December 2019 Cross Currents

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The season of Advent is several things: a time of expectation, a time of anticipation, a time of waiting. There is a sense, however, in which Advent can be seen as a road that leads from Thanksgiving to Christmas. It is a road which we have traveled before. On California’s west coast there is a highway stretching some 600 miles from San Diego to Sonoma. It follows the original mission trail carved out by Franciscan Friar, Junipero Serra, in the 18th century. It is called El Camino Real, meaning “The King’s Highway” or “The Royal Road.” The road we travel these few weeks leading to Christmas is, in many ways, also a Royal Road which culminates in a stable in Bethlehem, but it does not end there. For Bethlehem is, for Christians, only the beginning of a Royal Road we travel throughout our lives. As we travel this road, we walk with a companion. “Joseph went up from Nazareth to Bethlehem with Mary, his wife, who was with child. And while they were there, she gave birth to her first born son.” There it is, the whole mystery of Christmas wrapped up in a few words. It is a journey which begins in Bethlehem and continues throughout our life to its destination, which is an empty tomb in Jerusalem and the promise of eternal life. Throughout this life-long journey, Jesus is the companion who walks with us, unseen, but always present. Jesus is “El Camino Real,” “The Royal Road,” the faithful Companion for all our days. For Jesus is Emmanuel, “God with us," on every step of our journey throughout Advent and beyond. - Rev. George H. Pike

11TH ANNUAL ST. ANDREW’S CHRISTMAS CONCERT December 14 | 7:00 pm | SW Sanctuary

This combined music ministry of St. Andrew’s presents the Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Wittman Ringers, St. Andrew’s Sisters, and Children’s Choir in concert, featuring music specifically designed to bring Christ into the center of our Advent season and lead us joyfully and prayerfully into Christmastide. Join us in the Sanctuary at 7:00 pm on December 14 for this glorious event.

ADVENT SERMON SERIES WHO DO YOU SAY I AM? NAMES FOR THE COMING KING Throughout scripture there are many titles for Jesus. These names for Jesus not only give us a glimpse into the character of Jesus, they give us assurance of how our Savior operates

in the world as well as in our own lives. By focusing on the person and character of Jesus throughout the Advent season, we will prepare our hearts for the coming King.


Join us for fellowship and outreach on December 22 at 2:00 pm in Friendship Hall! We will meet, form groups, and then head out to carol at assisted living facilities. Then we’ll return to the church for a cookie exchange and fellowship. Please sign up for this event so that we know how many people to expect and can arrange visits with the assisted living facilities. Sign ups can be found online at and at the Connection Point in the Gathering Place. Questions? Let Shelly know at

CrossCurrents (020349) December 2019 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704

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Each year, our Mission Committee chooses a mission partner to receive the Christmas Offering from our Christmas Eve services. This year, they have chosen More Than a Bed. More Than a Bed (MTaB) provides support to foster, kinship, and adoptive families for the children in their homes. Necessities such as clothing, beds, shoes, toys, diapers, baby gear, dressers, and household items can be found at our warehouse where qualified families come to shop at no charge. MTaB’s assistance enables existing foster parents to remain in the system and can encourage others to join in providing homes for Tucson's at risk youth. In 2014, MTaB served 5 families. By the close of 2018, over 800 families (2200 children) have received resources from MTaB. The request for support is overwhelming and grows at 30-40 families per month. Since no money arrives with the child, foster parents must scramble to supply clothing, beds, and school supplies for older children. Premised on the belief that supported foster parents can be a powerful catalyst in improving a child’s future, MTaB wants to provide the tools for parents to give the nurturing necessary for children in foster care to become self-fulfilled, productive members of society. The entire community must share the responsibility of keeping children safe and protected from abuse and neglect.

DECEMBER 1 | 6:30 PM This is a service to help people who are experiencing loss of any kind: from the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job or vocation, or the loss of what used to be normal. Whatever is weighing us down and preventing us from enjoying the Advent season. We are going to take time to lift up our losses to God and create a space within us so we can have Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy. Come join us in the Chapel on December 1 at 6:30 pm.


Mary displaying Packing lunches for Daily Bread.

Thank you, St. Andrew’s family, for your unwavering support of this ministry. Because of your generous hearts and willing hands, Daily Bread continues to provide weekly lunches and pantry items to the clients of the La Frontera East clinic.

few were even dairy-free! Several staff members have allergies so this additional thoughtfulness was very much appreciated. Furthermore, every loaf was wrapped in beautiful bows and ribbons and many included notes of encouragement.

