November 2021 Cross Currents

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NOVEMBER WORSHIP AT SAPC Sunday, November 7 | Matthew 6:19-34 “An Investment Strategy for Managing Risk” Sunday, November 14 | Matthew 7:1-6 SERVE OUR CITY Worship Schedule: 7:30 am Communion Worship Service | 8:30 am Send-off Service


Dedication Sunday, November 21 | Matthew 7:13-29 “Building Your Best Life” / Stewardship Wednesday, November 24 | Matthew 6:1-6 6:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service | NE Chapel Sunday, November 28 | Luke 1:46-55 “Mary’s Song: Magnificat” | First Sunday in Advent | 7650 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson, AZ 85704 | 520-297-7201

Greetings St. Andrew’s! November greetings to you! As you know, this time of year can be simultaneously joyous and stressful. On the joyous list: sweater weather, turkey and pumpkin pie, gathering with family and friends, and intentionally giving thanks to God for the blessings we enjoy! On the stressful list: finding warm clothes, making preparations and making sure there is enough, gathering with family and friends, and worry about finances! Clearly, we need help from Jesus this season to live joyfully as Kingdom citizens! It can be tempting to have a “glass is half-empty” mentality, even when God promises in His Word that we will always have enough, and that nothing can separate us from His love! Now for a brief update about church finances and the 2022 budget planning process. God has been faithful in protecting St. Andrew’s over the past two years. The church has not had to lay off any staff thanks to the faithful giving of the congregation, the provision of three federal government PPP Grants, and the careful stewardship cost controls of our ministry committees and staff. Praise God! The Trustees and Session are planning a conservative 2022 budget that is not anticipating an increase in revenue. And we are not about to start worrying! As we conclude our sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount this month, Jesus will be teaching us about worry, where to invest, and the proper foundation to build upon for our lives. Jesus’ consistent reminder to His followers is this: there is never a lack of available resources! What we may perceive as a resource problem is usually a faith problem! Will you join me in praying for God’s will to be done in Tucson, as it is in heaven? • Pray for the Holy Spirit’s transformation of our hearts, so we become wholly devoted to Christ. • Pray for those in our community who are hurt, hopeless, and needing encouragement. • Pray for opportunities to share our renewed faith with others who do not know Jesus or have a church to attend. • Pray for God to shape us into generous followers of Jesus, who as stewards of God’s gifts, give sacrificially and joyfully. Sunday, November 21, will be Stewardship Commitment and Dedication Sunday! I encourage you prayerfully consider completing an Estimate of Giving 2022 Pledge Card, which can be found online at Hard copies of the card are also available in the Church Office or on Sunday in the back of the Sanctuary. On that day, during a special time in the worship service, we will dedicate ourselves and our pledge commitments to the Lord’s work through St. Andrew’s in the coming year. I look forward to this joyous celebration! Counting it all joy, Pastor Pete 2

Where Our Giving Goes These are just a few examples of how your generosity impacts both our congregation and local community throughout the year!


2,609 63 times people joined a group or a study to grow in their faith

students on average each week at Sunday School and Youth Group programs






students participated in VBS (in-person & online) including being able to accommodate four students with intensive special needs

students and leaders went to Forest Home Camp this summer with the help of your gifts

people on average in worship with us each Sunday morning in person and online* *counted by number of unique devices

Ministry Budget 2021

Equipment was updated and countless hours were spent to help produce online worship services both while the church was closed and ongoing for livestreaming.

encouragement bags for Healthcare Workers

people on average being cared for and prayed with by our Care Ministry each week.

hygiene bags created for children in need

Your giving allows us to purchase new music, curriculum, and more, growing vital areas such as children, youth, and family ministries.

$160k+ 40 given to local, national, and global charitable organizations, supporting work throughout God’s Kingdom

gift boxes created for nurses/social workers for Amphi Schools






12% 15%





Each section of the pie chart represents the funds that go into providing for each portion of the budget, including staff, supplies, curriculum, apportionments, and other ministry resources. Dollar amounts are rounded to the nearest percent.


