Cross Currents Summer 2019

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blankets, nail clippers, Chapstick, combs, and brushes. A complete list can be found on the St. Andrew’s website. We want to thank you in advance for stepping into faith for others in need! SAPC ACTION ITEMS: • Stepping into Faith Shoe Drive We will be filling the St. Andrew’s big van with new children’s and teen shoes! The drive will take place from June 2-16 and will include other requested supplies as well. Look for the St. Andrew’s van in the Courtyard on the NE Campus and in front of the Sanctuary! Supplies will go directly into the van! Thank you for showing God’s love in this unique way!

MEET THE NEED: NEAR AND FAR St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has discerned the call to stand in the gap for the asylum seeking migrants in need. We desire to do this in two ways:

NEAR: TUCSON The City of Tucson is currently experiencing a crisis situation with the influx of asylum seeking migrants legally arriving in the United States and being dropped off in Tucson. City leaders have put their political differences aside, come together, and reached out to faith communities for help. Most migrants arriving in our community are parents, children, and pregnant women from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. ICE or Border Patrol drops the families off at churches or hospitality centers around the city. As many as 240 travelers have arrived at those locations in a day. CrossCurrents (020349) May 2019 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704

One of the centers is Casa Alitas, sponsored by Catholic Social Services, which helps the travelers contact family members in the United States. They may also help them get a confirmation number for a bus ticket which family members have purchased. Casa Alitas provides a safe place to rest, rehydrate, eat, and care for the children. They also provide a change of clothes, hygiene items, and a chance to clean up. The turn-around is usually one to two days. How can we help? June 1-16 - Stepping into Faith We will be partnering with Tucson’s city leaders, Catholic Social Services, Rincon Congregational Church, and St. Mark’s Presbyterian to help fill the need for this crisis. One of the best ways we can help is through supplies, especially children’s shoes. We’d love to get 1000 pairs of children’s and teen shoes to replace worn out shoes with brand new ones. “As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15 Some of the other supplies we will be collecting are: socks for children and adults, underwear for children and small adults, deodorant, travel

• Prayer Vigil We will be hosting a 12-hour Prayer Vigil on June 17 from 6:00 am 6:00 pm in the Chapel. Let’s join together in prayer for the asylum seeking migrants who are being dropped off in Tucson as well as the complex migrant crisis at hand. Please sign up for a 30 minute time slot, or please feel free to stop by at any time.

FAR: GUATEMALA A new opportunity has been brought to St. Andrew’s to meet the need of those experiencing poverty and other struggles in Central America. World Vision, a global Christian humanitarian organization, partners with children, families, and their communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. We will be partnering with World Vision on a new project in Guatemala this June. St. Andrew’s hope is that through this new partnership, we can help provide safe, stable communities with access to food, medical care, and education. Bringing these opportunities to vulnerable children and their communities dramatically drops the need to migrate away from their home country.


As you can imagine, the need for showers around the city has been a growing issue, and everyone wants to borrow the shower unit! We have been working with city leaders and other churches to provide the shower unit to wherever it can be of the most use. We recently heard a story of an asylum seeking migrant father trying to give his baby a bath in a toilet. He thought it was a sink with fresh water! On Wednesday, May 15, some of the city leaders came to Casa Maria Soup


Faith That Works Tucson has officially come under the Community Renewal 501(c)3 umbrella as of May 8! Our vision is to spread the love of Jesus Christ by uniting and mobilizing churches, businesses, and individuals to serve, strengthen, and provide hope to a hurting world. We have recently had the privilege of working with Steven Bosse of Bosse Rollman P.C. for all of the legal work involved with becoming a non-profit for the poor. We honestly cannot thank their law firm enough for all of the dedicated hours that they have given to help us launch successfully! This has been such a blessing!

Another blessing has been working with David Saint John as he has designed our new logo! We cannot wait until we get to show this off to you all!

Kitchen to watch the shower unit in progress. They were amazed and excited at the same time and want to partner with us to secure grants to expand the shower unit ministry! We really need your help for the summer! If you would like to volunteer with the shower unit, please email RuthAnn Smithrud at Thank you!


International Kids Kamp – July 7 - 12 It is not too late to sign-up for Kids Kamp. Volunteer positions include counselors, drivers, navigators, and many others. You can volunteer at and use the password “NATIONS.” Deadline for signing up is June 23.

We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord will use Faith That Works Tucson to advance His Kingdom. We want to thank our congregation for continuing to support us with your kindness, openness, and generosity!

NEW FICTION, JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER READING! From beloved author, Francine Rivers, her two latest novels: Bridge to Haven - A tale of temptation, grace, and unconditional love set in 1950’s Hollywood, and The Masterpiece – “A highly sought-after artist by day and clandestine graffiti prankster by night, Roman Velasco has shut his heart—until Grace Moore shows up on his doorstep.” USHERS NEEDED Bring your winning smile and willing hands to one of our weekly usher teams. Ushers are asked to serve one service, one week per month (and the occasional special service or event). Demands are light and rewards are great. We have openings at the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services. For additional information, contact Louise Davis at or (520) 460-6168.

