotional, play games, and hang out. Holy Molies meets the third Wednesday of the month (unless it’s a school break or holiday). We ask those coming to bring $5 to help offset the cost of dinner. We meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm in Room F in the Sunday School area. For more information, contact Shelly at

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS NEEDED! Come and teach Sunday School! We have openings at both the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services for Sunday School teachers. All supplies and curriculum provided. Just show up, and love on kids. Contact Shelly for more information or to volunteer at




What is a Stephen Minister? A Stephen Minister is a layperson trained in his or her congregation to provide high-quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to a person experiencing a life crisis. Since 1975, over 600,000 people from all walks of life have been trained as Stephen Ministers. These individuals, in turn, have brought God’s healing love to millions of people going through difficult times in life. Stephen Ministers are drawn to this ministry by the desire to make a difference during a time of great need in someone’s life. What surprises many of them is the tremendous personal and spiritual growth they experience. Take Bill, a physician from Houston, TX, for example: “As a physician, I’ve been taking care of people for decades. So, I went into Stephen Minister training wondering, ‘Am I really going to learn from this?’ The answer was yes! This training has equipped me to experience the joy of being right where Jesus is working. It’s one thing to tell others Who Jesus is, but when you’re caring for somebody who’s hurting, you truly show Christ in action. Serving as a Stephen Minister revitalizes my spiritual life every day. The training helped me improve my caring skills, and putting them into action is truly rewarding. I’m as busy as anybody, but I’ve found the time for Stephen Ministry – and I’m glad I did. The benefits of Stephen Ministry training – especially learning how to help people understand Jesus in their heart, not just their heads- are wonderful. You wouldn’t want to miss that.” Would you like to know more about Stephen Ministry? Contact Cheryl Smith at (520) 271-6591 to learn more about the Stephen Minister training that will begin in January 2022!

FINANCIAL UPDATE June total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

$172,597 187,483 ($14,887)

“Jesus said…gather up the leftovers so that nothing should be wasted” John 6:12 To reduce the impact on the environment we are encouraged to Refuse, Reuse, Repair, and Recycle. Some Tucson opportunities to repurpose, redistribute or recycle are listed below: • Cero 228 S. Tucson Blvd. Call ahead for hours 520-6007664 they accept an amazing variety of things including empty prescription bottles. • Home Depot – rechargeable batteries and energy efficient light bulbs • Subaru dealership on Oracle / River – Kuerig style coffee pods • Best Buy – non-working electronics, cords, phones and their batteries. • La Encantada Madewell – takes old jeans to be recycled into insulation and gives a discount on a new purchase. • La Encantada L’Occitane – skin care packaging and gives a discount on a new purchase. Faith Community Nurse Ministry gives a big thank you to member Vicky Johnson for investigating the above resources.

Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

$872,440 1,103,300 ($230,861)

During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson.


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