During our September Service Worship Project we decided to do something extra. Many of you signed up to make pumpkin bread for the La Frontera staff as a gift of gratitude for their tireless work in this important field of mental health. We delivered approximately 150 loaves of every shape and size. There was pumpkin bread, zucchini bread, and banana bread! Some were nut-free, some gluten-free, and a

The staff was so surprised and overwhelmed by your generosity that the telephone calls of thanks continued for days afterwards. Many expressed how appreciated and valued they felt. The best part in all of this is that your provisions point to the Great Provider, Jesus Christ! May God continue to be seen and glorified through you!


Mary displaying bags for the homeless.

Mary Mobley learned to knit as a child from her grandfather who knitted by candlelight and immigrated to the United States from Sweden. Mary has been knitting 50 hats for years for the firefighters who adopt families at Christmas time in Kansas City where she used to live. Mary’s father was a Presbyterian pastor in Kansas City so she knew of a mini-shop in an old cathedral that helped children identified in need by schools. The children could choose home-made shirts, dresses, and shorts. Mary guessed that she probably made 300 dresses in one year.

Lisa with her All Your Heart Fitness Tribe


Lisa Skillman loves working out and helping people. She combined two of her favorite things to do, and now her ministry, All Your Heart Fitness, blesses the community. Lisa has 100 people around her whom she calls, “a great tribe of people who are so giving and who always want to reach out and help people.” She tells the story of a recent gently used tennis shoe collection for children

in need at TUSD. Her ministry blessed them with two boxes of great shoes which were gone in 45 minutes. She heard that one of the little boys asked for a pair of shoes for his father because he was starting a new job. When Lisa does an “ask” from her friends, she tries to focus on items that her own son or daughter would want to wear, so she encourages good quality. All Your Heart Fitness is currently

When asked what prompted her to recently make beautiful, soft bags for carrying items, she replied, “I have made bags before, but after I heard the moment for mission on La Frontera, I was prompted to give the bags to those who are homeless. People serve in different ways. I work well by myself, and I just like giving the items that I make away. I see different needs that are brought to attention at St. Andrew’s, so that’s motivating me.” Mary doesn’t want any acknowledgment for what she does, she simply would love to see someone wearing one of the hats or using the bags she made. That would make her smile.

collecting socks and underwear for those TUSD children who come to school without. All Your Heart Fitness has collected many different items and consider blessing the community “a present in itself.” Lisa loves seeing the way God works through others helping others and says that “God expects us all to do what we can, and then He just guides you through it.” / 3


If you are a widow, you are invited to a special Holiday Luncheon on Thursday, December 5, at 12:00 pm in Friendship Hall on the NE campus. Enjoy a catered Scandinavian holiday meal. Soloist, Mark Gary, tenor, will provide Christmas music. The price is $15.00 and please RSVP no later than November 30 to Myra Christenson at 744—9720 or All widows are encouraged to attend, even if you’ve never attended before. Welcome, Ladies!


FREE MONEY for St. Andrew's Preschool, Faith That Works, and other St. Andrew's Mission partners. Yes, that is right, Free Money. You have the opportunity to use any money you have paid in Arizona state taxes and give it to specific local organizations which support the Tucson Community. The state of Arizona has a tax credit law which allows you to keep your Arizona State tax money in the local community. You can give up to St. Andrew's Preschool, Faith That Works (as a tax credit for the working poor), and More Than a Bed assisting foster care in the Tucson area. There are even more St. Andrew's Mission partners who can benefit. One Sunday, November 24, Steve Bosse, attorney and St. Andrew's Trustee, will be providing more information on tax credits. Please see the posting on our website for more specifics, or see the insert in the bulletin on November 24. Let’s have our state tax dollars stay in the community and support our local community.


