Cross Currents November 2019

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NOVEMBER VOLUMEÂ 2019 ISSUE NO. 10 Pictures from the 2019 Rocky Point Mission Trip with 1Mission

We need YOU to make our new church directory complete! PHOTOGRAPHY SESSIONS

We want you to be included in the SAPC Directory! Lifetouch will be photographing all of our families for a new church directory and now is the time to sign up! Be included and make our directory complete! What to expect: • A professional photography session with no session fees. • View your images after your session and make your selections. • You will receive one FREE 8x10 standard print and church directory plus other special offers.

Ways to sign up: • Go to • Call Lifetouch at 1-866-756-0281 Monday - Friday, 7:00 am - 3:00 pm MDT. • Visit sign up tables after service in October.


Covenant Cards for your 2020 pledges have been mailed. Dedication Sunday is November 3. Please pray for the financial health of our church as decisions about next year’s budget are now being made. Thank you for your generosity. May God continue to bless the ministries and mission of St. Andrew’s.


Who? Join the fun as we show the love of Jesus to different areas in the city by sharing pies! What? We will be blessing the Department of Child Services, staff in Old Main at the University of Arizona, Lynn/Urquides and Oyama Elementary Schools, Ward 5 City Council Office, Sister Jose’s Women’s Shelter, and members of our own congregation in care facilities! Where? Please bring all pies (store-bought or homemade) on Sunday, November 24, to either the NE kitchen or the Narthex on the SW campus. Please place all pies in disposable containers. When? Deliveries take place on Monday, November 25, at 9:00 am. We will need help delivering! Please sign up on the homepage of the St. Andrew’s website if you are able to help. Why? We want to celebrate the joy of sharing with our neighbors in this connection/fellowship event! Questions? Please contact Mat Grover at or RuthAnn at Thank you for encouraging others! CrossCurrents (020349) November 2019 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704

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Christmas is coming...

Please mark your calendars for the upcoming Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas events at SAPC. We hope you can join us as we prepare our hearts and lives for the coming of Christ. November 24 - The Great Pie Blessing November 27 - Thanksgiving Eve Service December 1 - 1st Sunday of Advent December 1 - Service of Loss and Hope December 7 - Women’s Christmas Brunch December 8 - 2nd Sunday of Advent December 8 - Angel Sunday December 14 - Christmas Concert

December 15 - 3rd Sunday of Advent December 22 - 4th Sunday of Advent December 22 - College Reunion Dinner December 24 - Christmas Eve 5:00 PM Family Service 7:00 PM Contemporary Service 9:00 PM Traditional Service


A NOTE FROM GOSHEN: The holiday season is approaching and we at Goshen International Church and Community Center are busy making plans for a big event. On Saturday, December 14, we will be hosting the first annual Winter Wonderland Family Festival. Joining with Tucson Refugee Ministries and other local refugee resources, we are creating a family friendly winter celebration for the Tucson refugee community. We envision connecting hundreds of people with support, resources, and one another. But we need a lot of help. We plan on providing a buffet of tasty treats, including cookies, hot cocoa, and apple cider. There will be games for kids and adults as well as age-appropriate crafts inspired by the season. Our Blessings Room will have a selection of blankets, diapers, toiletries, and warm socks. Our Gift Shop will be a room full of toys, games and other treasures where guests can pick a gift for each child in the family. Helpers will be available to wrap gifts as well. But we need volunteers, dozens of them before and the day of the event. We need donations and financial assistances to purchase all the elements necessary for the festival to be a success. And we need prayers, lots of them. Questions? Contact Rhonda Martin at or call her at 520-331-0422. You can also contact her to volunteer and donate. Please do what you can to make this Festival a great holiday success.


There have been many requests and needs this summer for funds from the Benevolence Fund for people in our congregation. The account is now running low. If God places it on your heart and you are able to help please make a donation. Be sure to mark your check or online donation “Benevolence Fund”. Thank you from the Deacons


Help us create an atmosphere of gratefulness and thanksgiving! In the Gathering Place Sunday’s November 10, 17 and 24 there will be a “Thanksgiving Tree” to fill with what we are thankful for!


The Arizona legislature has retained and expanded some of the incentives for charitable giving for 2019. Your payments will make a positive impact on the recipient organization, while at the same time reducing your Arizona income tax liability dollar for dollar.

