Joy. Joy is one of the distinctive marks of the Christian. It’s one of the fruits of the Spirit. Joy is mentioned sixteen times in Philippians, the “Book of Joy.” Technically, the shortest verse in the Bible isn’t “Jesus wept” but rather 1 Thessalonians 5:16, where Paul gives us this charge: rejoice always! (in Greek this verse is only one word).
We know the feeling, but joy is hard to express with words. Our dog Gatsby (pictured here) has been teaching our family about pure joy. As you can see, Gatsby gets quite a spring in his step come mealtime. He’s a cavapoo (King Charles Cavalier and poodle mix), but at mealtime Gatsby is more kangaroo than cavapoo!
Some missionaries experienced this challenge of describing joy when they were translating the Bible into an Inuit dialect among native Alaskans. There was no real word in Eskimo for joy. So the translators had to find a different concept to communicate its meaning. So they studied the

culture. They found one of the most joyful times for an Eskimo family are when the sled dogs come home at night and are fed. The dogs are yelping, jumping, and wagging their tails. The children get a little hyper too. Even neighbors sometimes join in the festivities.
So when the Scriptures say that the disciples were filled
with joy when they saw Jesus, the Eskimo Bible literally says, “upon seeing Jesus the disciples wagged their tails!” I like that image of joy. Wagging our tails. And the good news is that our God is a joyful God. In fact God Himself is our joy. St. Augustine centuries ago prayed to God, “Happiness is to rejoice in You and for You and because of You.” Joy can be experienced across the gamut of life situations we face. The Spirit supplies our joy--even when we’re going through difficult times. St. Andrew’s, let’s keep looking for joy and leaping for joy as we celebrate the abundant life we have in Christ Jesus our Lord. We have no reason to put our tail between our legs. Let’s learn from Gatsby and wag our tails and jump for joy to God’s glory.
Pastor John

The Tucson Interfaith HIV/AIDS Network (TIHAN) is a coalition of faith communities, businesses, nonprofit groups, and individuals working to create a more inclusive community where everyone knows their HIV status, and where every person— regardless of status— is supported and affirmed to live as well as possible and stay healthy and engaged in the community. TIHAN provides community resources and caring support so that people with HIV can live well. Through education, we encourage everyone to get tested, get involved, and reduce the stigma of HIV.
With improvements to HIV medications, people with HIV can live longer and healthier lives. TIHAN serves a subset of the HIV population: primarily adults over age 50 who are longer-term survivors that have experienced high levels of trauma and are living in poverty. Many people with HIV face increased financial hardship, with limited disability income and stretched to buy even basic necessities.
TIHAN’s model is similar to our sister agency Interfaith Community Services (ICS). Our programs provide emotional, social, and practical support to people living with HIV. Our services are unique and complement what is provided by other organizations. In 2023, we provided support services to 364 people living with HIV in our community. Learn more at tihan.org.
Greetings from the Borderlands Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program! Like many things in the Presbyterian Church these days, we are learning to adapt to new ways of doing ministry with young adults. This year was the first year of our strategic ministry plan towards building binational young adult community on the U.S./México border. We have four YAVs this year representing three different countries (United States, México and El Salvador)! Two of our YAVs, Anahí and Yadamy, serve in Agua Prieta, Sonora, with our partners Frontera de Cristo and CAME Migrant Shelter. Our other two YAVs Ben and Nidia serve in Tucson with our partner CHRPA doing home repairs for low-income homeowners. While this year has had its challenges navigating the realities of two different countries, we are thankful to witness the growth of the YAVs as they learn about social justice and faith in the church. As we continue in this journey of partnerships and get ready to again welcome another group of YAVs in 2024-2025, we are grateful for all the amazing people and churches who support our work. You can support the Borderlands YAV program at donorbox.org/tbyavcommunity23-24 and learn more about the program at tucsonborderlandsyav.org


Thank you to everyone who had a part in our Service Worship, Serve Our City 2024! Everyone was very grateful for all your hard work! We painted beautiful hopscotch courts at Hendricks Elementary School, cleaned up yards for some elderly in need, delivered goodies to fire and police stations, packed gift bags for the Ronald McDonald House, made friendship bracelets for children with cancer, put together 900 gift bags for teachers and school staffs, packed lunches and made cards for Casa Paloma Women’s Shelter, and more! Thank you for your kindness and for your donations as well!

God continues to provide for the needs in the city through St. Andrew’s! We are looking forward to our next Service Worship, Serve Our Schools on July 28! We will be focusing on inside projects for the schools as well as providing full size hygiene products for families and snacks for students. We are hearing more and more about the needs of helping children who are hungry. Watch for good sales on snack items such as applesauce cups, graham crackers, protein or Nutri Grain bars this summer so that we are ready to fulfill this need. Thank you, St. Andrew’s, for being a church who loves Jesus and provides for others!

