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From Pastor Pete
Greetings St. Andrew’s!
March is one of the most exciting times of the year! If you love books, there is the Tucson Festival of Books. If you love the outdoors, it’s one of the best times to be outside in Tucson. If you are a college basketball fan, this is the season of March Madness! Speaking of basketball, did you know there is one aspect of the game of basketball that has not changed since James Naismith invented the game in 1891? The floor! The first basketball game was played on a floor of hard maple, and ever since then maple has set the standard. The combination of hardness and flex provides for a consistent bounce while helping minimize fatigue on player’s knees. (Only one NBA team does not have a maple basketball court: the Boston Celtics, who play on their iconic red-oak parquet).
Hebrews 13:8 reminds us, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Even as we live during a time of great innovation and change, we can take comfort in knowing that our loving and providential Savior does not change. The season of Lent is a time to refocus our attention on the unchanging truth of God’s Word: that Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15). Do you have a personal Bible that you read? While Bible
apps on devices are very useful, I encourage every one to have a physical copy in which you can highlight and make notes, and refer back to over time. If you don’t have a Bible, or you need help choosing one, let me know – I’d be happy to help!
Regarding next steps in the pastoral leadership transition, I can report that the Congregational Mission Study will be submitted to the Session this month. Depending on approval from both the Session and the presbytery, a congregational meeting to elect a Pastor Nominating Committee may be held this month. Congregational meetings may be called by the Session, with public notice of the meeting given on two successive Sundays (the meeting can occur following the notice on the second of the two Sundays). Be on the lookout for any announcements that may come from the church on an upcoming Sunday and via the emailed Weekly News.
I invite you pray for God’s inspiration in leading the leaders of St. Andrew’s through these important next steps. What an exciting March it will be!
Counting it all joy,
Pete Seiferth Interim Pastor
March Worship Schedule
I Am: Lent Sermon Series on Jesus’ statements of identity from the Gospel of John.
March 5 - I Am the Light of the World
March 12 - I Am the Door
March 19 - I Am the Good Shepherd
March 26 - I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Mission & Local Outreach
Amphi Clothing Bank
Have your children outgrown their clothes? The Amphi Clothing Bank would love to have them and pass them on to students in the Amphi Community who are indesperate need. We have made it easy. You can bring them to church any Sunday and put them in the container marked Amphi Clothing Bank in the Gathering Place. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Kreamer at sandrakreamer@gmail.com.
Thanks in advance for lending a helping hand to all of God’s children.
Christmas Offering Update
In honoring the Lord’s request for the church to be unified, three churches joined together at Christmas time to raise funds for new shoes for the resource centers in the Amphitheater, Flowing Wells, and Marana School Districts! Casas Church, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, and Tucson Church International raised $12,198 so that children in need can have new shoes! We heard the call from the Lord to help hurting families, and what better way to honor Jesus than to fulfill His wish…”I pray that they will all be one - as you are in me, Father, and I am in You. And may they be in us so that the world will believe You sent me.” We all know that we can do more together with humble hearts that are willing to reach outside the walls of our own churches, and this was such a blessing to work together! Thank you Jesus!
2023 Mission Directory
Did you miss picking up your 2023 Mission Directory on January 29 at the Mission Fair?
If so, please visit sapctucson.org or stop by the Coffee Cart any Sunday, or the Church Office during the week, and get your copy. Learn more about the 42 different Mission partners St. Andrew’s supports, and see how you might get involved. Lots of volunteer opportunities. Contact Sandy Kreamer, at sandrakreamer@gmail.com.
Help Earthquake Victims
You’ve heard of the terrible destruction of life and buildings in Turkey and Syria, but how can we help the millions who need medical services, food, water and shelter? The ministry arm of the Presbyterian Church, USA is bringing aid now through their church in Aleppo, Syria. They have a safe school building that is being used as a shelter for hundreds. Our own Rev. Nuhad Tomeh asks that donations to be sent directly to the Presbyterian ministry at:
The Outreach Foundation 381 Riverside Dr, Suite 465 Franklin, TN 37064
Or you can give directly to St. Andrew’s, specifying EARTHQUAKE RELIEF on the memo.
