January 2020 Cross Currents

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What would it look like to sow hope in your own cultural backyard?

Be sure to save the date to attend our Annual Congregational Meeting.

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JANUARY SERIES Join us for a 15-day liberal arts education from Calvin University!

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CrossCurrents (020349) January 2020 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704


As Advent comes to a close, we want to take a moment to look back at all of the wonderful moments together. From parties to reunions, concerts to worship services, we have been blessed to be a part of this community. Thank you to all of the volunteers and staff who make it all possible. A big thank you to our custodial staff who works extremely hard to prepare our facilities. We could not do it without you. And as we move into the New Year, here is a prayer to guide us:

Heavenly Father, Thank You for the blessings You have given us this year, may we remember to always be thankful. We ask You to watch over us in the upcoming year. We hope to love more and forgive whatever holds us back. Help us to look more towards You and less towards how we compare to others. May we become beacons of Your light in all we do, shining the love of Jesus to those we meet, those we love, and those we do not know yet. In Jesus Name. Amen. - written by Rev. Steve Akins

FINANCIAL UPDATE November total revenue $136,251 Year to date revenue $1,765,618 Monthly revenue required 164,733 YTD revenue required $1,648,050 Difference ($28,482) Difference $117,568



Thank you so much for all who participated in this year’s Adopt A Family!


Each Christmas season, St. Andrew’s adopts families in need throughout Tucson. The families provide clothing sizes and a few gift requests and SAPC gets shopping. This year, we were able to bless 35 families and over 100 people with gifts and groceries. We are still collecting some wonderful stories of how God works through this ministry to all involved. Stay tuned to hear more! Also, a big thank you to Kristin Enger for all of her hard work coordinating all of the families and gifts.


PACK MEALS FOR CHILDREN Please join us for a missional opportunity to pack meals for children. Volunteers are needed Tuesday, February 4 - Saturday, February 8, 2020, at Oro Valley Church of the Nazarene (500 West Calle Concordia). Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit charity committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. Volunteers hand pack meals specially formulated for malnourished children, and FMSC sends them to partners around the world where they’re distributed to orphanages, schools, clinics, and feeding programs to break the cycle of poverty.

What would it look like to sow hope in our own cultural backyard? For several weeks we will have a Sermon Series that will be looking at how building an identity as a local missionary is about developing relationships with the communities God has already put in our lives. What would it look like for us to see our families, neighbors, and coworkers as our mission field?

FMSC food has reached nearly 70 countries in their history. Each day 6,200 children die in the world due to hunger. You can help save a life! We are looking for volunteers to sign up for one of the two-hour packing shifts and also have jobs that you can do sitting down! We are excited about this mission opportunity to partner with OVCN and other churches and businesses in the area. Please sign up at sapctucson.org and invite your friends and neighbors! Thank you! If you have any questions, contact RuthAnn Smithrud at rsmithrud@sapctucson.org.



KINDERGARTEN PRAYER PARTNERS It’s that time of year to start thinking and praying about being a Kindergarten Prayer Partner. Please consider being part of this ministry and walk alongside a child in his or her faith journey. This year’s class is large and we need twenty adults or youth. You are committing to pray for and with your partner, and the children commit to pray for you as well. If you have been a prayer partner in the past and want to volunteer again, please do so! Contact Shelly at sakins@sapctucson.org to volunteer or for more information.

HOLY MOLIES UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 15: LEARNING NOT TO JUDGE OTHERS FEBRUARY 12: MOVIE NIGHT MARCH 11: JESUS IS OUR BEST FRIEND Fourth and fifth graders are special kids. They’re not quite old enough for Youth Ministry, but they like to do some of the same things as teens. So, we’ve created a club just for them. They call themselves the “Holy Molies.” They meet in Room F on the third Wednesday of the month from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm. They always eat dinner together. Then after a short but powerful Bible study, they play crazy games and do some type of mission/service project. Holy Molies are encouraged to bring fourth and fifth grade friends from their neighborhood or school. Director Shelly Akins is the leader of the group, but parent volunteers are needed each meeting to help with dinner and games. Look for monthly reminder postcards or the website to find out themes and special activities. For questions, contact Shelly at sakins@sapctucson.org.