Loving Isaac by Heather Kaufman – A single mother with a special needs child is running from her painful past until she meets studious, predictable Pastor Matthew Schofield and shakes up his life. Deals compassionately and realistically with the challenges and joys of having a child on the autism spectrum. Until We Find Home by Cathy Gohlke - “As Hitler marches across Europe, citizens in the bucolic Lake District of England fight a quieter war of their own, taking in child refugees while preparing for the ever-looming threat of Nazi invasion of their peaceful haven.”-- This powerful historical novel features a suspenseful and heartwrenching plot and unforgettable characters. *** Attention Library Patrons! If you’re traveling this summer and unable to return your library books within our normal 4-week checkout period, just put your expected return date on the green checkout sheet or enter it in the computer. *** C R O SS CU RREN TS / 3


Our last day of Sunday School was May 19. We’ve had a great year! We’ve welcomed new families, participated in Children’s Worship, and learned about God. We will kick off fall Sunday School on August 11. Summer Sunday School will get underway on June 2! This year kids will be studying the fruit of the spirit. We are looking for teachers to lead small groups. A bulk of the Sunday School time will be spent in large group with others leading songs and telling the story. Small groups will meet at the beginning and end of the Sunday School time and give you a chance to unpack the lesson with the kids through an activity or two. Heather does all the prep work for activities so all you need to do is review the story before Sunday and show up 15 minutes before worship ready to love on kids and teach them about Jesus... It’s the greatest job really! We are asking for people to sign up for two to three Sundays. Contact Heather to volunteer at

VBS Update:

We are getting closer and closer to Roar VBS on June 10-14! We have 320 kids registered so far for VBS as of May 14. .

Friday Night Program:

Join us to see what we learned during VBS week on Friday, June 14, at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Can’t make Friday night? We will be doing the program again at the 9:00 am service on June 16.

Do you want to roar with us?

Adult Crew Leaders Needed! Jump in and help kids learn about God’s love for them. You would be in charge of leading kids from station to station and building relationships with a small group of children. Shelly promises to pair you up with an amazing youth crew leader, too! Contact Shelly at to volunteer.


Heather and Shelly are heading to Kenya in August for a mission trip with other children’s directors. They are still looking for donations to assist with the cost of the trip. As of May 15, you all have donated $6,701 of the $9,500 they need for the trip. To donate, you can write a check to St. Andrew’s with Kenya Trip in the memo line. Shelly and Heather can’t wait to share their trip with their sponsors with a Facebook group while they’re in Kenya and a thank you lunch after they return! For more information, contact Shelly or Heather at

Check out our supply donation list at

CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry




HS | JUNE 4 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM MS | JUNE 5 | 6:15 - 8:15 PM We will be starting our summer Youth Groups with pool parties! Come and eat some great food while celebrating the start of summer! The High School pool party will be on June 4 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, location TBD, check the website for updates. The Middle School pool party will be on June 5 from 6:15 - 8:15 pm, location TBD, check the website for updates.

Forest Home is coming just around the corner! We are beyond excited about this incredible week in the San Bernardino Mountains with students entering 6th grade through graduating seniors! It is an amazing adventure filled with games, worship, teaching, zip lining, hiking, blobbing, competitions, friendship, and more! Camp dates are July 7-12 and the cost is $460. We may still have a few spots left, Scholarships and Sibling Discounts are available!!



Since so many Middle School students (incoming 6th - 8th graders) and their friends are involved in VBS, we will be adding the opportunity to make the most out of your week! Mission work is not just something we go and do, it is a part of our life. During the Middle School Mission Days, we will get a chance to serve in our own community and perform acts of Christ’s love. We will be doing two mission adventures following VBS Monday, June 10, and Thursday, June 13. Students may do one or both of the days. You can register online at!

This June 16-22, High School students will have the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Los Angeles. This trip, in partnership with City Service Mission, will help you experience a city. Living firsthand among the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of urban life is an irreplaceable experience. By offering your time, energy, and prayers, ministry sites are supported and built up to their full potential of service.

CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228 RICHELLE KING, Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x 208 C R O SS CU RREN TS / 5



Needing a course correction? Do you feel sidetracked in your spiritual life? Take advantage of a conversation group led by former pastor Rev. Carla Williams. Our resource material is a recently published book by Presbyterian pastor Rev. Rachel Srubas. Benedictine Promises for Everyday People: Staying Put, Listening Well, Being Changed by God. Join us this summer for a six week course on Wednesdays at 9:30 am in the Garden Room, starting June 19. Sign up at the Discipleship Table or contact Connie at Books will be available for purchase.


