Cross Currents
7650 N PASEO DEL NORTE, TUCSON, AZ 85704 | SAPCTUCSON.ORG | 520-297-7201
We’re excited to announce the retirement of Cindy Raikes, Administrative Assistant for Church Life. Cindy started her employment with St. Andrew’s in June of 1997. In over 21 years of service, Cindy has made a positive impact on so many changes at the church! As excited as we are for Cindy, we’re really sad she’s leaving our team. Cindy’s been our go-to person for everything you can imagine; anytime somebody doesn’t have an answer for something people respond, “Ask Cindy, she’ll know!” More than that, Cindy’s been a great friend and workmate. We want to wish Cindy many blessings in her retirement as she has fun with her family and all her adventures. If you’d like to send Cindy a card to wish her well, it can be mailed to the church office at 7650 N. Paseo del Norte, Tucson, AZ 85704.
We’re happy to announce Cathi Kentera is replacing Cindy Raikes as our Administrative Assistant for Church Life. Cathi brings significant experience as an administrative professional to St. Andrew’s, as well as a strong understanding of our community and culture. Cathi is a member of the church and worked at the St. Andrew’s Preschool & Kindergarten for seven years prior to recent employment with Pusch Ridge Christian Academy and Casa de la Luz Hospice. Welcome back, Cathi!
We want to invite you to the SAPC Family Worship Night! Join us on October 21 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary for an evening of songs and Scripture in a variety of styles. Families are welcome; including kids of all ages, from very young to old! As we dive deeper into how God speaks to us in the wilderness, our prayer is that as one family, we can encounter God no matter where we are in our faith journey.
The combined music ministry of St. Andrew’s presents the Worship Team, Chancel Choir, Orchestra, Wittman Ringers, St. Andrew’s Sisters, Youth Choir, and Children’s Choir in concert, featuring music specifically designed to bring Christ into the center of our Advent season and lead us joyfully and prayerfully into Christmastide. Join us in the Sanctuary at 7:00 pm on December 8 for this glorious event. CrossCurrents (020349) October 2018 Published monthly except July by St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church 7650 N Paseo del Norte Tucson, AZ 85704 Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ 85726-9753 POSTMASTER, send address changes to: CrossCurrents 7650 N Paseo del Norte 2 Tucson, / AZ 85704
UPCOMING WORSHIP EVENTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21 Family Worship Night WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 6:30 pm | Chapel Thanksgiving Eve Service SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 First Sunday of Advent SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8 7:00 pm, Sanctuary 10th Annual Christmas Concert MONDAY, DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve Services UPCOMING WITTMAN RINGER DATES: October 14, 2018 November 11, 2018 December 9, 2018 UPCOMING SPECIAL MUSIC: October 28 | 10:45 am St. Andrew’s Orchestra
CONTACT MARK GARY | Director of Traditional Worship | ALEX KERBY | Director of Contemporary Worship |
On October 21, immediately following 9:00 am worship service, join us in the Sanctuary for the purpose of electing the 2021 Class of Church Officers. Church members are urged to attend. Stay after the 9:00 am worship service or come early for the 10:45 am worship service. NEW TO THE LIBRARY:
STEPHEN MINISTRY When someone we love is hurting, one of the most difficult things is knowing what to do. Often, though, what the person needs most is just someone to be there with them. That’s the power of presence. That’s the power of Stephen Ministry. If you need someone to “be there” with you, contact a pastor or Cheryl Smith.
On the Brink of Everything: Grace, Gravity and Getting Old: Parker J. Palmer explores the questions age raises and the promises it holds. With humor as well as gravitas, he encourages adults of all ages to explore the way their lives are unfolding and the importance of staying meaningfully engaged with life until the end.
A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community: Pastor John Pavlovitz invites readers on the journey to find--or build--a church that is big enough for everyone. How can we extend unconditional welcome and acceptance in a world marked by bigotry, fear, and exclusion? He speaks clearly about issues the Christian community is wrestling with: LGBT inclusion, gender equality, racial tensions, and global concerns.
