January 2021 Cross Currents

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Tuesday, January 12 Flynn Coleman “The Future of AI” Underwritten by Miller Johnson

Wednesday, January 13 Danielle Allen “Reinventing American Democracy for the 21st Century” Underwritten by Howard Miller

The January Series cultivates deep thought and conversations about important issues of the day in order to inspire cultural renewal and make us better global citizens in God’s world. Calvin University’s long tradition of offering a free 15-day lecture series continues, but 2021 will look different. This year the January Series will be a completely virtual experience. You can watch each presentation (10:30 am to 11:30 am MST) on your own devices in your own location. And if you can’t join us live, the presentation will be available for the entire day. The link, however, will only be live until midnight, so don’t delay. They are only able to permanently archive a handful of this year’s presentations on their website, so it will be important to plan ahead and watch the day-of. The January Series is completely free, but you will need to register to watch. The simplest way is to sign up now to receive a daily email reminder with a link for viewing that day’s presentation. Or, beginning January 6, visit calvin.edu/january-series/ on the day(s) you’d like to tune-in and simply click on the Watch Now button. You’ll be asked to fill out a simple form that will redirect you to the daily presentation. Learn more at sapctucson.org/adm. Wednesday, January 6 Rebecca De Young “Glittering Vices: Soul Care for Struggling Christians” Underwritten by Holland Home

Thursday, January 7 Matt de la Pena “The Power of Story”

Underwritten by Bruce and Mary Okkema

Friday, January 8 Ambassador William Garvelink “Our Future with Pandemics” Underwritten by Jeff and Shirley Hoogstra Family

Monday, January 11 Tara Westover “Educated: A Conversation with Tara Westover”

Underwritten by GMB Architects + Engineering and Howard Miller

Thursday, January 14 Jeffrey Rosen “The Future of the Supreme Court”

Underwritten by the Peter C. and Emajean Cook Foundation and Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity & Politics

Friday, January 15 Andy Crouch “The Limits of Technology and the Hope for a More Personal World” Underwritten by Covenant Living of the Great Lakes

Monday, January 18 Jemar Tisby - in celebration of MLK day “What Is the Color of Compromise?” Underwritten by the Stob Lecture Series

Tuesday, January 19 Akbar Gbaja-Biamila “Everyone Can Be a Ninja: Overcoming Obstacles”

Underwritten by the Calvin Center for Innovation in Business

Wednesday, January 20 Peter O’Connor “Arts: Healing Balms for a Sick World” Underwritten by Bill & Diane Ryckbost and family

Thursday, January 21 Bruce Feiler “Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at any Age”

Underwritten by Barnes & Thornburg, LLP and Samaritas

Friday, January 22 Katharine Hayhoe “Christians, Climate & Culture”

Underwritten by Larry and Mary Gerbens & Liza and Khan Nedd

Monday, January 25 John Manzella “US Economic Trends, Global Trade and What’s Ahead” Underwritten by I.C.N. Foundation

Tuesday, January 26 Scott Sauls “Prophetic Fire and Persuasive Gentleness: Why We Must Have Both”

Underwritten by the Center for Excellence in Preaching and Holland Litho Printing Services


Home is the safest place to be right now, but what if you can’t wash your hands? It becomes a lot harder to stay safe from COVID-19. That’s what 30% of Navajo families are facing, as they are forced to leave home to haul water in this pandemic. The Navajo Water Project is a community-managed utility alternative that brings hot and cold running water to homes without access to water or sewer lines. It’s the first system of its kind in the United States. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NWP teams have pivoted from doing their normal home water installs to more of an immediate relief effort. For the safety of their employees and the Navajo Nation residents they cannot go into residents’ homes, so they are currently installing 275 gallon “totes” outside the resident’s home. For the 275 gallon tote, the estimated cost is $720 which includes tank + modifications (a base and spigot), water delivery costs for six months, and labor. DigDeep operates on a 100% model, which means all donations go to their water projects! Even if someone sends in a donation that

only says DigDeep, that donation will be allocated to water projects. Our St. Andrew’s Christmas Goal: 10 of the 275 gallon totes for a total of $7200. Let’s bring water to our Navajo Brothers and Sisters for Christmas. WAYS TO GIVE: • Give online at sapctucson.org and choose the “Christmas Offering” Fund from the dropdown menu. • Give by check to the Church Office or Offering Box and write “Christmas Mission Offering” in the memo line.