Jasper Melton Scholarship Fund
Jasper Melton was actively involved in many activities at St. Andrew’s. One of his primary interests was volunteering with Tucson Refugee Ministry where he began tutoring programs for children of refugee families. This scholarship fund was established to honor Jasper’s memory and continue his efforts to help these students.
The Jasper Melton Scholarship Fund for refugees attending a fouryear university has helped three students complete their degrees. Maree Reh graduated from UA in May 2021 with her Bachelor’s in Public Health. This past December, Lu Reh received his Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering (ASU), and Ryann Buloe received his
Bachelor’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Magna Cum Laude (UA). Another student, Bu Meh, Lu Reh’s sister, will complete her undergraduate degree in Pharmacology (UA) in May. These students all come from Burmese Christian families and spent their early years in a refugee camp in the jungles of Thailand.
If you would like to contribute, please make your check payable to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and write “Melton Scholarship Fund” in the memo line.
Dick Kampa Missionary Care Fund
Dick Kampa had a heart for missions. He was involved with the St. Andrew’s mission activity for nearly twenty years, serving on the committee, and chairing the committee. Dick developed strong relationships with the missionaries that St. Andrew’s supports, and he and and his wife, Bonnie, made many personal trips to visit them.
The Dick Kampa Missionary Care Fund was established in 2021 in his memory and focuses on personal emergency needs of our missionaries. Since then, the fund has provided support for:
• Tom Allan (Guatemala) – personal medical emergency
• Joe and Averyl Morris (S. Africa, Panama) – personal moving expense
• Ashraf and Naomi Abdou (Spain, N. Africa) – educational expense for their children
• Hannah Smith (Greece) – Greek visa expense to continue ministry in Thessaloniki
The fund currently has a balance of slightly under $1200. If you would like to help with the special needs of the missionaries that St. Andrew’s supports, please make your check payable to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, with “Dick Kampa Missionary Fund” on the memo line.
Children’s Ministry
VBS 2023
Registration opens March 26 for kids and volunteers! Join us for a stellar time at VBS June 12-16! At Stellar VBS, we want kids to discover what it means to shine Jesus’ light! Kids will explore how Jesus shined hope, love, forgiveness, and joy to the world—and how we can do the same with His power!
VBS is open to any child who has completed preschool through completing 5th grade. Preschoolers must have a birthdate before September 1, 2019. Learn more at sapctucson.org
Children’s ministry is hosting an Egg-stravaganza event on Saturday, April 1, from 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm on the SW Campus. We will start with the egg hunt, and then have family prayer stations available. We are also in need of plastic eggs and candy donations. Contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org if you would like to volunteer to help hide eggs and/or run a prayer station.
Preschool & Kindergarten
Last month, our 4s classes and Kindergarten students received a visit from OVPD. Students rotated through stations where they learned:
• how and why to call 911 from police dispatch
• how police dogs use their smell for searching
• what is on a police officer’s uniform
• what an undercover police car looks like and even practiced sitting in one, as well as a police motorcycle
The highlight of the entire experience was watching a helicopter safely land in the parking lot!
Thank you to Det. Knapp, a Preschool parent, for arranging this event for our students. We were excited to see our students learn about how our police officers serve in our community.
Youth Ministry
Thank you St. Andrew’s for all of your support during our 30 Hour Famine in February. Together we raised over $3,400 to support World Vision and their effort to provide food and care across the world, and Hope City Tucson in their efforts to provide assistance to the houseless community in Tucson.
We are starting a Lent Confirmation Class during the Youth Sunday School hour from 10:45 am - 12:00 pm. This 8-week class will help us dive deep into what the church believes, what we believe, and why it’s important! This isn’t just a Confirmation class, but a bridge of mentorship for St. Andrew’s. Think prayer partners 2.0! We hope this opportunity ignites something in you; maybe you are looking for a way to get involved, maybe you’re looking for a way to serve, and hopefully you’re looking for a way to invest in young people and have them invest in you. Let’s not only pass the torch but light the path into the life of the church.