Daring to Hope: Finding God’s Goodness in the Broken and the Beautiful: How do you hold on to hope when you don’t get the ending you asked for? Katie Davis Majors (Kisses from Katie) witnessed suffering and death in Uganda. Finally, after her adopted daughter’s biological mother took the child back, Majors began to question God. She shares the journey of doubt and loss that brought her to a place of hope and understanding.
Do you work virtually from home, but miss community? Join us at SAPC CoWork, A Shared Space for Individuals to Work in Community, Wednesdays, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, and Fridays, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm, in our Fireside Room. This shared workspace provides Wi-Fi, power outlets, and hot coffee. Contact Amy Grover at, or check out our Facebook Group.
The holidays are fast approaching which means it is Adopt a Family time. If you or your small group is interested in adopting a family, please let me know. There are also many other ways you can participate. We will be looking for people to deliver gifts to families, shop for gifts, wrap gifts between services, and coordinating a family. More information will be coming soon. If you have questions, contact Kristin Enger at
YES (Young Energetic Seniors)
YES will be meeting on Monday, October 15, at 5:30 pm in Friendship Hall on the NE Campus. Sidney Finkel will be our guest speaker telling of his personal experiences as a survivor of the Holocaust. Born in Poland, he was just eight years old when the Nazis overran Poland so he lived through a ghetto and later a concentration camp. Come hear his heartbreaking but fascinating life story. We share a potluck dinner before the presentation. Bring a dish to share and your table service. For more information contact Susan Quillen at
On Sunday, October 14, Pastor Roy Tullgren from Gospel Rescue Mission will be at all three services to share exciting news regarding plans for the new men’s shelter located in the former Holidome, a 148,506 square foot center donated to GRM by the H.S. Lopez Foundation. St. Andrew’s Missions, in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity, has donated money and labor for two resident rooms in the Center of Opportunity scheduled to open late Spring or early Summer. There are still rooms to adopt, and for any who feel God’s call, the cost of each room is $5,000 plus $2,000 if you want to contract out the remodel. Roy will also tell us about other ministries that will share space in the Center and plans for several new buildings on the site to be built and paid for by the Lopez Family Foundation. It is the hope that when completed, the Center of Opportunity, together with the Women’s Shelter, will be a solution for the homelessness in Tucson and a model for other cities. Roy will be available after each service to answer any questions, or visit
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Team World Vision is a ministry partner where we gather as friends and train together to run the Phoenix Marathon or Half Marathon, all while raising money to support World Vision’s goal to provide everyone in the world with access to clean drinking water! The training is for all ages and abilities and designed for people who have no experience running races. During the 18 weeks of training, we will meet on Saturdays for a community group run, prayer time, and support. Training begins on October 8 with the first group run Saturday, October 13. The race is February 9, 2019. Contact Pastor Mat Grover for more information at
How can we secure a stable financial future at St. Andrew’s for generations to come? We can fund an endowment which will provide a steady income stream in perpetuity. Your gift to the endowment will further the spiritual and charitable purposes of our church. A substantial endowment will decrease the reliance and pressure on annual giving. Besides a cash or estate gift, other options include required minimum distributions from an IRA, stock, gifts that pay income to you, life insurance, and more. Please consider St. Andrew’s as part of your estate planning. For more information contact the church office at 297-7201. For those of us who have a RMD “Required Minimum Distribution” to take from our IRA, we are able to direct the RMD, up to $100,000/year, to a qualified tax exempt organization such as St. Andrew’s. This RMD is not income to us and can be directed to St. Andrew’s as all or part of your pledge or as a gift to the St. Andrew’s Endowment Fund.
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In Memoriam Lois Jacoby September 1, 2018
This year the Holy Molies (4th and 5th graders) are becoming Super Heroes! We’re learning how to use our God given super powers (or spiritual gifts). In September, we discovered our super powers. Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 17. We will be talking about how God uses all gifts for His kingdom. We meet in Room F from 6:00 pm 8:00 pm.