We need to build the St. Andrew’s endowment for future generations. Your gift will further the spiritual and charitable purposes of our church. A substantial endowment will decrease the reliance and pressure on annual giving. Besides an estate gift, other options include required minimum distributions from an IRA, stock, gifts that pay income to you, life insurance and more. Please consider St. Andrew’s as part of your estate planning. For more information, contact the church office at 297-7201.

In Memoriam

Beyond Sunday Series You are invited to attend our “Beyond Sunday Series” a quarterly event planned for all men and women to experience encouragement in your faith journey. The next series meeting is Saturday, September 7, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm in Friendship Hall. For more information or to sign-up visit the Discipleship Table or contact Connie at Presbyterian Women Southwest Fall Gathering Ladies, make plans to come to the Presbyterian Women Southwest Fall Gathering on October 4-6 at the Redemptorist Renewal Center (7101 West Picture Rocks Road). Get Connected Live! The Adult Discipleship Ministry will be hosting Get Connected Live on Sunday, August 25. Get Connected Live will be an opportunity for us to showcase the Adult and Youth discipleship activities, Church Life ministries, our Library, and local outreach ministries that are occurring at St. Andrew’s. This event will provide an opportunity for people to become aware of the many ways to get involved here and meet the folks who are leading. Alpha –Launch Night! Come party with us! There will be yummy food as well as fellowship and FUN! Alpha will kick-off Wednesday, September 11, at 6:00 pm in Friendship Hall. We’ll be sharing what Alpha is and how you can sign-up! Contact Connie Randall at, or stop by the Discipleship Table in the Gathering Place.

Faith Community Nurses POSITIVE AGING IN JUST FOUR WORDS Health educator Tara Parker-Pope says what she learned about living well can be summed up in the following four words: • Move - Exercise on a regular basis and limit your sedentary time by getting up and stretching periodically. Your mood, energy, and sleep might significantly improve. • Nourish – We’re told to eat food (not too much) and mostly from the plant family. However, it is equally important to take in things that nourish us emotionally and spiritually. • Reflect – Take time daily and weekly to pause and reflect on our lives, relationships, work and service and making needed corrections are essential to our well-being. • Connect – Isolation is a risk factor in physical and emotional illness and connecting with others is crucial and includes cultivating our connecting with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. St. Andrew’s Faith Community Nurses have resources to help you as you seek God’s peace in mind, body and soul. Contact: Louise Doran 529-7748 Source: January 2019 article in Living Compass

Charlotte Patt April 26, 2019 Jack Boire May 4, 2019 Joe Wilcox May 7, 2019


CONTACT CONNIE RANDALL, Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x211




T H U R S D AY S / / 9 : 1 5 A M

1 S T T H U R S D AY S / / 1 2 : 0 0 P M

History group begins a new lecture series Thursday, June 27. The topic is the history of the United States from the 1500’s to the Clinton era. Lectures are video presentations given by noted history professors. They last one hour and are held Thursdays in Fireside beginning at 9:15 am. You are welcome to stop by and check it out. To learn more contact Dick Kampa or Louise Doran

All widows are invited to join us for lunch on Thursday, June 5, at 12:00 pm at Wild Garlic Grill and Thursday, July 11, at 12:00 pm at El Charro. While you’re there, you’ll be making and renewing friendships that are so special. Please, plan now to come!

W E D N E S D AY S / / 1 1 : 3 0 A M

Hey ladies - come and join us for lunch on Wednesdays at Beyond Bread this summer from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. We will be sharing and reading together A Confident Heart by Renee Swope. Contact Connie at

Find Your People!



S U N D AY S / / 1 : 0 0 P M

4 T H T U E S D AY S / / 7 : 0 0 P M

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Against those things, there is no law.” Come learn how these virtues play an important role in your life. Join us Sundays at 1:00 pm in Fireside starting June 9. For questions, contact Anne Lewis at anne.

St. Andrew’s Book Club will meet Tuesday, June 25, at 7:00 pm in the Church Library to discuss The Hare With Amber Eyes by Edmund DeWall. For our July book, we will meet Tuesday, July 23, to discuss All You Can Ever Know, a memoir by Nicole Chung. Contact Katrina Lantz: 297-5437 or for questions.

FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT April total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

$178,638 191,849 ($13,211)

Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

As always, reservations are required so please contact Myra as soon as possible to guarantee your place! Myra Christenson at 744-9720 or

FAITH UNCORKED F R I D A Y, J U N E 7 / / 6 : 0 0 P M - 8 : 0 0 P M

Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food and encouragement! This month we will be meeting at Noble Hops, corner of La Canada and Lambert. RSVP to Connie Randall at or visit the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place.

$745,730 685,403 $60,327

During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson. C R O SS CU RREN TS / 7

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