Cross Currents - December 2020

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D E C E M B E R | I S S U E 1 1 | V O LU M E 2 0 2 0


As the climate in Tucson evolves with COVID-19, we will be planning on events going forward as scheduled, but please continue to follow us on social media and check your email for any changes which may arise. No matter how we celebrate Christmas this year, we pray that it will be a special year together even if physically apart. Women’s Christmas Coffee December 5 | Drive Thru Christmas Concert December 12 | Online Family Movie Night December 20 | In-Person College Reunion Dinner December 20 | In-Person

Christmas Eve Services December 24 | In-Person & Online 5:00 pm | Family Service 7:00 pm | Contemporary Service 9:00 pm | Traditional Service *Reservations requried for In-Person Christmas Eve Services

Please join us online for the annual Christmas Concert: The Gift of Christmas, presented by the Worship and Music ministry of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. The evening will feature pieces by members of the Contemporary Worship Team, Chancel Choir, St. Andrew’s Sisters, strings, a vocal quintet and jazz combo. This worship event will take place, on Saturday, December 12, beginning at 7:00 pm. Be sure to tune in for a night of hearing about the birth of our Savior and the joy it brings through scripture and song.

ADVENT SERMON SERIES: NOT A SILENT NIGHT So often when we sing favorite Christmas hymns like Silent Night, we think we get a picture of what the first Christmas was like. The reality, however, was not unlike moments of our own lives. There was joy, but mixed with pain, sorrow, uncertainty, and adversity. Over the Advent season, we will take a look at a young mother who was unexpectedly chosen by God to bring the Savior into the world. The life that they lived was not always perfect, peaceful, or silent, but it ushered in the grace of God.


From DigDeep: “The Navajo Water Project was designed to ensure residents on the Reservation have continued access to clean, running water. Not only do we install a home water system, we help with maintenance of the system, and we have a regular water delivery system that ensures their tanks are always full. Water trucks are filled from already established clean water access points across the Reservation and surrounding areas. We have also established a bill pay program to support residents connected to water lines so their water does not get shut off.”

Due to the Pandemic, DigDeep has committed to filling 275 gallon storage tanks until the end of the year, and left open the potential for extension into 2021 given pandemic conditions. Once they are back to “normal” operating procedures, they can move back to installing their 1200 gallon home water systems.

DigDeep operates on a 100% model, which means all donations go to their water projects! Even if someone sends in a donation that only says DigDeep, that donation will be allocated to water projects.

For the 275 gallon tote, the estimated cost is $720 which includes tank + modifications (a base and spigot), water delivery costs for six months, and labor.

Our St. Andrew’s Christmas goal is: 10 of the 275 gallon totes for a total of $7200. Let’s bring water to our Navajo Brothers and Sisters for Christmas.

Learn more about this organization at


DAILY BREAD FOOD & SUPPLY DRIVE SIGN UP FOR ADOPT A FAMILY Do you love Me?...Feed My sheep. John 21:15-17

FOR: Clients of La Frontera NEED: Pantry food items WHEN: Wednesday, December 9, 8:30 am - 10:30 am WHERE: SW Choir Room

The clients of La Frontera, most of whom suffer from mental illness and homelessness, are more vulnerable than usual due to COVID-19. Your generous donations will be used to make Christmas Bags for these precious people. Canned items should have pull-top lids as this food will be eaten out of hand. Items needed: • canned chicken, tuna, or Vienna sausages • canned chili or Chef Boyardee • canned soups • peanut butter

• • • •

Saltines cereal canned fruit protein bars

We are also collecting additional items to include as gifts. For men: men’s belts, crew socks, and boxer briefs (snug-fitting ones, not loose) medium-extra large. For women: crew socks and underwear (medium-large).

Adopt a Family is in full swing. You may sign up online at to purchase gifts, food cards, or cleaning supplies for families. If you want to participate but are not comfortable shopping, you can make monetary donations as well. Checks can be mailed or dropped off at the church (put AAF in the memo line). Help is still needed with delivery in mid-December. Sign up to purchase gifts by December 12 at and click on Christmas Mission Projects. The last day to bring gifts to church is December 13. For questions, please contact Kristin Enger at

If you prefer us to shop for you please mail checks to St. Andrew’s with DAILY BREAD written on the memo line or drop off your donation on December 9 so we can say hello and thank you in person. Thank you for your generous hearts and willing hands which always glorifies Jesus as the Great Provider!

