Thank you to everyone who participated in Love Our City and donated to the event. Together with Northminster Presbyterian Youth, our students packaged and distributed 439 bags of food and 200 hygiene bags on the day of the event. In total, we packaged 600 grocery bags that have been distributed to Flowing Wells Family Services and Northminster’s Deacon’s Pantry.
5 4 A LETTER FROM PASTOR JIM Dear St. Andrew’s Family, I cannot believe it has been over eleven years that I have served as your Pastor. You not only welcomed me and my family, but embraced my crazy hair, my metaphors, and my passion for us to be a church that serves all of Tucson. These past eleven years have been some of my best years in ministry, watching a church family care for each other, love Jesus, and care for the world around them. I thank you and feel honored I got to serve all of you wonderful people. I want to thank you for how supportive you have been in my cancer journey. I have felt love, compassion, and graciousness from all of you. You have probably heard by now that my cancer has continued to progress. This past Monday, I started “Plan C,” which will be a Phase 1 Clinical Trial. “Plan C” will not be chemo, but rather what
they call an inhibitor, which is a drug that targets specific mutations of my cancer cells. It is a long shot, but I feel good about trying something new and more progressive. After much soul-searching, I am convinced that even if I survive this cancer fight, I may never be able to work full-time or at a full capacity job such as Pastor/Head of Staff. So, after much prayer, I believe it is time for me to resign. Even though I am not working now, I have asked Session that Sunday, April 18, be my last official day. My hope is to have a Goodbye Service and, if health allows, I would love to preach one last sermon at St. Andrew’s. As is required by our Presbyterian polity, the Session will likely call a congregational meeting “to dissolve the pastoral relationship” before then, but the effective date of my resignation will remain April 18, 2021.
I have communicated my request to Session and know the Personnel Committee and Session are already working with the Presbytery on a transition plan to provide strong pastoral leadership as you move forward. I have been told the Session will communicate those transition plans as soon as they are confirmed.
You have been a wonderful church to serve. You have loved me and my family well, and I truly love all of you. I know this church will continue to thrive and impact the Kingdom even after this wild period of ambiguity. You are a bonfire that shines a powerful light in this community. Nothing will put that out! Love you all, Pastor Jim
My wife announced that she would be leaving our marriage and would be filing for divorce. I had no one to turn to. I was in shock. A couple of days later, as I sat in a church full of people, the one slide that I had seen 1000 times before came up about Stephen Ministry. That morning for some reason it really spoke to me.
Through the Stephen Ministry program, I’ve changed my life. They enabled me to commit myself to improving my life and showed me that God does care and that God’s shoulders are broad and it’s OK to be mad at God. I’ll forever be grateful for having had a Stephen Minister.
Do you need someone to walk beside you along a difficult journey? Then contact us through one of our pastors,, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.
My Stephen Minister, Larry, helped me with his consistent, persistent effort on being there and showing up. Larry walked with me for literally the next two years through a very painful separation and divorce. He refused to give up on me. He made sure when we were together, he was completely devoted to just listening to me. He would not speak a whole lot but just ask questions or mention topics for discussion or just let me ramble. He was everything I ever thought a loving God would be by always being open and honest, as if God was there standing right next to me.
EASTER FLOWERS We need flowers to adorn St. Andrew’s. Help us prepare the Sanctuary and Chapel for the joy of the Resurrection! To donate a blooming plant in honor or in memory of a loved one, please visit Plants will be $15 each and availalbe to take home following the 10:45 am Easter Worship Service.