Save the date for Super Sign Up Sunday! Every summer during July, both Middle School and High School head to Forest Home Camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. It is an amazing week filled with games, worship, teaching, zip-lining, hiking, blobbing, competitions, night games, friendships, and more! Spaces are limited and go quickly. Super Sign-Up Sunday is your best, and possibly only, chance to get your spot. Registration will be open online at 2:00 pm on Sunday, March 5. We can’t wait for you to join us! The dates for summer camp this year are July 2-7 and the cost is $530 per camper. Sibling discounts and scholarships are available! Learn more at sapctucson.org.
Save the date for the Moonlight Dinner and Auction, the biggest youth fundraiser of the year! Funds raised go to Youth Missions, Youth Scholarships, and our Youth Intern Program. It is a huge event and we need your help to make it happen. The Moonlight Dinner and Auction will be Saturday, April 29, starting at 6:00 pm in Friendship Hall. Please save the date and consider how you can volunteer or support the event! Tickets will go on sale at the end of March! DONATIONS NEEDED! We are currently accepting donations to be auctioned off. Some of the popular items in the past have been timeshares, dinner parties, service projects, sports memorabilia, large diamonds, and private yachts. Please consider donating and attending our fun event! If you have questions, please contact Tim Christian at tchristian@sapctucson.org or Logan Schmidt at lschmidt@sapctucson.org.
Change for Children
0ur annual Change for Children campaign will kick off on March 12, and Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) will be our Moment for Mission. Representatives from ACE will be here to kick off the campaign in all three services. Please also plan to join us after services for any questions that you may have.
As discussed in the February Cross Currents article, our goal this year is to raise $10,000 for the Graduation Approach. With the Graduation Approach we will be empowering 50 families through the program and out of extreme poverty. This money will go towards monthly food support while in the program, financial literacy, and job skills training, seed capital, and mentoring for starting a small business and maintaining their endeavor.
Thank you for your continuing support of ACE and its mission.
Adult Ministry
You are invited to join the Sunday Connect Group that meets on Sundays on our NE Campus at 10:45 am in the Fireside Room. They began a new study on January 29, The Real Heaven, by Chip Ingram. This is a six-week Bible Study with a video, a study guide, and book. “Chip Ingram digs into Scripture to reveal what our heavenly home will be like, what we’ll do there, what we’ll experience, and how we’re to prepare for eternity today.” Contact Karin Fiore at karinfiore@gmail.com or Lori Seiferth at loriseiferth@gmail.com.
SAPC Senior Ministry that meets on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am for encouragement, connection, lots of fun, and a delicious lunch is served. This is a outreach to the community of Tucson and Oro Valley as well. Contact Cindy Lange at lucinlange@comcast.net or 520-955-3550.
Women of all ages are invited to our monthly women’s fellowship on March 17. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff, and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at a hostess to be determined. RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org
Join us May 6, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, for a morning of encouragement and uplifting for our quarterly “Beyond Sunday Workshop.” Our speaker will be Cynthia Heald, author of “The Faithful Way, Remaining Steadfast in an Uncertain World.” Breakfast will be served. Cost is $20 and you may RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org
Varied / crandall@sapctucson.org
Thursdays, 9:00 am - 11:30 am
Thursdays, 8:00 am
Fridays, 9:00 am
Sundays, 10:30 am
Sundays,10:45 am
Wednesdays, 10:15 am
Service Worship Speakers
On January 29 for Service Worship, we had three guest speakers that spoke about what the Lord is doing in our city. Below, you can view their bios and how to contact them.
Pastor Jeff Logsdon is passionate about starting healthy churches that serve the local community. The people around Hope City Church are diverse, and in many cases, impoverished. They often get overlooked so he feels that it is a privilege to be able to actively serve their needs. Pastor Jeff likes to run marathons, bike, watch football, read leadership books, and learn from dynamic people in our community.
The Scripture that inspires Pastor Jeff and that he wants to live by is: Jesus prayed to the Father. “I have brought glory to You here on earth by completing the work that You gave Me to do.” (John 17:4) He imagines what it would be like to live every day with that kind of focus—listening to God’s promptings and being bold enough to act on them!
