As we re-enter our buildings for worship, we will adhere to some new safety protocols and precautions. Here is what you can expect: PLEASE WEAR A MASK Masks or face coverings will be required for those over the age of 5. We want to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Don’t have a mask? We will provide masks for those who need them.
SERVICE REGISTRATION Each Sunday, we need to assure we have enough space to accommodate those attending each worship service. In doing so, we need preregistrations for worship services. Please visit to register for Sunday.
PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING Please remember to stay a safe distance (at least 6 feet) from other people/families. Seats have been removed from the Sanctuary, reducing capacity by 60%. Remaining seating has been spaced to allow for social distancing REDUCE RISKS DURING GATHERING • Common areas will be closed and there will be no food or beverage service. • Congregants will be encouraged to immediately exit following the worship service. • The Sanctuary will open 15 minutes prior to the service and will be closed between services for cleaning. • Those attending the service should refrain from singing aloud. • Our online live streaming will continue as an option for those not attending in-person.
PASTOR JIM UPDATE Dear St. Andrew’s Family, It is with sad heart and concern that I need to share some difficult news. Pastor Jim has been diagnosed with gallbladder cancer that has spread to his liver. Jim had been feeling some stomach pain and went to Urgent Care to have it checked out. Ultimately, he was sent to Banner – University Medical Center where he was admitted. Testing was completed by the next morning resulting in the cancer diagnosis. Details are still unfolding at this time, but the current plan is to begin chemotherapy soon. Jim has indicated that Pati, Jake, and Conor are surrounded by friends and are currently well loved. We don’t yet know of care needs, but will keep you posted as we gain clarity. Jim and I have been in contact with our Presbytery Pastor, Brad Munroe, for guidance and support and will work closely with him and our Session going forward. It’s too early to know what Jim will be able to do and when. In Jim’s absence, I will assume his responsibilities for the ministries and staff and will be working closely with Brad Engel, our Director of Business and Operations. Jim has asked for prayers especially for Pati, Jake, and Conor. Please also pray for the staff as we navigate this news. We are so thankful for each of you, and we covet your prayers, knowing that God is at work and will continue to lead us in this time of need. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out at any time. Grace and Peace, Pastor Mat Grover 520-297-7201
Please join us for our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, October 25, 2020, at 11:45 am (immediately following the 10:45 am Worship Service) for the purpose of electing the 2023 Class of Church Officers. For questions, please contact Pastor Mat at
As many of you know, we had just started our Change for Children collection when we suddenly had to stop attending church in person.
We are gearing up for Serve Our City on November 15! We will have many small group projects that you can choose as well as items that you can donate. Several churches are participating across the city! We will be blessing organizations such as Tucson Refugee Ministry, Love Thy Neighbor Ministry (seniors in care facilities), GAP Ministries, More Than a Bed, First Responders, Interfaith Community Services, those who are homeless, families in need, and more! In order to help prepare for this city-wide event, we will have a drive-through drop off on Wednesday, October 28, from 8:00 am 10:30 am and 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm. We are requesting help with the following new items: • • • •
Full size shampoo/conditioner Toothbrushes and toothpaste Deodorant New socks for elderly men and women
• Cleaning Supplies • Gently used jackets and sweatshirts
Thank you so much for your continued generosity and kindness in helping those in need. We cannot wait to bless our city for Jesus! Questions? Please contact RuthAnn at
We were able to raise $3,000 before this happened, but we are short of our goal by almost $8,000. Our goal this year for our Change for Children collection is to raise $10,790 to help orphaned and vulnerable children attending Alliance for Children Everywhere FaithWorks Schools. Funds raised will be used to place textbooks in the hands of 2000 children who would otherwise miss out on school due to hunger, loss of family, or intergenerational cycles of poverty. Together we can make a difference in the lives of these FaithWorks students to help them through education to realize stronger futures for themselves and their communities. Once we are back in church on Sundays, checks may be dropped in the offering box or mailed to St. Andrew’s with Change for Children written on the memo line. If you have a basket or baggie of change, it can be dropped in the Church Office during business hours or contact Sandy Kreamer at, or 520-400-3287, and she will set up a time to pick up your change. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Carmen Morris 520-471-4313 or Sandy Kreamer 520-400-3287. Thank you for your continued support of this wonderful mission partner. Hope to see you all again soon.