FRESH COFFEE MAKES A GREAT GIFT! Fresh roasted, mountain grown, organic coffee from Café Justo makes a great Christmas gift. We have just received a brand new shipment of coffee AND we have Christmas bags to wrap up your coffee, so your gift is ready to go. This delicious coffee will taste even better knowing that we are helping our brothers and sisters in Chiapas, Mexico, our mission partner Café Justo. Call or email Sandy Kreamer 400-3287 or and she will arrange for COVID-19 safe delivery, directly to your home. 3


As with everything, we are constantly thinking and altering how we are planning to do the Christmas play this year. We are planning to make a movie of the Christmas story. Look for details coming in your email from Shelly! The movie will be shown during the 5:00 pm Christmas Eve Family Service. We have not been able to meet in person for Sunday School since March, but that hasn’t stopped the SAPC Kids from meeting, sharing, and studying. Each week CDM staff lead a group of about 15 kids in a Sunday School class on Zoom. “We have a core group of kids that come every week,” said Children’s Ministry Director Shelly Akins. “We have really bonded!”


Christmas movies make the season! Join us this year for a viewing of “The Star: The Story of the First Christmas.” Bring your own chair and snacks and gather in Friendship Hall at 2:00 pm on December 20. Look for more information in the weekly announcements.

Since July, the group has studied Female Founders of the Faith, The Lord’s Prayer, and are now studying Bible stories about Faith. “I’m amazed every week with these kids’ insight and questions,” said Shelly. “They are really thinking about the Bible and their faith.” Kids are invited to join in each week at 10:45 am. Check your weekly email from the church for the link and log in information.

CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry 4


Our second year of Parent Youth leader conferences will be held November 30 - December 9. This is an opportunity for parents of Middle School and High School students. Tim wants to invite parents to meet with him as the year closes out. If you have any questions about your kids, concerns, or just want resources, there will be time slots for you to sign up during the weeks of

November 30 - December 9. For more information or with any question contact Tim at

Thank you to everyone who supported the Youth Ministry Fundraiser at TopGolf on November 12! We had so much fun. Your generous donations and support will help fund the youth scholarship for summer camp, and other events, as well as our youth interns next summer.


DECEMBER 17, 2020 - JANUARY 4, 2021 We will be taking a short break over the Holidays for our youth programming, but will be back January 5 and 6 to start off 2021! CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228


DRESS UP YOUR HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS AND SUPPORT ST. ANDREW’S PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN St. Andrew’s Preschool & to 35% of your purchase price to Kindergarten has partnered with St. Andrew’s Preschool & local poinsettia grower Green Things Kindergarten. Choose from a myriad Nursery to offer an outstanding of exciting colors and sizes. Green donation opportunity to support our Things is known for high quality and school. From November 15 through hardy poinsettias. Get yours and participate in this fundraiser December 31, 2020, purchase your that is a win-win for our school and our community! holiday poinsettias at Green Things Nursery and they will donate up Details and coupon at 5

JANUARY SERIES 2021 Calvin University’s January Series 2021 will feature timely conversations about the future of the Supreme Court, climate change, the era of intelligent technology, civil discourse, racial tensions, the arts as a healing balm, and so much more by top experts in their fields. And access to the award-winning lecture series will be easier than ever. This year, due to the realities of COVID-19, the January Series will have a completely virtual audience. Attendees will be able to watch and listen to the 15 presentations from 10:30 to 11:30 am on weekdays between January 6 and January 26 on their own personal devices, in their own locations, or gather at small remote sites available across the continent. SAPC is one of the locations where you can gather to watch on a large screen with a small, safe community. Whichever way you choose to participate, we look forward to sharing the January Series experience with you right here in our Sanctuary at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church! Visit to learn about the presenters, how to register for personal viewing, or additional remote site details.



