November 2023 Cross Currents

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On November 5, instead of our normal services, you can join us from 9:00 am – 11:00 am and 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, as we #serveourcity. SAPC is teaming up with various organizations and churches across Tucson, creating opportunities for you to serve alongside your friends, family, or group. (Cont. page 4) STEP ONE: SELECT A LOCATION TO SERVE There will be serving opportunities across five different areas of town to allow you to choose a project that’s near where you are located, or you’ll be able to serve in your own city by listing a serving project of your own design.

STEP TWO: PICK UP YOUR SHIRT If you weren't able to pick up your shirt last Sunday, they will be available at the back of the Sanctuary this Sunday morning. *There are a limited amount of shirt so first come first served.

STEP THREE: SERVE OUR CITY On November 5, wear your shirt and take your phone to capture your day. Share your story with others around you! Use the hashtag, #serveourcity, and be sure to tag @sapctucson wherever you post!

THANKSGIVING EVENTS FRIENDSGIVING POTLUCK IN THE PARK 4:00 pm | November 18 THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE 6:30 pm | November 22 | NE Chapel FAMILY NIGHT DODGEBALL 7:15 pm | November 22 | Friendship Hall TURKEY BOWL 9:00 am | November 23 | Naranja Park


As you might remember from our last update, the administrative process of connecting St. Andrew's with prospective pastoral candidates took longer than expected due to a software platform change with PCUSA. Now that the PCUSA is up and running on their new system, the Pastor Nominating Committee has received numerous candidates to evaluate and interview. We are excited to communicate with you that the interview process has begun, and the team is working hard to discern who our next Head of Staff will be. Please continue to pray for the PNC, that the Holy Spirit will open our eyes and hearts to clearly discern the right candidate for St. Andrew's Presbyterian. God is good!

FROM PASTOR PETE Greetings, St. Andrew’s! What a joy it is to be in ministry with a congregation who is blessed beyond measure! The Holy Spirit has been and will continue to be at work using all of our gifts to offer good news, love, and grace to the Tucson community and the world. Far too often, we are tempted to live out of an ungodly mindset of scarcity, where we become focused on what we do not have and all the problems that we face. It's easy to be overwhelmed and paralyzed by thinking we do not have enough. God created us to be people of abundance! Faithful disciples of Jesus Christ always see the good news and hope that is available in every situation because God is present with us in every situation. We are called to focus on what we do have and what we can accomplish, not the things we lack or desire. As we move into 2024, I want to encourage everyone to faithfully pray about living a year of abundance, using the gifts of financial resources, time, and abilities that we do have to share the love of Christ

in as many ways as possible. God has blessed us abundantly! How can we each respond in abundance as we share those blessings with the world? Our Stewardship Dedication Sunday will be November 19 as we dedicate to God our financial commitments to St. Andrew’s for 2024. Also referred to as a “pledge drive," pledge cards are available in hard copy and virtually on our website. Whether you bring a physical card on November 19 isn’t the point. Whether you return it in the mail, or online, or put it in the offering plate sometime, or bring it with you on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, the point is that you are making a commitment to regular and proportional giving to Christ’s church. Perhaps you have never been challenged to make a regular commitment to giving in this way. You may wonder where to start. In the Old Testament, the 10% tithe was the biblical standard of how much income should be set aside for God’s work to be done. The New Testament teaches that giving should not be done legalistically, but based in gratitude for God’s


STEPHEN MINISTRY When was the last time you talked about a problem you’re having, and really felt heard? When was the last time you knew someone was in your corner? When was the last time someone offered to pray for you and followed up to see how things were going? You too can experience the care of a trusted friend; Stephen Ministers are eager to walk alongside you. For more information visit or call the Church Office, 520-297-7201, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591, MEMORIAL A memorial will be held for Paul Lewis on Friday, November 3, at 2:00 pm in the SW Campus Sanctuary with a reception to follow. All are welcome.

grace in Christ. This means that all giving should be joyful and generous. Maybe you currently give sporadically – maybe you would consider giving a regular proportion of your income. Maybe you give proportionally, and you want to increase your giving to a higher percentage. Maybe you already tithe (give 10%), and you are feeling like you should stretch beyond a tithe, or that you would like to make a large one-time gift to the church, or include St. Andrew’s in your estate planning. As you continue to pray for St. Andrew’s during this long season of pastoral leadership transition, I encourage you to especially consider how your abundance can be a part of our collective ministries together in 2024. You have prayers to offer and an opportunity to be present in worship and ministry. You have financial gifts that can make a difference. You have the ability to serve and tangibly love our neighbors. You can witness to God's love in your relationships. We all have more than enough! Imagine what God can do with it all when we faithfully live out of abundance and hope!


