November 2022 Cross Currents

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Cross Currents






From Pastor Pete:

Dear Saints of St. Andrew’s, November is here! A sacred feast day in ancient Christianity, obscure to many Protestants, is All Saints’ Day which is annually on November 1. I won’t get into the history of the origins of the three-day “Allhallowtide” (All Hallow’s Eve – October 31, All Saints’ Day – November 1, and All Souls’ Day – November 2), but modern expressions of these days have been reinterpreted as Halloween, Día de los Muertos, and the Tucson All Souls Procession. While these feast days originated in Catholicism, they have found their appropriate expression in Protestantism, though many churches have neglected them. For Protestants, all who are united in Christ, whether dead or alive, are saints (“sanctified,” made holy, to serve God) because— and only because—of the unmerited work of Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit!

Service of Healing and Remembrance:

November 1, 6:30 pm, Sanctuary

The St. Andrew’s Session has approved a special worship service for All Saints’ Day – as a time to acknowledge our need for healing and to remember those who have passed into the glorious Church Triumphant. It will be a service where each of us will be encouraged to be honest about the emotions we carry related to complicated changes and loss over the past few years. It is even appropriate to rejoice with all the faithful of every generation - expanding our awareness of a great company of witnesses above and around us like a cloud (Hebrews 12:1). In the knowledge that others have persevered, we are encouraged to endure against all odds!

Service Worship: Serve Our City: November 12-13 I hope you will sign up and participate in our fourth quarter Service Worship event: Serve Our City! We are linking arms with other churches around Tucson to identify needs and display the love of Jesus Christ! I’m especially excited for the After Party pizza and salad lunch at 12:00 pm on November 13! We will be joined by guests from the community that day, and I hope we can show them unconditional love and kingdomlevel hospitality!

Stewardship Commitment and Dedication Sunday: November 20

The Budget Team and church committees have been working hard on preparing a 2023 budget with the desire for a modest increase in the 2023 budget for personnel, mission, and inflation-related rises. The increase to personnel is to provide a cost-of-living adjustment which has not been feasible for the past

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few years. The increase in mission is with the intent of returning over the next few years to a goal of giving a tithe (10%) of contributions to our mission partners. I encourage you to prayerfully consider completing an Estimate of Giving 2023 Pledge Card, which can be found online at Hard copies of the card are also available in the back of the Sanctuary or in the Church Office. In worship on November 20, we will be inspired to fix our eyes on Jesus - to persevere in running the race of faith! We will dedicate ourselves and our pledge commitments to the Lord’s work through St. Andrew’s in the coming year.

Transition Next Steps:

The Congregational Mission Study Team (CMST) continues to work, with the goal of finishing the mission study report by the end of the year. Meanwhile, the Church Nominating Committee will hold an important PNC Informational Meeting on Monday, November 28, for anyone interested in learning more about the commitment required of those who serve on the Pastor Nominating Committee. A representative from the presbytery will be at the meeting to explain the process and what should be expected of those who are eventually nominated to serve in this important role.

Counting It All Joy, Pastor Pete, Interim Pastor / Head of Staff

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TUESDAY | NOVEMBER 1 SERVICE OF HEALING AND REMEMBRANCE 6:30 pm | Sanctuary SUNDAY | NOVEMBER 6 “The Shunammite Woman: Faith in the Hope of Resurrection” SUNDAY | NOVEMBER 13 SERVE OUR CITY Worship Schedule: 7:30 am Communion Worship Service Only SUNDAY | NOVEMBER 20 DEDICATION SUNDAY “Faith to Run the Race Set Before Us” WEDNESDAY | NOVEMBER 23 THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE 6:30 pm | Chapel SUNDAY | NOVEMBER 27 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT “The Presence of Hope”

Service Worship: Serve Our City

We are excited to announce that our annual Serve Our City event is taking place on November 12-13! If you haven’t reserved your spot to participate, you can do so by visiting!

We are grateful to the Tucson Conquistadors, El Tour de Tucson, and Jim Click for the donation of 500 new bicycles to benefit children in need throughout the city. These bikes will be assembled by various churches including our own St. Andrew’s. The Christian Cycling Club has volunteered to help us, and we need many of you to join us as well. This project is slated to take place in Friendship Hall on Saturday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm and Sunday from 9:00 am11:00 am.

There are many other projects listed on the Sign-Up Genius that are all equally exciting and important. Check them out and sign up for one that is best suited for you and your family.

Special Plan for Sunday, November 13 (only this date)

We will be sending out an inspirational message that the leaders will be able to share with each of you before you start the projects! We will not have a send-off service in the Sanctuary.

Then, be sure to join us for lunch in Friendship Hall at 12:00 pm on Sunday! We will have some

special guests from the Flowing Wells School District! Some of the families receiving bikes will be joining us for pizza, salads, and desserts! We are really looking forward to showing love and respect to our neighbors. This will be an opportunity to build community, sit with others we don’t know, and make new friends.

