WELCOME St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is an intergenerational community that’s encountering God’s grace together. We believe we have something for every age group that encourages spiritual, relational, and personal growth. Our hope is to be a church community that offers a true authentic substantive presence of Christ to a world that is ready. We are a church community that desires to be the light of Christ in the world beginning right here in Northwest Tucson, shining brightly throughout this city as we move out into our schools, work places, recreation, and our community. St. Andrew’s is called to be God’s kingdom people and by God’s grace we will continue to be just that! As our mission statement says, we strive “to know God and make God known through lives transformed by Christ.” We desire to be a church that not only has deep faith, but deep community. We do understand that it can be intimidating finding the best place to start in a church our size. Our hope is that this book can act as a map to explore possibilities of ways to be connected in our church. We invite you to look through the many opportunities we have at St. Andrew’s, and we invite you to join with us as we seek to become more like Christ.
Rev. Dr. Jim Toole Pastor/Head of Staff jimt@sapctucson.org Ext. 209
Rev. Mat Grover Associate Pastor mgrover@sapctucson.org Ext. 210
CORE VALUES Bible-Centered Preaching/Teaching Lordship of Christ Trusting God and Seeking His Will Stewardship (Talent, Time, Treasure) Praise, Worship, and Glory to God Proclamation of the Gospel Children and Youth Loving Relationships with God and One Another Compassion and Caring OUR VISION We are on an evangelistic, mission-oriented journey with emphasis on bringing Jesus Christ to the world. Worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry development, and evangelism enable us. Three strategic elements define our moving forward: Reaching Outward—Becoming a missional church for whom mission is the organizing principle of all we do. Looking Upward—Strengthening our relationship with God through inspired worship, energizing prayer, and increasing reliance on the Holy Spirit. Maturing Inward—Allowing our lives to be transformed by studying God’s Word, developing greater intimacy with Christ and one another, and living the Christian life.
WORSHIP WORSHIP STYLES St. Andrew’s offers a variety of worship styles every Sunday due to the unique and different ways people experience God. In our Communion Service, we sing praises through hymns, pray, listen to the Word of God through Bible-centered preaching, and celebrate Holy Communion weekly. Check out our 9:00 am service if you prefer a contemporary approach to worship. Worship is led by our Praise Team consisting of guitar, bass, keyboards, drums, and singers. The music selection ranges from current Christian songs to more traditional hymns that have been reset to a contemporary feel.
WHAT IS WORSHIP? Worship is a dialogue between God and His people. Our goals are to create an atmosphere of worship that embraces both believers and non believers, to create exemplary worship that allows complete and free flowing communion between worshipers and God, and to utilize and grow the gifts and talents of the Spirit among worshipers.
In the Traditional Service we feature listening to the Word of God and musical presentations, as well as various liturgy and much prayer. The hymns are led by the organ and the Chancel Choir.
Communion Service | NE Campus | 7:30 am
SUNDAYS @ SAPC Contemporary Service | SW Campus | 9:00 am Traditional Service | SW Campus | 10:45 am Communion is celebrated in all worship services on the first Sunday of each month. Communion is celebrated every Sunday at the 7:30 am service.
WORSHIP WHERE DO MY KIDS GO? Children and students are always welcome at any of our three worship services. We have a comfort room in the back of the Sanctuary for parents with small children for your convenience. We look forward to meeting you and your child or student and strive to make them feel comfortable and welcome! Birth - 2 years old Nursery care is available for babies and toddlers in Room L on the lower level of the Sanctuary on the SW Campus.
2 years old to 5th Grade Sunday School is offered for children ages 2 (by September 1) through 5th grade during the 9:00 and 10:45 am services. At 9:00 am, children begin the service with their parents in worship, and are invited to go downstairs to attend Sunday School. Sunday School ends at 10:15 am. For the 10:45 am service, please bring your children to their classrooms before the service begins.
6th – 12th Grade Youth Sunday School is offered at 10:45 am in the Boondocks, downstairs on the NE Campus. Students may walk across the street on their own or parents can drop them off at the north door of Westminster Hall.
Childcare Childcare is available during the 9:00 and 10:45 am worship services on the lower level of the SW Campus. We also offer regular weekday childcare for our preschool support staff, and childcare for any church related event! Please call or email to make reservations. The nursery will only be staffed for prearranged groups or specific requests. Reservations help us to adequately staff the childcare. If your plans change, please contact Anita. To make childcare reservations, please contact Anita Degnan at adegnan@sapctucson.org. 5
CHANCEL CHOIR Wednesday | 7:00-8:30 pm | Choir Room Prior choral experience is helpful, but the only requirement is the desire to make a joyful noise to the Lord as we lead His people in worship. New members are always welcome! For more information, contact Mark Gary at markg@sapctucson.org.
WORSHIP TEAM Thursdays | 7:00-9:00 pm | Sanctuary We’re always looking for new musicians who have an interest in contemporary Christian music including: singers, guitarists, bassists, etc., and volunteers to work with video, lights, and sound. To learn more, contact Alex Kerby at akerby@sapctucson.org.
10TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT The combined music ministry of St. Andrew's presents the Praise Band, Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Wittman Ringers, St. Andrew's Sisters, Youth Choir and Children's Choir in concert featuring music specifically designed to bring Christ into the center of our Advent season and lead us joyfully and prayerfully into Christmastide. Join us in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm on December 8 for this glorious event.
ORCHESTRA The orchestra is comprised of approximately 40 members and presents fine orchestral and choralorchestral repertoire for worship and special events. New members are always welcome! Please contact Mark Gary for more details and rehearsal dates.
MUSIC MINISTRY STAFF Mark Gary, Director of Traditional Music: markg@sapctucson.org, ext 351 Alexandra Kerby, Director of Contemporary Music: akerby@sapctucson.org, ext 234 6
MUSIC MINISTRY FAMILY WORSHIP NIGHT We want to invite you to the SAPC Family Worship Night! Join us on October 21 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary for an evening of songs and Scripture in a variety of styles. Families are welcome; including kids of all ages, from very young to old! As we dive deeper into how God speaks to us in the wilderness, our prayer is that as one family, we can encounter God no matter where we are in our faith journey. WITTMAN RINGERS Tuesdays | 7:00-8:30 pm The Wittman Ringers perform several times a year during worship and special events. If you would like to join, please contact Arlene Sturm through the church office. A musical background is helpful, but not necessary.
UPCOMING EVENTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 Family Worship Night WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 6:30 pm | Chapel Thanksgiving Eve Service SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 First Sunday of Advent
OTHER ENSEMBLES The St. Andrew’s Clarinet Choir, St. Andrew’s Brass Ensemble, Men’s Ensemble, and St. Andrew’s Flute Choir generally meet for a few weeks prior to their appearance in either a worship service or concert, and the rehearsal times and days are usually flexible to allow as many members as possible to meet and rehearse. The 'Sisters' rehearse for 10 weeks each fall and spring, followed by performances in local nursing homes and retirement communities.
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 7:00 pm, Sanctuary 10th Annual Christmas Concert MONDAY, DECEMBER 24
Christmas Eve Services
5:00 pm Family Service - featuring Children’s Play 7:00 pm Contemporary - featuring the Worship Team 9:00 pm Traditional - featuring the Choir and Orchestra 7
September 9 | 10:45 am St. Andrew's Orchestra September 16 | 10:45 am Wittman Ringers September 23 | 7:30 & 10:45 am Lauren Coleman, flute October 28 | 10:45 am St. Andrew's Orchestra
PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten is a ministry provided by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church designed to meet the early childhood needs of children and families. We believe that the first five years of a child’s life are crucial to early learning and brain development, and we pride ourselves on providing a developmentally appropriate environment and curriculum to help make the most of the years that our children spend with us. We want your child to leave our school feeling successful, and we hope to create a lifelong love of learning within your child’s heart.
WHY FAMILIES CHOOSE US St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten is proud to provide students with a faith-based learning environment. We have a Christian Education component in our curriculum, and our learning goals are aligned to the Arizona Early Learning Standards. We are not a daycare. We have an amazing community, and provide opportunities for families and children to connect. Our staff is top notch. Over 90% of our teaching staff hold education degrees! ST. ANDREW’S OFFERS Classes for children ages 2 through Kindergarten Small class sizes with two teachers in each class Before and after school options to extend your child’s school day Music/Movement and Spanish classes Parent’s Evening Out twice a month for parents to enjoy a date night alone while the kids play! Licensed facilities 8
OUR CURRICULUM Play-based. We believe play is the hard work of a child and we know they learn best through it. Focused on the Arizona Early Learning Standards Developmentally appropriate and individualized to meet the needs of our students Contains a monthly Christian Education component
PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN WHAT WE FOCUS ON 2s Classes: Nurturing our youngest students’ social and emotional development Building gross and fine motor skills Building confidence away from home Working towards bathroom independence 3s Classes: Thematic and centers based curriculum Introduction to early math and reading concepts through play Continuing to foster social and emotional growth Fine and gross motor skills such as scissor/pencil grip and tricycle pedaling 4s classes: Developing writing skills and phonics recognition using the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum Early literacy skills such as sequencing and rhyming Building math skills such as number recognition, counting, patterning, and measurement Kindergarten Classes: Meeting the same Arizona Learning Standards found in public schools Individualized instruction as much as possible. Maximum 18:2 ratio Providing hands-on learning with an array of classroom materials and individual instruction Field trip(s) and regular enrichment classes
2019 REGISTRATION DATES January 17, 2019 | Kindergarten Kick-off and Registration January 31, 2019 | Church Member and School Staff Registration February 7, 2019 | Currently-enrolled Families Registration February 14, 2019 | Open Registration
CHILDREN’S DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY We invite your family to join us! In Children’s Discipleship Ministry we come beside children and families to develop Biblical knowledge, display Christ-like character, serve God selflessly, love God passionately, and grow deep friendships with Jesus and others. Nursery Care (Up to 2 years old) Downstairs on the SW Campus during the 9:00 and 10:45 am services. Sunday School (2 year olds—5 th grade) Downstairs on the SW campus during the 9:00 and 10:45 am services. CHILDREN’S WORSHIP—1 ST SUNDAYS Children’s Worship is held on the first Sunday of the month during the school year during the 9:00 and 10:45 am worship services. The children follow a similar order of worship as what they will encounter when they attend church. They sing, pray, take an offering, hear Bible readings, and listen to a message. The 3rd Grade class serves as the greeters and ushers for Children’s Worship.