Rehearsals for the Christmas Eve Play start soon! Rehearsals will begin November 18. If you would like to assist with the planning of the play including costumes, props, snacks, sets, backstage help, singing assistance, directing a scene, crowd control, photographer…. let Shelly know by contacting her at
Heather Brannock is our new Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry. Heather has been a member of St. Andrew’s since 1998 and has volunteered in multiple ways in Children’s and Youth Ministries. She has a passion for our church and for children. Heather has 12 years of experience as an elementary school teacher.
Trunk or Treat is back! When: October 28, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Where: SW Campus Parking Lot What: Trunk or Treat is a safe way for kids to trick or treat. Volunteers come, decorate the trunks of their cars, and hand out candy to the kids who come. It is a way for us to get to know each other and the kids in our neighborhood.
SHELLY AKINS Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry
Why: It is a way for us to get together as a congregation and hang out with people from different groups. We also get to connect with families from the Preschool and Kindergarten and neighborhood. Want to get involved? There are several ways that you can be involved in this event. You can decorate your trunk, be a volunteer greeter, or organize a craft or game for kids. More Information: Contact Shelly Akins at with questions or to sign up to be a part of this event.
Sunday Morning Childcare is available on SW Campus during Worship Services & Classes at 9:00 am & 10:45 am (Reservations not required) Regular weekday childcare continues as needed with reservations. Remember Fall Break the week of October 8-12. Please call or email for special events, evening committee meetings, rehearsals, exercise classes, small groups, or Bible studies. To avoid extra cost to the church, the nursery will only be staffed for prearranged groups or specific requests. Call 297-7201 or email Anita Degnan, for information and reservations. Cancellations are needed if your plans change to help the church avoid unnecessary childcare expenses. Childcare Referrals: Are you looking for childcare for your children or are you a childcare provider and would like to be on our referral list? Contact Anita!
Are you ready for a weekend of insane snow adventures?! Join us for the 2019 High School/College Ski Retreat to Durango, CO, February 21 to February 24. We will team up with Northminster Presbyterian in charter buses for an amazing weekend of skiing, snowboarding, worship, teaching, and fellowship! Sign up now!! For more information, contact Tim Christian at
TIM CHRISTIAN Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry 297-7201 x228
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This fall, the women are browsing though the Minor prophets and books of Wisdom. We meet Fridays, 9:00 am - 11:30 am in Friendship Hall. Each week is a study in itself, so you can still join us and we would love to have you! Books for the fall study are $20. For questions, contact Jan Littlefield at
Women of all ages - you are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food, and encouragement on October 19, 6:00 pm 8:00 pm! Bring an “Easy” Appetizer to share and your favorite adult beverage. Place Connie Randall’s, 1361 W. Placita Del Rey, Oro Valley AZ 85704. RSVP Connie Randall at
Think about joining us for the Wednesday Night Edition of Women’s Bible Study as we delve into a 15-week Joy of Living study titled Highlights of the Old Testament, Wisdom & Prophecy. Our time is spent discussing the lesson and praying for one another. For questions contact Linda Sebastian at LindaAndPhil2@gmail. com. September 26 - October 3, we will meet in Room F. We hope you will join us 6:30 pm - 7:45 pm and bring a friend!