BOOKS FOR LOCAL ELEMENTARY Thank you for your donations! We delivered a total of 534 books— and all but 20 arrived and were given to the students before their winter break!! (The last 20 were back ordered and just arrived and were delivered last week.) We so much appreciate the support of Northminster and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Churches and for all who shopped, ordered, and delivered books! Each student was given two books that their teachers selected for them. Everyone was so appreciative!! Here are some letters from the teachers and students: Dear Northminster & St. Andrew’s Churches & Community Members, We want to thank you so, so much for the beautiful and amazing books you bought for our students. They are so appreciative and love them so much. It meant so much to all of us teachers and the families and our students. It made many of the teachers cry for such generous gifts during the pandemic – to actually give students something physical to hold and keep. Reading and books are so important and so we thank you so much for giving those treasures to our students. We appreciate you! Here are a few thank you letters from my students. They too were absolutely thrilled and could not believe their eyes they were able to have books. Thank you and take care, Alesha Farrell (4th Grade Teacher at Cragin Elementary) Dear Churches, Thank you so much for donating books to the students. Even though I didn’t get to pick up the books because I left to Texas for winter break, but I will pick it up soon, it was kind of y’all to do that for us. Sincerely, Jarrenae Dear Churches, Thank You For the Books. We Will enjoy them and read them and take care of them. Thank You! Love, Taz
Dear churches, Thanks for the books. I liked them. Love, Lilyen Dear: Churches, My name is Yuli. I’m from Guatemala. Thanks for the books and I’m 4th grade in Mrs. Farrell’s class. I like the books. Thank you. Sincerely: Yuli Dear churches, Thank you for everything. I am really happy and I love it. You really made my day. Love, Anairda Dear, St. Andrews and Northminster Churches, Thank you for helping our Cragin community. We want to thank you guys so much. It means alot to us. Hope you have the best winter. Love you, Ambio Dear Churches, Thank you for the books. I really love them! I read them the day I got them. Do you like to read? Thanks. Love, Lilly
Dear churches, Thank you! I really appreciate the books very much ;oden Dear Churches, Thank you for the books I really love them thank you. Love Noah Dear churches, Thank you so much for the book’s and all the stuff you gave us. So bye. Frankie Dear churches, Thank you for the books and more books and I love playing basketball that is the best thing I love doing. The books were about basketball. Awesome! Love, Edward Dear churches, I love all the books, but the best one is the One and Only Ivan. I love page 179, ”If I could use human words to say what I need to say , this would all be so easy. Instead I have my pots of paint and my ragged pages. I sigh. My fingertips glow like jungle flowers. I try again.” I’m Amina from Mrs. Farrells 4th grade class.
COMMUNITY RENEWAL: SAPC MISSION PARTNER Since the pandemic began, Community Renewal has more than doubled their giving to families needing help with rent and utilities. They see four to five families three weeks out of every month and typically pay off $2000 per week of debt. Families come in needing help, and Randy Reynolds (Community Renewal’s founder) and his assistant, Catherine, take the families through an assessment process as well as a spiritual appraisal to see where they are in their faith. Several people have come to Christ by the grace and forgiveness of Jesus that was shared with them. Many clients come to Community Renewal being trapped in the title loan scam. Title loans are
offered with a percentage rate of 112-204% to which the clients in need can never pay back because of their poverty level. CR just paid off a $3000 title loan for a man and his four children. He and his entire family got COVID, but he continued to pay back the no-interest loan from Community Renewal. Using the grace of Jesus Christ, Community Renewal blessed this family financially by paying off the rest of his loan. Community Renewal is a St. Andrew’s Mission partner and is a 501(c)3 organization. Donations can be made to: Community Renewal 631 N 2nd Avenue Tucson, AZ 85705 Thank you support!
WELCOME DESK VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Welcome Table is in need of a new volunteer leader and additional volunteer team members. These are important roles and also a lot of fun! Contact Gretel at or Amy at
Jasper Melton was actively involved in many activities at St. Andrew’s and in volunteer activities in the community. One of his primary interests was volunteering with Tucson Refugee Ministry. He began tutoring programs in math and English for refugee families. One of Jasper’s last efforts in July 2017, was to raise funds to support two students who entered UA and ASU. Many of Jasper’s friends feel that this scholarship fund is a most appropriate way to honor his memory and to continue his efforts to help these students. Several additional refugee family students are now attending universities with the help of this fund. If you need more information, contact Del Rieschick or David Vellenga. If contributing by check, please make check payable to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and write Melton Scholarship Fund in the check memo line.
IT’S A GREAT TIME TO SERVE The Bible tells us God blesses each of us with gifts we can use for the good of the church. The 2021 Nominating Committee has begun its work finding new church officers to begin three year terms in January 2022 serving as Elders, Deacons, and Trustees. In the weeks to come, you will be hearing and reading about these opportunities to serve St. Andrew’s. Pastor Mat will be addressing this from the pulpit and the Weekly News email will include information and a link to a nomination form. In a Moment for Mission, a current Elder, Deacon, and Trustee will tell you first hand their experiences serving as a Church Officer. If you presently serve on a church committee, you will have opportunities to brainstorm possible candidates at your meetings. Meanwhile, if you currently know someone you would like to nominate or would like to nominate yourself, please visit or email Include your name, the name of your nominee, and the office that would fit your candidate the best.
We are excited to welcome families back to In-Person Sunday School starting March 7. It’s been almost a year since we’ve seen your faces in our rooms. Sunday School will only be In-Person during the 9:00 am service. We will continue to offer Sunday School on Zoom at 10:45 am. When returning to Sunday School, please wear a mask and make sure to wash and sanitize your hands. You will also be asked to keep social distancing while in Sunday School.
EASTER EGGS NEEDED Children’s Ministry is collecting plastic Easter Eggs! No candy this year, please. We will NOT be hosting an egg hunt, but we have another amazing thing planned to bring the egg hunt to YOU. Eggs can be dropped off on Sunday in the Sunday School hallway starting March 7, or in the Church Office during the week.