UPCOMING EVENTS: SEPTEMBER 9 Spiritual Milestone: Third Grade Bible Presentation during the 9:00 and 10:45 am services. SEPTEMBER 19 First Holy Molies of the year (4th and 5th grade) SEPTEMBER 23 Spiritual Milestone: 4th grade Communion class at 9:00 am OCTOBER 28 Trunk or Treat
SPIRITUAL MILESTONES MINISTRY Spiritual Milestones is designed to give parents the tools they need to be the primary faith trainers of their children. Children come together with their parents for an interactive workshop. Notices are sent home prior to meetings appropriate for the child’s age.
DECEMBER 2 Angel Sunday DECEMBER 19 Holy Molies Christmas Party DECEMBER 24 Christmas Play at 5:00 pm Family Service 10
CHILDREN’S DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY HOLY MOLIES The Holy Molies are a fellowship group for kids in 4th and 5th grade. They meet monthly usually on the third Wednesday in Room F. They eat dinner, play games, do a devotional, and pray. This year’s theme is Super Heroes. Holy Molies kicks off September 19.
TRUNK OR TREAT Come over for some fall fun at the annual Trunk or Treat event on October 28. Decorate your trunk and hand out candy or bring your little ones to trick or treat. Last year we had more than 40 decorated trunks!
CHILDREN’S CHOIR Children ages 4 years old through 5th grade are welcome to join the Children’s Choir on Sunday mornings at 10:15 am in Room F. The Children’s Choir sings several times a year during worship and at special services. They also learn to play Orff instruments and bells.
CHRISTMAS PLAY Each year the children of St. Andrew’s put on a drama or musical during the Christmas Eve family service. Children are assigned parts and rehearsals are held throughout fall. More than 40 kids are a part of the annual service. It is a way for kids to be a part of delivering the Christmas message.
ANGEL SUNDAY All children in preschool through Kindergarten don angel garb and process through the Sanctuary during worship services on Sunday, December 2.
CHILDREN’S DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY STAFF Shelly Akins, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry: sakins@sapctucson.org, ext 233 Heather Brannock, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry: hbrannock@sapctucson.org 11
YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP MINSITRY Welcome to Youth Ministry at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church! We are a community of students, 6th—12th grade, striving to know God and to make God known through lives transformed by Christ. Students are invited to join us weekly at Youth Group, Sunday School, and Special Events. We are committed to creating a community of fun, fellowship, service, and growth. Kids are encouraged to play hard, serve with intentionality, and ask the difficult questions about faith. MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY Middle School Sunday School Sundays | 10:45—11:45 am | Boondocks All 6th – 8th graders are invited to join in on Sunday mornings from 10:45—11:45 am in the Boondocks (downstairs in Westminster Hall) for some hang out, games, food, teaching, and growing in the Word of God. Middle School Youth Group Wednesdays | 6:15—8:15 pm | Boondocks Each week, we gather for some crazy games, worship, and great teaching! If you are a 6th – 8th grader, we hope you can come on down and join the fun! HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY High School Sunday School Sundays | 10:45—11:45 am | Boondocks All 9th – 12th graders are invited to gather for a time of fellowship and hang out, followed by some great teaching. We often eat together while discussing hot topics and our faith! Snacks and coffee are provided. High School Youth Group Tuesdays | 6:30-8:30 pm | Boondocks If you are in 9th – 12th grade, meet us for games, special events, worship, and great times of learning about God. Come prepared to play hard and learn a lot. Bring a friend! YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY STAFF Tim Christian, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry: tchristian@sapctucson.org, ext 208 12
YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY YOUTH MISSIONS St. Andrew’s Youth Ministry is committed to serving others throughout the year. Whether we are putting together blessing bags, or doing random acts of kindness, there is always something happening. Check out our calendar and Facebook page for upcoming mission opportunities! SUMMER YOUTH MINISTRY INTERNS The Youth Ministry is accepting applications for Volunteer & Paid Internships this summer! Interns will spend the summer learning and serving in the Youth Ministry while growing in their own personal faith! Keep a look out for applications in the spring!
SKI RETREAT Are you ready for a weekend of insane snow adventures? The 2019 High School/ College Ski Retreat to Durango, CO takes place in February over Rodeo Break! YOUTH SUMMER CAMP Save the date for Forest Home 2019! This year we will attend from July 7-12. Super Sign-Up Sunday (our line-up to sign-up) for Summer Camp is happening in March. Spaces are limited and often fill up that day so, be sure to be there.
UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 11-14 Rocky Point Mission Trip NOVEMBER 3-4 Rockvember NOVEMBER 21 Middle School Family Night NOVEMBER 22 Turkey Bowl NOVEMBER 27 HS Pie Night DECEMBER 18 HS Christmas Party DECEMBER 19 MS Christmas Party
STAY CONNECTED Visit our website sapcyouth.com to stay the most up to date. Our students live in a digital world, and as a ministry we strive to communicate in all of the ways your family does. Along with our social media and web presence, we also send out email updates several times a month and email out calendars quarterly. Get more connected with the Youth Ministry, students, parents, upcoming events, late breaking news and more when you connect online! To sign up for our email updates, contact Tim! Visit our website sapcyouth.com to stay the most up to date. 13
ADULT DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY ALPHA Tuesdays | 6:15-8:15 pm Friendship Hall Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the Christian faith, run over eleven weeks. The evening includes dinner together, listening to and viewing a short video talk and discussing the content of the talk within a small group. Each talk looks at a different question around faith as it applies to life, and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, in nearly every denomination. Alpha at St. Andrew’s begins Tuesday, September 11 at 6:15 pm. Contact Connie Randall in the St. Andrew’s front office or via email at crandall@sapctucson.org. JANUARY SERIES Weekdays, January 3-23 10:30-11:30 am | Sanctuary The January Series cultivates deep thought and conversations about important issues of the day in order to inspire cultural renewal and make us better global citizens. We invite you to join us at this free 15-day lecture series that takes place each January on the campus of Calvin College with a live stream in the St. Andrew’s Sanctuary. This year’s speakers include, Kara Powell (executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute and associate professor of youth and family ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary), Jenna Bush Hager (educator, author, contributing correspondent on NBC's Today Show and daughter of former U.S. President George W. Bush), Willie Jennings (Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Africana Studies at Yale University), Nicholas Kristof (columnist for The New York Times), Leland Melvis (former wide receiver for the Detroit Lions, engineer and NASA astronaut), and many more. Discussion will follow the presentation and refreshments will be served. For questions, contact Ellen Vellenga at ebvellenga@comcast.net. 14
WOMEN’S RETREAT November 9 & 10 Join us for a retreat for women this November, here at SAPC. We will begin Friday night with Bunco and worship, and Saturday will be filled with speakers, workshops, and fellowship time. Please save the date and be on the lookout for registrations! For more info, contact Connie Randall at crandall@sapctucson.org.
ADULT DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Wednesdays | 6:30-7:45 pm | Library Fridays | 9:15-11:30 am | Friendship Hall Whether you are just beginning your journey in the Bible or have studied for years you are sure to enjoy the fulfilling worship, lecture, prayer, and small group experience of Bible study. For more information, contact Jan Littlefield at jan.littlefield@comcast.net for Friday mornings and Linda Sebastian at lindaandphil2@gmail.com for Wednesday Nights. MOMS GROUP Fridays | 9:00-11:30 am | Room F Join MOMS group (Making Our Mothering Significant) for a well deserved “time-out” for yourself. Being a mom is a challenging gift and responsibility. However, you also have an important role as a member of God’s family. Come discover how to get it all done, and feel encouraged and supported. For more information, contact Karin Fiore at karinfiore@gmail.com.
HISTORY DISCUSSION GROUP Thursdays | 9:00 am | Fireside Each lecture examines the lives of people from the hunter-gatherer to a nun living in the Middle Ages. How did they live their lives? What was their mindset? All are welcome to join us for this study. Contact Dick Kampa for more information at dickkampa@gmail.com.
PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN CIRCLES Circles are connection groups that meet for Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and mission. Every woman has an opportunity to contribute, creating vital link to other group members. For information, contact Phyllis Parker at ptparker11@comcast.net.
WOMEN CONNECTING Sundays | 10:00 am | Room B This is for all women who would like to have a spiritual foundation and incorporate it into the challenges of being a Christian woman in today’s world. This is a great way to meet other St. Andrew’s women! For information, contact Nancy Schmidt at brdroadrunner@yahoo.com.
FAMILY OF GOD CLASS Sundays | 10:30 am | Room I This is a group made up of a variety of personalities and ages. We begin in shared prayer, an integral part of the identity of the class. We enjoy discussing, discovering, challenging, and caring about one another through Bible studies, book studies, and sermon discussions. 15
SENIOR MINISTRIES HUGS Wednesdays | 10:15 am | Friendship Hall HUGS is a non-denominational senior outreach ministry that offers socialization, stimulation, and a wholesome environment for senior adults living with family members, alone, or in residential care. Our facilities on the NE campus accommodate wheelchairs and walkers, but participants must be capable of taking care of their personal physical needs. Following the program, a healthy lunch is provided for only $3. For more information, contact Susan Lane at laneslink@msn.com, or Bill Gross at bgross@comcast.net.
