CROSS CURRENTS photo by Frankie Lopez
BUILDING TOGETHER WORDS FROM PASTOR JIM TOOLE Growing up in Florida I have experienced my share of hurricanes and tropical storms. So during hurricane season, I am often glued to the television watching the damage that is created by the waves, water, and wind around the world. It always touches me to see the pictures of people of these communities and neighborhoods walking the streets after a large storm to survey the aftermath. Almost within hours there are folks picking up debris, sweeping the streets, and chipping in wherever they can. I am always moved by how after storms there is often a united front to rebuild. Â The interesting dynamic that many of us face is when we are on the other side of the storm of COVID, the aftermath will be hard to measure. Worldviews, values, economics, lifestyles, and even priorities all have been affected by the winds of 2020. But many individuals, businesses, organizations, and even churches will not know the effects for a while. Some church experts say that the key for an individual church to navigate the storm and its aftermath is to be clear with its Mission and Vision. This is how a church can recalibrate and build a new future together. If we are clear who we are, then we can navigate the unknown. I believe the Holy Spirit divinely orchestrated the fact that our church has been re-evaluating and review
reviewing its vision over the last couple of years, way before we knew the storm that would be ahead of us. So in this current Cross Currents, we have included the updated Vision, Mission, and Statement of Faith the Session voted on this year. There have been endless committee hours and focus groups that have drafted our direction. My hope is that all of this work will not just become a document that sits on our webpage; rather the foundational values, beliefs, and strategy on which we build our future together. In our August Sermon Series, Building Together, we will spend four weeks looking at our Vision: Looking Upward, Maturing Inward, and Reaching Outward. Rather than just hearing me preach our Vision, I am going to have many of our staff share it from their perspectives during this series as well as some of our church leaders. My hope is that we will be reminded about what is essential to our church and that as we navigate uncharted waters, it will take a united front of all of us living out our Vision together. NEW SERMON SERIES Building Together Looking at the Essential Practices of Our Church If we are to follow the steps of Jesus, then we need to walk together. Our church has spent the last year fine tuning our Mission, Vision, and Statement of Faith. We will spend the next four weeks looking at our Vision: Looking Upward, Maturing Inward, and Reaching Outward through the eyes of some of our staff.
VISION To know God and to make God known through lives transformed by Christ
MISSION We joyfully pursue our Vision by: Looking Upward — deepening our relationship with God through inspiring worship, energizing prayer, and increasing reliance on the Holy Spirit; Maturing Inward — transforming our lives by studying God’s Word, developing greater intimacy with Christ and one another, and living the Christian life; and Reaching Outward — journeying beyond our walls to show the love of Jesus Christ to our community and the world.
STATEMENTS OF FAITH GOD: We believe there is only one God: Creator, Sovereign Ruler and Sustainer of all things, infinite and eternal, present and personal. (Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 45:18) We know the one true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, Who are one in essence. (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed)
HOLY SPIRIT: We believe the Holy Spirit is God’s constant presence in the world. We believe the Holy Spirit indwells every believer, teaching and leading believers in God’s right ways, and empowering us to use our spiritual gifts to love and serve God. The Holy Spirit binds us together with all believers to do the work of Christ in the world. (Acts 1:8, Acts 2:38, 1 Corinthians 12, John 14:16-17)
We believe Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him. (John 14:6) We believe in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, fully human and fully divine, and the only One through Whom we know God. (John 1:14, Hebrews 1:1-3) We believe Christ is God’s unique agent for the salvation of the world. Even though Christ did not sin, through His sacrifice on the cross He took on our sin so we could be made right with God. (John 3:16-17, Romans 10:9, 2 Corinthians 5:21) We believe Christ will come again in glory and judgment. (Matt 24:30-31, Acts 1:11)
STATEMENTS OF FAITH BIBLE: We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is God's story setting out God's plan for our salvation and defining our relationship with God and each other. The Bible is the unique and authoritative witness to Christ in the world and our ultimate guide in the Christian life. (Acts 8:30-35, Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
PRAYER: We believe prayer is our essential and intimate conversation with God. Through prayer we praise God, give thanks for our blessings, confess our failings, and petition God to intercede in our lives and the lives of others. Through prayer we receive strength, comfort, and guidance. (Mark 11:24-26, James 5:13-17)
GREAT COMMANDMENT: We believe that God desires a deep and powerful relationship with each of us. Jesus told us that the Greatest Commandment is “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Because Jesus loves us, He commands us to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39)
THE GREAT COMMISSION: We believe we are commanded to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
CHURCH: We believe the Church is the Body of Christ on earth, binding all believers into one universal community. We believe as members of this community, we are dependent upon each other and upon the grace of God in Christ. We believe the Church encourages and empowers believers to use their spiritual gifts to collectively carry out Christ's commandments to preach the Good News, to love our neighbors, and to serve all people of the world. (Acts 2:42-44, Romans 12:4-6a, Colossians 1:17-18) REVISED BY SESSION 6/9/2020
We believe that God calls us to love and serve others. We strive to live out our faith by doing our best to show the love of Jesus to everyone, fulfilling Jesus’ commandment to “love one another as I have loved you.” (John 14:12)
CHILDREN'S DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY VBS WRAP UP: We traveled on the Rocky Railway for a week during VBS 2020. While we didn’t get to meet in person, we still learned about how Jesus’ power pulls us through! It was a great experience with 52 families participating and 87 kids (and adults) registered. We look forward to next year when we set out on a treasure quest to discover that God’s greatest treasure is us! Scheduled for June 14-18, 2021 SUNDAY SCHOOL-LIVE! Each Sunday we meet via Zoom at 10:15 am for Sunday School LIVE. Heather and Shelly lead kids in a discussion of a Bible story. We also get to share about our lives and connect with each other. If you want the link or need more information, contact Shelly at We’ve been having an average of 16 kids each week. FALL SUNDAY SCHOOL: Even though we’re not meeting in person for Sunday School, we will start our fall Sunday School series on August 9 with all ages studying the Lord’s Prayer. We will take a part of the Lord’s Prayer each week and look at it closely. PRESCHOOL SUNDAY SCHOOL: Shelly is working on some new and exciting things for our preschool Sunday Schoolers. There might even be a puppet or two involved. Preschool parents, stay tuned to your email for more information coming soon! PAGE 4
Youth Ministry is ever-changing and shaping in this time. Tim and Richelle are constantly trying new things to engage with students. Due to our summer camp at Forest Home being cancelled, we wanted to provide some fun challenges including memory verses and belly flops to keep some of that tradition alive! The Youth Groups are meeting in person in the NE Campus parking lots from 6:00 pm 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays weekly with some flexibility due to the monsoon. Our goal is to cultivate connectivity in a time that we can feel very alone and isolated. Because things are constantly changing, we recommend following @sapcyouth on Instagram and Facebook, checking the website, and opening any email updates sent out for updated information. We want to be able to pray for our students and their families so please feel free to reach out to Tim ( or Richelle ( We are looking forward to fall and planning some more fun and safe socially distanced activities!