St. Andrew’s Kindergarten is funded 98% by tax credit donation. Making a tax credit donation directly to St. Andrew’s Kindergarten allows our school to provide tuition assistance to families that select our Kindergarten program. Tax credit donations can be made anytime up until April 15, 2020 for the 2019 tax year. Single taxpayers can donate $569 in the Original Tax Credit, then up to an additional $566 in the Plus Tax Credit programs. Married filing jointly taxpayers can donate $1,138 in the Original Tax Credit, then up to an additional $1,131 in the Plus Tax Credit programs. Donations must be made through the Institute for Better Education (IBE), which is a School Tuition Organization set up by the State of Arizona to receive tax credit donations and award tax credit scholarships to qualifying students. Tax credit donations can be made on the IBE website (, where you will receive a donation receipt to use when filing your taxes. You can also pick up a donation envelope in the Narthex and mail a check to IBE. In this case, a donation receipt will be mailed to you. In both cases, be sure to designate “ST. ANDREW’S KINDERGARTEN” as the Recommended School.


October total revenue $150,010 Year to date revenue Monthly revenue required 133,233 YTD revenue required Difference $16,777 Difference

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$1,629,368 1,483,318 $146,050


Angel Sunday is coming December 8! All children who are two, three, and four or in Kindergarten will be featured as angels during the 9:00 am and 10:45 am worship services. The angels will process around the sanctuary during the service. This year, we will provide tinsel for halos. Costumes can be worn, but we will not be able to provide them this year. Children will meet in the Narthex before each service to line up to process. The Children’s Choir will also process and sing on this Sunday.

CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry


During Advent, the 2nd through 5th grades will be taking a deep dive into Isaiah 9:6 and exploring the four names for Jesus listed there. As part of their study, they will be doing activities we are calling Encountering Jesus. These activities give them space and time to tune their spiritual antenna to Jesus, listen to what He has to say to them, and pray about applying Scripture to their lives. This is different than anything that we’ve done before in Sunday School. Please pray that the children and teachers will be open to hearing Jesus’ voice as we prepare for His coming on Christmas.



Join us as we tie fleece blankets at Youth Sunday School on December 15 and donating them to Called to Love Ministry. Come at 10:45 am in the Boondocks for this great opportunity to receive service hours and be involved in giving this Christmas season.



The tradition of the SAPC youth gift exchange is here again. Bring a wrapped gift whether it is something you have at home or something you bought under $5. High School’s will be Tuesday, December 17, from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Middle school’s will be Wednesday, December 18, from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm. Ugly Christmas sweater or any Christmas attire is welcome and encouraged.

SAPC Youth is rolling out a new opportunity for parents of middle school and high school students. Tim and Richelle want to invite parents to meet with them as the year closes out. If you have any questions about your kids, concerns, or just want a resource, there will be time slots for you to sign up during the weeks of December 1 - 14. For more information or with any question contact Tim or Richelle.


Don't miss our annual Youth and College Ski trip to Durango, Colorado. During rodeo break, we will be taking a bus to Durango to enjoy time together, ski or snowboard, and of course worship and teachings. You won’t want to miss out on this amazing trip February 20-23, 2020. Register at

CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228 RICHELLE KING, Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x 208

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Let’s celebrate the coming of Christmas by being together to experience what it means to be empowered with a joyful heart for our journey as women. Please join us for the Women’s Christmas Brunch on December 7, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Rev. Pati Toole will be sharing from Nehemiah 8:10! There will be a delicious brunch catered by Café a la C’arte. Cost is $20 and childcare will be available. Signup at or at the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place.



Attention readers, crafters, decorators, and those who love Advent. The SAPC Library is ready for you. We have a large variety of Christmas and Advent books for you to enjoy. Maybe you need to ask the spiritually hard questions; our non-fiction section has you covered: Away with the Manger; A Spiritually Correct Christmas Story. Perhaps this is your first Christmas in Tucson: Christmas in the Southwest will give you numerous ideas on how to celebrate with local flair. If you need ideas on how to make the holidays special, try: The Little Book of Christmas Joys, 432 things to do for yourself and others that just might make this the best Christmas ever. Maybe it’s your turn to tell the Christmas story: We have a large variety of children’s books that tell the story of Jesus’ birth from many different perspectives, including even, the innkeeper’s daughter! Perhaps you are looking for a quiet comfy read. There are several excellent Christmas Christian fiction books for you to enjoy. As an added bonus, the library will be decorated with beautiful crèches from all over the world from December 8 to Epiphany Sunday on January 5. We look forward to meeting you! 6 /