Third grade students came to the church to pick up their very own Bibles on Saturday, September 19. Ms. Shelly and Third Grade Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Lantz, were there to hand out the Bibles. Each child also received a bag to hold their Bible. Eight Bibles were handed out.
Children’s Sunday School will open for in-person class on November 22. Prior to this we will continue to do Sunday School LIVE on Zoom each week at 10:45 am. Sunday School LIVE will continue after in-person Sunday School begins. *Childcare will be available by RSVP starting October 4 for ages infant - 5 years during In-Person Worship Services.
After the announcement from the Pima County Health Department discouraging Trick or Treating events this year, we have decided to cancel our annual Trunk or Treat event. No Trunk or Treat this year, but make plans to join us for a Halloween Movie Night on October 30 at 6:00 pm. Come in costume! Each family will receive a candy filled goodie bag. More details to come in the Sunday Announcements. CONTACT SHELLY AKINS, Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x233 HEATHER BRANNOCK, Assistant Director of Children’s Discipleship Ministry 4
YOUTH DISCIPLESHIP MINISTRY Youth Ministry is ever-changing and shaping in this time. We are working hard to come up with creative ways to stay connected! Our unfortunate news this month is that Richelle King is leaving her position as Assistant Director of Youth Ministry. She has served diligently and passionately over the last two years and although we will miss her presence and her gifts of ministry, we trust that God has huge things in store for her as she moves back to Phoenix to further her education and be close to family. Her last day will be October 7, 2020. Be on the look out for ways that you can help us to celebrate Richelle in the coming month (but don’t be afraid to shower her with love, notes, gifts, etc., in the time we still have with her). As sad as we are to lose a friend, leader, and ministry colleague, we trust that God is working in the midst of it, and we are excited to celebrate Richelle well. We all know how difficult it has been with all of these adjustments, but are so thankful to keep our relationships with students going and able to still have great conversations about life and faith. The Youth Groups are meeting in person and we are even getting some new students in the process! We are continuing to meet on the NE Campus parking lot from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays weekly. Our goal is to cultivate connectivity and encouragement in a time that we can feel very alone and isolated. Because things are constantly changing, we recommend following @sapcyouth on Instagram and Facebook, checking the website, and opening any email updates sent out for updated information. We want to be able to pray and connect with our students and their families, so please feel free to reach out to Tim ( We are looking forward to some creative fall events so be on the lookout!
We love you, Richelle! CONTACT TIM CHRISTIAN, Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x228 RICHELLE KING, Assistant Director of Youth Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x 208 5
ASSESSING IF YOU ARE DEPRESSED Whether you call it “Lockdown Lunacy” or “COVID Fatigue,” we’re all missing the way things were prior to March 2020. Feeling blue when sad events happen or things don’t go as planned is a normal reaction; however we usually snap out of it and get back on an even keel. This is different from depression, which is a clinical condition requiring expert support and treatment. Symptoms of depression which should be treated may include the following: • Disinterested in getting up to start the day • Sad dark mood • A feeling of lethargy, fatigue or restlessness • Changes in appetite, weight, and sleep patterns • Reduced interest or pleasure in activities • Lower self-esteem • Feeling that life is purposeless and empty • Irrational feelings of guilt • Thoughts of hurting self or others • Thoughts of suicide Steps to take if you have these depression signs: • Talk to a health professional because there are highly successful treatments available • Exercise because it aids in the release of endorphins which contribute to a feeling of well-being • Follow healthy sleep habits – to bed the same time every night • Follow a balanced, nutritious diet • Cut back or eliminate caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine • If you have suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting others, call 911 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-2738255 In Pastor Mat Grover’s sermon preached September 13, 2020, he mentioned that as Christ’s followers, we are not exempt from the storms of life, but we don’t have to go through the difficult times alone. We have Jesus Christ and we must put our trust in Him. For referral to community resources, please phone Louise Doran 520-529-7748. 6
FAITH UNCORKED Women of all ages are invited to a FUN night of fellowship, food and encouragement on Friday, October 16 at 6:00 pm! We will be meeting in person. RSVP to Connie at
LOVE OVER FEAR - BOOK STUDY CONTINUING! There is room for you! Join us Thursday, October 8 and 22, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm. To learn more or get login information, contact Connie at
WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS EVENT Women of all ages - please save the date, Saturday, December 5! Enjoy a morning of encouragement just for you! More details to come!
