Over 100 people gathered over Labor Day weekend on Mt. Lemmon for St. Andrew’s Annual Campout! After missing 2020 due to the pandemic and fires, it was a welcome return to a beloved event. A big thank you goes out to Scott Fiore, our camp commander, and all of the volunteers who made the weekend possible! If you missed out, be sure to join us next year on Labor Day weekend! *Pictures on the cover include kids enjoying the mountain and the rope swing, meals together, Sunday worship and communion, and our annual group picture.
Greetings St. Andrew’s! Legend has it that someone once said to the French philosopher, Voltaire, “Life is hard.” To which he replied, “Compared to what?” Good question! Yet, we need to be careful to not get caught in the comparison trap. Pastor Andy Stanley has observed that “the temptation to compare is as near as your next chat with a friend, trip to the store, or checkin on social media. And whether you come out on top or come up lacking, there is simply no win in comparison. It’s a trap.” During October, we are continuing our worship series, learning from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. We will be challenged to quit comparing ourselves to our peers, so that we can focus on apprenticeship to Jesus, our Lord and Master. Some of us may even feel the temptation to compare ourselves to Jesus – and none of us will win in that comparison battle!
Jesus invites us to live as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven – a free invitation to receive God’s free gift of grace which provides us with the benefits of faith, forgiveness, salvation, and freedom to live a Spirit-led life of God’s design. And there is no trap! While we know we won’t attain the moral perfection of Jesus, His grace makes us perfect in the eyes of God - and a longing grows in us to become more like Jesus. As we acknowledge our fallen situation and circumstances, Christ lifts us up to receive healing and seek reconciliation. Though we struggle with comparing ourselves with others who seem to not struggle like we do, grace teaches us the truth that there are more important goals – and that you have what it takes! So, grab a hot pumpkin spice latte and study God’s Word with your church family this month! It’s all treats – no tricks! Counting it all joy, Pastor Pete
Sermon Schedule – October 2021 Series: Best. Sermon. Ever.
October 17: Matthew 5:38-48 When to Go the Second Mile
October 3: Matthew 5:21-30 Bigger Than You Think
October 24: Matthew 6:1-6 When it’s Personal, Public, and Private
October 10: Matthew 5:31-37 When Pinky Promises Fall Short
October 31: Matthew 6:7-18 When Prayer Seems Like Trick-Or-Treating
Hello Fellow Lovers of HUGS!
After way too many months, we are excited to announce that our HUGS program at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church will start back up at 10:15 am on October 6. Hip, Hip, Hurray!!
On October 24, immediately following 9:00 am Worship Service, join us in the Sanctuary for the purpose of electing the 2024 Class of Church Officers. Church members are urged to attend. Stay after the 9:00 am Worship Service, come early for the 10:45 am Worship Service, or join us on Zoom.
The world we live in continues to change almost daily, but the hope is to open with the same program we had before the shutdown. After our greetings and opening, we will have a speaker/performer of some kind (unless it’s Games & Birthdays Day!) followed by lunch. At this time, we will offer a modest lunch, such as a sandwich & sides for $3. When we have a better idea of our numbers, we hope to go back to hot lunches. Please pray for Emil, Christine’s husband, who is still recovering from COVID. She will not be returning to her role of Cook Extraordinaire and will be missed.
We all look forward to seeing you soon! Take care and may God continue to watch over you.
Did you know? There are still about 2000 languages worldwide that don’t have a single verse of Scripture! To help address this need, Albert and Anita Bickford have a ministry of training and equipping Bible translators worldwide, serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators, SIL International, and Dallas International University. They are especially focused on the needs of Deaf communities and the approximately 200-300 sign languages that need the Bible just as much as spoken languages do. Both have published textbooks used for training linguists and Bible translators, and have taught nearly every summer in SIL’s training programs for over 40 years. God is doing exciting things in Bible translation, and we look forward to hearing about them during our Moment for Mission on October 10. Albert and Anita are familiar faces at St. Andrew’s, both active in the choir, and Albert in the orchestra. Both often present special music in the two traditional services. They have four children: Micah, Naomi, Caleb, and Isaac, and eight grandchildren. Their daughter, Naomi Abdou, and her husband, Ashraf, are also missionaries from St. Andrew’s.
