Cross Currents - Summer 2020

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EMAILED TO THE CONGREGATION MAY 23, 2020 Dear St. Andrew’s Friends and Family, This has been a time that we will never forget. In the past 10 weeks, we have witnessed our church, community, state, and world endure a time of disruption and isolation. We have been separated from our families, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and church family. We long for things we once took for granted – a hug, a cup of coffee with a friend, a Sunday at church. The world around us has changed. We are changed. If we think of the next couple of months as simply resuming what we did earlier this year, we will be disappointed. God calls us to give thanks for what was and to move forward in grace and gentleness, proclaiming the promise found in the Letter to the Hebrews, “Jesus Christ is the same: yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:9). This letter outlines the plan for beginning to reopen our campus in the coming weeks, and as you read, we ask you to keep two things in mind: First, please be aware that some of us are eager to return and continue back to 100% as quickly as possible. On the flip side, many of us are still planning to wait and be with our church family from a continued physical distance. We are making plans for the months ahead with both groups of people in mind so that that we can balance these different needs in a safe, secure manner, and so that we can continue to be a unified church as we move forward. (continued on page 2 >>>)












Second, as we continue ahead, everyone will benefit if we extend grace to one another. We ask that each of us choose up front to be gracious with one another every step of the way. Our community and the world around us will know that we are Christians, not by our programming, building, or resources, but by our love. In an effort to continue living out our mission as the church and reunite, we have prayerfully put together the first phase of our reentry plan. Every effort is being made to ensure that our steps will align with local and state guidelines and CDC recommendations and help ensure that everyone remains healthy.

SAPC REENTRY PLAN - PHASE ONE - BEGINNING IN JUNE: Office opens with limited hours and staffing 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Monday - Thursday Visitors should wear masks while on campus, use hand sanitizer upon arrival at the office and should wash hands or use hand sanitizer after exiting the campus No more than one visitor (unless from the same family unit) should be in the lobby area at one time in order to maintain social distancing If you are sick or at risk, we recommend you stay home and contact us via phone or email Facilities closed, but only open to approved Addiction Recovery and Support Groups The campus remains closed. Only the administrative person operating the office and a pastor should be present. All other professional staff will continue working remotely. Worship Services continue online (This option will continue indefinitely.) New summer programming will be prepared Bible Studies continue on Zoom VBS Online the week of June 29; VBS Planning Team content creation happening with guidelines Worship on-campus with guidelines (target start: late June or early July)

Our Session has been meeting regularly and will continue to meet as we discern our path forward. In an effort to gather your input and comfort levels, we have created a survey below. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions and share your thoughts with us. We value your feedback! In Christ, The Session of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church




SERVE OUR SCHOOLS We are still going to try to bless our schools on August 2! This year, we are going to add three schools on the west side that do not receive any community support in response to the request from the Superintendent of TUSD and two Associate Superintendents overseeing their areas in need. Our working groups will be small in size, but we can still do big things to help! We will be providing many bags of blessings! Some of the items that you can begin collecting are listed to the right. Please hold onto your items until later in June! Thank you for helping us bless these hard-working schools! More information will come later in the summer!


Barnum’s Animal Cracker small boxes: “This place would be a zoo without you!” Chips and Salsa: “You’re Nacho Ordinary Teacher” Rulers: “Thank you for helping us grow.” Hershey’s Chocolate Bars: "2,4,6,8 we apHERSHEYate all you do!” Popcorn packets: “You make our school pop!” Pretend flowers: “Thank you for helping children bloom!” Smile stress balls: “You’ve got us smiling ear to ear for all you do each year!”


THANK YOU ST. ANDREW'S During this pandemic, we’ve seen so many people step up in incredible ways to continue to be the Body of Christ.

We have such a wonderfully, generous church! Thank you to everyone who poured out the blessings for the elderly in care facilities and for Northwest Hospital’s health care workers! We were able to provide more than 300 large print cross word and word search puzzles as well as all kinds of colored pencils and markers to go with these! Love Thy Neighbor Ministries was overwhelmed by the support and said that these would bless three different low-income care centers in need. We worked with a contact on the Board of Trustees of Northwest Hospital to bless their front line workers to provide 300 goodie bags during their Hospital Week. We were told that these really lifted the spirits of these amazing workers! During this pandemic, we’ve seen so many people step up in incredible ways to continue to be the Body of Christ. We had over 100 cards that you all made which were so beautiful! It reminds us that the church is not the building but the people who are called by Christ to be His hands and feet. Thank you St. Andrew’s for your hearts to care for others!

BACKPACK & SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE We will collect BACKPACKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES in July for the children at Gospel Rescue Mission, the Karenni children tutored by St. Andrew’s members, and one of the refugee agencies. Needed: colored pencils, highlighters, crayons, college rule paper, etc. Watch for information on collection sites. If you don’t know what to buy, ask your children/grandchildren or write a check with backpacks in the memo line. Questions? Contact Jan Littlefield at 299-6851 or Thanks for your help.


