Upcoming in Worship
Ash Wednesday Service Join us February 14 at 6:30 pm in the SW Sanctuary or online for our Ash Wednesday Service. On Ash Wednesday, the Church marks an important transition, beginning the great cycle of Easter that extends from Ash Wednesday to Pentecost. The imposition of ashes is the symbol of the beginning of Lent, the season of Lent is a season of penitence and prayer, reflection, and renewal.
Welcome, Pastor John!
FROM YOUR PASTOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE After a long process of faithful effort and prayerful discernment, the Pastor Nominating Committee is thrilled to present the Reverend Doctor John Tittle for nomination as our Pastor and Head of Staff. Now approved, Rev. Tittle will commence his ministry on March 11, 2024. The Rev. Dr. John Tittle grew up in River Forest, IL, a western suburb of Chicago, and is a born and raised Presbyterian who sensed God’s call to be a Presbyterian minister from the age of sixteen. He graduated from Oral Roberts University and holds a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from George Fox University. John’s first pastoral call was as Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Kennewick, WA. John and his wife, Sarah, then spent four years in a Central Washington Presbytery validated ministry of mission work in Alexandria, Egypt. They answered the call to Egypt when their oldest child,
REV. DR. JOHN TITTLE SAPC Pastor and Head of Staff
Abby, was six months old. Luke was later born there. With their team, they studied Arabic and the culture, cultivated friendships, and sought to build bridges of understanding in Christ’s name with the Muslim community. Upon returning to the United States, John was called as Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Douglasville, Georgia. Since 2008, John has served as Pastor and Head of Staff at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in our Presbytery de Cristo. John Tittle’s varied experiences in life, “have fostered in me a love for God’s Word and a desire to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ with passion, creativity, and pertinence” and “have provided a breadth of ministry and mission experiences.” He goes on to say, “The ups and downs and joys and sorrows of ministry have forged a resilience in me to be steady and focused. This living example is important for the leadership and congregation to see that God is leading the church and great things are ahead as we step out in faith into God’s mission for us.” As a part of the Presbytery de Cristo in Tucson, John has been impressed by St. Andrew’s love for Jesus, heartbeat for mission near and abroad, and its rich variety of perspectives. His doctoral work focused on “unified variance” in Christ in the local church. In his own words, John spoke of being “called to walk together with the church along the path of worship where we honor God together.” This includes discipleship and caring for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of the faith community. As a proponent of mission, locally and globally, John values, “a church where we can be open to the Spirit’s leading into the great unknown.” John is honored and excited for the opportunity to serve the Living God in the power of the Spirit with all of us at SAPC! Faithfully serving Christ, Vicky Johnson, Chair Cheryl Smith, Vice Chair Kathy Lokale, 1st Secretary Norm Carlson, 2nd Secretary Linda Currin, Treasurer Todd Autenreith Jennifer Farber Steve Herzog Esther Kim Toby Tobin
On Sunday, January 28, 2024, a Congregational Meeting was called for the purpose of Approving the Terms of Call for Rev. Dr. John Tittle as Pastor/Head of Staff. Acting Moderator Rev. Dr. Brad Munroe, Presbytery Pastor, guided SAPC through the day’s agenda. Vicky Johnson, chair of the Pastor Nominating Committee shared about the PNC’s process and introduced Rev. Dr. John Tittle as the candidate. Following opportunties for discussion and questions, members of SAPC were asked to Approve the Terms of Call. The results were an enthusiastic approval of 97% (298-8)! We are so grateful for the time, effort, and discernment of the Pastor Nominating Committee over the past year! Thank you to those who have participated in the process of the Mission Study, Church Leadership, Committee on Ministry, and SAPC Staff. It was a morning of excitement and celebration! We look forward to welcoming Pastor John and his family as he begins his position in March! Praise be to God!
From Pastor Pete
Greetings St. Andrew’s!