HUGS, our non-denominational senior outreach ministry, kicks off in October and concludes in April. HUGS offers socialization, stimulation, and a wholesome environment for senior adults living with family members, alone, or in residential care facilities in the Northwest region of Tucson. Contact Susan Lane at 297-4885 or laneslink@msn.com or Kris Lantz at 520-907-8028 or kris-lantz@hotmail.com to learn more!
OCTOBER 2021 HUGS EVENT CALENDAR OCTOBER 6 David Prouty - Piano player / Sing-along OCTOBER 13 Tom McKinney - Interfaith Community Services OCTOBER 20 Tucson Museum of Art: Dutch Treat OCTOBER 27 Birthdays and Games *HUGS will be packing Operation Christmas Child boxes this year. We will be collecting items for the boxes at the church until November 7. Look for the donation box in the Gathering Place. Thank you!!
SAPC FINANCIAL UPDATE August total revenue $146,879 Year to date revenue $1,117,607 Monthly revenue required 91,115 YTD revenue required 1,347,374 Difference $55,764 Difference ($229,767)
If you haven’t been to our Topgolf Fundraiser yet, this is your year! Not only is it a fun way to spend a beautiful Saturday morning in October, but this is a great way to interact with a bunch of different folks within our congregation. This fun intergenerational event is great for the whole family! A brunch buffet is included. All proceeds go to support Youth Ministry and the Youth Scholarship Fund. No experience required! Anyone can play Topgolf, from aspiring pros to those who’ve never walked 18 holes. Registration is due October 14. Be sure to let Tim know who you want to share a bay with. We are so excited to spend Saturday, October 23, with you! Learn more and register at sapcyouth.com!
• Fall Youth Program Break: October 11-17 • Topgolf Fundraiser October 23 • Thanksgiving Eve Family Night November 24 • Turkey Bowl November 25
Join us for the annual Trunk or Treat event on Sunday, October 31, from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm in the SW parking lot. Come dressed up and trick or treat with us! This is a great event to invite others to join us. Bring your friends, neighbors, and family. Want to participate and decorate your car and pass out candy? Contact Shelly for a spot at sakins@sapctucson.org.
ST. ANDREW’S PRESCHOOL & KINDER BOOK FAIR Our annual Book Fair will be October 26 - 28, from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm, in room Alpha on the NE campus. This is a great time to stock up on Christmas gifts or plan ahead for birthdays while supporting the Preschool and Kindergarten! In addition to amazing books, some of our most popular items you can find are science experiment kits, arts and craft sets, and much more for all ages! Our Book Fair theme this year is “Books Bring Us Together” and after a year apart we can’t think of a better way to come together as a church family and support the important work of the Preschool ministry!
There’s still a place for YOU! Join us on Wednesdays as we continue each week with questions and discussions about Faith and Life! There’s great food prepared by an amazing “Cook” Team. Also, lots of laughter, fun, and fellowship! We have a special guest who leads us in song and laughter! Bring a friend and join us for the FUN! Contact Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org or check details online at sapctucson.org.
St. Andrew’s and Northminster Presbyterian are partnering together to continue conversations around race and racism. These are weekly zoom meetings either Thursdays at 7:00 pm or Sundays at 4:00 pm. We feel as Christ’s followers it is important to have conversations around race and racism and to listen and learn from each other and to learn with impactful leaders. Our objective is for all to self-reflect, grow in awareness of our history and in the issues that face our neighbors, build relationships with each other, and commit to taking action out of love and care for our neighbors. Together, as the Church, God is empowering us to collaborate and bring healing to better ourselves and our communities, and the world. For additional information please contact convonrace@gmail.com.