VBS PLANNING COMMITTEE VBS 2020 SAVE THE DATE:JUNE 15-19 Registration wil open March 29 4

Are you interested in being on the 2020 VBS planning committee? We are starting our journey to VBS in early March (Yes! It’s that early!). The VBS planning committee heads up the other VBS teams: imagination station (science gadgets and experiments), games, Bible adventure (a hands-on way to tell the Bible story), Kid-vid (stories of real kids living out their faith), snacks, drama, and registration. Let Shelly know if you’re interested in any of these areas at sakins@sapctucson.org.


2020 HIGH SCHOOL & COLLEGE SKI RETREAT Are you ready for a weekend of insane snow adventures?! Join us for the 2020 High School and College Ski Retreat to Durango, CO, February 20 - 23. We will be taking a charter bus to the mountain for a fun weekend of skiing, snowboarding, worship, teaching, and fellowship. Learn more at sapcyouth.com.

30 HOUR FAMINE FEBRUARY 1-2, 2020 Our Youth Group is participating once again in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine February 1 and 2. We don’t think it’s right that thousands of kids are dying from hunger each day. We are going without food for 30 hours to raise money so others can eat. Here’s how you can help: PRAY. Ask God to bless our students as they overcome their hunger.

VOLUNTEER. Come join during our famine weekend.


GIVE. Every $40 donation can help feed and care for a hungry child for a month, so for every 12 donations of $40 each, we will be helping feed and care for a child for an entire year. More information, online donations, and how to volunteer can be found at sapcyouth.com.


This is your first, and possibly only, opportunity to sign up for Summer Camp at Forest Home. Super Sign Up Sunday will be on March 1, 2020 in the Boondocks. Forest Home this year will be July 5 - 10, 2020.

APRIL 25, 2020 ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX- DEDUCTIBLE We are now accepting donations to be auctioned off for our Moonlight Dinner and Auction. Some of the popular items in the past have been timeshares, dinner parties, service projects, baked goods, and sports memorabilia. Your donations are tax-deductible! All the money raised at the event will support

the Youth Internship Program, Camp Scholarship, and mission opportunities. Donations are accepted through the Youth Office. For more information, contact Rob Lantz at rlantz@sapctucson.org. Thank you for helping support the Youth Ministry.


EAGLES WINGS OF GRACE: SUPPORT NEEDED Eagles Wings of Grace is currently serving women in Tucson who have recently been released from prison, are coming out of rehab, or are just in need of clothing for interviews. As a volunteer, you will be able to share a friendly smile, an encouraging comment, and experience Christian love. You will be able to help women select a small wardrobe that will allow them to regain self-respect, search for a job, or participate in a training program.

BEYOND SUNDAY: LET IT BE LET IT BE: RELEASING CONTROL TO RESTORE OUR CONNECTION Join us on January 23 at 6:00 pm for dinner and this interactive workshop where you will learn and gain insight into your stress by: • Letting go of stress and control to regain connection with God and your purpose. • Diving into stories of those who experienced stressful situations in the Bible to reconnect with God’s goodness and provision. Childcare will be available. Register at the Discipleship Table or contact Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org. Cost is $10.

We need donations of slightly used women’s clothing. In addition, we need new underwear in all sizes. To donate, there is a bin in The Gathering Place for your donations or come down for a tour of our place at 3219 N 1st Ave. In addition, this organization is one of our official giving communities and qualifies for the 501(c)(3) Arizona Tax Credit for Charities. This means that the amount you donate can be subtracted from your state taxes on a dollar to dollar basis. The donation limits are $400 per single filer and $800 for joint filers. If you have not already made a tax credit donation for 2019, we would appreciate your support. You may also choose us at the Fry’s Community Rewards program as your charity. If you are interested and want to hear more about this organization please contact April Ritchie at 225– 9602 or chileteach55@yahoo.com or visit eagleswingsofgrace.org.


The Flower Calendar for the first quarter of 2020 is now available in the Gathering Place. Due to the limited number of floral designers, the flower ministry will only be placing flowers on the first Sundays of each month for this quarter, but multiple dedications for each month are available. You may also call the office to place a dedication for an arrangement. For any questions, please call Louise Davis at (520) 460-6168.



Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food, and encouragement! This month we will be meeting on January 17, location TBA. RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapcturcson.org or visit the Connection Point in the Gathering Place on Sunday mornings.


On Sunday, January 26, between the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services, we will be having our Annual Congregational Meeting in the Sanctuary. The Annual Meeting starts at 10:00 am. Stay after the 9:00 am Service or come early for the 10:45 AM Service. Reports, elections, and congregational business will be discussed at this meeting. All members are encouraged to attend. The new Elders and Deacons will be ordained during the 10:45 am Worship Service.