A GUIDE TO GIVING AS A PERCENTAGE OF INCOME STEP 1 - If you are not regularly giving to your church, make a commitment to giving at least $5 per week ($20 per month) and return a 2024 pledge card.


STEP 2 - Commit to increasing your giving for 2024 by 1% to 3% of your income, as you move toward the goal of giving the tithe, 10% of your income, and return a 2024 giving card. STEP 3 - If you are currently tithing 10% of your income, thank you for your faithfulness. Please return your 2024 pledge card and prayerfully consider increasing your gift by 1% to 3% to help your church take advantage of the opportunities before us.

AN APPROACH TO GIVING BEGIN WITH PRAYER - Thank God for your blessings and ask for guidance and discernment.

ASSESS YOUR INCOME AND GIVING - Determine your current giving as a percentage of your income using the Step Up to Giving chart. SET YOUR GIVING GOAL - If you are not currently tithing (giving ten percent of your income), start with a lower percentage each year, growing toward the tithe. The important thing is to begin the spiritual discipline of regular, consistent giving.

SAPC FINANCIAL UPDATE September total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference

$183,026 185,322 ($2,295)

Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

$1,961,946 1,876,606 $85,340

DETERMINE GIVING METHOD - Take a look at the ways you can give and select the option that is best for both you and the church. WORSHIP WITH ABUNDANCE - Fill out your 2024 estimated giving card and return it in worship on November 19. As a congregation, we will express our gratitude to God and present our cards, representing our committment to God's ministry through our church.


Serve Our City 2023 On November 5, in lieu of the typical 9:00 am and 10:45 am worship services, our SAPC family is invited to participate in Service Worship, Serve Our City. This is a chance to engage with community service projects, with a choice for opportunities both on the church campuses and off-site with community partners. We are blessed that Family Life Radio will be broadcasting live from one of our projects! They will also be promoting Serve Our City on air though the partnership with Faith that Works Tucson, the nonprofit that St. Andrew’s launched four years ago! This year, some of the projects include: School painting, tree planting, blessing University of AZ students with laundry help, wooden Christmas tree painting, putting together bicycles, and much more! Be sure to check out each of the six quadrants on the top of the sign up! We also have home projects including collecting: a food bag of Thanksgiving items, specific hygiene items, and snacks for students. Those lists are located on the front of the SignUp Genius. SERVE OUR CITY DETAILS: • Service projects on both Saturday and Sunday • 9:00 am start time unless otherwise noted on each project • Online sign-ups available today Serve Our City Sign Up • Serve Our City t-shirts available for those participating in the back of the Sanctuary on Sunday morning • 7:30 am service only on November 5 We serve a Missional God Who sent Jesus into the world, and He sends us so that we can share His great love. Please plan on joining us! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn, Local Outreach Director, at Thank you!

ROCKY POINT MISSION TRIP 2023 On October 7-10, seventeen members from St. Andrew's joined with Emmanuel Baptist and Pantano Christian Church to build homes in Rocky Point, Mexico for six deserving families. St. Andrew's was paired with nine members from Emmanuel and five other friends to build a home for Alma and her 7 year-old son, Alexis. We worked for three days to install the roof trusses, finish the roof, and coat the outside of the home with two coats of concrete bond, which makes the walls waterproof. We worked very hard during some unusually hot and humid days, but helping to complete Alma's home was well worth it. Like all homeowners, Alma is required to own the land where the home is built and she donated over 400 hours of community service to be eligible for a home. The home includes a bathroom, kitchen, and electrical wiring, although there isn't electricity in the area yet. 1Mission, the non-profit organization that manages the home building, is intentionally building many homes in this area so that there will be enough homes that the electric company will bring power lines into the neighborhood. This will be a big step forward for Alma, who is currently renting an apartment. Soon, she will be able to move in and use her money to improve her own home instead. Thank you to SAPC for supporting this worthy mission area and for all those who participated this year and previous years to build homes.


HUGS SENIOR FELLOWSHIP Are you looking for fun, fellowship, and nourishment for the soul? Join HUGS on Wednesdays from 10:15 am - 12:45 pm in Friendship Hall. Here is our upcoming schedule: November 1 - Birthdays & Bingo November 8 - Magician November 15 - ICS (Interfaith Community Services)

November 22 - No HUGS December 6 - Birthdays & Bingo December 13 - "White Christmas"

movie & popcorn (Begin at 10:00)

December 20 & 27 - No HUGS

FROM YOUR FAITH COMMUNITY NURSES The Ambiguous Loss of Dementia Pauline Boss Ph.D. explains that “ambiguous loss” is a loss that is unclear; it has no resolution, no closure. Dementia creates this loss. The duality of your loved one being absent and present at the same time is confusing, and finding meaning (or making sense of the situation) becomes immensely challenging. Whether dementia stems from illness or injury, the challenge is to embrace the ambiguity and confusion. This doesn’t mean passively submitting or settling. Rather it means discovering your choices and making decisions about how to find some continuity in the midst of chaos and change. It means trying to find some clarity in the midst of ambiguity. In the case of dementia, rather than thinking in unfortunate extremes of either denial or acting as if the person were dead and gone, there is a better choice: see absence and presence as coexisting. This is the best way for the caregiver to survive ambiguous loss. Next month we’ll cover tips for the caregiver and Tucson’s community resources. Reference: Loving Someone Who Has Dementia by Pauline Boss PhD