The Private Learning Uplifting Students (PLUS) tax credit allows an additional credit above the original tax credit. The taxpayer must first donate the maximum for the original credit in order to donate an additional amount for the PLUS “Switcher” tax credit. $1,131 for “married filing joint” and $566 for all others.

The credit is available for a contribution that provides scholarships or grants to qualified elementary and high schools. $1,138 for “married filing joint” and $569 for all others.

A credit is available for payment of fees to an Arizona public school or charter school for extracurricular activities or character education programs. $400 for “married filing joint” and $200 for all others.


It’s time to pack your shoeboxes! Last year we donated 278 Operation Christmas Child boxes. Our goal this year is 300 boxes. We will collect boxes November 3, 10, and 17. Samaritan’s Purse is suggesting everyone use the cardboard boxes we are providing at church on Sundays. (Remember – no food, candy, toothpaste, or war themed items.) These boxes are uniform so they are easier to ship and every child receives the same box. The $9 they ask you to include in your box, not only covers shipping, it also provides teachers and resources for a 12-lesson program called The Greatest Journey. Local leaders teach the children what it means to faithfully follow Christ and share their faith with others. Please join us in spreading God’s love through boxes and/or a monetary donation to support their discipleship program.

Contributions to a qualifying charitable organization (QCO) are also available. This includes those groups that provide services to chronically ill or disabled children. Faith That Works qualifies! $800 for those filing as “married filing joint” and up to $400 for all others. A credit is available for cash contributions to a qualifying foster care organization (QFCO). $1,000 for those filing as “married filing joint” and up to $500 for all others.

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The holidays are fast approaching which means it is Adopt a Family time. If you or your small group is interested in adopting a family, please let Kristin Enger know. There are also many other ways you can participate. We will be looking for people to deliver gifts to families, shop for gifts, and wrapping gifts between services. More information will be coming soon. If you have questions, contact Kristin Enger at



Did you know SAPC provides free childcare during onsite church events? If you are attending a meeting, group, or event, you can request a childcare reservation by contacting Anita at This month, our childcare includes the following: • Sunday Morning Childcare Available on SW Campus Worship Services & Classes at 9:00 am and 10:45 am. (Reservations not required.) • Thanksgiving Eve Service 6:30 pm. NE Campus in the Chapel; Childcare Room 7. (Reservations help us to adequately staff the childcare.)

Angel Sunday is coming December 8! All Sunday School children who are two, three, and four, or in kindergarten will be featured as angels during the 9:00 am and 10:45 am Worship Services. The angels will process around the Sanctuary during the service. Costumes are available or kids can wear their own. Children will meet downstairs at 8:45 am or 10:30 am to get into costume and line up. Look for more information coming soon! The Children’s Choir will also process and sing on this Sunday.

CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS EVE PLAY Plans for the 2019 Christmas Eve play are underway! The first rehearsal will be November 17 at 2:00 pm in Room F. We will read through the script at this first rehearsal and talk about how the play will work. Even if your child doesn’t want a speaking part, they should attend this rehearsal to get a feel for the play. Also, it lets us know who wants to be involved this year. Other rehearsals are scheduled will be announced on November 17. Performance is during the Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm. Play selection will be announced at the first rehearsal. Children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate. Contact Shelly Akins at for more information.

UPCOMING EVENTS FOR SAPC KIDS: November 20 - Holy Molies November 17 - First Christmas Play Rehearsal Deember 8 - Angel Sunday December 18 - Holy Molies December 29 - No Sunday School CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry 4 /


The library continues to gather many new books this year as well as ones you as a community have generously donated. This month we would like to review two of the brand new books ordered.


Join us for our annual Turkey Bowl on Thursday, November 28, from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at Naranja Park! A friendly game of flag football on Thanksgiving morning. Come for all or part of the game! EVERYONE is invited!


Are you ready to get your rock on?!? All Middle Schoolers are invited November 2-3 to come climb the walls at Rocks and Ropes Gym LockIn! The cost is $50 and you will need to have a medical form on file. For more information and to register visit or contact Tim or Richelle.

MIDDLE SCHOOL FAMILY NIGHT EVERYONE, including parents and siblings, is invited to join us as we attend the Thanksgiving Eve service, followed by KIDS VS. PARENTS DODGEBALL!!!! Don’t miss an amazing night of fellowship and fun on Wednesday, November 27, from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm!