VBS 2021 We are still planning the details of a possible InPerson VBS this year! More information coming by the end of March. In-Person VBS is scheduled for June 14-18, 2021. We will still offer an online option as well. This year’s theme is Treasured: Discovering You’re Priceless to God.
FOREST HOME 2021: JULY 4-9 Though this year has been hard to plan for, we are excited about the possibility to return to Forest Home this summer. Be on the lookout for Super Sign Up Sunday information to register for your spot at our summer camp at! For more information, contact Tim Christian at
CHURCH WORK DAY: MARCH 13 St. Andrew’s will have a Church Work Day for a few hours on Saturday, March 13. We will be on the SW campus to spread additional gravel in the plaza and other areas and clean up the southside lower courtyard. If you can join us, we will meet in the SW campus plaza at 8:00 am and will work for about three hours. If you have them, bring a shovel, rake, wheelbarrow, loppers, small hand saw or reciprocating saw, gloves, hat, and water. We will also have some tools and wheelbarrows available to use. Please wear a face covering and keep your social distance as much as possible. - Physical and Technical Resources Committee
The maintenance of both the NE and SW campus parking will take place the week of March 15. Maintenance was delayed until after the solar power system was installed. Scheduling both parking lots under one contract is providing some savings. • The NE campus parking lot, north and west areas, will start on Monday, March 15. • The SW campus parking lot and the NE campus parking lot, east area (behind Chapel and Preschool), will start on Wednesday, March 17. Parking lot areas will be marked during the week when parking is restricted. Thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility. - Physical and Technical Resources Committee
January total revenue
Year to date revenue
Monthly revenue required
YTD revenue required
We are looking forward to another modified Service Worship with our focus again being on the Navajo Nation. We will be collecting supplies and food to be delivered later in April. We will also focus on bringing Easter to families who have been struggling due to the Pandemic, families with children with severe disabilities, and Easter baskets for foster children! Once again, we will be making Easter cards for Sapphire and Park Avenue Care Centers and including our own members in care homes! Watch for the Sign-Up Genius coming soon! Thank you!
Thank you for all of the beautiful handmade valentines! We were able to bless Oro Valley Hospital’s staff with treat bags and valentines bringing much needed love to these hard-working care workers! We also partnered with New Life Bible Fellowship to bring valentines to Sapphire and Park Avenue Care Centers. The activities director at Park Avenue told us the story of three blind seniors who were able to touch the pop ups and puffy stickers that you all chose! We honestly expected store bought cute valentines and were so taken aback to see what everyone had put together themselves! St. Andrew’s never ceases to amaze with your thoughtfulness! The director also told us that the seniors were all asking her to put up their valentines on the walls. Each person received a decorated sack with five valentines each! Thank you again for spreading the love of Jesus during the month of February, and thank you for the toilet paper donations for the youth event!
WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW IS LOVE NEW STUDY & DISCUSSION ON 1 CORINTHIANS 13 Beginning Thursday, March 4, from 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, we will be diving into the book of Corinthians, specifically 1 Corinthians 13! What is love and how do we as followers of Jesus show this love to our world today? Anita Bickford will be our teacher along with your Adult Discipleship Team. We will have opportunity for teaching as well as discussion and prayer together. Sign-up with Connie at
THE COLOR OF COMPROMISE BOOK STUDY Join us for a 6-week Book Study and Conversation beginning Thursday, March 11, from 6:00 pm 7:00 pm on The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby. We are offering this book study again to give more opportunity for those who could not join us last summer. We discovered this is an opportunity to listen, learn, and discuss how racism and bias impact our lives, the Church, and the image of God. Education leads to informed action which leads to justice and repair. Discussions about these topics can be difficult and provoke strong emotions, but as Jesus’ hands and feet, we want to continue the conversation. Lynn Guyot and the Adult Discipleship Team will be leading the discussion. Contact Connie at to RSVP and get a Zoom link.
Ladies let us begin again a night of fellowship and fun on Friday, March 19, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm! Sharing life and a meal and together outside at Noble Hops. This has been a great way for women to share what’s been going on in their lives in a way that helps us be encouraged and uplifted. RSVP with Connie at
Our Adult Discipleship Team passed out Lenten Blessing Bags with Lenten devotionals, cards of encouragement, and handmade bookmarks. Thank you for stopping by!
In Memoriam
Barbara Mohaupt | January 21, 2021 Dawn Beckley | January 23, 2021 Betty Yaeger | February 2, 2021 Keith Thorson | February 10, 2021 Brian Ponikvar | February 20, 2021