ALPHA You are invited to an Alpha Information Event on Thursday, October 29, at 1:00 pm via Zoom. Alpha is a great way to connect with others discussing life and faith. So, come check it out and bring a friend. RSVP to Connie at “Alpha offers a space to be heard and for honest conversation. Whether in person or online. In a large group or with few people. By the grace of God, we’ve seen Alpha work in ways we didn’t even know possible.” - Alpha USA
CONTACT CONNIE RANDALL, Director of Adult Discipleship Ministry || 520-297-7201 x211
STEPHEN MINISTRY I’M SO GRATEFUL FOR STEPHEN MINISTRY! By a man who received care from a Stephen Minister “Fourteen months ago, I was at a point where I needed someone to talk to about the struggles in my life. My pastor recommended I consider meeting with a Stephen Minister - another man, trained as a caregiver, who would walk with me during this difficult time. Trusting someone with personal information about my life was something I feared at first, but my pastor reassured me that everything was confidential, so I agreed to give it a try. I’m so glad I did! Soon after meeting my Stephen Minister, I quickly sensed I could trust him. Part of that trust came from knowing he was trained to help people through their problems. He made me feel comfortable by not prying for information, but instead just letting me share what was on my mind. Any questions he did ask fit our conversation appropriately. Probably the best thing he did for me was not judge me for my past decisions; rather, he was there to help me move forward.” TO SEE MORE OF THIS STORY, PLEASE VISIT To find out more about how Stephen Ministry can help you or someone you know, contact us through one of our pastors, the Caring Ministry link at, or Cheryl Smith at 520-271-6591.
KNITTING GROUP Attention all who knit, crochet, or sew for mission! We are still making items, I know, since a few of you have contacted me about donations. I am willing to pick them up from you, safely, or you may bring them to the Church Office during business hours during the week. I will put them in the church storage or donate them, as appropriate. If you need materials, yarn or fabric, please give me a call and I will get fabric from the church closet or yarn from my rather substantial stash. Joyce Wilson (520) 909-2938,
Although this update was written before any work has started, we are expecting the steel canopies to be installed in September with completion by October 2. The solar modules are expected to be installed mid-October and will take about a week. During this time, we anticipate about half of the parking spaces will be unavailable. As needed, we will have volunteers help direct traffic and parking during busy times on campus while construction is occurring. - Physical and Technical Resources Committee
SAPC FINANCIAL UPDATE August total revenue Monthly revenue required Difference YTD revenue required Year to date revenue Difference
$96,564 $80,567 $15,997
$1,343,480 $1,258,505 ($84,975)
OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP RECAP Thank you for all of your participation in the Open Championship of St. Andrew’s! Our “Mini-Golf” Tournament was a huge success! Thank you to the people that participated. Huge thank you to the Family Life Ministry Team, especially Shelly Akins for her creativity in creating the holes. Another special thanks to our friends at Bugaloo Ice Cream for providing such a great treat for our participants! We cannot wait to make this another annual Family Ministry event.
STAY CONNECTED @sapctucson Stay connected throughout the week with SAPC by following us on social media!