Are you ready for a weekend of insane snow adventures?! Join us for our 2020 High School/College Ski Retreat to Durango, CO, February 20-23, 2020! We will be teaming up with Northminster Presbyterian for an amazing weekend of skiing, snowboarding, worship, teaching, and fellowship! Register online at For more information, contact Tim Christian or Richelle King at



Tim and Richelle will be attending the National Youth Workers Convention in Tampa on November 21-24. Pray from them as they get equipped to teach our students and come alongside families. Pray for safe travels to and from Tampa and pray for refreshed minds as they return. CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228 RICHELLE KING, Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x 208

The first is Simple Discipleship by Reverend Doctor Dana Allin. He is a Presbytery Executive, a former pastor, and a life coach. He talks about the importance of being a church which has a clear process for growing disciples. We need a clear, robust, flexible, and reproducible progress. First of all, we must understand that discipleship is more of a journey than an event which needs a church community to surround us. Then we need a framework to think out our process. Dr. Allin provides that by describing eight qualities and 21 supporting characteristics of a disciple supported by an assessment tool. The qualities and characteristics are laid out in a table on page 168. The second book is The Alzheimer’s Journey… A Practical Perspective for Caregivers. This book is special, because it was written by Barbara Michels, who is the mother of Kristin Enger, a member of our church. This is a detailed book about the day to day care of a person with dementia as well as laying out exactly what dementia means in simple terms a layperson can understand. The section called Fundamentals includes a section called I Can Fix If… (I Can’t Fix It). She talks about how she tried to find the key to make her mom & dad’s life fit together. Intellectually, she knew there was not a key, but she had to learn to accept that. She talks about focusing on what a person can do. Barbara then goes through very simple, practical ways of keeping a person happy and functioning to their limits. An educator called Chris McCaffrey has added his insights here and there to this new 2017 addition. It is a very attractive, well thought out book which is a handbook plus. Barbara’s mother and father both were victims of Alzheimer’s disease over a 25 year period. She has worked with families of persons with dementia over an additional thirty years. / 5

WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Let’s celebrate the coming of Christmas by being together to experience what it means to be empowered with a joyful heart for our journey as women. You are invited to a Women’s Christmas Brunch on December 7, from 10:00 am 12:00 pm in Friendship Hall. Rev. Pati Toole will be sharing from Nehemiah 8:10! There will be a delicious brunch catered by Café a la C’arte. Cost is $20 and childcare will be available. Sign-up at or at our table in The Gathering Place.


Our SAPC College Students have finals the first and second week of December – lets show them we care by filling a Holiday Gift Box. Care packages can be filled with baked goods, snacks, candy, gift cards, and notes of encouragement. Pick up one at the Discipleship Table on November 3 or 10 and return on November 17! Contact Connie at crandall@sapctucson. org for more information.


Your Adult Discipleship team invites you to treat yourself! Join us Saturday, November 2, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm for encouragement, worship, fellowship, food, and teaching on The Immanuel Lifestyle. Cost is $20 and childcare is available. Sign up online at sapctucson. org/adm or at our table in The Gathering Place on Sundays!


LAUGHTER – THE BEST MEDICINE “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” A hearty laugh is a form of “internal jogging” that exercises the lungs and stimulates the circulatory system. Even a fake laugh offers the same benefit as a real one. Research indicates that laughter: • Helps produce NK cells in the body that fight infection. • Suppresses the release of cortisol, a hormone that weakens the immune system • Releases circulatory capacity and strengthens organs. • Acts as a muscle relaxer. • Can give you the same cardiovascular workout as a minute of aerobic exercise. • Functions as a natural analgesic that raises the body’s pain threshold. FOOTBALL CHRISTIANITY Quarterback sneak: People who exit immediately following communion. Draft choice: Selection of a seat near the door. Bench warmer: Those whose only participation is their attendance on Sunday morning. Draw play: What a few children (and a few adults) do with their bulletins. Backfield in motion: Making a few trips out of the church during the sermon. Stay in the pocket: What happens to a lot of money that should go toward mission. Sudden death: The minister who preaches past 12 O’clock Blitz: The stampede for the door after services. Resource: The Anglican Digest

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Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food, and encouragement! This month we will be meeting Friday, November 15, at Merri Kae VanderPloeg’s home from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. RSVP to Connie at or visit the Discipleship Table in The Gathering Place on Sunday mornings.