Sheldon Vanauken was a student of the English professor and Christian apologist C. S. Lewis in the early 1950s. He recounts in his book, A Severe Mercy, the story of his last meeting with his mentor when Vanauken was leaving Oxford for the United States. Over one final lunch together at a pub, they had spent time wondering aloud about the nature of life after death. When they had finished eating, they stood outside of the pub, talked for a few more minutes, and just before parting ways, Lewis said to Vanauken, “I shan’t say goodbye. We’ll meet again.” The great apologist then plunged into the traffic to cross the street while Vanauken watched his friend walk away. When Lewis got to the other side of the street, he turned around, anticipating that his friend would still be standing there. With a grin on his face, Lewis shouted over the great roar of cars, “Besides—Christians never say goodbye.” So, even though this is my last submission to Cross Currents as your Interim Pastor, I shan’t say goodbye! Lori and I will continue in ministry in Tucson, and will likely run into you at the grocery store or Costco. If that happens, you are free to say hi – but don’t expect me to talk about church things. This is because, though I’ve served as your pastor for over two years, my role has been transitional and preparatory for the arrival of your new pastor. As John the Baptist said in preparing the way for his cousin, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Your new pastor, The Rev. Dr. John Tittle, will begin serving SAPC on March 11. I’ve counted John as a trusted ministry colleague and a very good friend for over 16 years. John is a deep thinker, creative writer, Christ-centered preacher, empathic listener, wise leader, and a fantastic pastor. Not only that, he is fun-loving and has a wonderful sense of humor. Whenever I am with John, he does two things: He makes me think, and he makes me laugh! I will be in prayer for all of you of St. Andrew’s Church as you transition together into the vital future God has for you!
Thank you, Pastor Pete! Over the past few weeks, you have been so kind to Lori and me though your words, cards (and gift cards!), and well wishes for our future. I’m so grateful to the Session, Staff, and Congregation as a whole for the ways you have loved and demonstrated your care. It’s been an honor for me to serve as your Interim Pastor, and to lift up the name of our Lord Jesus Christ together! For four of the next six weeks, you will be treated to guest preachers who are friends and mission partners of St. Andrew’s. (See page 1) I know you will be blessed by their presence and preaching as you await the official arrival of Rev. Dr. John Tittle in March! Counting it all joy (James 1:2-4), Pastor Pete Seiferth Interim Pastor/Head of Staff
0ur annual Change for Children campaign will kick off on February 11, and Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) will be our Moment for Mission. A representative from ACE will be here to kick off the campaign for all three services. Please also plan to join us after services for any questions that you may have. The goal this year is to again to raise $10,000 for the Graduation Approach. With the Graduation Approach we will be empowering 50 families through the program and out of extreme poverty. This money will go towards monthly food support while in the program, financial literacy, and job skills training, seed capital, and mentoring for starting a small business and maintaining their endeavor. We will begin collecting your donations on February 18 after all services and for the five weeks after that during Lent. Thank you for your continuing support of ACE and its mission. Learn more at childreneverywhere.org.
Adopt a Family 2023 was a huge success thanks to everyone’s support. This year we provided Christmas to 24 families for a total of 102 people (38 adults, 50 kids and 14 teens). Teens and adults were provided $50 gift cards so they could do their own shopping and kids were provided with one toy and one outfit each. Food cards were also given to each family for at least $125. Many gently used items were distributed. A family without furniture was provided with needed items and another family without beds for their girls received a trundle bed. Adopt A Family started with a zero balance available and due to your generosity has an available balance for 2024. As always your support of this ministry has had a significant impact on many families in Tucson.
Financial Update December total revenue $316,591 Monthly revenue required 260,964 Difference $55,627 Year to date revenue $2,790,833 YTD revenue required 2,659,501 Difference $131,332
“I don’t have enough time to meet with a Stephen Minister.” How much time do you spend worrying about a problem or a hurt that life has handed you? Meeting with a Stephen Minister only takes one hour, once a week. That’s it. Invest this time in yourself and be amazed at what God will do. For more information visit sapctucson.org/care or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591
Would you like to honor a loved one or celebrate an event through flowers?
Enjoy fellowship, food, and live music at the Deacon’s annual BBQ Sunday, February 18, following the 10:00 am Unified Worship Service (estimate 11:00 am - 1:00 pm) on the NE Campus. Tickets are on sale at sapctucson.org, in person on Sundays in the Gathering Place, or during the week in the Church Office. The price is $12 per person or $40 per family (includes up to two adults). Prices will increase the day of the BBQ! Don’t miss this opportunity to invite others to come too. Proceeds from the BBQ will go to the benevolence fund which helps to support church members and others in times of need.
The St. Andrew’s Flower Team creates an arrangement on the first Sunday of each month to be used on the Chancel for Worship Services. As a donor, your message would be included in St. Andrew’s weekly email and a pre-service slide! It could be in memory or honor of a loved one, to celebrate an anniversary or birthday, or just because! Following Sunday services, small bud vases are created from the arrangement for the Care Team to share with our ill and homebound members. To make an online donation and create your message, please visit sapctucson.org/music-ministry. On the page that appears, scroll down to Flowers and then click on the ‘Sign Up’ button. For Sundays other than the first Sunday of the month, or for baby bud vases, or if you have questions, please contact Lisa Behr at lkbehr@comcast.net.