You can reach Pastor Jeff at jeffalogsdon@gmail.com
Kari Marsh is the Outreach Director for Hope City Church. She loves the community around 22nd street and has lived in the area for the past 10 years. She has a heart for those who are homeless as well as refugees. The ministry of refugees creating cloth bags with New Creation Trades was sparked by a conversation at one of the Tucson Ministry Alliance meetings. This idea certainly came from the Lord, and Kari heeded the call. Refugee women in Tucson have now made over 1000 bags which they get paid to create. Kari was born in Phoenix and spent 25 years as an FBI agent before retiring. She loves to create - whether it’s food, sewing, knitting, arts and crafts, or even memories.
The Scripture that inspires her is: “Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:7
You can reach Kari at marshkari@hotmail.com
Dr. Da’Mond T. Holt is the founder and CEO of Fresh Start International. He is the brainchild and visionary of the Fresh Start Expo that is hosted in Tucson, Arizona for formerly incarcerated ex-offenders at the Tucson Convention Center. Dr. Holt is the senior pastor of the Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church, board president of the Tucson Urban League, and president of the IMA of Tucson. Professionally, he is also a Trauma/PTSD and Mental Health Specialist who has an expertise in psychological early childhood trauma. It is Dr. Holt’s passion and vision to equitably educate and empower ex-offenders with support, resources, and opportunities to restructure and rebuild their lives as they reenter their community.
You can reach out to Dr. Holt at damond@freshstartint.com.
Easter Flowers
One of our traditions is to beautify our Sanctuary each Easter with blooming plants shared in memory or honor of our loved ones. Make a donation in memory or honor of a loved one and have your names included in a special Easter weekend bulletin insert. You can sign up by visiting sapctucson.org or contacting the Church Office.
The cost will be $25 and you may select whether you would like the plant to be placed in the Chapel for the 7:30 am service or in the Sanctuary. The plants in the Chapel may be taken home following the 7:30 am Worship Service and the plants in the Sanctuary may be taken home after the Traditional Worship Service. Check with the Church Office Tuesday or Wednesday if you would like to pick up your plant after Easter to see if there are still plants available. Some of the leftover plants may be taken to Care Centers.
Stephen Ministry
When was the last time you talked about a problem you’re having, and really felt heard? When was the last time you knew someone was in your corner? When was the last time someone offered to pray for you and followed up to see how things were going? You too can experience the care of a trusted friend; Stephen Ministers are eager to walk alongside you. For more information visit sapctucson.org/care or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.
What Do Faith Community Nurses Do?
Faith Community Nurse Ministry (FCN) began in 1996 with the goal of working in partnership with other care ministries toward establishing the church as a vital resource for health and healing. While Blood Pressure screening at HUGS and every second Sunday following each service is the most visible service, the Medical Boutique where we accept medical equipment donations and loan equipment free of charge is also popular.
All activities are guided by the Health Committee and less visible tasks include the following;
• Placement of Emerge cards in each bathroom toilet stall (Domestic Violence prevention resource)
• Monitor eight first aid boxes for replenishment
Blood Drive on March 26
• CPR and First Aid classes
• Home fall prevention assessments
• Cross Current health articles
• Referral to community health resources
• Individual health counseling –all contacts are confidential
Faith Community Nurses are not permitted to do “hands-on care” but are able to refer to community resources. St. Andrew’s belongs to a network of other Tucson churches with FCN ministries which is a valuable resource and support.
For further information on how FCN can help you, please contact the church office or Louise Doran 520-529-7748.
Our next blood drive is Sunday, March 26. What happens to your blood after you donate? It goes to Pomona, CA for processing and testing, it is then distributed according to hospital needs, sometimes back to Tucson, but it may stay in CA. Once your unit arrives at its new home in a hospital blood bank, it will find its forever home in a lucky patient. Maybe that’s a cancer patient whose body just can’t make enough of their own blood, or someone having a big surgery that can cause blood loss, or a victim of a car crash with internal injuries. Just think how thankful that patient is that YOU decided to donate the gift of life! Visit redcrossblood.org/give to sign up today.
Financial Update
January total revenue $317,812 Year to date revenue $317,812 Monthly revenue required 292,977 YTD revenue required 292,977 Difference $24,835 Difference $24,835