Total $1,973,015



Local Outreach, Children’s Discipleship Ministry, and Adult Discipleship Ministry are planning Christmas blessings for those who are isolated. We need your help in identifying those who could use a visit with a small gift and caroling! These recipients can be anyone in our community who may need a little extra love! The steps to make this happen: • Please sign an isolated friend up at, click on Bountiful Blessings. • Bring a new ornament to the Women’s Christmas Brunch on December 4 or drop one off in the Church Office before that date! • Come to Cookies, Carols, and Cocoa on December 18 to help pack and deliver the gifts with Christmas caroling! Thank you for helping to make this Christmas a little brighter for someone else! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn at


Serve Our City is November 14! We are partnering with at least 10 other churches in the city to bless others during this season of giving! Projects have been created so that everyone can use his/her gifts in various ways! We encourage you to sign up for helping a school, an on-site packing or creative project, painting, a lot clean-up for Habitat, a take home project involving Scriptures, sewing, The 12 Days of Thanksgiving, pumpkin bread baking, and more! Please invite a friend or another family! We need a lot of help to make this day a success. We will also have a send-off service at 8:30 am in the Sanctuary, so please join us for great music from Ben and his team, treats, and prizes! Thank you!

Please sign up at!


Faith that Works Tucson is partnering with Tucson Church International to bring $80,000 worth of goods donated from Costco to Tucson’s families in need! Costco approached World Vision and asked for a city in need, and they chose us! We are helping to make a way for the trucks to be delivered once a month and unloaded at GAP Ministries, but we need volunteer help. If you can help during the following times, please let RuthAnn know at as soon as possible. Wednesday, November 17 | 7:00 am - 10:00 am | Help move the goods from the truck. Saturday, November 20 | 8:00 am - 11:00 am | Interact with the families and help them choose their items. Wednesday, December 8 | 7:00 am to 10:00 am | Help move the goods from the truck. Saturday, December 11 | 8:00 am - 11:00 am | Interact with the families and help them choose their items. Thank you for making Jesus known in our community! 4

Come Get Free Books! The SAPC Library is holding a book giveaway on Sunday, November 7. There will be hundreds of books to choose from, including many books from Pastor Jim Toole’s collection. Come browse the tables and pick out several books for your fall reading. The books will be available before the 9:00 am Worship Service; in between services; and after the 10:45 am Worship Service. Come find us near the Prayer Tower and on the patio, weather permitting.


We will be decorating the Sanctuary for the Advent Season on Saturday, November 27, at 9:00 am. We would love to have your help! There is a need for folks who can climb ladders as well as those who can’t! We will be setting up and

decorating Christmas trees, hanging wreaths, and placing poinsettias. No decorating talents required! Please contact Debi Kromer if you can join us or if you have any questions at


We are embarking on the 36th year of Adopt a Family at St. Andrew’s. There are many ways you can participate in Adopt a Family. You/your family and friends, your small group, can adopt an entire family. This means you would shop for and deliver gifts to the family. You can contribute financially and the funds will be used to purchase items. You can pick up individual ornaments from the table and bring them back no later than December 12. We will also need people to assist with delivering. If you would like to be involved in any of these ways please email Kristin Enger at



St. Andrew’s Women’s Book Club will meet November 16 at 7:00 pm in the Gathering Place to discuss The Ghosts of Eden Park by Karen Abbott. The Ghosts of Eden Park is the story of bootleggers and a murder that shocked a nation. Please join us even if you haven’t read the book. Contact Katrina Lantz, or 520-401-0897 for more info.


Women of all ages are invited to our second annual Christmas Brunch, Saturday, December 4, from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm. There will be a catered brunch by Cafe a la Carte, fellowship around our tables, peaceful FUN music by our Flute Choir, along with a FUN MC (Shelly) directing us, and encouragement and prayer from Connie and RuthAnn! Please bring a new ornament to bless an isolated individual for our Bountiful Blessings gifts to be delivered after Cookies, Carols, and Cocoa! Register at or at the Adult Discipleship Table on Sundays! Cost is $25.


Ladies this month Cherie Miller-Gray will be hosting us on November 19, 6:00 pm 8:00 pm! So get ready for another night together of encouragement and FUN! As usual bring your favorite appetizer and beverage and invite a friend! Cherie’s address is: 55 E. Naranja Dr., Tucson 85737. RSVP with Connie at



All widows are invited to join our monthly Widows Luncheons. We meet the first Thursday of the month at 12 noon. Each month we visit a different restaurant for food and fellowship. If you’ve just lost your husband, or it’s been many years, you are welcome to visit us. You may wish to come and check us out, or whenever you are able or wish. We have a good time and enjoy each other, and the opportunity to eat out. RSVP is required by calling Myra at or (520) 744-9720. All widows are always welcome! We show Christ’s love and compassion to widows through socializing, support and encouragement. We have two more luncheons this year: November 4 RED LOBSTER in the OV Marketplace - 12:00 pm (RSVP by Monday before) December 2 Westward Look, Gold Room - 12:00 pm (RSVP before Thanksgiving)