Ladies, you are invited to drive-up encouragement/blessing at the SW Campus at St. Andrew’s, Saturday, December 5, between 10:00 am - 12:00 pm! We are excited to be here to hand you a blessing bag of items for YOU! Our encouragement team has been planning and praying for you and we are excited to bless you! Sign-up at and we will see you that morning. Any questions contact Connie at


FTWT is a one year old 501(c)(3) non-profit launched by St. Andrew’s that is focused on helping those in need in Tucson. We are a Christian organization that believes we are called to put our faith into action by helping others. We connect churches, businesses, and individuals together to make an even greater impact. We operate a mobile shower unit to provide showers to those experiencing homelessness, which we loaned to Gospel Rescue Mission Center of Opportunity during COVID-19. They see about 15 clients per day. We have a partnership with the Community Food Bank and Pima County Health Department to provide food to isolated seniors and those individuals and families needing to quarantine during COVID-19, and have organized the collection and delivery of food and other supplies to the Navajo Nation and others, just to name a few. After seven years of dreaming for a city-wide Service Worship event, we just completed our first “Serve Our City” on November 15. We partnered with members from 13 different churches to help bring hope during these tough times. What a blessing to watch the Lord bring all of these outreaches to fruition. We are a tax credit charitable organization so we are praying that you will direct your tax credit for the working poor to benefit FTWT. Your dollars will be put to very good use. Right now, we do not have any employees, so our administration costs are extremely low, so virtually all of our funds go directly to helping others. We are so thankful for your continued support in guiding this non-profit to be everything that the Lord has destined.

FIVE WAYS TO TAKE YOUR MIND OFF THE NEWS FROM YOUR FAITH COMMUNITY NURSES Do you need a break from the 24/7 media and news cycle? Here are five ways to bring some healthy escapism into your life. • Spend time outdoors to clear your head, even as little as 15-20 minutes outdoors can awaken your senses and help you feel happier and more relaxed. Go stargazing and see how many constellations you can recognize. • Socialize and agree not to discuss politics or the news with family or friends. Catch up by phone with relatives and friends you rarely get to see. St. Andrew’s offers many opportunities such as Bible study, book clubs, Youth Group, and service projects – all within COVID guidelines. • Use exercise to take your mind off your worries because it’s a great distraction and improves your outlook and mood. Local community centers and gyms are opening up. Invest in new gear that will revitalize your fitness routine. • Pursue a hobby or interest that’s so absorbing that you won’t miss the news. Almost any fresh and fun activity can be invigorating – cooking healthy meals, learning a new language, quilting, woodworking are some suggestions. • Give yourself some TLC (Tender Loving Care). It’s giving yourself the luxury of doing what you want to do and to say “no” to an outing or event that doesn’t interest you or an invitation when what you really need is to stay home, recharge, and take care of yourself. “Do not be worried or upset”, Jesus told them, “believe in God and also in Me.” 7

SAPC STEPHEN MINISTRY “It was such a burden off my shoulders...” My father-in-law passed away and then one week later my wife died, had a massive heart attack at the age of 47. I was making the arrangements at the church with our funeral coordinator. The pastor stepped in and during the conversation of setting up the funeral arrangements he suggested that I get a Stephen Minister. It wasn’t anything that I had thought about at that point and I didn’t really think that I needed one. After all, I‘m a Deacon and a Stephen Minister so I thought, “I don’t need a Stephen Minister”. But I was grieving, and it was that following Monday that I actually did meet my Stephen Minister. It

was during the general “how are you doing” conversation when that first probing question, “Tell me how you really feel” when everything came out. All the floodgates opened up, my wall just shattered and then I felt such a burden lift off my shoulders. It was unbelievable! He was a football player when he was in high school and then he also played college football and to see this tough guy asking me these very soft and tender questions. It is kind of what helped break down that initial tough guy wall that I had up. I can expose some of those inner weaknesses that I was experiencing at that time


Our solar power installation on both campuses is almost complete! Once the work is completed, we have to wait for TEP’s final clearance before we are in operation. Experience from other solar installations says this could take about 30 days. We therefore are planning for January 1 as our fully operational date. Thank you for your understanding of parking limitations during the installation. - Physical and Technical Resources Committee

2020 FINANCIAL UPDATE October total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

$137,275 137,286 ($11)

because this tough guy was so tender, so caring, so loving. Seeing how my Stephen Minister reached out as he kept reaching with those questions that kept making me probe, “How’s your heart?” “What are you thinking?” I just saw Jesus asking me those same questions, reaching out and giving me a hug. To find out more about how Stephen Ministry can help you or someone you know, contact us through one of our pastors, the Caring Ministry link at, or Cheryl Smith at 271-6591.

In Memoriam

Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

Dorthea Evans November 12, 2020

$1,534,702 1,617,702 ($83,000)

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