WOMEN’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BRUNCH Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child "Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:4 We would like to invite you to join us for a time of food, fun, and fellowship as we celebrate “Christmas through the eyes of a child.” Our speaker this year is Tyler Le Peau. We know that, with her experience working in children’s ministries, in addition to being a mother of five children, Tyler will be sharing some wonderful thoughts and stories with us. • • •

Event is Saturday, December 2, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, in Friendship Hall. Frittata brunch will be catered by Café à la C’Art, accompanied by the SAPC Flute Choir. Our outreach project this year is to provide small stuffed animals or a child's blanket to Courtney's Courage, an organization that helps children in Tucson with cancer. We would also like to provide new children's socks and underwear to the Amphi Clothing Bank. Please consider bringing one or more of these items.

Sign up for the brunch, in the Church Office, or at the sign-up table near the Gathering Place on Sundays. You can also sign up to decorate a table with some of your favorite Christmas table decorations. Contact Toby Drakulich at or 520-668-5524 with questions.Childcare is available. Please RSVP with Anita Degnan at Registration deadline is Monday, November 27. Questions? Contact Susan Cochran at 520-271-6628.


Join us on Saturday, December 9, for our 15th annual Christmas Concert! The combined music ministry of St. Andrew’s presents the Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Wittman Ringers, St. Andrew’s Sisters, and more in concert, featuring music specifically designed to bring Christ into the center of our Advent season and lead us joyfully and prayerfully into Christmastide.

CHILDRENS MINISTRY TRUNK OR TREAT Thank you to everyone who decorated a trunk, handed out candy, and/or donated candy! It was such a fun event and a big outreach to St. Andrew’s Preschool and Kindergarten, as well as the community! We had over 500 participants! COMMUNION MILESTONE On September 24, ten 4th graders and their parents learned about Communion. Pastor Mat Grover taught about how and why we do Communion. The next week, October 1, the 4th grade class attended the 9:00 am service. During the service, they took Communion, some of them for the first time. CHRISTMAS PLAY Get ready to shine Jesus’ light this Christmas through Stellar Christmas! This program will incorporate favorite Bible Memory Buddies and music from Stellar VBS. The Christmas story will be retold by members of the starry host who were twinkling away the night Jesus was born. The first rehearsal will be November 19 at 10:30 am in Room F. We will read through the script at this first rehearsal and talk about how the play will work. There will be speaking parts and nonspeaking parts. All ages are welcome! Please let us know who wants to be involved by signing up at The performance is during the Christmas Eve Family Service at 5:00 pm. Contact Heather Brannock at for more information.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD It’s time for Operation Christmas Child! Boxes and labels will be available after services on October 29. Boxes will be on collected on November 5 and 12 or can be dropped off at the church office before November 19. Another option is to build a box online. It is an easy process & only costs $25, plus the additional $10 for shipping isn’t needed. You choose the age and gender of the child, then choose items for their box. Samaritan’s Purse buys the items in the country where the boxes are distributed, so you are also helping their local economy. For more information check out

HOLY MOLIES This month Holy Molies (4th and 5th graders) will be on November 15 in Room F from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Our theme for the night will be God Answers When We Pray! Please bring $5 to offset the cost of dinner. I will need some parents to help out with Holy Molies this year. Thank you to those who have already signed up to volunteer. If you are interested in volunteering, please email Heather at CHILDCARE PROVIDERS NEEDED We are looking for nurturing individuals to help with weekday morning childcare. The position is part time, on an as needed basis, and pays $13.85 an hour. Applications can be submitted to Anita Degnan at UPCOMING EVENTS SERVE OUR CITY - November 5 (No Sunday School/ No Super Friends) HOLY MOLIES - November 15 CHRISTMAS PLAY REHEARSAL - November 19 CHRISTMAS PLAY REHEARSAL - November 26

PRESCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN Last month, our church and school came together to celebrate our Preschool and Kindergarten families with a fall festival, complete with tasty food, jumps in bouncy houses, face paintings, balloon art, and delicious ice cream for about 350 students and their families in attendance. $2,800 was raised for the Preschool Scholarship Fund to help offset the cost of tuition for our preschool families! You can join our school mission in making an impact in the lives of our students and families through Tax Credit Donation! A donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program helps families choose St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their children’s education. Our school offers the lowest student to teacher ratio in the northwest Tucson area, two dedicated teachers in each classroom, and a full academic curriculum including a Christian education component. Our school works to meet students where they are at developmentally and challenge them to reach their highest potential. We work with the Institute for Better Education ( and the Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization ( to remove any financial obstacles that stand in a family’s way of choosing St. Andrew’s Kindergarten for their child. For the past several years, your generous tax credit donations have blessed all of our Kindergarten students with full-ride scholarships to our excellent program! Thank you! The best part? When you give, you can receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on your Arizona state income taxes! For the 2023 tax year, you may donate up to the maximum amounts: $2,609 (married couple filing jointly), $1,307 (single taxpayer), or your total tax liability, whichever is less. You can make your donation any time up until April 15, 2024.

For more information and to make a donation, please visit You have the ability to invest in future generations and make a significant difference in the life of a child and their family by making a donation to the Arizona Private School Tax Credit Program on behalf of St. Andrew’s Kindergarten today!

YOUTH MINISTRY The Youth Ministry has been gearing up for the busy fall and winter seasons. On November 5, we will pause Youth Sunday School for the day and join the church in Serve our City. To sign up for a project, visit Later in November, we have our Thanksgiving Eve Family Night dodgeball which will be right after the Thanksgiving Eve Service in Friendship Hall. Our annual Turkey Bowl flag football game will be on Thanksgiving Day from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at Naranja Park. It is always a fun time for kids, of all ages, to expel some energy and stay out of the kitchens and out of the way. Looking towards December; parents of Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers, be on the lookout because we will open up time slots for our parent-youth leader conferences. This is a time where you'll get a chance to talk to Tim about how we can support your student(s) and family more moving into the new year. As always, the best way to stay informed of all the exciting events we have coming up is to follow us at @sapcyouth on Instagram or check out



CHURCH WORKDAY We are looking for volunteers for our next Church Workday. Come on out Saturday, November 18, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

ADOPT A FAMILY Adopt a Family is in full swing. If you or your small group would like to adopt a family, please let Kristin know as soon as possible. During this time many families have substantial needs. There are also many other ways you can participate. You can adopt a family, pick up ornaments in the Gathering Place to purchase, make a financial donation, assist with wrapping of gifts, and delivering gifts to families the week of December 12-16. There is a list of needed gently used items by the Adopt a Family table. The last day to bring in gently used items is December 9. The last day to return purchased gifts is December 16. More information will be coming soon. If you have questions, contact Kristin Enger at

The projects scheduled include: 1. Trimming trees and raking on the SW Campus. (Wear sunscreen, hats, and gloves, and bring saws, shovels, loppers, rakes, hula-hoes.) 2. Painting the Preschool/Kindergarten exterior doors. Supplies will be provided by the church. (Wear old clothing and sunscreen.) 3. Organizing VBS and Sunday School materials in the lower level of the SW Campus. We will gather in front of the Sanctuary at 8:00 am and then proceed to our work areas. Water and snacks will be provided. Sign up to volunteer at or contact Steve Olafson at 520-237-3959. Thank you! HANGING OF THE GREENS This year, Hanging of the Greens will be on Sunday, November 26, in the Chapel at 8:30 am and the Sanctuary at 12:00 pm. Come join us as we decorate for Advent! We need many hands to decorate Christmas trees and "deck the halls" as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior! All decorations are provided. A light lunch will be available at 12:00 pm. Contact Debi Kromer with questions: To learn more about volunteering at SAPC, visit BLOOD DRIVE Please consider giving the gift of life by donating blood on November 19. Appointments are available from 7:30 am to 12:15 pm. All donors will receive these adorable ELF socks. Please visit to schedule, or you can call, text, or email Lynne Badegian at or 520-349-9909.

EAGLES WINGS OF GRACE FUNDRAISER Please join us for Eagles Wings of Grace Annual Fundraiser. It will be an informal finger food and dessert event at Café à la C’Art. It is a lovely venue and you will learn all about our ministry and meet some wonderful people. It is November 4 from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm. You may purchase a ticket from April Ritchie or at Hope to see you there. CLEANING YOUR CLOSET? St. Andrew's needs your gently used clothes. We have bins in the Gathering Place for three Mission partners who can use your donations EAGLE WINGS OF GRACE - women's clothing - help women coming out of homelessness, prison, or domestic violence. AMPHI CLOTHING BANK - children's clothing providing gently used clothing to children in the Amphi school district CASA ALITAS - men's clothing - providing clothing to migrants as they continue on their journey to a better life. If you have questions on any of these ministries, please contact Sandy Kreamer at MATS FOR THOSE WHO ARE HOMELESS We are collecting gently used plastic grocery bags to make mats for those who are homeless. Please deposit them in the bin marked “Plastic bags for Homeless Mats” located in the Gathering Place. Thank you for your help!

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