This month’s volunteer spotlight is on Children’s Ministry. Lots of people to honor but one name came up repeatedly: Todd Autenreith! He started his journey at SAPC as a student at Canyon Del Oro High School. (Just a few years ago! )

In Todd’s words: “Over the past 47 years, I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to serve God and our church in a variety of ways. By far, the longest and most dear to my heart has been serving as a Sunday School teacher in both Youth and Children’s Ministry.
I was ‘nudged’ many years ago to join Larry and Shelly Gray in teaching 5th graders, many of whom are now the parents of my current students. Since then, I have served as a Middle School teacher and most recently as a fifth grade teacher.
If any of my current or former students is asked, they would say that my time at Sunday School is my favorite hour of the week. It truly is. We often hear teachers state how much more they get out of their experience than that of the students. I feel the same. Preparing for, and spending time with our kids leaves me with a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and my walk more meaningful.
In addition to serving as a Sunday School teacher, I have had the wonderful opportunity to participate in over a dozen years of Vacation Bible School, usually as a nutty actor with the drama crew. Unfortunately, the advent of grandchildren has conflicted with VBS dates during the summer, but when the opportunity lends itself again, I will be there, willing to wear whatever crazy things are necessary to bring the Word of God to life for the kids.
Finally, I have also been blessed to serve in other areas of St. Andrew’s, including the Wittman Ringers Bell Choir for 33 years, a Deacon twice, and most recently, the Pastor Nominating Committee. All of these things over the past 47 years have blessed my life many times over while also meeting the needs of others. I hope to be able to volunteer my time to our wonderful St. Andrew’s for many years to come.”

We thank all who answered God’s call to teach our children in the Children’s Ministry in the Preschool, Kindergarten, Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School. What a blessing our teachers are!
Have you felt the Lord’s call to serve? Is God calling you? Contact Heather Brannock, our Children’s Ministry Director at hbrannock@sapctucson.org , call the Church Office, or visit sapctucson.org/kids.
It is with great joy that I write to let the church know that our very own Heather Brannock, went before the Presbytery De Cristo on Saturday, April 20, to move from an Inquirer to a Candidate for Ordination in the PCUSA. She was joined with both of our pastors and three church members who were gathered in support of her at Valley Presbyterian Church in Green Valley. Heather is a little more than half way through her M.Div. program at Bethel Seminary working towards ordination. This is a major step and we are so proud of her!
- Pastor Mat Grover

Please join us for our Family Performances on May 6 and May 7! Come view student art in the Narthex and Friendship Hall with performances by our Preschool and Kindergarten as we celebrate the end of our school year!
1s/2s MWF Classes
May 6, 10:30 am, Chapel
2s T/Th Classes
May 7, 10:30 am, Chapel
All 3s Classes
May 6, 5:30 pm, Sanctuary
All 4s, Kinder Bridge, & Kindergarten Classes
May 7, 5:30 pm, Sanctuary

As we wrap up our school year, we are so thankful to our church and school families who support our Preschool and Kindergarten with prayer, time, and tax credit donations toward our Kindergarten! Here are a couple of ways you can celebrate the end of our school year with us!
On Wednesday, May 1, please join us out for lunch, dinner, and/or dessert at Fentonelli’s Pizzeria (7262 N Oracle Road) 11:30 am - 8:30 pm and at Jeremiah’s Italian Ice (7348 N. Oracle Road) from 12:30 pm - 6:30 pm, for a school fundraiser benefiting our Preschool Scholarship Fund. Mention St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten and a percentage of your order will be donated to our school!