SENIOR SINGLES Are you a single senior and looking to meet others at St. Andrew's? We are a ministry for seniors (55 years and older) to include widows and widowers, divorced, and never married singles. Fun activities and opportunities for Christian friendships are being planned. This is not a dating service, simply a way to connect with other singles at St. Andrew’s. Contact Adelle Korn at twocatzz2@gmail.com.
Y.E.S. (YOUNG ENERGETIC SENIORS) 3rd Mondays | 5:30 pm | Friendship Hall Y.E.S. (Young Energetic Seniors) fellowship exists to cultivate and nurture relationships among the over 50s population. Potluck dinners are held with social time, followed by dinner and a speaker. Off site events are also planned throughout the year. For more information, contact Susie Quillen at susie.quillen@comcast.net. WIDOWS All widows are invited to come together for fellowship and fun throughout the year. Join us for lunch at a different restaurant on the first Thursday of each month. Notices of lunches and special activities will be in the Weekly News, newsletter, and on the website. All widows are welcome! Contact Myra Christenson, myrachris@comcast.net. 16
FAITH UNCORKED This is an amazing opportunity for women to gather, eat some great food, enjoy an adult beverage, and get a chance for fellowship and to share life and faith. Bring an appetizer to share, and your favorite beverage. It will be an awesome time! Faith Uncorked now meets on the third Friday of each month. For information, contact Connie Randall at crandall@sapctucson.org SAPC COWORK Do you work virtually from home, but miss community? Join us at SAPC CoWork, A Shared Space for Individuals to Work in Community, Wednesdays, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, and Fridays, 12:00 - 3:00 pm in our newly furnished Fireside Room on the NE Campus. This shared workspace provides Wi-Fi, power outlets, and hot coffee. Contact Amy Grover at agrover@sapctucson.org, or check our Facebook group.
CHICK FLICKS Enjoy friends and fellowship watching and discussing films from a Christian perspective. Look for upcoming meetings in the Weekly News or contact Susan Quillen at squillen857@gmail.com. PINOCHLE We meet once a month at someone’s home for a potluck, fellowship, and an evening of pinochle. Newcomers are welcome. No need to be a “pro” at cards! For more information, contact our coordinators Art and Jo Kramer, artjo41@msn.com. FAITH ON TAP This is an amazing opportunity for men to hang out, eat some great food, partake in a fantastic beverage, and get a chance for fellowship and chat about life and God. The hope is to connect men to each other and a deeper sense of who God is calling us to be. Faith on Tap meets regularly on the first Friday of each month. Contact Mat Grover at mgrover@sapctucson.org. 17
FAITH COMMUNITY NURSES St. Andrew's Faith Community Nurse Ministry promotes health and wellbeing holistically (body, mind, spirit) through a broad range of services including the following: Safety Classes - CPR, First Aid, AED Liaison to community resources for specific health issues Blood Pressure Screening - second Sunday following each worship service Medical equipment lending Education on health issues Home visits Phone calls - post hospital, etc. Prayer For more information contact Louise Doran at flwdad@ix.netcom.com.
CHURCH LIFE & FAMILY MINISTRY BOOK CLUBS FAITH WALK BOOK CLUB 4th Thursdays | 4:00 pm | Library We meet monthly to discuss both fiction and nonfiction Christ-centered books. Newcomers are always welcome even if they have not read the current discussion book. Contact Jean O’Hanlon via email at habanera@dakotacom.net.
RECREATION CYCLING The International Christian Cycling Club (IC3) is a nondenominational group open to everyone. We participate in local and statewide cycling events, missionrelated projects, and regularly-scheduled group bike rides. For more information, contact Todd Huff, huffy752@gmail.com.
ST. ANDREW’S BOOK CLUB 4th Tuesdays | 7:00 pm | Library A relaxing evening of fellowship, sharing books, and ideas. Read and discuss fiction and nonfiction: best sellers and local/regional authors. Contact Katrina Lantz, klantz@comcast.net.
ST. ANDREW’S TAPPERS Tuesdays | 6:00 pm | Omega We are a co-ed group of people who love tap dancing. Contact Vicky Johnson at wmmvlj@aol.com or Doug Hengstler at dshengster@gmail.com.
SAPC COLLEGE GROUP Are you a college age student or young adult? Join us the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Starbucks. For questions, text Amy Grover at 510-734-8048 or join our insta @sapccollege.
JOYFUL HIKERS Exercise, fun, and fellowship while enjoying the outdoors and hiking the beautiful trails around Tucson. For location information, contact Gail Jester at gljester@juno.com.
CRAFTS PIECEMAKING QUILTERS Wednesdays | 9:00 am | Choir Room
New or advanced quilters are welcome to join us. For more information contact Jana Knutson knutsonfj@comcast.net.
