Summer 2021 Cross Currents

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To know God and make God known, through lives transformed by Christ

In This Issue

1Mission Rocky Point 2021 VBS 2021 Summer Choir

Service Worship Serve Our Schools

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 520-297-7201

Join us on June 12 for the Jim Toole 1K! Come join us to celebrate the life and legacy of Rev. Dr. Jim Toole in our Inaugural Jim Toole 1K at Riverfront Park on June 12, 9:00 am - 11:00 am (walk begins 9:30 am). To continue Jim’s legacy of serving the community, we will be collecting new tennis shoes, sizes kids through adults, for the Amphi Foundation and walking together around the park. Community organizations and ministries will be sharing ways to serve in Tucson. Whether you walk or just stop by to say, "Hi!" and celebrate Jim, we hope you can join us! Learn more at *RSVP on our Facebook Event at so we can be ready for you! Also, if you can’t participate in person and would like to donate to the Jim Toole Memorial Fund, visit to help purchase shoes for kids. PARTICIPATING MISSIONS & MINISTRIES Amphi Foundation, Casas Alitas, ICS, Faith that Works, Tucson Refugee Ministry, J-17, Community Renewal, Box of Hope Ministries, All Your Heart Fitness, Eagles Wings of Grace CROSSCURRENTS | PAGE 1

HOME IS IMPORTANT HELP US BUILD ONE Think of all the possessions you have, and which one is the most important. For many of us, we are thinking of our homes. Home represents so much to us – a place for family, security, meals, sleep, and relaxation. Now try to imagine that you don’t have a home. How much would be missing from your life? Many people living in Rocky Point, Mexico, don’t have secure homes. 1Mission is a non-profit that works to strengthen communities in need and one big part of this is providing safe, secure homes for families who are in need. Each family is required to do 400 hours of community service to qualify for a home, and many of the families work with us to build their homes. They are invested in the final result. This October 14-17, St. Andrew's will be sending a team to help build homes in Rocky Point with our friends from Pantano Christian Church. If you are interested in helping a deserving family who is working to strengthen their community,

please consider joining us. There is a special bond that develops when serving on a large project like this with your immediate family, and church family and we have many families who serve together on this trip. There are opportunities to work on the house, work in the kitchen cooking meals for everyone, or help with a Vacation Bible School type activity. No prior experience is required, just a willing heart. Registration will open June 13 and will close August 10. Additional details can be found at rocky-point-2021/. A Passport or a Passport Card is required for this trip. Because there was no trip in 2020 due to the pandemic, this year’s trip will be smaller than some previous years. If you are interested in going, you should sign up early. For questions, please contact Kevin Oxnam at 520-471-3811 or We hope that you can join us.


PASTOR JIM TOOLE'S SERVICE WORSHIP SERVE OUR SCHOOLS, JULY 25 The legacy continues! The Mission Team voted to honor our late pastor by renaming Service Worship to Pastor Jim Toole’s Service Worship. Pastor Jim was always a huge supporter of community service, so we thought that it would be a nice way to remember how passionate he was about honoring what Jesus commanded us - to love our neighbors as ourselves. We are excited to be able to offer projects back in the schools, and the schools are excited to have us! We received three school project requests within one day of the letter going out! Some of the projects include: cleaning cafeteria and outdoor picnic tables, landscaping, classroom help, installing cement benches on a playground, new paint lines for a basketball and hopscotch court, teacher appreciation items, painting a staff lounge, and more! We have added wish items to the school requests this year. Some of those items include: art supplies, playground balls (soccer, basketball, kickball), arts and crafts materials, used tools for a STEM lab (pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, nails, etc.) If you are out and about this summer and see any of these items, we would appreciate receiving them for the schools! Thank you! We are looking forward to getting back to serving our schools so save the date, July 25! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn at

SUMMER CHOIR This year, Summer Choir will be held on Sundays in July and the first three weeks of August. All you need to do is come to the Choir Room at 10:00 am to learn an easy anthem, socially distanced both there and in the Sanctuary Choir Loft. No prior musical experience is necessary and we accept all ages. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a mask to rehearsal and service. Come and make a joyful noise unto the Lord!! 02



This year at VBS, kids will discover that they are priceless to God! Treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold, it’s you! Each day kids will experience worship, hands-on Bible stories, games, stories of real kids living out their faith, and sciency fun gizmos! Here’s an overview of the week: Day 1: Bible Point: God knows you. Bible Story: God identifies David as the future king. 1 Samuel 16:1-13 Day 2: Bible Point: God hears you. Bible Story: David escapes Saul and writes Psalms to God. 1 Samuel 23:1-14; Psalm 86 Day 3: Bible Point: God comforts you. Bible Story: God reassures King Hezekiah. 2 Kings 18:5-19:34

Summer Sunday School Starting May 30, kids preschool through entering 3rd grade in the fall will start putting on the armor of God. During the summer we will talk about each piece of armor, why we need it, and how God helps us.

Day 4: Bible Point: God forgives you. Bible Story: Jesus reinstates Peter. John 18:1-21:19 Day 5: Bible Point: God chooses you. Bible Story: God chooses Esther to save her people. Esther 2-8 VBS Wish List: Hand Sanitizer: small bottles with flip tops (not pumps) Disinfectant Wipes Green Plastic Tablecloths (rectangle)

Preschool will be in Room C. Kindergarten through 3rd grade (based on their grade in fall 2021) will be together in Room F with Ms. Heather and Ms. Shelly.