FAITH ON TAP Faith on Tap is an amazing opportunity for men to hang out, eat some great food, partake in a fantastic beverage, and get a chance for fellowship and chat about life and God. The hope is to connect men to each other and a deeper sense of who God is calling us to be. The cost is $10 and bring your own beverage. Looking forward to seeing you on October 5! For more information, check out the SAPC Facebook page or contact Pastor Mat at
WOMEN’S RETREAT 2018: CONNIE RANDALL SOAKED IN THE SPIRIT Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry November 9 & 10 | SAPC NE Campus Come connect with the Holy Spirit and 297-7201 x211 other women at the annual St. Andrew’s Women’s Retreat. Fellowship, prayer, small groups, and worship will help you “Soak in the Spirit.” Start out with BUNCO on Friday night, then come back all day Saturday for speakers, worship, small group time, prayer, crafts, and a spa room. Lunch will be included. Register at or at the Discipleship Table. Contact Connie at for questions. Schedule of Events: Friday, November 9 BUNCO 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm | Friendship Hall Worship 8:30 pm - 9:00 pm | Chapel Saturday, November 10 Main Event 9:00 am - 4:00 pm | NE Campus 6 /
SENIOR SINGLES FELLOWSHIP October Potluck Calling all Senior Singles! Julie Wells is hosting a potluck for us at her house, 1271 W Varese Way, Oro Valley, on Saturday, October 27, from 4:00 pm 6:00 pm. We’ll eat and socialize, meet new friends, get better acquainted with others. Julie will provide plates, napkins, cutlery, glasses, and dessert, and we’ll do the rest. Each person should bring a beverage of choice, plus an appetizer, salad, or main dish to share. Senior Singles Fellowship is a group of men and women who are at least 50 years young and single. We get together for social times. Most of us are affiliated with St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and we welcome people from elsewhere, acknowledging a bond within our faith. Please join us! RSVP to Julie Wells at or Adelle Korn at
Men’s Bible Study meets every Thursday from 7:00 am - 8:00 am in Alpha. Our normal morning study consists of church announcements, prayer requests, and needs. Additionally, we will have a lesson study on Pastor Jim’s current sermon series. Thursday Morning Men’s Bible Study welcomes all members and friends of St. Andrew’s as we have an enjoyable time together in sharing, prayer, and study. For questions, contact Pastor Jim or the church office.
1S T T H U R S DAYS // 12:00 P M
F R I DAYS // 9:00 A M - 11:30 A M
W E DN E S DAYS // 10:15 A M - 12:30 P M
All widows are invited to our monthly luncheon on Thursday, October 4, at 12:00 pm at Macaroni Grill. Please RSVP to Myra at A special welcome to ALL widows.
Our Friday mornings are a great break for any mom! Come and connect with other women and, most importantly, stay connected to God. We offer small group Bible study, outreach events, and fun socials in a supportive, Christcentered environment. MOMS with kids of all ages are invited to join us. No fee to attend, material cost is $20. For questions, contact Karin Fiore at
HUGS (Happily Under God’s Supervision) is an interdenominational senior outreach program, open to all confessing to be a senior. We meet in Friendship Hall at St. Andrew’s and our time includes program, games, hot lunch, and more! We welcome seniors to come check us out and find out how much fun and fellowship is available each Wednesday. For information, contact Susan Lane at or Bill Gross at
4T H T U E S DAYS // 7:00 P M
4T H T H U R S DAYS // 4:00 P M
T H U R S DAYS // 9:15 A M - 10:15 A M
Please come join St. Andrew’s Women’s Book Club on October 23 at 7:00 pm for a discussion of The Nix, by Nathan Hill. We will meet in the Library on the SW Campus.
The book of the month for Faith Walk Book Club will be The Hum of Angels by Scot McKnight.
History Study Group meets Thursdays from 9:15 am 10:15 am in Fireside. We have started our new series, titled The World’s Greatest Church Buildings. For more information, contact Dick Kampa at or Louise Doran at
Are you interested in going to a movie? Please contact Judy Brumm 252-2672 or November 1 Luncheon will be at Westward Look. WELCOME!
We hope to see you there. Contact Katrina Lantz for more information.
Come join us to discuss the book on October 25 at 4:00 pm in the church library. For more information, contact Jean O’Hanlon at
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volume 2018 - number 9
FINANCIAL UPDATE August total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference
$71,920 Year to date revenue 114,914 YTD revenue required ($42,994) Difference
$1,271,151 1,415,720 ($144,569)