Starting in January, we will be looking at the Book of James in a new sermon series we are calling “Where the Rubber Meets the Road.” In times of chaos and challenge, direction can be comforting. A boat without a rudder in a storm is lost. We usually feel more comfortable with specific instructions or someone walking besides us. James writes to his audience to take problems of life head on. Knowing what God expects and trusting His direction is always important.

Annual Meeting January 24, 2021 Our Annual Meeting will be on January 24, 2021, at 11:45 am via Zoom as well as In-Person if possible. Reports, elections, and congregational business will be discussed at this meeting. All members are encouraged to attend. The new Elders and Deacons will be ordained during the 10:45 am Worship Service.



Giving thanks to have been a blessing: Notes from the Women’s Christmas Coffee Break! CONVERSATION GROUPS CONTINUING No Compromise Every other Thursday Online | 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Love Over Fear Book Study Every other Thursday Online | 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Contact Connie Randall at crandall@sapctucson.org for more information and opportunities for new conversations and more book studies on how we as followers of Jesus can make a difference in chaotic times.

“We had a wonderful time passing out encouragement bags to the ladies of our church at the Drive-Up Coffee Break. There were smiling eyes and even a few tears that greeted us as each car drove up to receive their bags. There was heart felt thank you’s and excitement about being able to spend a few moments faceto-face with some of the ladies we had not seen since March. We told them that their bags had been prayed over that morning—so they had been prayed for. We encouraged them to take their bags home, make a cup of coffee or tea, and spend some quiet time with the Lord. It was a great morning of love and fellowship!”

“This was such a fun activity for our ADM team. We were able to plan and put together thoughtful ‘peace’ items to include in our encouragement bags. It was quite uplifting to see so many women drive up in their cars and spend a few minutes reconnecting with each other. What a blessing this morning was for our ADM team, our volunteers, and for all the women who participated!”

FAITH UNCORKED January 15 , 2021 Online | 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Ladies bring your favorite appetizer and beverage to our Zoom Meeting! We’ll encourage each other by sharing stories of how God has helped in 2020 and now what you are looking forward to in 2021! RSVP with Connie at sapctucson.org.


Friday Women’s Bible Study will resume January 8. We will continue our study of the book of John. To register and order a study guide ($15) contact Jan Littlefield at 299-6851 or jan.littlefield@comcast.net before January 5. The Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study will be on hiatus until September 2021. Questions? Contact Linda Sebastian 299-3167 or LindaAndPhil2@gmail.com.

MY STEPHEN MINISTER IS A GIFT I just recently experienced a recurrence of ovarian cancer in June. Five years ago, I had it for the first time. I know I’m blessed with an amazing Stephen Minister because she’s so willing to go with me to whatever places I need to be to process what’s happening.


ANNOUNCING GROUP’S TREASURED VBS! In-Person: June 14-18 (Kinder-5th only) Virtual: June 28-July 2 (All Ages)

She’s kind of fearless in that way. She’ll just be there, and she doesn’t try to fix me. She doesn’t try to talk me out of my feelings. Gosh, I feel anxious, I feel frustrated, I feel like someone punched me in the stomach, I feel blind. I feel all these things and I know there are times where we will each have tears in our eyes and a lot of feelings. But it is OK because she can take it. She is so with me and I know I can trust her.

Put your faith on the map! Embark on and epic quest through hidden ruins, ancient caves, and dense jingles. At Treasured VBS, crews will dig into action-packed, faith-filled adventures. We’ll discover God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems, or gold...it’s you! Look for registration details coming in March!