A Special Need Ministry
Our next meeting of Super Friends and parents will be on May 5 at 10:30 am in the Sunday School Rooms. Contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org with questions or to sign up.
We will honor our outgoing 5th Graders during the Children’s Message at the 9:00 am service on May 12. In the afternoon at 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, 5th Graders and their parents are invited to the 5th Grade Preview in the Boondocks on the NE campus. This is a time for kids to play games, eat pizza, and meet the youth leaders. It is also an informational meeting for parents.
Summer Sunday School will start on May 19 and will meet during the 9:00 am service only. Kids will go to the class that they will be entering in the fall of 2024. Elementary students will meet in Room F and preschool students will meet in Room D.
We are also looking for volunteers to help with Summer Sunday School so that our school year Sunday School teachers may have a break. We provide all the lessons and materials. Summer Sunday School goes from May 19 - August 4. No need to commit to the whole summer, help out when you can! If interested, please contact Heather at hbrannock@sapctucson.org
VBS is an all-church effort. There is something for everyone. We are looking for volunteers to work with kids during VBS 2024! We are especially in need of Preschool Station Leaders. To see the job descriptions, visit sapctucson.org/kids/vbs.
We are also in need of scholarships. You can donate by check by putting VBS Scholarship in the memo line or online at sapctucson.org/kids/vbs.
We are requesting donations of the following items to help offset the cost of our VBS program this year. See list below. Thank you for supporting our VBS! We could not do it without you!
• Large fish tank (will be returned)
• Bowling ball - 8 lbs. or less (will be returned)
• Paper cupcake liners
• 8 large bedsheets
• Red, green, orange, purple, pink and yellow crepe paper streamers
• Blue plastic tablecloths
• Ping-pong balls
• 6 folding clothes racks (will be returned)
• White, blue, purple fabric
• Paper towels (select a size)
• Removable sticky note flags
• Toilet paper
• Sports cones
• Small water balloons
• Large beach towels (will be returned)
• Beach balls
• Large plastic bowls
• Hula hoops
• Pool noodles
• Laundry baskets (will be returned)
• Pillowcases
• Shallow plastic bins with lids
• 4 high powered large bright flashlights or battery operated spotlights (will be returned)
• 16 Extra large aluminum 18” x 13” roaster pans
• 60 Bottles of 20 oz. Dasani Water or other sturdy plastic bottled water
• 15 clear wide mouth glass jars
• 65 clear plastic cups 9oz
• 144- 8 oz. opaque (not see through) plastic cups
• Yellow, orange, and red tissue paper
• Small aquarium stones
• Artificial aquarium plants
• Small plastic fish
• Shaving cream
• Plastic tablecloths (any color)
• Wet wipes
• Cotton balls
• Hand held mirrors
• Blue, green, and yellow sticky notes
• Umbrellas (will be returned)
• Spray bottles
• Boxes of tissue
• 16-ounce disposable cups in bright colors
• Plastic Easter eggs
• Foam dessert plates
• 8- to 12- ounce sturdy paper cups
• Pompoms
• Duct tape
• 16-ounce bottles with lids
• Drinking straws (not bendy)
• Adult-size white socks
• Egg cartons
• Elastic string
• Snack-size resealable plastic bags
• Disposable gloves
• Coated paper plates

On May 12, all graduating seniors from high school and college are welcome to be celebrated and prayed for at the 9:00 service. Please submit your graduation information and a photo at sapctucson.org so we can add you to our celebration!

Save the date for the 5th Grade Preview on Sunday, May 12, at 1:00 pm. We will welcome all incoming 6th graders to experience Youth Ministry for the first time. We’ll have pizza and play a game or two while parents can get all their questions answered by Tim, and a few youth leaders.

Since so many Middle School Students (incoming 6th - 8th graders) and their friends are involved in VBS, we are creating the opportunity to make the most of your week! Join us on two mission adventures following VBS on Monday (6/11) and Thursday (6/13) of VBS week. Come serve the Tucson community with us!
Thank you to all who participated in the 2024 Moonlight Dinner & Auction! We had such a blast with you all! Together we raised a record amount of ov er $24,000! What a great night! We have so many people to thank because we couldn’t have done it without everyone involved!

We will be taking a Youth Ministry program break from May 13 - June 3 for graduations. We will be back with pool parties to start the summer on June 4 and June 5. Stay up to
Loneliness is enough of a reason to ask for a Stephen Minister. Are you surrounded by others, but not feeling heard? In fact, sometimes you can feel the most alone in a crowd. Stephen Ministers go through 50 hours of intense training, just for you! More than ever, we are isolated from one another, due to a variety of reasons. Know that you can meet face to face, once a week for about an hour, with someone that will listen, pray with and for you, and encourage you. For more information, visit sapctucson.org/care or call the Church Office at 297-7201 or Cheryl Smith 520-271-6591

Women of all ages are invited to come together at one of our homes on May 17, from 6:00 pm8:00 pm for fellowship, food, fun, and prayer for each other. This month our host will be Cherie MillerGray (55 E. Naranja Drive). Bring an appetizer to share. Looking forward to being together. Please RSVP to cbmiller12@comcast.net. For questions, contact Cherie at 520-400-8053.
As of March 31, 2024
$446,197 $521,452
$482,354 $609,489 DIFFERENCE ($36,157) ($88,037)
Thank you for your support of our ministries. Please contact Brad in the business office at 520-297-7201 if you have questions.
What is POLST?
POLST stands for Physician Orders for LifeSustaining Treatment and is a physician signed document which specifies the end-of-life treatment someone does or doesn’t want. It is usually printed on pink paper making it easy for emergency responders to find and they must follow instructions. It is usually recommended for terminally ill or very frail seniors who have made their end-of-life wishes clear.
What is DNR?
DNR stands for Do Not Resuscitate and is a medical order written by a doctor. The DNR is only a decision about CPR (cardiopulmonary
resuscitation) and doesn’t affect any other treatments such as pain, other medications, or nutrition.
POLST vs DNR primary difference is that POLST covers a variety of end-of-life treatments while DNR only gives instructions about CPR. These documents are obtained through your physician for the purpose of informing hospitals and EMTs your wishes; otherwise, they are required to do their best to save your life.
For more information, please contact Faith Community Nursing through the Church Office.