Ladies, you are invited to our monthly fellowship on October 15! Being together is the best for encouragement as we journey through life. We’ll have time for fellowship, food, fun, and an encouraging devotion with discussion and prayer for each other. Bring your favorite appetizer and favorite beverage. We’ll meet from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of one of us (TBA). RSVP to Connie at crandall@sapctucson.org.
Ladies - we’ll meet again this year in person for our 2nd Annual Women’s Christmas Brunch. We’ll be having sign-up soon for you to reserve a table to decorate and invite friends! We’ll have delicious food again catered in and an encouraging message!
The St. Andrew’s Women’s Book Club October read is The Tattooist of Auschwitz, by Heather Morris. This is the story of Lale Sokolov, a Slovakian Jew forced to become the tattooist at Auschwitz where he was imprisoned in 1942, and the girl he fell in love with white tattooing her numbers on her wrist. The story is based on interviews with Holocaust survivor Ludwig Sokolov. (Wikipedia/Amazon) Join us in The Gathering Place on October 26, at 7:00 pm for a discussion about this story of endurance, love, and humanity. For more info about our group contact Katrina Lantz at klantz@comcast.net or 520-401-0897.
TEAM WORLD VISION For the past six years, a group of people from St. Andrew’s has partnered with World Vision, to train for and run either a half or full marathon. Most of us are not “runners.” Maybe for some a half or full marathon is a bucket list item, for some this is about exercising and community. The main goal beyond all of that is that we raise money to provide people around the world with access to clean drinking water. Globally, there are about 800,000 people that do not have access to clean water. Access to water changes everything. It changes the health of communities, improves nutrition and offers greater opportunities for children to go to school. This year, we will be training for the Mesa Half and Full Marathon on February 12, 2022. Our launch date is Sunday, October 3. So come, walk, jog, run, train with us as we grow community and change the lives of people across the world. Questions? Feel free to reach out to Pastor Mat mgrover@sapctucson.org
or in the Church Office at 297-7201 .
FILL A SHOEBOX! It’s time for Operation Christmas Child! Boxes and labels will be available to pick up before and after Worship Services on October 24. We will collect boxes on October 31 and November 7. Boxes can also be dropped of at the Church Office. Fill your boxes with items like school supplies, stuffed animals, hats, balls, t-shirts, hair accessories, etc. They love to have letters and pictures too! Please do not include any food or liquids. You can also build boxes online for $25. Check out samaratinpurse.org/occ for more information. *HUGS (an SAPC Senior Ministry) will be packing Operation Christmas Child boxes this year. We will be collecting items for the boxes at the church until November 7. Look for the donation box in the Gathering Place. Thank you!!
The Adopt a Family program is a Christmas tradition at St. Andrew’s. It is designed to reach impoverished families referred to us by various St. Andrew’s contacts throughout the community. Each year, the program matches families with those who are willing to provide financial support and/or donate items requested by the referred families and ministries. Adopt a Family 2021 is quickly approaching. If you or your small group would like to adopt a family, please let Kristin Enger know no later than Sunday, October 31. We will have some items on Sign Up Genius and the traditional ornaments will be back on the tree. So save the date! More information will be coming soon. If you have questions, contact Kristin Enger at kcenger@gmail.com.
STEPHEN MINISTRY: A WONDERFUL JOURNEY John Castiglione said being a Stephen Minister has been the “most wonderful journey” for him. That journey started with training to become a Stephen Minister, and it’s continued as he’s provided Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. “Being a Stephen Minister has taught me not just to listen with my ears, but to listen also with my heart,” Castiglione said. “Care receivers feel as if they are not going through daily life by themselves. They have a Stephen Minister to walk alongside them in their journey. Everyone experiences challenges in their lives at times and could benefit from the support of a caring Christian.”