I’m also so blessed by knowing that she’s praying for me all the time. She keeps track of what’s going on in my life. She comes out of a heart for God and to serve God and love others, and I get from her a different kind of love and a different kind of relationship than I can have with anyone else. It’s so much more than a trusted friend. It is really deciding to open your arms to experience the love of Christ. She is coming here as just someone to care for me and be with me. I can’t earn it. I don’t deserve it. I do nothing and no matter where I am or what I am, she is consistent and a constant in my life for this season. Having her has really done so much for me in my spiritual relationship with the Lord, in my faith journey as well as really seeing grace. Experiencing God’s grace just by her presence just by her being there, it just speaks volumes to me. What a support, what another kind of deeper feeling of being part of the body Christ it is to actually sit with Stephen minister who’s caring for you. I truly feel cared for. I feel strengthened. I feel supported. My Stephen minister truly is a gift. A gift.

SAPC YOUTH PROGRAM BREAK We will not be holding any youth programing December 17 January 4. We will be back with High School and Middle School Youth Group on January 5 and January 6.

FINANCIAL UPDATE November total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference


$170,760 145,171 $25,588 $1,705,461 1,849,785 ($144,324)

STEWARDSHIP 2021 If you have not turned in a 2021 Covenant Card, we will gladly accept them at any time in the Church Office. Thank you for your generosity. Your pledges help our leadership make budget decisions for the coming year. 2021 Covenant Cards have been mailed out. If you did not receive one, you may fill out a digital card or download a printable pdf at sapctucson.org/give.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to find the most current info!


In Memoriam

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Free money for some St. Andrew’s Mission partners, Faith That Works, and St. Andrew’s Preschool. Yes, that is right, Free Money for our friends in the Tucson Community and it does not cost you a dime. You have the opportunity to tell the state of Arizona how you want your tax dollars spent and you can designate specific local organizations which support the Tucson Community. The state of Arizona has a tax credit law which allows you to keep your Arizona State tax money in the local community. There are five different types of tax credits: See the list below and keep your Arizona tax dollars in Tucson and support St. Andrew’s Mission partners and St. Andrews Preschool & Kindergarten..

Types of Tax Credits

Single/Head of Household

Married Filing Jointly

Working Poor Charitable



Arizona Foster Care



Public School Extracurricular Credit Fee



Private School Tuition Credit (Form 323)



Private School Tuition Plus/Switcher Credit (Form 348)



* This is only available to those who have maxed out their Form 323 credit.

ST. ANDREW’S CURRENT MISSION PARTNERS WORKING POOR CHARITABLE TAX CREDIT: Faith That Works: faiththatworkstucson.org ICS: icstucson.org/arizona-charitable-tax-credit Eagles Wing of Grace: eagleswingsofgrace.com Gospel Rescue: grmtucson.com/arizona-charitable-tax-credit.html Haven Totes: haventotes.org/what-how-to-donate.html Habitat for Humanity: habitattucson.org/support-habitat/tax-credit ARIZONA FOSTER CARE TAX CREDIT: More Than a Bed: morethanabed.org PUBLIC SCHOOL EXTRACURRICULAR FEE CREDIT: Lynn Urquides (TUSD): az-tucson-taxcredits.intouchreceipting.com St. Andrew’s Contact: Kristin Enger Kcenger@gmail.com or Kristin.enger@tusd1.org Amphi Middle School (Amphi): taxcredit.amphi.com/taxcreditdonation St. Andrew’s Contact: Sarah Lortie for 8th grade science trip, slortie@amphi.com La Cima Middle School (Amphi) taxcredit.amphi.com/taxcreditdonation St. Andrew’s Contact: Suzanne Graun suzanneg0401@gmail.com Flowing Wells Junior High School: flowingwellsschools.org St. Andrew’s Contact: Jennifer Thompson, jen813@hotmail.com PRIVATE SCHOOL TUITION CREDIT: St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten: ibescholarships.org (520) 742-2969 For a complete list of eligible agencies go to: azdor.gov/TaxCredits.aspx Please consult a tax advisor about your specific situation.

Dennis McLean December 2, 2020 Alan Kehlet December 2, 2020 Elizabeth Sharp December 4, 2020 Marilyn ‘Jolly’ Turnbull December 9, 2020

CHURCH THIS SUNDAY Contemporary Worship 9:00 am | Online Traditional Worship 10:45 am | Online Services will be streamed through the provided links as well as on YouTube and Facebook Live. For easy access to our bulletins, giving, connect card, prayer requests, and more, please visit sapctucson.org or use the QR code below.

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