The Faith Walk book for December is Assimilate or Go Home by D. L. Mayfield. From childhood, D. L. Mayfield longed to be a missionary, so she was thrilled when the opportunity arose to work with a group of Somali Bantu refugees in her hometown of Portland, OR. As the days, months, and years went by, her hopeful enthusiasm began to wear off, her faith became challenged, and the real work of learning to love and serve her neighbors grew harder, deeper, and more complex. She writes: “The more I failed to communicate the love of God to my refugee friends, the more I experienced it for myself. The more overwhelmed I felt as I became involved in the myriads of problems facing my friends who experience poverty in America, the less pressure I felt to attain success or wealth or prestige. And the more my world started to expand at the edges of my periphery, the more it became clear that life was more beautiful and more terrible than I had been told.” Harper Collins Review. We will meet December 19 (a week early because of Christmas) in the church library at 4:00 pm to discuss the book. Please join us.


Thursday, January 23, 2020 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm


The ladies are on break through the holidays. They will return to their study on the Beatitudes on January 10, 2020. They will be using the Creative Living Bible Studies book, the cost is $10. It will be a study that will change your outlook on God and help you come closer to Jesus through His love. They would love to have you join them! For more information, contact Jan Littlefield at 299-6851 or


Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study will resume January 8, 2020 with an 8-week study of the Beatitudes where Jesus describes the qualities and blessings available for His followers. We meet in The Gathering Place from 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm with time for fellowship, discussion, and prayer. Study books are $10 and will be available January 9. Contact Linda Sebastian 299-3167 or for more information. Whether Bible study is new to you, or you’ve been studying for years, all are welcome. Please join us!



Did you know… • Flowers that decorate our Sanctuary each week are purchased and arranged by volunteer designers from our church? • Your $40 dedication gift pays for an arrangement that could cost $200 from a florist? • Designers use the Sanctuary flowers to make smaller arrangements for shut-ins and those hospitalized each week? • There are opportunities for more designers to join the team – and we are happy to train you? For more information about becoming part of our flower ministry team, contact Lisa Behr at (520) 609-7296 or Judy Markham at (614) 330-0896. We would also like to give a huge thank you to Melissa Franklin for all of her hard work during her time with the Flower Ministry. Your behind the scenes work has not gone unnoticed and we have been so blessed by your gifts.


Cure versus Healing Cure may occur without healing: Healing may occur without cure. Cure separates body from soul; Healing embraces the whole. Cure costs; Healing enhances. Cure combats illness; Healing fosters wellness. Cure fixes; Healing corrects. Cure fosters function; Healing fosters purpose. Cure manages; Healing touches. Cure encounters mystery as a challenge for understanding; Healing encounters mystery as a channel for meaning. Cure seeks to conquer pain; Healing seeks to transcend pain. Cure acts upon another; Healing shares with a sister, a brother. Reference: College of Chaplains Newsletter, April 1993, Pastor F.W. Recklau

ST. ANDREW’S BOOK CLUB St. Andrew’s Women’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, December 17, at 7:00 pm to discuss The Book of Joy by the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams. Please join us even if you have not read the book as we discuss this narrative which recounts a multiday meeting of two highly regarded spiritual leaders and dear friends— the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Contact Katrina Lantz




Born in Detroit, MI, Jacqueline’s talent for drawing was discovered when she was seven years old. From there, a scholarship took her to UCLA where she studied painting and drawing and obtained her undergraduate degree. During her time at UCLA, she had the privilege of studying with Richard Diebenkorn who greatly influenced her approach to painting. Graduate school led Jacqueline to Paris, France, where she studied visual arts, art education, and plastic arts, theory and aesthetics at the National School of Art and the Sorbonne University. While in graduate school at the Sorbonne, she participated in open studio at the Académie de Port-Royal. During this period she exhibited, at the Grand Palais, at the Galerie Louis Soulanges. Upon graduation her attention turned into building her academic career in art education. After 28 years of art education teaching higher education administration, she decided to return to her initial love, making art. She is now a full time artist living in Tucson, AZ. In addition to being the recipient of a Professional Development Grant, from the Arizona Commission on the Arts, she has participated in one international and several local and national exhibitions. These include invitational, juried group shows, and solo exhibitions. Publications about her artwork have appeared in the Cliente Magazine, Sonoran Arts Network, Art Review, the Tubac Gallery Guide, and Lovin Life After 50. She is represented by Mas y Mas Gallery in Tubac, the Toscana Gallery and Studio in Oro Valley, and Art House Centro in Tucson.

In Memoriam Brad Smith October 30, 2019


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