TEAM WORLD VISION Team World Vision is a ministry partner where we gather as friends and train together to run the Phoenix Marathon or Half-Marathon, all while raising money to support World Vision’s goal to provide everyone in the world with access to clean drinking water! The training is for all ages and abilities and designed for people who have no experience running races. During the 18 weeks of training we will meet on Saturdays for a community group run, prayer time and support. Training begins on October 8 with the first group run Saturday, October 13. The race is February 9, 2019. Contact Pastor Mat Grover for more info at mgrover@sapctucson.org. 18
CARING MINISTRY STEPHEN MINISTRY Stephen Ministers play a significant role in caring for people facing tough times. We all experience challenges when we could benefit from the support of a caring Christian friend. A Stephen Minister is a person who has been prepared and commissioned for service to assist our pastors in this special way. Those identified with gifts of mercy and encouragement earn 50 hours of training in order to provide confidential emotional and spiritual care for our members. If you or someone you know might benefit from a Stephen Minister, please contact a pastor at 297-7201. PASTORAL VISITORS Our pastors and pastoral visitors call on the sick in hospitals or at home. If you or someone you know would appreciate prayers before surgery or during a hospital or nursing home stay, please call the church office at 297-7201.
THE PRAYER CHAIN The Prayer Chain is a network of church members who pray for the needs and concerns of the congregation. The chain can be contacted at any time through the church office or
DEACONS With God's guidance, and through fellowship, care, and concern, the Deacons of St. Andrew's serve and minister to all members of the congregation. Particular emphasis will be directed to those who are in need, who are sick, who are friendless, and to those who are in distress, both within and beyond the community of faith.
PRAYER CARE TEAMS Prayer team members are available in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and Prayer Tower after every service on Sunday mornings. Anyone in need of prayer is invited to come forward. All prayer concerns are kept confidential.
prayerlink@sapctucson.org or by visiting our website at sapctucson.org/prayer-ministries.
INTERCESSORY PRAYER We gather during the week to pray for the concerns of the congregation. Prayer requests and answers to prayer can be noted on Prayer Cards found in the pew attendance booklets and dropped in the offering plate. All concerns are brought to God in prayer.
CARING MINISTRY STAFF Laura Munroe, Interim Director of Caring Ministry: lmunroe@sapctucson.org, ext 208 19
MISSIONS Jesus directs us in Matthew 28:19 to Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The triumphant, living Lord sends forth His ambassadors to proclaim His gospel throughout all the world. The Great Commission is not just an order but a pronouncement of victory by the risen Savior through His disciples. The church is not to be merely “missionary-minded” but the vehicle of Christ’s mission to the world. In response to His command the Mission Committee provides a central place for: Encouraging member participation in local and international mission projects. Communicating mission opportunities to the congregation. Prioritizing and distributing available funds to these projects. MISSION VALUES We desire to support missions that: 1. Are effective in achieving the ministry's goals. Are accountable, efficient, and above reproach. 2. Offer the opportunity for “hands on” participation by St. Andrew's members. In addition, we must: consider every member as being sent encourage inter-generational efforts partner with other churches foster relationships with those served 3. Address the needs of the impoverished in Pima County and in the 2/3 world by: providing the appropriate response to the need, not just the easiest response doing more to address the root cause of need rather than the symptoms involving the needy in the process whenever possible 4. Favor ministry where Gospel in the Word and indeed are intertwined. 5. Offer short term support to new or struggling Presbyterian churches. 6. Share the Gospel with unreached people. 7. Foster the development of new pastors and missionaries from within our congregation. 8. Use innovative methods to communicate the Gospel and serve the needy. 20
LOCAL MISSION PARTNERS Jason Caywood - U of A, ICM Middle Eastern Presbyterian Fellowship Montlure Camp - State of Arizona More Than a Bed Presbyterian Campus Ministry (PCM) Primavera Foundation (Monthly dinner preparation) Sandwich Squad Seminary Support Sister Connection Teen Challenge Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN) Tucson Refugee Ministry Young Adult Volunteers Young Life Tucson Capernaum
Adopt-A-Family Blessing Bags Community Renewal Cross Street Ministries Deacons Blessing Bags Eagles Wings of Grace Good News Community Church Good News Club (Child Evangelism) Gospel Rescue Mission Goshen Ministries Habitat for Humanity Haven Totes Hygiene Bags for Children Interfaith Community Services (ICS) International Christian Cycling
GLOBAL MISSION PARTNERS Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Zambia Agape Village - Zambia Extreme Missions - Dahlgran Frontera de Cristo - Agua Prieta, Mexico Global Media Outreach Goshen Ministries, Rwanda Hearts for the Children - Guatemala - Allen Just Coffee - Chiapas, Mexico Marriage Ministries International One Mission - Rocky Point, Mexico Operation Christmas Child (Samaritan’s Purse) Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship (Tajikistan) Busse Scripture in Use - Brown TEAM (Central Asia) - Baker Tomeh, Nuhad - Syria World Vision- Stop Hunger Now - Youth project Wycliffe Bible Translators YWAM (Spain) 21
MISSIONS - FAITH THAT WORKS Imagine the giving and receiving, the friendship and fellowship, the partnerships and spiritual growth, if a few times a year, instead of attending a Worship Service, we attended a Service Worship. What would happen if we offered a wide variety of opportunities for service to everyone in our congregation? What would it look like to put our faith into action? The opportunities are limitless and while some opportunities for service would be off-site and may last a few hours, there would always be projects at church that last only an hour or two and would require no preparation. These are perfect opportunities for those who arrive for the first time. The essence of Service Worship is to provide service projects for all generations to enable us to live out in a very physical sense what the Bible tells us to do… be the hands and feet of Jesus and honor the Lord first in all we do.