Please plan on joining us for lunch, and sign up NOW at so that we know how much food to order.

For more information, please contact RuthAnn, Local Outreach Director, at 520-382-2124 or Thank you!

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Trunk or Treat 2022

St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten Update

Last month, our church and school came together to celebrate our Preschool and Kindergarten families with a school carnival complete with tasty food, jumps in bouncy houses, face paintings, balloon art, and delicious ice cream for about 300 students and their families in attendance. $3,165 was raised for the Preschool Scholarship Fund to help offset the cost of tuition for our preschool families!

You can join our school mission in making an impact in the lives of our students and families through Tax Credit Donation! A donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program helps families choose St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their children’s education. Our school offers the lowest student to teacher ratio in the northwest Tucson area, two dedicated teachers in each classroom, and a full academic curriculum including a Christian education component. Our school works to meet students where they are at developmentally and challenge them to reach their highest potential.

We work with the Institute for Better Education ( and the Arizona Christian School Tuition

Organization ( to remove any financial obstacles that stand in a family’s way of choosing St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their child. For the past several years, your generous tax credit donations have blessed all of our Kindergarten students with full-ride scholarships to our excellent program! Thank you!

The best part? When you give, you can receive a dollar-for dollar credit on your Arizona state income taxes! For the 2022 tax year, you may donate up to the maximum amounts: $2,483 (married filing jointly), $1,307 (single), or your actual tax liability, whichever is less. You can make your donation any time up until April 15, 2023.

For more information and to make a donation, please visit the IBE and/or ACSTO websites listed above, or call the school office at 520-742-2969.

You have the ability to invest in future generations and make a significant difference in the life of a child and their family by making a donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program on behalf of St. Andrew’s Kindergarten today!

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Adopt a Family

Adopt a Family is in full swing. If you or your small group would like to adopt a family please let Kristin Enger know as soon as possible. During this time many families have substantial needs. There are also many other ways you can participate. You

can adopt a family, pick up ornaments in The Gathering Place to purchase, make a financial donation, assist with wrapping of gifts, and delivering gifts to families the week of December 1216. There is a list of needed gently used items by the Adopt a Family table. The last day to bring in gently used items is December 4. The last day to return purchased gifts is December 11. More information will be coming soon. If you have questions, contact Kristin Enger at

Operation Christmas Child

Each year, our church donates around 200 Operation Christmas Child boxes to Samaritan’s Purse. Sunday, October 30, will be our kickoff for shoebox collection. Boxes and labels will be available before and after each service for you to pick up. Along with items like yoyos, school supplies, and coloring books, you might want to include a stuffed animal, hat, t-shirt, puzzle, or flashlight and batteries. They also love receiving pictures and letters from you. Please do not include food, medicines, or liquids of any kind. Most importantly, pray for the child

who will receive your box. Samaritan’s Purse asks you to include $10 to cover shipping costs. You can also purchase filled boxes online for $25! We will collect boxes before and after services on November 6, 13, and 20. (November 13 is Service Our City, so you can also drop boxes off at the Church Office.) Questions? Contact Kimberly Schmidt at 520-465-6517.



Join in the fun as we decorate the church for our Advent Worship Services on Saturday, November 26, from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm! If you can hang an ornament on a Christmas tree or a wreath on a wall, we need you! All decorations are provided. We also need folks who can climb ladders. Bring your family and friends, because many hands are needed as we add the beautiful decorations that help enhance our Advent Worship Services. Also, because what goes up must come down, please plan on helping to take down the decorations on Saturday, January 7, at 9:00 am. Add those dates to your calendars, and we look forward to you joining us! Contact Debi Kromer at with questions.

The Library at St. Andrew’s, located next to the coffee station in The Gathering Place, will display “Nativities From Around the World” that have been collected by members and friends. Would you like yours to be included? Please bring to the library on Saturday, November 26, before the 1st Sunday of Advent for the members of the Library committee to arrange for display.

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Children’s Ministry


On September 25, five 4th graders and their parents learned about Communion. Pastor Mat Grover taught the kids about how and why we do Communion. Parents talked about their memories and experiences with Communion. The next week, October 2, the 4th grade class attended the 9:00 am Worship Service with their classes. During the service, they took Communion, some of them for the first time.


Plans for the 2022 Christmas Eve play are underway! The first rehearsal will be November 20 at 2:00 pm in Room F. We will read through the script at this first rehearsal and talk about how the play will work. Even if your child doesn’t want a speaking part, they should attend this rehearsal to get a feel for the play. Also, it lets us know who wants to be involved this year. Other rehearsals scheduled will be announced on November 20. Performance is during the Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm. Play selection will be announced at the first rehearsal. Children ages Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate. Contact Heather Brannock at for more information.