Thank you for supporting the flower ministry! New flower team members are always welcome.
Adult Ministry
Join us as we begin a new Lent devotional together. Gathered into One provides daily devotions for each day from Ash Wednesday (2/14) to the Resurrection of Our Lord/Vigil of Easter (traditionally known as Holy Saturday). Devotions begin with an evocative image and a brief passage from 1 Corinthians. The writers then bring their diverse voices and pastoral wisdom to the texts with quotations to ponder, reflections, and prayers. Devotionals will be available at the connect table beginning February 11. Suggested donation $4.
St. Andrew’s Joyful Hikers takes fellowship, prayer, and devotional time outdoors and on the trail! This group welcomes women of all ages who enjoy hiking and want to explore God’s great outdoors. Each month there are two hikes planned; our typical hiking days are Tuesdays and Saturdays. We choose hikes from around Tucson that are for the moderate hiker. The goal of our hikes is to take in the scenery and get to know others in the group. During the hike you will always get to enjoy a snack break that includes a short devotion. If you are interested in hiking we would love to hear from you. Contact Karin Fiore at karinfiore@gmail.com for more information and to receive details on upcoming hikes.
Groups @ SAPC
Women of all ages are invited to our monthly women’s fellowship on February 16. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and beverage. Join us from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm for fellowship, food, fun, and prayer for each other. This month our host will be Merri Kae Vanderploeg (2811 West Puccini Pl. Tucson, AZ 85741). Looking forward to being together. Please RSVP to merrikvp@gmail.com.
To find out more about Groups at SAPC, visit sapctucson.org or email Pastor Mat at mgrover@sapctucson.org!
Friends! We are back! It’s time we Tap our faith! To be honest, we are not sure what that means, but we are back. Come join other men to have a meal together and talk about life and faith. This is a casual, no stress environment. The cost is $10 and it’s bring the beverage of your choice! We will be meeting on March 1 from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Location info will be available soon or email Pastor Mat to get the address at mgrover@sapctucson.org! Please RSVP so we know how much food to cook! See you on the 1st!
Youth Ministry
SUPER SIGN UP SUNDAY Save the date for Super Sign-Up Sunday! Every summer during July, both Middle School and High School groups head to Forest Home Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. It is an amazing week filled with games, worship, teaching, zip-lining, hiking, blobbing, competitions, night games, friendships, and more! Spaces are limited and go quickly. Super Sign-Up Sunday is your best, and possibly only, chance to get your spot. Registration will be open online at 2:00 pm on Sunday, March 3. All of the forms will be available in the Youth Office and online at sapcyouth.com starting at the beginning of February. We can’t wait for you to join us! The dates for summer camp this year are July 7-12!
For Students... The what
Thirty hours. It’s just over one day, but in that short time, more than 7,000 kids will die of hunger-related causes.
The why
On February 10 and 11, our Youth Group is participating in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. It is not right that thousands of people are dying from hunger each day. We are going without food for 30 hours to raise awareness and money so others can eat. It only takes $40 to help feed a child for a month. Our goal is to raise money for these communities in need and with your help, we can change the world! More information and online donation can be found at sapcyouth.com or 30hourfamine.org. We are also collecting socks. Feel free to drop them at the Church Office or on the SW Campus!
The question is: will you care enough to let their hunger move you to action? Inspired by the love of God, you can join the fight. To keep kids alive. To give food to all who go hungry. To hunger for justice.
The how
When you do the 30 Hour Famine, you’re opening your eyes to the reality of global poverty. The funds you raise will bring hope to hungry kids: your brothers and sisters in the family of God.
How can Congregation Members support the 30 Hour Famine? Pray, and ask God to bless our students as they overcome hunger. Volunteer, come and join us during our famine weekend. Give, just $40 can feed and care for a child for a month. Donate, we are collecting new socks for local ministries.