ADULT DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY What's happening and what's to come in Adult Discipleship Ministry! Tuesday Afternoon Conversation Group Discussing Devotional Classics: Sharing insights and spiritual renewal from our weekly readings.... sharing of our hearts and souls. Wednesday Lunch Bunch Book Study: Reading and sharing together "The Gift of Being Yourself" by David Brenner. Growing in our understanding of the gift God has given each of us by being who He created us to be. Wednesday Evening Book Study and Discussion, "The Color of Compromise" by Jemar Tisby: Discussing Jemar's insights into the truth about the American Church's complicity in racism. Faith Uncorked via Zoom August 14 at 6:00 pm! Bring your appetizer and favorite beverage and we'll encourage each other in our life's journey! Contact Connie at Alpha Coming Soon - Online! Watch for start date and time. C R O S S C U R R ER NETISS E| P| APG A EG E6 4
stay connected
A Stephen Ministry Story
Good News Community Church (GNCC) has been our Partner Church since 2013, when it was designated as one of the New Ministries of Faith That Works, and is our August Moment for Mission Partner.
“Mark and I had been married 26 years. Our sons were 18 and 20. We loved being parents, but with our younger son graduating high school, we were eagerly anticipating the empty nest and having more time for each other.
GNCC serves the inner city, impoverished and spiritually starved Miracle Manor neighborhood of Tucson, including the homeless, addicted, and hurting people who roam the area; an area that has been overrun by sin and darkness for decades.
In the fall, when our younger son started college, Mark began having stomach issues and back pain, which would linger for a few days and then disappear, only to reappear later. He also developed a cough. When his doctor ordered an MRI, the results were devastating—Stage IV pancreatic cancer, already in his liver and both lungs. Mark was only 53.
Pastor Jeff Markland has stated: "We are called to go into the Harvest Field that is the Miracle Manor neighborhood, to represent Jesus’ love and grace, to bring people in need into a right relationship with Jesus, and to make disciples in the image of Christ.”
I talked to my pastor about it, and she suggested matching me with a Stephen Minister. I agreed, and less than two weeks after Mark was diagnosed, my Stephen Minister came for the first of her weekly visits. It’s difficult to convey how important this Stephen Ministry relationship was for me. Our pastor was wonderful, and we had an amazing amount of support from many other people, but the time I spent with my Stephen Minister was the only time in the week when I could truly focus on my own needs. She was there just for me.”
To find out more about how Stephen Ministry can help you or someone you know, contact us through one of our pastors, the Caring Ministry link at, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.
TO SEE MORE OF THIS STORY, PLEASE VISIT ady_Reminder_of_Gods_Presence.pdf
SERVICE WORSHIP: ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER NAVAJO NATION Our brothers and sisters on the Navajo Nation need help. The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the Nation particularly hard. Many families live away from town, so they don’t have running water or electricity and have to come to a local church to cook and shower. Others must drive up to 60 miles round trip to grocery shop. St. Andrew’s is working with the Presbytery to help meet the need of the Navajo Nation. We will collect supplies as part of Service Worship on July 29 from 8:00 am-10:30 am on the SW Campus. Monetary donations can be made via check with Service Worship/Navajo Nation in the memo line. Please see the list of needed supplies at Additional donation opportunities will be announced soon.
SERVICE WORSHIP The Navajo Nation Supply Drive is just one part of our August 2 Service Worship: Encourage One Another! Please check out the many opportunities to bless others. Due to COVID-19 and restrictions on schools, we have modified what we can do but are excited to offer some encouragement with our “Grab N’ Go Goodies!” We are also looking forward to helping children in need with school supplies, helping our homeless friends at La Frontera, as well as pouring out a blessing on the Navajo Nation!
Learn more and sign up today at
June total revenue $192,726 Monthly revenue required 184,633 Difference $8,093
Year to date revenue $955,628 YTD revenue required 1,115,905 Difference ($160,277)
Financial Update