The Youth Ministry has been gearing up for the busy fall and winter season starting with our Topgolf fundraiser. On November 13-14, our Middle School will have a lock in at Rocks and Ropes! We will end November with our Thanksgiving Eve Family Night dodgeball after the Thanksgiving Eve Service on November 24 and annual Turkey Bowl from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm at Naranja Park on November 25. Looking towards December - parents of Middle Schoolers and High schoolers can be on the lookout for our Parent/Youth Leader Conferences. We will open up time slots where you’ll get a chance to talk to Tim and his team on how we can support your student and family more in the new year. For more information on Youth Ministry, contact Tim Christian at


From Faith Community nurses What should you to do if someone loses consciousness and falls to the floor? Right away, if you know if pulse and breathing are absent, you call 911 and begin CPR immediately. However, if the unconscious person is breathing and has a pulse, it is best to leave them on the floor for their safety to prevent possible further injury while awaiting first responders. This way should they slip into cardiac arrest they are already on a firm surface to start CPR. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is very fortunate to be located near a fire station with Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) at the ready and their response time is short. Our church’s emergency protocol is a little different from what to do if you are out in the community.

SAPC KIDS WELCOME KYLIE WAGNER! Kylie Wagner joins the Children’s Ministry Staff as the new Children’s Choir Director. Kylie has a musical background. She sang and toured with The Young Americans, and sings with the Worship Team at the 9:00 am Service. Kylie also teaches 1st grade in the Sahuartia School District. She looks forward to working with kids and helping them to be a part of the service. COMMUNION MILESTONE On September 26, 16 of SAPC’s 4th and 5th graders and their parents learned about Communion. Pastor Mat Grover taught the kids about how and why we do Communion. Parents talked about their memories and experiences with Communion. The next week, October 3, the 4th and 5th grade classes attended the 9:00 am Service with their classes. During the service, they took Communion, some of them for the first time.

• Use church phone and dial 9-911 (not someone’s cell phone). This gives the first responders the location which is necessary since we have two campuses. • If incident is on SW Campus send someone to the corner of Paseo Del Norte/Chapala to direct them to the precise location within the building. If incident is on NE Campus send someone out to Paseo Del Norte to direct them to correct building. • Bring our AED to the incident site. View AED sites now to know their location yourself. AED locations are as follows: SW Campus - Mounted on wall leading to Gathering Place across from elevator and usher’s closet. NE Campus - Mounted on wall at Friendship Hall entrance across from Office. St. Andrew’s offers biannual CPR / First Aid classes so we will be able to help someone whether it is at church or in the community. The next class is in February 2022. Contact Louise Doran for further information at 529-7748. 7

STEPHEN MINISTRY Dear St. Andrew’s Members,

Exciting things are happening in caring ministry at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church! Our Stephen Ministry is one of many lay caregiving programs that’s being used in over 13,000 congregations worldwide. To keep this ministry going strong, we need congregation members who are willing to answer Jesus’ call to be trained as lay caregivers, called Stephen Ministers. This distinctively Christian training includes a variety of topics such as listening, assertiveness, maintaining boundaries in caregiving, and grief, focusing on how to provide care while God cures. When our new Stephen Ministers have completed their training, they will be commissioned and ready to begin their ministry. Working under supervision, these Stephen Ministers will be available to meet weekly with people experiencing grief, illness, job loss, divorce, relocation, and other life difficulties. Stephen Ministers commit to at least two years for training, service, and regular supervision. Many of them enjoy their ministry so much that they choose to serve beyond the two years.


September total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference Year to date revenue YTD revenue required Difference

$111,577 143,233 ($31,656) $1,334,306 1,490,606 ($156,300)

There are many ways to give to SAPC. Your giving may be mailed to the Church Office or dropped in the offering box on Sunday mornings. Our online giving tools provide the ability to donate on our website, through a mobile app, or even with a quick text message! After creating an account, you’re able to give a donation or schedule a series of donations directly from your checking account or by using your debit or credit card. Learn more at

Being a Stephen Minister may be one of the most fulfilling and transformative ministries you will ever be a part of. You will grow spiritually and gain skills to use not only in your caring ministry but also in your everyday relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Our next training begins January 2, 2022 and will end May 2022, so I invite you to think and pray about this opportunity. If you’re interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, contact Cheryl Smith at (520) 271-6591 or visit to learn about how you can get started. I am excited to see what God will do in the lives of those who join this ministry and those who will receive much-needed care. Counting it all joy, Pastor Pete

In Memoriam John Antliff March 17, 2021 Patricia ‘Pat’ Paulsel October 15, 2021 Dan Sakall October 26, 2021

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