FALL SERVICE WORSHIP DATE SEPTEMBER 30, 2018 THE BENEFITS Through Service Worship we are able to involve the community and be more deeply involved in the community. We partner with other churches or organizations for ongoing connections. The strengthening of discipleship of church members and guests by engaging in direct service opportunities is something that can last a lifetime. The act of serving God by being the hands and feet of Christ to those in need leaves a lasting memory. We invite anyone from the community to come work beside us. New friendships and partnerships are formed from serving alongside others. COMMUNITY OUTREACH We are partnering with Pastor Jeff Markland and Good News Community Church. This church is on the front lines of ministry, but lacks funds to help maintain their outreach. We provide funding as well as people in times of need. We are currently partnering with Catalina Foothills Church and Pantano Christian Church in supporting the ministry at Good News Community Church. We hope to include other churches as we come alongside each other and expand our partnerships. As a result of working, partnering, and being visible in this identified neighborhood, we gain a better understanding of the community needs which helps us know how to proceed and grow. We continue to seek God’s will for His guidance in where He would like us to connect to best serve His kingdom. 22
MISSIONS - FAITH THAT WORKS MOBILE SHOWER UNIT We have had the opportunity to love our neighbors by offering encouragement and compassion through our Mobile Shower Unit. Each person who showers receives a towel, washcloth, new underwear, socks, toothbrush, razor, and comb. T-shirts are also available. Inside the unit we provide shampoo, soap, tissue, shaving cream, and toothpaste. All of the items have been previously donated by generous members of our congregation and the community. We have had many conversations with people just like us; people who have lost their job and then their home, people looking for work and who are thankful for the opportunity to clean up for interviews. The Mobile Shower has been a blessing for everyone involved. We are always in need of volunteers who would be willing to help! Volunteers hand out items to those showering, wash towels, tow the unit, and share God’s love with those in need. It’s easy and fun! Volunteers do not help people actually shower.
FAITH THAT WORKS STAFF RuthAnn Smithrud, Director of Local Outreach: 23
DAILY BREAD We began a new ministry after the most recent Service Worship. This ministry is called Daily Bread and focuses on the men and women of La Frontera at the Mountain and Prince location. These men and women may be severely mentally ill, homeless or both. They come to La Frontera to see their case workers, and many of them are starving. One of their clients hadn’t eaten in three days and was overjoyed when we supplied him with a full sack lunch! The case workers also noticed a big increase in the group therapy sessions because the clients didn’t have to leave to find food! We don’t know what this ministry will look like in the future, but right now, we feel led to supply these friends with food as well as their Daily Bread. All sack lunches will include God’s Word, John 6:35, and a note that the lunches were provided by St. Andrew’s. If you are interested in knowing more, please contact Louise Boost at louiseboost@comcast.net or 797-6904 or RuthAnn Smithrud at 297-7201 ext. 204 or rsmithrud@sapctucson.org. A volunteer link is also on the Faith That Works website under Service Worship. Thank you so much!
ADDITIONAL MINISTRIES HEAVENLY HOSTS Heavenly Hosts is a "hospitality ministry" at St. Andrew’s that provides and sets up the goodies during fellowship time on Sundays, New Members Class lunches several times a year, the Christmas Concert reception, Easter brunch, and other events. Our purpose is to offer support to other ministries by adding an element of hospitality for the success of a ministry event. Becoming a Heavenly Host is a great way to get to know many people at St. Andrew’s. For info, contact Jamie Gardner at jamiergardner@yahoo.com if you are interested in becoming involved in this ministry.
CHANCEL GUILD The Chancel Guild provides flower arrangements for weekly church services and decorates the Sanctuary and Chapel during Advent and Lent. Contact Melissa Franklin at lissajane@comcast.net.
VOLUNTEERING There are always opportunities to volunteer at St. Andrew’s! We have a vibrant and strong volunteer ministry. Throughout the week, volunteers are quietly working in God’s kingdom, and our volunteers make such a difference in people’s lives. If you are interested in volunteering, contact ministry directors or the front office.