... what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? - MICAH 6:8 (RSV) How can I get involved as a parent? Pray. Pray for your teen, their youth group, their leaders and volunteers, and the hungry kids whose lives will be changed through their efforts. Spread the word. Post your child’s online fundraising page across all of your social media sites and email it to all of your friends and family. Read the student materials (and ask your child if they’ve read ’em!). Become a fasting buddy. Support your student by fasting alongside them (not necessarily from food). A shared experience can open up new avenues of conversation! Host a fundraiser. Ask if you can help run and/or support fundraising activities leading up to Famine weekend. Volunteer. If you’re a youth ministry veteran, you’ll have a blast. And if you’ve never been involved, the Famine is a great, easy way to give it a try. Just ask your student’s leader! From minivan driving to event prep to cooking the break-the-fast meal, there’s a huge variety of ways you can help ensure that the Famine is a lifechanging experience for participants.
Holy Molies and their families are invited to a showing of The Prince of Egypt. We’ll meet in Room F on February 21 at 6:00 pm, eat pizza and popcorn, and watch the movie. Bring blankets, pillows, and lawn chairs. For questions, contact Heather Brannock at hbrannock@sapctucson.org.
SUPER FRIENDS: A Special Need Ministry
Our next meeting of Super Friends and parents will be on February 4 at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Rooms. Contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctuson.org with questions or to sign up.
VBS 2024
VBS 2024 will be June 10-14. Children and volunteer packets are coming soon! Packets will be mailed out mid to late March. Registration is open March 24 - May 17 online at sapctucson.org/kids. VBS Station Leaders Needed: Are you interested in helping to plan our 2024 VBS? We need volunteers to head up the VBS teams: imagination station (science experiments), games, Bible Adventure (a hands-on way to tell the Bible story), Sticky Scripture (a fun way to learn each day’s Bible Memory Verse), snacks, preschool, and decorating. Let Heather know if you’re interested in any of these areas at hbrannock@sapctucson.org.
SAPC Kids is hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 24, at 10:30 am on the NE Campus. We are in need of plastic eggs, small toys, and candy donations (no chocolate please). We hide over 1,000 Easter eggs every year! It takes many volunteers to make this event possible. Please contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org if you would like to volunteer to help hide eggs. Thank you for your support of the Children’s Ministry!
On Sunday, February 18, we will be having one unified worship service at 10:00 am with the annual Deacon’s BBQ to follow. Children’s Sunday school will meet at 10:00 am on this Sunday. We hope you will come and be a part of the BBQ on the NE Campus after Sunday school.
Preschool & Kindergarten
FROM YOUR FAITH COMMUNITY NURSES Top Reasons Everyone Should Know CPR/AED & First Aid According to the American Heart Association, 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency because either they don’t know how to administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) or their training has significantly lapsed.
Registration for our 2024-25 school year is underway! We are registering for our 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and Kindergarten classes. Our Preschool and Kindergarten offers small class sizes, two qualified teachers per class, indoor and outdoor play-based learning and curriculum, within a faith-based environment. You can email Katie at kvidal@sapctucson.org with your intent to enroll to be invited to join Brightwheel, our all inclusive school app, to begin the Admissions Process. Please join us in prayer for the families and children who will be joining our school! If you are looking for ways to give back to our Kindergarten program, please consider making a Tax Credit donation when you file taxes. You can receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona state income taxes while helping remove any financial obstacles that stand in a family’s way of choosing St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their child! For the 2023 tax year, you may donate up to the maximum amounts, $2609 (married filing jointly) and $1307 (single), or your actual tax liability, whichever is less. For more information and to make a donation, please visit the Institute for Better Education (ibescholarships.org) and the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization (acsto.org), or call the school office at 520-742-2969. Donation brochures can also be found in the Narthexes on both St. Andrew’s campuses. Thank you for your support!
One minute is all it takes for a child to drown.
88% of cardiac arrests happen in the home.
Only 6.4% of cardiac arrest victims survive because people witnessing the incident do not know CPR.
Over 200,000 people die of Sudden Cardiac Arrest each year and 50,000 deaths could be prevented.
Why learn First Aid? •
By performing simple procedures and following certain guidelines, it may be possible to save lives by giving basic treatment until medical help arrives.
In an emergency there is no time to read instructions, you need to react quickly and effectively which might make the difference between complete recovery and permanent disability.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is offering classes on Saturday, February 17, 2024, from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm. Each class is $25. CPR/AED follows Save-ALife curriculum endorsed by Tucson Fire Department and taught by an American Heart Association certified instructor. The course includes the following: •
Infant/Child/Adult one person rescuer
Choking maneuver
First Aid Class teaches basic First Aid and is taught by a certified instructor. Contact Louise Doran (520-529-7748) for more information and to register. Also you may sign up in the Church Office by February 14, 2024.