November 16 and December 14: Holy Molies

November 20: First Christmas Play Rehearsal

December 25: No Sunday School

Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry has been gearing up for the busy fall and winter seasons. Rockvember, our annual Middle School lock-in, including pizza, a late night climb at Rocks and Ropes, and a sleepover at the church, is November 12-13. The morning after, our Middle School students will participate in Service Worship as well. Later in November, we have our Thanksgiving Eve Family Night Dodgeball which will be right after the Thanksgiving Eve service in Friendship Hall. Our annual Turkey Bowl flag football game will be on Thanksgiving Day from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at Naranja Park. It is always a fun time for kids, of all ages, to expel some energy and stay out of the kitchens and out of the way. All ages are welcome!!!

Looking towards December: Parents of Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers, be on the lookout because we will open up time slots for our Parent-Youth Leader Conferences. This is a time where you’ll get a chance to talk to Tim and Logan about how we can support your student(s) and family more moving into the new year.

As always, the best way to stay informed of all the exciting events we have coming up is to follow us on our Instagram @sapcyouth or check out

Kids Christmas Play

Middle School Family Night


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Adult Ministry


Sunday Connect is a Bible study group open to anyone who would like to spend time connecting with God and each other. Contact Karin Fiore at or Lori Seiferth at for more information and to receive study materials.


SENIORS - Are you looking for fun, fellowship, and nourishment for the soul? Then join HUGS Senior Fellowship Wednesdays from 10:15 am - 12:45 pm in Friendship Hall. Here is our upcoming schedule:

November 2 - John Shryock Magic

November 9 - Operation Christmas Child ART

November 16 - Birthdays & Games


November 30 - Tucson Wildlife - Hubert Parker


Ladies - come join the fun and fellowship on November 4 for our monthly time together. Being together will encourage each of us, help us with all of our life stuff and we’ll have FUN! Bring your favorite appetizer and adult beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of Connie Randall at 1361 W. Placita Del Rey, Oro Valley, AZ 85704. RSVP to Connie at Women of all ages are invited as we encourage one another.


Join us for our 3rd Annual Christmas Brunch on Saturday, December 3, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in Friendship Hall on our NE Campus! This year


The St. Andrew’s Widow’s Group will be having our annual Christmas Luncheon on Thursday, December 15, 2022, at 12:00 pm. It will be held in the Gold Room at the Westward Look Resort. Reservations may be made before December 9 by calling Julie Taylor at 520-429-7766 or at All widows are welcome for this festive occasion - please join us.


Come join us Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am - 10:30 am for our study this year of People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided. It is a rich study of God and His promises in the Old Testament, from Solomon to Malachi and how they apply to us today. No previous Bible knowledge required! Join us downstairs on the St. Andrew’s SW Campus. For more information call Kathy Rudnicki 801-809-0969 or see

our theme is “Peace in Christ,” as explained in Philippians 4:7. We will have three different talks on the peace of Christ and how this directs our purpose in life, as peacemakers and how peace guards our hearts. A delicious buffet breakfast will be served and a fun outreach activity for our “You’ve Been Socked” Christmas Outreach! Cost will be $25 and you may sign-up online at starting in November, or Sunday mornings at our Discipleship Connect Table. Also, another fun opportunity - sign-up to decorate a table with Toby Drakulich at


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Grief - Finding Your Way After Loss

Grief is any loss that one experiences. There are different types of loss, some examples might include:

• Important relationships

• Illness or disabilities

• Change in employment status

• Financial troubles

• Loss of the familiar world after the pandemic

Grief creates a kind of identity loss as your role changes and “Who Am I Now?” looms large. Many emotions will flow to include: disbelief / denial, physical symptoms, anxiety/fear, lowered self esteem, anger, loneliness and helplessness.

Gretchen Kubacky PsyD offers a technique for finding your way after any loss:

• Reconnect with what matters to you. Home? Family? Money? Health? Then create a personalized plan with goals.

• Follow your inner compass. Learn to trust yourself and let go of thoughts that aren’t serving you.

• Come to terms with your pain and accept what you can’t change.

• Show up for your life. Know what you want and set goals to achieve them.

• Get unstuck from pain and live according to your values and goals.

• Live a rich fulfilling life! The net result is not only finding relief from grief but also gaining tools that will serve you well for the rest of our life.

Reference: Arizona Nurse Vol. 75. Number 4. October 2022.

Stephen Ministry

“It could be worse.” While this may be true, it isn’t helpful to compare your situation. It discounts your feelings and doesn’t provide much comfort. Jesus wants to meet us where we’re at, that means being honest with Him about what we’re experiencing. A Stephen Minister would love to come alongside you during this time to listen, encourage, and pray for you; meetings are free and confidential. For more information visit or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.

Financial Update

September total revenue $81,448 Monthly revenue required 127,415 Difference ($45,966)

Year to date revenue $1,302,284 YTD revenue required 1,330,332 Difference ($28,049)

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