SAPC CAMPUSES The NE Campus is comprised of the Chapel, Fireside and Garden Rooms, Church Office, Preschool/Kindergarten, Knox, White Hall, and Calvin. The upper level of Westminster Hall includes Friendship Hall, Alpha, Omega, and the Kitchen. The lower level of Westminster Hall includes the Boondocks, Pier 1 & 2, the Well Room, and Wharf 1 & 2. The SW Campus is comprised of the Sanctuary, Prayer Tower, Narthex, The Gathering Place, Choir Room, Warming Kitchen, Library, and Information Center. The lower level of the SW Campus includes the Children’s Ministry, Sunday School Office, and Rooms A-L. 24
MEMBERSHIP Explore the benefits of being a member of our congregation. Orientation classes are offered periodically throughout the year. Our next class will be on Sunday, September 30. We meet in Friendship Hall on the NE Campus from 12:15 – 3:30 pm. By attending, you will have the opportunity to get better acquainted with our pastors and other leaders, ask questions, and discover more about the mission, vision, core values, theology, and how we govern ourselves. Enjoy lunch prepared and served by our Heavenly Hosts (free of charge), and free childcare is also available by reservation. For questions, contact Pastor Mat Grover at mgrover@sapctucson.org.
STEWARDSHIP God calls us to make wise and faithful choices about the use and disposition of our property. By planning our future gifts now, we are graciously responding to the blessings in our lives, reflecting our faith that we will continue to recognize God's generosity. Planned gifts create a vision of abundance for the church of the future, empowering its mission to continue long after we are gone.
STAFF PASTORS Rev. Dr. Jim Toole | Senior Pastor | jimt@sapctucson.org | ext. 209 Rev. Mat Grover | Associate Pastor | mgrover@sapctucson.org | ext. 210
MINISTRIES STAFF Shelly Akins | Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry | sakins@sapctucson.org | ext. 233 Tim Christian | Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry | tchristian@sapctucson.org | ext. 228 Anita Degnan | Childcare Supervisor | adegnan@sapctucson.org Mark Gary | Director of Traditional Music Ministries | markg@sapctucson.org | ext. 351 Deann Hay | Children’s Choir Director | azrayhay@aol.com Alexandra Kerby | Director of Contemporary Music Ministries | akerby@sapctucson.org | ext. 234 Laura Munroe | Interim Director of Caring Ministry | lmunroe@sapctucson.org | ext. 207 Corey Planer | Director of Preschool and Kindergarten | cplaner@sapctucson.org | ext. 213 Connie Randall | Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry | crandall@sapctucson.org | ext. 211 Carolyn K. Smith | Organist | cknorrsmith@gmail.com RuthAnn Smithrud | Director of Local Outreach | rsmithrud@sapctucson.org | ext. 204 Arlene Sturm | Director of Wittman Ringers | arlenesturm@gmail.com Heather Brannock | Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry | hbrannock@sapctucson.org
ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Cristin Castillo | Custodian/Security Jason Colley | Maintenance Technician Jack Deeming | Custodian/Security Brad Engel | Business and Operations Director | bengel@sapctucson.org | ext. 206 Amy Grover | Communications Coordinator | agrover@saptucson.org | ext. 232 Matt Gulley | Director of Facilities and IT | mgulley@sapctucson.org | ext. 227 Cathi Kentera | Administrative Assistant | ckentera@sapctucson.org | ext. 202 Rob Lantz | Administrative Assistant | rlantz@sapctucson.org | ext. 201 Monique Maldonado | Custodian/Security Matthew McGowan | Production Technician | mmcgowan@sapctucson.org Maria Perez | Custodian/Security Cindy Raikes | Administrative Assistant | craikes@sapctucson.org | ext. 202 David Zavala | Custodian/Security 26
LEADERSHIP Deacons Karmeen Amaya Todd Autenreith Tracy Colton Kathi Cuvelier Toby Drakulich Joyce Farho Phil Finch
Carol Fiore Marjorie Gerdes Mark Kentera Elizabeth Kraft Andee North Karl Oxnam Barbara Solomon
Marshall Stewart Rebecca Taber Anayo Uche David Vasquez Jill Wadsworth Gretel Wagner Yumi Wong
Render Aggen Frank Bouchard Marianne Hadden Doug Jewell
Greg Lantz Stephen McCommon Kristin Pilling Don Spiece
The following is a list of St. Andrew’s ruling Elders and how the Session is organized. Please contact an Elder if you are interested in serving on one of the ministries or committees. Church Life and Family Ministries: (Membership, Assimilation, Prayer, Fellowship, Women’s Ministries, and Adult, Youth, & Children’s Ministries)
Evangelism/Outreach: (Evangelism, Mission, Outreach, Worship and Music Ministries, Nominating, Care Ministries, Preschool & Kindergarten Board)
Elders: Louise Boost 797-6904 Susan Cochran 219-6585 Scott Fiore 247-2157 Cedric Hay 572-0192 Vicky Johnson 742-5810
Elders: Pete Bodnaruk 742-2653 Les Henson 404-1775 Mark Ness 612-810-5423 Kevin Oxnam 471-3811 Ruth Tyree 982-5049 27
Ministry Support: (Clerk, Technical and Physical Resources, Endowments, Finance, Stewardship, Personnel, Facility Use, Communications, Policies Review Team, Presbyterian Polity & Relations) Elders: Frank Bouchard 490-6649 Melissa Dryden 579-3502 Jane Nott (Clerk) Mark Stratton 797-4561 Mike Thompson 743-4087