Letting God Do the Fixing Longtime Stephen Minister Jennifer Beck has had the same care receiver for more than a year. “You have to have a heart for people and the Lord” to be a good caregiver, she said. “It goes back to servanthood. We open to Him so He can give us this big heart to give others. It’s reassuring to be able to help someone and know God’s directing it.” Beck said she felt called to Stephen Ministry by Jesus to serve the needs of suffering people. Part of Stephen Minister training is learning how to resist the temptation to “fix” the problem and talk more than listen, she said. “Jesus wants us to follow His lead and for me to keep my mouth shut,”
she said with a laugh. “We want to fix everybody, but we can’t! That’s God’s doing. Our job is to focus on the caregiving and refer back to God to do the fixing.” You too can experience God working through you as a Stephen Minister. Do you feel called? If so, the good news is that St Andrew’s will begin training a new class of Stephen Ministers in January 2022. Please pray for this ministry and seek God’s guidance. To learn more, please contact Cheryl Smith at (520) 271-6591 or visit saptucson.org/care.
MENDING FENCES WITH FRIENDS & FAMILY AFTER A DISAGREEMENT Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God has forgave you. Ephesians 4:32 There are times when you need to patch up differences with people close to you whether it’s due to disagreement about politics, personal beliefs, or other issues. • Manage your expectations and emotions. It’s likely you won’t change other people’s feelings and views but you can make an effort to accept and tolerate a diversity of beliefs, opinions, and viewpoints. • Be a good listener. Speak less and listen more. Give others a chance to express their views and be heard. Ask questions and care about the answer. • Be prepared for how you’ll respond should sensitive issues or topics come up. Use strategies to keep your emotions in check. You might take some deep breaths before speaking, try changing
the subject or simply excuse yourself. Do not engage in a heated discussion. • Focus on your commonalities, not your differences. A sincere and thoughtful conversation can help clear the air after a misunderstanding. • Take the initiative. Reach out if you’re upset or if someone else is. Resentments may fester if you don’t try to clear the air promptly. • Say “I’m sorry we’re not in agreement on this” recognizing that you accept that you contributed to the tension between you. • Don’t expect the other person to apologize. You don’t need a formal apology if the two of you want to mend a fence. • Be a good loser. Don’t carry a grudge. • Think about following up with a brief email or handwritten message after the conversation. A small gesture of reconciliation
will reaffirm that you were sincere in wanting to set aside your differences. Moving forward after a disagreement • Agree to disagree. • Set boundaries and agree to not discuss topics that tend to set one of you off. • Compartmentalize and focus on qualities you admire in one another. Forgive Forgiveness is the way to avoid getting stuck in painful emotions that keep you from making peace with yourself and others. If someone asks you for forgiveness, try very hard to give it. Be patient and understand that it may take time to reconcile if the other person isn’t willing to mend a fence right now. Be persistent and keep at it if the relationship is important. Reference: Lifeworks 2020
REFLECTIONS This eclectic series of images is meant to provide an overview of my photo art. I have been a photographer for many decades but began to work on photography as a serious art form only recently, beginning in retirement in 2008. Since then I have taken thousands of digital photos and have converted many of my favorites into digital paintings using Corel® software. As indicated in my biography, my photo art is therefore inspired by painters rather than by iconic photographers such as Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, and Jack Dykinga. The influence of the Impressionists is clearly evident in many of my digital images.
Mr. Fleming’s art exhibit will be on display in the Church Narthex October 17 - November 21. Learn more at sapctucson.org/art.
This collection reflects my two favorite photographic subjects: wildlife and people. In recent years I have also become very interested in photographing what I call ‘streetscapes’ – evocative images of human landscapes. A major theme in this collection is the amazing diversity that exists in nature and in human cultures. Although human history is filled with acts of horrible violence, there is still much to be admired in humankind, just as there is in the natural world. I prefer to emphasize the beauty of life in my photography. There is always hope for us and nature in beautiful images. Theodore (Ted) Fleming
In Memoriam Carle Blackwell August 5, 2021 Dorothy ‘Dorth’ Bolling September 14, 2021
STAY CONNECTED Stay connected throughout the week by following SAPC
on social media and by scanning the QR code below to find out the newest info on what’s happening at St. Andrew’s! You can also visit sapctucson.org!
Richard ‘Dick’ Ervin September 24, 2021