The book for the month of January is Mudhouse Sabbath by Lauren Winner. “After her conversion from Orthodox Judaism to Christianity, Lauren Winner found that her life was indelibly marked by the rich traditions and spiritual practices of Judaism. She set out to discover how she could incorporate some of these practices into her new faith... Whether discussing attentive eating, marking the days while grieving, the community that supports a marriage, candle-lighting, or the differences between the Jewish Sabbath and a Sunday spent at the Mudhouse, her favorite coffee shop, Winner writes with appealing honesty and rare insight.” - Review by Paraclete Press We will discuss the book on the 4th Thursday, January 23, back to our regular schedule. We meet in the Church Library at 4:00 pm till just after 5:00 pm. For more info contact Jean O’Hanlon at 743-1854 or habanera@dakotacom.net.

ST. ANDREW’S BOOK CLUB The women of St. Andrew’s Book Club meets the 4th Tuesday in the Church Library at 7:00 pm. Contact Katrina Lantz, klanttz@comcast.net, for more info. This month, we will meet January 28, 2020, to discuss Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie. “From an internationally acclaimed novelist, the suspenseful and heartbreaking story of a family ripped apart by secrets and driven to pit love against loyalty, with devastating consequences... Two families’ fates are inextricably, devastatingly entwined, in this searing novel that asks: What sacrifices will we make in the name of love?” -- Provided by publisher.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES FRIDAY MORNINGS It’s Brunch Time! Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study will begin with a brunch and looking into the Beatitudes on January 10, 2020, 9:00 am, in Friendship Hall. These verses have been read many times, but are they meditated on and absorbed into our lives? The ladies will dig in to understand their meaning and, hopefully, build a deeper relationship with Jesus! Books are $10, Creative Living Bible Study. Please come and join them. If you haven’t attended before, please consider pre-registering by contacting Jan Littlefield at 299-6851 or jan.littlefield@comcast.net so she will have a book ready for you.

WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study will resume January 8, 2020 with an 8-week study of the Beatitudes where Jesus describes the qualities and blessings available for His followers. We meet in The Gathering Place from 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm with time for fellowship, discussion, and prayer. Study books are $10 and will be available January 8. Contact Linda Sebastian 299-3167 or LindaAndPhil2@gmail. com for information. Whether Bible study is new to you, or you’ve been studying for years, you are welcome. Please join us!

LIBRARY CORNER Are you wondering what is happening with the younger generation? Check out this comprehensive study of young adult Christians by a specialist in the field, Mark Matlock, a former executive director of Youth Specialties. Faith for Exiles is a “practical and thought-provoking book” compiling findings from a “groundbreaking threeyear research study.” Subtitled, Five Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon, this recently published book (2019) is important for youth workers, pastors and parents as they seek to understand the rapidly changing world our youth live in. Another new book on the shelves is Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle’s Vision for Men and Women in Christ by Cynthia Long Westfall, a professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College. A scholarly work which researches many interpretations of Paul’s letters, Westfall makes a unique contribution with her study of modern linguistics in the re-examination of various texts. We’ve added two books by authors who are speaking in the current January series: Mitch Albom’s Finding Chika (January 21) and Karen Gonzalez’s The God Who Sees (January 27). Ms. Gonzalez, currently working for World Relief, attended Fuller Seminary and tells her own story as an immigrant as well as the stories of many of the immigrants found in the Bible. Make a resolution to check out a book from our well-stocked Library this month! You’ll be glad you did! 7


Welcome to the January Series from Calvin University--a live-streamed lecture series each weekday from January 8 - 28. This year’s lineup of authors include Deborah and James Fallows of “Our Towns: A 100,000 Mile Journey into the Heart of America”, a five year trip into the small towns of America which show an emerging pattern of American reinvention (January 15); Jonathan Haidt: “The Coddling of the American Mind” which reviews social trends (January 13); and Mitch Albom whose latest book is “Finding Chika: A Little Girl, An Earthquake, and the Making of a Family” which celebrates a young Haitian orphan whose life changed his view on family and our responsibility to abandoned children worldwide (January 21). This event is held in the Sanctuary Monday through Friday from 10:30 to 11:30 am. Refreshments will be served. The hosts are Connie Randall, Adult Discipleship Pastor, and Ellen and Dave Vellenga - ebvellenga@comcast.net. Join us for informative lectures and invigorating discussions!

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