Kids entering 4th and 5th grade will continue their study of the books of the Bible and Bible skills with Mrs. Lantz in Room H. 02


Adult Discipleship Update FAITH UNCORKED Join us Friday, June 25, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, for a monthly fellowship for women! Bring an appetizer to share and your favorite beverage. Share life together and be encouraged. Contact Connie at

LIFE TOGETHER Life Together Groups are meeting weekly at different times and days! This is a great way to connect, share life, encourage one another, study God’s Word, or a spiritual direction book. It is important to be together and as Acts says, devote ourselves "to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." As Pastor Jim encouraged us in his last sermon, “Study together - The theology of knowing what we believe and why we do what we do in the Kingdom is important." Learn more at or contact Connie at

F.A.M.I.A. - Families Affected by Mental Illness or Addiction Do you or someone in your family struggle with mental health issues or addiction? F.A.M.I.A., Family Encounters, offers a paradigm shift in supporting families affected by mental illness and addiction. This crucial knowledge and skills are needed by family members to take care of themselves while they support their loved ones in new and effective ways. The Encounter includes education and skills instruction. When coupled with therapy and healing modalities from other providers, this can re-story your family’s future. Learn more about this opportunity at

YOUTH MINISTRY SUMMER UPDATE We are back with summer programming starting June 1 and 2 with our Summer Pool Parties! (See our Facebook page for locations.) After that, we are looking forward to a summer filled with some normalcy like Volunteer Interns, Mission Days, Water Baseball, and Forest Home. Summer Youth Groups will resume Tuesday, June 1, from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm for High School and Wednesday, June 2, from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm for Middle School.


"I'm Vaccinated... Now What?" COVID 19 virus science is still being discovered and that’s why we’re getting frequent new guidelines on how to avoid contracting the illness. Since the experts don’t know exactly how to progress on “Community Normalization”, we’re being asked to do the following three “W”s: Wear a mask – still some doubt on whether a nonsymptomatic vaccinated person can pass the virus. Wash hands – that has always been a good hygiene suggestion to avoid all germs. Wait six feet apart.

Chinese Mah-Jongg Ladies we are starting play again on the second Monday of the month, from 1-3 pm. Beginners welcome. Our next game is Monday, June 14, from 1:00 pm - 3:00

As we transition into what is called the “new” normal, outside venues are better than indoor and we should avoid crowded areas. “Risky mixing” is a new way of saying look around, be alert, assess the crowd, and determine in your own mind if the group probably follows suggested guidelines. The things you should do are as follows: Do not delay necessary surgical/medical procedures Do routine medical/dental exams

pm, at Julie Taylor’s house. Call, text, or email if you are interested and I’ll get you signed up and Julie’s address. It’s fun! Sherie Broekema 520-977-4560

Still on the not sure list is if the virus survives on surfaces, but wiping down grocery items is not necessary. Think twice about traveling out of the area, but if you do fly, direct flights are best. We’ll have feelings of uneasiness when we first shake hands or hug, but with God’s Grace and our trust in Him we’ll transition into the new normal with ease. - From your Faith Community Nurses References: Center of Disease Control Pima County Health Department Tucson Medical Center Panel April 7, 2021

In Memoriam Dorothy Gruver May 2, 2021

Mary Lynn Guyot May 10, 2021

Chuck Tyree May 3, 2021

Roxana Garrity May 18, 2021


I Began to Feel God’s Love Again STEPHEN MINISTRY

It all began soon after I moved to live near my family. I had just ended an eight-year relationship and was depending on them to be my support system. But a few months after I arrived, they unexpectedly had to move away—so I felt very, very alone. Not long after they moved, my grandfather passed away. It was one of the hardest times of my life. I knew I needed to talk to someone. My new church had Stephen Ministry, so I talked to my pastor about getting a Stephen Minister. It started off a little bit slow. I was unsure how I’d feel about sharing deep, personal things with someone I didn’t know very well. Her consistency and compassion for me really came through and I realized she was a safe person who wasn’t going to share what I told her with anyone else. We developed a deep relationship, and I felt like I could truly share anything with her. I’d been struggling with some spiritual wounds that were intense. As my Stephen Minister walked next to me, I felt safe and comfortable. I shared my deepest hurts with her—painful things that I feared she might judge me for and that made me wonder if God could possibly love me.

After I told her those things, I was nervous and dreading her response. I worried that she would think I was an awful person. Instead, she put her arm around me and said, “I’m sorry you had to go through that.” That was a turning point for me. To go from fear of judgment to a positive affirmation of care, empathy even sorrow for what I’d been through. It was so meaningful. That’s when I began to feel God’s love again. God was there loving me through her. I experienced God’s sorrow, God’s compassion, and God’s love. It made all the difference for me. Do you need someone to walk beside you along a difficult journey? Then contact us through one of our pastors, the Caring Ministry link at, or call Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.

Financial Update April total revenue


Year to date revenue


Monthly revenue required $182,487

YTD revenue required $733,330





During the months from May through September, our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson.

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