In Memoriam Gordon Gerard September 2019 Cherie Gray October 18, 2019 Marilyn Carroll October 19, 2019




F R I D AY S / / 9 : 0 0 A M

W E D N E S D AY S / / 6 : 3 0 P M

T H U R S D AY S / / 7 : 0 0 A M

NOVEMBER 19 // 7:00 PM

The ladies will be finishing up the study on 1, 2, 3, John on November 22.

The Wednesday Night Edition of Women’s Bible Study will be looking into an 8-week study of the Beatitudes, followed by a 4-week study of Philippians in January. It’s early, I know, but it would be helpful for ordering purposes to know if you’d like to join us. We meet in The Gathering Place from 6:30 pm -7:45 pm. with time for fellowship, study and prayer. Contact Linda Sebastian at 299-3167 or for more information.

The Faith Walk selection for November is Grace (Eventually) by Anne Lamott. A review of the book on Goodreads says: “Lamott examines the ways we’re caught in life’s most daunting predicaments: love, mothering, work, politics, and maybe toughest of all, evolving from who we are to who we were meant to be. This is a complicated process for most of us, and Lamott turns her wit and honesty inward to describe her own intimate, bumpy, and unconventional road to grace and faith.”

St. Andrew’s Women’s Book Club will meet on Tuesday, November 19, at 7:00 pm to discuss Educated by T. Westover. Please join us even if you have not read the book as we discuss this “universal coming-of-age story that gets to the heart of what an education offers: the perspective to see one’s life through new eyes, and the will to change it.”--Provided by publisher.

We will meet on November 21, a week early because of Thanksgiving, in the church library, at 4:00 pm, to discuss the book. Contact Jean O’Hanlon at or 743-1854.

Contact Katrina Lantz for more information at

Beginning January 10, 2020, they will be looking into the Beatitudes. These few verses gives us an insight of God’s Kingdom, show His grace and mercy, and how we can have a restored relationship with Him. His Kingdom is eternity, but that eternity starts here and now. He’s inviting us to come. So how about it? Will you come? Creative Living Bible Studies book, $10. More info? Jan Littlefield at 299-6851 or



NOVEMBER 12 // 5:00 PM

DECEMBER 8 // 2:00 PM


HISTORY GROUP T H U R S D AY S / / 9 : 1 5 A M

W E D N E S D AY S / / 1 0 : 1 5 A M


Join us for a potluck at the home of Julie Wells (1271 W Varese Way, Oro Valley, AZ 85755) on Tuesday, November 12, from 5:00 pm 7:00 pm. Bring a dish to share! Carpooling from St. Andrew’s will be arranged based upon need. Please RSVP to Carol Stephenson by November 10 at 513-535-6674 or carol_e_

YES (Young Energetic Seniors) will not be meeting in November. Instead we will be going to the Gaslight Music Hall in Oro Valley to see “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” on December 8 at 2:00 pm. Tickets will be sold after the 7:30 am service in the courtyard and in The Gathering Place between the 9:00 am and 10:45 am services on November 3, 10, and 17. Tickets are $20.00 each. See Susan Quillen to purchase your tickets or call 544-2790 for more information.

History group continues its series on Thursday mornings. The topic is the history of the United States from the 1500’s to the Clinton era. Lectures are video presentations given by noted history professors. They last one hour and are held Thursdays in the Fireside room beginning at 9:15 am. You are welcome to stop by and check it out. To learn more contact Dick Kampa at or Louise Doran at

This interdenominational senior outreach ministry is open to all confessing to be a senior and we welcome seniors to come check us out to find how much fun and fellowship is available each Wednesday. For more information, contact Bill Gross at or 548-9874 or Susan Lane at or 419-8771.


11/6 - TLC Musical Presentation 11/13 - Birthdays & Games 11/20 - Saddlebrooke SilverBelles 11/27 - Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday


How can we secure a stable financial future at St. Andrew’s for generations to come? We can fund an endowment which will provide a steady income stream in perpetuity. Your gift to the endowment will further the spiritual and charitable purposes of our church. A substantial endowment will decrease the reliance and pressure on annual giving. Besides a cash or estate gift, other options include required minimum distributions from an IRA, stock, gifts that pay income to you, life insurance, and more. Please consider St. Andrew’s as part of your estate planning. For more information contact the church office at 297-7201. SAPC FINANCIAL UPDATE September total revenue $135,555 Year to date revenue Monthly revenue required 95,021 YTD revenue required Difference $40,534 Difference

$1,479,357 1,350,085 $129,272

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