UPDATE ON CHANGE FOR CHILDREN Many of you have asked what is going on with our Change for Children collection. Well……we plan on continuing the collection once we return to church…the needs for our mission partner Alliance for Children continue to be great. Considering the effects of quarantine and food supplies the need will most likely intensify. This year, our goal is to raise $10,790 to help orphaned and vulnerable children attending ACE’s FaithWorks CHANGE FOR CHILDREN: ALLIANCE FOR CHILDREN EVERYWHERE schools. Funds raised will place textbooks in the hands of two thousand children who would otherwise miss out on school due to hunger, loss of family, or intergenerational cycles of poverty. Together we can help FaithWorks students realize stronger futures for themselves and their communities. What can YOU do? You can write a check and send it to St. Andrew's with Change for Children in the memo line. If you are leaving town for the summer and have a basket or baggie of change that needs to get picked up, you can call or email Sandy Kreamer at 520-400-3287 or, and she will set up a time to pick up your change. Thank you for your continued support of this wonderful mission partner. Hope to see you all again soon.

CDC recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public settings to slow the spread of the virus and to help people who do not know if they have the virus from transmitting it to others. The covering should have the following characteristics: Fit snugly over the nose and against the sides of the face. Secured with ties or ear loops Include multiple layers of fabric Allow for breathing without restriction Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change of shape Face coverings should not be placed on children under two years or on anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. Finally, individuals should be careful not to touch their eyes, nose and mouth when removing their face covering and wash hands immediately after removing.

Congratulations to the Class of 2020! The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.

Youth Discipleship Ministry

Youth Ministry is ever-changing and shaping in this time. Tim and Richelle are constantly trying new things to engage with students. The youth groups are meeting on Zoom calls weekly, there are Instagram Live videos going up, and consistent contact with students. Our goal is to cultivate connectivity in a time that we can feel very alone and isolated. Because things are constantly changing, we recommend following @sapcyouth on Instagram and Facebook, checking the website, and opening any email updates sent out for updated information. We want to be able to pray for our students and their family so please feel free to reach out to Tim ( or Richelle ( We are incredibly blessed to have a congregation that is willing to invest in the lives of young people! Thank you for celebrating all of our graduates of all ages!

Adult Discipleship Ministry Updates FAITH UNCORKED

Calling all women: if you are looking for a fun night of fellowship, encouragement and friends, join us for Faith Uncorked! This month's gathering will be June 19, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. We hope to be meeting in person, with social distancing. More details to follow soon. For questions, contact Connie at


Are you looking to take the next step in your faith, or to dive further into a faith community? Conversation Groups can offer a space for you to meet with others, share life together, and learn more about what God has in store for you. Contact Connie Randall, to start a group, or to join an existing group. Let us support you in your faith journey.

CHAT AND CHECK IN DRIVE THRU Every Wednesday for the month of June, from 9:00 am 11:00 am, Pastor Mat, Pastor Jim, Connie, and some of the staff will greet folks who want to just drive through to Chat and Check In. Many of us are feeling bored, restless, disconnected, or in need of prayer. Feel free to merely drive through the parking lot by the offices and we can take a few minutes to connect and to pray. We would love to see you. Just another way for us to stay connected in these difficult times.

Stephen Ministry Remains Open for Those In Need

Solar Update

TFS Solar, our solar contractor, is continuing work on design and permitting for the four solar canopies planned, two on each campus. So far, the COVID-19 mitigation doesn't appear to have a significant impact on their progress; however permitting for both campuses is taking time. Our latest estimate for installation is towards the end of 2nd Quarter, August or September. We will continue to keep you informed as progress continues. - Physical Resources Committee.

When everything else seems “Closed,” during the current pandemic, Stephen Ministry remains “Open” for those in need. Stephen Ministers are carefully trained, working under the care of Stephen Ministry Leaders and Pastors, to walk along side of those dealing with a crisis or chronic situation, such as: Death of a loved Loss of a relationship one Life transitions Hospitalization Chronic illness Loneliness or Birth, adoption, discouragement miscarriage, or infertility Spiritual crisis Relocation Unemployment or job Recovery after an accident crisis or disaster A terminal illness While we aren’t physically holding hands during this pandemic, you can count on your Stephen Minister to visit with you weekly by phone, text, Skype, or other technology until it is safe to meet in person once again. If you think it would help to have a listening friend during your tough time (or if you want more information), contact us through a Pastor, the Caring Ministry link on the church website, or Cheryl Smith (520-271-6591).

Flower Team

The Flower Team at St. Andrew's would like to thank Linda Petersen and husband James Snyder for the donation of two beautiful silk flower arrangements! You may have noticed the arrangements in the Livestream services. Flowers enhance the worship experience and remind us of the beauty of God's world.If you are interested in learning how to create flower arrangements and participating in the Flower Team ministry (when we return to in-person services), please contact Lisa Behr at or 520-609-7296. We would love to have you join us!

Financial Update

April total revenue. $153,805 Monthly revenue required 189,821 Difference ($36,016)

Picture Directories

If you missed picking up your picture directory, you can pick yours up during Chat and Check In Drive Thru on Wednesdays from 9:00 am - 11:00 am in June. Otherwise, please email Pastor Mat at and he will arrange another option. (We only have enough left for those who were photographed. If you would like a directory, but were not photographed, email Cathi at and you can receive a PDF copy of the directory.) Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

$685,347 748,369 ($63,022)

During the months from May through September our income regularly falls far below the expenses for the same period. This is a good illustration of the need for more regular pledged giving, so revenues continue to meet expenses during the times that many of us are away from Tucson.

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